Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Gas analysis-Vocabulary
This standard is equivalent to the international standard IS07504-1984 Gas analysis-Vocabulary". 1 Subject content and scope of application
GB/T 14850-93
This standard specifies the terms and terms widely used in gas analysis. This standard is applicable to the formulation, revision and writing of technical documents and books and periodicals, as well as academic exchanges and business activities at home and abroad, and can be used as a reference for teaching.
2 Referenced standards
GB.4946, Gas chromatography analysis terms
GB/T14666. Analytical chemistry terms
3 Terms and definitions3.1 Calibration gas mixtures3.1.1 Concentration (c) concentration
The amount of a substance divided by the volume of the mixture, in mol/m\. 3.1.2 mole (thol) mole
International unit for the amount of a substance. It is the amount of a substance in a system in which the number of basic units contained in the substance is equal to the number of atoms in 0.012kg12C.
Note: Those with * are newly added. The following are similar. 3.1.3 molar mass (M) molarmass
1 The mass of a substance, the unit is kilograms per tol, usually with grams per mole (x/mol). 3.1.4 molar volume (V_) molarvolume1 The volume occupied by a mole of a substance, the unit is cubic meters per mole (m/tmol). 3.1.5 content (g) content
The amount of a certain component contained in a substance obtained by measurement. It is usually expressed as mass fraction, mole fraction, volume fraction, and pressure fraction. 3.1:5.1 mass fraction (w) mass ratio The ratio of the mass of a component to the mass of a mixed gas. Malar ratio (r) The ratio of the number of moles of a component to the number of moles of a gas mixture. Volume fraction (g) Volume ratio The ratio of the volume of a component to the volume of a gas mixture. Pressure ratio The ratio of the partial pressure of a component to the pressure of a gas mixture. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 30, 1993 and implemented on October 1, 1994
3- 2 Metrology
3.2:1 Calibration
GB/T 14850—93
Various operations to correct the error value of a measuring instrument or a measuring device. Usually, the relationship between the displayed value and the actual value of the measuring instrument is obtained by using a standard instrument, a standard substance, etc. and then corrected. 32.2 Uncertainty
An estimate of the true value of the measured value within a certain range. 3.2.3 Accuracy
The degree of closeness between the average value of multiple determinations and the true value. 3.2.4 Precision
The degree of closeness between the values obtained by repeated measurements under certain conditions. Expressed as repeatability or reproducibility. 3.2.5 Repeatability
The degree of closeness between the results obtained by successive measurements using the same method, on the same sample, under the same conditions (same operator, same instrument, same laboratory, and not too long a time interval). 3.2.6 Reproducibility
The degree of closeness between the individual values measured using the same method, on the same sample, different operators, different laboratories, or over a relatively long period of time.
The difference between the measured value and the true value. Deviation
The difference between the result of a measurement and the average value of all the measurement results in multiple repeated measurements. Variance
The average of the sum of squares of the deviations of the measured values from the mean value. Standard deviationstandard deviationThe positive square root of the variance.
3. 2.7. 4
Relative standard deviation (also known as coefficient of variation)Relative standard deviation (variation coefficient)Relative standard deviation to the mean value, usually expressed as a percentage. 3.3 Methods of preparation of calibration gas mixture3.3.1 Gravimetric methodAdd each component of the mixture in turn into a previously evacuated and weighed gas cylinder, weigh its mass, and the content of each component is usually expressed as mass fraction or mole fraction.
3.3.2 Manometric methodAdd each component of the mixture in turn into a previously evacuated gas cylinder, and measure its pressure. If the differential of the specific system is known, the mole fraction can be calculated from the pressure reading.
Stetic volumetric method3. 3.3
A method of preparing a mixture by mixing two or more gases of known exact volumes at known temperature and pressure. The volume fraction of a component in the prepared mixture can be calculated according to the ratio of the known volumes. If it is not an ideal gas, the calculated volume fraction may be different from the Barr fraction. Instructions for use:
1) The uncertainty of the root value is combined with the uncertainty of the analyzer. When the true value to be measured is the indicated value of the analyzer, then this item is the uncertainty of the analyzer (analytical system),
2] combines the accuracy of the analyzer. When the average value is the indicated value of the analyzer, then this item is the accuracy of the analyzer [analytical system]. 3) Combines the precision of the analyzer. When the value obtained by repeated determination is the indicated value of the analyzer, the measurement is the precision of the analyzer (analytical system. GB/T 14850-93
3.3.4 Dynamic volumetric method dynamic volumetric method Under given conditions, two or more air flows with known volume flow rates are mixed to form a uniform air flow. The volume fraction of any component in the resulting mixed air flow can be calculated from the volume flow rate ratio. 3.3:5 Saturation method saturation method
A method in which a constant flow of air passes through a volatile or sublimable substance at a certain temperature. Under equilibrium conditions, the content of the substance in the air flow can be calculated according to the vapor pressure of the substance at a known temperature. 3.3.6 Permeation method Under given temperature and pressure, the air flow passes through a closed system that can permeate volatile substances at a constant flow rate. The content of the substance in the air flow is calculated based on the flow rate of the gas and the permeability of the substance. 3.3-7 Diffusion method·diffusion method A method in which a gas or vapor enters a gas flow of constant velocity through a throttle at a constant rate. If the temperature and pressure of the diffusing substance remain unchanged at the throttle inlet, the mass flow rate of the diffusing substance in the gas flow will remain unchanged. 3.3.8 Comparison method comparison method A method of determining the content of a component in a mixture by comparing it with the same component in a standard mixture gas. 3.4 Terms associated with calibration gas mixtures 3.4:1 Complementary gas usually refers to the gas with the largest amount of components other than the calibration component, that is, the base gas used to match the standard mixture gas. 3.4.2 Calibration component calibration component The component that exists in the standard mixture gas in gaseous or vaporous state and is directly used for testing and calibration. 3.4.3 Standard mixed gas calibration gas mixture A mixed gas with a definite composition, which is used to calibrate analytical instruments, evaluate measurement methods, and determine the content of components in the gas. Usually composed of one or more calibration components and a complementary gas. 3.4.4 Zero gas zero
Gas used to determine the zero point of the calibration curve within a given content range using a given analytical method. 3.4.5—primary mixture A mixture obtained directly from two or more components. It is used to prepare a more diluted standard mixture. 3.4.6 carrier gas
Gas introduced to transport the sample.
3. 4.7 diluent gas
Gas used to quantitatively reduce the content of each component in the gas sample. Release gas can also be supplementary gas. 3.4.8 undetermined components components whose content does not need to be measured during the sample analysis process. 3.5 limiting condition for_use af calibration gas mixtures in gas cylinders
3.5.1 minimum storage temperature minimum storage temperature refers to the minimum ambient temperature for storing the standard mixed gas. Below this temperature, the content of the filtered gas components may change. maximum storage temperature 3.5.2
refers to the maximum ambient temperature for storing the standard mixed gas. Above this temperature, the components and content of the mixed gas may change. 3.5.3 minimum pressure of utilization refers to the minimum pressure limit value that the standard mixed gas is still allowed to use. Under this limit value, the content of the components cannot be guaranteed. 3.5.4 Maximum storage life refers to the storage time during which the change of component content does not exceed its uncertainty, i.e. the validity period of standard gas. GB/T14850-93
4 General principles for analytical methods4.1 Analytical system4.1.1 Gas analysis installationThe overall unit required to measure one or more components in a gas mixture. Usually composed of several parts (see Appendix A, schematic diagram of gas analysis installation).
4.1.2 Sample sample
A small amount of material taken from the population for testing in order to provide a representative value of the overall characteristic. 4.1.3 Bampler
An instrument for collecting samples.
4. 7.4 Sampling point sample paint
The optimal point when taking a representative sample from the population. 4.1.5
A gas-tight pipeline system equipped with auxiliary equipment such as valves and pressure gauges to achieve gas transportation. 4.1.6Sampling pipelinesampleline
A pipeline for transporting samples to the sampling point. Including devices such as reducers, dryers or condensers necessary for preparing analytical samples. 4.1.7
Transport pipelinetransfertine
A pipeline provided to transport samples from the sampling point to the analytical unit or sampler without changing the composition of the sample. 4.1.8Analytical unitanalyticalurit
An assembly composed of the following parts,
. A pipeline for introducing or transporting the sample to be tested or the standard mixed gas. b. A device that analyzes the physical or chemical properties of the components of the sample to be tested and provides a signal. c. A signal processing device or a data processing device. Continuous analyzercontinuousanalyser4.1.9
A device that can perform analysis continuously.
4.1.10 Discontinuous Analyser A device that cannot perform analysis continuously.
4.1.31 Sequential Analyser A device that has at least one component that works according to a program. 4.2 Sampling
4.2.1 Continuous sampling The operation of continuously extracting representative samples from a population. 4.2.2 Discontinuous sampling The operation of periodically, but not necessarily at equal time intervals, extracting representative samples from a population. 4.2.3 Sequential gampling The operation of repeatedly sampling from the same or several gases to be measured. 4.3 Measuring cell
Continuous measuring cell A measuring component that can operate continuously.
Digital measuring cell 4.3-2
A measuring component that operates intermittently without fixed time intervals. 4.3.3
sequentialmeasuring cell A measuring component that operates on a sample according to a predetermined procedure. GB/T 14850—93
4.4 Indication by theanalyser4.4.1 Continuous indication A component that continuously displays the content changing with time (the sampling and measuring cells must be continuous). 4.4.2 Discontinuous indication A component that discontinuously displays the content changing with time. 4.4.3 Sequential indication A component that displays the content changing with time according to a certain procedure. 4.5 Characteristics associated with analysers and analytical systems
4.5.1 Sensitivity (S) sensitivity The rate of change of the response signal when the amount of substance passing through the measuring cell changes. 4.5.2 Resolution of an analyzer The measure of the ability of an analyzer to distinguish between two adjacent signals. 4.5.3 Detectability (D) The minimum amount of a substance that produces an observable response. 4.5.4 Measurement threshold The minimum amount of a substance that produces a quantifiable signal. 4.5.5 Range of measurement The range between the measurement limit and the maximum indicative amount. 4.5.6 Dynamic range The ratio of the maximum indicative value to the minimum indicative value. 4.5.7 Selectivity of an analyzer The property of being insensitive to gases other than the component being measured. 4.5.8 Coefficient of interactian The coefficient describing selectivity. The ratio of the analyzer's response to the same amount of the substance being measured and the interfering substance. 4.5.9 Response time The time required from the moment the change begins to reach 90% of the final reading when a change is being measured. 4.5.10 Dead time dead tine
The time required for the moment when the content suddenly changes and the time when the reading reaches 10% of the end point of the change. 4.5.11 Rise time: rise time
The difference between the response time and the dead time.
5 Special analysis methods specific fethds 5.1 Mass spectrometry mass spectrometry
5.1.1 General description
The method of converting the atoms or molecules of the substance to be tested into charged particles, using a stable magnetic field to separate the charged particles in order of mass size, and then using a detector to detect.
5.2 Mass spectrometer mass spectrometer
5. 2.1 General description A device that separates the ions of the substance to be tested under the action of a magnetic field according to the different mass-to-charge ratios and records the spectrum. 5.2.2 Single-focusing mass spectrometer single-focusing mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer that has the ability to focus the ion beam only in one direction. 5.2.3 Double-focusing mass spectrometer GB/T 14850-93
Mass spectrometer capable of simultaneously achieving directional focusing and energy focusing of the ion beam. 5.2.4 Quadrupole mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer that uses a quadrupole electric field composed of direct current and radiation to separate ions of different mass-to-charge ratios. 5.2.5 Components
5-2.5.1 Focusing system,focusing system, deflectiorl systerm A device for separating ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio. Ion source ionsource
A component that ionizes a sample and focuses it, accelerating it into an ion beam with a certain energy.
Ion beam*ion beam
A flow of ions with a certain kinetic energy and direction. Ion collector ion collector A device for selectively collecting ions, such as a Faraday collector or an electron multiplier. 5.2.6 Terms associated with mass spectrum analysis Mass spectrum mass spectrum
A spectrum consisting of the mass-to-charge ratio and intensity of ions after the sample is ionized. 5. 2. 6. 2 Base peak base peak
The most abundant ion peak in a mass spectrum. Mass-to-charge ratio* (m/z) mass charge ratio The ratio of the mass of an ion to the number of charges it carries.
Background of mass spectrum The mass spectrum produced by system leakage or contamination when no sample is introduced under the same conditions as the sample being analyzed. Isotope spectrum The spectrum formed by ions with the same chemical structure but different isotopes. Ion
An atom, molecule or molecular fragment that has lost or gained one or more electrons. Molecular ion The ion formed when a sample molecule loses or gains an electron but does not fragment during the ionization process. Fragmention
An ion formed when a sample molecule is fragmented during the ionization process. Ionization
The process of converting neutral atoms or molecules into ions. Ionization energy The minimum energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom or molecule to make it a positive ion.
Electron ionization*electton ionization The process by which sample molecules are ionized in the gas phase by being bombarded with an electron beam having a certain kinetic energy. Field-ionization The process by which gaseous molecules or atoms are ionized under the action of a strong electric field (>10°V/cm). Chemical ionization*chemical ionization The process by which sample molecules collide with reactive ions and undergo a molecule-ion reaction, ionizing the sample molecules. Photoionizationi The process by which sample molecules are ionized under the action of photons. Ionization potential ionization potential corresponds to the potential of the minimum electron energy required to generate molecular ions. GB/T 14850—93 Appearance potential Appearance potential corresponds to the potential of the minimum electron energy required to generate fragment ions. Scanning
The variation of one or more operating parameters (electrical, magnetic, etc.) of the mass spectrometer, which causes the mass-to-charge ratio of ions to increase or decrease continuously on the ion collector.
5.2.7 Characteristics associated with mass spectrometry5. 2.7.1 Mass spectrametric resolution The measure of the degree of resolution of two adjacent ions with different mass-to-charge ratios. Linear range linear range
The content range in which the detection signal intensity is proportional to the content of the sample being tested. Mass range mags range
The range of ion mass numbers that can be measured by a mass spectrometer. 5.3 Non-dispersive infrated analyzers 5.3.1 General descriptian A device for continuous analysis of gases based on the absorption of infrared radiation by gases. 5.3.2 Components Emitter
A source of infrared radiation and a component used to focus or control the radiation through the optical path of the instrument. Analysis cell A cell filled with the gas to be measured through which the infrared radiation passes. Reference cell
A cell filled with reference gas through which the infrared radiation passes. Infrared detector An apparatus for comparing the infrared radiation signals that alternately pass through the reference cell and the analysis cell. Filter cell
A sealed cell located between the emitter and the detector that selectively passes radiation wavelengths. 5-4 Gas chromatography 5. 4. 1. General description Chromatography using gas as mobile phase.
5.4.2 Gas chromatograph Gas chromatograph A device used for gas chromatography. Generally composed of gas flow control, injection, separation, temperature control, signal detection, signal processing and recording systems.
5.4.3 Components components Sample injector
A device or component that can quantitatively and instantly inject a sample into a chromatographic system. Chromatographic column A column tube with a stationary phase for separating mixed components. 5.4. 3. 3 Detector
A device that can detect the components flowing out of the chromatographic column and the changes in their quantity. Thermal conductivity detector thermal conductivity detector5. 4. 3. 3. 1
When the carrier gas and the effluent of the chromatographic column pass through the thermistor, the difference in thermal conductivity between the two causes a difference in value, thereby generating an electrical signal. Flame ionization detector flameionization detector GB/T: 14850—93
When organic matter burns in a hydrogen flame, the ions generated generate an electrical signal under the action of an electric field. Nitrogen ionization detector helium ionization detector When high-purity nitrogen passes through a strong electric field ionization chamber with a β-ray source, it collides with high-energy β-rays and is excited to an excited state of 19.6 eV. When a component in the carrier gas with an ionization potential lower than the excitation energy of nitrogen atoms passes through the ionization chamber, it collides with them and is ionized, thereby generating an electrical signal. Ultrasonic detector ultrasonic detector A device that compares the changes in the acoustic signals of the measuring cell and the reference cell. Photoionization detector photoionizatian detector A device that uses high-energy ultraviolet rays to ionize components with an ionization potential lower than the ultraviolet energy, and generates electrical signals under the action of an electric field.
Electron capture detector electron capture detector
Carrier gas molecules are ionized under the action of β particles produced by radiation sources such as \H or Ni, forming a stable base flow in the electric field. When components containing electronegative groups pass through, electrons are captured to reduce the base flow and generate electrical signals.
Flame photometric detector flame photometric detector A device that converts light of characteristic wavelengths produced by sulfur or phosphorus compounds in a hydrogen-rich flame into electrical signals. Electrochemical detector Electrochemical detector A device that generates electrical signals by causing electrochemical reactions in the electrochemical cell when the substances flowing out of the chromatographic column. spectrometric detector: A mass spectrometer is used as a detector to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis on various effluents. Electron migration detector: A device that outputs a signal by causing the free electrons of the sample to collide inelastically with the molecules of the component to be measured when the sample enters the detector with a radioactive source. The electrons lose energy and their migration speed along the anode direction changes. semiconductor detector: A device that detects the sample to be measured by causing a change in conductivity due to adsorption and desorption on the surface of a gas-sensitive semiconductor element. 5.4.4Terms associated with gas chromatography: phase: The gas used to carry the sample and the eluting components in the chromatographic column. phase: The substance that does not move in the chromatographic column and has a separation effect. Adsorbent
Solid material with adsorptive activity used for chromatographic separation. Gas solid chromatography Gas chromatography using solid (generally adsorbent) as stationary phase. Gas liquid chromatography Gas chromatography using stationary liquid coated (or bonded) on a carrier as stationary phase. Capillary gas chromatography Gas chromatography using a capillary column with high separation efficiency. Chromatogram
A graph of the response signal generated when the effluent from the chromatographic column passes through the detector system versus time or carrier gas outflow volume. Baselinebaseline
Under normal operating conditions, the curve of the response signal generated when only the carrier gas passes through the detection system. Baseline noise - (N) baselinenoise Baseline fluctuations caused by various factors. GB/T14850—93 Chromatographicpeak The differential curve of the response signal generated when the effluent components of the chromatographic column pass through the detector system. Peakbase
A straight line connecting the starting point and the end point of the peak (see CD in Figure B1 of Appendix B). Peak height (h) peak height
The distance from the peak maximum to the peak base (BE in Appendix B Figure BI). Peak width at half height*(Wa/z)peak width at half heightThe distance between the two points where a straight line parallel to the peak base intersects the two sides of the peak through the midpoint of the peak height (see HJ in Appendix B Figure BI). Peak area*(A)peakareaThe area between the peak and the peak base (see CHEJDC in Appendix B Figure B1). External standard method*external standard method5.4.4.15
Under the same operating conditions, equal amounts of sample and standard sample containing the component to be measured are subjected to chromatographic analysis, and the response values of the component to be measured in the sample and the standard sample are compared to determine the content of the component to be measured. 5.4.4. 16 Internal standard method*internal standard method A method in which a known amount of internal standard substance that can be completely separated from all components is added to a known amount of a sample, the response value of the component to be measured is calibrated with the corresponding correction factor and compared with the response value of the internal standard substance to calculate the content of the component to be measured. Normalization method A method in which the percentage content of each component is calculated after all the measured response values are calibrated and normalized with the corresponding correction factor when all the components in the sample show chromatographic peaks. 5.4.5 Characteristics associated with gas chromatography Column efficiency The separation efficiency of a chromatographic column in the chromatographic analysis process is mainly determined by kinetic factors (operating parameters). It is usually expressed in terms of theoretical plate number, theoretical plate height or effective plate number. 5.4:5.2 Resolution The degree of separation of two adjacent chromatographic peaks, expressed as the ratio of the difference between the retention values of the two components to their average peak width (see Appendix B Figure B2). Dead time (fu) deadtime
The time required from injection to the peak maximum of a component not retained by the stationary phase. Retention time (tr) retentiontime The time required from injection to the peak maximum of a component. Dead volume* (Vm) deadvolume The volume of carrier gas required from injection to the peak maximum of a component not retained by the stationary phase. Retention volume (Vr) retentionvplume The volume of carrier gas required from injection to the peak maximum of a component. 5.5 Hygrometry
5.5.1 General description Method for determining or indicating the moisture content in ambient air or gas samples. 5.5.2 Types of hygrometer types of hygrometer GB/T 14850-93 Mechanical hygrometer mechanicalhygrometer A device that changes its size or mass depending on the moisture content.
Electrical hygrometer. A device that is sensitive to electrical properties and changes with the change of the moisture content in the passing gas. Electrolytic hygrometer: A device that uses an adsorbent (such as phosphorus pentoxide) to convert into an electrolyte (phosphoric acid) when it comes into contact with moisture in the gas. The electrolyte is continuously electrolyzed and its electrolysis current is measured. Capacitance hygrometer: A device that uses the change of the capacitance of a capacitor to measure the moisture content in the gas. Psychrometer: A device that uses the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature difference to measure the moisture content in the air. Dewpoint hygrometer: A device that passes a sample through a consistent surface and uses the temperature when dew (or frost) forms on the refrigerated surface to determine the moisture content in the sample.
5.5.3 Terms associated with hygrametry5.5.3.1 Humidity
Measurement of the water content in a gas. Relative humidityThe ratio of the water content in a gas to the water content when the gas is saturated at the same temperature, expressed as a percentage. Wet bulb temperatureThe temperature of a gas measured by a wet bulb thermometer in humidity determination. Dry bulb temperatureThe temperature of a gas measured by a dry bulb thermometer in humidity determination. 5.6 Paramagnetic methods5.6.1 General description
An analytical method for determining the paramagnetic gas in the presence of a diamagnetic gas. 5.6.2 Detector of paramagaetism5.6.2.1 Torque measuring detectorA device consisting of a closed container. One or both of them are in an uneven magnetic field generated by the magnetic poles, so that the container is affected by a repulsive force proportional to the magnetic susceptibility of the gas present and deviates from the gas. The measured torque is generated by the unevenness of the magnetic field. 5.6-2.2 Differential flow detector Gas flows through two parts of the system, one of which is affected by the magnetic field. The effect of the magnetic field on the gas flow is a function of the paramagnetism of the gas, so the flow difference can be detected. 5. 6.3 Terms associated with paramagnetic methods5.6.3.1 Paramagnetic substance A substance with a small positive magnetic susceptibility. Under the action of an external magnetic field, the magnetic induction intensity increases, and the magnetic susceptibility decreases with increasing temperature. There are only a few paramagnetic gases, including 02, 0, NO, NO2, C1O, etc. Diamagnetic substance A substance with a small negative magnetic susceptibility. Under the action of an external magnetic field, the magnetic induction intensity decreases, and the magnetic susceptibility is independent of temperature. Magnetic wind Instructions for use:
1] The required point hygrometer has been merged.
GB/T 14850—93
In a magnetic field, a gas is produced by the movement of paramagnetic gas molecules due to the change of paramagnetism caused by the temperature gradient across the magnetic field range.
5.7 Electrochemical methods5.7.1 Overviewgeneral descriptionA method for measuring current, potential or charge during an electrochemical reaction. Gas is fed into an electrochemical cell containing a liquid or solid electrolyte and an electrochemical reaction occurs.
5.7.2 Detection Coulometric detectionThe amount of electricity consumed by a substance participating in an electrochemical reaction is proportional to the mass of the reactant. Amperometric detectionThe current generated by a substance participating in an electrochemical reaction is proportional to the content of the substance. Potentiometric detectionThe potential generated by a gas component in a battery reaction is proportional to the weight of the component. 5.8 Chemiluminescent methods5.8. 1 Overviewgeneral descriptionA gas phase reaction occurs between two molecules to generate a third molecule in an excited state. When the excited state molecule returns to the ground state, it emits a characteristic spectrum.
Chemiluminescent analyser5.8.2
An instrument consisting of a reaction chamber with sample and reagent gas inlets, a filter, a photomultiplier tube and a signal processing device. 5.9 Volumetric method
At the same temperature, pressure and saturated water vapor pressure, the volume of the sample is measured by a gas pipette, and then the sample is passed through a reactor containing a selective reagent. After the reaction is complete, the volume of the residue is measured again. The content of the sample to be tested is calculated from the difference between the two measured volumes. If there is a change in temperature and pressure, it should be corrected.
5.10 Gravimetric sorption methods Under specified temperature and pressure conditions, a known volume of mixed gas is passed through a container containing a selective adsorbent. The increase in the mass of the container is an absolute measure of the substance to be tested. 5.11 Combustion methods In a sample containing a combustible gas, sufficient oxygen is added to completely burn the component to be tested. The change in volume or the amount of carbon dioxide generated can be used to determine the content of one or more components present in the original mixture. 6 Properties of gases 6.1 Ideal gas
6.1.1 Equation of state A gas is considered to be an ideal gas if it satisfies the following relationship. PVART
6.1.2 Dalton's law
For an ideal gas, the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the components. The partial pressure of a component is equal to the pressure that component would have if it occupied a separate volume.
6.1.3 Amagat's law
For an ideal gas, at a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes occupied by each gas at the same temperature and pressure.
GB/T 14850-93
6.1.4 Boyle-Mariotte's law For an ideal gas, at any given temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a constant. 6.2 Inertgas
Gas that does not participate in the reaction under specific conditions. Explosive limits, flammable limitsexplosivlimits;flammablelimits6.3
Usually refers to the concentration limit of a substance in the air when it can automatically maintain combustion. Standard statestandardstate
The standard state of a gas is 273.15K and 1.01325×105Pa. 6.5 Normal conditionsnormal conditions usually refer to the measurement conditions under ambient pressure and temperature. Generally refers to a temperature of 25°C. 6.6 Critical temperaturecritical temperature refers to the highest temperature at which a gas can liquefy.
Critical pressurecritical pressures
The lowest pressure at which a gas can liquefy at the critical temperature. 6.8 Density
The mass of a unit volume of gas under specified conditions. 6.9 Relative densityrelativedensity
The ratio of the density of a gas under specified conditions to the density of dry air under the same conditions. 7 Miscellaneous terms 7.1 Dry air
Air without water vapor, under normal conditions, its molar composition is: nitrogen; 78.09; oxygen: 20.95; fluorine 0.93 carbon dioxide, 0.03. 7.2 Saturation vapor pressure Saturation vapor pressure The pressure at which a pure substance in a system reaches equilibrium in the gas and liquid phases at a certain temperature. 8 Ancillary gas analysis equipment 8.1 U-tube manometer U-tube manometer U-tube filled with liquid, one end of the U-tube is connected to the measured pressure, and the other end is connected to the reference pressure. 8.2 Bourdon tube gauge Bourdon tube gauge The sensing element is a curved elastic metal tube with an elliptical cross section that is closed at one end, and the open end is connected to the pressure to be measured. The increase in pressure increases the radius of curvature, thereby driving the pressure indicator. 8.3 Capacitance gauge capacitance gauge A device for measuring pressure. The metal-coated diaphragm is used as one of the plates of the capacitor. The pressure to be measured and the reference pressure are applied to both sides of the diaphragm respectively. The change in pressure causes the change in capacitance. 8.4 Dead weight piston gauge A device for measuring absolute pressure. Usually used for calibration of other types of pressure measuring devices. 8.5 Dry test meter A device for measuring volume consisting of a bellows and a valve. 8.6 Wet test meter A device for measuring volume consisting of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
A device consisting of a conical tube and a float, which measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the float.1 Overviewgeneral descriptionA method for measuring current, potential or charge during an electrochemical reaction. Gas is introduced into an electrochemical cell containing a liquid or solid electrolyte and an electrochemical reaction occurs.
5.7.2 Detection Coulometric detectionThe amount of electricity consumed by a substance participating in an electrochemical reaction is proportional to the mass of the reactant. Amperometric detectionThe current generated by a substance participating in an electrochemical reaction is proportional to the content of the substance. Potentiometric detectionThe potential generated by a gas component in a battery reaction is proportional to the weight of the component. 5.8 Chemiluminescent methodschemniluminescentmethods5.8. 1 Overviewgeneral descriptionA gas phase reaction occurs between two molecules to generate a third molecule in an excited state. When the excited state molecule returns to the ground state, it emits a characteristic spectrum.
Chemiluminescent analyser5.8.2
An instrument consisting of a reaction chamber with sample and reagent gas inlets, a filter, a photomultiplier tube and a signal processing device. 5.9 Volumetric method
At the same temperature, pressure and saturated water vapor pressure, the volume of the sample is measured by a gas pipette, and then the sample is passed through a reactor containing a selective reagent. After the reaction is complete, the volume of the residue is measured again. The content of the sample to be tested is calculated from the difference between the two measured volumes. If there is a change in temperature and pressure, it should be corrected.
5.10 Gravimetric sorption methods Under specified temperature and pressure conditions, a known volume of mixed gas is passed through a container containing a selective adsorbent. The increase in the mass of the container is an absolute measure of the substance to be tested. 5.11 Combustion methods In a sample containing a combustible gas, sufficient oxygen is added to completely burn the component to be tested. The change in volume or the amount of carbon dioxide generated can be used to determine the content of one or more components present in the original mixture. 6 Properties of gases 6.1 Ideal gas
6.1.1 Equation of state A gas is considered to be an ideal gas if it satisfies the following relationship. PVART
6.1.2 Dalton's law
For an ideal gas, the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the components. The partial pressure of a component is equal to the pressure that component would have if it occupied a separate volume.
6.1.3 Amagat's law
For an ideal gas, at a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes occupied by each gas at the same temperature and pressure.
GB/T 14850-93
6.1.4 Boyle-Mariotte's law For an ideal gas, at any given temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a constant. 6.2 Inertgas
Gas that does not participate in the reaction under specific conditions. Explosive limits, flammable limitsexplosivlimits;flammablelimits6.3
Usually refers to the concentration limit of a substance in the air when it can automatically maintain combustion. Standard statestandardstate
The standard state of a gas is 273.15K and 1.01325×105Pa. 6.5 Normal conditionsnormal conditions usually refer to the measurement conditions under ambient pressure and temperature. Generally refers to a temperature of 25°C. 6.6 Critical temperaturecritical temperature refers to the highest temperature at which a gas can liquefy.
Critical pressurecritical pressures
The lowest pressure at which a gas can liquefy at the critical temperature. 6.8 Density
The mass of a unit volume of gas under specified conditions. 6.9 Relative densityrelativedensity
The ratio of the density of a gas under specified conditions to the density of dry air under the same conditions. 7 Miscellaneous terms 7.1 Dry air
Air without water vapor, under normal conditions, its molar composition is: nitrogen; 78.09; oxygen: 20.95; fluorine 0.93 carbon dioxide, 0.03. 7.2 Saturation vapor pressure Saturation vapor pressure The pressure at which a pure substance in a system reaches equilibrium in the gas and liquid phases at a certain temperature. 8 Ancillary gas analysis equipment 8.1 U-tube manometer U-tube manometer U-tube filled with liquid, one end of the U-tube is connected to the measured pressure, and the other end is connected to the reference pressure. 8.2 Bourdon tube gauge Bourdon tube gauge The sensing element is a curved elastic metal tube with an elliptical cross section that is closed at one end, and the open end is connected to the pressure to be measured. The increase in pressure increases the radius of curvature, thereby driving the pressure indicator. 8.3 Capacitance gauge capacitance gauge A device for measuring pressure. The metal-coated diaphragm is used as one of the plates of the capacitor. The pressure to be measured and the reference pressure are applied to both sides of the diaphragm respectively. The change in pressure causes the change in capacitance. 8.4 Dead weight piston gauge A device for measuring absolute pressure. Usually used for calibration of other types of pressure measuring devices. 8.5 Dry test meter A device for measuring volume consisting of a bellows and a valve. 8.6 Wet test meter A device for measuring volume consisting of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
A device consisting of a conical tube and a float, which measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the float.1 Overviewgeneral descriptionA method for measuring current, potential or charge during an electrochemical reaction. Gas is introduced into an electrochemical cell containing a liquid or solid electrolyte and an electrochemical reaction occurs.
5.7.2 Detection Coulometric detectionThe amount of electricity consumed by a substance participating in an electrochemical reaction is proportional to the mass of the reactant. Amperometric detectionThe current generated by a substance participating in an electrochemical reaction is proportional to the content of the substance. Potentiometric detectionThe potential generated by a gas component in a battery reaction is proportional to the weight of the component. 5.8 Chemiluminescent methodschemniluminescentmethods5.8. 1 Overviewgeneral descriptionA gas phase reaction occurs between two molecules to generate a third molecule in an excited state. When the excited state molecule returns to the ground state, it emits a characteristic spectrum.
Chemiluminescent analyser5.8.2
An instrument consisting of a reaction chamber with sample and reagent gas inlets, a filter, a photomultiplier tube and a signal processing device. 5.9 Volumetric method
At the same temperature, pressure and saturated water vapor pressure, the volume of the sample is measured by a gas pipette, and then the sample is passed through a reactor containing a selective reagent. After the reaction is complete, the volume of the residue is measured again. The content of the sample to be tested is calculated from the difference between the two measured volumes. If there is a change in temperature and pressure, it should be corrected.
5.10 Gravimetric sorption methods Under specified temperature and pressure conditions, a known volume of mixed gas is passed through a container containing a selective adsorbent. The increase in the mass of the container is an absolute measure of the substance to be tested. 5.11 Combustion methods In a sample containing a combustible gas, sufficient oxygen is added to completely burn the component to be tested. The change in volume or the amount of carbon dioxide generated can be used to determine the content of one or more components present in the original mixture. 6 Properties of gases 6.1 Ideal gas
6.1.1 Equation of state A gas is considered to be an ideal gas if it satisfies the following relationship. PVART
6.1.2 Dalton's law
For an ideal gas, the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the components. The partial pressure of a component is equal to the pressure that component would have if it occupied a separate volume.
6.1.3 Amagat's law
For an ideal gas, at a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes occupied by each gas at the same temperature and pressure.
GB/T 14850-93
6.1.4 Boyle-Mariotte's law For an ideal gas, at any given temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a constant. 6.2 Inertgas
Gas that does not participate in the reaction under specific conditions. Explosive limits, flammable limitsexplosivlimits;flammablelimits6.3
Usually refers to the concentration limit of a substance in the air when it can automatically maintain combustion. Standard statestandardstate
The standard state of a gas is 273.15K and 1.01325×105Pa. 6.5 Normal conditionsnormal conditions usually refer to the measurement conditions under ambient pressure and temperature. Generally refers to a temperature of 25°C. 6.6 Critical temperaturecritical temperature refers to the highest temperature at which a gas can liquefy.
Critical pressurecritical pressures
The lowest pressure at which a gas can liquefy at the critical temperature. 6.8 Density
The mass of a unit volume of gas under specified conditions. 6.9 Relative densityrelativedensity
The ratio of the density of a gas under specified conditions to the density of dry air under the same conditions. 7 Miscellaneous terms 7.1 Dry air
Air without water vapor, under normal conditions, its molar composition is: nitrogen; 78.09; oxygen: 20.95; fluorine 0.93 carbon dioxide, 0.03. 7.2 Saturation vapor pressure Saturation vapor pressure The pressure at which a pure substance in a system reaches equilibrium in the gas and liquid phases at a certain temperature. 8 Ancillary gas analysis equipment 8.1 U-tube manometer U-tube manometer U-tube filled with liquid, one end of the U-tube is connected to the measured pressure, and the other end is connected to the reference pressure. 8.2 Bourdon tube gauge Bourdon tube gauge The sensing element is a curved elastic metal tube with an elliptical cross section that is closed at one end, and the open end is connected to the pressure to be measured. The increase in pressure increases the radius of curvature, thereby driving the pressure indicator. 8.3 Capacitance gauge capacitance gauge A device for measuring pressure. The metal-coated diaphragm is used as one of the plates of the capacitor. The pressure to be measured and the reference pressure are applied to both sides of the diaphragm respectively. The change in pressure causes the change in capacitance. 8.4 Dead weight piston gauge A device for measuring absolute pressure. Usually used for calibration of other types of pressure measuring devices. 8.5 Dry test meter A device for measuring volume consisting of a bellows and a valve. 8.6 Wet test meter A device for measuring volume consisting of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
A device consisting of a conical tube and a float, which measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the float.11 Combustion methods In a sample containing combustible gas, sufficient oxygen is added to completely burn the component to be tested. The change in volume or the amount of carbon dioxide produced can be used to determine the content of one or more components present in the original mixture. 6 Properties of gases 6.1 Ideal gas
6.1.1 Equation of state A gas that satisfies the following relationship can be considered an ideal gas. PVART
6.1.2 Dalton's law
For an ideal gas, the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each component. The partial pressure of a component is equal to the pressure that the component would have if it occupied a separate volume.
6.1.3 Amagat's law
For an ideal gas, at a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes occupied by each gas at the sample temperature and pressure.
GB/T 14850-93
6.1.4 Boyle-Mariotte's law For an ideal gas, at any given temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a linear number. 6.2 Inert gas
Gas that do not participate in reactions under specific conditions. Explosive limits, flammable limitsexplosivlimits;flammablelimits6.3
Usually refers to the concentration limit at which a substance can automatically maintain combustion in the air. Standard statestandardstate
The standard state of a gas is 273.15K and 1.01325×105Pa. 6.5 Normal conditionsnormal conditions usually refer to the measurement conditions under ambient pressure and temperature. Generally refers to a temperature of 25°C. 6.6 Critical temperaturecritical temperature refers to the highest temperature at which a gas can liquefy.
Critical pressurecritical pressures
The lowest pressure at which a gas can liquefy at the critical temperature. 6.8 density
mass of gas per unit volume under specified conditions. 6.9 relative density
ratio of the density of a gas under specified conditions to the density of dry air under the same conditions. 7 miscellaneous terms 7.1 dry air
air without water vapor, under normal conditions, its molar composition is: nitrogen; 78.09; oxygen: 20.95; fluorine 0.93 carbon dioxide, 0.03. 7.2 saturation vapour pressure saturation vapour pressure pressure at which a pure substance in a system reaches equilibrium in the gas and liquid phases at a certain temperature. 8 ancillary gas analysis equipment 8. 1 U-tube manometer U-tube manometer filled with liquid, one end of the U-tube is connected to the measured pressure, and the other end is connected to the reference pressure. 8.2 Bourdon tube gauge The sensing element is a curved elastic metal tube with an elliptical cross section that is closed at one end, and the open end is connected to the pressure to be measured. The increase in pressure increases the radius of curvature, thereby driving the pressure indicator. 8.3 Capacitance gauge A device for measuring pressure. The metal-coated diaphragm acts as one plate of the capacitor. The pressure to be measured and the reference pressure are applied to both sides of the diaphragm respectively. The change in pressure causes the change in capacitance. 8.4 Dead weight piston gauge A device for measuring absolute pressure. Usually used for calibration of other types of pressure measuring devices. 8.5 Dry test meter A device for measuring volume composed of a bellows and a valve. 8.6 Wet test meter A device for measuring volume composed of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
It is a device consisting of a conical tube and a buoy, and measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the buoy.11 Combustion methods In a sample containing combustible gas, sufficient oxygen is added to completely burn the component to be tested. The change in volume or the amount of carbon dioxide produced can be used to determine the content of one or more components present in the original mixture. 6 Properties of gases 6.1 Ideal gas
6.1.1 Equation of state A gas that satisfies the following relationship can be considered an ideal gas. PVART
6.1.2 Dalton's law
For an ideal gas, the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each component. The partial pressure of a component is equal to the pressure that the component would have if it occupied a separate volume.
6.1.3 Amagat's law
For an ideal gas, at a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes occupied by each gas at the sample temperature and pressure.
GB/T 14850-93
6.1.4 Boyle-Mariotte's law For an ideal gas, at any given temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a linear number. 6.2 Inert gas
Gas that do not participate in reactions under specific conditions. Explosive limits, flammable limitsexplosivlimits;flammablelimits6.3
Usually refers to the concentration limit at which a substance can automatically maintain combustion in the air. Standard statestandardstate
The standard state of a gas is 273.15K and 1.01325×105Pa. 6.5 Normal conditionsnormal conditions usually refer to the measurement conditions under ambient pressure and temperature. Generally refers to a temperature of 25°C. 6.6 Critical temperaturecritical temperature refers to the highest temperature at which a gas can liquefy.
Critical pressurecritical pressures
The lowest pressure at which a gas can liquefy at the critical temperature. 6.8 density
mass of gas per unit volume under specified conditions. 6.9 relative density
ratio of the density of a gas under specified conditions to the density of dry air under the same conditions. 7 miscellaneous terms 7.1 dry air
air without water vapor, under normal conditions, its molar composition is: nitrogen; 78.09; oxygen: 20.95; fluorine 0.93 carbon dioxide, 0.03. 7.2 saturation vapour pressure saturation vapour pressure pressure at which a pure substance in a system reaches equilibrium in the gas and liquid phases at a certain temperature. 8 ancillary gas analysis equipment 8. 1 U-tube manometer U-tube manometer filled with liquid, one end of the U-tube is connected to the measured pressure, and the other end is connected to the reference pressure. 8.2 Bourdon tube gauge The sensing element is a curved elastic metal tube with an elliptical cross section that is closed at one end, and the open end is connected to the pressure to be measured. The increase in pressure increases the radius of curvature, thereby driving the pressure indicator. 8.3 Capacitance gauge A device for measuring pressure. The metal-coated diaphragm acts as one plate of the capacitor. The pressure to be measured and the reference pressure are applied to both sides of the diaphragm respectively. The change in pressure causes the change in capacitance. 8.4 Dead weight piston gauge A device for measuring absolute pressure. Usually used for calibration of other types of pressure measuring devices. 8.5 Dry test meter A device for measuring volume composed of a bellows and a valve. 8.6 Wet test meter A device for measuring volume composed of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
It is a device consisting of a conical tube and a buoy, and measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the buoy.A device for measuring volume consisting of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
A device consisting of a conical tube and a buoy, which measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the buoy.A device for measuring volume consisting of a circular container divided into several sections. Variable area flowmeter (rotameter) 8.7
A device consisting of a conical tube and a buoy, which measures the gas flow rate according to the height of the buoy.
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