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JB/T 5100-1991 Technical requirements for investment casting of carbon steel parts

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5100-1991

Standard Name: Technical requirements for investment casting of carbon steel parts

Chinese Name: 熔模铸造碳钢件 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-07-15

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Processing Technology>>J31 Casting

associated standards

Procurement status:neq ГOCT 3212-88

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Shenyang Foundry Research Institute

Publishing department:Shenyang Foundry Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, etc. of investment casting carbon steel parts. This standard is applicable to general engineering investment casting carbon steel parts. JB/T 5100-1991 Technical conditions for investment casting carbon steel parts JB/T5100-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Investment Casting Carbon Steel Parts
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Technical Conditions
This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, etc. of investment casting carbon steel parts. This standard applies to investment casting carbon steel parts for general engineering. 2 Reference Standards
Sampling Method for Chemical Analysis of Steel and Allowable Deviation of Chemical Composition of Finished Products GB222
GB223.1~223.5 Determination of Carbon, Silicon, Manganese, Phosphorus and Sulfur Content in Iron and Steel and Alloys JB/T 5100-91
GB223.10 Chemical Analysis Methods for Iron and Steel and Alloys Separation of Copper and Iron Reagents-Chrome Azure S Spectrophotometric Determination of Aluminum Chemical Analysis Methods for Iron and Steel and Alloys Potassium Permanganate Oxidation Volumetric Determination of Vanadium GB 223.13
GB223.18 Chemical Analysis Methods for Iron and Steel and Alloys Sodium Thiosulfate-Iodometric Determination of Copper GB 224. Determination of the depth of decarburized layer of steel GB228
Metal tensile test method
Metal Charpy (U-notch) impact test methodMetal Rockwell hardness test method
Metal Brinell hardness test method
Metal Charpy (V-notch) impact test methodGB6060.1
Surface roughness comparison specimen
Casting surface
Casting dimension tolerance
Casting carbon steel parts for general engineering
3 Classification and grade indication method of castings
Classification principle
According to the working conditions and uses of castings, they are divided into three categories, see Table 1. Table 1
Classification of castings
Inspection items
Used in important parts with heavy loads or complex working conditions. Damage of castings and parts will endanger the safe operation of the whole machine. Under medium loads, used in important parts. Damage of castings will affect the normal operation of parts and cause accidents
Under light loads, used in general parts
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on July 15, 1991 Mechanical properties, chemical composition, dimensional tolerance, surface roughness, surface defects, other special requirements
Mechanical properties, chemical composition, dimensional tolerance, surface roughness, surface defects
Mechanical properties, dimensional tolerance, surface roughness, surface defects Implemented on July 1, 1992
3.2 Category determination
JB/T 5100.--.91
The category of castings shall be specified by the design department in the drawings or relevant documents. Castings without specified categories shall be regarded as severe castings. 3.3 Method of indicating casting grades
The method of indicating grades of investment casting carbon steel parts is as follows: RZG
-Casting category
Tensile strength, N/mm2
Suitable strength, N/mm2
Code of investment casting steel parts
For example: RZG200--4001.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Dimensional tolerance of castings
4.1.1 The dimensional tolerance of castings produced in batches shall be in accordance with the provisions of CT4 to CT7 in GB6414 or in accordance with the technical conditions specified in the drawings and ordering agreements.
4.1.2 The dimensional tolerance of castings does not include the draft angle, which shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table A1 in Appendix A. 4.1.3 When the user does not provide drawings and brings his own mold, the casting size tolerance shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. 4.2 Casting surface roughness
The surface roughness of investment casting carbon steel parts is within the range of R.1.60~R. 12.5. 4.3 Casting surface defects
4.3.1 The defects of holes on the non-machined surface of castings shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Table 2. And there shall be no similar defects on the corresponding parts of the reverse side of the casting. Table 2 Limits of defects such as holes on the non-processed surface of castings Casting classification
Casting wall thickness
In each 25mm×25mm
Casting wall thickness
Distance between holes (mm)
Diameter not more than 1.0mm
Deepness not more than 0.5mm
Number of holes
Diameter not more than 1.2mm
Deepness not more than 1.0mm
Number of holes
Direct The number of holes with a diameter not greater than 2.0mm
and a depth not greater than 1.8mm||tt| ... Investment cast steel
In the table: Akv
Impact absorption energy (V type);
Impact toughness (U type).
4.5 Cracks are not allowed in castings.
JB/T 5100—91
Table 4 Mechanical properties of castings
4.6 The chemical composition of castings shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. Investment Cast Steel Grades
Table 5 Chemical Composition
Selected by Contract
Impact Toughness
Residual Elements3
Note: 1) For every 0.01% reduction in carbon in the upper limit, an increase of 0.04% of manganese is allowed; for RZG200-~400, the maximum manganese is 1.00%, and the maximum for the other four grades is 1.2%.
2) The total amount of residual elements shall not exceed 1.00%. If the purchaser has no requirements, the residual elements will not be analyzed. 4.7 Casting finishing
4.7.1 The residual root of the pouring riser on the machined surface shall not exceed 1-3mm, and the residual root of the pouring riser on the non-machined surface shall be ground flat, or the residual shall not exceed 0.5mm. The residual root that is difficult to clean can be agreed upon by the supply and demand parties. 4.7.2 Correction is allowed for easily deformed castings. Castings that need to eliminate stress after correction should be indicated in the technical documents. 4.7.3 Castings are allowed to be welded. Castings that are not allowed to be welded should be indicated in the drawings. The appearance quality and processing performance shall not be affected after welding. Heat treatment is required after welding.
4.8 Castings must be heat treated. If the purchaser has no special requirements, the heat treatment process shall be determined by the supplier. 4.9 Others
When the purchaser requires control of items not listed in this standard, it shall be agreed upon by the supply and demand parties. 5 Test methods
5.1 Mechanical properties
JB/T 5100-91
5.1.1 The mechanical properties arbitration is based on the specimen processed from the plum blossom test block. The casting process and heat treatment state of the test block are the same as those of the casting. 5.1.2 The tensile test is carried out in accordance with GB228, and the specimen diameter is a short test bar of 5mm. 5.1.3 The impact test is carried out in accordance with GB2106, but under the test conditions where the supplier does not have a V-notch, it can be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB229.
5.1.4 The surface hardness of the casting is measured on the test block or on the surface of the casting with the decarburized layer removed. The measurement method is carried out in accordance with GB230 or GB231.
5.2 Chemical compositionwwW.bzxz.Net
5.2.1 The sampling method for chemical analysis is carried out in accordance with GB222. 5.2.2 The chemical composition arbitration is carried out in accordance with GB223. 5.3 The surface roughness of the casting shall be measured by a profilometer or by comparing the surface roughness of the specimens in accordance with GB6060.1. 5.4 The depth of the decarburized layer on the surface of the casting shall be checked in accordance with GB224. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection batches
The inspection of castings shall be carried out in batches. The batches of castings shall be determined by the charge, grade, smelting process, heat treatment status or furnace number. The specific quantity or weight shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer.
6.2 Mechanical property inspection
6.2.1 Take one tensile test specimen and two impact test specimens from each batch of castings. 6.2.2 The average of the two impact test results shall reach the specified value in Table 4, and only one shall be allowed to be not less than 75% of the specified value. 6.2.3 The results of the tensile test and impact test shall reach the specified value in Table 4. If they are lower than the specified values ​​in Table 4, the item may be re-inspected. For re-testing the tensile force, two spare specimens shall be taken from the same batch for testing. If one of them fails to meet the requirements of Table 4, the castings of this batch shall be re-heat treated. For re-testing the impact toughness, three spare specimens shall be taken from the same batch for testing. The result shall be added to the original result and the average value shall be re-calculated. The new average value shall meet the requirements of Table 4. Otherwise, the castings of this batch shall be re-heat treated. 6.2.4 The tensile test or impact test shall not be re-tested more than twice. 6.3 The surface quality of castings shall be checked piece by piece, and the inspection results shall meet the requirements of Articles 4.2 and 4.3. 6.4 The geometric dimensions of castings shall be sampled in batches. The number of samples sampled in each batch shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. The sampled inspection results shall comply with the provisions of Article 4.1. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Marking and certificate
7.1.1 The supplier's trademark and other necessary marks shall be made on the non-machined surface of the casting. When it is impossible to make marks on the casting, they can be printed on the label attached to each batch of castings
7.1.2 The factory castings shall be accompanied by an inspection certificate or quality certificate, which includes: supplier name;
b. Casting name;
casting drawing number, material grade:
manufacturing date (or number) production batch number.
7.2 Surface protection, packaging, transportation and storage Castings shall be protected and packaged after inspection. The surface protection, packaging, transportation and storage of castings shall comply with the provisions of the order agreement. + 8.
JB/T 5100—91
Appendix A
Draft angle of investment casting carbon steel parts
(reference parts)
The draft angle of investment casting carbon steel parts shall be in accordance with Table A1. A1
Die draft angle of investment casting carbon steel parts
Main molding
Surface height
Additional instructions:
Outer surface
Die draft angle
Single-side value-added
This standard was proposed by Shenyang Foundry Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and is under the jurisdiction of Internal surface
Single-side value-added
This standard was drafted by Shenyang Foundry Research Institute, Luoyang Tractor Factory, Qinghua Tool Factory, Shenyang First Machine Tool Factory, Xinguang Power Machinery Company, and Shenyang Second Valve Factory
The main drafters of this standard are Yu Ming, Shen Guirong, Cao Jian, Li Decheng, and Han Baogang. 185
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