title>JB/T 7508-1994 Technical requirements for bright nickel plating additives - JB/T 7508-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7508-1994 Technical requirements for bright nickel plating additives

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7508-1994

Standard Name: Technical requirements for bright nickel plating additives

Chinese Name: 光亮镀镍添加剂 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

Date of Expiration:2006-02-01

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Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A29 Material Protection

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alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 7508-2005

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JB/T 7508-1994 Technical conditions for bright nickel plating additives JB/T7508-1994 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Bright Nickel Plating Additives
Published on October 25, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on October 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Bright Nickel Plating Additives
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage and transportation of bright nickel plating additives. This standard applies to acid bright nickel plating additives in the electroplating industry. Bright nickel-iron alloy additives for electroplating can also be used with reference to this standard. This standard does not apply to additives for electroplating semi-bright nickel and high-sulfur nickel. Cited standards
Technical requirements
Packaging, storage and transportation graphic signs
Chemical reagent sampling and acceptance rules
Method for testing adhesion strength of metal coating on metal substrate Metal coating Nickel electroplating layer
Method for determining the dispersibility of electroplating solution
Method for determining the current efficiency of electroplating solution
Appearance of additives
The additive should be a transparent or translucent liquid without precipitation and stratification. 3.2 Water solubility of additives
The additive should be completely soluble in water.
3.3 Electroplating performance of additives
The electroplating performance of additives should meet the technical requirements of Table 1. Table 1
Hull cell test
Dispersion ability
Thick plating ability
Cathode current efficiency
Leveling ability
Gloss of coating
Coating adhesion
Coating ductility
Consumption of additives
Note: 1) Gloss value is a relative value and dimensionless. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on October 25, 1994
Qualified (see Article 4.3.5)
≥580% (60° incident angle)
No separation between nickel plating and substrate, coating>8% (elongation)
Should meet the requirements of product regulations
Implementation on October 1, 1995
4 Test method
4.1 Appearance of additives
At room temperature, inject the additive into a colorless transparent glass test tube with a diameter of 15-20mm and observe under natural light. The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Article 3.1.
4.2 Water solubility test
Take 5mL of additive and inject it into a 50mL colorimetric tube, dilute it to the scale with deionized water, and shake the hook. The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Article 3.2.
4.3 Hull trough test
Test instruments
Hull trough test apparatus (267mL Hull trough); pharmaceutical balance;
Beaker, measuring tube, funnel;
Acidity meter or precision pH Test paper.
Reagents and plating solution Reagents
Nickel sulfate (NiSO,·7H,O);
Nickel oxide (NiCl·6H20):
Boric acid (H.BO,);
Sulfuric acid (H,SO,p=1.84kg/L)
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
The above chemical reagents are chemically pure reagents. Plating solution
Weigh 300g/L of nickel sulfate, 50g/L of nickel fluoride, and 40g/L of boric acid, and prepare them with distilled water. Dilute the additives with water according to the specified amount of the additives and add them to the plating solution. Use sulfuric acid solution (1+9) or 5% (m/m) sodium hydroxide solution to The pH of the plating solution is adjusted to the specified value, and it can be used as the test plating solution. 4.3.3 Cathode test piece and anode The cathode is a 100mm×70mm, 0.5~1mm thick brass plate (H62-Y) or copper plate. After grinding and polishing, its surface is flat, and the roughness R is 0.41~0.63um. Anode electrolytic nickel plate (purity ≥99.9%). 4.3.4 Test steps
Pour 250mL of plating solution into the Hull cell, place the anode and the cathode test piece after conventional pre-plating treatment into the cell, and plate two test pieces under the conditions of 0.5A electroplating for 5min and 2A electroplating for 10min according to the temperature and stirring requirements specified by the product, respectively, and then wash and dry them for inspection.
The test shall be carried out at least three times under the same process conditions as above. 4.3.5 Result evaluation
On the test piece electroplated at 0.5A current for 5 minutes, there should be no missing parts. On the test piece electroplated at 2A current for 10 minutes, the non-bright coating area at the low current density end should be less than 15mm, and the rough black coating area at the high current density end should be less than 1mm. The above requirements are met and the test piece is qualified.
4.4 Determination of dispersion ability
The dispersion ability should be determined according to the weighing method (near and far cathode method) specified in SJ/Z1172. In the test, the K value is 3, and the back of the cathode piece is insulated. The determination result is calculated according to formula (1): Where: T-dispersion ability, %:
K--ratio of the distance between the far and near cathodes and the anode: m;--mass of the coating obtained by the near cathode, g;
m2-mass of the coating obtained by the far cathode, g.
The dispersion ability value meets the technical requirements of Table 1 and is qualified. 4.5 Determination of deep plating ability
The deep plating ability shall be determined by the inner hole method.
Test equipment
Laboratory electroplating device;
Measuring ruler (accuracy 0.02mm).
4.5.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.5.3 Cathode sample and anode
JB/T7508-94 Cathode - a purple steel pipe with an inner diameter of 10mm×50mm, the inner wall of the pipe is polished with 320 water-abrasive paper and one end of the pipe mouth is closed to form a blind hole. Anode - According to the provisions of Article 4.5.4 Test steps
Pour the plating solution into an appropriate plating tank, place the anode on one side, and place the cathode sample into the plating tank after conventional pre-plating treatment, so that the tube mouth of the sample faces the anode, and the distance from the tube mouth to the anode is 50mm. According to the temperature and stirring requirements specified by the product, electroplate for 15 minutes at a current intensity of 2A. Saw the electroplated copper tube sample longitudinally, and measure the length of the bright area of ​​the nickel-plated layer on the inner wall of the copper tube with a measuring ruler as the plating depth. 4.5.5 Result evaluation
The percentage of the measured plating depth to the inner diameter of the tube hole is used to express the deep plating ability value. The value is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.6 Cathode current efficiency determination
The determination of cathode current efficiency should be carried out according to the method specified in SJ/Z1173. 4.7 Leveling ability determination
The leveling ability is determined by the pseudo-sine wave method. 4.7.1 Test Principle
Use artificial methods to create regular "peaks" and "troughs" on the microscopic surface to simulate the microscopic rough surface on the actual test piece. By measuring the changes in the amplitude (plating thickness) at the "peaks" and "troughs" after electroplating, evaluate its leveling ability. 4.7.2 Test Instruments
Metallographic microscope with photographic device;
Metallographic mounting machine;
Metallographic polishing machine;
Laboratory electroplating device.
Reagents, plating solution and process conditions
Copper plating reagents: cuprous cyanide (CuCN), sodium cyanide (NaCN), anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na,CO,), potassium sodium tartrate (NaKC,H,O.·4H,O), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the reagents are chemically pure reagents. b.
Nickel plating reagents shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article Plating solution and process conditions
Copper plating: Prepare according to 30g/L of cuprous cyanide, 40g/L of sodium cyanide, 20g/L of anhydrous sodium carbonate, 30g/L of potassium sodium tartrate, and 10g/L of sodium hydroxidea.
. Its process conditions are: temperature 50~60℃, cathode current density 100300A/m (1~3A/dm*). b.Nickel plating solution shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article
4.7.4 Cathode sample and anode Cathode sample
A copper rod with a diameter of 5mm is sawn at one end of the copper rod with a slit of about 20mm in length perpendicular to the circular cross section from the point where it deviates from the center of the circle. Use 0.15mm bare copper wire is tightly wound along the outer surface of the sawn section of the copper rod in a regular manner, so that its cross section becomes a regular pseudo-sine waveform, and is used as a cathode sample. Anode
Copper plating anode - electrolytic copper plate (purity ≥ 99.9%). b.
Nickel plating anode - according to the provisions of 4.7.5 Test steps
Pour the steel plating and nickel plating solutions into two appropriate beakers respectively, and place the anodes respectively. According to the temperature specified in the process conditions, heat the two plating solutions to the specified temperature values ​​respectively. After the cathode sample is subjected to conventional pre-plating treatment, it is charged and placed in the copper plating tank, and electroplated for 0.5min at the specified current density (see After the copper-plated sample is washed with water and weakly etched with water, it is placed in the nickel plating tank and electroplated for 15min according to the current density value specified by the product. After nickel plating, the sample is plated with copper again according to the above method, and copper and nickel are plated alternately for a total of six times. The cyclic electroplating time of copper plating and nickel plating is shown in Table 2. Table 2
Pot plating time
Nickel time
Note: 1) As a base for copper plating.
2) As a thickening protection,
The electroplated sample is cut open along the saw seam with a knife, and the winding part is sawed off, and then a metallographic sample is made, observed under a 300-fold metallographic microscope, and photographed together with a micrometer ruler of the same magnification to produce a metallographic photo. 4.7.6 Result evaluation
a.·Use the micrometer ruler photo to measure the pseudo-sine wave amplitude α at each time (each layer of nickel) and the cumulative thickness of the nickel plating layer at the peak on the metallographic sample photo, and draw an α-relationship curve, as shown in Figure 1. um
Figure 1 Relationship between pseudo-sine wave amplitude α and cumulative thickness of nickel plating layer on the wave crest b.
Draw a straight line α=3 in the figure, which intersects the curve at point L. c.
Read the projection value α of point L on the α axis, substitute it into formula (2), and obtain the leveling ability value. 0.41ga
Where: E-leveling ability;
a. When the thickness of the nickel plating layer is zero, the pseudo-sine wave amplitude, that is, the radius of the copper wire, μm; αi-—the amplitude when the pseudo-sine wave amplitude α is equal to the cumulative plating thickness on the wave crest, μm. d. The leveling ability meets the technical requirements of Table 1 and is qualified. 4.8 Determination of coating gloss
4.8.1 Test instrument
Gloss meter;
b. Laboratory electroplating.
4.8.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of 4.3.2.
4.8.3 Sample
Use a flat brass plate (H62-Y,) with a surface roughness R of 0.41~0.63um after grinding and polishing, and measure its gloss value in the range of 350%~400% according to the method of 4.8.4. After degreasing, etching and washing, the sample is electroplated with a nickel layer of 15±3um thickness in the nickel plating solution according to the electroplating process conditions specified in the product as the sample. 4.8.4 Measurement
Calibrate the gloss meter with the instrument standard plate (calibration is required before each measurement). Then measure three points at the upper, middle and lower positions in two mutually perpendicular directions on the same surface of the sample, and take the arithmetic average of the six points as the measurement result. The value meets the technical requirements of Table 1 and is qualified.
4.9 Plating adhesion test
4.9.1 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.9.2 Sample
a. After conventional pre-plating treatment, use a copper plate with a thickness of 100mm×50mm and a thickness of 0.5~1mm, and electroplate a nickel layer with a thickness of 15±3um according to the process conditions specified in the product as a test sample for the adhesion between the plating layer and the base metal. b. According to the above method, after the sample is nickel-plated, a layer of decorative chrome is plated as a test sample for the adhesion between the nickel-plated layer and the surface plating layer. 4.9.3 Test evaluation
The plating adhesion test shall be carried out according to any two methods specified in GB5270. The results that meet the technical requirements of Table 1 are qualified. 4.10 Determination of ductility of coating
The ductility of nickel coating shall be determined according to the method specified in GB97.98 (Appendix B). The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1 of this standard.
4.11 Determination of additive consumption
4.11.1 Test instrument
DC ampere-hour meter;
Laboratory electroplating device.
4.11.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.11.3 Cathode specimen and anode
a. Cathode-100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick brass plate (H62-Y,) or copper plate, after grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um.
b. Anode - according to the provisions of Article
4.11.4 Test steps
Put an appropriate amount of plating solution into a beaker, place the anode, heat the plating solution to the temperature specified by the product and keep the temperature constant, and take appropriate stirring at the same time.
Connect a DC ampere-hour meter in series, place the cathode test piece after pre-plating treatment into the plating tank, pass the current according to the current density specified by the product, and perform pre-plating. Take the full-bright test piece of the 2Ah electroplating as the reference test piece. Every time 1Ah of power is passed, take out the test piece to observe whether the coating is fully bright. When the pre-plating is compared with the reference test piece, the coating shows slight gloss loss or partial fogging, the pre-plating is completed. Add additives to the bath in the amount specified in the product, and continue to electroplate according to the above method until the test piece is compared with the reference test piece and the coating again shows slight gloss loss or local fogging, record the electroplating ampere-hours and the amount of additives added after adding additives, and calculate the milliliters of additives consumed per dry ampere-hour.
Repeat the above test method in the bath for 3 to 5 times, and take the arithmetic mean of the calculated values ​​of each test as the test result value.
In the bath, due to the continuous addition of additives, the by-products of the additives accumulate in the bath, causing the bath to "age". Therefore, in order to evaluate the service life of the bath at the same time, the cumulative current per liter of bath should not be less than 200Ah. Note: ① During the above test electroplating process, the bath should always be kept within normal process conditions. ② During the test, the test piece should be replaced in a timely manner. 4.11.5 Result evaluation
The test results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Additives shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the production unit. The production unit shall ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. Qualified products shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
5.2 The user unit has the right to inspect and accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Inspection sampling shall be carried out in accordance with GB619. One batch is a batch, and the total sampling base of each batch shall not be less than 1000mL. 5.4 If one indicator in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, the sampling quantity shall be increased by three times for re-inspection. If it still fails, the batch of products shall be unqualified.
5.5 The validity period of additives is generally one year. Expired additives shall be inspected in accordance with the requirements of this standard and can only be used after passing the inspection. Marking, packaging and storage and transportation
6.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products shall have the product name, name of the production unit, product batch number, net weight, production date and expiration date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transport pictograms and signs shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product is packed in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and Transportation
Additive products should be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and should be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they should be loaded and unloaded gently and prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute.5min. The copper-plated sample is washed with water, weakly etched and washed with water, and then placed in the nickel plating tank. According to the current density value specified by the product, the electroplating is carried out for 15min. The nickel-plated sample is copper-plated again according to the above method, and the copper and nickel are plated alternately for a total of six times. The cyclic electroplating time of copper and nickel plating is shown in Table 2. Table 2
Pot plating time
Nickel time
Note; 1) As a copper plating primer.
2) As a thickening protection,
The electroplated sample is cut open along the saw seam with a knife, the winding part is sawed off, and then a metallographic sample is made, observed under a 300x metallographic microscope, and photographed together with a micrometer ruler of the same magnification to produce a metallographic photograph. 4.7.6 Result evaluation
a.·Use the micrometer scale photo to measure the pseudo-sine wave amplitude α and the cumulative thickness of the nickel plating layer at the peak at each time (each layer of nickel) on the metallographic sample photo, and draw an α-relationship curve, as shown in Figure 1. um
Figure 1 Relationship between pseudo-sine wave amplitude α and cumulative thickness of nickel plating layer at the peak?b.
Draw a straight line α=3 in the figure, which intersects the curve at point L. c.
Read the projection value α of point L on the α axis, substitute it into formula (2), and obtain the leveling ability value. 0.41ga
Where: E-leveling ability;
a. When the thickness of the nickel plating layer is zero, the amplitude of the pseudo-sine wave, i.e. the radius of the copper wire, is μm; αi--the amplitude of the pseudo-sine wave when the amplitude α is equal to the cumulative thickness of the plating layer on the wave crest, is μm. d. The leveling ability is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.8 Determination of coating gloss
4.8.1 Test instrument
Gloss meter;
b. Laboratory electroplating.
4.8.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.8.3 Test sample
Use a flat brass plate (H62-Y,) with a size of 70mm×70mm. After grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um, and its gloss value is 350%~400% measured according to the method in Article 4.8.4. After degreasing, etching and washing, the sample is plated with a nickel layer of 15±3um thick in the nickel plating solution according to the electroplating process conditions specified in the product as the sample. 4.8.4 Determination
Use the instrument standard plate to calibrate the gloss meter (calibration is required before each measurement). Then measure three points at the upper, middle and lower positions in two mutually perpendicular directions on the same surface of the sample, and take the arithmetic mean of the six-point measurement as the measurement result. The value is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1.
4.9 Plating adhesion test
4.9.1 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.9.2 Sample
a. Use a 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick copper plate, after conventional pre-plating treatment, and electroplate a nickel layer of 15±3um thick according to the process conditions specified in the product as the test sample for the adhesion between the plating layer and the base metal. b. According to the above method, after the sample is nickel plated, a layer of decorative chrome is plated to serve as the test sample for the bonding strength between the nickel plated layer and the surface coating. 4.9.3 Test evaluation
The test for bonding strength of the coating shall be carried out according to any two methods specified in GB5270. The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.10 Determination of ductility of coating
The ductility of the nickel plated layer shall be determined according to the method specified in GB97.98 (Appendix B). The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1 of this standard.
4.11 Determination of additive consumption
4.11.1 Test instrument
DC ampere-hour meter;
Laboratory electroplating device.
4.11.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.11.3 Cathode specimen and anode
a. Cathode - 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick brass plate (H62-Y,) or copper plate, after grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um.
b. Anode - according to the provisions of
4.11.4 Test steps
Put an appropriate amount of plating solution into a beaker, put the anode in, heat the plating solution to the temperature specified by the product and keep it constant temperature, and take appropriate stirring at the same time.
Connect a DC ampere-hour meter in series, place the cathode test piece after pre-plating treatment into the plating tank, and pass the current according to the current density specified by the product for pre-plating. Take the fully bright test piece of the 2Ah electroplating as the reference test piece. Take out the test piece every 1Ah to observe whether the coating is fully bright. When the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging compared with the reference test piece, the pre-plating is finished. Add additives to the plating solution according to the additional amount specified by the product, and continue to electroplate according to the above method until the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging again compared with the reference test piece. Record the electroplating ampere-hours and the amount of additives added after adding the additives, and calculate the milliliters of additives consumed per dry ampere-hour.
Repeat the above test method in the plating solution 3 to 5 times, and take the arithmetic mean of the calculated values ​​of each test as the test result value.
In the plating solution, due to the continuous addition of additives, the by-products of the additives continue to accumulate in the plating solution, causing the plating solution to "age". Therefore, in order to simultaneously evaluate the service life of the plating solution, the cumulative current per liter of plating solution should not be less than 200Ah. Note: ① During the above test electroplating process, the plating solution should always be kept within normal process conditions. ② During the test, the test piece should be replaced in a timely manner. 4.11.5 Result evaluation
The test results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Additives should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the production unit. The production unit should ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. Qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
5.2 The user unit has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Inspection sampling should be carried out in accordance with GB619. One batch is a batch, and the total sampling base of each batch should be no less than 1000mL. 5.4 If one of the indicators in the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the number of samples should be increased by three times for re-inspection. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the batch of products is unqualified.
5.5 The validity period of additives is generally one year. Expired additives should be inspected according to the requirements of this standard and can only be used after passing the inspection. Marking, packaging and storage and transportation
6.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products should have product name, production unit name, product batch number, net weight, production date and validity date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transportation graphic mark shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product is packaged in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and transportation
Additive products should be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and should be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they should be loaded and unloaded gently to prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Wuhan Institute of Materials Protection.5min. The copper-plated sample is washed with water, weakly etched and washed with water, and then placed in the nickel plating tank. According to the current density value specified by the product, the electroplating is carried out for 15min. The nickel-plated sample is copper-plated again according to the above method, and the copper and nickel are plated alternately for a total of six times. The cyclic electroplating time of copper and nickel plating is shown in Table 2. Table 2
Pot plating time
Nickel time
Note; 1) As a copper plating primer.
2) As a thickening protection,
The electroplated sample is cut open along the saw seam with a knife, the winding part is sawed off, and then a metallographic sample is made, observed under a 300x metallographic microscope, and photographed together with a micrometer ruler of the same magnification to produce a metallographic photograph. 4.7.6 Result evaluation
a.·Use the micrometer scale photo to measure the pseudo-sine wave amplitude α and the cumulative thickness of the nickel plating layer at the peak at each time (each layer of nickel) on the metallographic sample photo, and draw an α-relationship curve, as shown in Figure 1. um
Figure 1 Relationship between pseudo-sine wave amplitude α and cumulative thickness of nickel plating layer at the peak?b.
Draw a straight line α=3 in the figure, which intersects the curve at point L. c.
Read the projection value α of point L on the α axis, substitute it into formula (2), and obtain the leveling ability value. 0.41ga
Where: E-leveling ability;
a. When the thickness of the nickel plating layer is zero, the amplitude of the pseudo-sine wave, i.e. the radius of the copper wire, is μm; αi--the amplitude of the pseudo-sine wave when the amplitude α is equal to the cumulative thickness of the plating layer on the wave crest, is μm. d. The leveling ability is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.8 Determination of coating gloss
4.8.1 Test instrument
Gloss meter;
b. Laboratory electroplating.
4.8.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.8.3 Test sample
Use a flat brass plate (H62-Y,) with a size of 70mm×70mm. After grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um, and its gloss value is 350%~400% measured according to the method in Article 4.8.4. After degreasing, etching and washing, the sample is plated with a nickel layer of 15±3um thick in the nickel plating solution according to the electroplating process conditions specified in the product as the sample. 4.8.4 Determination
Use the instrument standard plate to calibrate the gloss meter (calibration is required before each measurement). Then measure three points at the upper, middle and lower positions in two mutually perpendicular directions on the same surface of the sample, and take the arithmetic mean of the six-point measurement as the measurement result. The value is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1.
4.9 Plating adhesion test
4.9.1 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.9.2 Sample
a. Use a 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick copper plate, after conventional pre-plating treatment, and electroplate a nickel layer of 15±3um thick according to the process conditions specified in the product as the test sample for the adhesion between the plating layer and the base metal. b. According to the above method, after the sample is nickel plated, a layer of decorative chrome is plated to serve as the test sample for the bonding strength between the nickel plated layer and the surface coating. 4.9.3 Test evaluation
The test for bonding strength of the coating shall be carried out according to any two methods specified in GB5270. The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.10 Determination of ductility of coating
The ductility of the nickel plated layer shall be determined according to the method specified in GB97.98 (Appendix B). The result is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1 of this standard.
4.11 Determination of additive consumption
4.11.1 Test instrument
DC ampere-hour meter;
Laboratory electroplating device.
4.11.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.11.3 Cathode specimen and anode
a. Cathode - 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick brass plate (H62-Y,) or copper plate, after grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um.
b. Anode - according to the provisions of
4.11.4 Test steps
Put an appropriate amount of plating solution into a beaker, put the anode in, heat the plating solution to the temperature specified by the product and keep it constant temperature, and take appropriate stirring at the same time.
Connect a DC ampere-hour meter in series, place the cathode test piece after pre-plating treatment into the plating tank, and pass the current according to the current density specified by the product for pre-plating. Take the fully bright test piece of the 2Ah electroplating as the reference test piece. Take out the test piece every 1Ah to observe whether the coating is fully bright. When the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging compared with the reference test piece, the pre-plating is finished. Add additives to the plating solution according to the additional amount specified by the product, and continue to electroplate according to the above method until the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging again compared with the reference test piece. Record the electroplating ampere-hours and the amount of additives added after adding the additives, and calculate the milliliters of additives consumed per dry ampere-hour.
Repeat the above test method in the plating solution 3 to 5 times, and take the arithmetic mean of the calculated values ​​of each test as the test result value.
In the plating solution, due to the continuous addition of additives, the by-products of the additives continue to accumulate in the plating solution, causing the plating solution to "age". Therefore, in order to simultaneously evaluate the service life of the plating solution, the cumulative current per liter of plating solution should not be less than 200Ah. Note: ① During the above test electroplating process, the plating solution should always be kept within normal process conditions. ② During the test, the test piece should be replaced in a timely manner. 4.11.5 Result evaluation
The test results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Additives should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the production unit. The production unit should ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. Qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
5.2 The user unit has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Inspection sampling should be carried out in accordance with GB619. One batch is a batch, and the total sampling base of each batch should be no less than 1000mL. 5.4 If one of the indicators in the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the number of samples should be increased by three times for re-inspection. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the batch of products is unqualified.
5.5 The validity period of additives is generally one year. Expired additives should be inspected according to the requirements of this standard and can only be used after passing the inspection. Marking, packaging and storage and transportation
6.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products should have product name, production unit name, product batch number, net weight, production date and validity date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transportation graphic mark shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product is packaged in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and transportation
Additive products should be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and should be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they should be loaded and unloaded gently to prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Wuhan Institute of Materials Protection.4 Measurement
Calibrate the gloss meter with the instrument standard plate (calibration is required before each measurement). Then measure three points at the upper, middle and lower positions in two mutually perpendicular directions on the same surface of the sample, and take the arithmetic mean of the six-point measurement as the measurement result. The value is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1.
4.9 Plating adhesion test
4.9.1 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.9.2 Sample
a. Use a 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick copper plate, after conventional pre-plating treatment, according to the process conditions specified by the product, electroplate a 15±3um thick nickel layer as the test sample for the adhesion between the plating layer and the base metal. b. According to the above method, after the sample is nickel-plated, a layer of decorative chrome is plated as the test sample for the adhesion between the nickel-plated layer and the surface plating layer. 4.9.3 Test evaluation
The coating adhesion test shall be carried out according to any two methods specified in GB5270. The results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.10 Determination of coating ductility
The ductility of nickel-plated layer shall be determined according to the method specified in GB97.98 (Appendix B). The results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1 of this standard.
4.11 Determination of additive consumption
4.11.1 Test instrument
DC ampere-hour meter;
Laboratory electroplating device.
4.11.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.11.3 Cathode specimen and anode
a. Cathode - 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick brass plate (H62-Y,) or copper plate, after grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um.
b. Anode - according to the provisions of
4.11.4 Test steps
Put an appropriate amount of plating solution into a beaker, put the anode in, heat the plating solution to the temperature specified by the product and keep it constant temperature, and take appropriate stirring at the same time.
Connect a DC ampere-hour meter in series, place the cathode test piece after pre-plating treatment into the plating tank, and pass the current according to the current density specified by the product for pre-plating. Take the fully bright test piece of the 2Ah electroplating as the reference test piece. Take out the test piece every 1Ah to observe whether the coating is fully bright. When the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging compared with the reference test piece, the pre-plating is finished. Add additives to the plating solution according to the additional amount specified by the product, and continue to electroplate according to the above method until the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging again compared with the reference test piece. Record the electroplating ampere-hours and the amount of additives added after adding the additives, and calculate the milliliters of additives consumed per dry ampere-hour.
Repeat the above test method in the plating solution 3 to 5 times, and take the arithmetic mean of the calculated values ​​of each test as the test result value.
In the plating solution, due to the continuous addition of additives, the by-products of the additives continue to accumulate in the plating solution, causing the plating solution to "age". Therefore, in order to simultaneously evaluate the service life of the plating solution, the cumulative current per liter of plating solution should not be less than 200Ah. Note: ① During the above test electroplating process, the plating solution should always be kept within normal process conditions. ② During the test, the test piece should be replaced in a timely manner. 4.11.5 Result evaluation
The test results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Additives should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the production unit. The production unit should ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. Qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
5.2 The user unit has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Inspection sampling should be carried out in accordance with GB619. One batch is a batch, and the total sampling base of each batch should be no less than 1000mL. 5.4 If one of the indicators in the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the number of samples should be increased by three times for re-inspection. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the batch of products is unqualified.
5.5 The validity period of additives is generally one year. Expired additives should be inspected according to the requirements of this standard and can only be used after passing the inspection. Marking, packaging and storage and transportation
6.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products should have product name, production unit name, product batch number, net weight, production date and validity date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transportation graphic mark shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product is packaged in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and transportation
Additive products should be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and should be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they should be loaded and unloaded gently to prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Wuhan Institute of Materials Protection.4 Measurement
Calibrate the gloss meter with the instrument standard plate (calibration is required before each measurement). Then measure three points at the upper, middle and lower positions in two mutually perpendicular directions on the same surface of the sample, and take the arithmetic mean of the six-point measurement as the measurement result. The value is qualified if it meets the technical requirements of Table 1.
4.9 Plating adhesion test
4.9.1 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.9.2 Sample
a. Use a 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick copper plate, after conventional pre-plating treatment, according to the process conditions specified by the product, electroplate a 15±3um thick nickel layer as the test sample for the adhesion between the plating layer and the base metal. b. According to the above method, after the sample is nickel-plated, a layer of decorative chrome is plated as the test sample for the adhesion between the nickel-plated layer and the surface plating layer. 4.9.3 Test evaluation
The coating adhesion test shall be carried out according to any two methods specified in GB5270. The results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 4.10 Determination of coating ductility
The ductility of nickel-plated layer shall be determined according to the method specified in GB97.98 (Appendix B). The results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1 of this standard.
4.11 Determination of additive consumption
4.11.1 Test instrument
DC ampere-hour meter;
Laboratory electroplating device.
4.11.2 Reagents and plating solution
According to the provisions of Article 4.3.2.
4.11.3 Cathode specimen and anode
a. Cathode - 100mm×50mm, 0.5~1mm thick brass plate (H62-Y,) or copper plate, after grinding and polishing, its surface roughness R is 0.41~0.63um.
b. Anode - according to the provisions of
4.11.4 Test steps
Put an appropriate amount of plating solution into a beaker, put the anode in, heat the plating solution to the temperature specified by the product and keep it constant temperature, and take appropriate stirring at the same time.
Connect a DC ampere-hour meter in series, place the cathode test piece after pre-plating treatment into the plating tank, and pass the current according to the current density specified by the product for pre-plating. Take the fully bright test piece of the 2Ah electroplating as the reference test piece. Take out the test piece every 1Ah to observe whether the coating is fully bright. When the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging compared with the reference test piece, the pre-plating is finished. Add additives to the plating solution according to the additional amount specified by the product, and continue to electroplate according to the above method until the coating shows slight gloss loss or local fogging again compared with the reference test piece. Record the electroplating ampere-hours and the amount of additives added after adding the additives, and calculate the milliliters of additives consumed per dry ampere-hour.
Repeat the above test method in the plating solution 3 to 5 times, and take the arithmetic mean of the calculated values ​​of each test as the test result value.
In the plating solution, due to the continuous addition of additives, the by-products of the additives continue to accumulate in the plating solution, causing the plating solution to "age". Therefore, in order to simultaneously evaluate the service life of the plating solution, the cumulative current per liter of plating solution should not be less than 200Ah. Note: ① During the above test electroplating process, the plating solution should always be kept within normal process conditions. ② During the test, the test piece should be replaced in a timely manner. 4.11.5 Result evaluation
The test results are qualified if they meet the technical requirements of Table 1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Additives should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the production unit. The production unit should ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. Qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
5.2 The user unit has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 Inspection sampling should be carried out in accordance with GB619. One batch is a batch, and the total sampling base of each batch should be no less than 1000mL. 5.4 If one of the indicators in the test results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the number of samples should be increased by three times for re-inspection. If it still fails to meet the requirements, the batch of products is unqualified.
5.5 The validity period of additives is generally one year. Expired additives should be inspected according to the requirements of this standard and can only be used after passing the inspection. Marking, packaging and storage and transportation
6.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products should have product name, production unit name, product batch number, net weight, production date and validity date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transportation graphic mark shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product is packaged in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and transportation
Additive products should be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and should be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they should be loaded and unloaded gently to prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Wuhan Institute of Materials Protection.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products shall have product name, production unit name, product batch number, net weight, production date and expiration date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transportation graphic mark shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product shall be packed in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and Transportation
Additive products shall be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and shall be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they shall be loaded and unloaded gently and prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute.1 Marking
The packaging of additive products shall have product name, production unit name, product batch number, net weight, production date and expiration date, inspector and packer number and other marks. The transportation graphic mark shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 6.2 Packaging
The product shall be packed in plastic barrels and corrugated boxes or wooden boxes. 6.3 Storage and Transportation
Additive products shall be placed in a dark and dry place away from heat sources and shall be prevented from being contaminated by other chemical products. During transportation, they shall be loaded and unloaded gently and prevent heavy pressure, inversion, sun exposure and rain. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Wuhan Materials Protection Research Institute.
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