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Tourism and vacation rental apartments—Basic requirements

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 38547-2020

Standard Name:Tourism and vacation rental apartments—Basic requirements

Chinese Name: 旅游度假租赁公寓 基本要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-03-06

Date of Implementation:2020-03-06

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation >> 03.200 entertainment, tourism

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

drafter:Niu Yafei, Luo Jun, Chen Tian, ​​Zhong Linsheng, Liu Jiaming, Xie Libo, Zhu Yingbo, Liu Aili, Song Tao, Jia Yunfeng, Li Weiyu, Ren Jiao, Li Zhenni

Drafting unit:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tujia Online Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Ctrip Computer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Sweeten Property Consulting Group Co., Ltd., Beijin

Focal point unit:National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee (SAT/TC 210)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

Standard number: GB/T 38547-2020
Standard name: Basic requirements for tourism and vacation rental apartments
English name: Tourism and vacation rental apartments-Basic requirements ||
tt||Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2020-03-06
Implementation time: 2020-03-06
Standard size: 410K
Standard introduction: 1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, overall, facilities, services, reservations, payments, information services and security requirements for tourism and vacation rental apartments.
This standard GB/T 38547-2020 applies to operators of various types of tourism and vacation rental apartments (hereinafter referred to as "apartments").
2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB2894 Safety signs and their use guidelines
GB5749 Sanitary standards for drinking water
GB/T10001.1 Graphic symbols for public information Part 1: General symbols
Tourism holiday rental apartments are a new type of business and an important component of the tourism accommodation industry, with the characteristics of diverse operating methods, different operating scales, various guest room types, home-like facility configuration, and limited service provision. This standard is specially formulated to standardize the operation and service of tourism holiday rental apartments, improve service quality, and provide comfortable, convenient, safe and hygienic accommodation services to tourists and vacationers.
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, overall, facilities, services, reservations, payments, information services and security requirements of tourism holiday rental apartments. ? This standard applies to operators of various types of tourism holiday rental apartments.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Tourism and vacation rental apartments-Basic requirements2020-03-06Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
General requirements
Operating conditions
Environmental conditions
Facility conditions
Service personnel
Community relations
5 Facility requirements
Service facilities
Guest room facilities
6 Service requirements
6.1 Check-in service
Notification service
Guest room service
Check-out service
Other services
7 Reservation, payment and information service requirements
7.1 Reservation and payment service
7.2 Information consultation and information release
8 Safety requirements
8.1 Safety facilities
Safety management
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee (SAT/TC210). GB/T38547—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tujia Online Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Ctrip Computer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Sweden Property Consulting Group Co., Ltd., and Beijing De'anjie Tourism Development Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Niu Yafei, Luo Jun, Chen Tian, ​​Zhong Linsheng, Liu Jiaming, Xie Libo, Zhu Yingbo, Liu Aili, Song Tao, Jia Yunfeng, Li Weiyu, Ren Jiao, and Li Zhenni.
Tourism holiday rental apartments are a new type of business and an important component of the tourism accommodation industry. They have the characteristics of diverse operating methods, different operating scales, various guest room types, home-like facilities, and limited services. This standard is specially formulated to standardize the operation and services of tourism holiday rental apartments, improve service quality, and provide comfortable, convenient, safe, and hygienic accommodation services to tourists and vacationers. 1 Scope
Basic requirements for tourist holiday rental apartments
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, overall, facilities, services, reservations, payments, information services and security requirements for tourist holiday rental apartments.
This standard applies to operators of various types of tourist holiday rental apartments (hereinafter referred to as "apartments"). 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB2894 Safety signs and their use guide
9 Sanitary standards for drinking water
GB/T10001.1 Graphic symbols for public information Part 1: General symbols GB/T10001.2 Graphic symbols for public information for signs Part 2: Tourism and leisure symbols GB13495.1 Fire safety signs Part 1: Signs GB/T14308—2010 Classification and evaluation of star-level tourist hotels GB/T15566.8 Principles and requirements for the establishment of public information guidance systems Part 8: Hotels and restaurants 3 Indoor air quality standards
Specifications for the construction of tourist hotel management information systems LB/T007—2015
Green tourist hotels
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
rental apartment
rental apartment
A type of accommodation where the apartment owner rents the apartment to guests for living in the form of entrusted operation, trusteeship operation or self-operation, and provides limited services.
tourism and vacation rental apartment is a rental apartment that features home-style accommodation environment and facilities, self-service or semi-self-service as the main service mode, and is mainly rented to tourists for living.
4General requirements
Operation conditions
The apartment should have a legal property certificate and clear ownership. 4.1.2The apartment operator should obtain the corresponding business license and sign a legally binding business contract with the apartment owner to clarify the respective responsibilities, rights and obligations of the operator1
GB/T 38547—2020
and the owner. 4.2Environmental conditions
The surrounding area of ​​the apartment should have convenient transportation, necessary shopping and dining places, and a good public health environment. 4.2.1
4.2.2 The apartment should have standardized property services. 4.2.3 The public areas of the apartment should have basic public service facilities and a clean environment. 4.2.4 The apartment or the nearby area should have parking spaces for self-driving guests. 4.3
Facility conditions
4.3.1 For apartments with centralized management, the business area should have complete service place signs. For apartments with decentralized management, it is advisable to consult with the property management agency to set up necessary service place signs. The setting of graphic symbols should comply with the provisions of GB/T10001.1 and GB/T10001.2, and the setting of signs should comply with the provisions of GB/T15566.8. 4.3.2 The various electrical appliances equipped should be qualified products, and the various furniture, textile products and sanitary products equipped should be of good quality and comfortable to use.
4.3.3 The relevant facilities equipped should operate well and have safety, energy-saving and environmental protection performance, and should comply with the requirements of LB/T007-2015. 4.4 Service personnel
4.4.1 Reasonable service procedures should be formulated according to the number of guest rooms and the mode of operation of the apartment, and the types and number of service personnel should be reasonably allocated. 4.4.2 Reception service personnel and room service personnel should have the basic skills to engage in reception service and room service, and be familiar with the use of various facilities and equipment.
4.4.3 Service personnel who provide remote services through the Internet, telephone, etc. should be familiar with the corresponding service procedures, service methods and service content, and should have good language communication skills.
4.4.4 Service personnel should be trained in service skills, safety and medical first aid knowledge, and have the corresponding knowledge. 4.5 Community relations
Apartment operators should establish good communication and coordination relations with property management agencies and reach an agreement on daily passenger flow management methods. 4.5.2 If it is necessary to add facility and equipment signs and signboards in public areas, the consent of the property management agency or the owners' committee should be obtained in advance.
If the safety facilities in the public areas are missing or damaged, affecting the living quality and safety, rectification suggestions should be made to the property management agency in a timely manner.
4.5.4 Ensure that business activities do not have adverse effects on the daily lives of community residents. 4.5.5 Take care of the public facilities in the community and cooperate with the community to maintain a good public order and sanitary environment. 4.5.6 Comply with the regulations and requirements of the community regarding environmental protection, energy conservation, hygiene, epidemic prevention, public security, etc. 5 Facility requirements
5.1 Service facilities
5.1.1 A service desk or reception point should be set up in an apartment with 30 rooms available for rent. Apartments without a service desk or reception point should set up a business premises sign or clearly indicate the contact number. 5.1.2 The distance between the service desk, reception point or service personnel and the apartment rooms should be within a reasonable service radius to meet the requirements of convenient and timely service.
5.1.3 The service desk or reception point should be well-lit and clean. 5.1.4 The service desk or reception point should be equipped with basic service facilities and Internet access. The configuration of various service facilities should meet the requirements of GB/T14308-2
2010 Table A.3.
5.2 Guest room facilities
5.2.1 Basic facilities
The room number or room name should be clearly indicated on the door of the apartment room. The apartment room should be shaped in accordance with regulations. The functional area should be reasonably configured and well decorated. The door lock should be safe and anti-theft and easy to open. It is advisable to configure an intelligent door lock system. Doors and windows should be free of damage, curtains should be complete, and safe and anti-theft. GB/T38547—2020
Each functional area should have complete lighting facilities, and the power switch and power socket should be reasonably located, safe and convenient to use. It is advisable to be equipped with multi-functional sockets and uninterruptible power supplies.
Network access should be provided, and a fixed telephone that can make and receive external calls should be provided. The service telephone and alarm telephone numbers should be clearly indicated in a prominent position.
Each functional area should be equipped with corresponding furniture and electrical appliances, and refrigerators and washing machines should be provided. The furniture should be in good condition inside and outside, and the electrical appliances should have good performance and operate normally. According to the climatic conditions of the area, it is advisable to equip the corresponding heating and cooling facilities, and the indoor temperature should meet the requirements of GB/T18883. For self-service items, corresponding self-service tools and supplies should be provided, such as cleaning tools and cleaning supplies. Facilities and equipment with complex usage methods should be equipped with instructions for use. 5.2.2
Bedrooms and living rooms
Each apartment room should have at least one open or independent bedroom, and preferably a living room.
It should be equipped with necessary furniture, electrical appliances and bedding, etc. The type, quantity, specification and quality of the supplies should not be lower than the requirements in Table A.3 of GB/T14308-2010.
5.2.3 Kitchen and dining room
Each apartment room should have an independent or open kitchen. It is recommended to have a dining room. It should be equipped with basic kitchen furniture and electrical appliances such as cabinets, as well as basic dining furniture such as dining tables and chairs. There should be tap water supply facilities. The quality of drinking water should meet the standards of GB5749. There should be drainage facilities, and the drainage pipes should be unobstructed. , necessary cooking utensils and tableware should be equipped, or rental services for cooking utensils and tableware should be provided. The cooking utensils and tableware provided should be hygienic, safe and environmentally friendly.
Cleansing supplies and tools should be provided for guests to wash drinking utensils, tableware and other utensils by themselves. 5.2.4Bathroom
Each apartment room should have at least one bathroom.
The bathroom floor should be flat, non-slip and well-drained. The drainage pipe should be unobstructed and have a deodorizing function.
, The bathroom without open windows should have ventilation facilities, and the facilities should be in good condition and easy to open and close. should be equipped with toilets, wash basins, showers and other sanitary ware, and the sanitary ware should be in good condition and not leaking. 5 24-hour hot and cold water supply should be provided. If electric water heaters and other facilities are used to supply hot water, the use method and precautions should be clearly stated.
Basic textile products such as face towels should be provided. Necessary daily toiletries should be provided free of charge or for a fee. The quality of the products should not be lower than the requirements in Table A.3 of GB/T14308-2010. The power socket should be waterproof, moisture-proof and leak-proof. 3
GB/T 38547-2020
6 Service requirements
6.1 Check-in service
6.1.1 A reasonable check-in service process should be formulated according to different business methods, and the check-in process should be quick and convenient. 6.1.2 If there is a service counter or reception point, the service staff shall provide immediate check-in service. If there is no service counter or reception point, the service staff shall provide services according to the service process. It is advisable to contact the guests by phone or Internet in advance to agree on the check-in time and check-in method, and arrange the check-in of the guests in time. 6.1.3 If the intelligent door lock system or other check-in methods are adopted, and the guests check-in by themselves, the telephone or Internet contact with the guests shall be kept open, and the problems encountered by the guests when checking in by themselves shall be solved in time. 6.1.4 The reservation guests who did not arrive on time shall be contacted in time to confirm whether they have checked in and inform them of the cancellation method. 6.2 Notification service
6.2.1 The guests shall be informed of the basic layout of the apartment building, the location of the main public service facilities, and the interior and surrounding environment of the apartment. 6.2.2 The guests shall be informed of the apartment management regulations, precautions for check-in and local folk customs. The guests shall be reminded not to engage in disturbing activities in the apartment and the community and respect local folk customs.
6.2.3 The guests shall be informed of the earliest check-in time and the latest check-out time in advance. 6.2.4 The walking route to the guest room should be clearly indicated or informed. 6.2.5 The functional area layout of the guest room should be clearly indicated or informed. The use of various facilities and precautions should be introduced or demonstrated. 6.2.6 The free and paid services provided to the guest, the items that require the guest to do self-service, the service charge standard, and the service time arrangement should be clearly indicated or informed.
The guest should be informed of the matters that should be handled when checking out, such as whether the garbage needs to be removed, the kitchen needs to be cleaned, and the dishes need to be washed when checking out. The charge standard of various chargeable items in the guest room and the compensation standard for damaged items should be clearly indicated. 6.2.8
6.2.9 The location of the camera or monitoring facilities should be informed. 6.3 Room Service
6.3.1 The guest room should be thoroughly cleaned and tidied before the guest moves in. The room should be cleaned and tidied according to the agreed method and time during the stay of the same guest. If the guest is agreed to clean and tidied by himself, the necessary cleaning tools and cleaning supplies should be provided. 6.3.2 The bedding should be changed at least once for each guest. During the stay of the same guest, the bedding should be replaced in the agreed manner and time, and cleaned and disinfected in time. If the guest is agreed to change the bedding by himself, the replacement items that have been cleaned and disinfected should be provided in time. 6.3.3 Dining utensils should be fully cleaned and disinfected at least once per guest. During the stay of the same guest, the bedding should be replaced in the agreed manner and time. If the guest is agreed to clean by himself, the necessary cleaning tools and cleaning supplies should be provided. 6.3.4 The guest rooms of the apartment should be fully disinfected regularly. 6.3.5 Each bathroom facility in the bathroom should be disinfected for each guest. 6.3.6
The carpets, sofas, and other places should be dusted and cleaned regularly to avoid stains. 6.3.7
The refrigerator, stove, and cabinets should be cleaned regularly to avoid dirt. 6.3.8
The washing machine, air conditioner and other electrical appliances should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. 6.3.9 The drainage pipes in the kitchen and bathroom should be checked regularly to see if they are unobstructed. 6.3.10
All kinds of consumables should be replenished on time, and the types and prices of paid consumables should be clearly indicated. After the guest checks out, the room should be ventilated. 6.3.11
6.4 Check-out service
A reasonable check-out service process should be formulated according to different business methods, and the check-out process should be quick and convenient. 4
6.4.2 If there are service places such as service desks or receiving points, an immediate check-out service should be provided: If there are no service places such as service desks or receiving points, the check-out time and check-out method should be agreed with the guest in advance, and the check-out should be handled on time. 6.4.3 If smart door locks or other check-out methods are used and the guest checks out by himself, the telephone or Internet contact should be kept open with the guest, and any problems encountered by the guest during self-service check-out should be solved at any time. 6.4.4 If a room inspection is required before check-out, the guest should be informed in advance, and the room inspection time should be agreed upon and the room inspection should be carried out on time. 6.5 Other services
6.5.1 It is advisable to provide travel and other personalized customized services according to the needs of guests within the scope of business license. 6.5.2 Necessary convenient services should be provided for check-in and check-out of elderly guests and disabled guests. Consultation services on local tourism, catering, entertainment, shopping, transportation and other information should be provided. 6.5.3
7 Reservation, payment and information service requirements
Reservation and payment services
Convenient and diverse reservation and payment services should be provided, such as reservation and payment services through the Internet, telephone or service desk. 7.1.2
Reservation and payment information should be notified to guests in a timely manner through the Internet, telephone and other forms. 7.1.3 After Internet reservation and payment, electronic orders should be generated, and the order download and printing functions should be available. 7.1.4 Orders should be queried, modified and cancelled through the Internet or telephone. 7.1.5 After the order is paid, if a refund is generated due to modification or cancellation, it should be refunded to the guest in accordance with the agreed refund method or financial management regulations. 7.2 Information consultation and information release
7.2.1 Telephone consultation, Internet online consultation or online message service should be provided to answer questions raised by guests in a timely manner. 7.2.2 The specific location, traffic conditions, external environment, internal facilities, service content, price, contact information and other information of the apartment should be published in real time on its own website or cooperative website. The accompanying text and photos should truly reflect the actual situation of the apartment. 7.2.3 Service information should be updated in a timely manner. The published information should be complete and accurate. 7.2.4 Internet or telephone return visit and complaint channels should be set up to handle guests' complaints, suggestions and opinions in a timely manner. 7.2.5. A convenient Internet review channel should be set up to check reviews in time and understand guests' opinions and requirements. 8. Safety requirements
8.1 Safety facilities
8.1.1 All safety and fire protection facilities in public areas should be in good condition, and all safety signs and fire safety signs should be set up in a standardized and correct position. If any are found to be missing, damaged or moved, the property management department should be requested to make supplements or repairs in a timely manner. Safety signs should comply with the requirements of GB2894, and fire safety signs should comply with the requirements of GB13495.1. 8.1.2 Apartments with service areas such as service desks or reception points should have 24-hour electronic monitoring, and monitoring videos should be kept for more than 90 days. 8.1.3 Apartments with service places such as service desks or reception points should be equipped with emergency alarm buttons or communication equipment that can contact guests in the service places. In the event of an emergency, the alarm should be quickly reported or the guests should be notified. If there are no service places such as service desks or reception points, the property management agency should be communicated with to formulate emergency response plans. 8.1.4, Public and high-rise guest rooms should be equipped with emergency lighting facilities, preferably equipped with smoke alarms and fire extinguishing equipment, and have location indication signs. 8.1.5 The location of the escape route and the emergency evacuation route should be shown in the apartment guest room, and the emergency help phone and police phone number should be clearly indicated. It is advisable to have an emergency help button.
8.1.6 The door of the apartment guest room should be equipped with an anti-theft door chain or other anti-theft device, and the guest room should be equipped with a safe. 5
Safety management
Regular inspection and maintenance of various electrical equipment equipped in the apartment guest room should be carried out to eliminate faults in time. Regular inspections should be conducted to see whether the fire-fighting facilities in the apartment business area are complete and in good condition. The emergency exits and barrier-free passages of the apartment should be observed frequently to see whether they are unobstructed. If any problems are found, the property management agency should be informed in time. 8.2.4
If there is a suspicious odor or suspicious hazardous items in the public business area, the property management agency should be notified or the police should be called in time. 8.2.5
The identity documents of guests should be carefully checked, and guest information management files should be established. Information management should comply with the requirements of GB/T26357. 8.2.6
Guests should be reminded to voluntarily purchase personal accident insurance. Internet booking platforms should have convenient channels for purchasing personal accident insurance.
There should be emergency plans for handling various emergencies and urgent events. When a guest has a personal safety incident, he should be able to contact the hospital in time for treatment. 8.2.7
If a patient with an infectious disease is found, it should be reported to the local disease prevention and control agency immediately. 6
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