Standard ICS number:Metrology and measurement, physical phenomena>>Thermodynamics and temperature measurement>>17.200.20 Temperature measurement instruments
Standard Classification Number:Instruments and meters>>Industrial automation instruments and control devices>>N11 temperature and pressure instrument
JB/T 9263.4-1999 Rod-type common experimental glass thermometer type JB/T9263.4-1999 standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
ICS Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T 9263.4-199S Stand-type Ordinary Laboratory Glass Thermometers Types and Basic Dimensions The types and fundamental sizesnf solid-stem cotmion therimometers1999-08-06Promulgated National Bureau of Machinery Industry 2000-01-01Implementation# aT9263.4--t99 This standard is a revision of the types and basic dimensions of ZBY274--84 solid-stem cotmion therimometers. This standard has no difference from ZBY274--94 in major technical contents, only some editorial changes have been made to the original standard. This standard is in accordance with the original standard and replaces 28Y274-84. This standard is issued and managed by the National Industrial Process Measurement and Control Standardization Technical Committee. The main reform unit of this standard: Beijing Institute of Process Measurement. The main drafters of this standard: Maodianyuan, Shangxueda. Scope Standard of the People's Republic of China for Machinery Industry Rod-type common experimental glass thermometers Types and basic dimensions The types aad [undamental seso[ solid-steru coraru thermometersB/T 9263.4—1999 [27484 This standard specifies the basic series, dimensions and dimensions of fast-acting common experimental or long-wing thermometers used in situations where the temperature accuracy requirement is not high. Where not specified in this standard, the thermometer shall comply with the provisions of the old 922-15999 (Industrial measuring instruments and experimental thermometers). This standard applies to common experimental thermometers. 2 Types and basic dimensions The specifications and dimensions of the drop-type solid-steel experimental thermometers are shown in Table 1. Partial validity - [00 + 30 - 50 + 50 - 30 - + 50 0 -200 0 -250 0 -300 Divided heat setting Growth time ★This kind of current trap shall not be judged as the local immersion meter network National Machinery Industry 1999-08-06 Adjustment 19 Full digit Maximum full length Full course meter Avoid small mark management Show understanding Network slow theft meter The most technical piano shop Show recognition 2000-01-01 implementation Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.