title>JB/T 5494-1991 Inclined shaft man-car - JB/T 5494-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5494-1991 Inclined shaft man-car

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5494-1991

Standard Name: Inclined shaft man-car

Chinese Name: 斜井人车

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-07-10

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Mining>>Mining Machinery and Equipment>>D93 Lifting, Storage and Transportation Equipment

associated standards

Procurement status:8451-1974 NEQ

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1992-07-01

other information

drafter:Li Yingzeng, Ge Jincheng

Drafting unit:Jilin Mining Machinery Factory, Shijiazhuang Mining Machinery Research Institute

Focal point unit:Luoyang Mining Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry and Electronics Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of inclined shaft man-carrying vehicles. This standard applies to man-carrying vehicles used to transport personnel in inclined tunnels underground. JB/T 5494-1991 Inclined shaft man-carrying vehicle JB/T5494-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Man-driven vehicles
Published on July 10, 1991
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on July 1, 1992
Inclined man-driven vehicles
Flat tunnel man-driven vehicles
Mechanical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Inclined shaft man-driven vehicles
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of inclined shaft man-driven vehicles (hereinafter referred to as man-driven vehicles).
This standard applies to man-driven vehicles used to transport personnel in inclined tunnels underground. 2 Reference standards
Metal tensile test method
Metal Charpy (U-notch) impact test methodMetal Rockwell hardness test method
Ordinary cylindrical helical spring
Mechanical and process performance test sampling regulations
Narrow-gauge rolling stock wheel tread shape and size GB4786.1~4786.5 Mine narrow-gauge vehicle open wheel set GB5622
JB396 3
General technical conditions for narrow-gauge mine cars
Ultrasonic flaw detection of pressure vessel forgings
Methods for penetrant flaw detection
Magnetic particle flaw detection of steel materials
Tensile, pressure and universal material testing machines
Product labels
3 Product classification, basic parameters and models
3.1 Product classification
Man-driven vehicles are divided into claw-type and rail-holding type according to the braking method. 3.2 Basic parameters
The basic parameters and dimensions of man-driven vehicles shall comply with the provisions of the following table. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on July 10, 1991 and implemented on July 1, 1992
Maximum allowable gravity
Aisle inclination
Number of passengers in the middle section
Note: The overall dimensions do not include the length of the connector. 3.3 Product model
Minimum aisle radius after assembly
3.4 ​​Marking example
The running speed is not less than
Pu Lin Xia Shi
Track gauge:
6 means 600mm
7 means 762mm
9 means 900mm
Number of passengers in each section
Braking method:
C Claw type
B-rail-holding type
The track gauge is 600mm, and the claw-type man-carriage with 10 passengers in each section is marked: Inclined shaft man-carriage RXC-10/6JB5494-91
4 Technical requirements
Centre distance of bogie
4.1 Man-carriages shall comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved through the prescribed procedures. 4.2 The castings, welded parts, forgings, etc. of the man-carriage must comply with the relevant provisions of GB5622. Axle
4.3 The materials of all parts and components of the man-carriage must have a certificate of conformity from the supplier, otherwise they must be identified and can only be used after they are qualified. 4.4 The parts and components of the man-carriage must be inspected and qualified, and the purchased parts and outsourced parts must have a certificate of conformity before they can be assembled. 2
4.5 Car body
4.5.1 The front and rear walls of the head car (the downlink direction is the front) and the front wall of the trailer should have knee-viewing windows. 4.5.2 The car box should be able to transport stretchers carrying the wounded, and the seat backs should be easy to disassemble. 4.5.3 There should be handrails on both sides of the seats in the car box. Protective railings or chains should be set at the personnel entrances on both sides. 4.5.4 The distance between the same parts of two adjacent seats shall not be less than 600mm, and the comfort coefficient shall not be less than 0.3. The comfort factor is calculated according to formula (1): K=S
Where: S——carriage floor area, m\nNumber of seats, pcs.
4.5.5 The inner surface of the carriage shall be flat, and the end panels, side panels and carriage surfaces shall not have sharp protruding edges and corners. 4.5.6 The seats and backrests shall have sufficient strength and shall not be damaged during braking. 4.5.7 The straightness tolerance of the carport and along the length direction shall be 2.5mm over any 1000mm and 10mm at most over the entire length. 4.5.8 The carport chassis shall be straight, and its straightness tolerance shall be 1.5mm over any 1000mm and 6mm at most over the entire length. 4.6 Starting and connecting devices
4.6.1 The main traction rod and pin shall be inspected by flaw detection, and cracks, folds and other defects that reduce mechanical properties are not allowed. ·(1)
4.6.2 The safety factor of the traction rod, including the main traction rod and the pin shaft and the connecting parts and pin shaft of the connecting device shall not be less than 13. After an overload test with 5 times the maximum allowable traction force, its permanent deformation shall not exceed 1% of the total length. 4.6.3 The traction rod moves flexibly in the guide box. The starting spring and the braking spring shall comply with the second-level accuracy requirements of GB1239. 4.6.4
4:6.5 After the distance between the impact block and the fork is adjusted, its positioning is firm and anti-loosening measures are taken. 4.7 Braking device
4.7.1 The claws and wedge boxes must be inspected by flaw detection, and cracks, overburning and other defects that reduce mechanical properties are not allowed. After quenching and tempering, its mechanical properties shall not be less than:
Tensile strength:og=750MPa
Sustainability strength:0,=600MPa
Shrinkage rate of section:$=40%
Impact value:
4.7.2 The lateral movement of the clamping claw and the wedge box is flexible, and the movement amount is 20~25mm. 4.7.3 The clamping claw and the wedge box should not have permanent deformation after braking. 4.7.4 During zero-speed unhooking braking, the angle between the clamping claw and the top surface of the rail is 70°~75°. One side of the tooth piece should bite the full height of the side of the rail head, and the other side shall not be less than 2/3.
4.7.5 After the claw falls, the distance between its tip and the plane above the sleeper shall not be less than 70mm. 4.7.6 The tooth piece shall be inspected by flaw detection, and the hardness of its teeth shall be 52-56HRC. 4.7.7 During braking, the brake frame and the frame shall slide flexibly and reliably. 4.8 Buffer device
4.8.1 The resistance value of the rail-holding man-car buffer device shall be calibrated. Within the maximum braking force range, the difference in resistance values ​​between the two buffer devices shall not be greater than 15% of their maximum value.
4.8.2 The buffer wire rope must be in the form of a single-layer round strand cross pick-up, and its safety factor shall not be less than 3. 4.8.3 The buffer wood material shall be red pine or other wood with resistance value equivalent to red pine, and shall not have cracks or combs that affect the resistance value. 4.9 Bogies and wheelsets
4.9.1 The wheel tread shall comply with the provisions of GB4695. 4.9.2 The wheel alignment shall comply with the provisions of GB4786.1~4786.5. 3
4.9.3 The turning angle of the bogie relative to the car body in the vertical plane shall not be less than 10°4.10 A support device or elastic butt shall be provided between the two car sections. 4.11 A convenient, fast, safe and reliable manual device shall be provided in the first car section in the direction of travel of the passenger car. 4.12 The passenger car shall be equipped with a reliable flat track locking device. When the 3-passenger car is fully loaded and braked, the average braking deceleration is 1013m/s°. 4.13
4.14 The braking idle travel time of the passenger car: HRB type passenger car is not more than 0.2s, and HRC type passenger car is not more than 0.3$. When the 5-passenger car is braked, the time difference of the two pairs of claws (or two claws) falling in the same car section shall not exceed 0.02s. 4.15
4.16 During train operation, the brake device of each car should be flexible and reliable. 4.17 After the passenger car is braked, all parts and components shall not have defects such as cracks, deformation, distortion, open welding, etc., and the brake frame shall be able to return to its original position. 8 Passenger cars should have beautiful appearance and comfortable seats. The inside and outside of the car body should be painted with topcoat, and the paint layer should be complete and firm, with uniform color, and there should be no bubbles, leakage, and sagging.
4.19 The service life of the passenger car shall not be less than 5 years. 4.20 If the user complies with the storage and use rules, the manufacturer shall repair or replace parts and components for the user free of charge if the product is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality within six months from the date of delivery. 5 Test method
5.1 Push and pull the traction rod without adding spring force to check whether it is flexible in the guide box. 5.2 The test method for the starting spring and the brake spring shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB1239. 5.3 Move the mold box to check whether its lateral movement is flexible, and check that the lateral string momentum should comply with the provisions of Article 4.7.2 of this standard. 5.4 The test method for the mechanical properties and hardness of the material shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB228, GB229 and GB230, and its performance shall comply with the provisions of Articles 4.7.1 and 4.7.6 of this standard.
5.5Open the brake device on the slope of the test bench, measure the angle between the claw and the top surface of the rail with an angle ruler, and check the height of the teeth biting the side of the rail head with a steel tape measure. The result should meet the requirements of Article 4.7.4 of this standard. 5.6Use a steel tape measure to measure the distance between the tip of the claw and the upper plane of the sleeper after it falls, which should meet the requirements of Article 4.7.5 of this standard. 5.7The flaw detection method of the flaw detection parts shall be carried out according to the methods specified in JB3963, ZBJ04005 and ZBJ04006, and the results shall meet the requirements of Class 1 defects in the above standards.
5.8The resistance value of the buffer device shall be calibrated on a material testing machine, and the accuracy of the testing machine shall meet the requirements of Class 1 in JJG139. During the test, record the corresponding resistance value for each 2mm adjustment of the slide until it is twice the maximum braking force. The test should be carried out three times, and the average value of the last two times shall be taken as its resistance value. And check whether the buffer device is damaged or deformed, and whether the rope clamp is twitching. 5.9 Check the wheel tread and wheel flange with a sample. 5.10 The breaking tension and maximum static load test of the traction rod of the driving device, including the main traction rod and the pin shaft, and the connecting parts and pin shaft of the connecting device, shall be carried out on a material testing machine. The accuracy of the testing machine shall comply with the provisions of Class I in JJG139. 5.11 After the man-car train is assembled, its ability to pass through the curve shall be checked on a track with a radius of 12m. 5.12 Move the manual device at least twice to check whether it is flexible and reliable. 5.13 Inspection of the locking device: lower the man-car train from the slope track to the horizontal track, and pressing the locking device should prevent the brake device from operating; then lift it from the horizontal track to the ramp, the locking device should automatically return to its original position and should not hinder the operation of the driving device. The test shall be carried out at least twice. Www.bzxZ.net
5.14 The running speed, average braking deceleration, idle travel time and reliability of the man-car train shall be tested on the test bench using the unhooking test method.
The idle travel time is measured with an electric stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.001s. 6 The average braking deceleration is calculated according to formula (2): 5.16
· (2)
Where: a—average braking deceleration, m/s; JB549491
—the running speed of the man-car when braking begins, m/s; Sx——the man-car buffer distance, m.
The buffer distance Sx measured by a steel tape measure: for a man-car with a track-clamped type, take the average value of the buffer distances of the two head cars; for a man-car with a claw type, take the average value of the buffer distances of each car.
6 Inspection rules
The man-car inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.1 Factory inspection
The factory inspection is carried out by the inspection department of the manufacturer, and the vehicle can only leave the factory after passing the inspection. Factory inspection items:
Overall dimensions;
Welding quality;
Painting quality;
Manual gate drop test;
Flat track locking device;
No-load zero-speed uncoupling test.
Factory inspection shall be carried out on each vehicle.
6.2 Type inspection
Type inspection shall be carried out in any of the following cases: Trial production and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory; Formal production of passenger cars, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect their performance; Under normal production conditions, periodic inspection shall be carried out every three years; When production is resumed after more than two years of suspension; When the results of the factory inspection are significantly different from the results of the previous type inspection; When the national quality supervision agency makes inspection requirements. 6.2.2
Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with all items of the technical requirements of this standard. A passenger car shall be randomly selected for type inspection. 6.2.3
6.3 For the traction rod of the actuating device, including the main traction rod and the pin shaft and the connecting parts and the pin shaft of the connecting device, 1% (at least two groups) of the batch shall be sampled for the breaking tensile test; 3% (at least two groups) of the batch shall be sampled for the overload static tensile test. If one piece fails in each test, the number shall be doubled for retesting. If one piece fails again, the batch of parts shall be considered unqualified. 6.4 1% (at least three pieces) of each batch of actuating springs and brake springs shall be sampled for testing. If one piece fails, the number shall be doubled for retesting. If one piece fails again, the parts shall be tested piece by piece. 6.5 The mechanical properties of the claws and wedge boxes shall be sampled for at least three pieces each, and shall be sampled in accordance with the provisions of GB2975. 6.6 Parts that require flaw detection must be inspected piece by piece. 6.7 The tooth pieces shall be tested for hardness piece by piece.
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Each man-carriage shall have a product label fixed in a conspicuous position on the car body, and its type and size shall comply with the provisions of JB8. And indicate: a.
Manufacturer name;
Product name and model;
Main technical parameters;
Product number and date of manufacture.
7.2 Technical documents accompanying the car:
Operation manual (including detailed list of wearing parts); packing list;
Product certificate of conformity.
7.3 Man-carriages may not be shipped in an overall package, but should be firmly fixed. Tools and spare parts shipped with the car should be packed into boxes and fastened in the car body. 7.4 Man-carriages should be placed in the storage yard, and unpainted processed surfaces should be coated with anti-rust oil. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Luoyang Mining Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by Jilin Mining Machinery Factory and Shijiazhuang Mining Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Yingzeng and Ge Jincheng.16
Where: a—average braking deceleration, m/s; JB549491
—running speed of the man-car when braking begins, m/s; Sx——man-car buffer distance, m.
The buffer distance Sx measured by a steel tape measure: for a man-car with a track, take the average value of the buffer distances of the two head cars; for a man-car with a claw, take the average value of the buffer distances of each car.
6 Inspection rules
Man-car inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.1 Factory inspection
Factory inspection is carried out by the inspection department of the manufacturer and the vehicle can only leave the factory after passing the inspection. Factory inspection items:
Overall dimensions;
Welding quality;
Painting quality;
Manual gate drop test;
Flat track locking device;
No-load zero-speed unhooking test.
Factory inspection shall be conducted on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis.
6.2 Type inspection
Type inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: new products or old products transferred to the factory for trial production and identification of officially produced passenger cars, if there are major changes in structure, materials and processes that may affect their performance; under normal production conditions, periodic inspection shall be conducted every three years; when production is resumed after being suspended for more than two years; when the results of the factory inspection are significantly different from those of the previous type inspection; when the national quality supervision agency makes inspection requirements. 6.2.2
Type inspection shall be conducted in accordance with all items of the technical requirements of this standard. A passenger car shall be randomly selected for type inspection. 6.2.3
6.3 For the traction rod of the starting device, including the main traction rod and pin shaft and the connecting parts and pin shaft of the connecting device, 1% (at least two groups) of the batch shall be sampled for the breaking tensile test; 3% (at least two groups) of the batch shall be sampled for the overload static tensile test. If one piece fails in each test, the number of parts should be doubled for retest. If one piece fails again, the batch of parts is considered unqualified. 6.4 1% (at least three pieces) of each batch of springs for starting and braking should be sampled for testing. If one piece fails, the number of parts should be doubled for retest. If one piece fails again, the parts should be tested piece by piece. 6.5 The mechanical properties of the claws and wedge boxes should be at least three pieces each, and the samples should be taken according to the provisions of GB2975. 6.6 The parts that require flaw detection must be inspected piece by piece. 6.7 The tooth pieces should be hardness tested piece by piece.
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Each passenger car should have a product label fixed in a conspicuous position on the car body. Its type and size should comply with the provisions of JB8. And indicate: a.
Manufacturer name;
Product name and model;
Main technical parameters;
Product number and factory date.
7.2 Technical documents accompanying the vehicle:
Instruction manual (including a detailed list of wearing parts); packing list;
Product certificate of conformity.
7.3 The delivery of man-carrying vehicles does not require overall packaging, but should be firmly fixed. The tools and spare parts shipped with the vehicle should be packed into boxes and fastened in the vehicle box. 7.4 Man-carrying vehicles should be placed in the storage yard, and unpainted processed surfaces should be coated with anti-rust oil. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Luoyang Mining Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by Jilin City Mining Machinery Factory and Shijiazhuang Mining Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Yingzeng and Ge Jincheng.16
Where: a—average braking deceleration, m/s; JB549491
—running speed of the man-car when braking begins, m/s; Sx——man-car buffer distance, m.
The buffer distance Sx measured by a steel tape measure: for a man-car with a track, take the average value of the buffer distances of the two head cars; for a man-car with a claw, take the average value of the buffer distances of each car.
6 Inspection rules
Man-car inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.1 Factory inspection
Factory inspection is carried out by the inspection department of the manufacturer and the vehicle can only leave the factory after passing the inspection. Factory inspection items:
Overall dimensions;
Welding quality;
Painting quality;
Manual gate drop test;
Flat track locking device;
No-load zero-speed unhooking test.
Factory inspection shall be conducted on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis.
6.2 Type inspection
Type inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: new products or old products transferred to the factory for trial production and identification of officially produced passenger cars, if there are major changes in structure, materials and processes that may affect their performance; under normal production conditions, periodic inspection shall be conducted every three years; when production is resumed after being suspended for more than two years; when the results of the factory inspection are significantly different from those of the previous type inspection; when the national quality supervision agency makes inspection requirements. 6.2.2
Type inspection shall be conducted in accordance with all items of the technical requirements of this standard. A passenger car shall be randomly selected for type inspection. 6.2.3
6.3 For the traction rod of the starting device, including the main traction rod and pin shaft and the connecting parts and pin shaft of the connecting device, 1% (at least two groups) of the batch shall be sampled for the breaking tensile test; 3% (at least two groups) of the batch shall be sampled for the overload static tensile test. If one piece fails in each test, the number of parts should be doubled for retest. If one piece fails again, the batch of parts is considered unqualified. 6.4 1% (at least three pieces) of each batch of springs for starting and braking should be sampled for testing. If one piece fails, the number of parts should be doubled for retest. If one piece fails again, the parts should be tested piece by piece. 6.5 The mechanical properties of the claws and wedge boxes should be at least three pieces each, and the samples should be taken according to the provisions of GB2975. 6.6 The parts that require flaw detection must be inspected piece by piece. 6.7 The tooth pieces should be hardness tested piece by piece.
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Each passenger car should have a product label fixed in a conspicuous position on the car body. Its type and size should comply with the provisions of JB8. And indicate: a.
Manufacturer name;
Product name and model;
Main technical parameters;
Product number and factory date.
7.2 Technical documents accompanying the vehicle:
Instruction manual (including a detailed list of wearing parts); packing list;
Product certificate of conformity.
7.3 The delivery of man-carrying vehicles does not require overall packaging, but should be firmly fixed. The tools and spare parts shipped with the vehicle should be packed into boxes and fastened in the vehicle box. 7.4 Man-carrying vehicles should be placed in the storage yard, and unpainted processed surfaces should be coated with anti-rust oil. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Luoyang Mining Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by Jilin City Mining Machinery Factory and Shijiazhuang Mining Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Yingzeng and Ge Jincheng.
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