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JB/T 8374-1996 Diamond shape selection machine

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8374-1996

Standard Name: Diamond shape selection machine

Chinese Name: 金刚石选形机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-04-22

Date of Implementation:1996-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Process Equipment>>J43 Abrasives and Grinding Tools

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Abrasives and Grinding Tools

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Abrasives and Grinding Tools

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, storage and transportation of diamond shape sorting machines. This standard applies to electromagnetic vibration diamond shape sorting machines for shape sorting of diamond crystals. JB/T 8374-1996 Diamond Shape Sorting Machine JB/T8374-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is formulated for diamond shape selector, one of the special equipment in the industry, based on the rapid development of the domestic artificial diamond industry. Since there is no international or foreign advanced enterprise standard for similar products, the formulation of this standard is mainly based on the requirements of the diamond industry for the performance of the shape selector and the manufacturing level of the manufacturer. This standard will be implemented from July 1, 1996. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Abrasives and Grinding Tools. The drafting unit of this standard: Liuzhou Geological Prospecting Machinery. The main drafters of this standard: Zeng Guangming and Yu Zuping. This standard was first issued on April 22, 1996. 377
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Diamond Shape Sorting Machine
JB/T 8374--96
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection specifications, marking, packaging and storage and transportation of diamond shape sorting machines. This standard applies to electromagnetic vibration diamond shape sorting machines for shape sorting of diamond crystals. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB.6406.1-86 Artificial diamond or cubic boron nitride particle size and composition JB3914-85 Superhard abrasive sampling method
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Equi-area
The ratio of the major axis to the minor axis of the diamond crystal is not greater than 1.5:1. 3.2 Non-equi-area
The ratio of the major axis to the minor axis of the diamond crystal is greater than 1.5:1. 3.3 Complete crystal
The crystal faces and crystal edges of the diamond crystal are clear, and the crystal growth is full, including no more than two crystals growing together or intergrown. 3.4 Contiguous crystal
Any crystal with more than two common crystal faces or crystal edges and several non-complete crystals growing together is a contiguous crystal. Many micro-small crystals are clustered and clustered irregularly, which is a case crystal. 4 Technical requirements
4.1 Basic parameters should meet the requirements of Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 22, 1996 378
Implemented on July 1, 1996
Grain size range of sorting
Number of aggregate hoppers
Adjustment range of sorting angle
Adjustment range of feeding angle
Frequency of sorting vibrator
Frequency of feeding vibrator
Basic parameters
Frequency 1| |tt||30/35~200/230
4.2 The shape selection effect is measured by the percentage of equal-area shaped particles in each aggregate hopper, which should comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 Percentage of equal-area shaped particles in each aggregate hopper Aggregate hopper number
Percentage of equal-area shaped particles, %
Note: In order to facilitate the measurement of shape selection effect, this standard divides diamond into two forms based on appearance: equal-area shaped (including complete crystals) and non-equal-area shaped (including continuous crystals).
4.3 Each structure should ensure:
a) The material moves in a straight line on the sorting plate, and should be completely scattered before 1/5 of the distance from the drop end to the outlet edge, without aggregation, fermentation, and rolling (sliding) down along the outlet edge of the sorting plate; b) Uniform feeding;
c) The sorting and feeding angles are easy to adjust and the positioning is reliable; d) The work surface can reliably and conveniently collect the scattered and dropped materials. 4.4 The electromagnet should be subjected to a pressure test, and there should be no breakdown when the pressure is 1500.V for 1 minute. 4.5 After the whole machine is assembled, it should meet the following requirements:
JB/T 8374--96
a) The sorting vibrator and the feeding vibrator should work stably and meet the requirements of a) and b) in 4.3; b) The electronic control part should work normally;
c) There should be no abnormal impact noise;
d) Each adjustment mechanism should be locked reliably, adjusted freely, and without jamming. 4.6 The appearance quality should meet the following requirements:
a) The painted surface should be free of defects such as cracks, wrinkles, flow marks, bubbles, uneven hooks, etc.; b) The surface of the electroplated parts should be smooth, uniform in color, and without peeling; c) The surface of the blued parts should be uniform in color and free of rust; d) Castings and welded parts should not have obvious defects such as pores, sand holes, burrs, scars, weld nodules, slag inclusions, etc. 4.7 Safety and sanitation should meet the following requirements:
a) Noise should meet the requirements of Table 1;
b) Electrical equipment should meet the requirements of electrical equipment safety standards; c) Special terminals and signs for protective grounding should be provided. 4.8 The service life of the diamond sorting machine sorting disk working surface before reprocessing is not less than 20,000 hours. 5 Test method
5.1 Noise measurement
Measure with the A-grade sound level meter, align the height of the sorting vibrator plane, 1m apart, and measure four points in the four directions of front, back, left and right to take the arithmetic average.
5.2 Determination of shape selection effect
The shape selection effect shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A (Appendix to the standard). 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory test
6.1.1 Each product shall be subjected to a no-load test of not less than 2 hours and meet the following requirements: a) Each adjustment mechanism is flexible and reliable;
b) Requirements of b), c), and d) in 4.5.
6.1.2 After the no-load test, a 0.5h load test is conducted, which shall meet the requirements of a) and b) in 4.3. 6.1.3 Appearance quality shall be accepted in accordance with 4.6. bzxZ.net
6.1.4 Safety and sanitation shall be accepted in accordance with 4.7.
6.2 Type test
6.2.1 Type test shall be conducted in any of the following situations. a) Testing new products;
b) After formal production, when there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c) When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; d) During normal production, a test shall be conducted once every 4 years; e) When the user has objections to the product quality; f) When the national quality supervision agency proposes a type test requirement. 6.2.2 Two or more batch products may be sampled for testing, and the sampled machine shall be randomly selected from the qualified products after the factory test. The inventory of products provided for sampling shall not be less than four units. 7.1 Each product shall be labeled in a conspicuous place, including: 380
a) product name and model;
b) main technical parameters;
c) manufacturer's name;
d) date of manufacture and serial number.
7.2 Before packaging, the oil stains on the machine parts shall be removed, and all exposed processed surfaces shall be coated with anti-rust grease. 7.3 The packaging shall meet the requirements of water and land transportation and loading. 7.4 The machine packaging shall be firm and reliable, and the machine parts in the box shall be protected from rain and moisture. 7.5 The product shall be stored flat and stable, and a certain distance from the ground. For outdoor storage, measures shall be taken to prevent rain, sun and drain water. Maintenance shall be carried out once a year.
7.6 The outer wall of the packaging box should have obvious text markings, including: a) the address and name of the receiving unit;
b) the name of the manufacturer, the date of manufacture, the factory number, c) the name and model of the machine;
d) the box number, the overall dimensions, the gross weight, the net weight, etc. 7.7 The random documents should be packed in plastic bags and placed in the wooden box. The documents include: a) packing list;
b) product certificate;
c) instruction manual;
d) quality solicitation letter.
A1 Environmental conditions
The environmental conditions should meet the following requirements:
a) There is no obvious airflow in the test site;
b) Relative humidity ≤85%;
c) There are no other vibration factors in the test site. A2
Test equipment
The test equipment should include:
a) Drying oven;
b) Divider, shovel and container;
c) Slide and cover glass;
d) Security blade:
e) Counter;
f) Solid microscope;
Appendix A
Determination of shape selection effect
(Appendix of standard)
g) AC voltage regulator: voltage regulation accuracy ±2%, power 500W. A3 Test materials
A3.1 The particle size and composition of artificial diamond test materials should comply with the provisions of GB6406.1. A3.2 The test material quantity should not be less than 30g.
A4 Test Procedure
A4.1 Place the sample in a drying oven, adjust to 75℃ and dry for 1 hour, take it out and let it stand for 30 minutes for use. A4.2 According to the particle size of the material, carefully adjust the shape selector to meet the requirements of 4.5. A4.3 Feed the material for sorting.
A4.4 Take out 1g of the material collected from each hopper according to JB3914, and then take a small amount and place it on a glass slide in a straight line for inspection. A4.5 Check 500 particles according to the crystal shape regulations, record the number of particles with equal volume shapes (including complete crystals) and non-equal volume shapes (including connected crystals), and calculate the percentage of particles with equal volume shapes. A4.6 Repeat the test three times under the same conditions, and take the arithmetic mean of the three tests as the final result of the test. A5 Evaluation
The test results should be consistent with Table 2. No more than two buckets should fail to meet the standard value, and no two buckets should be in the first to sixth buckets. 382
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