Some standard content:
GE 17514-1998 | The formulation and implementation of this standard are of great significance for promoting the application of polyacrylamide in drinking water and sewage treatment. When formulating this standard, we mainly considered the needs of use, referred to the quality data of relevant manufacturers, and conducted a large number of verification tests. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard was formulated by the Water Treatment Agent Branch of the National Technical Committee on Chemical Standardization. This standard was drafted by: China Municipal Engineering Northwest Design and Research Institute, Gansu Baiyin Company Mineral Processing Agent Guang, Shanghai Innovation Amide Factory, Shandong Bo Petrochemical Factory.
The main drafters of this standard: Qiu Benchang, Liu Shuhua, Yang Da, Yong Mingbao, Qiao Changming. 87
1 scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Water treatment agent
ater treat chemicals
Pol yacrylamide
GB 17514-1998
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of the water treatment agent polyacrylamide. This standard applies to nonionic and anionic solid and colloidal polyacrylamide. This product is mainly used as a flocculant for drinking water and sewage treatment. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. All versions shown were valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB 191-1990
Packaging, storage and transportation pictorial mark
GB/T601---1988 Preparation of standard solution for chemical reagent titration analysis (volume analysis) GB/T603--1988 Chemical reagent test Preparation of preparations and products used in the method (neqISO6353-1:1982) GB/T1250-1989 Representation and determination methods of limit numbers 5 Gas chromatography terminology
GB,T 4946--1985||tt| |CBT6003-1985 Test sieve
GB/T 6678-1986
General principles for sampling chemical products
GB/T6682-1992 Analytical laboratory water specifications and test methods (eqvISO3696:1987) 3 Requirements
3.1 Appearance: The bulk polyacrylamide is white or yellowish particles or powder colloid, and the polydiacrylamide is a colorless, slightly yellow transparent colloid. 3.2 Molecular weight: Provided according to user requirements, the relative deviation from the nominal value shall not be greater than 10%. 3.3 Degree of hydrolysis: the absolute difference from the nominal value is not greater than 2%. Dai is provided upon user request. Non-ionic products, with a degree of hydrolysis not greater than 5%
3.4 ??Water treatment agent polystyreneamide should also meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1
refers to
for iron and water use
excellent products
dew storage capacity (solid), %
di-enamide monomer content (ox base), %
bath solution time (anionic type》+mn
approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on October 19, 1998 8
for sewage treatment
other products
qualified products||tt| |87.0
1999-04~01 implementation
dissolution time (non-ionic)+min
sieve residue (1.00 rmtm sieve).%
sieve residue (180fem sieve), %
GB 17514-1998||tt ||Table 1 (End)
For drinking water
Excellent product
1 Colloidal testadiene The solid content of the amide should not be less than the nominal value. 2. If the user has special requirements for the product particle size, another agreement can be made. Test method
etc. tt||150
for sewage treatment
qualified product
10| |tt||80
The reagents and water used in this standard refer to analytical pure reagents and grade three water specified in GB/T6682, unless other requirements are specified. , unless otherwise specified, shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T601GB/T603
4.1 Determination of molecular weight
4.1.1 Method summary
Use 85%/I. Prepare the sample into a dilute solution using a sodium nitrate solution. Use an Ubbelohde viscometer to measure its ultimate viscosity and calculate the molecular weight of the sample according to the empirical formula
4.1.2 Reagents and solutions
4.1. 2.1 Sodium nitrate solution: 85g/L
4.1.3 Instruments and equipment Ubbelohde viscometer (Figure 1): Capillary inner diameter 0.55mm (±2%), 30℃ The time for the 85g/L sodium nitrate solution to flow through the timing marks E and F is between 100 and 130 seconds. Constant overflow water bath: can control 30±0.1℃. Stopwatch: graduation value 0.1. |tt|| Acid-resistant filter funnel: G*40 mL. 4.1.4 Analysis steps Determination of the outflow time of sodium nitrate solution Place the clean and explosive Markov viscometer vertically In a constant shock water bath at 30C ± 1.1C, ball D is completely submerged under the water. Add the sodium nitrate solution filtered through G and acid-resistant filter funnel to between the filling marks G and H of the Ubbelohde viscometer, and keep the temperature constant for 10 to 15 minutes. Put the M tube into a rubber tube and clamp it with ease. Use an ear cleaning ball to absorb the sodium nitrate solution into the D ball. Remove the ear cleaning bulb and open the M tube. Use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for the sodium phosphate solution to flow past the timing mark EF. Repeat the measurement three times, the error does not exceed 0.2s, and take the average value t. Tank 1.4.2 Preparation of test solution
Use a dry and exploded 50mE beaker of known mass to weigh 0.03g of solid sample or an equivalent amount of colloidal sample, accurate to 0.0002g. Dissolve with sodium nitrate solution with a concentration of 85/L. Transfer the entire volume to a 100mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with sodium nitrate solution with a concentration of 85g/L, and shake. Measurement
According to the procedures for measuring the outflow time of sodium nitrate solution in 4.1.4., measure the outflow time of the test solution. 89
GB 175141998
A low storage ball, outer diameter 26mm; B-suspended horizontal ball; C-timing ball, Volume 3.0mL (±0.5%), D - upper storage ball, E, F - timing mark; (, H. - filling mark; l. - mounting tube, outer diameter 11mmzM lower outlet tube, outer diameter 6 mm: N-upper outlet pipe, outer diameter 7mmrP-connecting pipe, inner diameter 6.0mm (±5%) R--working capillary tube, inner diameter 0.50mm (±2%) Figure 1 Ubbelohde viscometer
4.1 .5 Expression of analysis results
The ultimate viscosity number expressed in dL/g [calculated according to formula (1): n
-increased viscosity, 7p
where: p| |tt||7. Relative viscosity,
Concentration of a test solution, g/dL
V2(nsp — lnn)
V 2E(t: /to 1) - In( t,/to2
-the time for the test solution to flow through the timing marks E and F of the viscometer, s; t.
sodium nitrate solution flows through the timing marks of the viscometer E, F time, S, te
-sample mass·g;
- solid content measured in Article 4.3, %
. Molecular weight (M) is calculated according to formula (2):
where: [n—--limiting viscosity number, dL/g
K·M\||tt| |(1
GB 17514--1998
-Empirical constant, the values ??in Table 2 are used depending on the degree of hydrolysis. Table 2
Degree of hydrolysis, %
30||tt ||4.1.6 Allowable difference
3.15× 10-4
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result, and the relative deviation of the two parallel measurement results Not more than 5%. 4.2 Determination of degree of hydrolysis
4.2.1 Method summary
Use methyl orange-indigo sodium sulfonate as indicator and titrate with hydrochloric acid standard titration solution. 4.2.2 Reagents and solutions Hydrochloric acid standard titration solution + c (HCI) is about 0.1mol/1. Methyl orange solution: 1g/L. Indigo.Sodium disulfonate solution: 2.5g/L, use period 10 days. 4.2.3 Analysis steps
Place the 250mL Erlenmeyer flask containing 100mL of water on the electromagnetic stirrer, place the stirrer on it, and start stirring. Weigh about 0.03g of powdered sample. Accurate to 0.0002g. Add to the Erlenmeyer flask and allow to dissolve completely. Or weigh a considerable amount of colloidal sample, accurate to 0.0002, add water to dissolve, transfer all to a 250mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 100ml..
Add 1 drop of methyl orange indicator solution and 1 drop of indigo Sodium disulfonate indicator solution, titrated with hydrochloric acid standard titration solution. The end point is when the solution changes from yellow-green to light gray.
4.2.4 Expression of analysis results
The degree of hydrolysis (H) expressed as a percentage is calculated according to formula (3): cV tt||H
In the formula:--actual concentration of acid standard titration solution, mol/L; volume of hydrochloric acid standard titration solution consumed in one titration, mL; m---sample mass·g;
α1——Solid content measured in Article 4.3, %; 0.071-1 is equivalent to 1.00ml hydrochloric acid solution Lc(HCl)=1.000mol/1.] in grams The mass of the acrylamide bond represented; 0.023---the difference in millimole mass of sodium acrylate and acrylamide. 4.2.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result, and the absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results is not greater than 1%. 4.3 Determination of solid content
4.3.1 Method summary
Use a vacuum drying oven to dry the sample under reduced pressure, and calculate the solid content based on the mass of the sample before and after drying. 4.3.2 Instruments and equipment
General laboratory instruments and Vacuum drying oven: The temperature can be controlled at 105℃±2℃. 91 Weighing bottle: $40mm×30mm. 4.3.3 Analysis steps
GB 175141998
Use a weighing bottle that has been dried at 105℃ ± 2C with constant weight to weigh about 1 sample, accurate to 0.0002, and place it in a vacuum drying oven middle. Dry for 4 hours at 105°C ± 2°C and a gauge pressure of about 0.095MPa. Take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature and weigh until it reaches constant weight. 4.3.4 Expression of analysis of nesting
The solid content (x1) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): ml mo×100
The mass of the sample and the weighing bottle after drying g ,
where: m,
weighing bottle mass +?
m—sample mass g
4.3.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 0.5% for solid products and not greater than 0.3% for colloidal products.
4.4 Determination of acrylamide monomer content
4.4.1 Method summary
Diffuse polyacrylamide with a methanol-water solution of specified volume and concentration to equilibrium, and measure by gas chromatography The area of ??the chromatographic peak of acrylamide in the solution was measured.
4.4.2 Reagents and Materials Methanol. Methanol-water mixed solvent: volume ratio 8*2. Fluorine gas: purity 99.99%. Carrier Chromosorb W-HP type, particle size 180--250 μm. Stationary solution: polyethylene glycol, molecular weight 20000. 4.4.3 Instruments and equipment
... General experimental instruments and Gas chromatograph: with hydrogen flame ionization Detector with sensitivity less than or equal to 1×10-1°g/s. Injector: 2uL or 5L microsyringe, Chromatographic column: a stainless steel column with a length of 2m and an inner diameter of 3mm. The filling surface is coated with a Chromasorbw-HP carrier with a mass ratio of 20% ethylene glycol fixative. Before use, the column needs to be aged at 175~180C with a fluorine gas flow of 20mL/min for 12h with t recorder: full scalar volume 5mV.
4.4.4 Preparation of test solution Powdered polyacrylamide test solution
Weigh 2.9-3.1g in a dry 100mL stoppered ground-mouth conical flask For the sample, push it to 0.0002g, use a pipette to transfer 30mL of the mixed solvent and place it in it, and cap the bottle. Shake the Erlenmeyer flask to disperse the sample evenly and place it at room temperature for 20 hours. Then properly fix the Erlenmeyer flask on the Conis shaker without loosening the cork, and shake at room temperature for 4 hours. After standing, take the supernatant liquid as the sample solution. Note: In addition to using a Conis oscillator, an electromagnetic stirrer can also be used to stir the sample. Colloidal acrylamide test solution
Weigh 9-~11g sample into a dry 250mL male-shaped bottle with a stopper and ground mouth, and estimate the accuracy to 0.0002. Add methanol equivalent to 4 times the water volume of the sample. Cap the bottle stopper and operate according to 4.4.5 Analysis steps
92 Adjust the instrument
Gasification chamber temperature: 230°C.
Pillar photo: 165℃.
Detector sensitivity: 230~240℃
GB 17514---1998
Gas flow rate: nitrogen flow rate 20mL/min; hydrogen flow rate 50mL/min, air flow rate 550ml/min . Pre-column pressure: about 0.16MPa.
Recorder paper feeding speed: Select appropriately according to requirements and chromatographic peak width. Calibration External standard method
shall be carried out according to Article 5.1.5 in GB/T4946. Preparation of acrylamide standard sample. The industrial or chemically pure solid acrylamide is subjected to secondary recrystallization to obtain an acrylamide standard sample with a content of 99%. Preparation of flash acrylamide standard solution Weigh C.1000g ± 0.0001z acrylamide and place it in a 100mL beaker. Add about 15mL of mixed solvent to dissolve. Transfer all to a 50nl volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with a mixed solvent to obtain an acrylamide standard solution with a content of 2.00mg/mL. Use a pipette to take 5mlL and 10mL of acrylamide standard solution with a content of 2.00mg/mL into a 20mL volumetric flask, and dilute to the mark with a mixed solvent to obtain acrylamide with a content of 0.50mg/mL and 1.00mg/ml. Use a pipette to absorb 5ml of the standard solution. The standard acrylamide solution with a content of 2.00mz/mL is placed in a 50ml volumetric flask. Dilute to the mark with a mixed solvent to obtain an acrylamide standard solution with a content of 0.20mz/ml. Use a pipette to absorb 1, 2, and 5.10 mL of acrylamide standard solutions with a content of 0.20 mg/mL, add them to four 20 mL volumetric flasks, and dilute to the mark with a mixture to obtain contents of 0.01, mg respectively. /ml.acrylamide standard solution. Drawing of working curve
Adjust the chromatograph according to to stabilize it for a period of time. After the recorder baseline becomes a straight line, use a micro-syringe to draw contents of 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, Inject 2 μl of each acrylamide standard solution of 0.10, 0.20,, and 2.00 mg/mL into the gas chromatograph, and adjust the attenuation appropriately so that the chromatographic bee is in the appropriate position on the recording paper. Calculate the area based on the chromatographic bee size of different lactenamide standard solutions recorded by the recorder. On the effective logarithmic coordinate paper, draw the working curve with the content of each acrylamide standard solution as the abscissa and the corresponding chromatographic peak area as the ordinate. Two working curves can be drawn: a straight line is obtained by plotting the points with acrylamide content equal to and less than 0.20mg/ml. against the corresponding chromatographic peak areas; and plotting the corresponding points with acrylamide content greater than 0.10mg/ml. The chromatographic peak area is plotted to obtain another straight line. Thin determination
Under the conditions of, draw the 2 test solutions and inject them into the gas chromatograph to obtain the corresponding chromatogram. Calculate the area based on the recorded chromatographic peak size of carnamide in the test solution. From the chromatographic peak area, the corresponding acrylamide content can be found on the working curve. 4.4.6 Expression of analysis results
The two-enamide monomer content expressed as mass percentage (Work 2) is calculated according to formula (5): ay
x ??m1000 ×100
Formula Medium: α-acrylamide content determined from the working curve, mgmL, m-sample mass?g:
—solid content of the sample measured in Article 4.3, %, V--methanol in the test solution and the volume of water. mL5 )
4.4.7 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of three parallel measurement results to determine the measurement result. The relative difference between a single measured value and the arithmetic mean should not be greater than 93
4.5 Determination of dissolution time
4.5.1 Method summary
GB 17514--1998
As the sample continues to dissolve, the conductance value of the solution continues to increase . After all is dissolved, the conductivity value remains constant. When a certain amount of sample is dissolved in a certain amount of water, the time required for the conductivity value to reach a constant value is the dissolution time of the sample. 4.5.2 Instruments and equipment Conductivity meter: measuring range (0~~105)μ2/cm, equipped with a recorder, measuring range 4mV. Thermostatic bath: The temperature can be controlled at 30℃±1℃. Electromagnetic stirrer: equipped with heating and temperature control devices, equipped with a stirrer with a length of 3cm. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Place a 200mL beaker containing 100ml of water and a stirrer into the constant temperature bath on the electromagnetic stirrer. Insert the electrode of the conductivity meter into the beaker, with a distance of 5~10mm from the wall of the beaker, and a distance of about 5mm from the stirring bar. Start the electromagnetic stirring and adjust the liquid level to about 20mm. Turn on the heating device, raise the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 30℃±1℃, and keep the temperature constant for 10~~15min. Adjust the linear speed of the recording paper and select the conductivity meter range. Weigh 0.040g ± 0.002g of sample and add it into the beaker from the upper part of the vortex. When the conductance value indicated by the recorder does not change within 3 minutes, stop the test. 4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The time from adding the sample to when the conductivity value becomes constant is the dissolution time. The dissolution time expressed in min is converted from the paper path length of the recorder. 4.5.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 5 minutes. 4.6 Determination of sieve residue
4.6.1 Method summary
Place a certain amount of sample in the test sieve, sieve on the vibrating sieve machine for a certain time, and calculate the sieve residue of different sieves . 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve: in line with the regulations of GB/T6003, specifications: $200mm×50mm, equipped with 1.00mm mesh sieve tray, 180um sieve mesh sieve tray and sieve cover , chassis. Vibrating screen machine: The eccentric frequency is about 350 times per minute. 4.6.3 Analysis steps
Install the weighed chassis, sieve plate with 180μm mesh, and sieve plate with 1.00mm mesh from bottom to top. Weigh about 200g of the sample, accurate to 1, place it in the uppermost test sieve, cover the sieve cover, and fix it on the vibrating sieve machine. Start the vibrating screen machine to screen for 20 minutes.
After the vibration is completed, carefully separate the sieve stack one by one from top to bottom, and quickly weigh each test sieve containing the sieve residue and the bottom plate containing the sieve residue (accurate to 1g).
4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The 1.00mm sieve residue (work 3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (6): m2 m × 100
α || tt | mass.g.
180μm sieve residue (aa) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): m._ m2 × 100
GB 17514---1998
In the formula: m4--the quality of the sieve plate and material of the 180m screen mesh, g+m3 The quality of the sieve plate of the 180um screen mesh , g;
m sample mass?g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 2%. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 All index items specified in this standard are outgoing inspection items. They shall be inspected batch by batch by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory All meet the requirements of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Each batch of solid products shall not exceed 1t. Colloidal products shall be batched in kettles. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. When sampling solid products, insert the sampler vertically to 3/4 of the depth of the material layer to sample. Use the quartering method to divide the sampled product into no less than 200g: when sampling colloidal samples, use a glass tube or vinyl plastic tube to insert it to 2/3 of the depth for sampling, with a total volume of no less than 200mL, and pack into two pieces. In a clean, dry, wide-mouth bottle with a grinding mouth, seal it: put a label on the bottle, indicating: production name, product name, model, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for testing and the other bottle is kept for three months for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples from twice the amount of package units should be re-sampled for verification. If any of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 Use the repair value comparison method stipulated in GB/T1250 to determine whether the nesting maturity meets the requirements. 5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Quality Law of the People's Republic of China". 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage
6.1 The packaging of water treatment agent polyacrylamide should be painted with a firm mark, including: manufacturer name, product name, model, grade, trademark, batch number or production Date, net weight, factory address, and the mark 4 "Afraid of heat" and the mark 7 "Afraid of moisture" specified in GB191. 6.2 Each batch of water treatment agent polyacrylamide shipped from the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, Model, grade molecular weight, batch number or production date, net weight, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and this standard number. 6.3 The water treatment agent polyacrylamide (body) is packed in a double-layered polyethylene plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 10%. 0.1mm: When packaging, use vinyl rope or rope of equivalent quality to tie the mouth. The outer packaging should be polypropylene plastic woven bags or wooden barrels or iron barrels. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with Youmei regulations. The net weight of each bag () is 25kg. Or 50kg, or determined according to user requirements. Colloidal polylacrylamide is packed in vinyl drums, with a net weight of 25K per drum; or in iron drums with polyethylene plastic film bags inside, with a net weight of 50kg or 200kg per drum || tt||6.4 Careful tools should be used during transportation to prevent rain and exposure. 6.5 The storage period of water treatment agent polyacrylamide is two years for solids and six years for colloids. Month. 95
Inject 2 μl of each 00 mg/mL acrylamide standard solution into the gas chromatograph, and adjust the attenuation appropriately so that the chromatographic bee is in the appropriate position on the recording paper. Calculate the area based on the chromatographic bee size of different lactenamide standard solutions recorded by the recorder. On the effective logarithmic coordinate paper, draw the working curve with the content of each acrylamide standard solution as the abscissa and the corresponding chromatographic peak area as the ordinate. Two working curves can be drawn: a straight line is obtained by plotting the points with acrylamide content equal to and less than 0.20mg/ml. against the corresponding chromatographic peak areas; and plotting the corresponding points with acrylamide content greater than 0.10mg/ml. Plot the chromatographic peak area to get another straight line. Thin determination
Under the conditions of, draw the 2 test solutions and inject them into the gas chromatograph to obtain the corresponding chromatogram. Calculate the area based on the recorded chromatographic peak size of carnamide in the test solution. From the chromatographic peak area, the corresponding acrylamide content can be found on the working curve. 4.4.6 Expression of analysis results
The two-enamide monomer content expressed as mass percentage (Work 2) is calculated according to formula (5): ay
x ??m1000 ×100
Formula Medium: α-acrylamide content determined from the working curve, mgmL, m-sample mass?g:
—solid content of the sample measured in Article 4.3, %, V--methanol in the test solution and the volume of water. mL5 )
4.4.7 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of three parallel measurement results to determine the measurement result. The relative difference between a single measured value and the arithmetic mean should not be greater than 93
4.5 Determination of dissolution time
4.5.1 Method summary
GB 17514--1998
As the sample continues to dissolve, the conductance value of the solution continues to increase . After all is dissolved, the conductivity value remains constant. When a certain amount of sample is dissolved in a certain amount of water, the time required for the conductivity value to reach a constant value is the dissolution time of the sample. 4.5.2 Instruments and equipment Conductivity meter: measuring range (0~~105)μ2/cm, equipped with a recorder, measuring range 4mV. Thermostatic bath: The temperature can be controlled at 30℃±1℃. Electromagnetic stirrer: equipped with heating and temperature control devices, equipped with a stirrer with a length of 3cm. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Place a 200mL beaker containing 100ml of water and a stirrer into the constant temperature bath on the electromagnetic stirrer. Insert the electrode of the conductivity meter into the beaker, with a distance of 5~10mm from the wall of the beaker, and a distance of about 5mm from the stirring bar. Start the electromagnetic stirring and adjust the liquid level to about 20mm. Turn on the heating device, raise the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 30℃±1℃, and keep the temperature constant for 10~~15min. Adjust the linear speed of the recording paper and select the conductivity meter range. Weigh 0.040g ± 0.002g of sample and add it into the beaker from the upper part of the vortex. When the conductivity value indicated by the recorder does not change within 3 minutes, stop the test. 4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The time from adding the sample to when the conductivity value becomes constant is the dissolution time. The dissolution time expressed in min is converted from the paper path length of the recorder. 4.5.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 5 minutes. 4.6 Determination of sieve residue
4.6.1 Method summary
Place a certain amount of sample in the test sieve, sieve on the vibrating sieve machine for a certain time, and calculate the sieve residue of different sieves . 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve: in line with the regulations of GB/T6003, specifications: $200mm×50mm, equipped with 1.00mm mesh sieve tray, 180um sieve mesh sieve tray and sieve cover , chassis. Vibrating screen machine: The eccentric frequency is about 350 times per minute. 4.6.3 Analysis steps
Install the weighed chassis, sieve plate with 180μm mesh, and sieve plate with 1.00mm mesh from bottom to top. Weigh about 200g of the sample, accurate to 1, place it in the uppermost test sieve, cover the sieve cover, and fix it on the vibrating sieve machine. Start the vibrating screen machine to screen for 20 minutes.
After the vibration, carefully separate the sieve stack one by one from top to bottom, and quickly weigh each test sieve containing the sieve residue and the bottom plate containing the sieve residue (accurate to 1g).
4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The 1.00mm sieve residue (work 3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (6): m2 m × 100
α || tt | mass.g.
180μm sieve residue (aa) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): m._ m2 × 100
GB 17514---1998
In the formula: m4--the quality of the sieve plate and material of the 180m screen mesh, g+m3 The quality of the sieve plate of the 180um screen mesh , g;
m sample mass?g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 2%. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 All index items stipulated in this standard are outgoing inspection items. They shall be inspected batch by batch by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory All meet the requirements of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect and accept the products received in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Each batch of solid products shall not exceed 1t. Colloidal products shall be batched in kettles. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. When sampling solid products, insert the sampler vertically to 3/4 of the depth of the material layer to sample. Use the quartering method to divide the sampled product into no less than 200g: when sampling colloidal samples, use a glass tube or vinyl plastic tube to insert it to 2/3 of the depth for sampling, with a total volume of no less than 200mL, and pack into two pieces. In a clean, dry, wide-mouth bottle with a grinding mouth, seal it: put a label on the bottle, indicating: production name, product name, model, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for testing and the other bottle is kept for three months for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples from twice the amount of package units should be re-sampled for verification. If any of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 Use the repair value comparison method stipulated in GB/T1250 to determine whether the nesting maturity meets the requirements. 5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Quality Law of the People's Republic of China". 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage
6.1 The packaging of water treatment agent polyacrylamide should be painted with a firm mark, including: manufacturer name, product name, model, grade, trademark, batch number or production Date, net weight, factory address, and the mark 4 "Afraid of heat" and the mark 7 "Afraid of moisture" specified in GB191. 6.2 Each batch of water treatment agent polyacrylamide shipped from the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, Model, grade molecular weight, batch number or production date, net weight, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and this standard number. 6.3 The water treatment agent polyacrylamide (body) is packed in a double-layered polyethylene plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 10%. 0.1mm: When packaging, use vinyl rope or rope of equivalent quality to tie the mouth. The outer packaging should be polypropylene plastic woven bags or wooden barrels or iron barrels. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with Youmei regulations. The net weight of each bag () is 25kg. Or 50kg, or determined according to user requirements. Colloidal polylacrylamide is packed in vinyl drums, with a net weight of 25K per drum; or in iron drums with polyethylene plastic film bags inside, with a net weight of 50kg or 200kg per drum || tt||6.4 Careful tools should be used during transportation to prevent rain and exposure. 6.5 The storage period of water treatment agent polyacrylamide is two years for solids and six years for colloids. Month. 95
Inject 2 μl of each 00 mg/mL acrylamide standard solution into the gas chromatograph, and adjust the attenuation appropriately so that the chromatographic bee is in the appropriate position on the recording paper. Calculate the area based on the chromatographic bee size of different lactenamide standard solutions recorded by the recorder. On the effective logarithmic coordinate paper, draw the working curve with the content of each acrylamide standard solution as the abscissa and the corresponding chromatographic peak area as the ordinate. Two working curves can be drawn: a straight line is obtained by plotting the points with acrylamide content equal to and less than 0.20mg/ml. against the corresponding chromatographic peak areas; and plotting the corresponding points with acrylamide content greater than 0.10mg/ml. The chromatographic peak area is plotted to obtain another straight line. Thin determination
Under the conditions of, draw the 2 test solutions and inject them into the gas chromatograph to obtain the corresponding chromatogram. Calculate the area based on the recorded chromatographic peak size of carnamide in the test solution. From the chromatographic peak area, the corresponding acrylamide content can be found on the working curve. 4.4.6 Expression of analysis results
The two-enamide monomer content expressed as mass percentage (Work 2) is calculated according to formula (5): ay
x ??m1000 ×100
Formula Medium: α-acrylamide content determined from the working curve, mgmL, m-sample mass?g:
—solid content of the sample measured in Article 4.3, %, V--methanol in the test solution and the volume of water. mL5 )
4.4.7 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of three parallel measurement results to determine the measurement result. The relative difference between a single measured value and the arithmetic mean should not be greater than 93
4.5 Determination of dissolution time
4.5.1 Method summary
GB 17514--1998
As the sample continues to dissolve, the conductance value of the solution continues to increase . After all is dissolved, the conductivity value remains constant. When a certain amount of sample is dissolved in a certain amount of water, the time required for the conductivity value to reach a constant value is the dissolution time of the sample. 4.5.2 Instruments and equipment Conductivity meter: measuring range (0~~105)μ2/cm, equipped with a recorder, measuring range 4mV. Thermostatic bath: The temperature can be controlled at 30℃±1℃. Electromagnetic stirrer: equipped with heating and temperature control devices, equipped with a stirrer with a length of 3cm. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Place a 200mL beaker containing 100ml of water and a stirrer into the constant temperature bath on the electromagnetic stirrer. Insert the electrode of the conductivity meter into the beaker, with a distance of 5~10mm from the wall of the beaker, and a distance of about 5mm from the stirring bar. Start the electromagnetic stirring and adjust the liquid level to about 20mm. Turn on the heating device, raise the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 30℃±1℃, and keep the temperature constant for 10~~15min. Adjust the linear speed of the recording paper and select the conductivity meter range. Weigh 0.040g ± 0.002g of sample and add it into the beaker from the upper part of the vortex. When the conductance value indicated by the recorder does not change within 3 minutes, stop the test. 4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The time from adding the sample to when the conductivity value becomes constant is the dissolution time. The dissolution time expressed in min is converted from the paper path length of the recorder. 4.5.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 5 minutes. 4.6 Determination of sieve residue
4.6.1 Method summary
Place a certain amount of sample in the test sieve, sieve on the vibrating sieve machine for a certain time, and calculate the sieve residue of different sieves . 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve: in line with the regulations of GB/T6003, specifications: $200mm×50mm, equipped with 1.00mm mesh sieve tray, 180um sieve mesh sieve tray and sieve cover , chassis. Vibrating screen machine: The eccentric frequency is about 350 times per minute. 4.6.3 Analysis steps
Install the weighed chassis, sieve plate with 180μm mesh, and sieve plate with 1.00mm mesh from bottom to top. Weigh about 200g of the sample, accurate to 1, place it in the uppermost test sieve, cover the sieve cover, and fix it on the vibrating sieve machine. Start the vibrating screen machine to screen for 20 minutes.
After the vibration, carefully separate the sieve stack one by one from top to bottom, and quickly weigh each test sieve containing the sieve residue and the bottom plate containing the sieve residue (accurate to 1g).
4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The 1.00mm sieve residue (work 3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (6): m2 m × 100
α || tt | mass.g.
180μm sieve residue (aa) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): m._ m2 × 100
GB 17514---1998
In the formula: m4--the quality of the sieve plate and material of the 180m screen mesh, g+m3 The quality of the sieve plate of the 180um screen mesh , g;
m sample mass?g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 2%. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 All index items stipulated in this standard are outgoing inspection items. They shall be inspected batch by batch by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory All meet the requirements of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Each batch of solid products shall not exceed 1t. Colloidal products shall be batched in kettles. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. When sampling solid products, insert the sampler vertically to 3/4 of the depth of the material layer to sample. Use the quartering method to divide the sampled product into no less than 200g: when sampling colloidal samples, use a glass tube or vinyl plastic tube to insert it to 2/3 of the depth for sampling, with a total volume of no less than 200mL, and pack into two pieces. In a clean, dry, wide-mouth bottle with a grinding mouth, seal it: put a label on the bottle, indicating: production name, product name, model, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for testing and the other bottle is kept for three months for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples from twice the amount of package units should be re-sampled for verification. If any of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 Use the repair value comparison method stipulated in GB/T1250 to determine whether the nesting maturity meets the requirements. 5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Quality Law of the People's Republic of China". 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage
6.1 The packaging of water treatment agent polyacrylamide should be painted with a firm mark, including: manufacturer name, product name, model, grade, trademark, batch number or production Date, net weight, factory address, and the mark 4 "Afraid of heat" and the mark 7 "Afraid of moisture" specified in GB191. 6.2 Each batch of water treatment agent polyacrylamide shipped from the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, Model, grade molecular weight, batch number or production date, net weight, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and this standard number. 6.3 The water treatment agent polyacrylamide (body) is packed in a double-layered polyethylene plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 10%. 0.1mm: When packaging, use vinyl rope or rope of equivalent quality to tie the mouth. The outer packaging should be polypropylene plastic woven bags or wooden barrels or iron barrels. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with Youmei regulations. The net weight of each bag () is 25kg. Or 50kg, or determined according to user requirements. Colloidal polylacrylamide is packed in vinyl drums, with a net weight of 25K per drum; or in iron drums with polyethylene plastic film bags inside, with a net weight of 50kg or 200kg per drum || tt||6.4 Careful tools should be used during transportation to prevent rain and exposure. 6.5 The storage period of water treatment agent polyacrylamide is two years for solids and six years for colloids. Month. 95
Under the conditions of Article 1, draw the test solution from Article 2 and inject it into the gas chromatograph to obtain the corresponding chromatogram. Calculate the area based on the recorded chromatographic peak size of carnamide in the test solution. From the chromatographic peak area, the corresponding acrylamide content can be found on the working curve. 4.4.6 Expression of analysis results
The two-enamide monomer content expressed as mass percentage (Work 2) is calculated according to formula (5): ay
x ??m1000 ×100
Formula Medium: α-acrylamide content determined from the working curve, mgmL, m-sample mass?g:
—solid content of the sample measured in Article 4.3, %, V--methanol in the test solution and the volume of water. mL5 )
4.4.7 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of three parallel measurement results to determine the measurement result. The relative difference between a single measured value and the arithmetic mean should not be greater than 93
4.5 Determination of dissolution time
4.5.1 Method summary
GB 17514--1998
As the sample continues to dissolve, the conductance value of the solution continues to increase . After all is dissolved, the conductivity value remains constant. When a certain amount of sample is dissolved in a certain amount of water, the time required for the conductivity value to reach a constant value is the dissolution time of the sample. 4.5.2 Instruments and equipment Conductivity meter: measuring range (0~~105)μ2/cm, equipped with a recorder, measuring range 4mV. Thermostatic bath: The temperature can be controlled at 30℃±1℃. Electromagnetic stirrer: equipped with heating and temperature control devices, equipped with a stirrer with a length of 3cm. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Place a 200mL beaker containing 100ml of water and a stirrer into the constant temperature bath on the electromagnetic stirrer. Insert the electrode of the conductivity meter into the beaker, with a distance of 5~10mm from the wall of the beaker, and a distance of about 5mm from the stirring bar. Start the electromagnetic stirring and adjust the liquid level to about 20mm. Turn on the heating device, raise the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 30℃±1℃, and keep the temperature constant for 10~~15min. Adjust the linear speed of the recording paper and select the conductivity meter range. Weigh 0.040g ± 0.002g of sample and add it into the beaker from the upper part of the vortex. When the conductance value indicated by the recorder does not change within 3 minutes, stop the test. 4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The time from adding the sample to when the conductivity value becomes constant is the dissolution time. The dissolution time expressed in min is converted from the paper path length of the recorder. 4.5.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 5 minutes. 4.6 Determination of sieve residue
4.6.1 Method summary
Place a certain amount of sample in the test sieve, sieve on the vibrating sieve machine for a certain time, and calculate the sieve residue of different sieves . 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve: in line with the regulations of GB/T6003, specifications: $200mm×50mm, equipped with 1.00mm mesh sieve tray, 180um sieve mesh sieve tray and sieve cover , chassis. Vibrating screen machine: The eccentric frequency is about 350 times per minute. 4.6.3 Analysis steps
Install the weighed chassis, sieve plate with 180μm mesh, and sieve plate with 1.00mm mesh from bottom to top. Weigh about 200g of the sample, accurate to 1, place it in the uppermost test sieve, cover the sieve cover, and fix it on the vibrating sieve machine. Start the vibrating screen machine to screen for 20 minutes.
After the vibration is completed, carefully separate the sieve stack one by one from top to bottom, and quickly weigh each test sieve containing the sieve residue and the bottom plate containing the sieve residue (accurate to 1g).
4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The 1.00mm sieve residue (work 3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (6): m2 m × 100
α || tt | mass.g.
180μm sieve residue (aa) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): m._ m2 × 100
GB 17514---1998
In the formula: m4--the quality of the sieve plate and material of the 180m screen mesh, g+m3 The quality of the sieve plate of the 180um screen mesh , g;
m sample mass?g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 2%. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 All index items stipulated in this standard are outgoing inspection items. They shall be inspected batch by batch by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory All meet the requirements of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Each batch of solid products shall not exceed 1t. Colloidal products shall be batched in kettles. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. When sampling solid products, insert the sampler vertically to 3/4 of the depth of the material layer to sample. Use the quartering method to divide the sampled product into no less than 200g: when sampling colloidal samples, use a glass tube or vinyl plastic tube to insert it to 2/3 of the depth for sampling, with a total volume of no less than 200mL, and pack into two pieces. In a clean, dry, wide-mouth bottle with a grinding mouth, seal it: put a label on the bottle, indicating: production name, product name, model, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for testing and the other bottle is kept for three months for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples from twice the amount of package units should be re-sampled for verification. If any of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 Use the repair value comparison method stipulated in GB/T1250 to determine whether the nesting maturity meets the requirements. 5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Quality Law of the People's Republic of China". 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage
6.1 The packaging of water treatment agent polyacrylamide should be painted with a firm mark, including: manufacturer name, product name, model, grade, trademark, batch number or production Date, net weight, factory address, and the mark 4 "Afraid of heat" and the mark 7 "Afraid of moisture" specified in GB191. 6.2 Each batch of water treatment agent polyacrylamide shipped from the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, Model, grade molecular weight, batch number or production date, net weight, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and this standard number. 6.3 The water treatment agent polyacrylamide (body) is packed in a double-layered polyethylene plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 10%. 0.1mm: When packaging, use vinyl rope or rope of equivalent quality to tie the mouth. The outer packaging should be polypropylene plastic woven bags or wooden barrels or iron barrels. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with Youmei regulations. The net weight of each bag () is 25kg. Or 50kg, or determined according to user requirements. Colloidal polylacrylamide is packed in vinyl drums, with a net weight of 25K per drum; or in iron drums with polyethylene plastic film bags inside, with a net weight of 50kg or 200kg per drum || tt||6.4 Careful tools should be used during transportation to prevent rain and exposure. 6.5 The storage period of water treatment agent polyacrylamide is two years for solids and six years for colloids. Month. 95
Under the conditions of Article 1, draw the test solution from Article 2 and inject it into the gas chromatograph to obtain the corresponding chromatogram. Calculate the area based on the recorded chromatographic peak size of carnamide in the test solution. From the chromatographic peak area, the corresponding acrylamide content can be found on the working curve. 4.4.6 Expression of analysis results
The two-enamide monomer content expressed as mass percentage (Work 2) is calculated according to formula (5): ay
x ??m1000 ×100
Formula Medium: α-acrylamide content determined from the working curve, mgmL, m-sample mass?g:
—solid content of the sample measured in Article 4.3, %, V--methanol in the test solution and the volume of water. mL5 )
4.4.7 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of three parallel measurement results to determine the measurement result. The relative difference between a single measured value and the arithmetic mean should not be greater than 93
4.5 Determination of dissolution time
4.5.1 Method summary
GB 17514--1998
As the sample continues to dissolve, the conductance value of the solution continues to increase . After all is dissolved, the conductivity value remains constant. When a certain amount of sample is dissolved in a certain amount of water, the time required for the conductivity value to reach a constant value is the dissolution time of the sample. 4.5.2 Instruments and equipment Conductivity meter: measuring range (0~~105)μ2/cm, equipped with a recorder, measuring range 4mV. Thermostatic bath: The temperature can be controlled at 30℃±1℃. Electromagnetic stirrer: equipped with heating and temperature control devices, equipped with a stirrer with a length of 3cm. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Place a 200mL beaker containing 100ml of water and a stirrer into the constant temperature bath on the electromagnetic stirrer. Insert the electrode of the conductivity meter into the beaker, with a distance of 5~10mm from the wall of the beaker, and a distance of about 5mm from the stirring bar. Start the electromagnetic stirring and adjust the liquid level to about 20mm. Turn on the heating device, raise the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 30℃±1℃, and keep the temperature constant for 10~~15min. Adjust the linear speed of the recording paper and select the conductivity meter range. Weigh 0.040g ± 0.002g of sample and add it into the beaker from the upper part of the vortex. When the conductance value indicated by the recorder does not change within 3 minutes, stop the test. 4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The time from adding the sample to when the conductivity value becomes constant is the dissolution time. The dissolution time expressed in min is converted from the paper path length of the recorder. 4.5.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 5 minutes. 4.6 Determination of sieve residue
4.6.1 Method summary
Place a certain amount of sample in the test sieve, sieve on the vibrating sieve machine for a certain time, and calculate the sieve residue of different sieves . 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve: in line with the regulations of GB/T6003, specifications: $200mm×50mm, equipped with 1.00mm mesh sieve tray, 180um sieve mesh sieve tray and sieve cover , chassis. Vibrating screen machine: The eccentric frequency is about 350 times per minute. 4.6.3 Analysis steps
Install the weighed chassis, sieve plate with 180μm mesh, and sieve plate with 1.00mm mesh from bottom to top. Weigh about 200g of the sample, accurate to 1, place it in the uppermost test sieve, cover the sieve cover, and fix it on the vibrating sieve machine. Start the vibrating screen machine to screen for 20 minutes.
After the vibration is completed, carefully separate the sieve stack one by one from top to bottom, and quickly weigh each test sieve containing the sieve residue and the bottom plate containing the sieve residue (accurate to 1g).
4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The 1.00mm sieve residue (work 3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (6): m2 m × 100
α || tt | mass.g.
180μm sieve residue (aa) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): m._ m2 × 100
GB 17514---1998
In the formula: m4--the quality of the sieve plate and material of the 180m screen mesh, g+m3 The quality of the sieve plate of the 180um screen mesh , g;
m sample mass?g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 2%. 5 Inspection Rules
5.1 All index items specified in this standard are outgoing inspection items. They shall be inspected batch by batch by the quality supervision and inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory All meet the requirements of this standard. 5.2 The user has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Each batch of solid products shall not exceed 1t. Colloidal products shall be batched in kettles. 5.4 Determine the number of sampling units according to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678-1986. When sampling solid products, insert the sampler vertically to 3/4 of the depth of the material layer to sample. Use the quartering method to divide the sampled product into no less than 200g: when sampling colloidal samples, use a glass tube or vinyl plastic tube to insert it to 2/3 of the depth for sampling, with a total volume of no less than 200mL, and pack into two pieces. In a clean, dry, wide-mouth bottle with a grinding mouth, seal it: put a label on the bottle, indicating: production name, product name, model, batch number, sampling date and name of the sampler. One bottle is for testing and the other bottle is kept for three months for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, samples from twice the amount of package units should be re-sampled for verification. If any of the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products cannot be accepted. 5.6 Use the repair value comparison method stipulated in GB/T1250 to determine whether the nesting maturity meets the requirements. 5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to product quality, they shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Quality Law of the People's Republic of China". 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage
6.1 The packaging of water treatment agent polyacrylamide should be painted with a firm mark, including: manufacturer name, product name, model, grade, trademark, batch number or production Date, net weight, factory address, and the mark 4 "Afraid of heat" and the mark 7 "Afraid of moisture" specified in GB191. 6.2 Each batch of water treatment agent polyacrylamide shipped from the factory should be accompanied by a quality certificate, including: manufacturer name, product name, Model, grade molecular weight, batch number or production date, net weight, proof that the product quality complies with this standard and this standard number. 6.3 The water treatment agent polyacrylamide (body) is packed in a double-layered polyethylene plastic film bag with a thickness of not less than 10%. 0.1mm: When packaging, use vinyl rope or rope of equivalent quality to tie the mouth. The outer packaging should be polypropylene plastic woven bags or wooden barrels or iron barrels. Its performance and inspection methods should comply with Youmei regulations. The net weight of each bag () is 25kg. Or 50kg, or determined according to user requirements. Colloidal polylacrylamide is packed in vinyl drums, with a net weight of 25K per drum; or in iron drums with polyethylene plastic film bags inside, with a net weight of 50kg or 200kg per drum || tt||6.4 Careful tools should be used during transportation to prevent rain and exposure. 6.5 The storage period of water treatment agent polyacrylamide is two years for solids and six years for colloids. Month. 95
1 Conductivity meter: measuring range (0~~105)μ2/cm, equipped with recorder, measuring range 4mV. Thermostatic bath: The temperature can be controlled at 30℃±1℃. Electromagnetic stirrer: equipped with heating and temperature control devices, equipped with a stirrer with a length of 3cm. 4.5.3 Analysis steps
Place a 200mL beaker containing 100ml of water and a stirrer into the constant temperature bath on the electromagnetic stirrer. Insert the electrode of the conductivity meter into the beaker, with a distance of 5~10mm from the wall of the beaker, and a distance of about 5mm from the stirring bar. Start the electromagnetic stirring and adjust the liquid level to about 20mm. Turn on the heating device, raise the temperature of the constant temperature bath to 30℃±1℃, and keep the temperature constant for 10~~15min. Adjust the linear speed of the recording paper and select the conductivity meter range. Weigh 0.040g ± 0.002g of sample and add it into the beaker from the upper part of the vortex. When the conductance value indicated by the recorder does not change within 3 minutes, stop the test. 4.5.4 Expression of analysis results
The time from adding the sample to when the conductivity value becomes constant is the dissolution time. The dissolution time expressed in min is converted from the paper path length of the recorder. 4.5.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results is taken as the measurement result. The absolute difference between the two parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 5 minutes. 4.6 Determination of sieve residue
4.6.1 Method summary
Place a certain amount of sample in the test sieve, sieve on the vibrating sieve machine for a certain time, and calculate the sieve residue of different sieves . 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve: in line with the regulations of GB/T6003, specifications: $200mm×50mm, equipped with 1.00mm mesh sieve tray, 180um sieve mesh sieve tray and sieve cover , chassis. Vibrating screen machine: The eccentric frequency is about 350 times per minute. 4.6.3 Analysis steps
Install the weighed chassis, sieve plate with 180μm mesh, and sieve plate with 1.00mm mesh from bottom to top. Weigh about 200g of the sample, accurate to 1, place it in the uppermost test sieve, cover the sieve cover, and fix it on the vibrating sieve machine. Start the vibrating screen machine to screen for 20 minutes.
After the vibration is completed, carefully separate the sieve stack one by one from top to bottom, and quickly weigh each test sieve containing the sieve residue and the bottom plate containing the sieve residue (accurate to 1g).
4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The 1.00mm sieve residue (work 3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (6): m2 m × 100
α || tt | mass.g.
180μm sieve residue (aa) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (7): m._ m2 × 100
GB 17514---1998
In the formula: m4--the quality of the sieve plate and material of the 180m screen mesh, g+m3 The quality of the sieve plate of the 180um screen mesh , g;
m sample mass?g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean
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