title>JB/T 8876-2000 Technical requirements for casting seats of rolling bearings - JB/T 8876-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8876-2000 Technical requirements for casting seats of rolling bearings

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8876-2000

Standard Name: Technical requirements for casting seats of rolling bearings

Chinese Name: 滚动轴承 外球面球轴承铸造座 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-04-24

Date of Implementation:2000-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical systems and general parts>>Bearings>>21.100.20 Rolling bearings

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J11 Rolling Bearing

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 8876-1999

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Rolling Bearing Standardization

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Rolling Bearing Standardization

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8876-2000 This standard is a revision of JB/T 8876-1999 "Technical conditions for casting seats of outer spherical ball bearings for rolling bearings". The revised standard technical content has changed. This standard specifies the technical requirements, measurement methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, etc. for casting seats of outer spherical ball bearings. This standard is applicable to casting seats whose dimensions conform to GB/T 7809-1995 "Dimensions of outer spherical ball bearing seats for rolling bearings" and JB/T 5302-1991 "Dimensions of supplementary structural parts of outer spherical ball bearing seats". This standard was first issued in 1975, first revised to ZB J11 009-87 in 1987, and the standard number was adjusted to JB/T 8876-1999 in April 1999. JB/T 8876-2000 Technical conditions for casting seats of rolling bearings and outer spherical ball bearings JB/T8876-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rolling bearings
Casting seats for insert bearings
Technical conditions
Rolling bearings Casthousings
for insert bearingsSpecificatjuns2000-04-24 Issued
National Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-10-01 Implementation
This standard is a revision of JB/T8876-1999 Technical conditions for casting seats for insert bearings3. During the revision, JB.T6640--1993 Code for insert bearings with seats was followed. The "Force Method" modified the old codes in the original standard: added the structural type of the lower seat: for flange seat A, a measuring disc method was added for the size. This standard replaces B/T8876-1999 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard is issued and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rolling Bearings. The drafting unit of this standard is Luoyang Bearing Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Ma Chaqing.
This standard was first issued in 1975, and was first subscribed as ZBJ11009-87 in 1987. It was adjusted to 3B/T8876-1999 in April 1999.
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rolling bearings
Outer spherical ball bearing castings
Technical conditions
Railing hearings-Cast housingsforipseri bcaringsSueeificationsJB/T8876-2000
Replaces JB/8876-1999
This standard defines the technical requirements, source methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, etc. for outer spherical bearings. This standard applies to casting seats whose dimensions conform to GB.T709 and 8532. 2 Reference standards
The clauses contained in the underlined standards constitute the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. This standard is valid for the versions shown in the table. The standard department may make revisions. When using this standard, the parties shall consider the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB-T 275-[99]
GB-T: 1S4—1996
GB/T 6930—1936
G8T 85071966
18:# $332—199.
3 Standard texts, line numbers and abbreviations
Match of rolling bearings and outer rings
Shape and position tolerances Note: Tolerance values
Glossary of rolling bearings
Rolling bearing outer spherical bearing seat
Overall dimensions
Motor bearing packaging
Grey cast iron
Outer spherical bearing seat Supplementary structural dimensions Inspection rules for rolling bearings and their product parts Except for the following equal signs, the symbols and definitions quoted in this standard are defined in GBT6910, SBT780. 1 (see figure)
National Machinery Industry Bureau 200J-04-24 Approved 2000-10-01 Implementation
: The actual measured dimension of the distance from the installation plane to the center of the spherical surface of the ventilated seat: Deviation of the distance from the installation plane to the center of the vertical surface: 3.2 Flange (see Figure 2)
A: The actual measured dimension of the distance from the installation plane to the center of the spherical surface of the flange seat: A: Deviation of the distance from the installation plane to the center of the spherical surface of the rim seat: Center: The actual measured dimension of the boss diameter: Deviation of the boss diameter:
X: Measurement tolerance of the bolt hole position:
: The radial runout of the circular boss relative to the spherical axis of the sub-axis: Aotao
a) Shaped (FU type)
b) Shaped seat (F1.[3 3.3 Slider seat (see Figure 3)
A,: Actual width of positioning groove:
A: Determination tolerance:
d) Suspended seat (Type B)
Boss solid seat PC (Complete)
Figure 2 (Complete)
: Actual distance between the bottom of the positioning groove
: Deviation between the positioning parts:
X, Alignment between the two groove surfaces of the slider seat 3.4 Annular seat [see Figure 4]
A: Actual width of annular seat:
44: Deviation of width of annular seat:
D: Actual outer diameter of annular seat:
D Deviation of outer diameter of annular seat;
: Radial deviation of outer diameter relative to the center of annular spherical surface, Figure 4
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Material
The material of the special seat shall be HT200 cast iron. The mechanical properties shall not be lower than those specified in GRT9439. The auxiliary seat may also be made of other materials with equal or superior properties. 4.7 Specifications
d. 2.1 The limited deviation of the spherical surface diameter D of the casting seat shall be the specified values ​​of F17, K and J7 in Table A2 of GB/T 275-[993. 4.2.2 The limit deviation of the center height of the casting vertical seat shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. 2.3 The limit aberration and form tolerance of the size of the sprue seat (flange) shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. 4. The size tolerance and form tolerance of the slider seat shall comply with the provisions of Table 3, and the symmetry of the two surfaces relative to the axis line shall comply with the provisions of Class 1I in Table B4 of GB/T 1184-1996. 4.2.5 The size tolerance and form tolerance of the annular sprocket shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. 4.2.6 The bottom depression of the grinding wheel of various structural types shall meet the requirements of Grade 50 in Table B1 of GB/[184-1996. Vertical feed
FU 203
Casting avoidance seat model
Off-center vertical warehouse
PH 200~PH210
Seat type Dan
FLU type
FLL 2(M6 | LU218 | | tt | 208
FC Z13
FC 215
FC Z16
Narrow vertical seat
PA203~PA 210
FR 204
FE 205
FA 208
FA 209
Top mounted
K20M-K2111 K305-K 310
K211-K212K 311.-K 318
K 319~K322
Upper connection
Upper sound
Lower end benefit
Upper stem lower deviation
Lower period whole
Seat type search
C 203-C 205C 305
C 206-C 208C 306-C 305
C 209-C 210C 309-C 310
C211-C z13 C311-C 314
4.3 Surface roughness
Upper: deviation
Lower deviation
Upper deviation
Lower deviation
Shanghai Hall
Lower deviation
The roughness of the spherical surface of the cast seat shall comply with the provisions of Table 7 of GB275-1993. The maximum value of the surface roughness R of the outer diameter surface of the annular seat is 3.2m, and the maximum value of the surface roughness R of other processed surfaces is 6.3=m4.4 Requirements for castings
4.4.1 The molding sand on the casting seat should be cleaned and the surface roughness should be 6.3=m. Bone openings, scars, etc. should be removed and the rough surface should be flat and smooth.
4.4. The surface of the casting is not allowed to have cracks, pores, shrinkage holes, potential cracks, cracks, undercasting and other defects that can reduce the strength of the parts and significantly damage the appearance.
There are no minor defects that affect the casting quality and appearance, which can be left untreated, but the number and size of defects are determined by the customer and the manufacturer.
4.4.3 The fonts cast on the casting seat (such as the casting seat model, manufacturer code or trademark) should be complete, clear and smooth, and the casting seat should be aged before machining. 4.4.4
4.4.5 There should be no visible eccentricity or offset between the machined surface (the inner spherical surface that matches the outer spherical axis) and the unmachined surface (the casting surface) in the radial direction or between the axes.
4.5 Others
4.5.1 The oil hole of the cast filter seat should be clean. 4.5.2 The surface of the cast seat should be oiled continuously, and the oil should be evenly coated without any leaking paint. The color of each bearing should be consistent, and the color should be determined by the manufacturer. If the subscriber has requirements for coordination with the main engine color, the subscriber and the manufacturer shall negotiate and determine. 5 Measurement method
The measurement method of tolerance and surface roughness is shown in the appendix of the standard. 6 Inspection specifications
6.1 The casting products shall be inspected by the quality department of the manufacturer, and the qualified products shall be accompanied by a pre-qualified certificate. 6.2 The chain production standard shall be in accordance with the method specified in JB/T892. The qualified quality level A25 value of ten items is 2.5: the secondary item is 4.0, the inspection level is -1, the main items and secondary items are specified in Table 5. If the subscriber has other requirements, it can be determined through consultation with the manufacturer. Table 5 The maximum sampling inspection items of the casting seat
Main safety inspection port
Reading the frequency limit deviation of the cast ball fracture diameter
The slow limit stop difference of the center of the spherical surface of the cast test seat is still H. The tolerance of the convex joint 7.1 The seat to be manufactured shall be marked with the actual mark and manufacturer code (or trademark). The position and size of the mark shall comply with the provisions of the product drawing. 7.2 The qualified products after final inspection shall be packed in accordance with GR.T8597. 7.3 The seat manufactured by the manufacturer shall be guaranteed not to rust within one year under normal storage and transportation conditions. The anti-rust period shall be calculated from the month of leaving the factory. AI tolerance measurement
(Standardized measurement)
Measuring method
A1.1 The spherical diameter D of the convex seat is measured by the two-point method. 1,2 Measurement of vertical seat
Place the vertical seat on the surface, and place the probe at the lowest point of the matching surface. The distance from the core point to the plane (see Figure A!) Calculate the H value according to formula (A1):
Calculate the vertical seat center height deviation H according to formula (A2): H=HH
That is, the vertical seat center height deviation AH
1:3 The measuring disk of the convex seat 44
4A, the measurement method can be selected from the following two methods: A
Company) Use The axis of the seat to be measured is in a vertical position and is fixed on a plane. When measuring the disc, the head is placed on the plane at the upper end of the spherical gauge and the spherical gauge is moved up and down along the axis. The average reading of the instrument is the height of the upper end of the gauge plane (see Figure A2). This value is subtracted from half of the gauge width to get the value of 4, see formula [A3) A
Wu Zhong:
The measured value of the height;
A spherical gauge seat [Product Knowledge]
Then calculate the flange seat 44 according to formula (A4): AA,--A ,
is the convex seat, deviation value,
Surface price improvement
The difference between the inner diameter of the spherical center of the gauge and the center of the seat ball should not exceed m. The difference between the center of the spherical surface of the gauge and the center of the seat ball should not exceed m. The ball research and development standard is the same as the standard in the figure.
b) Fix the library on the plane and move the spherical master gauge downward to obtain the height from the installation plane to the outer diameter point of the world gauge or the surface: see Figure A3], and subtract the shell diameter of the master gauge from this value Half of the height, get A, value, see test [AS]; (A5)
In the formula: —— actual value of height
D true diameter of the spherical master gauge [Known
then calculate the boss 4A according to formula: A6:
is the margin seat A. Deviation value,
height 1, 4 boss seat diameter is the same as the measuring base of 1 (see Figure A4) A6
special probe is placed in the middle position of the outer surface of the boss. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The maximum measured difference is the corresponding radial runout.
A1.5 Measurement of annular radial runout (see Figure A5) Place the probe at the center of the width of the outer circumference of the bearing seat. When measuring, rotate the seat for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the radial runout of the seat. As
A1.6 Measurement of symmetry of the two groove sides of the slider seat (see Figure A6) Place the bearing seat on three supporting points. First, place the probe at the center of the lower groove of one groove. After heating, move the probe steadily in the horizontal position until the reading is (0). Adjust the supporting points and fix them. Then place the probe at the corresponding position of the other groove and move it in the groove direction. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the symmetry of the two groove sides of the shaft.5 Others
4.5.1 The oil hole of the cast filter seat should be clean. 4.5.2 The surface of the cast seat should be oiled continuously, and the oil should be evenly coated without any leaking paint. The color of each bearing should be consistent, and the color should be determined by the manufacturer. If the subscriber has requirements for coordination with the main engine color, the subscriber and the manufacturer shall negotiate and determine. 5 Measurement method
The measurement method of tolerance and surface roughness is shown in the appendix of the standard. 6 Inspection specification
6.1 The casting products shall be inspected by the quality department of the manufacturer, and the qualified products shall be accompanied by a pre-qualified certificate. 6.2 The chain production standard shall be in accordance with the method specified in JB/T892! The qualified quality level A25 value of ten items is 2.5: the secondary item is 4.0, the inspection level is -1, the main items and secondary items are specified in Table 5. If the subscriber has other requirements, it can be determined through consultation with the manufacturer. Table 5 The maximum sampling inspection items of the casting seat
Main safety inspection port
Reading the frequency limit deviation of the cast ball fracture diameter
The slow limit stop difference of the center of the spherical surface of the cast test seat is still H. The tolerance of the convex joint 7.1 The seat to be manufactured shall be marked with the actual mark and manufacturer code (or trademark). The position and size of the mark shall comply with the provisions of the product drawing. 7.2 The qualified products after final inspection shall be packed in accordance with GR.T8597. 7.3 The seat manufactured by the manufacturer shall be guaranteed not to rust within one year under normal storage and transportation conditions. The anti-rust period shall be calculated from the month of leaving the factory. AI tolerance measurement
(Standardized measurement)
Measuring method
A1.1 The spherical diameter D of the convex seat is measured by the two-point method. 1,2 Measurement of vertical seat
Place the vertical seat on the surface, and place the probe at the lowest point of the matching surface. The distance from the core point to the plane (see Figure A!) Calculate the H value according to formula (A1):
Calculate the vertical seat center height deviation H according to formula (A2): H=HH
That is, the vertical seat center height deviation AH
1:3 The measuring disk of the convex seat 44
4A, the measurement method can be selected from the following two methods: A
Company) Use The axis of the seat to be measured is in a vertical position and is fixed on a plane. When measuring the disc, the head is placed on the plane at the upper end of the spherical gauge, and the spherical gauge is moved up and down along the axis. The average reading of the instrument is the height of the upper end of the gauge plane (see Figure A2). This value is subtracted from half of the gauge width to get the value of 4, see formula [A3) A
Wu Zhong:
The measured value of the height;
A spherical gauge seat [Product Knowledge]
Then calculate the flange seat 44 according to formula (A4): AA,--A ,
is the convex seat deviation value,
Surface price improvement
The difference between the inner diameter of the spherical center of the gauge and the center of the seat ball should not exceed m. The difference between the center of the spherical surface of the gauge and the center of the seat ball should not exceed m. The ball research and improvement standard is the same as the standard in the figure.
b) Fix the library on the plane and move the spherical master gauge downward to obtain the height from the installation plane to the outer diameter point of the world gauge or the surface: see Figure A3], and subtract the shell diameter of the master gauge from this value Half of the height, get A, value, see test [AS]; (A5)
In the formula: —— actual value of height
D true diameter of the spherical master gauge [Known
then calculate the boss 4A according to formula: A6:
is the margin seat A. Deviation value,
height 1, 4 boss seat diameter is the same as the measuring base of 1 (see Figure A4) A6
special probe is placed in the middle position of the outer surface of the boss. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The maximum measured difference is the corresponding radial runout.
A1.5 Measurement of annular radial runout (see Figure A5) Place the probe at the center of the width of the outer circumference of the bearing seat. When measuring, rotate the seat for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the radial runout of the seat. As
A1.6 Measurement of symmetry of the sides of the two grooves of the slider seat (see Figure A6) Place the bearing seat on three supporting points. First, place the probe at the center of the lower groove of one groove. After heating, move the probe steadily in the horizontal position until the reading is (0). Adjust the supporting points and fix them. Then place the probe at the corresponding position of the other groove and move it in the groove direction. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the symmetry of the sides of the two grooves of the shaft.5 Others
4.5.1 The oil hole of the cast filter seat should be clean. 4.5.2 The surface of the cast seat should be oiled continuously, and the oil should be evenly coated without any leaking paint. The color of each bearing should be consistent, and the color should be determined by the manufacturer. If the subscriber has requirements for coordination with the main engine color, the subscriber and the manufacturer shall negotiate and determine. 5 Measurement method
The measurement method of tolerance and surface roughness is shown in the appendix of the standard. 6 Inspection specification
6.1 The casting products shall be inspected by the quality department of the manufacturer, and the qualified products shall be accompanied by a pre-qualified certificate. 6.2 The chain production standard shall be in accordance with the method specified in JB/T892! The qualified quality level A25 value of ten items is 2.5: the secondary item is 4.0, the inspection level is -1, the main items and secondary items are specified in Table 5. If the subscriber has other requirements, it can be determined through consultation with the manufacturer. Table 5 The maximum sampling inspection items of the casting seat
Main safety inspection port
Reading the frequency limit deviation of the cast ball fracture diameter
The slow limit stop difference of the center of the spherical surface of the cast test seat is still H. The tolerance of the convex joint 7.1 The seat to be manufactured shall be marked with the actual mark and manufacturer code (or trademark). The position and size of the mark shall comply with the provisions of the product drawing. 7.2 The qualified products after final inspection shall be packed in accordance with GR.T8597. 7.3 The seat manufactured by the manufacturer shall be guaranteed not to rust within one year under normal storage and transportation conditions. The anti-rust period shall be calculated from the month of leaving the factory. AI tolerance measurement
(Standardized measurement)
Measuring method
A1.1 The spherical diameter D of the convex seat is measured by the two-point method. 1,2 Measurement of vertical seat
Place the vertical seat on the surface, and place the probe at the lowest point of the matching surface. The distance from the core point to the plane (see Figure A!) Calculate the H value according to formula (A1):
Calculate the vertical seat center height deviation H according to formula (A2): H=HH
That is, the vertical seat center height deviation AH
1:3 The measuring disk of the convex seat 44
4A, the measurement method can be selected from the following two methods: Awww.bzxz.net
Company) Use The axis of the seat to be measured is in a vertical position and is fixed on a plane. When measuring the disc, the head is placed on the plane at the upper end of the spherical gauge and the spherical gauge is moved up and down along the axis. The average reading of the instrument is the height of the upper end of the gauge plane (see Figure A2). This value is subtracted from half of the gauge width to get the value of 4, see formula [A3) A
Wu Zhong:
The measured value of the height;
A spherical gauge seat [Product Knowledge]
Then calculate the flange seat 44 according to formula (A4): AA,--A ,
is the convex seat, deviation value,
Surface price improvement
The difference between the inner diameter of the spherical center of the gauge and the center of the seat ball should not exceed m. The difference between the center of the spherical surface of the gauge and the center of the seat ball should not exceed m. The ball research and development standard is the same as the standard in the figure.
b) Fix the library on the plane and move the spherical master gauge downward to obtain the height from the installation plane to the outer diameter point of the world gauge or the surface: see Figure A3], and subtract the shell diameter of the master gauge from this value Half of the height, get A, value, see test [AS]; (A5)
In the formula: —— actual value of height
D true diameter of the spherical master gauge [Known
then calculate the boss 4A according to formula: A6:
is the margin seat A. Deviation value,
height 1, 4 boss seat diameter is the same as the measuring base of 1 (see Figure A4) A6
special probe is placed in the middle position of the outer surface of the boss. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The maximum measured difference is the corresponding radial runout.
A1.5 Measurement of annular radial runout (see Figure A5) Place the probe at the center of the width of the outer circumference of the bearing seat. When measuring, rotate the seat for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the radial runout of the seat. As
A1.6 Measurement of symmetry of the two groove sides of the slider seat (see Figure A6) Place the bearing seat on three supporting points. First, place the probe at the center of the lower groove of one groove. After heating, move the probe steadily in the horizontal position until the reading is (0). Adjust the supporting points and fix them. Then place the probe at the corresponding position of the other groove and move it in the groove direction. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the symmetry of the two groove sides of the shaft.Deviation value,
Height 1,4 The diameter of the boss seat is the same as that of the measuring base (see Figure A4) A6
The special probe is placed in the middle position of the outer surface of the boss. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​measured is the corresponding radial runout.
A1.5 Annular close radial runout measuring nut (see Figure A5) Place the probe in the center position of the width of the outer circumference of the bearing seat. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​measured is the radial runout of the seat. As
A1.6 Measurement of symmetry of the two groove sides of the slider seat (see A6) Place the bearing seat on three supporting points, first place the probe in the center of the lower groove of one groove, and then move the probe steadily in the horizontal position until the reading is (0). Adjust the supporting points and fix them, then place the probe in the corresponding position of the other groove, and move it in the groove direction. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​obtained is the symmetry of the two groove sides of the shaft.Deviation value,
Height 1,4 The diameter of the boss seat is the same as that of the measuring base (see Figure A4) A6
The special probe is placed in the middle position of the outer light surface of the boss. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​measured is the corresponding radial runout.
A1.5 Annular close radial runout measuring nut (see Figure A5) Place the probe in the center position of the width of the outer circumference of the bearing seat. When measuring, the seat is rotated for more than one circle. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​measured is the radial runout of the seat. As
A1.6 Measurement of symmetry of the two groove sides of the slider seat (see A6) Place the bearing seat on three supporting points, first place the probe in the center of the lower level of one groove, then move the probe steadily in the horizontal position until the reading is (0). Adjust the supporting points and fix them, then place the probe in the corresponding position of the other groove, and move it in the horizontal direction. The difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​is the symmetry of the two groove sides of the shaft.
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