Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Analytical Chemistry>>71.040.40 Chemical Analysis
Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Additives, Surfactants, Catalysts, Water Treatment Agents>>G72 Basic Standards and General Methods for Surfactants
HG/T 3614-1999 Determination of sulfonic acid and sulfuric acid content in alkylbenzene sulfonic acid HG/T3614-1999 standard download decompression password:
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1CS71.040.40 G 72, G 73 Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Surfactants and Test Methods (1999) Issued on April 20, 1999 Implemented on April 1, 2000 Issued by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Preparation No.: 2823-1999 HG/T35141999 This standard is formulated by adopting the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard A5TMT) 4711-89 (193>Confirmed) Determination of Alkali Shear and Sulfuric Acid in Alkane Extracts as much as possible. This standard is an extension of ASTMT)47189 (IU). The main technical differences are: ASTMD4711 uses a potentiometric titrator and a 20l automatic burette with small mercury content of 83ml. This standard uses a 1.[)-2 type potentiometric electrode or similar instrument, a glass electrode as the indicator electrode, a 25inL automatic burette and a 150ml high base beaker. ASTM D471129 (1935 confirmation) used basic pure hydrogen. This standard uses analytical pure hydrogen. The standard converts the concentration of 1% to 1% in ASTM D47II into mol/L, and converts the equivalent of the standard liquid into mol/L. This standard is in accordance with the provisions of 3.1 and 7.2.5 of ASTM D47II for determination of neutralization value of petroleum products and lubricants (autogenous decomposition method) in 1730487, and adds the details of maintenance and rinsing of the plate. In order to ensure the accuracy of each measurement result, the appendix A of this standard is the appendix A of the standard. The standard is issued by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is submitted to the Technical Committee of Surface Aging Agents of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The co-author of this standard is: Shanghai Dyestuff Research Institute. The main authors of this standard are: Zhuang Shuibin, Gong Meifang and Xiao. 21 Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Determination of Sulfonic Acid and Sulfuric Acid Content in Alkylbenweme Sulfonle Acids! Scope This standard specifies the test method for determining the dynamic sulfur content of sulfonic acid in alkylbenweme sulfonle acids G/R 3514: 1999 AIM 2711 5415 Added with? This standard is used for the determination of the content of sulfonated and gluconic acid in branched and straight-chain alkyl sulfonic acids used as intermediates in synthetic detergents. : Determination of the resistance to oxidative damage by mono- and di-acids, 2 Referenced standards The following standards contain the following texts, which become the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication, the versions shown are valid. All standards may be revised. Parties using this standard should consider the possibility of using the latest version of the following standard. G1/T5173-85 Determination of relative molecular weight of industrial sodium self-alkanyl lysate by gas microchromatographic method GB/T3)87 Determination of relative molecular weight of petroleum products and lubricants (potentiometric method) GB/T972588 General principles of chemical reagents 3 Principle Use cyclohexylamine methanol standard to titrate the sample with cellulose The titration sequence is applied, and the glass electrode is used as the indicator electrode and the recording medium is used as the reference electrode to measure the change in the potential of the liquid. The crossover point is determined based on the potential jump. The first potential jump indicates the neutralization reaction of the carrier (one of the acid, the basic acid and the acid-free acid), and the sixth potential jump indicates the neutralization reaction of the second hydrogen. The difference between the titration results of the two potential jumps is used to calculate the carbonic acid and the acid content, respectively. 4 Reagents and solutions 4.1 Anhydrous alcohol: 4.2 Hydrogen sulfonic acid 4.3 Cyclohexane: Chemical 4.4 Cyclohexane standard solution c(CHN)=0.1nmo1/1*5-position instrument 51LD2 electrode package instrument or instrument with similar performance, namely: Purchase: Inhibitor 21 AIM 13 1711 is for salt concentration N 3) network [?1 pool to make the manual automatic potential elimination is the section Tianjia Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau 1999-04-20 approved 2000-04-01 implementation 5.2231 type glass electrode 5.3232 type, 5.4 automatic burette.25mL; 5.5 high beaker.150mL*: 5.6 book selection cable semi-device. 6 Chicken fixed step item HGT3614:1999 The test is not determined when there is a small amount of water. If the water content in the total liquid sample (the reagent) is necessary, the first sudden change 6.1 Weigh the sample (equivalent to .2~.1.hmmo) (the amount of the sample should be 1.0001k) in a cup (5.5), add 100mL of non-alcoholic acid, place it in an electromagnetic stirrer, and stir it until it is completely dissolved. Test volume is calculated using formula (1): Test volume = 1.5mmnl/Expected acidity ramnl/) Test: Most of the system base acid cut-off. Total late 7.35mmel/g, that is, the sample should be weighed 35~m.45g, consume 210Tic.L cyclohexane standard titration solution 12~:5l. For each test. The difference between the test points G.45~m. is about 1.35. Then insert the glass electrode and H water into the electrode potentiometer, and connect the two electrodes to the electrode potentiometer. Press A2, and use cyclohexane standard titration solution to measure the potential twice. Record the first and second test plates with cyclohexane standard titration solution, and collect V. 6.3 Each time the test is half filled with 15/7374-87, 2.3 and 5.13. 1 heat and clean the iron and maintain the test. 6.4 One person parallelly measures twice, and its arithmetic mean is taken as the test result. Expression of the test results: 1 Determination of the endpoint product CB: T725e.2.2 Determine the endpoint volume. 7.2 Calculate the sulfuric acid (IL) content (X) and sulfonic acid (R5) content (X) in the slurry by pressure fraction according to formula (2) and formula 3: Where: tr 3. 998 t8. 8 Sieve density The mass of the sample·name X=sV.xX0. 098 08) X,- 2.VaeMs The actual concentration of cyclohexane melt is mol/L. The first test is based on the standard high-precision cyclohexane melt, and the second test is based on the standard cyclohexane melt. The actual concentration is mol/L. 1.00mt. The standard cut-off value of cyclohexane (C1N) is -1.000mn/T. The average mass of the equivalent sulphuric acid standard: the average mass of the base leather. The use period: 2A51M4711 specifies the use of electrical system, 5151M1)4711 specifies the use of 2:m1. Automatic weak parts, ASTM, 711 must use 1 stock called l. Each type of beaker. The maintenance and activity of the electric section, he each determination of the results of the standard increase. 2 8.1.1 When the standard deviation (average of repeated determinations) of the results determined by the same analyzer at different times is greater than 0.03, its absolute value is greater than 0.08, and the confidence level of the average of the two determinations (confidence level 35) is questionable. 8.1.2 When the standard deviation (average of repeated determinations) of the results determined by the same analyzer at different times is greater than 13, and its absolute value is greater than 16, the average of the two determinations (confidence level 9%) is questionable. B.1.3 When the repeat test is performed, the content of the active substance in the sample is not certain. When the repeat test is less than 0.1, it is permitted for the repeated determinations to be within 0.1% of their half-mean (confidence level 5%). 8.2. 1 Repeatability The standard deviation of the results of the determination obtained by one analyst in different laboratories (average value of the multiple determinations) was 0.16 when the absolute value was greater than 0.48, and the half-mean value of the two determinations (confidence level 95%) was less than 1.19 when the absolute value was less than 1.19, and the half-mean value of the two determinations (confidence level 95%) was less than 1.2.3 Reproducibility The standard deviation of the results of the determination obtained by one analyst in different laboratories (average value of the multiple determinations) was 0.16 when the absolute value was greater than 0.48, and the half-mean value of the two determinations (confidence level 95%) was less than 1.19 when the absolute value was less than 1.19, and the half-mean value of the two determinations (confidence level 95%) was less than 1.2.15 is the detailed information, the 3 system difference This standard measures the system side benefit of the reverse step, there is no recognized standard for the substance, the fourth is not discussed. Note: The above temperature data is 1% of the laboratory to verify the basic benefit end of the industry (about 318 points in the amount of the test number 25 A1 Preparation HC/T3614-1999 Appendix 4 (Standard Appendix Cyclohexylamine Standard Titration Solution Preparation Weigh 1 bad cyclohexylamine (4.3> box and dissolve in 1mL. A2 standard in water methanol (1) 42. Weigh 12g aminosulfonic acid (4.2g) (3.0001g) in a beaker (5.6), add 10ml methanol, stir on an electromagnetic stirrer (5.6), and incubate until completely dissolved. Add a glass centrifugal electrode (5.2) and a galvanometer (3.3). Connect the two electrode plugs to the three-electrode potential (5._1). A2.3 Record the titration with an electromechanical instrument Tube (5.1) initial reading. Add about 10% of the required volume of cyclohexylamine standard solution while stirring. Add 0.1m) of cyclohexylamine standard solution and record the titration number and the potential value until the potential is stable. 42-4 Next to each calibration, follow the provisions of 7.2.3 of P/T7304-87: 42.5 The calibration should be repeated once continuously, and the arithmetic half-average value should be calculated. A3.1 Determination of titration volume at the titration point According to GB/1S-25, 6.2.2, the endpoint volume is determined. A3.2 Result measurement The micro-volume of the substance is expressed as w/degree formula (AI> where: - mass of preheated cyclohexylamine, eIC.11-N)= P0. 097 09 The volume of molten iridium has been obtained! ,m].; The mass of xanthaldehyde equivalent to 1.00mL of cyclohexylamine standard solution (C11.N) 1.000nn/1. g. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.