title>JB/T 6321-1992 ZQ series 5A to 50A rectifier tube for motor vehicles - JB/T 6321-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6321-1992 ZQ series 5A to 50A rectifier tube for motor vehicles

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6321-1992

Standard Name: ZQ series 5A to 50A rectifier tube for motor vehicles

Chinese Name: ZQ系列5A至50A 机动车用整流管

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-06-26

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K46 Power Semiconductor Devices and Components

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1993-01-01

other information

drafter:Sun Suqin, Mi Huiping, Xu Yanbin, Shi Jianxin

Drafting unit:Shanghai Automotive Motor Plant No. 2, Xiangfan Instrument Components Plant

Focal point unit:Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Proposing unit:Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of motor vehicle rectifiers. This standard applies to motor vehicle rectifiers with a forward average current of 5A to 50A (hereinafter referred to as devices). JB/T 6321-1992 ZQ series 5A to 50A motor vehicle rectifiers JB/T6321-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
ZQ Series 5A to 50A Rectifiers for Motor Vehicles
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of rectifiers for motor vehicles. This standard applies to rectifiers for motor vehicles with a forward average current of 5A to 50A shell rating (hereinafter referred to as devices). 2 Reference Standards
GB4937 Mechanical and Climate Test Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices GB4938 Acceptance and Reliability of Discrete Semiconductor Devices 3 Technical Conditions
3.1 Appearance Drawing and Dimensions
The appearance drawing and dimensions shall comply with the provisions of Figure 1 and Table 1. Figure 1 Appearance Drawing of Rectifiers for Motor Vehicles
The straight knurling of the rectifier shell adopts a pitch of 0.6mm and a top width of 0.2mm; the reference line for measuring D is at 0.5L,.
Any shape in the table is allowed to be used for a larger average forward current (rav). Maximum value approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on June 26, 1992
Implementation on January 1, 1993
Limit value (absolute maximum rating)
Limit values ​​are shown in Table 2.
Case overflow
Storage temperature
Equivalent junction temperature
Reverse repetitive peak voltage
Reverse non-repetitive peak voltage
Forward average current
Forward (non-repetitive) surge current at junction temperature 150-℃ or 175-9℃ reverse half-cycle voltage is 80%VRM, the maximum forward (non-repetitive) surge current during each surge of ~1 cycle Installation torque
Electrical characteristics
Electrical characteristics are shown in Table 3.
Characteristics and conditions
T,= 25℃
Forward peak voltage corresponds to the maximum voltage when the peak current is equal to the rated maximum forward average current xAy
Reverse repetitive peak current 25℃ and the maximum reverse repetitive current at rated voltage VxRr at 150-%℃ or 175-%㎡
Junction-to-case thermal resistance
Characteristic curve (not used for inspection)
The following characteristic curves should be given in the product manual: a.
Forward volt-ampere characteristic curve;
Relationship curve between decomposition thermal resistance and time;
Relationship curve between ripple current and frequency; L
Derating relationship curve between case temperature and forward average current: single
value (maximum
ZQ10|ZQ15|ZQ20ZQ25|ZQ30ZQ 50
value (maximum
The maximum forward power consumption is a function of the average forward current and the conduction angle. 3.5 Remote batch inspection||tt| All inspections are non-destructive. Avoid batch inspection as shown in Table 4. 98
External daily inspection and dimensions
Forward peak voltage
Reverse peak voltage
No. Reference standard
This standard
Figure 1 and table
This standard
Xie Liti
This standard Standard
Appendix C
This standard
Slurry resistance
This standard
(unless otherwise specified)
25 and 150-°℃
or 175-%℃
(larger value)
The marking is complete and clear, the surface is almost smooth, the hinge layer does not bubble, crack, casting spot, no serious mechanical damage or scratches, and the size meets the requirements of Table 1
Polarity cheek example
Note: If the first batch of avoidance inspection fails, it can be strictly inspected according to the batch inspection, and the inspection level is one level stricter. 3.6 Periodic inspection
marked with (D) The test is destructive. The periodic inspection is as shown in Table 5. Table 5
Inspection or test
Temperature change
Reference standard
This standard
(Unless otherwise specified)
Hanxi method: solder
230 hit 5℃, immersed
two boxes method;
40, 160.
or 190_2℃ cycle
5 times, each cycle
low overflow exposure 1h,
transfer time 3-4min
pressurized nitrogen oil inspection
method or other equivalent
inspection slip method
Sizes shall conform to the provisions of Table 1 (maximum value) Diameter is good (when magnified by 10°, the surface shall be covered with a smooth and smooth solder layer. Scattered defects such as pinholes and traces of unwetted area shall not exceed 5% of the surface. These defects shall not be concentrated in one area) Frequency 0.1 Inspection or test Final test: Forward peak value Reverse repetition Peak current Electrical durability Final test, Forward peak value Reverse repetition Peak current Forward (no repetition) Surge current Final test; Forward peak voltage: Reverse repetition |tt||Peak current
Resistance to soldering heat
(D) (only applicable to solder
terminal devices)
Final test:
Forward peak
Reverse repetition
Peak current
C3 in Appendix C of this standard
C4 in Appendix C of this standard
Continued Table 5
(unless otherwise specified)
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
or 17 5450Hz
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
150-9 or
Number of surges: 20 times
C1 in Appendix CWww.bzxZ.net
C2 in Appendix C
Reference point position; tube
Center point of bright bottom
Deep 1mm
60%℃ welding
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
(Maximum value)
Inspection or test
Steady-state damp heat
Final test;
Forward peak
Reverse required
Bee value current||tt| |Electrical durability
Final test
Forward peak
Reverse repetition
Peak current
High temperature storage
Final test:
Forward peak
Reverse repetition
Peak current
Reference standard
Continued table 5
(Unless otherwise specified)
The temperature and humidity in the working area should be maintained at 40±
2℃ and relative humidity at 90%~95% for a period of 4d.
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
150-3c or
50Hz, 70%VkM
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
160_,r or
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
(maximum value)
unit, \
After recovery, conduct relevant specified electrical scenes within 20h, and conduct visual inspection for corrosion and marking clarity. 1.5
If the first submission for periodic inspection is unqualified, it can be inspected again by additional sampling according to Appendix B, but each inspection group can only be supplemented with
once, and the additional samples should undergo all tests of the group. 1) n is the sample size, c is the qualified judgment number, 101
3.7 Approval test
Approval test is shown in Table 6. IVD is the initial value of each device Table 6
Inspection or test
Thermal cycle load
Load test
Final excitation test:
Forward peak
Reverse repetition
Bee current
Report (D)
Impact (D)
Forward peak
Reverse repetition||tt| |Peak current
4 Marking
No. Reference standard
C5 in Appendix C of this standard
Marking on the device
Model and quality category;
(unless otherwise specified)
Number of cycles,
Welding device: 1000
Crimp device: 5 000
Maximum temperature;
Minimum temperature: <+
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
196m/s, 100
~2000Hz, three
directions perpendicular to each other,
scanning in each direction for 2h,
total 6h,
980m/s, continuous
6ms, half-sine wave
three mutually perpendicular
directly auxiliary
impact three times in total
C1 in Appendix C
C2 in Appendix C
Diode diagram for terminal identification, arrow pointing to cathode or red dot indicating cathode; manufacturer's name, code or trademark;
inspection batch identification code.
4.2 Marking of packaging box (bag) or attached manuala
Model and quality category;
(maximum value)
1ZQ50 unit
manufacturer's name, code or trademark;
inspection batch identification code;
number of this standard;
moisture-proof and rain-proof mark.
Ordering information
Unless otherwise specified, the following information is required at least to order a device: a.
Accurate model;
Number of this standard;
Quality assessment Class 1;
AQL sampling table see Table A1
Batch range
Sample quantity
This table is for general inspection level 1.
c: qualified judgment number r; unqualified judgment number. JB/T6321-92
Appendix A
AQL sampling table
The arrow indicates that the first sampling plan should be used. If the sample size at the corresponding point of the arrow is equal to or greater than the batch, the batch should be inspected 100%.
Appendix B
Additional sampling table
See Table B1 for the additional sampling table
Initial sampling n:
Additional sampling n
Additional number
Qualified judgment number
Forward peak voltage (V)
This test uses the pulse method.
C1.1 Principle circuit and requirements
The principle circuit is shown in Figure C1.
Device under test,
Appendix C
Inspection and test of limit values ​​and electrical characteristics
Inductors and capacitors of current pulses,.
The pulse current should be disconnected immediately after the end,
The resistor for measuring current has been calibrated;
Generate forward
S——Switching device that controls current pulses, generates pulses when turned on, VP, AP bee value voltmeter, peak current meter or oscilloscope. The bee value voltmeter should be able to display the voltage value when the forward current reaches the peak value, C1.2, test conditions
Junction temperature: 25℃ for batch tests, 25℃ and T(vi) when required; b
balance selection;
Forward peak current: multiple of the rated forward average current (π can be 3); G--adjustable pulse AC power supply.
Current pulse width: The heating effect of the device under test during the measurement period can be ignored, and the carrier can fully reach the flat current pulse during the pulse width: It can be a single current pulse or a low repetition frequency with negligible heating; Measurement point position: as specified in Figure C2; ​​
The tightening pressure or torque between the device under test and the fixture: as specified in the product standard. C2 Reverse peak current (Ixx) C2.1 Principle circuit and requirements The principle circuit is shown in Figure C3: D--Device under test: JB/T6321-92 Di, D--Diode that provides a negative half-cycle voltage to measure only the reverse characteristic of D G adjustable AC voltage source; D's current; R--Current limiting protection resistor. When D breaks down, limit the current passing through R. Resistors calibrated for measuring current, AP, VP--peak voltage drop meter, peak voltmeter or oscilloscope, peak ammeter displays the current value when the reverse voltage reaches the peak value. C2.2
Test conditions
Junction temperature: 25℃ and T(
Reverse voltage, VkkM
AC voltage frequency, 50Hz.
Forward (not counting complex) surge current (IpSM) C3.1
Principle circuit and requirements
The principle circuit is as shown in C4.
D-passing device;
Oscilloscope (long afterglow time);
Ap, Vp—peak current meter, peak voltage meter or a diode that blocks the forward voltage generated by the transformer T, D,-| |tt||R.-resistor for regulating surge current;
"minimum protective resistor for normal operation of the circuit, S-a core electrical or electronic switch with a 180* conduction angle during the forward surge half cycle; T, a low-voltage high-current transformer that provides a forward half-cycle surge leakage current through S. This current waveform should basically be a sinusoidal half-wave with a duration of approximately 10ms and a repetition rate of approximately 50 pulses per second; 106
a commercial voltage low-current transformer that provides a reverse half-cycle voltage through a Fanshi
diode D. If the transformer If the transformer is powered by a separate power supply, then T1 and T2 should be powered on the same phase of the power grid. Its voltage waveform should be basically a half-sine wave. Test conditions
Junction temperature before surge: Top
Surge current peak value, as specified in the product standard; reverse half-cycle voltage: 80%VRRM
Number of cycles for each surge: -= cycles, conduction angle between 160° and 180°; number of surges: 20 times.
Junction-to-case thermal resistance (R)
The diode under test is subjected to a heating current to generate a power loss P. When thermally balanced, the equivalent junction temperature T and the tube The shell temperature Tc, the junction-to-case thermal resistance R is calculated according to formula (C1). The two-time method can also be used, that is, applying two different heating powers P, and P to the diode under test, and adjusting the cooling conditions to make the two junction temperatures equal (monitored by thermistor voltage), and measuring the corresponding shell temperatures Tcs and Tc, then the junction-to-case thermal resistance can be calculated according to formula (C2): R
C4.2 Principle circuit and requirements
The principle circuit is shown in Figure C5.
D—Device under test,
E provides a power supply for the heating current I, which can be a DC or AC current; I,-- In the short time after the heating current cycle is interrupted, the DC thermistor that flows through the device under test to monitor its junction temperature; S; -- The electronic switch that controls the heating current I during the cycle; S period
The electronic switch that closes when the current is interrupted;
V, — Thermistor voltage detection unit;
W- A power meter that indicates the power loss generated by the current in the
device junction. An ammeter and a voltmeter can also be used. The power is calculated from the current and voltage. C4.3 Test conditions
Heating current, size: Use formula (1) method, 1 The power generated should make the junction temperature close to or reach the equivalent junction temperature, and the passband is the rated a.
current. Using formula (2), by adjusting the heating current and cooling conditions twice, the difference between the two measured shell temperatures is as large as possible to ensure the measurement accuracy;
thermistor current 1, = 1%~10%[AV
The requirements for measuring T, are in accordance with 1.6.1 and 2.1.1 of GB4024 "Test Methods for Reverse Blocking Triode Transistors of Semiconductor Devices"; the thermistor voltage should be measured during the period of 0.5~1ms after the heating current is interrupted; the tightening pressure or torque of the diode under test is in accordance with the product standards. 107
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