title>JB/T 7559-1994 General rules for reliability development and testing of mechanical products - JB/T 7559-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7559-1994 General rules for reliability development and testing of mechanical products

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7559-1994

Standard Name: General rules for reliability development and testing of mechanical products

Chinese Name: 机械产品可靠性研制试验通则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-12-09

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1995-10-01

other information

drafter:Wang Wenqi, Xu Shulan, Liu Jianhou, Zheng Shensheng, Liang Kunhong

Drafting unit:Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, Reliability Research Center of the Institute of Machinery Industry, Shanghai Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute

Focal point unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the general principles, work contents, test conditions and test cycles, test implementation procedures and requirements for reliability development tests of general mechanical products at various stages of development and design. JB/T 7559-1994 General Rules for Reliability Development Test of Mechanical Products JB/T7559-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
General Rules for Reliability Development and Test of Mechanical Products
Published on December 9, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on October 1, 1995
Subject Content and Scope of Application
General Principles
Work Content of Reliability Development and Test
Test Conditions and Test Cycles
Test Procedures and Requirements
Reliability Growth Estimation and Reliability Growth Model.+.++.
8 Summary Report on Reliability Development and Test
Appendix A Product reliability development test record form (reference) Appendix B Product reliability development test summary report form (reference). times
Reliability development test and reliability growth estimation example (reference) Appendix C
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
General Rules for Reliability Development Test of Mechanical Products
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the general principles, work content, test conditions and test cycles, test implementation procedures and requirements for reliability development tests of general mechanical products at various stages of development and design. This standard applies to the reliability development test of newly developed products (new structures, new processes, new materials and new parts), and also to the reliability development test of improved design products after finalization. 2 Terminology
2.1 Reliability Development Test
In the process of developing new products, it is necessary to conduct tests to make them meet the reliability requirements. 2.2 Reliability Growth Test
A series of tests to identify the weak links of a product and prove that the improvement measures can prevent the recurrence of the weak links. 2.3 Reliability Growth
The process of continuously improving product reliability by gradually correcting defects in product design and manufacturing. 2.4 Reliability Improvement
The process of purposefully improving the reliability of a product by eliminating the causes of systematic failures and (or) reducing the probability of other failures.
2.5 Reliability Estimation
Based on the performance parameters and reliability data obtained in the test, estimate the reliability level that the product has achieved. 2.6 Mission Profile (Mission History)
A time-series description of the events and environmental conditions experienced by the product during the period of completing the specified mission, including the judgment criteria for success or fatal failure avoidance.
2.7 Life Profile (Life History)
A time-series description of all events and environments experienced by the product from packaging and leaving the factory to the end of its life or withdrawal from use. It includes one or several task profiles.
3 General principles
3.1 Purpose of reliability development test
During the product development process, the weak links of the developed product are exposed through the test. After diagnosis and analysis, the product failure, cause of failure and failure mechanism are found, and corresponding corrective measures are taken to verify the effectiveness of the corrective measures, so that the product reliability is increased, and at the same time, the product reliability level is preliminarily estimated and evaluated. 3.2 Basic requirements
Reliability development test generally cannot replace product design test, function test, environmental test, type test, identification test, acceptance test, etc., but can be combined.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on December 9, 1994
Implemented on October 1, 1995
JB/T 7559-94
In the new product development and research task book, the test purpose, test object (whole machine or its parts), test items, test quantity and required test equipment of the reliability development test should be clearly stated. C.
In the new product technical conditions, the test object, test items and test methods of the reliability development test should be given. The results of the reliability development test should be comparable and evaluable, and should be consistent with relevant standards or regulations. After the weak links in the test, they must be fed back to the relevant departments, and corresponding improvement measures should be taken before continuing the test. Through the repeated process of "test-analysis-improvement", the reliability level is increased. Work content of reliability development test
Reliability development test 6: See Table 1 for work content and instructions. Table 1 Work content and description of new product reliability development test No.
Work content
Determine the test object
Determine the test items
Clear the reliability goals and requirements
Clear the performance parameters and tolerances of the tested products
Determine the test site
Determine the test conditions and test environment
Purchase or develop and manufacture test equipment
Specify the test specifications (or specifications)
Clear and specify the test implementation procedures and requirements Prepare a test implementation plan
Test records
The test objects may be different at different stages of new product development. New materials, new structures, new processes, key components, systems and complete machines that have an important impact on reliability should be taken as test objects, such as load test, overload test, tightness test, epidemic test, sensitivity test, thermal deterioration test, torque test of transmission system, work test, acoustic test, vibration test, life test, durability test, maintainability test, safety test, etc.
Qualitative and (or quantitative, such as reliability scale, mean time between failures MTBF, mean time to first failure MTTF, mean time to repair MT-TR, effectiveness index, safety, etc.), and should be given in the product technical conditions and related technical documents
This is the basis for product failure criterion, which is determined according to different product characteristics and should include energy consumption, input and output parameters, sound, alarm, cost, etc., such as laboratory Test, test field test, working end test see Section 5
Including detection and monitoring equipment and instruments, product interface equipment, repair and maintenance tools and equipment
In addition to the relevant requirements in Items 1 to 7 and Item 910 of this table, it should also include: a. Instructions and regulations for maintenance and repair of the tested product; b. Regulations on the treatment methods for failed products, which should comply with the provisions of relevant professional standards
See Section 6
a. Test plan; b. Number of tested products; e. Inspection interval and failure criteria for the tested products; 4. Cumulative test time, #, test schedule:! Test participants:, others
Strictly follow the requirements of Items 9 to 10 of this table, keep good test records, and report failures in a timely mannerbZxz.net
Work content
JB/T 7559-94
Continued Table 1
Reliability estimation and learnability growth chart or curve
Prepare test summary report
5 Test conditions and test cycles
5.1 Test conditions
5.1.1 Environmental test conditions
See Chapter 7
See Chapter 8
Directly quoting or converting the product's on-site working environment conditions and user requirements into environmental conditions during the test is called environmental test conditions, which mainly include:
Temperature and its range of variation, such as high temperature, low temperature, high and low temperature cycle variation: Concentration and its range of variation, such as high temperature, condensation, icing, atmospheric pressure, such as plateau areas;
Vibration, including amplitude and frequency;||tt ||Electromagnetic interference:
Dust (concentration);
Installation method, degree of mobility, etc.
5.1.2 Working test conditions
Directly quoting or converting the working conditions (referred to as working conditions) specified in the product design and user requirements into the working conditions during the test is called working test conditions. Examples are as follows:
Output and load, such as vapor pressure, mechanical force (torque, pressure, resistance, thrust, impact force), performance parameters of load and their tolerances: product stress conditions, such as technical conditions of working medium (oil, water, gas); input and power, such as power supply, gas, liquid, oil, mechanical force: random stress, also known as accidental stress, determined according to relevant data and test data; working mode, such as continuous operation, intermittent operation. Test equipment and detection only table
The test equipment, detection and monitoring devices and instruments used in the test process must meet the conditions and requirements specified in the test cycle. 5.1.4 Test operation and maintenance procedures
a. Plan the test operation procedures to prevent additional probing stress from being applied to the product during the test. b. Plan the maintenance and repair procedures to be similar to the maintenance and repair of the product during actual use. Typical maintenance and repair items are adjustment, calibration, lubrication, cleaning, readjustment and replacement of wearing parts. 5.2 Test cycle
According to 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. After comprehensive consideration of the product's mission surface or life profile, the product's load technical conditions, reliability requirements, relevant technical standards, test items and test purposes, a comprehensive test cycle method, referred to as the test cycle, is determined. During the test, a test cycle can be repeatedly applied to the product periodically. The test cycle and its period should be specified in the test outline. 6 Test procedures and requirements
6.1 Test procedures and requirements
The test procedure is shown in Figure 1.
Test test equipment, site
Inspect environmental conditions
Monitor and monitor products, equipment
Equipment and test conditions
Stop the test
Improve the design
Important faults
JB/T 755994
Test preparation
Installation and commissioning
Test operation or running-in
(time r)
Test cycle (time)
(determined by specific product)
Product failure
Minor failure
On-site troubleshooting
Constant truncation
Check operating and maintenance conditions
Verify monitoring and control instruments
Determine performance parameter measurement intervals
Intervals and maintenance repairs
Product runs normally
Time truncation
Stop test
Disassemble and inspect
Reliability estimation
Test summary report
Figure 1 Flow chart of the implementation procedure of reliability development test During the test, the following issues should be noted: The installation of the product in the test equipment should be accurate to prevent additional stress (in a broad sense) from being applied to the product: During the test, adjustment, calibration and maintenance of the test product shall be limited to the range specified in the test conditions. b.
Before the test cycle, the performance parameters of the test product and the test equipment shall be measured and all data shall be recorded to determine whether they meet the specified requirements. They shall be used as reference values ​​and comparison values ​​for performance parameter measurements during and at the end of the test, also known as performance benchmarks, see Appendix A (reference):
Number of test cycles 1, the procedure and method of the test cycle, the measurement interval time T of the test product and other requirements shall be determined according to the specific product d.
If a product fails during the test, it shall be evacuated from the test, and the severity of the failure shall be determined and handled, and a failure record shall be made in accordance with Article 6.2.2. The typical treatment method is: if it is a major fault (a fault that affects the main function), the design needs to be improved and retested; if it is a minor fault (a fault that does not affect the main function), it can be repaired on site and the test cycle can be repeated after passing the test. 6.2 Requirements for test records
6.2.1 Test diary and data record
During the entire test process, according to the product specifications and test procedure requirements, a complete test diary and data record must be kept for each test product's specified test data (measured values ​​of performance parameters, changes in working conditions and environmental conditions, test time, normal product working time, product failure conditions, maintenance and repair conditions, etc.). The records must be accurate and complete. The test diary and data records are archived after being sorted. 6.2.2 Test operation record
The test operation record is shown in Table 2.
New product reliability development test operation record Test start time
Product name and model
Tested product number
Fault occurrence time
6.3 Fault analysis and corrective measures
Test items
Fault situation
Description and analysis
Fault elimination
Test person in charge
Repair damage
Description of situation
Test end time
Fault category
a. Each fault that occurs in the test should be analyzed and studied to determine the cause of the fault, the location of the fault and the failure mechanism. The analysis methods include: inspection, stress analysis, disassembly detection, X-ray analysis, microscope analysis, spectrograph analysis, etc. b. All faults that occur in the test are divided into two categories: related faults and non-related faults. The purpose of the test is to take corrective measures for related failures, and to classify related failures into design failure, process failure, raw material failure, outsourced parts failure, etc. according to the cause or responsibility, so as to take corresponding corrective measures.
Corrective measures should be taken for failures or failures during the test, and residual problems should be solved before the next test as much as possible. e
7 Reliability growth estimation and reliability growth model 7.1 Purpose and requirements of estimation
The estimated reliability index should be compared with the reliability index or the index before improvement to show whether the product meets the specified index or whether its reliability has been improved (or increased) after corrective measures are taken. 7.2 Principles of estimation
3. Before the test, try to eliminate the dry period faults of the product. The methods of elimination include running-in, trial operation, etc.; b. During the test, pay attention to not introducing new weak links in the repair or corrective measures. 5
JB/T 7559-94
Only consider related faults when estimating, and exclude all non-related faults; During the test, the test conditions, test cycles, test time, monitoring procedures and the accuracy of failure reports should be strictly controlled: d.
When a to d cannot be guaranteed, the reliability growth estimation shall be carried out according to the engineering analysis method specified by the professional regulations or standards, and the mathematical model estimation shall not be used;
f. When the requirements of a to d can be guaranteed and sufficient test data can be obtained, the reliability growth mathematical model can be used, or the mathematical model specified by the professional regulations can be used, which is helpful for engineering judgment. Reliability development test summary report
8.1 General requirements
All data and experience related to product reliability should be summarized in the test report and should be filed and archived. 8.2 Classification of summary report
The summary report can be divided into the following three parts according to the content: a. Summary of basic test conditions: See Table 1, Figure 1 and Appendix A for confirmation. Fault summary: Give a summary table of the abnormal width and faults that occurred in each product and each test cycle during the test b.
[See Appendix B (reference) Table B2], the results of fault analysis, the corrective measures taken, various failure reports, etc. Summary of product reliability estimation: including reliability requirements, reliability prediction and reliability estimation results, estimation methods and adopted conclusions
Product name and wing number
Test items
Name and model of the tested product
Test sponsor
Appendix A
Product Product reliability development test record sheet
Test person in charge
Test result inspection record sheet
Test items
Technical conditions
Test date
Test equipment and instrument records
Product number
Specification and model
Product test items
Equipment person in charge
Validity period of verification
Test start and end dates
Abnormal conditions during the test
Equipment user1 Test procedures and requirements
The test procedure is shown in Figure 1.
Test test equipment, site
Inspect environmental conditions
Monitor monitoring products, equipment and test conditions
Stop the test
Improve the design
Major faults
JB/T 755994
Test preparation
Installation and commissioning
Test operation or running-in
(time r)
Test cycle (time)
(determined by specific product)
Product failure
Minor failure
On-site troubleshooting
Constant truncation
Check operating and maintenance conditions
Verify monitoring and control instruments
Determine performance parameter measurement intervals
Intervals and maintenance repairs
Product runs normally
Time truncation
Stop test
Disassemble and inspect
Reliability estimation
Test summary report
Figure 1 Flow chart of the implementation procedure of reliability development test During the test, the following issues should be noted: The installation of the product in the test equipment should be accurate to prevent additional stress (in a broad sense) from being applied to the product: During the test, adjustment, calibration and maintenance of the test product shall be limited to the range specified in the test conditions. b.
Before the test cycle, the performance parameters of the test product and the test equipment shall be measured and all data shall be recorded to determine whether they meet the specified requirements. They shall be used as reference values ​​and comparison values ​​for performance parameter measurements during and at the end of the test, also known as performance benchmarks, see Appendix A (reference):
Number of test cycles 1, the procedure and method of the test cycle, the measurement interval time T of the test product and other requirements shall be determined according to the specific product: d.
If a product fails during the test, it shall be evacuated from the test, and the severity of the failure shall be determined and handled, and a failure record shall be made in accordance with Article 6.2.2. The typical treatment method is: if it is a major fault (a fault that affects the main function), the design needs to be improved and retested; if it is a minor fault (a fault that does not affect the main function), it can be repaired on site and the test cycle can be repeated after passing the test. 6.2 Requirements for test records
6.2.1 Test diary and data record
During the entire test process, according to the product specifications and test procedure requirements, a complete test diary and data record must be kept for each test product's specified test data (measured values ​​of performance parameters, changes in working conditions and environmental conditions, test time, normal product working time, product failure conditions, maintenance and repair conditions, etc.). The records must be accurate and complete. The test diary and data records are archived after being sorted. 6.2.2 Test operation record
The test operation record is shown in Table 2.
New product reliability development test operation record Test start time
Product name and model
Tested product number
Fault occurrence time
6.3 Fault analysis and corrective measures
Test items
Fault situation
Description and analysis
Fault elimination
Test person in charge
Repair damage
Description of situation
Test end time
Fault category
a. Each fault that occurs in the test should be analyzed and studied to determine the cause of the fault, the location of the fault and the failure mechanism. The analysis methods include: inspection, stress analysis, disassembly detection, X-ray analysis, microscope analysis, spectrograph analysis, etc. b. All faults that occur in the test are divided into two categories: related faults and non-related faults. The purpose of the test is to take corrective measures for related failures, and to classify related failures into design failure, process failure, raw material failure, outsourced parts failure, etc. according to the cause or responsibility, so as to take corresponding corrective measures.
Corrective measures should be taken for failures or failures during the test, and residual problems should be solved before the next test as much as possible. e
7 Reliability growth estimation and reliability growth model 7.1 Purpose and requirements of estimation
The estimated reliability index should be compared with the expected reliability index or the index before improvement to show whether the product meets the specified index or whether its reliability has been improved (or increased) after corrective measures are taken. 7.2 Principles of estimation
3. Before the test, try to eliminate the dry period faults of the product. The methods of elimination include running-in, trial operation, etc.; b. During the test, pay attention to not introducing new weak links in the repair or corrective measures. 5
JB/T 7559-94
Only consider related faults when estimating, and exclude all non-related faults; During the test, the test conditions, test cycles, test time, monitoring procedures and the accuracy of failure reports should be strictly controlled: d.
When a to d cannot be guaranteed, the reliability growth estimation shall be carried out according to the engineering analysis method specified by the professional regulations or standards, and the mathematical model estimation shall not be used;
f. When the requirements of a to d can be guaranteed and sufficient test data can be obtained, the reliability growth mathematical model can be used, or the mathematical model specified by the professional regulations can be used, which is helpful for engineering judgment. Reliability development test summary report
8.1 General requirements
All data and experience related to product reliability should be summarized in the test report and should be filed and archived. 8.2 Classification of summary report
The summary report can be divided into the following three parts according to the content: a. Summary of basic test conditions: See Table 1, Figure 1 and Appendix A for confirmation. Fault summary: Give a summary table of the abnormal width and faults that occurred in each product and each test cycle during the test b.
[See Appendix B (reference) Table B2], the results of fault analysis, the corrective measures taken, various failure reports, etc. Summary of product reliability estimation: including reliability requirements, reliability prediction and reliability estimation results, estimation methods and adopted conclusions
Product name and wing number
Test items
Name and model of the tested product
Test sponsor
Appendix A
Product Product reliability development test record sheet
Test person in charge
Test result inspection record sheet
Test items
Technical conditions
Test date
Test equipment and instrument records
Product number
Specification and model
Product test items
Equipment person in charge
Validity period of verification
Test start and end dates
Abnormal conditions during the test
Equipment user1 Test procedures and requirements
The test procedure is shown in Figure 1.
Test test equipment, site
Inspect environmental conditions
Monitor monitoring products, equipment and test conditions
Stop the test
Improve the design
Major faults
JB/T 755994
Test preparation
Installation and commissioning
Test operation or running-in
(time r)
Test cycle (time)
(determined by specific product)
Product failure
Minor failure
On-site troubleshooting
Constant truncation
Check operating and maintenance conditions
Verify monitoring and control instruments
Determine performance parameter measurement intervals
Intervals and maintenance repairs
Product runs normally
Time truncation
Stop test
Disassemble and inspect
Reliability estimation
Test summary report
Figure 1 Flow chart of the implementation procedure of reliability development test During the test, the following issues should be noted: The installation of the product in the test equipment should be accurate to prevent additional stress (in a broad sense) from being applied to the product: During the test, adjustment, calibration and maintenance of the test product shall be limited to the range specified in the test conditions. b.
Before the test cycle, the performance parameters of the test product and the test equipment shall be measured and all data shall be recorded to determine whether they meet the specified requirements. They shall be used as reference values ​​and comparison values ​​for performance parameter measurements during and at the end of the test, also known as performance benchmarks, see Appendix A (reference):
Number of test cycles 1, the procedure and method of the test cycle, the measurement interval time T of the test product and other requirements shall be determined according to the specific product: d.
If a product fails during the test, it shall be evacuated from the test, and the severity of the failure shall be determined and handled, and a failure record shall be made in accordance with Article 6.2.2. The typical treatment method is: if it is a major fault (a fault that affects the main function), the design needs to be improved and retested; if it is a minor fault (a fault that does not affect the main function), it can be repaired on site and the test cycle can be repeated after passing the test. 6.2 Requirements for test records
6.2.1 Test diary and data record
During the entire test process, according to the product specifications and test procedure requirements, a complete test diary and data record must be kept for each test product's specified test data (measured values ​​of performance parameters, changes in working conditions and environmental conditions, test time, normal product working time, product failure conditions, maintenance and repair conditions, etc.). The records must be accurate and complete. The test diary and data records are archived after being sorted. 6.2.2 Test operation record
The test operation record is shown in Table 2.
New product reliability development test operation record Test start time
Product name and model
Tested product number
Fault occurrence time
6.3 Fault analysis and corrective measures
Test items
Fault situation
Description and analysis
Fault elimination
Test person in charge
Repair damage
Description of situation
Test end time
Fault category
a. Each fault that occurs in the test should be analyzed and studied to determine the cause of the fault, the location of the fault and the failure mechanism. The analysis methods include: inspection, stress analysis, disassembly detection, X-ray analysis, microscope analysis, spectrograph analysis, etc. b. All faults that occur in the test are divided into two categories: related faults and non-related faults. The purpose of the test is to take corrective measures for related failures, and to classify related failures into design failure, process failure, raw material failure, outsourced parts failure, etc. according to the cause or responsibility, so as to take corresponding corrective measures.
Corrective measures should be taken for failures or failures during the test, and residual problems should be solved before the next test as much as possible. e
7 Reliability growth estimation and reliability growth model 7.1 Purpose and requirements of estimation
The estimated reliability index should be compared with the expected reliability index or the index before improvement to show whether the product meets the specified index or whether its reliability has been improved (or increased) after corrective measures are taken. 7.2 Principles of estimation
3. Before the test, try to eliminate the dry period faults of the product. The methods of elimination include running-in, trial operation, etc.; b. During the test, pay attention to not introducing new weak links in the repair or corrective measures. 5
JB/T 7559-94
Only consider related faults when estimating, and exclude all non-related faults; During the test, the test conditions, test cycles, test time, monitoring procedures and the accuracy of failure reports should be strictly controlled: d.
When a to d cannot be guaranteed, the reliability growth estimation shall be carried out according to the engineering analysis method specified by the professional regulations or standards, and the mathematical model estimation shall not be used;
f. When the requirements of a to d can be guaranteed and sufficient test data can be obtained, the reliability growth mathematical model can be used, or the mathematical model specified by the professional regulations can be used, which is helpful for engineering judgment. Reliability development test summary report
8.1 General requirements
All data and experience related to product reliability should be summarized in the test report and should be filed and archived. 8.2 Classification of summary report
The summary report can be divided into the following three parts according to the content: a. Summary of basic test conditions: See Table 1, Figure 1 and Appendix A for confirmation. Fault summary: Give a summary table of the abnormal width and faults that occurred in each product and each test cycle during the test b.
[See Appendix B (reference) Table B2], the results of fault analysis, the corrective measures taken, various failure reports, etc. Summary of product reliability estimation: including reliability requirements, reliability prediction and reliability estimation results, estimation methods and adopted conclusions
Product name and wing number
Test items
Name and model of the tested product
Test sponsor
Appendix A
Product Product reliability development test record sheet
Test person in charge
Test result inspection record sheet
Test items
Technical conditions
Test date
Test equipment and instrument records
Product number
Specification and model
Product test items
Equipment person in charge
Validity period of verification
Test start and end dates
Abnormal conditions during the test
Equipment user3 Fault Analysis and Corrective Measures
Test Items
Fault Conditions
Description and Analysis
Fault Elimination
Test Person in Charge
Repair of Damage
Description of Conditions
Test End Time
Fault Category
Non-skin Care
a. Each fault that occurs during the test must be analyzed and studied to determine the cause of the fault, the location of the fault and the failure mechanism. The analysis methods include: inspection, stress analysis, disassembly detection, X-ray analysis, microscope analysis, spectrograph analysis, etc. b. All faults that occur during the test are divided into two categories: related faults and non-related faults. The purpose of the test is to take corrective measures for related faults, and to divide related faults into design failure, process failure, raw material failure, outsourced parts failure, etc. according to the cause or responsibility, so as to take corresponding corrective measures.
Corrective measures should be taken for faults or failures during the test, and the remaining problems should be solved as much as possible before the next test. e
7 Reliability growth estimation and reliability growth model 7.1 Purpose and requirements of estimation
The estimated reliability index should be compared with the reliability index or the index before improvement to show whether the product has reached the specified index or whether its reliability has been improved (or increased) after corrective measures have been taken. 7.2 Principles of estimation
3. Before the test, try to eliminate the dry period faults of the product. The methods of elimination include running-in, trial operation, etc.; b. During the test, pay attention to not introducing new weak links in the repair or corrective measures. 5
JB/T 7559-94
Only consider related faults when estimating, and exclude all non-related faults; During the test, the test conditions, test cycles, test time, monitoring procedures and the accuracy of failure reports should be strictly controlled: d.
When a to d cannot be guaranteed, the reliability growth estimation shall be carried out according to the engineering analysis method specified by the professional regulations or standards, and the mathematical model estimation shall not be used;
f. When the requirements of a to d can be guaranteed and sufficient test data can be obtained, the reliability growth mathematical model can be used, or the mathematical model specified by the professional regulations can be used, which is helpful for engineering judgment. Reliability development test summary report
8.1 General requirements
All data and experience related to product reliability should be summarized in the test report and should be filed and archived. 8.2 Classification of summary report
The summary report can be divided into the following three parts according to the content: a. Summary of basic test conditions: See Table 1, Figure 1 and Appendix A for confirmation. Fault summary: Give a summary table of the abnormal width and faults that occurred in each product and each test cycle during the test b.
[See Appendix B (reference) Table B2], the results of fault analysis, the corrective measures taken, various failure reports, etc. Summary of product reliability estimation: including reliability requirements, reliability prediction and reliability estimation results, estimation methods and adopted conclusions
Product name and wing number
Test items
Name and model of the tested product
Test sponsor
Appendix A
Product Product reliability development test record sheet
Test person in charge
Test result inspection record sheet
Test items
Technical conditions
Test date
Test equipment and instrument records
Product number
Specification and model
Product test items
Equipment person in charge
Validity period of verification
Test start and end dates
Abnormal conditions during the test
Equipment user3 Fault Analysis and Corrective Measures
Test Items
Fault Conditions
Description and Analysis
Fault Elimination
Test Person in Charge
Repair Damage
Description of Conditions
Test End Time
Fault Category
Non-skin Care
a. Each fault that occurs during the test must be analyzed and studied to determine the cause of the fault, the location of the fault and the failure mechanism. The analysis methods include: inspection, stress analysis, disassembly detection, X-ray analysis, microscope analysis, spectrograph analysis, etc. b. All faults that occur during the test are divided into two categories: related faults and non-related faults. The purpose of the test is to take corrective measures for related faults, and to divide related faults into design failure, process failure, raw material failure, outsourced parts failure, etc. according to the cause or responsibility, so as to take corresponding corrective measures.
Corrective measures should be taken for faults or failures during the test, and the remaining problems should be solved as much as possible before the next test. e
7 Reliability growth estimation and reliability growth model 7.1 Purpose and requirements of estimation
The estimated reliability index should be compared with the reliability index or the index before improvement to show whether the product has reached the specified index or whether its reliability has been improved (or increased) after corrective measures have been taken. 7.2 Principles of estimation
3. Before the test, try to eliminate the dry period faults of the product. The methods of elimination include running-in, trial operation, etc.; b. During the test, pay attention to not introducing new weak links in the repair or corrective measures. 5
JB/T 7559-94
Only consider related faults when estimating, and exclude all non-related faults; During the test, the test conditions, test cycles, test time, monitoring procedures and the accuracy of failure reports should be strictly controlled: d.
When a to d cannot be guaranteed, the reliability growth estimation shall be carried out according to the engineering analysis method specified by the professional regulations or standards, and the mathematical model estimation shall not be used;
f. When the requirements of a to d can be guaranteed and sufficient test data can be obtained, the reliability growth mathematical model can be used, or the mathematical model specified by the professional regulations can be used, which is helpful for engineering judgment. Reliability development test summary report
8.1 General requirements
All data and experience related to product reliability should be summarized in the test report and should be filed and archived. 8.2 Classification of summary report
The summary report can be divided into the following three parts according to the content: a. Summary of basic test conditions: See Table 1, Figure 1 and Appendix A for confirmation. Fault summary: Give a summary table of the abnormal width and faults that occurred in each product and each test cycle during the test b.
[See Appendix B (reference) Table B2], the results of fault analysis, the corrective measures taken, various failure reports, etc. Summary of product reliability estimation: including reliability requirements, reliability prediction and reliability estimation results, estimation methods and adopted conclusions
Product name and wing number
Test items
Name and model of the tested product
Test sponsor
Appendix A
Product Product reliability development test record sheet
Test person in charge
Test result inspection record sheet
Test items
Technical conditions
Test date
Test equipment and instrument records
Product number
Specification and model
Product test items
Equipment person in charge
Validity period of verification
Test start and end dates
Abnormal conditions during the test
Equipment user
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