title>HG/T 20519.35-1992 Equipment name and number - HG/T 20519.35-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20519.35-1992 Equipment name and number

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20519.35-1992

Standard Name: Equipment name and number

Chinese Name: 设备名称和位号

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-01-18

Date of Implementation:1993-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Technical Drawing>>01.100.01 Technical Drawing General 71.010

Standard Classification Number:>>>>G0 Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20519.35-1992 Equipment name and position number HG/T20519.35-1992 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Equipment name and position number
HG 20519.35-92
Equipment name
Equipment name and position number
The equipment name in the construction drawing is consistent with the name determined in the preliminary design (including basic design). 2 Equipment position number
(1) Composition
Each equipment is assigned only one position number, which is composed of four units, as shown below: P0301A
Equipment position number line
The four units are: (1) Equipment category code; (2) The number of the main item where the equipment is located; (3) The sequence number of the same type of equipment in the main item: (4) The last digit of the quantity of the same equipment. (2) Equipment category code
Different codes are compiled according to the equipment category. Generally, the first letter (uppercase) of the English name of the equipment is used as the code. The specific provisions are as follows:
Equipment category
Compressor, fan
Heat exchanger
Industrial furnacebZxz.net
Torch, meat
Container (tank, tank)
Lifting and transportation equipment
Measuring equipment
Other machinery
Other equipment
(3) Main item number
Fill in the main item number given by the general project manager. Use two digits, starting from 01 and up to 99. In special cases, the main item code is allowed to be used as the main item number. (4) Equipment sequence number
Compile according to the order of flow of similar equipment in the process flow, use two digits, starting from 01 and up to 99. (5) Quantity suffix of the same equipment
When two or more identical equipment are connected in parallel, the first three items of their position numbers are exactly the same, and they are distinguished by different quantity suffixes. The last digit of each equipment shall be capital letters A, B, C. in order of quantity and arrangement. (6) Writing method
The same equipment shall have the same position number in the construction drawing design and preliminary design. The equipment and its position number that have been cancelled after review and approval in the preliminary design shall no longer appear in the construction drawing design; the newly added equipment shall be renumbered and it is not difficult to occupy the cancelled position number. When writing the equipment position number in the flow chart, equipment layout diagram and piping layout diagram, draw a thick solid line equipment position number line at the specified position. Write the position number above the line, and write the name below the line if necessary. 193
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