This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of non-asbestos gaskets for marine flanges with flange connection dimensions in accordance with GB/T 569 and GB/T 2501. This standard applies to flange sealing gaskets for connection of ship piping systems and their accessories, and also to flange sealing gaskets for land-based piping systems. GB/T 17727-1999 Non-asbestos gaskets for marine flanges GB/T17727-1999 Standard download decompression password:
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ICs 47.020.30 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T17727-1999 Marine flange for non-asbestos gaskets1999-04-15 1999-12-01 Implementation Issued by the State Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau W.bzsoso.cOIGB/T 17727—1999 This standard is formulated on the basis of CB/T3588-1991. During the formulation process, the inapplicable contents in the original standard were adjusted, and the technical contents of the original standard were enriched, the applicable scope of the product was expanded, and the weight of the gasket was refined according to the nominal pressure; the requirements for physical performance indicators were added; a chapter on test methods was added, and the inspection rules were improved. In addition, the contents of Appendix A were added. From the date of implementation of this standard, CB/T 35883-1994 will be abolished at the same time The negative record A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of 601 Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. The drafting units of this standard are: 601 Institute, Hudong Shipbuilding, Yangzhong 1 Special Gasket and Filling Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Jinjing, Peng Guoqiang, Mi Xuesi, Luo Meizhen, and Luo Fayuan. Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Non-asbestos material gaskets for marine flanges Mnrint flange for non-ashestns gasketsGB/T17727—1999 This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of non-asbestos material gaskets for marine flanges (hereinafter referred to as gaskets) connected with GB/T569 and GB/T2501. This standard is used for flange sealing gaskets connected to ship piping systems and their accessories, and is also applicable to flange sealing gaskets for land-based piping systems. 2 Cited standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by being cited in this standard: When this standard is published, the version shown is valid. The standard department will participate in the revision. All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB/T541--1996 Test method for asbestos rubber sheet GB/T543-1983 Test method for oil absorption rate of asbestos rubber sheet for oil-resistant oil GB/T5691365 Flange connection dimensions and sealing surface GB/T2501--1989 Marine flange connection dimensions and sealing surface (four-digit) GB/T3913--1983 Test method for corrosion of oil-resistant asbestos rubber sheet JISR2220-1995 Steel welded pipe flange 3 Product classification 3-1 Gasket type is specified as follows: A type-: Flange connection dimensions are in accordance with GB/T569 gaskets! AS type-· Flange connection dimensions are in accordance with GB/T2501 gaskets. 3.2 Basic parameters of gaskets are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Basic parameters of gaskets Nominal pressure PV 0. 6~4. 9 0. 25. ~4. 0 Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on April 15, 1999 Diameter DV 20--500 Applicable media Fuel, oil, sea water, water, sensitive water, air, flue gas and inert gas, steam at 350℃, temperature 120℃ Implementation on December 1, 1999 W.3.3A The basic dimensions of these gaskets are shown in Figure 1 and Table 2. GB/T 177271999 Figure A type, AS type gasket Table 2 Type A gasket media H force FN, MPa Pressing force FN, MPa o, 005 4 0,053 5 0. C47 3;n. 061 0. 053 3 0. 06 9.073 10.087 . 004 5 0. 005 11 0. 037 2: G, 042 70. 020 : 0. C35 5 C. 047 00.034 5 | | tt | |tt||5.08350.50026.069n2.103110.09150. 131 7 C.161 10.1950.2183 W.GB/1 17727-1999 3.4 The basic dimensions of AS type gaskets are shown in Figure 1 and Table 3. Table 3 Basic dimensions of AS type gaskets Nominal NP c, 25,5. 6, 6. 250.61. 0 1. 5 .0,1.6,2.5 0. 23,0, 6 0, 003 2 0,0377 Blue, kg Public pressure PN,MPa o.034 30. 014 8 0.055 70.026 0. 074 00. 030 9 118 20.442 178. :562 C. 217 7. C, C84 9 . 396 4. 117 0 0. 567 9 0. 556 3 0. 425 1 10, 621 9 W.GB/T 17727—1999 3:5 The basic dimensions of the gaskets conforming to 11SB2220 are shown in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). 3.6 Marking Example The nominal pressure is 2.5MPa, the nominal diameter is 80mm, and the connection size is in accordance with GB/T569: Gasket A2508 (GB/T17727 1999 Nominal pressure is 0.6MPa, nominal diameter is 1000mm, connection size is GB/T2501 gasket AS61000GB/T177271999 4 Technical requirements 4.1 The surface of the gasket should be smooth, without cracks, bubbles, impurities and other defects that may affect the use. 4.2 The physical properties of the gasket should comply with Table 4. Physical properties of surface gaskets Aramid creeping injection nuclear rubber KQG001 Tensile strength Compression rate Rebound rate 4.3 After the strength and sealing tests, the gasket shall not have leakage. 5 Test methods 5.1 External inspection in daily measurement 1. 6--1. 8 Loss volume Absorption rate (No. 7 Pregnant aviation Aging coefficient Sulfur deficiency Corrosion-free 5.2 All physical property test samples should be placed in a constant temperature box at 100℃:±2 for:h, then placed in a dryer to cool to room temperature, and then tested 5.3 The tensile strength test of gaskets shall be carried out according to GB/T 5.4 The oil absorption test of the gasket shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 543. 5.5 The density test of the gasket shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T541. 5.6 The corrosion test of the gasket shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T3913. 5.7 The loss on ignition test of the gasket shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/I541. 5.B The aging coefficient test of the gasket shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 541. 5.9 The roller pressure rate and spring rate test of the gasket shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 541. 5.10 After the gasket is connected to the flange, the strength test and sealing test shall be carried out. The strength test pressure P. = 1.5 PN, sealing test pressure P.=1.25PV. Duration shall not be less than 5min, and the result shall meet the requirements of 1.3. 6 Inspection rules Gasket inspection is divided into type inspection and factory inspection. 6.1 Type inspection 6.1.1 Gaskets shall be subjected to type inspection in the following circumstances: a) When the product is transferred to production; b) There are major changes in process and materials; ) During normal production.Once every two months d) When required by the national testing agency. 6.1.2 The number of products to be type-tested shall be 2% of the batch, not less than 5 pieces. If there are any unqualified items during the type-test, two equivalent gaskets shall be taken from the batch of products for re-inspection. If they are still unqualified, the batch of products shall be considered unqualified. 6.1.3 The inspection items for gaskets are shown in Table 5. W.bzsoso:com3 Appearance inspection, size inspection Degree, radioactivity test ! Tensile strength test Oil absorption test Degree of corrosion test Loss on ignition test Aging coefficient test Compression rate, rebound rate test 6.2 Factory inspection GE/T 17727 -1999 Table 5 Inspection items for gaskets Inspection classification Out! Inspection! Type inspection 6.2.1 All gaskets shall be subject to factory inspection. The items and requirements of factory inspection are shown in Table 5. 6.2.2 Gaskets may be shipped only after they have passed the inspection specified in Table 5 and shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity: 7 Marking, packaging and storage 7.1 Marking When gaskets are packaged or packed in boxes before leaving the factory, they shall have the following marks: a) Product name: b) Manufacturer name and logo+ c) Product specification and standard number: d) Batch number and production date; e) Inspection pass stamp. 7.2 Packaging The gaskets shall be wrapped with phenol damp paper and packed in boxes or bundles. 7.3 These products that comply with the provisions of 4.1 and 4.3 and comply with the provisions of 4.2 should be placed in a well-ventilated and dry warehouse and protected from sunlight and within 1m of heat sources. W. GB/T 17727-1999 Appendix A (Standard Radiation Recording) Basic dimensions A1 of gaskets that comply with J1SB2220-1995 Basic dimensions A1 and Table AI of gaskets that comply with IS12220. Figure A1, Basic dimensions of JIS B2220-compliant steel sheets Table A1, Basic dimensions of JIS B222C-compliant steel sheets Nominal Nominal force FN, MPa 1210 1175 155 120 350 305 43 m 380 2760 551 ... 034 7 1. 039 8 0. 035 8 n. 042 00. 0-2 0 t. 350 35. 046 5 0, 061 052 C:1. 058 2 7. 063 c3. 073 8 .. 065 70. 078 3 C15350.2029 0 55 u1.21 3 : 0. 193 6 0.220 30. 2701 2. 41-1 1 460505 14951030 CB/T 177271999 Table A1 (Complete) Nominal pressure PN, MPa 845770 Nominal force PN, MPa 0.578 20. 633 40.88 8 0. 622 2U. 720 3 0.75260.870 1、19 W. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.