Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GU/T 8121—2002
Terms of Technological Materials for Heat Treatment
The lermirology of technological materials for heat treatment2002-0416Promulgated by the People's Republic of China
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
GB/T 8121-2002
Common atmospheres for heat treatment
Sals for heat treatment salt baths
Carburizing agents, nitriding agents and their co-infiltrating agents.
Infiltrating other non-metallic and metallic agents and their co-infiltrating agents Fire-saving cooling media
8 Heat treatment protective coatings
Additional A (Appendix to the subject)
Appendix B (Appendix to the subject)
Chinese index
English index
Wood standard ruler centering B3121-19? The revision of the heat treatment process materials and technical spectrum, the revision time refers to the heat treatment questions and classics of foreign countries, the domestic terminology standards and literature, and the new 1. The new material information is added and expanded in comparison with the original standard. The following content is specially made according to the format and specifications of the national standard compilation G/T1.1-1993. The format and specifications of the national standard are revised. The first six and appendixes A, B are added. The appendixes A and B are the general categories. This standard is the main standard for heat treatment process materials. This standard will replace GB 8121R. This standard will be promoted by the National Standard for Heat Treatment Technology. The drafting units of this standard are: Wuhan Material Protection Research Institute, Machinery and Wheel Box Factory Industrial Coatings Office, Beijing Huali Fine Chemical Company, and Shanghai Traffic Supervision.
This standard mainly includes the following terms: heat treatment process material terminology, definition and English translation. 1Fangjia
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of heat treatment process materials
The terninology ot technological malcrials ur hcal Ir'uimcntCB/T812↑—2002
1K/T 8121158°
This standard specifies the terminology, definition and English translation of heat treatment process materials related to heat medium, cooling medium, chemical treatment, effective treatment materials, etc. This standard is applicable to relevant international standards and technical documents of heat treatment professional technology. 2 General categories
2.1 Heat treatment process materials fechnolngicalmslerlalsforhealIreatent In order to ensure the implementation of the process of heating, heat preservation, cooling and chemical heat treatment of metal materials or workpieces (hereinafter referred to as the process), various materials are needed to make them quickly reach the expected chemical composition, organizational structure and energy as well as the surface state. 2.2 Heating medium heatingmediuan
. The material used for heating and heat preservation to absorb and transfer heat energy. Such as various atmospheres, inductive materials, metal or metal inductors, as well as oils and other state-adjusting particulate materials, etc.
2.3 Cooling medium quenehingmedlum The material used to absorb and transfer heat energy during the high-speed cooling of the workpiece. Such as water and water-soluble salts, alkali or organic matter, as well as oil pan, gas, hydrogen, air, etc. 2.4 Chemical heat treatment paint Therma-chemkwl (rcalmnlagent car) is a chemical heat treatment process that can produce one or more pure atoms at a sufficient temperature and strengthen the surface of the artificial surface to change its chemical composition, structure and performance. 2.5 Heat treatment protective materials protectlyepaints Inrhea11reatment At a given temperature, it can protect the surface of the heated workpiece from oxidation, decarburization or other chemical composition changes. Such as anti-oxidation, anti-oxidation, anti-translation materials, etc. 2.6 Surface modification materials surface modification using plasma, light, electron, ion technology: using substances to modify the surface of the workpiece. 3 Vapor treatment commonly used with oxygen type
3. 1 Protective atmosphere pratective atmosphere is the gas oxygen that can protect the surface of the heated workpiece from oxidation, de-embedding or other changes in chemical composition at a given temperature. 3.2 Live atmosphere is the atmosphere that can chemically react with the surface of the workpiece at a given temperature. 3.3 Neutral gas is the gas hydrogen that does not react with the heated workpiece to oxidize or reduce, de-embedding or form carbon at a given temperature. 3.4 Active gas is the atmosphere that reacts more slowly than the main gas and generally does not react with other substances. Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on 2102-4-16 and implemented on 2002-12-01. 3.5 Reducing atmosphere is the atmosphere CB/T 8'21—2002
Under given conditions, the gas that can reduce the oxidation rate to the original material 3.6 Osizing gas
Oxygen that reacts with the heated material at a certain temperature. 3.7 Carburizing gas carhurizing atmasphere Gas that increases the surface content of the material at a given humidity 3.8 Gas level ltrdingatmkpher
Nitrogen that increases the surface content of the material at a given humidity 3.3 Controllable atmosphere enntrnlledatmosphere A mixed gas with controlled oxidation and deiodination effects. 3.70 Exothermic atmosphere endothermic atmosphere The gas containing the agent air is mixed with the catalyst in a certain ratio of 1.2 to 1.4 at a certain temperature and then reacts with the catalyst to generate oxygen through thermal reaction.
3.1 Exothermic atmosphere exotberm leatmwphereThe fuel gas and air are mixed in a ratio close to complete combustion (=0.550.9G>) and the gas is prepared by processes such as combustion, purification and dehydration:
3.12 Exothermic-endothermic gas Exo-endothermic gas is made by combining the fuel gas and air after complete combustion, removing the water vapor, and then adding a small amount of fuel gas. It is an efficient gas made under the action of a catalyst at a certain temperature.
3.3 Drip feed gas dripfeedatmnphereSome organic liquids of appropriate base are dropped into a furnace at a certain temperature and directly melted in the furnace to form gas. 3.4 Nitrogen-based gas generally refers to mixed gases containing nitrogen above %, exothermic oxygen purification, ammonia combustion purification atmosphere, liquefied nitrogen in air, and carbon molecule-sensitive air at room temperature, i.e., two-membrane air separation system with nitrogen. Generally, a small amount of methanol is added to the atmosphere to eliminate the influence of residual oxygen.
3.15 Generating gas: prepare the right atmosphere with the fuel gas and the endothermic gas in the right proportion, and then diffuse them into the furnace. In the furnace, the gas cylinder containing the components is cracked. 3.16 Decomposition gas: ammonia, hydrogen, 75% and 25% of the gas are decomposed under the action of a catalytic agent at a certain temperature. 3.17 Combustion gas: hydrogen, which is nearly completely burned under the action of a catalyst, is hydrated at more than 98 times. 3.18 Chemical gas: eriehgas
Suitable for high carbon gases (or organic substances that can be cracked in the current source) with increased carbon potential. 3.9 Carrier gas: efferriergas
As the process gas for chemical treatment, it is used as the release gas. 2 Hot salts Salt dissolving type
4.1 Low-temperature salts > alt low-temperature salts but use a mixture of salts at 6°C, such as nitrates, aldehydes, etc. 4.2 Medium-temperature salts saltfamrdium-temperaturehuth use a mixture at 5-4. 3 High-temperature salts salt fur high temperature salt hall,The data of SSC core is as follows:
GB/T 8721—2002
4.4 Heat bath corrector reelifier deuxidizer dexxidan is a substance with high affinity for oxygen or decay products and has a reducing effect on them in order to remove the oxidation nuclei in the mat. 4.5 Medium-temperature salt bath corrector medium-temperature salt bath deoxidizer
is a bath corrector used between 550 and 000 °C. 4.6 High-temperature salt bath corrector High-temperature salt bath deoxidizer High-temperature salt bath deoxidizer
A bath corrector that needs to be above 95°C.
4.7 Oxidizer. Oxidizer. A substance that produces chemical changes on the surface of the workpiece at a given temperature. 4.8 Reducing agent
A medium that causes the oxidizing agent on the surface of the workpiece to undergo a reduction reaction at a given temperature. 4.9 Neutral salt
A salt that mainly plays a heat transfer role at a given temperature and generally does not react chemically with the workpiece. 4.10 Covering agent Covering agent To avoid oxidation or reduce heat loss, covering the surface of the melt or the natural road. 4.11 Regeneration salt Regeneration salt Adjust the composition of the industry to restore the activity of the aged chemical heat treatment salt (regeneration) 5 Carbonizing agent, oxygenating agent and their co-carbonizing agents 5.1 Carburizer. Rarhurixiugagent Under certain conditions, it can produce active carbon source? Medium to increase the carbon content of the workpiece. 5. Solid carburizer, solid curburlzer, solid tarburlzing compound Made by supplying catalysts, etc.: Firm chemical that can produce active ticket source in the micro-port. 5. Paste carhurixingpasle carburizing agent, sample modification and elimination group test in the carburizing process can produce high-grade activated carbon agent: 5.4 Salt bath carburizer sallbuthearburizer liquidarburizer contains a soluble magnetic mixed salt that can produce active carbon atomic components. 5.5 Gas carburizer gascarburizer
contains high magnetic components, which can produce dangerous atomic gas in the process of breaking: 5.6 Drip feed carburixer mainly fills the carbon filter with a certain degree of protection, decomposes organic matter that can produce stable carbon gas. 5-7 times pusher tneruizer; activator activalor in chemical heat treatment, in order to increase the activity of the example, accelerate the chemical change and the chemical substance 5.8 quasi-ammonia agent ilriding agenl
at a certain temperature. Can produce nitrogen atoms in the workpiece. 5.9 Salt bath nitridiag agent, liquid aittiding qgent is a mixed salt containing nitrogen components that can produce hazardous nitrogen atoms. 5.10 Gas deoxidizer is a gas containing nitrogen components that can produce active nitrogen atoms in the deoxidation process. 5.11 Carbonitriding agent carbonktridingageal is a compound rich in natural gas and can produce small amounts of nitrogen atoms and active gases at a given temperature, with the carbon-nitrogen co-mingling agent as the main medium.
5.12 Salt-soluble carbonitriding agent saltbathcarbonitridingagrat: a liquid fluorine-containing compound that can produce a high-carbon-nitrogen mixture at a certain temperature. 5.13 Gas carbon-oxygen co-mingling agent gascarhnnitridinggen1 contains carbon-rich and natural gas and can produce active gases such as nitrogen atoms and active gases at a certain temperature. 5.14 Hydrocarbon co-polymerizing agent aitrocarburizing agent containing carbon and nitrogen, which can produce active nitrogen and magnetic atoms at a given temperature to achieve hydrogenation, 5.75 Salt bath carbon co-polymerizing agent saltbathllrocHrburizigagent; liquid mitrocrhuirizing agent containing nitrogen and high-quality components, which can produce active nitrogen and nitrogen-rich components at a given temperature, 5.16 Gas carbon co-polymerizing agent nitrocarburizlnggas, gasnitracarburizing agent containing nitrogen and high-quality components, which can produce active nitrogen-rich gas at a given temperature. 5.17 Ammonium co-polymerizing agent >ulpha-nitridingresult can produce a suitable and multi-source combined salt at a given temperature. 5.18 Sulphur-containing salts Sulphur-containing salts containing nitrogen and carbon atoms which, under quenching conditions, produce active ions, usually consisting of alkali salts (comprising a working bath and a regenerating salt). 5.19 Sulphur-containing gas Sulphur-containing gas A mixed gas containing sulfur, carbon and other components which, at a given concentration, can produce active ions. 5.20 Sulphur-containing salts Sulphur-containing salts containing nitrogen, carbon and other components which, at a given concentration, can produce active ions. 5.21 Oxygen-containing agent Oxynitriling agent A mixed medium which, at a given temperature, can carry nitrogen. 5.22 Oxygen-containing agent Oxygen-containing agent A mixed medium which, at a given temperature, can carry out nitrogen-containing reactions. 6.1 Other non-metallic agents and their co-penetrating agents 6.1 Concentrating agent, boranizing agent mgent is a medium that can produce active boron atoms at a certain temperature. Solid boron additive packInranizingagent, solidboronizlntagent6.2
It is composed of a boron agent, a filler or a filter, and is a solid (particulate or granular medium that can produce active boron atoms during the infiltration process. 6.3 General infiltration agent paste bnrconizinpasr is composed of a catalyst, a filler and a binder, and is a high-quality agent that can produce active boron atoms during the infiltration process. 6.d Molten plate full turning agent moltenhathbaronizingageul. Liquid net turning agent Lquldboronilagagent mountain head period measurement, neutral salt and Buddha seepage agent or sand as the base, the amount of other ingredients added to the boron mixed super: 6.5 Latent siliconizing agent siliconizingagent
positive silicon agent, filter promoter and grave filling (or teaching gas> composed of, at a given temperature, can produce a medium that is ductile. 6.6
Net aluminum agent alumiaiing agent
The individual parts of aluminum atoms that can be produced in the process of coppering at a certain temperature.6.7
Puckaluminizingugeal.Solid luminizing agent is composed of aluminum supply agent, accelerator and filler. In the process of aluminuming, it can produce active solid medium. Hot diffusing bath; hot diffusing aluminum bathaluminumtumdipplagbaths6.8
At a certain temperature, it can form a molten aluminum bath of aluminum and aluminum alloy on the surface of the workpiece: 6.9Solid purifying agent packchrumizingagentGB,T 8121—2002
The solid (in the form of molten or granular) which is composed of a catalytic agent, a catalyst and a filler in the paint can produce active chromium atoms in the paint
5.0 Gas purifying agent gasifying agent and other components. In the process of infiltration, it can produce active chromium atoms in the gaseous medium.6.11 Slerfrdizing gem composed of a zinc purifying agent and a filler, which can produce active zinc atoms in the medium 5.12 Hot-diffused zinc bath: Hot-diffused zinc bath is a molten bath that can form a metal alloy layer on the surface of the workpiece at a given temperature. 6.13 Hot-diffused metal bath is a molten metal bath that can form a metal alloy layer on the surface of the workpiece at a given temperature. 6.14 Borax metaligent is a metallurgical agent with borax as the main component, and is composed of metal powders and their compounds containing vanadium, vanadium, etc. and a reducing agent, and can make the two metals combine at a given temperature. 6.15 Multicomponent co-agent is a co-diffusive agent used in the process of combining two or more components: 6.16 Chromium-aluminum co-purifying agent is composed of substances containing chromium and magnesium, and can produce a medium with calcium and calcium content at a given temperature. 6.17 Aluminum co-purifying agent boroaluminizing agent is composed of substances containing chromium and magnesium, and can produce a medium with calcium and magnesium content at a given temperature. 5.18 Chromium-aluminum-silicon co-purifying agent is a co-agent composed of substances containing potassium and potassium, and can produce a medium with calcium and magnesium content at a given temperature. 6.9 Filling material: a powdery or granular material that can protect against oxidation, reduce deformation, resist adhesion and have certain dilution effects when processed in accordance with technical specifications. 7 Cooling media: 7.1 Inorganic salt aqueous solution: an aqueous solution of different inorganic salts (such as sodium chloride, calcium hydride, iodized salt and water glass, etc.) used to cool the fire. Water-reducing bath liquid quenching medium alkali solution quenching medium7.2
H-water of different concentrations for standard cooling, such as tin oxide, etc. 7.3 Polymer quenching agent pulymrqurnchanlAqueous solution made by adding a small amount of anti-rust agent, rust agent and defoaming agent in the machine. Quenching medium: ordinary quenching oil
containing a small amount of mineral oil. 7.5 Quick quenching oil fustyueachinguilIn order to improve the cooling ability of quenching oil, quick coolants such as quenching agent are added to the quenching oil. 7.6 Vacuum quenching oil is a special oil with high cooling capacity and high steam pressure, and can cool the oil with certain cooling capacity. 7
Brightening oil
contains brightening agent and antioxidant, and is a kind of oil based on mineral oil for cooling with butadiene sulfide: 7.8 Tempering oil tempering oll
is a kind of mineral oil with high internal temperature and antioxidant. 7.g Bainite isothermal quenching medium alistemperingmedinni isothermal quenching medium used in Bainite isothermal quenching treatment. GB/T8121-2002
7.10 Marquenching medlum is a quenching medium used in marite isothermal quenching treatment. Such as graded quenching oil, etc. 7.11 Fireball bath A refrigerating liquid used to ignite a fire. f.12 Gas quenching medium Gas used to cool the workpiece. Such as air, hydrogen, fluorine and other gases. 7.13 Fluidized bed quenching medium ... 8.2 High-temperature protective paint is composed of low-temperature or film materials, high-temperature strand materials, additives and fine agents according to a certain ratio, which can quickly prevent oxidation and decarburization of workpieces heated at high temperatures (50°C).
8-3 Anti-diffusion paint is composed of blocking agent, film-forming agent, decomposition agent and detection agent, etc., and the coating is more than 70% of the material, and it is a coating that can prevent the workpiece from being damaged during chemical heat treatment.
8.4 Anti-carburization paint puint deep into the workpiece (the part that does not need carbonization), it is used in the process of carbonization. 8.5 anti-nitriding paint anti-nitriding paint is used to dry the workpiece part, and it plays a role in the process of carbonization. 8.6 anti-hardening paint is used to dye the workpiece part, and it plays a role in the process of carbonization. B.7 anti-boron paint anti-boronizine paint is used to dry the workpiece part, and it plays a role in the process of carbonization. &8 anti-metallization paint is used to dry the workpiece part, and it plays a role in the process of metallization. 8.9 package heat treatment material pack heat treatment material.packagemetal-tnil heal trcuimcntmatcrialWorkpieces are packaged for heat treatment using packaging materials, such as stainless steel boxes, heat-resistant steel, etc. Oxygen decomposition gas oxygen
ignition gas nitrogen
other decorative leather protection village material
promoting atmosphere
bainite isothermal ignition medium
surface modified pillow material.
fire-reducing bath
zinc fire cooling medium
the base gas oxygen
nitrogen-carbon co-painting agent
low salt contact
droplet degrading agent
Full-flow ammonia
Multi-element co-coating
Inert gas
Anti-ammonia materials
Anti-sea coating
Anti-swimming coating
Anti-swimming joint coating…
Anti-residue materials:
Carbon-resistance co-coating
Anti-oxidation protective materials
Anti-plasticization coating…
Relief air…
Exothermic and endothermic gas spot
Coating agent
Enriched gas
CB/T 8121—2002
Attached with the most A
(Standard kidney record)
Chinese index
Paste stimulant
High body magnetic agent
High temperature protective coating·
High overflow salt·
Shangzuyi bath deoxidizer·
High surplus salt correction agent
Paste image...
Chrome aluminum common you Jing
Ge Ma Yan common Hong Kong Island|| tt||Solid aluminum oxide
Returning agent...
Solid magnetic agent
Solid zinc oxide
Bright kerosene·
Chemical heat treatment agent
Reducing gas
Tempering oil
Inclusive gas oxygen·
Heating medium
Water solution fire-reducing medium.
Polymer enlarger
Controllable gas
Quick fire relief·
Disperse to your plate
Disperse to confirm the period
Fluidized bed rate fire medium
Martensitic graded fire medium
Defined series
Confirmed sand will salt reduction agent
Mang Ping kerosene
Gas floating fire medium
Gas with air embedding agent…
Gas sulfur ammonia carbon co-filter
Gas paint absorber
Vaso chromium replacement agent
Gas magnetic transfer agent….
Gas acid and air decomposition agent
Heat treatment nursing department
Heat treatment process materials.
Heat setting bath
Sugar condensation aluminum vulgaris.
Medicated sugar bath:
Evaporated zinc bath…
Zinc adhesive
Squeezing agent
Ammonia agent
Ammonia atmosphere
Sensitive agent
Carbon thermal co-sealing agent
GB/T 8121-200?
. 6.17
Enlarging agent
Decarburizing agent
Especially salt water zeolite medium
Endothermic gas building
Salt bath onion carbon co-penetrating agent
Salt bath top-up agent
Salt Yunuo ammonia agent
Salt bath carbon dense agent
Salt bath carbon and nitrogen agent
Hengwen co-penetrating agent
Chlorizing agent
Oxidizing gas pump| |tt||Reduced ammonia carbon monoxide diagnostic agent
Rolling natural agent·
Light body osmotic agent·
Carbon dioxide agent
Liquid ammonia decomposition agent
Vacuum gas tank·
Direct air rack
Medium replacement
Medium temperature monitoring bath decomposition test
Medium salt bath calibration agent..
Neutral gas
Medium salt
... 6. 13
- 5, 1:
aetive ulrrwj:bsrs
=lkali so.ution cuerebing medi.m:luninium dippng baths
tluui:ixug aigrm
an:-boronizing paint
Entt-turburizing Pin!
nti diffu.sion gaipt
snc-n.etallizing pein:
anti-nutriding paint
Enti uxilizer Feint
: ustrmperirg mediun
borsx baih met:l gent
hetiding agent | | tt | azent
carbrizing atrosphere
carbizin [ae
carricr ga .....
chroinaluminizing ageut...
chretaslcmnasiicoaing Ekct.
concrulled utuuspherr
GB/T 8121--2002
(standard record)
convenrional quenching ail
direet prepared stmosphcrc
dizsociuted ammnnis:
drip feed atmosphere
lrij: [el aurourizer
rndotherm:c musphere | |tt | ca-lurixer
Ras chroraizing gent
gas nitricing Agent
gay nitrucarberizirg genl ..gas quen:hing rrideium
heyting mediuin
higli-leraneralitit protective paint4.1G
... 7..2
high-tenperature salt bath deoxidize:4.6
big-temperature salt beth octifier... 4.6
drip feed atmosphere
lrij: [el aurourizer
rndotherm:c musphere
exo-endothe: micatmsaphcrc
cxutherinie atmonshis
faat gucnching oil
ffuidliser: bed gunching mediunG
gay earboritriding ugent
gus ca-lurixer
Ras chlororaizing gent
gas nitricing Agent
gay nitrucarberizirg genl ..gas quen:hing rrideium
heyting mediuin
higli-leraneralitit protective paint4.1G
... 7..2
high-tenperature salt bath deoxidize:4.6
big-temperature salt beth octifier..... 4.6
drip feed atmosphere
lrij: [el aurourizer
rndotherm:c musphere
exo-endothe: micatmsaphcrc
cxutherinie atmonshis
faat gucnching oil
ffuidliser: bed gunching mediunG
gay earboritriding ugent
gus ca-lurixer
Ras chlororaizing gent
gas nitricing Agent
gay nitrucarberizirg genl ..gas quen:hing rrideium
heyting mediuin
higli-leraneralitit protective paint4.1G
... 7..2
high-tenperature salt bath deoxidize:4.6
big-temperature salt beth octifier..... 4.6
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