title>JB/T 6287-1992 Test method for reliability assessment of grain combine harvesters - JB/T 6287-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6287-1992 Test method for reliability assessment of grain combine harvesters

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6287-1992

Standard Name: Test method for reliability assessment of grain combine harvesters

Chinese Name: 谷物联合收割机 可靠性评定试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1992-06-10

Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-12-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Agricultural & Forestry Machinery & Equipment>>B91 Agricultural Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6287-2008

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:China Agricultural Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements, sampling rules, test time, fault statistical judgment principles, fault classification, data processing and reliability indicators, and test report content for the reliability assessment test of grain combine harvesters. This standard is applicable to the reliability assessment test of mass-produced combine harvesters, and other reliability tests can also be implemented as a reference. JB/T 6287-1992 Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Assessment Test Method JB/T6287-1992 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 6287-1992
Grain Combine Harvester
Reliability Assessment Test Method
Published on June 10, 1992
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on July 1, 1993
Subject Content and Scope of Application
Cited Standards
Basic Requirements
Sampling Rules
Test Time
Principles for Fault Statistics Judgment
Principles for Fault Classification
Data Processing and Reliability Indicators Calculation
Test report
Appendix A Combine harvester failure mode and classification example (reference) Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Grain combine harvester
Reliability assessment test method
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the basic requirements, sampling rules, test time, failure statistics judgment principles, failure classification, data processing and reliability indicators and test report content of grain combine harvester (hereinafter referred to as combine harvester) product reliability assessment test. This standard is applicable to the reliability assessment test of mass-produced combine harvester products. Reliability tests for other purposes can also refer to the implementation of the reference standard
Basic terms and definitions of reliability
3 Basic requirements
3.1 The terms and definitions used should comply with the provisions of GB3187. 3.2 Use field reliability test, and it is recommended to use field reliability use test and regular truncation. 3.3 The operators (drivers) participating in the test should have the ability to operate, maintain and repair the machine proficiently, and must operate and repair it according to the provisions of the product manual.
3.4 ​​During the entire test process, the test personnel should carefully and accurately fill in the daily realistic records, see Table 1 and Table 2. Those who intentionally alter will be treated as invalid.
4 Sampling rules
4.1 The test samples should be selected from the products that have passed the inspection of the manufacturer's inspection department. 4.2 Random sampling is adopted. When using the on-site reliability use test, the sampling quantity is generally 10%~15% of the annual output, but it is allowed to select no less than 30 units for an annual output of more than 300 units, and no less than 20 units for an annual output of less than 300 units. When using a third party to conduct an on-site reliability test, the sampling quantity shall not be less than 3 units.
5 Test time
5.1 The on-site reliability use test time is one year (warranty period), taking the summer harvest and autumn harvest operating seasons. In areas where the harvest season is not clearly divided, the whole year operating time is taken. The relevant test time of each combine harvester should generally be no less than half of the average operating time of all the tested combine harvesters.
The on-site reliability test time for a third party is no less than 300 hours for a fully fed combine harvester and no less than 200 hours for a half-fed combine harvester.
5.2 The working time of a self-propelled combine harvester is the engine working time, and the pure working time is used for traction and suspension combine harvesters.
5.3 A timer is used to automatically record the working time, accurate to 0.1h. The fault time is measured by a timer and converted into hours for statistical calculations, accurate to 0.1h.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on June 10, 1992 and implemented on July 1, 1993
6 Principles of failure statistics
6.1 Any event in which the whole machine, assembly (component), system or part of a combine harvester loses its specified function under specified conditions and within specified time is called a failure.
6.2 All failures related to the essential failure of the combine harvester are related failures and should be included in the interpretation of test results or calculation of reliability index values.
6.3 All failures of the combine harvester caused by external factors are non-related failures. When calculating reliability indexes, such failures should not be included. Non-related failures include the following:
a. Failures caused by operation beyond the operating conditions specified in the machine manual and technical conditions; b. Failures caused by improper operation or malfunction of the operator (driver); c. Failures caused by improper maintenance.
6.4 Principles for handling subordinate, progressive and multiple related faults a. When a subordinate fault occurs at the same time due to a certain fault, it is counted as one related fault, and the fault category is divided according to the severity of the final fault consequence;
b. The failure of the supporting power of the traction and suspension combine harvesters should not be counted as the related fault of the combine harvester, but the supporting power failure caused by the combine harvester should be counted as the related fault: c. During the entire test period, if the same fault develops gradually from light to heavy, it is counted as one related fault and the category is divided according to the final consequence:
d. During the entire test period, the failure mode is the same and the related faults that occur multiple times should be counted each time. However, if the fault is repeated due to improper handling and repair process, it is counted as one related fault. 6.5 During the test period, if the upper-level component (assembly, system) is temporarily replaced as a substitute due to failure to eliminate the fault, it is counted as one fault regardless of whether it is reset after repair. If the fault is eliminated, the category is divided according to the actual fault; if the fault cannot be eliminated, the category is divided according to the replacement part. 6.6 When a component that has reached the specified life limit fails, it is not counted as an associated failure. 7 Fault classification principles
Combine harvester failures are divided into four categories, namely fatal failures, serious failures, general failures and minor failures. 7.1 Fatal failures
7.1.1 Failures that result in complete loss of function or cause major economic losses, such as burning of the entire machine. 7.1.2 Failures that endanger operational safety, cause personal injury or death, or cause the scrapping of important assemblies (systems), such as engine scrapping or complete failure of the steering or braking system.
7.2 Serious failures
7.2.1 Result in a serious decline in function, such as a sharp drop in the speed of the threshing drum due to a drop in engine power, and a significant increase in losses. 7.2.2 Major components are damaged in the following situations: a. Important independent parts, such as the engine's supercharger, the multi-way valve and the double pump of the hydraulic system, etc. are damaged; b. The internal parts of important assemblies, that is, the internal parts of the engine and the front axle transmission and the main parts inside the threshing machine body, such as the engine piston, cylinder sleeve and bearing, gearbox gear, clutch release bearing and release claw, thresher drum and key spring, etc. are damaged; C. Parts that need to be disassembled and (or) removed after more important parts are replaced, such as the drum continuously variable belt, the travel continuously variable belt and the final drive housing, etc. are damaged:
d. The fasteners of key components (bolts with a specified performance level of 8.8 or above, nuts with a specified performance level of 8 or above), such as the threshing drum rod bolts and drive wheel bolts, etc. are damaged.
7.2.3 Under normal operating conditions, if the process blockage caused by the failure of the monitoring instrument exceeds 6 hours, it will be counted as a serious fault. If the machine is blocked frequently and it is difficult to work normally, it will also be counted as a serious fault. 7.3 General failures
7.3.1 Causes functional degradation or increased losses, but can be repaired by adjusting and replacing easily removable parts on the outside of the machine, minor small parts and general standard parts, such as replacing sprockets, general rotating belts or bearings. 7.3.2 General parts are damaged and signs fall off, such as damage to the tensioning wheel shaft of the screen box boom, the grain unloading conveying screw and the elevator shaft, and the safety signs fall off.
7.3.3 Stamping parts (moving parts) are welded open, such as the welding of stamping pulleys and the welding repair of the reel pipe shaft, but external and non-moving stamping parts that do not endanger personal safety are excluded.
7.3.4 Under normal operating conditions, if the process blockage caused by the failure of the monitoring instrument exceeds 4 hours, it will be counted as a general failure. If the machine is often blocked, but the elimination time is short and it can still maintain normal operation, it will also be counted as a general failure. 7.4 Minor faults
7.4.1 Faults that cause inconvenience to the operator (driver) or recur but do not affect work, such as increased number of times the driver operates the handle due to leakage in the brake hydraulic cylinder.
7.4.2 Faults that can be eliminated in a short time with the on-board tools, replacement of external wearing parts or repaired by emergency measures, such as tightening the cutter swing block bolts, replacing individual transmission chain links and replacing the grain picking belt joint with iron wire. 7.4.3 Welding of external parts or non-moving parts that will not endanger personal safety during operation, such as welding of the unloading chain transmission protective cover. 7.4.4 Replacement of low-value parts and standard parts during daily maintenance. 7.5 For the classification and statistics of combine harvester faults, please refer to Appendix A (reference part). 8 Data processing and calculation of reliability indicators
8.1 Data processing
8.1.1 After the test, the reliability diary of each product should be sorted out and the reliability data should be filled in Table 3. 8.1.2 According to the needs of different test purposes, the reliability test data should be classified, counted and the reliability index value calculated. Computer processing data should be used first.
Reliability index
The indicators for evaluating the reliability of combine harvesters are mean time between failures, mean time to repair, effectiveness and damaged parts (maintenance) cost rate, which can be selected according to different purposes and requirements. At present, the mean time between failures (point estimate) and effectiveness are recommended for evaluating the reliability index of mass-produced combine harvesters. According to needs, the mean time between failures, mean time to repair and effectiveness can be calculated separately according to the fault classification or the combination of different fault categories, but when calculating and evaluating the reliability index of mass-produced combine harvesters, minor faults are excluded. 8.2.1 The mean time between failures is calculated according to formula (1) and formula (2): a. Point estimate
b. Lower limit of one-sided confidence interval
(MBF) =x*(a,2r+2)
Wherein: MIBF - Mean time between failures (point estimate), h; (MIBF)L
Mean time between failures (lower limit of one-sided confidence interval), h(1)
The sum of the working time of the tested combine harvesters, h: The sum of the failures of the tested combine harvesters, pieces; x(a,2r+2) - the x quantile with a confidence level of α and a degree of freedom of 2r+2. 2 Mean repair time, calculated according to formula (3): 8.2.2
Wherein: MIIR
Mean repair time, h:
The sum of the troubleshooting and repair time of the tested combine harvesters, h. 8. 2.3 Effectiveness, calculated according to formula (4): Where: A—effectiveness, %.
8.2.4 Operating parts cost rate, calculated according to formula (5): Where: Ct
Damage parts cost rate, %:
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (related fault damaged parts) of the tested combine harvester (based on the ex-factory price), or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB; The sum of the ex-factory prices of the tested combine harvesters, RMB. 8.2.5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %;
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester. And, or the total cost of the three-package parts (calculated at factory price) and maintenance costs of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following: a. Test overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test conditions and analysis
Briefly describe the test or measurement Test conditions, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and indicate the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the test product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Analysis of major faults
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of major faults, and recommended elimination measures; Test results and analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and make a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test objectives and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusions drawn based on the test objectives and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Reliability test work of type Grain combine harvester Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classification2 According to the needs of different test purposes, the reliability test data shall be classified, counted and the reliability index values ​​shall be calculated. Computer processing of data shall be preferred.
Reliability index
The indexes for evaluating the reliability of combine harvesters are mean time between failures, mean time to repair, effectiveness and damaged parts (maintenance) cost rate, which can be selected according to different purposes and requirements. At present, the mean time between failures (point estimate) and effectiveness are recommended for evaluating the reliability index of mass-produced combine harvesters. The mean time between failures, mean time to repair and effectiveness can be calculated separately according to the fault classification or the combination of different fault categories as needed, but minor faults are excluded when calculating and evaluating the reliability index of mass-produced combine harvesters. 8.2.1 Mean time between failures, calculated according to formula (1) and formula (2): a. Point estimate
b. Lower limit of one-sided confidence interval
(MBF) =x*(a,2r+2)
Wherein: MIBF - Mean time between failures (point estimate), h; (MIBF)L
Mean time between failures (lower limit of one-sided confidence interval), h(1)
The sum of the working time of the tested combine harvesters, h: The sum of the failures of the tested combine harvesters, pieces; x(a,2r+2) - the x quantile with a confidence level of α and a degree of freedom of 2r+2. 2 Mean repair time, calculated according to formula (3): 8.2.2
Wherein: MIIR
Mean repair time, h:
The sum of the troubleshooting and repair time of the tested combine harvesters, h. 8. 2.3 Effectiveness, calculated according to formula (4): Where: A—effectiveness, %.
8.2.4 Operating parts cost rate, calculated according to formula (5): Where: Ct
Damage parts cost rate, %:
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (related fault damaged parts) of the tested combine harvester (based on the ex-factory price), or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB; The sum of the ex-factory prices of the tested combine harvesters, RMB. 8.2.5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %;
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester. And, or the total cost of the three-package parts (calculated at factory price) and maintenance costs of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following: a. Test overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test conditions and analysis
Briefly describe the test or measurement Test conditions, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and indicate the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the test product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Analysis of major faults
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of major faults, and recommended elimination measures; Test results and analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and make a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test objectives and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusions drawn based on the test objectives and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Type Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Test Work Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classification2 According to the needs of different test purposes, the reliability test data shall be classified, counted and the reliability index values ​​shall be calculated. Computer processing of data shall be preferred.
Reliability index
The indexes for evaluating the reliability of combine harvesters are mean time between failures, mean time to repair, effectiveness and damaged parts (maintenance) cost rate, which can be selected according to different purposes and requirements. At present, the mean time between failures (point estimate) and effectiveness are recommended for evaluating the reliability index of mass-produced combine harvesters. The mean time between failures, mean time to repair and effectiveness can be calculated separately according to the fault classification or the combination of different fault categories as needed, but minor faults are excluded when calculating and evaluating the reliability index of mass-produced combine harvesters. 8.2.1 Mean time between failures, calculated according to formula (1) and formula (2): a. Point estimate
b. Lower limit of one-sided confidence interval
(MBF) =x*(a,2r+2)
Wherein: MIBF - Mean time between failures (point estimate), h; (MIBF)L
Mean time between failures (lower limit of one-sided confidence interval), h(1)
The sum of the working time of the tested combine harvesters, h: The sum of the failures of the tested combine harvesters, pieces; x(a,2r+2) - the x quantile with a confidence level of α and a degree of freedom of 2r+2. 2 Mean repair time, calculated according to formula (3): 8.2.2
Wherein: MIIR
Mean repair time, h:
The sum of the troubleshooting and repair time of the tested combine harvesters, h. 8. 2.3 Effectiveness, calculated according to formula (4): Where: A—effectiveness, %.
8.2.4 Operating parts cost rate, calculated according to formula (5): Where: Ct
Damage parts cost rate, %:
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (related fault damaged parts) of the tested combine harvester (based on the ex-factory price), or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) of the tested models within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB; The sum of the ex-factory prices of the tested combine harvesters, RMB. 8.2.5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %;
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester. And, or the total cost of the three-package parts (calculated at factory price) and maintenance costs of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following: a. Test overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test conditions and analysis
Briefly describe the test or measurement Test conditions, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and indicate the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the test product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Analysis of major faults
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of major faults, and recommended elimination measures; Test results and analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and make a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test purpose and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusions drawn based on the test purpose and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Reliability test work of type Grain combine harvester Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classification2r+2)
Where: MIBF—mean time between failures (point estimate), h; (MIBF)L
mean time between failures (lower limit of one-sided confidence interval), h(1)
the sum of the working time of the tested combine harvesters, h: the sum of the failures of the tested combine harvesters, pieces; x(a,2r+2)—the x quantile with a confidence level of α and a degree of freedom of 2r+2. 2 Mean repair time, calculated according to formula (3): 8.2.2
Where: MIIR
mean repair time, h:
the sum of the troubleshooting and repair time of the tested combine harvesters, h. 8.2.3 Effectiveness, calculated according to formula (4): Where: A—effectiveness, %.
8.2.4 Operating parts cost rate, calculated according to formula (5): Where: Ct
Damaged parts cost rate, %:
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (related fault damaged parts) of the tested combine harvester (based on the ex-factory price), or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB; The sum of the ex-factory prices of the tested combine harvesters, RMB. 8.2.5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %;
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester, or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following contents: a. Test Overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test Conditions and Analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions of the test or measurement, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and state the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the Test Product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Main Fault Analysis
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of the main faults, and the recommended elimination measures; Test Results and Analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test purpose and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusion based on the test purpose and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Type Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Test Work Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classification2r+2)
Where: MIBF—mean time between failures (point estimate), h; (MIBF)L
mean time between failures (lower limit of one-sided confidence interval), h(1)
the sum of the working time of the tested combine harvesters, h: the sum of the failures of the tested combine harvesters, pieces; x(a,2r+2)—the x quantile with a confidence level of α and a degree of freedom of 2r+2. 2 Mean repair time, calculated according to formula (3): 8.2.2
Where: MIIR
mean repair time, h:
the sum of the troubleshooting and repair time of the tested combine harvesters, h. 8.2.3 Effectiveness, calculated according to formula (4): Where: A—effectiveness, %.
8.2.4 Operating parts cost rate, calculated according to formula (5): Where: Ct
Damaged parts cost rate, %:
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (related fault damaged parts) of the tested combine harvester (based on the ex-factory price), or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB; The sum of the ex-factory prices of the tested combine harvesters, RMB. 8.2.5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester, or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (based on the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following contents: a. Test Overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test Conditions and Analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions of the test or measurement, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and state the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the Test Product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Main Fault Analysis
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of the main faults, and the recommended elimination measures; Test Results and Analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test purpose and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusion based on the test purpose and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Type Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Test Work Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classification5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (calculated at the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester, or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (calculated at the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following contents: a. Test Overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test Conditions and Analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions of the test or measurement, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and state the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the Test Product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Main Fault Analysis
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of the main faults, and the recommended elimination measures; Test Results and Analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test purpose and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusion based on the test purpose and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Type Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Test Work Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classification5 Warranty cost rate, calculated according to formula (6): Ch
Where: C
9 Test report
Warranty cost rate, %
The sum of the cost of the three-package parts (calculated at the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested combine harvester, or the sum of the cost of the three-package parts (calculated at the ex-factory price) and the maintenance cost of the tested model within the warranty period within the calendar year, RMB. 9.1 The test report must be complete and provide a reliable basis for the final judgment. 9.2 Relevant data and information should be sorted out in a timely manner during the test. After the test, the results of observation, recording, measurement, calculation and failure analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and a product reliability test report should be written and summarized in Table 4. 9.3 The reliability test report should include the following contents: a. Test Overview
State the purpose and content of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, test location and time, workload, and the unit responsible for the test;
b. Test Conditions and Analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions of the test or measurement, analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test, and state the test instruments used: c. Introduction to the Test Product
Introduce the structure and main features of the product;
d. Main Fault Analysis
Overview the time, form, cause, elimination and repair methods of the main faults, and the recommended elimination measures; Test Results and Analysis
Overview the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test purpose and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusion based on the test purpose and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Type Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Test Work Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects normal operation and cannot be corrected on site
Many, such as ≥5
Individual, caused by loose bolts
Many, such as ≥5
Severe bending, cannot be repaired
Conveying screw barrel screw hole wears larger,
Fault classificationMain Fault Analysis
Overview of the time, form, cause, troubleshooting and repair methods of the main faults, and the recommended elimination measures; Test Results and Analysis
Overview of the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, and a comprehensive evaluation of the product reliability according to the test objectives and requirements; f. Conclusion
Conclusions based on the test objectives and analysis of the test results; Attachments
Related test data tables, figures, special reports and related photos, etc. Table 1 Grain combine harvester reliability test work diary Cover type Grain combine harvester product reliability test work diary Test number:
Machine model and name:
Machine manufacturer:
Machine factory number:
Three guarantees start and end date:
User unit:
Operator (driver) name:
Crop and variety
Harvested area
Part number and name
Type Grain Combine Harvester Reliability Test Work Diary surface conditions
Diesel consumption
Forms, causes and elimination methods
Operating conditions
Timer reading
Occurrence time
Elimination, repair time
Test number:
Factory number:
Type grain combine harvester reliability test data statistics table Unit of use:
Part name
Note: Statistics are carried out daily according to the work diary. 6
Accumulated work
Form, cause and elimination method
Test date:
Damaged parts
Eliminate, repair
Factory price
Testing machine
Equipment number
Testing unit or location
Number of test benches
Sum of the cost of the three packages||tt| |The sum of the three-guarantee parts and maintenance costs
Mean time between failures
Mean time to repair
Damage parts cost rate
Warranty cost rate
Type grain combine harvester reliability test summary table work
Fault troubleshooting
Repair time
Fault Number of categories
Among them:
Heading table support plate
Heading table traction rod
Heading table right side wall
Heading table rear wall and header frame connecting bolts
Heading table transport vehicle frame
Picking grain belt joint
Picking grain device shaft
Reed wheel spring teeth
Reed wheel spring teeth clamp
According to grain Reel spring gear shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed pipe shaft
Reed wheel bushing
Reed wheel support arm
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel spoke disc
Reed wheel roller bracket
Reed wheel lifting shaft
Reed wheel continuously variable speed shaft
Combined harvester failure mode and classification examples (refer to Test piece)
Situation description
Occurs occasionally
Occurs frequently, but can still maintain normal operation
Occurs frequently, the machine is difficult to operate normally
Severe, difficult to correct
Individual bolts are loose
Does not affect the operation temporarily
Partial, still usable
Can be welded
Still usable
Fault classification
Dial Reel (mechanical)
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter moving blade
Cutter fixed blade
Cutter blade guard
Cutter blade guard
Cutter bar head
Blade guard beam
Cutter conveyor spiral blade
Cutter conveyor spiral telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw telescopic finger seat
Cutting platform conveying screw
Cutting platform conveying screw half shaft
Cutting platform conveying screw barrel
Cutting platform conveying screw transmission chain bracket
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Cutting platform conveying screw safety clutch
Situation description
Affects norm
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