Some standard content:
Nonferrous metal industry standard of the People's Republic of China S/T 1012002 replaces YS/T 13:1992 Energy consumption for products of copper smelting enterprises Issued on November 22, 2002 Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission Implemented on January 1, 2003 YS/T101—2002 This standard is a revision of YS/T1011952 Energy consumption for products of copper smelting enterprises. Compared with YS/T1-12, this standard has the following modifications: 1 Based on the fact that the majority of the raw materials processed by smelting enterprises are non-ferrous metals, energy consumption grade standards for non-ferrous metallurgical products are formulated. a) Energy conservation:
Read the energy consumption
2. Define the unified energy consumption level standard regardless of the location. , A certain speed section is considered in the energy conservation of the product, 4. Calculation formula GB/Y2E Appendix 1090 Comprehensive Energy Consumption Calculation Rules> etc. This standard is based on the same YS/T101-15S2 Appendix [Average Material Certificate Appendix]. This standard is maintained by the National Nonferrous Metals Association, the National Nonferrous Metals Association Export Standard. The standard is drafted by Xiding Industry Co., Ltd.
This standard is issued by Anxi Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd., Menyin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd., and Xiedu Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd., and is issued by the Emperor's Sales Co., Ltd.
The main authors of this standard are Chongnan Tao, Guan Wei, Che Baodi, Jin Hongjie, Kou Xinqi, Shang Yanzhi, Zhang Si, Gong Jinggu Yun
The Technical Standards Committee of the National Nonferrous Enterprises Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the interpretation of the previous releases of the standards replaced by this standard: Ys/Tl-1s2.
1 Scope
Energy consumption of products of copper smelting enterprises
This standard specifies the energy consumption level indicators and calculation methods for key products of smelting enterprises. YS/T 101—2052
This standard uses the energy consumption of smelting enterprise products for calculation and verification, and is applicable to the assessment of process energy consumption of smelting enterprises' products, except for the process using electric materials containing stone: 2 Normative referenced documents
The following clauses become the clauses of this standard through the use of this standard. A is a referenced document with a date indicated. Any subsequent amendments (excluding errors) or customization are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who have reached an agreement on the effectiveness of these basic standards may consider whether to stop using these documents. The latest versions of these standards shall apply to products not specified in this standard. GB/T125-198 Representation and formulation of reporting limit numbers CIS/T2589-1930 Integrated equipment calculation method B/T348-103 Energy balance of enterprises
Numerical revision regulations
G1/112725:1991 Preparation of energy consumption per unit output of products B11558-15
Industry Enterprise energy allocation plan
3 Requirements
3. "The enterprise must actually consume the various energy sources in its production structure. The external energy refers to the various energy sources actually consumed in production. It includes energy (raw coal, crude oil, natural gas, etc.) secondary energy (such as power, cooked wood, stone products, Kangyan, coal gas, etc.) > Scientific energy 1 (water, oxygen, compressed air, etc.) The energy consumed by the enterprise is mainly used to benefit the production system. Due to the production system, it does not include the daily energy consumption of the approved basic items. In the actual energy consumption of the enterprise, the management source of materials must also include the six internal energy consumption, which refers to the energy consumption of the enterprise system, schools, cultural media, medical care, commercial services and childcare. 3.2 Enterprise planning statistics The energy consumption of the enterprise during the planned statistical period shall be in accordance with formula 1): the energy consumption of the enterprise during the planned statistical period = the energy consumption of the enterprise purchased or stored energy + the energy consumption of the enterprise exported + the energy consumption of the industry + the energy consumption of the industry during the planned statistical period and the energy consumption of the products specified in the plan, which shall comply with formula (2): the energy consumption of the enterprise during the planned statistical period = the energy consumption of the production and processing department + the energy loss of the new production department. The comprehensive energy consumption of all products. The new energy sources of the services shall not be calculated or omitted. The supply and demand relationship is called input. When the two forces are in the same place, the energy consumption of the equipment shutdown should be maintained. The waste heat of the enterprise should be included in the calculation. Do not brush the purchased energy. In the product sequence, the process should be free of more resources. The remaining energy should be calculated by the two characters of the product, the energy of the worker should be used for self-use, and the energy consumption of the worker should be used for the process. In the above-mentioned process, the energy consumption should be calculated by the worker: the waste heat of the recovered coal should be reduced by 1. If it is a waste heat recovery cabinet indicator, it should be marked with similar words, 1
Y5/T 1C1-7002
3.3 The measurement of the amount of energy in the form of physical objects shall comply with the requirements of the Plan of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the provisions on the allocation and management of energy meters in the whole industry. 3.4 The measurement of each type of energy shall be used to estimate the annual production capacity of the enterprise and the energy consumption of the product process (the combined energy consumption of the product). The unit of the combined energy consumption of the product shall be: standard coal, standard coal beam or dry standard coal, ton of standard coal or square meter (tons of standard coal or square meters). The unit of oil: kg: 1011 grams, the unit of k+h can be used as the unit of kk, 1. The unit of k is coke or coke, which can be used as hot refining gas, the unit of air rate of the compressed air box: m, 1nm ( Cubic meter is cubic meter) The unit of water: ton can be ton?
3.5 consultation clock energy thank (single active production viscous energy working medium fixed energy consumption method about standard medium capacity seat use Ai low (position) heating limit identification" 2\.3061(megawatt system> of combustion, called 1 actual baking. Purchase Mengge energy Sichuan take the measured low heating base or the actual thank the unit proposed by the research unit as the basis for calculation, the user statistics department's system calculation zero resistance is A, the total energy and energy conversion control cabinet should be converted into energy value: the enterprise department source conversion user, production, according to the actual nobody light source actual plan to increase the standard out: the production unit in the plan when selling the energy equivalent compensation paid by the competent department: when purchasing and selling, the total standard energy equivalent estimate must be output alternately Every day, the energy consumption of each process is determined by the gold content of the gold concentrate. The monthly heat and electricity consumption of the process is calculated according to the gold content before and after the gold content is lower than the standard. 3.7 and the output difference of the product is calculated: the unit output of the smelting process, the coal production, the copper production, the industry to carry out the overall plan output: the unit product energy of the pyrometallurgical process: the output of the same period should be used as the basis for the calculation of the monthly single product energy consumption. For a group of small companies, the qualified production card for all production within a statistical period should be used, and the data reported by the overall industry planning department shall be used as the basis. 3.8 The above single tray and .1.1 Energy consumption of single tray shall be calculated according to formula 31 and formula 141. The actual energy consumption of each single tray shall be calculated according to formula 31 and formula 141. The actual energy consumption of each single tray shall be calculated according to the actual energy consumption of the previous large energy package. The actual energy consumption of each single tray shall be converted into standard coal (kw), the annual output of the enterprise's maximum product, the hourly output of light coal (1), the actual energy consumption of each standard product (copper, copper, and copper); the actual energy consumption of each standard product shall be converted into standard baking output; when the waste heat collected is included, the waste heat collected and the purchased energy shall be calculated according to formula (1+1). 3.9 Product consumption level classification
The energy consumption of the product shall be classified into level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 according to the energy consumption indicators of the product, process, or product. The energy consumption of the product is not uniform, and the auxiliary energy consumption of each intermediate and auxiliary production department is different. Therefore, the energy consumption table is not specified.
3.1 The energy consumption of auxiliary and auxiliary production systems and the energy consumption of the production materials in the enterprise shall be converted and distributed before the supply is expanded. For example, the energy consumption of each product shall be calculated according to the energy consumption level of the enterprise.
2 Energy consumption level indicators and calculation methods
2.1 Copper energy
4.1. 1 Flame refining process rate refining 1 sequence production H energy two calculation model YS/T 151-2002
from capture and expansion to ice production process, including (ten, energy, demand, recovery group, material transportation: oxygen melting furnace, natural gas furnace and related supporting systems fans, less heat recovery, heat recovery, water compression.) various energy points: rate refining: sequence separation unit consumption direct calculation (5; refining "sequence physical single flower
a treatment of the whole case energy physical belt
(kg,(kw- /-m/t)
The physical unit consumption of gold mud and metal parts is calculated according to the formula (currency): Physical unit consumption of metal mud and metal parts
Gold price adjustment
Check the process consumption of metal mud and metal parts, and the total physical amount of qualified plastic products
In the formula, the total furnace concentrate volume, also includes preparation ore, gold concentrate (containing gold, silver, ice, etc., excluding reagents and returned products of this series.
Participate in the kidney concentrate volume: The total amount of gold concentrate refining, such as the gold concentrate refining rate, will be fast, the total amount of gold-containing light materials through Smelting T sequence service single unit out (7) Calculation: Spot grease filter unit consumption
(probe liquid:)
The various energy consumed in this process is converted into the actual amount of standard blood and the total output of the protective board
formula, when including the recovery of residual heat, according to the 3.2 case. Or (9), (11), or 6) this direction. 4.1.2 Xin refining process Collection. 7 Institute product energy viscosity calculation model ()
From the bun and the output of the rough wound: the bun: the position of the hanging rotation and related supporting systems! Rock, add science machine, shoot with eyes, pollution treatment machine, casting cold machine residual potential recovery. Dust collection...) single consumption of medicine. 4..2.2 Secondary refining process actual annual process according to the generation (8) calculation, secondary refining process actual structure unit
Ikg't, tkw + h)/tm/.) The energy consumption of blowing process is calculated according to the formula; the actual energy consumption of the test unit is the sum of the actual energy consumption of each unit of the two sequences of the European refining machine production certificate
(k: standard butterfly)
4.1.3 Rough process (relative to copper ore) energy consumption.1.3.1 Production calculation
Including smelting plant, refining plant and workshop or sub-workshop, the internal auxiliary parts are shared. Calculation of crude 1 process actual unit pallet by formula (10): net T process actual unit pallet
Day process consumption of non-bamboo energy actual unit
kg?.,tkw .+++tm'/t? Calculation of the following process energy unit pallet by formula: 11: reasonable twist attached production personnel
profit process energy unit pallet reduction of various impact energy actual unit consumption standard media collection qualified required products
Qualified reimbursement personnel Fire refining T. Sequential energy consumption (or called anode refining) is calculated according to the formula (-4> The energy consumption of the fire refining process can be calculated according to the actual amount of various service resources consumed in this process, the sum of the coal and oxygen consumed, the sum of the standard coal/1 Fire refining frequency. 1. Sequential energy consumption index Six-way refining process energy consumption index is determined according to Table 2. 4.2.2 Anode smelting process (concentrate production - anode copper) energy consumption Anode smelting energy consumption is calculated according to formula (15): low-carbon copper refining actual consumption, the energy consumption of the two processes is the sum of the price report cabinet production
(kg/t,(kw - a>/..m:/)
Tai 2 Fire refining process with the same source unit consumption level index cup version
kg coal/
kg standard spot t
k bad coal/1
kg standard coal
capsule color
ore system accounts for the same proportion of science and technology minus 1X: the same level index is also 3.1 wash/t. Anode adjustment smelting process energy unit is calculated according to formula (16):
Anode copper smelting process energy unit sugar
(k standard coal: t)
.. t.4+
.. (.3 3
The process of each energy flow of the actual quantity of the simulated drying screen and qualified anode weak strict quantity
Anode control key refining comprehensive Dong source unit is calculated according to (7): 4.2, 2. 3
Anode copper flame combustion comprehensive
plate copper will be Lianzhou light smelting energy
total energy consumption (k standard coal: three energy consumption units are divided into different locations
.... (1G3 Anode roasting process energy consumption and other indicators control 3 ships to carry out table 3 anode steel smelting process energy consumption and other indicators
4.3 Electrolytic energy consumption
4.3.1 Electrolytic refining process Electrolytic refining three processes, * product energy consumption calculation model
29, 31
YS/T 101—2002
Electrolytic smelting products in the following order shall include: electrolytic solution, purification liquid and related matching systems [after-conversion energy flow, crane, electrolytic electrolyte circulation heating. Energy conservation, plate production, fan. Air conditioning.) and other service consumption. Electrolytic power consumption [or cathode copper production] according to the formula (1%): electrolytic solution power consumption thw.hi
Qualified cathode copper production Gold () standard refining enterprises, electrolytic solution power consumption calculation method: gold (silver) standard refining enterprises, electrolytic process before the state of the power consumption calculation method should comply with the provisions of Table 1, The steam unit consumption of the electrolytic refining plant (minus the weight of 1 hot steam target) is calculated according to formula (10): Electric Lang refining T. Sequence steam unit support:
Read.L sequence hot steam consumption (or heat consumption) qualified attached silver production
Hot heat training according to U3.1kPe saturated heat exchange
Electrolytic refining plant comparable steam unit consumption·According to the temperature and sliding height of different regions, the formula (20) is adopted: Electrolytic technology 1 sequence order compared with natural steam unit consumption to produce solid brand steam unit consumption R.XT!
Geological gas benefit static positive coefficient: south of the Yangtze River, take ", 0, north of the Yangtze River, Shanhaiguan to collect 1.03, Xiaohaiguan north of the United 1.! Height positive coefficient: Haitou: 500: x. Take 1.03 above Table 4 Copper. Gold (silver) annealing smelting enterprise electrolytic clean coal process Mingji copper power consumption meter true method Japanese steel content: g/e)
Electro-culture process Yinbiao River plate kw:
WX1100 -:3,
WX(1X 25.c>K
13*290 A/
WN(13-11. 2336
Residence 1: Use the values listed in the table of the enterprise benefits. The electrolytic smelting process is the same as the actual unit consumption level of the electrolytic smelting process. The actual unit consumption level of the electrolytic smelting process is
. The actual unit consumption level of the electrolytic smelting process is 5. 5
YS/T 101—2002
Real energy
Real energy consumption level index of electrolytic refining process General
Electrolytic box refining process energy level or negative energy level formula! Calculation of electrolytic refining energy level
k standard coal/1)
The sum of the various energy physical quantities consumed in this process converted into standard coal volume Electrolytic energy consumption level index Electrolytic process energy consumption index total position
Ming pole hook treatment (copper will expand a cathode copper) energy moment 4.3.21
consumption level copper smelting 2 energy consumption according to formula (27) engineer: cathode light smelting process energy single
(kg standard refining / t)
+. Big head refining I
technology people ten
pole product position
.....f 21
Technology energy single flower "state product slow fire let refining process national yield ten heart release emotion refining 7 sequence
Medical press thank present position
Ni Pai single sample Double system smelting actual unit consumption calculation
Cathode cabinet cold refining actual average total consumption zero resistance Lang cathode smelting process energy consumption formula (22) calculation etc. Cathode smelting paint self-retained source single tray according to formula 12.5> calculation: Ming Pu copper smelting total energy consumption
k standard coal: : Electrode steel smelting process energy consumption level with identification electrode copper smelting
Medical hot copper smelting and energy
1 Technology energy single frame energy consumption and temperature relative extrapolation product Lang energy chasing freezing process light energy consumption level index book installation? provisions. Table
net pole reversal smelting process management source single standard grade index--grade
4.3.3 no crude copper smelting anode copper (copper, no standard environment refining enterprise treatment of miscellaneous copper system clear pole outline
no random copper smelting gold industry treatment miscellaneous steel technology 1.1.1 design common, period Sa process injury recent single consumption mining and (24) calculation of creative refining process related energy pyrometallurgy smelting 1 hall,
single consumption (hg dry / t)
energy from copper auxiliary physical single form
lang copper policy position
record pole adjustment grade into the pole inquiry point yield
sales practice actual structure single cabinet according to the system special energy single support type (2 calculation. G
-- 22 3
Self-refining plant
Energy consumption Comprehensive energy consumption according to formula 125) Calculate the comprehensive energy consumption of refining process ikg standard coal/t)
Thank you for donating to refining 1. Source consumption level index
Apply. Single flower
Copper refining process energy consumption level index etc. Continue to change the standard table of copper technology auxiliary source
Single flower and tearing share
Table of daily refining process energy consumption level index waiting
kg standard coal/t
kg standard coal
standard coal/t
b standard coal/
By the proportion of steel body material every increase [: level index benefit raise! kg core 4. Annual comparable process energy consumption
YS/T 101—2002
In the calculation of the unit energy consumption of the process step (the unit energy consumption of the product can be calculated according to the comprehensive energy consumption of the steam when it is stored in the basin), the steam source process should also be selected according to the temperature and height of the stationary excitation in different regions: the water safety data of the international data) efficiency calculation: the copper content of the steel core is connected to the copper core! The energy of the flame smelting product is determined and apportioned. YS/T101-2002
(Informative Comparison》
Current Standards for Energy Types
Ton Standard Coal/Ton
Ton Standard Coal/Ton
Standard Coal Per Hour
Liquid Petroleum Gas
(Informative Comparison
Energy Value of Energy-consuming Fluids
Energy Value Trend
New Solution
Comparison Method
.5. 6r
Expanded standard peak/kg yuan!
ton standard algae/ton
ton standard coal/ton
ton standard algae/la
refers to the average self-introduction rate and control power calculation,
parts: by-product
technical support calcium carbide calculation
+average heat transfer electricity etc. engineer
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