title>GB/T 2900.50-1998 Electrical terminology General terminology for power generation, transmission and distribution - GB/T 2900.50-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 2900.50-1998 Electrical terminology General terminology for power generation, transmission and distribution

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 2900.50-1998

Standard Name: Electrical terminology General terminology for power generation, transmission and distribution

Chinese Name: 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 通用术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1998-08-13

Date of Implementation:1999-06-01

Date of Expiration:2009-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Vocabulary>>01.040.29 Electrical Engineering (Vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>General Electrical Engineering>>K04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 2900.50-2008

Procurement status:nor IEC 50(601):1985

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-01

other information

Release date:1998-08-13

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Xu Ying, Yang Fu

Drafting unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, Electric Power Research Institute of the Ministry of Electric Power Industry

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology

Proposing unit:Ministry of Electric Power Industry

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the common terms in the field of power generation, transmission and distribution. GB/T 2900.50-1998 Electrical terminology General terminology for power generation, transmission and distribution GB/T2900.50-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 01.40.29
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2900.50-1998
neg 1EC 50(601):1985
Generation. Transmission and distribution of electricity
General terms
Electrotechnical terminologyGeneration. transmission and distribution of electricity General1998-08-13Published
National Quality Supervision and Administration Commission
! 2. General terms 1.1 Basic technical terms 2.2 System structure 2.3 Equipment 3.4 Commercial tributary system Time series A (differential reference) Index 4.1.2 Reference (appendix to the reference) English translation CR/T 290G.50—1998
This standard is based on the revised document No. 1 of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IFC) 50 (601) 1S85 for power transmission and distribution, 3TC1627/FI: TFCS506G1), 3TC1627/FI: TFCS506G1, and is based on the revised content of 11627/1G55/FDTS (1EC5C19$-Ed1) for grounding protection. It is equivalent to the above standards and documents in terms of technology, but has made necessary changes in the adoption of specific terms:
-IEC/TC11627/FDTS adds 7 policy terms on the basis of TF:6C (61>, and the standard has been adopted by the National Product Conference (ground C1//RVD special document). This document is a technical spectrum Except for the main power system bkowertum\which is not used in the country, the remaining six ci:cuit (:neleet:icpowe:system)-(power system>power grid lretap-connection point lurcscction line section, liaeymert-line subsection, nrwngpwi reporting point, thivryin power supply point\are all standard and its technical content is equivalent to that of this document.
-TC1/1655/FDIS length EC=0(195) can be published before or after. Individual sharing case submission and 1 ticket are suitable for the document 50601 12 clauses (including warning, 601-01-2paseta2nasoltae, linetolinls-Bge (USAJ, 195 U5 0l,Jinu tu liu vultugu :kasr te phaa volti.gu (lerreruud 501 01 3n;pha t:reulral vollnge, line. In nent:: voliage (IISA), 1sh-Gi-c2: I.ne-ir-neulral voltage, phase-to-neutrabvaltagel:, in terms of technical content, it is effective from 50 (601).1985 [E71:1, it is one of the global standards for power generation and distribution, except for the T/C1 German Research Conference minutes, C127/F5 format, C1/155/FDIS documents and revised contents. Other contents in the standard remain valid. Except for the term \correct (mediurvnlt)\ which is not used in my country, all other valid contents are equivalent to 4 standards, and the standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electric Power Industry. The standard is also the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Electrical Terminology! The responsible unit of the regional standard is the Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Electric Power Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Electric Power Industry: Taiyang Standardization Institute. The responsible person is: Xu E, Qi
GB/T 2900.5C—1998
FEC Foreword
1) Formal decisions or agreements on issues related to electrothermal technology are made by the technical committees of the national committees that are particularly concerned with the issues. It reflects the international scientific consensus on these issues as much as possible. 2) They are used in the form of recommendations and are adopted by national committees. 3) In order to promote the unification of international adoption, IEC expresses a wish: other national committees, under the conditions of their own national requirements, adopt the recommended texts in their respective national regulations. The corresponding national provisions should clearly indicate the corresponding national provisions.
IEC Introduction
This publication is one of ten standards concerning the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power. The standards are divided into the following drafts: - General Technical Specifications
Generation Technical Specifications
Small System Planning and Management Terms
604—Operational Terms
665—Substation Terms
These sections are the first edition of the IEC 1515 series and were prepared by the T1/WG working group, which began in 1898. The secretariat of the working group was initially held by the German National Committee, but since 1977 the German National Committee has been responsible. The content of this standard is based on the following documents: 1. Calendar
For more detailed information, please refer to the voting information shown in the table above. Voting system notification
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrical terminokogyGeneration, transmission and distribution of electricity, general terminokogyElectrotechnical terminokogyGeneration, transmission and distribution of electricity--General 1 Scope
General terminology in the field of power generation, transmission and distribution of electricity--General 2 General terminology
2.1 Basic terms
GB/T 2900.50--1998
2.1.1 electrical power system electrical power supply system (in broadgezre) the designation of all equipment and devices for power generation, physical transformation and transformation of electrical power grids eleerical power supply system: electrification power supply system 2.1.2E
the designation of all equipment and devices for power generation, physical transformation and transformation of electrical power grids, the designation of all equipment and devices for power distribution, power substations, power lines or cables, the designation of all equipment and devices for power distribution ... dcs>sten The system of direct current voltage,
2.1.5 The system of direct current frequency
The standard value of the alternating current system,
2-1.6 Generation of electricity The process of converting other forms of electricity into electricity. 2.1.7 Conversion of electricily
The process of changing the current by changing the voltage and frequency, ... 2.1.11 Interconnection (or power systems) A system of power systems connected by interconnection terminals Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on August 13, 1998 and implemented on June 1, 1999 2.1.12 Interconnected systems A system of several power systems connected by interconnection terminals 2.1.13 Asynchronous connection A connection between two AC currents running at different speeds 2.1.14 Short-circuit capacitors poer The peak load at a point in the system usually refers to the operating voltage > times the agreed voltage. 2.1.15 System load Inadina5ystem
The active, reactive or apparent power generated, transmitted or distributed in the system (day). 2.1.16 Peak load
The maximum load for a given period of time (e.g. one month, one year). 2.1.17 Load curve
A curve showing the time-varying load characteristics
2.1.18 Load duration curveLoad duration curveA curve showing the time when the load drops below or exceeds a set value within a certain period of time. Active energy
Energy that can be converted into some other form of energy. Reactive energyReactive energy
In an AC system, it is a fixed amount of electrical energy continuously exchanged between indirect and magnetic fields related to the operation of the electrical system and its connected equipment.
System nominal voltageMomlnalyoltageorasystem2.1.21
A given voltage used to mark or identify the system voltage.2.1.22 (System) operating voltageUpper voltage (in a system)Under normal conditions, the voltage at a specified point in the system at a specified time. 2.1.23[24] System quantity high profit low voltage bigheat[lowea1]rollageofgygtcm The system is abandoned The system runs with any direction time, The highest or lowest operating power value that occurs at any point in a year. Note: The positive changes in power consumption such as the selection of switching devices and the lack of required power saving are not included. ?,1.75 Voltage level voltage level
The nominal voltage used in the power system. Low voltage (I)
Usually lower than the voltage level of 1V and below in the power system. 2. 1.27 High voltage (HV) The voltage level of 1V AC.
2. 1. 2B Line voltage liae-tr-line voltage phase to-phase vo.tagc (deprecated) The voltage between the phase conductors of two lines at a given point in the circuit. Note: According to A6.2 of b1.6u9.. The English \leecaled\ text is not used". 2.1.29 Beat voltage lae-to-neutral voltage:paase-to.zcutrsl voltag[depzccattd) The voltage between the phase conductors and the neutral conductor at a given point in the AC circuit. 2.1.30
linc-tp-rarth vollageJiat-to-ground oltuge (C5);paase-to-earih voliageFees to ground voltage
The voltage between the phase conductor and the reference ground at the starting point in a good circuit. Neutral-pniatdisplacementvollage2. 1.315
In a multi-phase system, the electrical connection between the point of exchange or equivalent node and the transformer is shown in Figure 2.2 System structure
2.2.1 System diagramsyalemdiagram
A graphical representation of the system structure.
2.2.2 System operation mode system diagram
B Three-phase system diagramthree-phase system diagramDigran a three-phase system with each line and each line represented by a single line, 2.2.4 Single-line diagramsingle-line diagrams
In a multi-phase system, a single-line diagram is used to represent the system structure. 2.2.5 System connection methodsystemtemplates the method of connecting the points of the system and the connection points. 2.2.6 System structure 5siecnnfigurntnn various types of system missing connection type combination.
2.2.7 System connection Hnkinasystem
System small card point connection cavity
Supplement: generally includes the connection line between the purchase and the transformer. 2.2.8 Power system> Circuit (loop): eireult(ineleetrlepowersystcms) Mountain power line or part of it It can be reversed through the road or switch from the line, and the rest of the line is not affected by the rate of distribution. 2.2.9 Feeder ferder
It is also a power line that supplies power from the main substation to one or more secondary substations. 2.2.10 Single feeder singlefeeder, a power line that receives power from only one relay.
2. 2.113
branch line
connected to the main line at a midpoint. 2.2.12T-tapped line: a line connected to a branch line.
line tap
a point on a multi-terminal power line that directly or indirectly connects a multi-terminal line segment. 2.2.14
line strand
a part of a line defined by two points (terminals or T-points) of the line. 5. Line segment
a segment of a line that has a special junction form or is prone to special faults. This segment can be considered as a segment for reporting or fault indication.
2.2-16 Supply service line
supply service line conaectlon is used to match the branch line of the supply code to the user. 2.2.17 Interchangepnint The dividing point between the power generation and the power consumption of the same phase. 2.2.18 Deliverypoint
The dividing point between the power system and the power generation, Note: The purchase rate can be the final month or the final delay time of the power supply. 2.2.19 Ring Feeder, LANP (aleprriled in this sengc) Multiple power lines from a single power source form a fixed loop, which can be operated in an open loop at the end. 3
GB/T 2900.50—1998
2.2.20 "Mesh system" (raeshofasystem) A closed circuit composed of multiple power lines supplied by a single power source: 2.2.21
Radial system
A system or trunk system composed of a single circuit supplied by a single power source, 2.2.22 Tree system ireedsyslein
A system with multiple loads.
Grid system meahedsyslem
A system or trunk system composed of multiple phases. 2.2.24
Single power supplysiaglesupply
Power supply to load from one power source:
Dual power supplyduplicate5upply
Power supply from two independent power circuits to the negative power supply. 2.2.26 Stand-bysupplyWhen the positive power supply is interrupted or not in use, the same power supply can be used. 2.2.27 Tap-off (T connection) tapre (leeoff) snbstation The power supply center of the main line micro-electric station. Neutral point aeulralpuiat
The common output of the multi-phase system star connection: or the connecting center of the single-phase system. 2.2.29 Neutral point grounding method neultrapnintmem,ntttelfcinrcoanction(deprecatedl) Neutral point and your consideration of electrical control mode, 2.2.30 Neutral point ungrounded system isulalerfneutralsysicn Except for high impedance grounding for protection or addressing purposes, there is also a system with ungrounded neutral point, 2.2.31
Neutral point surface grounded system solidlyearthedneutralsystemteut;sallllyr 2.2.32 Neutral impedance grounded system: a system in which at least one neutral point is grounded through a device with impedance to limit the short-circuit current reduction caused by grounding. 2.2.33 Neutral resonant grounded system: a system in which at least one neutral point is grounded through a device with impedance to limit the short-circuit current reduction caused by grounding.14
Line line segment
A part of a line defined by two points (terminals or T-points) of the line. 5 Line segment Iinesegmrnl
A segment of the line that has a special structure or is prone to special loops. This segment can be regarded as a vertical line segment for reporting or indicating faults.
2.2-16 Customer connection line
supplyservicc line conaectlonA branch line connected to the supply code of the user. 2.2.17 InterchangepointinterchangepnintThe dividing point between the power generation and the power consumption of the same power. 2.2.18 Deliverypointdeliverypoint
The dividing point between the power system and the power generation site. Note: It can be the terminal or the terminal of the extended period. 2.2.19 Ring Feeder, LANP (aleprriled in this sengc) Multiple power lines from a single power source form a fixed loop, which can be operated in an open loop at the end. 3
GB/T 2900.50—1998
2.2.20 "Mesh system" (raeshofasystem) A closed circuit composed of multiple power lines supplied by a single power source: 2.2.21
Radial system
A system or trunk system composed of a single circuit supplied by a single power source, 2.2.22 Tree system ireedsyslein
A system with multiple loads.
Grid system meahedsyslem
A system or trunk system composed of multiple phases. 2.2.24
Single power supplysiaglesupply
Power supply to load from one power source:
Dual power supplyduplicate5upply
Power supply from two independent power circuits to the negative power supply. 2.2.26 Stand-bysupplyWhen the positive power supply is interrupted or not in use, the same power supply can be used. 2.2.27 Tap-off (T connection) tapre (leeoff) snbstation The power supply center of the main line micro-electric station. Neutral point aeulralpuiat
The star-connected common output of a multi-phase system: or the connecting center of a single-phase system. 2.2.29 Neutral point grounding method neultrapnintmem,ntttelfcinrcoanction(deprecatedl) Neutral point and your consideration of electrical control mode, 2.2.30 Neutral point ungrounded system isulalerfneutralsysicn Except for high impedance grounding for protection or addressing purposes, there is also a system with ungrounded neutral point, 2.2.31
Neutral point surface grounded system solidlyearthedneutralsystemteut;sallllyr 2.2.32 Neutral impedance grounded system: a system in which at least one neutral point is grounded through a device with impedance to limit the short-circuit current reduction caused by grounding. 2.2.33 Neutral resonant grounded system: a system in which at least one neutral point is grounded through a device with impedance to limit the short-circuit current reduction caused by grounding.14
Line line segment
A part of a line defined by two points (terminals or T-points) of the line. 5 Line segment Iinesegmrnl
A segment of the line that has a special structure or is prone to special loops. This segment can be regarded as a vertical line segment for reporting or indicating faults.
2.2-16 Customer connection line
supplyservicc line conaectlonA branch line connected to the supply code of the user. 2.2.17 InterchangepointinterchangepnintThe dividing point between the power generation and the power consumption of the same power. 2.2.18 Deliverypointdeliverypoint
The dividing point between the power system and the power generation site. Note: It can be the terminal or the terminal of the extended period. 2.2.19 Ring Feeder, LANP (aleprriled in this sengc) Multiple power lines from a single power source form a fixed loop, which can be operated in an open loop at the end. 3
GB/T 2900.50—1998
2.2.20 "Mesh system" (raeshofasystem) A closed circuit composed of multiple power lines supplied by a single power source: 2.2.21
Radial system
A system or trunk system composed of a single circuit supplied by a single power source, 2.2.22 Tree system ireedsysleinbzxz.net
A system with multiple loads.
Grid system meahedsyslem
A system or trunk system composed of multiple phases. 2.2.24
Single power supplysiaglesupply
Power supply to load from one power source:
Dual power supplyduplicate5upply
Power supply from two independent power circuits to the negative power supply. 2.2.26 Stand-bysupplyWhen the positive power supply is interrupted or not in use, the same power supply can be used. 2.2.27 Tap-off (T connection) tapre (leeoff) snbstation The power supply center of the main line micro-electric station. Neutral point aeulralpuiat
The star-connected common output of a multi-phase system: or the connecting center of a single-phase system. 2.2.29 Neutral point grounding method neultrapnintmem,ntttelfcinrcoanction(deprecatedl) Neutral point and your consideration of electrical control mode, 2.2.30 Neutral point ungrounded system isulalerfneutralsysicn Except for high impedance grounding for protection or addressing purposes, there is also a system with ungrounded neutral point, 2.2.31
Neutral point surface grounded system solidlyearthedneutralsystemteut;sallllyr 2.2.32 Neutral impedance grounded system: a system in which at least one neutral point is grounded through a device with impedance to limit the short-circuit current reduction caused by grounding. 2.2.33 Neutral resonant grounded system: a system in which at least one neutral point is grounded through a device with impedance to limit the short-circuit current reduction caused by grounding.Operating voltage
System minimum voltage
System maximum voltage
System load
System structure
System connection method
System diagram·
System operation diagram:
Line conductor·
Line voltage
Line-to-ground voltage
Line section
Line subsection
active encrgy
CB/T 2900. 50-1998
City conductor switching
Asynchronous connection
Active electric energy
... 2-2. 2
. 2. 3. 9
Suitable current system
(direct current system)
intermediate conductor
neutral conductor
neutral point
neutral point ungrounded system
neutral point grounding method
neutral point displacement voltage
neutral point suppression line diagram grounding system
neutral point harmonic grounding system
neutral point direct grounding system
neutral point impedance grounding system
(Appendix of Suggestions》
English Index
arc-suppresslon-coll-earthed neutral systemarc-suppregsion-cnil-urounded neutral syslrm (Lis)asymchrnnous Fink
bipolar dc link
clruif (in elecirle pnwer systemsconerulaa af electricity
.. 2.2-11
.. 2. 3. 11
. 2. 3.10
2-2 29
.. 2. 2. 33
- 2. 1. 19
.-- 2. 1. 3
dc, sy8teRt
delivery point
direcl curremt systent | line | sysiem | cunductor
Iine connsclion
- 2. 1. 4
2- 3 1
2. 1. 1/2
.... 2. .1
+*- 2. 3. G
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