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Definition,classification and nomenclature of nanotechnology products

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39855-2021

Standard Name:Definition,classification and nomenclature of nanotechnology products

Chinese Name: 纳米产品的定义、分类与命名

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-03-09

Date of Implementation:2021-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>>Vocabulary>>01.040.07 Mathematics, Natural Sciences (Vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-03-01

other information

drafter:Wang Chen, Yang Yanlian, Mary Ruth, Gao Jie, Li Qian, Wang Xiaoping, Wang Ran, Zhang Jie

Drafting unit:National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing Zhongke Natai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Nanotechnology Standardization Technical Committee Nanomaterials Technical Committee (SAC/TC 279/SC 1)

Proposing unit:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39855-2021.Definition, classification and nomenclature of nanotechnology products.
1 Scope
GB/T 39855 specifies the terms and definitions, classification and general nomenclature of nanoproducts.
GB/T 39855 applies to nanoproducts composed or composed of nanomaterials, nanoproducts with added nanomaterials and nanoproducts processed using nanotechnology.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all references with an 8-dated version, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 30544.1-2014 Nanotechnology Terminology Part 1: Core Terminology
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 30544.1-2014 and listed below apply to this document.
The size range between 1nm and 100nm.
Note 1: This size range usually, but not exclusively, exhibits properties that cannot be extrapolated from larger sizes, for which the upper and lower limits are approximate. ||tt
||Note 2: The purpose of introducing a lower limit (about 1nm) in this definition is to avoid the default of a single or small cluster of atoms being considered a nano-object or nano
-structural unit when no lower limit is set.
[GB/T 30544.1-2014.Definition 2.1]
The application of scientific knowledge to manipulate and control matter at the nanoscale (3.1) to exploit size- and structure-related properties and phenomena that differ significantly from those of individual atoms, molecules or bulk materials.
Note: Manipulation and control include material synthesis.
[GB/T 30544.1-2014, Definition 2.3]
Nanomaterial nanomaterial
Material with any external dimension, internal or surface structure at the nanoscale (3.1).
[GB/T 30544.1-2014.Definition 2.4]
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and general rules for naming of nano-products. This standard applies to nano-products composed of or consisting of nano-materials, nano-products with added nano-materials, and nano-products processed using nano-technology.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Definition, classification and nomenclature of nanotechnology products
Published on March 9, 2021
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Implementation on October 1, 2021
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Nanomaterials Technical Committee of the Nanotechnology Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC279/SC1). The drafting units of this standard are: National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing Zhongke Natai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Chen, Yang Yanlian, Ma Lilu, Gao Jie, Li Qian, Wang Xiaoping, Wang Chu, Zhang Jie-rKaeerkca-
Nanoscience and technology brings together the focus scientific issues in the nanoscale in multiple disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biology, and materials. It has gradually become a frontier research field that combines cross-cutting, leading and supporting functions. The application of nanotechnology in energy and environment, biomedicine, information devices and green manufacturing has become increasingly prominent, becoming a major source of transformative industrial manufacturing technology. In the past nearly 20 years, countries around the world have successively issued and implemented nanotechnology research and development plans. The application fields and scope of nanotechnology have continued to expand, and the supporting role for industrial technology has been significantly enhanced
A month ago, more and more nanotechnology was applied to industrial production. Scientists have already created nanoparticles, nanodots, nanotubes, nanowires, and nanosheets. These nanostructures have been used to manufacture field effect transistors, quantum dot light-emitting displays, biosensors, solar cells, potassium ion batteries, etc. Nanoparticle-based cancer therapies and nanostructured membranes for water purification have also been developed. Nanotechnology has gradually become a part of our daily lives, including many unexpected places, such as sunscreen, anti-wrinkle clothing and even golf clubs.
Although nanotechnology is well known to the public, there are still problems of hype, abuse and misuse of nanotechnology terms in the industry. Many products use the banner of nanotechnology but do not achieve the matching performance, and are even harmful to consumers, the corresponding companies and even the country. Due to the lack of standardized and authoritative definitions, classifications and naming methods, the role of nanotechnology and the authenticity of nanoproducts cannot be effectively judged from the industry to the company and even the consumer, which affects the credibility and vitality of the entire nanoproduct market. In order to promote the healthy development of the nanoproduct market and industry, the formulation of corresponding standards and specifications has been in progress, so it is necessary to formulate nanoproduct definition, classification and naming rules as soon as possible.
1 Scope
Definition, classification and naming of nano products
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and naming general rules of nano products GB/T39855-2021
This standard applies to nano products composed or composed of nano materials, nano products with added nano materials and nano products processed by nano technology:
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated ones are not applicable to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T30544.12014 Nanotechnology Terminology: Part 1: Core Terminology 3 Terms and Definitions
GB/T30511.12011 defines and the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1
refers to the size range between 1m and 100m.
Note 1: This scale range is used to express properties that cannot be extrapolated to larger sizes in a normal but non-exclusive manner. For these properties, the lower limit of the scale is approximate.
Note 2: The lower limit (about 1 mm) is introduced in this definition to avoid the need to set a lower limit. A single or a small element is considered to be a nano-object or nanostructure unit.
_GB/T30511.12012. Definition 2.1
The application of scientific knowledge to manipulate and control matter at the nanoscale (3.1) to exploit properties and phenomena related to size and structure that are significantly different from those of single elements, molecules or bulk materials. Note: Manipulation and control include material synthesis. _GB/T 30544.1—2014.Definition 2.3
Material whose external dimension, internal or surface structure is at the nanoscale (3.1):_GB/T 30511.1201-.Definition 2.4
Nanotechnology product
Product composed of nanomaterials or with nanostructure·Product whose main properties are significantly changed after adding nanomaterials or using nanotechnology treatment1

Note 1: The function or external energy that can only be displayed by nanotechnology is increased or improved. Note 2: Rewrite 1S0/TS18110: 2315. Definition 2.5 and Definition 2.6. 4 Classification
According to the preparation method of nanoproducts, nanoproducts can be divided into three categories, see Figure 1: The first category is nanoproducts composed or composed of nanomaterials: a)
The second category is nanoproducts with added nanomaterials: 6)
The third category is nanoproducts processed by nanotechnology c
Note: The processes processed by nanotechnology include but are not limited to coating, injection molding, embossing, processing, etc. Nanoproduct system
Nanomaterials||tt ||5 General rules for naming
5.1 General
General rules for naming nano products See Figure 2
Natural products composed of or consisting of nano materials 5.2
Nano materials
Classification of nano products
General rules for naming natural products
Nano products with nano materials
General rules for naming nano products
Nano products composed of or consisting of nano materials 5.2.1 The full name of the product should be composed of nano plus the basic name (characteristics or professional use), example: nano-monoxide
Note: If the nano material has a widely used professional term, it should be named according to the name that has been widely used. Example: graphene, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, etc. 2
Using nanotechnology
Nano products processed by nanotechnology
5.2.2 Product naming rules The expression method and description are as follows: 5.3 Nano products with added nanomaterials
Basic name
GB/T 39855—2021
5.3.1 The full name of the product should adopt the following naming rules: main name + name of the added nanomaterial (mandatory) + function (optional). Example: water purifier (containing nano activated carbon), toothbrush (nano soft gel antibacterial) Note: If the nano material has a widely used professional term, the used name is used for naming. Example: exothermic (graphene heat saving) display (quantum dot luminescence). 5.3.2 Product naming rules Expression method and description: XX
Name of the added nanomaterial
Main body name
5.3.3 Product naming should not use the following naming rules: Nano + Name of the added nanomaterial + Function (optional). Example, nano mineral products except hand-held air purifier or function (optional) "Nano" main body name. Example: Nano refrigerator, nano washing machine, anti-hospital disease vaccine nano liquid bath glass, etc. 5.4 Nano products treated with nanotechnology 5.4.1 Product naming should use the following naming rules: Main body name | Nanotechnology treatment method (mandatory) | Function (optional). Example: Refrigerator (nano coating anti-environment), laundry absorbent sheet (nano adsorption), chip (nano etching). Note 1: The nano treatment method can be determined by each industry, Note 2: If the nano material has a widely used professional terminology, use the used name for naming. 5.4.2 Product naming rules Expression method and description: DXXE
Nanotechnology processing method
Subject name
5.4.3 Product names should not use the following naming rules: nano + nanotechnology processing method (optional) + subject name. Examples: nano-scale sulfide, nano-adsorbed activated carbon, nano-technology rainproof underwear. 6 Examples of naming nano products
For examples of naming nano products, please refer to Appendix A,
Appendix on nano products composed or consisting of nano materials
(Informative Appendix)
Examples of naming nano products
Nano silicon dioxide, nano phosphorene, graphene quantum dots, nano silver particles, nano products with added nano materials
Graphene potassium battery, cream (peptide repair acne scars), material package (nano silver antibacterial) A.3
Nano products processed using nano technology
Circuit boards (nano coating), 3D printers (nano inkjet), sunscreens (nanoparticle emulsification). -rKaeerkca-
LIJ IS0/TS 18110:2013
Nanotechnologies—Vocabularies for scicncetechnology and innovation in-5bzxz.net
GB/T 39855-202
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People's Republic of China
National Standard
Definition, classification and naming of nano products
GB/T S95552021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Erlihe North Street, Xiyu District, Beijing (130345) Website: spc.org.cn
Service hotline: 4C0-168-3010
2C21 First edition in 3 Sichuan
Book number: 155066: 1-66981
Copyright reserved
Infringement will be investigated
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