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JB/T 8532-1997 Pulse jet bag filter

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8532-1997

Standard Name: Pulse jet bag filter

Chinese Name: 脉冲喷吹类袋式除尘器

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1997-04-15

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-09-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J88 Environmental Protection Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces ZB J88011-89; replaced by JB/T 8532-2008

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1998-01-01

other information

drafter:Zhang Shiping, Ye Xuchang

Drafting unit:Hubei Dust Removal Equipment Factory

Focal point unit:Mechanical Dust Removal and Hazardous Gas Treatment Equipment Technical Committee of the Environmental Protection Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:Mechanical Dust Removal and Hazardous Gas Treatment Equipment Technical Committee of the Environmental Protection Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8532-1997 This standard is a revision of ZB J88 011-89 "Technical Requirements for Pulse Jet Bag Dust Collectors". This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of pulse jet bag dust collectors. This standard applies to pulse jet bag dust collectors (hereinafter referred to as dust collectors). JB/T 8532-1997 Pulse Jet Bag Dust Collectors JB/T8532-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8532—1997
Pulse jet bag dust collector
1997-04-15 Issued
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1998-01-01 Implementation
This standard is a revision of ZBJ88011—89 "Technical Conditions for Pulse Jet Bag Dust Collectors". This standard adds dust concentration at the dust collector outlet and shell pressure resistance to the dust collector performance: adds type test requirements for the pulse jet mechanism of the dust collector; cancels dust removal efficiency. From the date of entry into force, this standard replaces Appendix A of ZBJ88011-89 as the standard appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by the Mechanical Dust Removal and Hazardous Gas Treatment Equipment Sub-Technical Committee of the Environmental Protection Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
The drafting unit of this standard: Hubei Dust Removal Equipment Factory. The main drafters of this standard: Zhang Shiping, Ye Xuchang. This standard was first issued on March 30, 1989. 1
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Pulse jet bag dust collector
Replaces ZBJ88011-89
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of pulse jet bag dust collectors. This standard applies to pulse jet bag dust collectors (hereinafter referred to as dust collectors). 2 Referenced standards
The referenced standards are shown in Appendix A (Appendix to the standard). 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Pulse jet type (bag dust collector)
Bag dust collector that uses compressed gas as the cleaning power, uses the pulse jet mechanism to release compressed gas in an instant, makes the filter bag swell rapidly, and relies on impact vibration and reverse gas to clean. 3.2 Air box pulse bag dust collector
The bag chamber is a compartment structure, and the air is stopped and the dust is cleaned by jetting in each chamber according to the procedure, but the jet airflow is only sprayed into the clean air box instead of directly into the filter bag. 3.3 Steel consumption of dust collector
The ratio of the mass of the dust collector body (between the inlet and outlet flanges, above the ash outlet flange, excluding the bracket and insulation layer, including the equipment mass of the necessary process escalator platform) to the filter area. 4 Technical requirements
The dust collector shall comply with the requirements of this standard and shall be manufactured and inspected in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. The main performance of the dust collector is shown in Table 1.
Main performance types of pulse jet bag filter
Inlet gas temperature
Filtration wind speed
Outlet dust concentration
Equipment resistance
Compressive strength (shell)
Air leakage rate
Normal temperature filter material
High temperature filter material
mg/m (standard)
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on April 15, 1997
Implemented on January 1, 1998
1When the test dust is 325 mesh talcum powder, the dust collector performance should meet Table 1. For ultrafine dust, the filtration wind speed should be appropriately reduced, and the filtration wind speed for new composite membrane filter material can be appropriately increased. The degree of reduction or increase is based on the filter material performance test. 2 The design of dust collectors is different according to the industry and region where they are used. The dust emission concentration standards are implemented in accordance with GB4915, GB9078, GB13223 and GB13271.
The steel consumption of dust collectors is shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Steel consumption of dust collectors
Steel consumption
4.4 The main materials used in dust collectors (if there are special requirements, follow the design requirements) should comply with the provisions of Table 3. Without affecting the performance and life of the product, with the consent of the technical department and after completing the formalities, it can be substituted for Table 3 Main material selection table
Material name
Steel plate, flat steel
Channel steel, I-beam
10, 20, Q235-A
HT150, HT200
Material standard number
GB699, GB700
Specifications Standard No.
GB704, GB912, GB3274
GB9787, GB9788
GB706, GB707
GB8162, GB8163, GB3091, GB3092 After the steel plates and profiles used in the dust collector are cut, the exposed edges must be cleared of burrs: All parts in contact with the filter bag must be polished smooth 4.6 The form and size of the weld must comply with the requirements of GB985, and the quality of the weld should comply with the provisions of 4.3 in JB/T5911-91. 4.7
All flanges, manhole covers and inspection doors of the dust collector should be lined with sealing materials to ensure sealing. 4.8 The two connecting flange holes should be drilled and positioned and docked, and the center deviation of the holes should not be greater than 1/8 of the nominal diameter of the bolts. The matching of the bolt holes on the flange and the nominal diameter of the bolts should comply with the provisions of Table 4. Table 4
Nominal diameter of bolts
Diameter of flange bolt holes
The cast iron parts and components used in dust collectors shall meet the following requirements: M12
The surface quality and defects of cast iron parts shall comply with the provisions of 4.8 and 4.9 in GB9439--88. The dimensional deviation of castings shall comply with the provisions of GB6414. M20
4.10 The unmarked dimensional tolerances of machined parts of dust collectors shall comply with GB/T1804-m, and the unmarked dimensional tolerances of riveted parts shall comply with the provisions of Table 5.
Basic size
The limit deviation of straightness, flatness and parallelism of welded structural parts of dust collector shall not be greater than that specified in Table 6. 4.11
Basic size
Limit deviation
4.12 Pulse jet device of dust collector
4.12.1 The air bag must be thoroughly cleaned before pressure test. The test pressure is 1.5 times the working pressure, and the minimum test pressure is not less than 0.6MPa.
4.12.2 Under the specified working conditions, the pulse valve should have no air leakage, can open and close normally, and work reliably. 4.12.3 The pulse controller should work accurately and reliably, and its jet time and interval can be adjusted continuously. 4.12.4 Under the premise of ensuring the airtightness of this device, the jet test shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations, and each valve shall operate normally and continuously for no less than 10 times. 4.13 The flower plate of the dust collector should be flat and smooth, without any deflection, unevenness, and its flatness deviation should not be greater than 2/1000 of the flower plate length: the deviation of the center position of the flower plate hole is less than 1.5mm; the flower plate aperture tolerance is + (the flower plate aperture tolerance of the filter bag fixed with an elastic expansion ring is +0.3).
4.14 The filter bag of the dust collector should comply with the provisions of GB12625. 4.15 The filter bag of the dust collector must be installed perpendicular to the fixed flower plate, and the filter bag skeleton should comply with the provisions of Chapter 4 of JB/T5917-91. 4.16 For dust collectors with a blowpipe, when the blowpipe is installed, the center line of the airflow ejected from the spray hole should be consistent with the center of the filter bag, and its position deviation should be less than 2mm.
4.17 The transmission mechanism of the dust collector should be tested for 2h operation, and must rotate flexibly and reliably. The temperature of its rolling bearing should not be higher than 80℃, and the temperature rise should not exceed 40℃.
4.18 The purchased parts of the dust collector must have a certificate of conformity, and all parts and components must be inspected and qualified before assembly. 4.19 The steel platform, escalator and handrail of the dust collector shall comply with the provisions of GB4053.1~4053.4. 4.20 Painting of the dust collector
4.20.1 Before painting the dust collector, the rust, residue, oil, dust and other dirt on the surface should be cleaned. The rust removal method and rust removal level should comply with the provisions of GB8923. When spraying or shot blasting is used for rust removal, the rust removal level shall not be lower than Sa2. When hand brushes or power tools are used for rust removal, the rust removal level shall not be lower than St2. 4.20.2 The outer surface of the dust collector that leaves the factory as a whole machine is painted with two coats of primer and two coats of topcoat: large dust collectors that are shipped separately and installed on site are painted with the last coat of topcoat on site.
4.20.3 The paint film of the dust collector should be uniform and of uniform color. It should not have defects such as brittleness, peeling, cracks, curling and brush marks, and the thickness should not be less than 50μm. The paint film adhesion shall comply with the provisions of JB/T53134. 5 Test method
5.1 The test of dust concentration, equipment resistance and air leakage rate at the dust collector outlet shall comply with the provisions of GB12138. 3
5.2 The manufacturing air leakage rate of the dust collector body is measured under normal filtering (no dust cleaning) of the dust collector. The test condition is that the negative pressure in the clean air box of the dust collector is 2000Pa. When the negative pressure deviates, it is calculated according to the following formula: =44.72×e/p
Where: air leakage rate, %;
e, - measured air leakage rate, %
p - average negative pressure in the clean air chamber, Pa.
The thickness of the paint film of the dust collector shall be inspected with a paint film thickness gauge, and the inspection points shall be no less than two points per square meter. 5.3
5.4 The inspection of the paint film adhesion shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T53134 6 Inspection rules
Each product shall be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped out of the factory, and a product certificate shall be attached. 6.2 The inspection of dust collectors is divided into type test and factory inspection. 6.2.1 Type test shall be carried out in the following situations: a) During the first batch of production:
b) After normal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect the performance of the dust collector; c) During batch production, dust collectors shall be regularly inspected by type. 6.2.2 Items of factory inspection
a) No-load test of transmission mechanism;
b) Test of pulse jet device:
c) Inspection of machining and assembly accuracy;
d) Inspection of welding quality;
e) Inspection of appearance quality:
f Inspection according to other technical requirements stipulated in the order agreement. 6.2.3 Type test shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 5, and the test results shall meet the requirements of Table 1. 6.2.4 Factory inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 4.
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Each product shall be fixed with a product label at the designated location, and the size and type of the label shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13306. The contents are as follows:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Product model and name:
c) Main performance parameters (filtration area, air volume): d) Net weight;
e) Year and month of manufacture;
Factory number.
7.2 The dust collector shall be packaged only after passing the inspection of the items specified in 6.2.2. 7.3 Packaging requirements for dust collectors
7.3.1 The whole product or disassembled parts shall comply with the requirements for loading and transportation by land or water. 4
7.3.2 The packaging of products or parts and components can be naked, knocked, bundled and boxed. The packaging shall ensure that no damage occurs under normal transportation conditions.
7.3.3 For naked dust collectors, the dust collector inlet, outlet, gas inlet and dust outlet must be sealed. 7.3.4 When packed in wooden boxes, the dust collector or its parts and components should be fixed, and the distance from the inner wall of the box is generally 30mm50mm. The middle should be plugged with wood or other supporting parts. The filter bags, electrical appliances and other main parts must be rainproof. 7.4 The words and signs on the outer wall of the packaging box should be clear and neat, and the content is as follows: a) Manufacturer name and address:
b) Product model and name;
c) Receiving unit name and address:
d) Packing box number:
e) Packing box size "length (mm) x width (mm) x height (mm)", "total × boxes, the ×th box"; f Weight:
g) Other necessary signs.
7.5 The packaging of export products must comply with the provisions of GB/T13384 or the order contract. 7.6 Labeling and labeling. The packaging box must be labeled according to the box number. Each packaging box must have at least three sides labeled. There must be a separate packing list in the box, and all parts in the box must be hung (painted) with labels. 7.7 The technical documents supplied with the product include: a) Product manual;
b) Certificate of conformity;
c) Packing list.
7.8 Technical documents should be packed in moisture-proof bags, fixed in the designated position in the box, and the words "Random documents are here" should be marked on the outer wall of the box. 7.9 Storage
The dust collector parts and components should be classified and stored flatly in a place without corrosive gas. Random stacking is strictly prohibited to prevent rust, deformation, damage and loss.
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB 699—88
GB 70088
GB 704—88
GB 70688
GB 707—88
GB 912—89
GB/T 1804—92|| tt||GB3091—93
GB 4053.193
GB 4053.2—93
GB 4053.3—93
GB 4053.483
GB 816287
GB 9787 -88
GB 978888
GB 12138—89
GB 132231996
GB 1327191
GB/T 1330691
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8532-1997||t t||Technical conditions for welding parts of electrostatic precipitator
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Published by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing: Postal Code 100044)*
1/16 Sheet 3/4
Book size 880×1230
4Number of words 14.000
First edition in August 1997
First printing in August 1997
Print run 1-500
Price 1000 yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http/AvwwJB.ac.cn668 /
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