GB/T 14090.1-1993 Comprehensive terminology for offshore oil and gas development engineering
Some standard content:
UDC 622.32
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 14090.1..93
Terminology for offshore oil and gas developmentengineering--Comprehension
Issued on January 9, 1993
Implemented on October 1, 1993
Issued by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision
W National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminalogy for offshore oil and gas developmentengineering: Comprehension
1 Subject content and scope of application
GB/T 14090.1 93
This standard specifies the terminology and definitions related to systems, facilities and equipment, operation: status, environmental conditions and loads in offshore oil and gas development projects.
This standard is suitable for scientific research, design, production, teaching and other fields. 2 System
2.1 Fixed production system
Fixed production system
2.2 Floating production system
Floating production system
2.3 Adaptive production system
Rarnpliant production system
2.4 Subsea production system
Vertical production system
2.6 Single well oil production system
Singlt wall production system pradurtion
Longwen or description
A production system for offshore gas processing equipment supported by a fixed structure
A production system for offshore oil and gas processing equipment supported by a column-stabilized semi-submersible platform, a floating production storage and offloading unit or a production storage and offloading vesselA production system for offshore gas processing equipment supported by a compliant structure
Not recommended synonyms
A complete set of underwater production equipment and submarine pipelines including underwater wellheads, underwater bases and sinks, underwater oil storage centers, oil transfer intermediate stations, etc.! Offshore oil and gas production system composed of a few existing exploration and testing facilities and quickly modified oil production facilities for early production, to obtain economic benefits in advance, and sometimes also combined with extended testing to further reveal the oil spill, to provide valuable formation data for the final formulation of oil development plans. Offshore oil and gas production system or production and testing system using underwater parallel and force positioning production and storage (also used as a transportation oil solution to transport crude oil to port 11> for early offshore oil production and extended testing of offshore oil production and testing system State Technical Supervision Bureau approved on January 9, 1993 and implemented on October 1, 1993. Correction number
Gathering and transportation system
2.8 Oil storage system
3 Facilities and equipment
drilling platform
GB/T 14090. 1—93
Chu Yi or explanation
A system for collecting well fluids from various oil wells and transporting them to oil and gas processing equipment
A system for providing buffer storage for crude oil produced by offshore oil production systems
Definition or explanation
A general term for mobile platforms, fixed platforms, and compliant structures used for offshore oil and gas resource exploration and development. It consists of superstructures, facilities and equipment, and supporting structures. It is equipped with drilling equipment and can perform drilling operations on the upper surface.
Wellhead platform
wellhead platform
production platform
storage platform
oil storage platform
oil terminal platform
fieid terminal platform
warship platform
Living platform
Heconimodation platform
Flare platform
Fixed platform
Fixcd platform
Operational platform
A platform with a wellhead on the deck for oil and gas collection at sea
A platform with oil and gas treatment equipment that can be used for oil and gas separation and treatment at sea
It has oil filling facilities and can provide a buffer storage platform for the crude oil produced by the production platform upstreamA platform for shuttle oil tankers to stop and transport the crude oil to the ship for transportation
As a terminal station in the platform group of the oil and gas development zone, it transports the crude oil produced and stored in the offshore oil and gas development zone through single-point mooring devices or other forms of oil transfer and loading facilities Platform
Specially used for carrying out downhole operations on the well to restore the oil well to increase production. Its structure is similar to that of cantilever self-elevating drilling and drilling platform
Specially used for providing living facilities for personnel on the well
Special platform for leading a small amount of gas separated in the gas treatment process to the top of the fire tower for venting and burning. A platform with a fixed structure on the seabed or relying on its own manned structure to sit on the bottom of the well
Not recommended synonyms
Not recommended synonyms
Oil platform
W number
3. 2. 5. 1
3. 2. 5. 2
pile supported platform
pipe beam platform
jacker platform
terplate platform
single column platform
notiopod plaifarm
gravity platform
gravity platform
concrete gravity platform
tower platform
tower platform
mobile platform
GB/ 14090.1-93
Definition and explanation
Platform with piles as supporting structure
Superstructure and facilitiesPlatform with jacket and piles as supporting structure
Platform with jacket and underwater foundation pre-installed and fixed to the bottom connected inversely
Platform with superstructure erected on a full-diameter tower
Platform that can operate firmly on the seabed by taking advantage of its own heavy weight and low center of gravity
Constructed of reinforced concrete, with multiple functions such as drilling, oil production and storage
A large gravity platform with grid-shaped concrete sinker (also used as circulating tank) as foundation, with 2 to 1 hollow concrete columns extending upward to support the upper structure
It can repeatedly realize the operations of positioning, floating and moving, etc., in the form of mubile unit, truobile platform
Mobile drilling unit
mobile drilling unit
mobile drilling platfarm
self-elevating drilling platform
jack-up drilling unit, self-elevaling dtilling unit jack-up drilling unit
footing jack up drilling uitThe drilling platform which can change the working location
can repeatedly realize the operations such as positioning, floating and moving to change the working location
is located on the seabed when drilling and can be towed to a mobile drilling platform for operation after floating
with superstructure, pile legs and lifting mechanism etc. A mobile drilling platform that can be towed to another work site when the upper structure is raised above the water surface and supported by pile legs.
Synonyms for push-type platform
A self-elevating drilling platform with a large common sinking pad connected to the lower end of the legs
A self-elevating drilling platform with a large box at the lower end of the legs to increase the supporting area of the platform 3
W No.
3. 4. 2. 4
3. 4. 2. 5
Cantilever self-elevating drilling platform
GB/T 14090. 1—93
Definition or explanation
Not recommended synonyms
Derrick and drilling platform mounted on a cantilever structure and cantilever jack up lrilling unit
slot jack-up drilling unit
slant leg jack-up drilling platform
slant leg jack-up drilling platform
calumn stabilized semiguh-
Imersible drilling nit.
Semi-submersible drilling platform stabilized by double lower buoyancy pads
Slides along the track to a certain distance outside the platform pole for drilling
Self-elevating drilling platform with deck knot made into concave notch to make the drill string pass through the deck directly from the drilling platform to the seabed for drilling
The legs are inclined to increase the distance between the legs on the seabed to improve the stability of the platform. The self-elevating drilling platform consists of upper structure, columns and buoyancy pads or column sails, etc. The main floating body is buried deep below the water surface, relying on the small waterline of the columns to ensure floating stability, and has good movement performance in the waves. Mobile drilling platform with good movement performance in the waves. In order to simplify the structure and improve the navigation performance, the lower structure is designed into two boxes or other shapes with twin pontoon column stability, column-stabilized semi-submersible drilling platform with floating body. zerl ae:mi suhmersihle drillingunit
3. 4. 3. 2
fouting column stahilized
semi-submersible drilling
drilling ship
drilling ship
center moored positioning drilling
each column is provided with a column as the main buoy at the lower end of the column stabilized semi-submersible drilling
equipped with drilling equipment, which can be used in the moored positioning or dynamic positioning state. When the ship is engaged in offshore drilling operations, the positioning mooring line is tied to the center of the hull. The hull can rotate to make the force acting on the hull urret moored drilling shilt
sjuread tutoriig drilling shipdynamic positioning drilling ship: a moored positioning drilling ship that minimizes the external forces of wind, waves and current to improve positioning and motion performance and thus improve drilling efficiency. A drilling ship that relies on multiple mooring lines distributed in a radial pattern on the ship to position itself. A drilling ship that relies on an automatically controlled dynamic positioning device to keep the hull in the required position for drilling operations. Ship number: drilling ship. rilig luarge: compliant structure. structut: guyed tower. tension leg platform. GB/T 14090. 1---93
meaning or description
equipped with drilling equipment: generally used for drilling and tackling in shallow waters
Lichuan cable, tension leg, universal joint and other components, which impose certain restrictions and constraints on the six degrees of freedom movement of the structure under the action of external loads to meet the positioning and movement requirements of the semi-fixed structure
with tower trusses and ladders as supporting structures, and with multiple mooring cables pulled around the tower trusses to ensure stability in wind and waves. Deep-water compliant structure with the help of a steel or cable tension member vertical tension leg platarm (TLP)
articulated column
articulated tuwer
liquefied natural gas loading equipment
liquilied uatural gas loading oil storage system loading device
is a compliant structure that is tied to the seabed anchor block to achieve positioning. The structure type is similar to the submersible foundation or machine foundation: a buoyant or floating pipe structure or truss structure is set near the water. It is a single-point mooring device for ships to load liquefied natural gas. It has multiple functions such as storage and loading oil for moored shuttle tankers, and can be used in sea areas with harsh environmental conditions. Column-stabilized semi-swimming production platform, column-stabilized semi-swimming production unit, artificial island, oil storage tanker, floating production storage unit (FPsL), oil production and storage Single point mooring device for upstream oil and gas production Semi-submersible platform for offshore gas development in raft waters - island oil and gas production base built by caisson structure, silt filling and other methods Provide storage facilities for the crude oil continuously produced by the offshore production base, and provide a buffer storage capacity when the oil tanker cannot dock to load oil due to bad weather Oil tanker with ship or barge as supporting structure, with oil and gas processing and crude oil storage function Floating device Not recommended Synonyms Conformable platform Pull-out tower Production storage tanker GB/T 14090.1—93 Definition Ship used for oil and gas processing and crude oil storage storagt.
production test ship
production test xhip
shuttle tanker
launching bargt
launchitig bargt
guard department
stand-by ship
well eenenting ship
workover bargt?
drilling supply ship
drilling vender
honor bargt
pipelaying versel ...burying barge
A tanker that regularly travels between the shore terminal or refinery and the early production and extended testing of oil production.
A bottom-deck ship with a special launching slideway and rocker mechanism for the guide arm frame on the deck. The barge that moves the jacket frame located on the launching slideway to the water is equipped with rescue and medical equipment. An auxiliary ship that performs guarding, duty and assisting in anchoring and laying operations for the station well platform.
Equipped with cement storage tanks, cement mixers, cement pumps and mechanical equipment for installing pipes and fillers: a ship with sufficient cement and fresh water for cementing drilling operations.
Equipped with various Small barges with equipment supply pipes, mud, cement, fuel, spare parts and other materials for drilling platforms, and sometimes also provide personnel accommodation. A ship dedicated to carrying and supplying steel pipes for pipe-laying ships. A new type of shallow-draft barge designed for bottom pipe laying. It can be used for pipeline laying and bridging in coastal areas, inland rivers, marshes and other areas. The barge that lays the steel pipes wound on a large diameter reel from the top to the seabed. The barge that uses the ship-borne pipe burying machine to complete the burying operation. Synonymous with the same meaning. W abbreviation. Three-purpose barge. GB/T 14090.193
Definition or explanation
Towing condition
Supply vessel
Operational condition
Free floating condition
Moored condition
Anchored condition
Transit ronditior
Navigation condition
Towing condition
Supported an thc ca bed
Operational condition
cpcrating cundition
survival rundition
the definition of production items such as pipes, mud, cement, fuel oil, lead well water, and living supplies such as food and fresh water.
the state of a marine engineering structure or marine engineering vessel floating on the water surface constrained by buoyancy
the state of a marine engineering structure or marine engineering vessel floating on the water surface constrained by a single-point mooring system or other mooring methods
the state of a marine engineering structure or marine engineering vessel floating on the water surface constrained by an anchoring system. The state of a marine engineering structure or marine engineering vessel transferring from one place to another by means of self-propelled, towing, loading, etc.
the state of a floating marine engineering structure or marine vessel without propulsion being towed from one place to another on the surface. The state of a bottom-seated platform, a power-carrying platform, etc. after a pre-pressing operation. Including the state of bottom seating operation and bottom testing survival state
The state in which the upper structure of the upper reaches of the ocean performs normal operation at the operation site and bears the environmental loads and operating loads corresponding to the normal operation
When the upper reaches of the ocean engineering structure is predicted to encounter extremely harsh environmental conditions, various measures are taken to suspend normal operation and improve safety. The upper structure is in a storm-resistant state, and is always subjected to loads corresponding to the survival environmental conditions in the storm environment
Not recommended synonyms
Not recommended synonyms
Door storage state
W number
Installation state
Instatlig cundition
Test state
Tent olitiun
Jacking state
pile dislocation status
definition or explanation
the status of offshore three-way structure installation operations at the installation site, including launching from the barge, positioning, piling and installation of superstructures and facilities. The status of offshore engineering structures and facilities when they are tested after construction.
the status of a jack-up platform when it is in position or evacuated; when it undergoes a series of operations such as raising or lowering, raising or lowering the upper structure, and injecting ballast water for foundation preloading. When the jack-up platform is in position, spud driving and puiling piles are inserted according to the deadweight of the platform, and then the ballast water is used to avoid foundation preloading to make the pile legs tondition
washing out pile
preloading status
greiuading coulition
sinking and floating feeling
is in a stable position; the jetting device allows a large amount of seawater to spray the seven soils under the pile to eliminate the ten! The suction force of the platform is then used to pull it out. The jetting device uses sea water to flush the main soil under the pile legs or the sinking pad to eliminate the suction force of the soil on the structure, making the pile legs easier to pull out or the sinking pad easier to float. This is an operation in which the self-elevating type is in place. The bottom-breaking type, gravity platform is located on the seabed and the foundation is pre-pressed by seawater ballast to make the platform and foundation have sufficient stability in the survival state. This is an operation in which the bottom-seated type, gravity platform is in place or evacuated, and the platform is in a free floating state and a bottom-seated state. The state changes mutually.
5 Environmental conditions and loads
Environmental data
environmental data
state in the process
definition or description
including measured data, available observation data or statistical results of hydrological conditions (water depth, tide, current velocity, current flow, wave height, period, wave direction, flow, swimming temperature, water temperature), meteorological conditions (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, snow and ice), ground conditions, marine organisms, engineering geomorphology (geology, landform, swimming bed), etc.
not recommended
not recommended synonym
W number
GB/T 14090.1: 93
definition or description
natural environmental conditions that may occur during the construction or use of marine engineering structures
natural environmental conditions environmental parameters, such as wind, wave, tide, current, ice, earthquake, sea, rain, etc. Environmental parameters: environmental parameters, environmental design criteria, design environmental conditions, design environmental conditions, operating environmental conditions, living environmental conditions, installation environmental conditions, recurrence period, operating water depth, design water depth, etc. depth
significant wave height
significant wave height
significant wave period
snow, fog, temperature, humidity, engineering geology, seawater corrosion, swimming organisms, water depth and other conditions
parameters related to various environmental phenomena. For example, the parameters of waves include wave height, period,Wave spectrum, etc. are used to determine the design environmental conditions of marine engineering structures. The source and standard for the recurrence period of environmental parameters and the combination of environmental conditions.
A general term for operating environmental conditions and survival environmental conditions. A set of environmental parameters that can achieve safe operation according to the main functions and various operating requirements of marine engineering structures.
A combination of environmental conditions that have an adverse effect on the structure during the operating life of the marine structure, as well as a set of environmental parameter upper limits that represent the worst environmental conditions. A set of environmental parameter upper limits that can achieve safe operation of marine engineering structures during offshore installation operations. The average number of years of probability required for severe situations The water depth or water depth range that can be reached when the marine engineering structure is operating
The operating water depth or water depth range of the marine engineering structure proposed as a design requirement
Arrange all the continuously measured heights by size, and take one-third of the total number - the average of the wave heights Arrange all the continuously measured heights by size, and record the corresponding service life of each height value, and take half of the total number The average of the wave period
Not recommended synonyms
Significant height,
One wave height
Significant period,
W number
W spectrum
ave speelrum
surface elevation
water level elevation
characteristic tide levcls
stlash zone
snafloor Acant
environmental load
environmental load
operating load
dead load
variable load
vatiable load ,live load
dynamic load
deformation load
rleformation load
GB/T 14090. 1~--93
Definition or explanation
A general term for the variance spectrum, wave inclination angle spectrum and wave number spectrum of wave wolf displacement. Generally refers to the variance spectrum of wave displacement, which reflects the distribution of the relative frequencies of each component wave. Water level at the location of the marine engineering structure affected by tides, etc.
Extreme high (low) tide levels commonly used in ocean engineering, astronomical high (low) tide levels, average high (low) tide levels and other representative tidal halls
The area where the marine engineering structure is exposed to the tide and waves
The phenomenon that the soil slope moves under the impact of the ocean current at the place where the marine engineering structure contacts the seabed
Loads directly caused by natural environmental conditions such as wind, waves, tides, ice, disasters, and groundwater
Other loads that the marine engineering structure is subjected to during its service life except environmental loads
Loads that remain constant in a certain operating state, including the bearing capacity of the marine engineering structure itself, hydrostatic buoyancy, permanent pressure, static pressure, etc.
Loads that change slowly due to the operating state. If it is necessary to move or stimulate drilling and production equipment, personnel and supplies, various materials stored and liquids in pressure tanks, and consumables in production operations, etc., loads that have a significant dynamic impact on marine engineering structures. Loads caused by structural deformation, such as temperature changes, foundation settlement, and loads caused by related structural deformation. Survival environmental load. Operational environmental load. Survival environmental load. Loads corresponding to the survival environment and the operating environment. Synonyms not recommended. Active load. W. No.. Deck design load. Wind load. Wind load. Wave load. Wave laad
current load
ice load
ice Ioatl
earthgaske lnad
Definition or explanation
Design values of maximum uniformly distributed load and anti-armor load at each position of the plate under various states
The load generated by the action of the wave on the part of the marine engineering structure above the water surface refers to
The load generated by the action of waves on the structure
The load generated by the action of currents on the marine engineering structure. In many cases, the load caused by the combined action of waves and currents should be calculated, and the possibility of Karman vortex causing other effects on columnar components should be studied
The load generated by ice on the marine engineering structure. Including the forces caused by the overall movement of large condensate sources, the impact of drifting ice, and ice loads caused by temperature changes and water level fluctuations.Loads directly caused by natural environmental conditions such as moisture, ice, disasters, and ground sluices. Other loads that offshore engineering structures are subjected to during their service life except for environmental loads. Loads that remain constant in a certain operating state, including the load-bearing capacity of the offshore engineering structure itself, hydrostatic buoyancy, permanent pressure, static pressure generated, etc. Loads that change slowly depending on the operating state. If it is necessary to move or stimulate drilling and production equipment, personnel and supplies, various materials stored and liquids in pressure tanks, and consumables in production operations, etc., loads that have a significant dynamic impact on marine engineering structures. Loads caused by structural deformation, such as temperature changes, foundation settlement, and loads caused by related structural deformation. Survival environmental load. Operational environmental load. Survival environmental load. Loads corresponding to the survival environment and the operating environment. Synonyms not recommended. Active load. W. No.. Deck design load. Wind load. Wind load. Wave load. Wave laad
current load
ice load
ice Ioatl
earthgaske lnad
Definition or explanation
Design values of maximum uniformly distributed load and anti-armor load at each position of the plate under various states
The load generated by the action of the wave on the part of the marine engineering structure above the water surface refers to
The load generated by the action of waves on the structure
The load generated by the action of currents on the marine engineering structure. In many cases, the load caused by the combined action of waves and currents should be calculated, and the possibility of Karman vortex causing other effects on columnar components should be studied
The load generated by ice on the marine engineering structure. Including the forces caused by the overall movement of large condensate sources, the impact of drifting ice, and ice loads caused by temperature changes and water level fluctuations.Loads directly caused by natural environmental conditions such as moisture, ice, disasters, and ground sluices. Other loads that offshore engineering structures are subjected to during their service life except for environmental loads. Loads that remain constant in a certain operating state, including the load-bearing capacity of the offshore engineering structure itself, hydrostatic buoyancy, permanent pressure, static pressure generated, etc. Loads that change slowly depending on the operating state. If it is necessary to move or stimulate drilling and production equipment, personnel and supplies, various materials stored and liquids in pressure tanks, and consumables in production operations, etc., loads that have a significant dynamic impact on marine engineering structures. Loads caused by structural deformation, such as temperature changes, foundation settlement, and loads caused by related structural deformation. Survival environmental load. Operational environmental load. Survival environmental load. Loads corresponding to the survival environment and the operating environment. Synonyms not recommended. Active load. W. No.. Deck design load. Wind load. Wind load. Wave load. Wave laad
current load
ice load
ice Ioatl
earthgaske lnad
Definition or explanation
Design values of maximum uniformly distributed load and anti-armor load at each position of the plate under various states
The load generated by the action of the wave on the part of the marine engineering structure above the water surface refers to
The load generated by the action of waves on the structure
The load generated by the action of currents on the marine engineering structure. In many cases, the load caused by the combined action of waves and currents should be calculated, and the possibility of Karman vortex causing other effects on columnar components should be studied
The load generated by ice on the marine engineering structure. Including the forces caused by the overall movement of large condensate sources, the impact of drifting ice, and ice loads caused by temperature changes and water level fluctuations.
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