title>JB/T 8823-1998 Guidelines for classification and coding of computer-aided management information in mechanical industry enterprises - JB/T 8823-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8823-1998 Guidelines for classification and coding of computer-aided management information in mechanical industry enterprises

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8823-1998

Standard Name: Guidelines for classification and coding of computer-aided management information in mechanical industry enterprises

Chinese Name: 机械工业企业计算机辅助管理信息 分类编码导则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-09-30

Date of Implementation:1998-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB/T L71003-90

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification and coding principles of information for computer-aided management or computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) of mechanical industrial enterprises and the design procedures of information classification and coding system. JB/T 8823-1998 Guidelines for Classification and Coding of Information for Computer-aided Management of Mechanical Industrial Enterprises JB/T8823-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Ir5 35.a40
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Machinery Industry Enterprises
Guidelines for Classification and Coding of Information for Computer-Aided Management
Directions for Information elassifying and coding for computer added management of machinery industrycnterpries1998-09-30Promulgated
State Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implementation on 1998-12-01
This standard is a refinement of ZB/TL7100—B0T "Classification and Coding System for Information of Computer-Aided Management System of Machinery Industry".
Compared with ZB/TL71003-90, the main technical content of this standard has been changed as follows: 1. The original Appendix A of ZB/TL71003-90 has been modified to "Classification and Coding System of Computer-Assisted Management Information of Machinery Industry Enterprises" and "Examples of Major Categories and Codes". 2. Appendix B has been added to "Classification and Coding System of Computer-Assisted Management Information of Machinery Industry Enterprises" and "Examples of Classification and Coding System of Computer-Assisted Management Information of Machinery Industry Enterprises". 3. According to the nature of the standard, the name of the standard has been changed to "Classification and Coding System of Computer-Assisted Management Information of Machinery Industry Enterprises". Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are reminder appendices. This standard will replace 213/TL7100390 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the State Machinery Industry Bureau, and the drafting units of this standard are China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association and National Technical Drawing and Technical Information Committee.
The main contributors to this standard are Chen Jianmin, Jin Xianpei, Yang Dongzai, and others. This standard is interpreted by China Machinery Industry Standardization Technical Association. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Machinery Industry Enterprises
Classification and Code Guide
Directives for national classification and coding for eumputer added managerial information systems JB/TB823-1998
Replaces ZB/TL713—
This standard specifies the classification, coding principles and design procedures of information classification and coding systems for computer-aided management systems (CMS) of machinery industry enterprises. This standard is applicable to the compilation of classification and codes of information for industrial and non-industrial management systems. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the listed standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown in + are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should mention the possibility of using the following standards to develop new services. GB7026-86 Standard 1: Guidelines for the preparation of information classification and coding data GB7766 Standard 2: Guidelines for the principles and methods of information classification and coding 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Information
Something with a certain meaning
3.2 Information
A formalized form of things, events or instructions. It is suitable for human or automatic communication, interpretation or processing. 3.3 Information
The attributes and characteristics of information storage, distinguish and classify certain characteristics and methods, form a certain classification system and non-sequential order, in order to manage and use information.
3.4 ​​Coding
The process of coding based on the base class. 3.5 Code
A code is a set of unique, easy-to-recognize and easily-used numbers for calculation and human identification. It is called "code" 4 Basic Provisions
4.1 Codes generally use the following characters:
Arbitrary numbers 0~-9
Letters A~Z (except 0,[).
Approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on September 30, 1998 and implemented on December 1, 1998
JB/T SH23-1998
4.2 Information Classification The design of the coding system should be standardized. It should be entrusted to various technical personnel and management personnel such as design, process, quality, finance, personnel, planning and sales.
4.3 The information classification coding method should be implemented as an enterprise standard: The information classification coding standard should comply with the provisions of GB7026. 5 Basic principles of information classification
5.1 5.1 Scientificity
Select the stable essential characteristics of things as the basis and basis for information classification. 5.2 SystematicityWww.bzxZ.net
Arrange the specific characteristics or features of the selected things and concepts in a certain order to systematize and form a scientific classification system. 5.3 Usability
It is necessary to set up narrow categories so as to ensure that when new things and concepts are added, the established classification system will not be completely disrupted. When the system is in need of information management, the existing system will be extended and refined on the basis of the current classification scheme. 5.4 Compatibility
It should be consistent with relevant standards (including international standards). 5.5 Applicability
It should meet the requirements of users within the system as much as possible under the premise of meeting the overall standards. 6 Basic characteristics of abbreviations
6. 1 Uniqueness
A code can only uniquely identify one classification object. F.2 Extensibility
Old codes must be allowed. New codes are allowed. 6.3 Simplicity
The code structure must be as accurate as possible and have only a limited amount of information. 6.4 Rationality
The code structure should be compatible with the classification system. 6.5 Applicability
The code structure should reflect the characteristics of the object as much as possible, and be convenient. 6.6 Standardization
For the same type of code, the code writing format must be unified. 7 Information classification coding system design process
The information classification coding system design process includes: a) Determine the system has been marked, and analyze the data: b) Determine the elimination list:
) Formulate coding rules
Build a text-edited system||tt ||e>Tests are released one by one.
Information integration coding system design process is shown in Figure 1, JB/T8823-1998
Determination and quantity investigation phase
Net fixed order
Building internal dynamic port
Building measurement and regulation
Safety city verification
Current fast adjustment industry
Special branch
Peak change and supplement
Figure 1 Interest integration coding system design process used 1 Determine the system goal, data investigation and analysis based on the overall system objectives to determine the information model, comprehensively understand the relevant information of the enterprise, collect various types of original certificates, lists, etc.: analyze the nature of various types of information, define the information name + provide cumulative design data, .1.! Preliminary investigation
The basic situation of the enterprise shall be investigated step by step, including the enterprise's natural situation (the enterprise's history, scale, ownership, contracts, management system and logistics situation, etc.) and production and operation situation (plan, production type, product variety, output, equipment, process, production capacity, quantity, cost, product stability, product development trend, inventory, sales and service situation, etc.). The system's monthly code should be used and a preliminary investigation report should be submitted.
7.1.2 Current situation investigation
Based on the information determined by the preliminary investigation, an in-depth investigation shall be conducted on the enterprise's current information classification, coding situation and product structure data, and all necessary information (invoices, reports, ledgers, various summary tables, various documents, technical and economic indicators, etc.) shall be collected; the production and operation of the enterprise shall be analyzed. Logistics and information flow, eliminate false information and duplicate data, ensure the accuracy and reliability of information, 7.1.3 Feature analysis
Use the feature table method (that is, list the names of data elements) to analyze the characteristics of the information received, unify the definitions of concepts, data items and data elements that need to be unified, so that users have a common understanding and eliminate errors in information exchange. Definitions should use standard terms as much as possible. 7.2 Determine the list
Step by step, sort the information received by category, list the list or name table, and use text and digital codes to describe it as quickly as possible (that is, sort the data items according to the order of the information characteristics). 7.3 Formulate coding rules
. 3.1 Each information has a unique code. The information code is generally composed of a classification code and an identification code.Classification code is the code indicating the category of information, identification code is the code indicating the characteristics of information such as structure, material, process, etc. The classification and abbreviation of information shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 and Chapter 1. The classification and coding of information can be found in Appendix A (suggested Appendix). 3
7.3.2 The structure of information classification coding system generally adopts the decimal classification system. In the decimal classification system, each layer is displayed in the form of a tree structure. The position of each code position depends on the previous position and is represented by 0 to 9. Each code position expresses a fixed meaning, as shown in Figure B1 of Appendix B (suggested Appendix). In addition, Latin letters in accordance with the provisions of 4.1 can also be used as auxiliary code symbols when necessary, and the system structure can be determined according to the needs of enterprise information operation. 7.3.3 In order to ensure the correct input of the code, the longer codes and some related codes should be checked to detect the errors caused by their input, transmission and other operations. The calculation method of the checksum can be found in 2.4.2 of GB7027-86. 4. ... 7.6 Release and implementation
The classification system, coding system and various codes of the financial department shall be released and implemented according to the enterprise standards. JB/T8823-1998
Appendix A
(Appendix for reference)
The main category names and code examples of the computer-aided information classification coding system for the enterprise on-board computer-aided information management ... Personnel management, accounting, education, management, documents, classics, etc.
Enterprise science and technology, metal materials and machinery, non-electrical materials and machinery, such as metal machines, bricks, wine machines, vibration machines, heavy equipment, glass, construction engineering, power electrical materials, equipment and tools, etc.
Technical exchange, light structure, car production and machinery related, management company, workshop, company and customer production, etc.,
TB/r 88231998
(Photo recording)
Machinery industry enterprise computer-aided management information classification terminal code system structure example B1 Machinery industry · Enterprise computer-aided management information classification terminal code system structure example Figure 1, the machine is industrial enterprise computer-aided management information classification terminal code system structure lel
All kinds of processing machinery
Circular front chemical instrument long business data
Section ticket leave to
General inspection of machinery
Electronic instrument
Business and consumption machinery
Safety analysis you
With electric sha and equipment
Add the appropriate development investment precision reverse press to do
Figure 131
Electronic in the strict Ruitongzhou Min plan
Generation of Shoujun table
Electronic quantity
Your Yuanying hardware and equipment
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