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drafter:Wu Xueqin, Chen Xiping, Li Meirong, Xu Yi
Drafting unit:Wujiang Spice Factory and China Light Industry Federation Spice Research Institute
Focal point unit:National Spices Standardization Center
Proposing unit:Quality Standards Department of China Light Industry Federation
Publishing department:China Light Industry Federation
Some standard content:
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
QB/T 2239~2244~-96
Standard for Spice
Published on 19810-11
China Light Industry Federation
1997-0701 Implemented
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Ethyl acetate
QR/T 2244—96
The technical indicators of this standard are formulated with reference to the standard for heat-resistant chemicals (· The technical indicators of this standard are formulated with reference to the standard (first edition) P3. Its color, shape, density and capsule value are basically consistent with the FCC (first edition). The FCC standard stipulates that the content of 392 substances is not harmful to the product. The technical standard is based on the actual production and use history of domestic products, and stipulates that the content of 98.0% is required. In Appendix A, a method for determining the content of heat-resistant substances by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is added for the reference of users. Appendix A of the standard is a reminder.||tt| |This standard is supervised by the Quality Standards Department of China Light Industry Association. This standard is supervised by the National Flavor Standardization Center. This standard was initiated by the Jiangsu Flavor Factory and the Flavor Research Institute of China Light Industry Association. The main drafters of this standard are: Gao Huo, Ban Xiping, Ben Guanlu, Xu Pin, 29
1 Fan Dan
Light Industry Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Z-According to the technical requirements, test methods and control rules of acetyl esters
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and control rules of acetyl esters. This standard is applicable to acetyl esters prepared by chemical reaction with acetic acid and acetic acid as raw materials. 2 Reference Standards
QB/T 2244—96
The following standards contain provisions that, through the use of this standard, constitute the provisions of this standard. The version indicated at the time of publication of the standard is valid: All standards are subject to revision. The latest version of the underlined standard may be used.
GD 55530-XH
Color analysis of single and combined flavorings G5549-8 Relative determination of aroma of single and combined flavors G15/714454,9—93 Flavor and aroma determination GB/T 1445-1.3—93 Color determination of single and combined flavoring materials GB/T 11457.4—93 Determination of acid value of single and combined synthetic materials GB/T 14457.5—93 Product name, molecular formula, structural formula, molecular weight Chemical name, molecular weight: C,H,O,
Synthesis: c.cooc, πwwW.bzxz.Net
Molecular formula, 88, 1 (International Atomic Weight of 1937) Technical requirements
1.1 Package: Colorless, transparent, color floating, not suitable for standard colorimetric color scale. 4.2 Aroma: Fruity, with white wine aroma. 1.8 Apparent density (25/25\ (), π.8 net 4~0.880. 4.4 or value, ≤1.U
4.5 (), 93.0
Region test method
6.1 Determination of color
See GB/T [4454.3
China Light Industry Federation 1996-10-11 approved 30
5.2 Evaluation of suitability 4
see G1/T14434.26
5,3 Relative concentration determination, 25/
see B1A40
5.4 Tax value determination
G13/T 14457.1.
5.5 Determination of content
, GB/T 445T5.
Acetic acid content (gas chromatograph internal standard) Appendix (recommendations) white inspection rules
61 Acetic acid is not a commercial product with genuine production! The quality inspection department shall carry out the inspection directly, and the factory shall ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. Each batch of products shall have a quality certificate, which shall include: manufacturer name, product name, trademark, factory opening date, non-standard number, net weight, product quality certification period and this standard. The inspection unit shall determine the quality of the products in accordance with the requirements of this standard. The quality inspection unit shall conduct the inspection of the new batch, and the acceptance number shall be 6.3. Each package unit shall discard the following 133 products, and the number shall be less than 1. After the product is loaded, it shall be inspected for moisture, and then vibrated to make it uniform. Then take the product out of the machine, inject it into the filter, and put it into the two sections of the mold sand into the bottle. The product name, batch number, total efficiency, and date of delivery shall be determined by the inspection unit. The whole product shall be kept for preparation. 4. If any of the items do not meet the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer shall re-sample the items. If any of the items do not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch of products shall not be qualified. 6.6 When the supplier and the buyer open the product delivery site, the supplier can use the solution or the flushing method to check the micropores: 6.6 Color, shape, clearness, viscosity, coldness and relative rate are the factory-issued indicators. Quarterly test: : style.
For packaging. Transportation, storage
.1 The packaging should be placed in the packaging or in the packaging. Other packaging should include: product name, discontinuation name, trademark, non-proprietary, net weight, tare weight, ex-factory date, standard number and relevant packaging mark. If there are special requirements for the packaging site, the manufacturer shall issue the packaging agreement.
12 Transportation should be carried out at the beginning: away from fire sources, no acid, no filter, etc. This product should be kept in a cool and ventilated warehouse. It is recommended to avoid fire sources. 74 In accordance with the specified transportation conditions, packaging, and unopened stores, the warranty period of this product is as follows: $1
(indicated requirements)
The content of ethyl acetate is determined by internal normalization method of gas chromatograph
1.1 Chromatography, recorder and micro-machine
According to the provisions of Chapter 5 of GB:539.
Filling method
Length 3~4m, inner diameter 2~4mm
Circular phase Sl-3e, %~1 is given to ChromesorbWAW5MCS60~80 days. A1.3 Detector
Hydrogen water furnace ionization column auxiliary device.
A2 Operation rules
A2.1 Reduce the temperature
Keep the color furnace at D0'C: 100℃, then increase the temperature linearly from a0-1B0*C, the rate of 4C/min, and the sample port is 200℃.
Detector 200*℃
A2. 2 Speed
Gas flow rate: t, 30mL/min.
A3 Determination of column efficiency
A3.1 Chemical property test
Perform the test according to the method specified in 8, 1 of GP11539, and it should meet the requirements. A8.2 Rapid effect
Perform the determination according to the method specified in G15132, and it should meet the requirements. A4 Determination method
Internal conversion method is carried out according to the method specified in 1, 4 of GB1$. A5 quantity decay and result change display
Find G11.53 in 11, 4 now select the line, two symbols will require, $
gas extension chromatogram
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