title>GB/T 7391-2002 Terminology for oceanographic survey vessels - GB/T 7391-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 7391-2002 Terminology for oceanographic survey vessels

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 7391-2002

Standard Name: Terminology for oceanographic survey vessels

Chinese Name: 海洋调查船术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-09-11

Date of Implementation:2003-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>47.040 Ocean-going vessels

Standard Classification Number:Ship>>Ship General>>U04 Basic Standard and Common Method

associated standards

alternative situation:GB/T 7391-1987

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-08

other information

Release date:1987-03-11

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Shipbuilding Corporation No. 708

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Vessels

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:China State Shipbuilding Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions for ships and their main laboratories and special equipment used in marine scientific research and management. This standard applies to the research, design, manufacture, use and management of marine survey vessels. GB/T 7391-2002 Marine Survey Vessel Terminology GB/T7391-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

UDC 629. 123:001.4
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB 7391--87
Terminology of oceanographic research vessel
Promulgated on March 11, 1987
National Bureau of Standards
Implementation on January 1, 1988
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of oceanographic research vessel
Terminology of oceanographic research vessel UDC 628.123
- 00 1. 4
This standard specifies the basic terms related to oceanographic research vessels, experimental vessels and special machinery of oceanographic research vessels. It is intended for use by engineering and technical personnel engaged in the design, construction and use of oceanographic research vessels and scientific research and experimental personnel in the field of marine survey. 1 Ship photography
1.1 Types of oceanographic survey vessels
Term name
English name
research vessel
special research
vessel (ship)
observation vessel
"Marine science examination case, research, measurement or exploration vessel, generally known as ocean survey vessel. A ship used for multidisciplinary investigation and research on the ocean can be divided into comprehensive survey vessels and professional survey vessels. The ship is equipped with basic experimental space and corresponding instruments and equipment for hydrology, physics, chemistry, geology, geomorphology, biology, meteorology and geophysics. It is used for conducting single-disciplinary investigation and research on the ocean. It is also used for conducting observation and research on the ocean (observation and research on the ocean, collecting marine meteorological data and conducting analytical research). It is also used for conducting observation and research on marine bioresources such as oil and natural gas. It is also equipped with geophysical survey vessels (ships). It is also equipped with hydrobiological survey vessels (ships).
It and its corresponding laboratories
are used to study the populations of marine organisms, their distribution and changes, as well as surveys of species and the environment. Equipped with biological, microbiological and isotope laboratories
China State Shipbuilding Corporation 198T-02·25 approved not recommended
198-01-01 implementation
Term name
English name
Water survey ship
acoustic research
vessel (ship)
ocean fishery
resea rch vessel
training research
vessel (ship)
harbour research
vessel (ship)
geological survey ship
GB 791--87
A ship used for investigation and research on ocean sound velocity field, sound propagation, absorption, reverberation, scattering, fluctuation, noise, water reflection and other water physics and application fields
A ship used for investigation and research on water acoustic resources, fishing grounds, marine environment, fishing gear, fishing methods, etc. A ship equipped with fish, chemistry, plankton and benthic biology laboratories, oceanography, fishing research, etc., for teaching, practice and scientific research of marine science for students. It is equipped with laboratories for hydrology, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, geomorphology, meteorology and navigation, as well as teaching equipment and other operating equipment for students to take classes
A small survey ship used for hydrological, geological and topographical surveys of estuaries, harbors and coasts. The observation data should be brought to shore for processing and analysis for investigation and research on marine topography, geological structure and mineral resources. It is equipped with geological and geomorphological, gravity and magnetic laboratories, mixed sample storage room, etc. Polar expedition vessel Multi-purpose research vessel Geomagnetic survey vessel Geomagnetic survey vessel Hydrographic survey vessel Sweeping survey vessel Vessel
A comprehensive survey vessel used for scientific investigation, observation and research in the southern and northern seas
A vessel with multiple purposes such as marine investigation and research, development and transportation. The experimental space is a movable unit structure similar to a container. When conducting marine surveys, it can be hoisted on board according to the needs of the survey task
A ship used to measure the abnormal distribution of the earth's magnetic field in the ocean. A ship with nuclear spinning magnetic sounders, depth meters, geomorphometers, etc. used to measure the channel depth, ocean current skin and standard oceanographic parameters
Also called a scanning ship, a ship used to detect underwater obstacles. A ship equipped with sweepers, sonar and other scanning instruments for scanning. A ship using a submersible as a survey tool is not recommended. Term name: climate vessel, environmental monitoring vessel, monitoring vessel (ship). [hydrogiaphie survey vessel, ship of tracking, the satellite. Also known as range survey ship.
Catamaran Modulated Ship
A ship used for long-term fixed-point observation of ocean phenomena. It can also be used for positioning of aircraft and other ships, provide meteorological information of routes, and issue dangerous weather reports
A ship used to monitor marine environmental pollution in the sea area under its jurisdiction. It has special instruments and equipment for marine environmental investigation and monitoring, etc. It is used to investigate the speed, direction, and geology of ocean hydrology.
There are hydrological and chemical laboratories on board
The lower part of the hull of the ship is divided into two units, and the upper part is connected by a strong frame to form an integrated oceanographic survey ship corridor. The ship has a large operating area and good initial stability. Catamamn researeh
vesei (ship)
vertical survey ship
flitter how
vessel (ship)
delayed frequency adjustment
two sets of propellers and rudders, good maneuverability, small ship turning circle. The ship has no carrying device, towing and towing electric brakes to the offshore operation site, fill the ballast tanks in the ship with water, adjust the hull to the vertical position, and the ship is ready to go out of the water for operation
King welcomes the new
Not recommended
Term name
English name
Low speed propulsion
low speed
1.$Special equipment for investigation
Language name
English name
"A" type hanger
"A\ Framey
side gallows
“L\ frame
\L \ frame
plankton davit
sampling platform
sampling pla-
Ice anchesr
henthic trawling
anchor rope for
deep sea
GB 7391--87
Survey vessels often need to sail at low speed (about 6 knots or less) for scientific research and investigation. The corresponding thruster required for a ship to maintain its low speed when sailing at a low speed. It is composed of two vertical and one horizontal rods and can rotate around its root. It looks like an "A" or an inverted "U". The hanger can use hydraulic oil or other mechanical devices to tilt the survey instruments and equipment hanging on it out of the ship or into the ship. It is a component with an inverted "L" shape. It has two types: fixed type and movable type. The fixed type is the anchor of the steel cable guide pulley of the deep-sea winch. In addition to the fulcrum, the movable type also uses the hydraulic cylinder or other mechanical devices to pour the ocean survey instruments and equipment out of the ship or flip them into the ship for collecting plankton collection nets. There is a steel top pole with a certain span and a relatively high height. It is used to collect and release hydrographic instruments. The steel bracket with a certain span and height is installed on both sides of the ship. It is a small platform for investigators to conduct marine surveys or auxiliary operations. It refers to an anchor specially used for ships to stop and moor in ice areas. It is generally a rodless single-bar anchor. It is a special device to ensure the operation of benthic trawling. It is composed of a net position meter, a benthic trawling winch, a buffer lifting boom and other equipment to connect the anchor and release the cable when deep-water throwing. It can be equipped with steel cables, chains and non-metallic cables, or a mixture of these three cables. Not recommended. Not recommended. 1.4 electrical
term name
English name
low noise power supply
silent power
Source instaliation
laboratory power supply system
power system for
power system for
earthing device
for portable
lab signal socket box
lab signal socket
laboratory telephone system
lab telephone
2.1 Comprehensive laboratory
Technical name
English name
F laboratory
dry laboratory
wet laboratory
Special power supply device for underwater acoustic investigation. It is a battery pack or a low-noise generator set.
The low-noise generator set is a generator set with sound reduction and sound insulation facilities. The noise level transmitted to the ocean is lower than the environmental noise of the ocean. The system for powering the instruments and equipment in the monitoring room. The power distribution box, voltage stabilizer, special power supply device and its circuits form a long-term continuous power supply system. It is composed of a rectifier power supply, a converter, a high-power switching booster, a control circuit, a battery, etc. It is used to ground the shell (hull) of electronic instruments that are mobile or temporarily installed in the laboratory.
A socket box for transferring signal cables. Generally, a multi-core shielded socket is used. The socket box should be waterproof when installed outdoors and drip-proof when used in dry laboratories. The telephone system for communication between laboratories on survey ships or between laboratories and test sites and ship operation departments is designed to be suitable for studios where marine survey instruments and experimental equipment with low visibility requirements are installed and used. This room does not have a water supply and drainage system and can be shared or used by various disciplines, such as computer rooms, gravimeter rooms, etc., which are suitable for the installation and use of marine survey instruments and equipment with high humidity and have a complete water supply and drainage system. The room can be shared or used exclusively by various disciplines, such as for the analysis of chemical samples, biological samples and geological samples.
Not recommended
Not recommendedWww.bzxZ.net
Term name
English name
marine hydrogra.
phic and chemi-
cal laboratory
marine chemical
marine meteorological laboratory
marine meteorological laboratory
ologicai labora-
marine physical
marine biological laboratory
marine biological
marine geological laboratory
marine geological
marine geophy-
Sical laboratory
2.2Special laboratory
Term name
English name
! Marine hydrographic laboratory
marine hydrographic laboratory
phic latoratory
meaning physical oceanography laboratory
(physical oceanography laboratory)
is a studio between laboratory and wet room, mainly used for sampling water and measuring temperature, determining productivity, radioactive level, dust, chemical analysis and comprehensive experiments
a studio used for comprehensive observation and research on ocean water quality, chemistry and other elements, temperature, conductivity (conductivity, conductivity ratio), salt, depth, dissociated oxygen, alkalinity (i.e. pH value), turbidity, point velocity, density, etc.
a studio used for research on the determination of seawater chemical composition and its methods; research on the distribution and change laws of chemical elements in seawater; research and analysis on the exchange process of chemical elements between seawater and the boundary; and for conducting sea surface meteorological observations, low-altitude detection, collection of meteorological information and weather analysis and other comprehensive marine meteorological observations! The studio is a comprehensive studio for measuring the acoustic, optical, electrical, thermal and thermal characteristics of the ocean and studying their laws. It is required to have a low-noise multi-power supply when measuring acoustic characteristics. It is used for the observation, processing, analysis and controlled testing of marine biological samples, as well as the analysis of the acquired biological signals (images and signals). It is also a studio for studying their morphology, classification, population composition, population distribution, physiological and ecological characteristics, and the relationship between organisms and the environment. It is a studio for on-site observation, processing and analysis of geological samples, as well as analysis of data obtained by sonar and shallow-water group instruments. The room generally has an analysis room and an instrument room
A studio that uses various geophysical methods to conduct on-site measurements and interpretations of single or multiple geophysical fields such as ocean acoustics, gravity, earthquakes, magnetism, heat flow, etc.
It can be used to observe ocean water elements: water depth, water color, transparency, temperature, salinity, ocean currents, waves, tides, sea ice, sea luminescence, etc., and study their time distribution and changing laws! Laboratory for the study of hydrological forecasting methods
Not recommended
Term name
English name
wave observation
marine underwater acoustic
marine optic
sea rater chemistry
cal Jaboratory
sea meteorological observation room
sea surface meteorological observation room
upper airborne meteorological observation room
vation Jooun
Star Chart Receiving Room
satellitc cluud
.imagu receiving
radio wind room
radiowind ruom
radar observation
information room
A studio used for wave observation, studying its changing laws and the mechanism of generation, analyzing wave spectra, and making wave forecast; conducting on-site investigation of the sound field, acoustic parameters, sound propagation, radiation, absorption, reverberation, noise and other elements in the ocean, and using acoustic methods to measure, analyze and study hydrological elements. The room must be equipped with low-noise power supply equipment for on-site measurement of the light field and optical properties of seawater in the ocean, and study its changes and the relationship between it and marine organisms, water masses and other elements. The room is used to measure the chemical elements in seawater on-site: humidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH value, concentration, phosphate, nitrite, phosphate, various micro-elements and heavy metal elements, and study their distribution and annual law. The room is used to observe the elements of marine weather: visibility, clouds, weather phenomena, wind, air leakage, humidity, air pressure, etc., and analyze the observation data. The room should have a wide field of view. The room monitors the detector and measures the base value to receive and analyze the radio signals sent by it. The room receives and analyzes the positive images of various cloud maps sent by various meteorological instruments. Because cloud map photos need to be developed in time, there should be a special environment, also called a wind measuring room, which should be used to measure the wind in the air and obtain the three-dimensional spatial changes of the high-altitude wind tower. During observation, the wind can be measured independently for monitoring, and it can also be coordinated with radiosonde for observation (phenomenon) for observation (tracing back the various scientific and technological aspects of the weather, as well as the research on the effects of various atmospheric phenomena on the radiation). The laboratory should install and use various wireless receiving equipment: wireless receiver, atmospheric fax machine, teletypewriter, frequency shifter, etc.: to obtain the (phenomenon data forwarded from various places and provide a basis for large (forecasts). Laboratory is not recommended
Term name
English name
Type laboratory
marine plank
tological labora
marine microbiology laboratory
marine micro-
biology labora-
marine biological physiological and ecological laboratory
marine physio-
logy and ecology
marine benthos
marine geology
and geomor pho-
logy laboralory
marine seismic
survey room
marine gravima :
tric survey room
marine magnetic
surycy room
Used for the observation, processing and analysis of fish samples, and the analysis of the acquired color group signals. The study of their morphology, classification, physiological characteristics, population composition, fish distribution (fish migration and distribution of fishing grounds), the relationship between population changes and the environment! The studio is used for the observation, processing and analysis of plankton samples, as well as the determination of primary productivity. The studio studies their morphology, classification, population composition, number distribution and the relationship between them and the environment. Plankton refers to organisms that have no swimming ability or have a certain swimming ability but drift with the waves. Sterilization of microbial aseptic sampling equipment, sample processing, culture, separation, observation, counting, preliminary determination of physical and chemical characteristics, and sample preservation. A studio to study its morphology, classification and quantity distribution. Microorganisms refer to single-cell or nearly single-cell organisms with tiny individuals and relatively simple morphological structures. Cultivate, observe, process and analyze the acquired marine biological samples and conduct controlled experiments. Study its ecological characteristics and the relationship between organisms and the environment. Used for processing, observation and analysis of benthic biological samples and analysis of the images of the seabed organisms. A studio to study its morphology, classification, population composition, quantity distribution and relationship with the environment. Benthic organisms refer to animals, plants and microorganisms living on and in the bottom of the water. Use depth sounders, lateral sounding sonars, shallow surface meters, navigation positioning underwater photography devices, etc. to observe and record the general situation of the seabed topography. The studio that provides data for further research on the geological and geomorphological features of the seabed is also called ground cover. A studio that uses digital geodesic instrument, combined air gun controller, ground cable controller and peripheral equipment to record the reflected and refracted geomagnetic waves from the underground world: it is also called gravity room. It is also called gravity room. It is used to install ocean gravimeter and other auxiliary equipment, and to measure and analyze the ocean gravity field in reverse. This room should be located in a suitable position in the cabin and should not be in the engine room. It is not recommended to install ocean magnetometers and other attached equipment for ocean magnetic field measurement and data analysis in laboratories
Term name
English name
Marine pollution monitoring laboratory
marine pollution
Radiotopic laboratory
2.3 Polar expedition laboratory
Term name
General name
Polar Jight and
night skylight
ohscrvation room
1 Cosmic ray observation room
GB 7991--87
It is used to process samples (gas samples, water samples, biological and bottom samples) obtained from specific sea areas or pollution at different frequencies and determine the components and content of pollutants in them. It is used to master the state and changes of pollutants and provide a basis for evaluating the ecological environment of the sea area. The construction, use and management of this room should take into account the background pollution within the non-removal range, and take corresponding measures in anti-pollution
It is used for the treatment, analysis and determination of radioactive removal and radioactive contaminated samples (air samples, seawater samples, biological and geological samples in the sea area, etc.). It studies the level of radioactive contamination and the distribution and changes of radioactive nuclei. The construction, use and management of this room should be carried out in accordance with the "Radiation Protection Regulations" issued by the state
It is located high at the bow of the ship and uses a fluorometer and an all-weather camera to observe and record the frequency, form and intensity of aurora and night light. The studio that studies the relationship between various phenomena such as auroras and night lights and earth and solar activities uses a multi-segment neutron monitoring terminal and a plastic flash muon telescope to continuously record the source of high-energy particles that pass through the atmosphere and enter the earth's surface, and the maximum and intensity changes and distribution of energy in space over the years. The studio that provides data for studying the laws of solar activities uses observation instruments to study the types and heights of icebergs and floating ice Observation roomIonosphere Observation roomRadio waves laboratoryThe studio that provides data for studying the laws of solar activities uses observation instruments to study the types and heights of icebergs and floating ice Observation roomThe room should be located at the bow of the ship. It is a studio for studying the law of polar ionosphere absorption of magnetic waves, using relative ionosphere absorption instrument, measuring and recording polar radio noise level. It uses its high-frequency, high-frequency and base-frequency radio transmitters and receivers to receive echo signal intensity and study the dielectric characteristics of the air above the polar region, providing data for radio communications. Not recommended. Not recommended. Term name. English name. Marine mammal and island species observation room. Marine mammal and bird observation room. Containerized laboratory. Container: type
Also known as mobile experimental space
2.5 Subsidiary laboratory
Term name
English name
water sampling room
water temperature
reading room
hydrogen niaking
hydrogen storage
helium storage
sonde temporary determination room
radissonde determination room
tting room
meteorological rocket room
The studio used to observe and study the types, numbers, distribution and living habits of mammals and birds on the ice in polar waters is generally used for professional experiments. The room is equipped with various professional instruments and equipment and water, electricity and other interfaces according to professional needs. It can be pre-installed on the ocean survey ship and removed from the ship at any time to reduce the ship's port stay time and make full use of the deck area. This type of studio is specifically used for placing water samplers for on-site temperature reading and water sampling. The room is located on the middle board, close to the hydrological winch, the hydrological room and the chemical room
It is a workroom for producing hydrogen (electrolytic hydrogen, chemical hydrogen production) for wind measurement and sounding balls. The room should take explosion-proof measures to store the cabin filled with compressed hydrogen (compressed hydrogen in gas cylinders and compressed hydrogen in air bags) for wind measurement and sounding balloons. The room should take explosion-proof measures to store the cabin filled with compressed nitrogen (thermal nitrogen in gas cylinders and compressed nitrogen in pressure boxes) for wind measurement and sounding balloons.
To ensure that the detector has a certain accuracy, the temperature, humidity and pressure sensors of Lichuan Instruments are checked for sensitivity before release. And the gas and humidity sensors that fail to meet the standards are calibrated on site, and the calibration curve is drawn.
The room is not recommended for assembling, measuring, monitoring, controlling the launch and receiving and analyzing signals of target rockets and detectors.
Not recommended
Term name
English name
Biological sample gun
biological sample
geological sample
seismic air compressor
air cumpressor
room for seismic
3 Special machinery
3.1 Winch
Term name
English name
Hydrographic winch
Depth temperature meter winch
(BT winch)
ature meter
geological winch
More recommended winch
gravimeter winch
buoy winch
[loal chamber
was marked by double winch
GB 7391—-87
or meaning
a chamber used to store biological samples collected by marine surveys (fixed by soaking in formalin, alcohol, etc.). The chamber should be ventilated and cooled. A chamber used to store geological samples (seafloor surface samples, columnar samples, trawl samples) collected by marine surveys. The chamber should be ventilated and cooled. A chamber equipped with air compressor units, high-pressure air bottles and other auxiliary equipment to provide high-pressure air for marine ground-exposure air gun seismic sources. A winch for collecting and hydrological sensitive instruments for hydrological observation. The winch consists of a prime mover, a reducer, a drum, a rope arrangement device counter, a control panel and an electric control box. The prime mover (mainly electric, hydraulic and dynamic) drives the drum to rotate through the reducer, so that the cable is released or retracted, thereby lowering or retracting the measuring instrument.
is a winch for retracting and releasing a depth thermometer (BT instrument) to measure water depth and water temperature for hydrological observation. The principle, function and structure of the BT winch are the same as 3.1.1, and it can be completely replaced by the hydrological winch in 3.1.1.
is a winch for retracting and releasing bottom sampling instruments for ocean bottom sampling. The principle and function are the same as 3.1.1. The winch is equipped with a dynamometer to observe whether the instrument has touched the bottom and detect the breaking force during sampling. It is a winch for collecting seabed gravimeters for ocean gravity measurement. The principle and function are the same as 3.1. 1. Usually, a cable is used to retract and release a buoy for ocean current (surface current) observation. The principle and function are the same as 3,1,1.
is a winch for retracting and releasing gravity wave meters, ship energy wave meters and other instruments for wave observation.
The principle and function are the same as 3.1.1. It is usually recommended to use a small cable set
Indecent recommendation5 Affiliated laboratories
Term name
English name
Water sampling room
water temperature
reading room
hydrogen niaking
hydrogen storage
helium storage
sonde temporary determination room
radissonde determination room
ting room
meteorological rocket room
The studio used to observe and study the types, numbers, distribution and living habits of mammals and birds on the ice in polar waters is generally used for professional experiments. The room is equipped with various professional instruments and equipment and water, electricity and other interfaces according to professional needs. It can be pre-installed on the ocean survey ship and removed from the ship at any time to reduce the ship's port stay time and make full use of the deck area. This type of studio is specifically used for placing water samplers for on-site temperature reading and water sampling. The room is located on the middle board, close to the hydrological winch, the hydrological room and the chemical room
It is a workroom for producing hydrogen (electrolytic hydrogen, chemical hydrogen production) for wind measurement and sounding balls. The room should take explosion-proof measures to store the cabin filled with compressed hydrogen (compressed hydrogen in gas cylinders and compressed hydrogen in air bags) for wind measurement and sounding balloons. The room should take explosion-proof measures to store the cabin filled with compressed nitrogen (thermal nitrogen in gas cylinders and compressed nitrogen in pressure boxes) for wind measurement and sounding balloons.
To ensure that the detector has a certain accuracy, the temperature, humidity and pressure sensors of Lichuan Instruments are checked for sensitivity before release. And the gas and humidity sensors that fail to meet the standards are calibrated on site, and the calibration curve is drawn.
The room is not recommended for assembling, measuring, monitoring, controlling the launch and receiving and analyzing signals of target rockets and detectors.
Not recommended
Term name
English name
Biological sample gun
biological sample
geological sample
seismic air compressor
air cumpressor
room for seismic
3 Special machinery
3.1 Winch
Term name
English name
Hydrographic winch
Depth temperature meter winch
(BT winch)
ature meter
geological winch
More recommended winch
gravimeter winch
buoy winch
[loal chamber
was marked by double winch
GB 7391—-87
or meaning
a chamber used to store biological samples collected by marine surveys (fixed by soaking in formalin, alcohol, etc.). The chamber should be ventilated and cooled. A chamber used to store geological samples (seafloor surface samples, columnar samples, trawl samples) collected by marine surveys. The chamber should be ventilated and cooled. A chamber equipped with air compressor units, high-pressure air bottles and other auxiliary equipment to provide high-pressure air for marine ground-exposure air gun seismic sources. A winch for collecting and hydrological sensitive instruments for hydrological observation. The winch consists of a prime mover, a reducer, a drum, a rope arrangement device counter, a control panel and an electric control box. The prime mover (mainly electric, hydraulic and dynamic) drives the drum to rotate through the reducer, so that the cable is released or retracted, thereby lowering or retracting the measuring instrument.
is a winch for retracting and releasing a depth thermometer (BT instrument) to measure water depth and water temperature for hydrological observation. The principle, function and structure of the BT winch are the same as 3.1.1, and it can be completely replaced by the hydrological winch in 3.1.1.
is a winch for retracting and releasing bottom sampling instruments for ocean bottom sampling. The principle and function are the same as 3.1.1. The winch is equipped with a dynamometer to observe whether the instrument has touched the bottom and detect the breaking force during sampling. It is a winch for collecting seabed gravimeters for ocean gravity measurement. The principle and function are the same as 3.1. 1. Usually, a cable is used to retract and release a buoy for ocean current (surface current) observation. The principle and function are the same as 3,1,1.
is a winch for retracting and releasing gravity wave meters, ship energy wave meters and other instruments for wave observation.
The principle and function are the same as 3.1.1. It is usually recommended to use a small cable set
Indecent recommendation5 Affiliated laboratories
Term name
English name
Water sampling room
and temperature
reading room
hydrogen niaking
hydrogen storage
helium storage
sonde temporary determination room
radissonde determination room
tting room
meteorological rocket room
The studio used to observe and study the types, numbers, distribution and living habits of mammals and birds on the ice in polar waters is generally used for professional experiments. The room is equipped with various professional instruments and equipment and water, electricity and other interfaces according to professional needs. It can be pre-installed on the ocean survey ship and removed from the ship at any time to reduce the ship's port stay time and make full use of the deck area. This type of studio is specifically used for placing water samplers for on-site temperature reading and water sampling. The room is located on the middle board, close to the hydrological winch, the hydrological room and the chemical room
It is a workroom for producing hydrogen (electrolytic hydrogen, chemical hydrogen production) for wind measurement and sounding balls. The room should take explosion-proof measures to store the cabin filled with compressed hydrogen (compressed hydrogen in gas cylinders and compressed hydrogen in air bags) for wind measurement and sounding balloons. The room should take explosion-proof measures to store the cabin filled with compressed nitrogen (thermal nitrogen in gas cylinders and compressed nitrogen in pressure boxes) for wind measurement and sounding balloons.
To ensure that the detector has a certain accuracy, the temperature, humidity and pressure sensors of Lichuan Instruments are checked for sensitivity before release. And the gas and humidity sensors that fail to meet the standards are calibrated on site, and the calibration curve is drawn.
The room is not recommended for assembling, measuring, monitoring, controlling the launch and receiving and analyzing signals of target rockets and detectors.
Not recommended
Term name
English name
Biological sample gun
biological sample
geological sample
seismic air compressor
air cumpressor
room for seismic
3 Special machinery
3.1 Winch
Term name
English name
Hydrographic winch
Depth temperature meter winch
(BT winch)
ature meter
geological winch
More recommended winch
gravimeter winch
buoy winch
[loal chamber
was marked by double winch
GB 7391—-87
or meaning
a chamber used to store biological samples collected by marine surveys (fixed by soaking in formalin, alcohol, etc.). The chamber should be ventilated and cooled. A chamber used to store geological samples (seafloor surface samples, columnar samples, trawl samples) collected by marine surveys. The chamber should be ventilated and cooled. A chamber equipped with air compressor units, high-pressure air bottles and other auxiliary equipment to provide high-pressure air for marine ground-exposure air gun seismic sources. A winch for collecting and hydrological sensitive instruments for hydrological observation. The winch consists of a prime mover, a reducer, a drum, a rope arrangement device counter, a control panel and an electric control box. The prime mover (mainly electric, hydraulic and dynamic) drives the drum to rotate through the reducer, so that the cable is released or retracted, thereby lowering or retracting the measuring instrument.
is a winch for retracting and releasing a depth thermometer (BT instrument) to measure water depth and water temperature for hydrological observation. The principle, function and structure of the BT winch are the same as 3.1.1, and it can be completely replaced by the hydrological winch in 3.1.1.
is a winch for retracting and releasing bottom sampling instruments for ocean bottom sampling. The principle and function are the same as 3.1.1. The winch is equipped with a dynamometer to observe whether the instrument has touched the bottom and detect the breaking force during sampling. It is a winch for collecting seabed gravimeters for ocean gravity measurement. The principle and function are the same as 3.1. 1. Usually, a cable is used to retract and release a buoy for ocean current (surface current) observation. The principle and function are the same as 3,1,1.
is a winch for retracting and releasing gravity wave meters, ship energy wave meters and other instruments for wave observation.
The principle and function are the same as 3.1.1. It is usually recommended to use a small cable set
Indecent recommendation
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