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GB 9108-1995 Industrial fuse

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 9108-1995

Standard Name: Industrial fuse

Chinese Name: 工业导火索

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-11-03

Date of Implementation:1996-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.30 Explosives and Pyrotechnics

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Other Chemical Products>>G89 Pyrotechnic Products

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 9108-1988

Procurement status:GOCT 3470-1980,EQV

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1988-04-22

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Shandong Chemical Plant

Focal point unit:commission of science, technology and industry for national defense

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:commission of science, technology and industry for national defense

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the varieties, requirements, sampling, test methods, signs, labels, packaging, transportation and storage of industrial fuses. This standard is applicable to cotton industrial fuses that can delay fire propagation and detonate industrial fire detonators or black powder packets in environments without explosive combustible gases or dust. GB 9108-1995 Industrial fuse GB9108-1995 standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is a revision of GB9108-88 "Industrial Fuse" based on the former Soviet national standard TOCT3470-80 "Fuse Process Conditions". In terms of technical content Equivalent to the former Soviet Union national standard. This standard will replace GB9108-88 from the effective date. When revising GB9108-88, in order to make it equivalent to the advanced foreign standards, superior products were added according to their batch burning time differences, and the technical indicators of GB9108-88 were retained. A chapter on definitions has been added; the batch range has been expanded; the severity of non-compliance with quality characteristics has been classified and the sampling plan has been adjusted to improve the accuracy of batch quality judgments. The format and composition of the standard have also been modified in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1-1993. Appendix A of this standard is an appendix to the standard. This standard was proposed by China Ordnance Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Ordnance Industry Standardization Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Yunnan Fuel Factory No. 2. The main drafters of this standard: Zhang Peizhu, Hou Shizhong, Dong Jianguo. This standard was first released as WJ641-68 in 1968, and has been revised four times: WJ641-73, WJ641-83, and GB9108-88.
This standard is entrusted to Yunnan Fuel Factory No. 2 for interpretation. 753
1 scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industry fuse
Safety fuse
GB 9108—1995| |tt||Replaces GB9108-88
This standard specifies the varieties, requirements, sampling, test methods, signs, labels, packaging, transportation and storage of industrial fuses. This standard is applicable to non-explosive and flammable fuses. Cotton thread industrial fuses (hereinafter referred to as fuses) are used to delay the spread of fire and detonate industrial fire detonators or black powder packets in gas or dust environments. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB190-90 Dangerous Goods Packaging Marking
GB2828-87 Batch-by-batch inspection and counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to inspection of consecutive batches) GB10111-88 Random sampling method using random numbers 3 definitions||tt| |This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Shell burning
The phenomenon of flames igniting in the cable shell when the fuse transmits fire is called shell burning. 3.2 Explosive sound
When the fuse transmits fire, it is accompanied by an abnormal sound, which is called a popping sound. 4 varieties
The fuses in this standard are divided into two types: ordinary type and slow-burning type according to their burning time. Among them, ordinary fuses are divided into two grades: superior grade and first-class grade according to the extreme difference in their batch burning time. 5 Requirements
5.1 Appearance
5.1.1 The fuse cable rods should be uniform, and no mold, damage, obvious oil stains, loose ends at the cut points, two or more outer wires in the same cable section are allowed. If two or more threads are broken (paralleled), the rope head must be sealed with moisture-proof agent. 5.1.2 The outer wires are allowed to be unevenly arranged, and their length is no more than 10cm; one outer wire is broken (joined), and its continuous length is less than 6m. 5.1.3 The surface of the ordinary fuse is the original color of cotton thread and paper, and the slow-burning fuse has a green thread in the outer layer. 5.2 Size
5.2.1 Diameter: 5.5mm±0.3mm.
5.2.2 Core diameter: not less than 2.2mm. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 1995-11-03, 754
1996-04-01 was implemented
5.2.3 There are two types of cable coil lengths:
a) 250m, not less than 248mz| |tt||b) 100m, not less than 99m.
The shortest cable section is not less than 2m.
5.3 Performance
5.3.1 Burning time
GB 9108—1995
Ordinary fuse: burning time per meter is 100~125s; slow-burning fuse Fire rope: burning time per meter is 180~~~215s. 5.3.2 Batch burning time is extremely poor
Ordinary fuse: no more than 10s for superior products, no more than 15s for first-class products; slow-burning fuse: no more than 25s.
5.3.3 Flammability
The fuse is not allowed to have flameout, fire penetration, shell burning and explosion sounds when transmitting fire. 5.3.4 Water resistance
When the fuse is immersed in still water with a temperature of 20℃±5℃ and a depth of 1m for 4 hours, the flammability shall meet the requirements of 5.3.3. 5.3.5 Heat resistance bzxz.net
Place the fuse in a thermostat with a temperature of 45°C ± 2°C for 2 hours. No bonding or shell damage is allowed. 5.3.6 Cold resistance
The fuse should be placed for 1 hour at a temperature of -25℃±2℃. No cracks or breaks are allowed. 6 Sampling
shall be carried out according to the normal inspection, tightened inspection and relaxed inspection of the primary sampling plan and secondary sampling plan in GB2828, and no special inspection will be performed.
For additional provisions on the sampling plan for batch enumeration and sampling inspection, see Appendix A (the standard appendix). The unit product in the sampling inspection plan is "meter", and the judgment number is the number of unqualified items. 6.1 Group batch
The batch range of fuse is 3201~35000m. Under normal circumstances, 10000m, 20000m and 30000m are the inspection batches submitted for acceptance. The batch size range for dimensional inspection is 35001~150000m. Under normal circumstances, 100000, 120000, 140000 and 150.000m are the inspection batches submitted for acceptance. 6.2 Packaging inspection and marking inspection
Conduct a full inspection of the correctness of packaging and marking during the entire packaging process, and the inspection results should comply with the provisions of 8.1 to 8.3. If it does not comply, it should be repaired.
6.3 Appearance, size and performance inspection (see Table 1) Table 1 Fuse sampling inspection plan
Serial number
Inspection items | |tt | The outer wire of the head is broken (and combined) exceeding the regulations, the outer wire arrangement is not hooked, and the cable head is not sealed with moisture-proof agent. Category B fails: diameter, core diameter, cable coil length, and shortest cable section are out of tolerance inspection level||tt| |I

Serial number
Check items
Burning time
Batch Extremely poor burning time
Water resistance
Heat resistance
Observation resistance
GB 9108--1995
Table 1 (continued)
Unqualified classification
Class B unqualified: burning time per meter is out of tolerance
Category C unqualified: batch burning time is out of tolerance Category B unqualified: Fire breakage and popping sound
Category C unqualified; fire penetration and shell burning
Category B failure: fire breakage and popping sound
Category C failure: fire penetration and shell burning
Category unqualified: bonding, shell damage
Category C unqualified: cracks, breaks
Inspection level
S- 3
S-3| |tt||AQL
1.5||tt ||1.5
Sampling plan type: Except for the one-time sampling plan for Category B unqualified indicators of flammability and water resistance, a two-time sampling plan will be implemented for the other indicators.
6.4 Inspection, determination and transfer rules for batches
6.4.1 Inspection of batches
a) Only batches that have passed the appearance inspection and dimensional inspection can undergo performance inspection. If it is unqualified, remove the unqualified product or repair it and submit it for inspection again;
b) While checking the burning time, check the batch burning time and flammability; c) Water resistance and heat resistance The three indicators of safety and cold resistance will be inspected during production conversion acceptance and production resumption after more than one year of suspension; the product structure, main materials will be changed, or the user requires inspection. Under normal circumstances, there are no acceptance indicators. 6.4.Judgment of 2 batches
Only when all indicators of the inspection results are qualified can the batch be judged as qualified. 6.4.3 The transfer regulations for batches
shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.6.3 in GB2828.
6.5 Sampling
6.5.1 Initially use the normal inspection sampling plan and randomly sample from the submitted inspection lot. Random sampling can use GB10111 or other methods and be determined by the manufacturer and the inspector through mutual consultation. 6.5.2 The samples for performance inspection must be taken in equal quantities from no less than three cable coils, and the samples for size and appearance inspection must be taken from no less than two cable coils. Arrange the extracted fuses into coils 1, 2, and 3 and extract them from the outer and inner circles of the cable coils in sequence.
6.5.3 The samples required for the secondary sampling plan are allowed to be taken out randomly at one time and divided into the first sample and the second sample according to the requirements of the inspection rules.
7 Test Methods
7.1 Appearance Inspection
Inspect the appearance quality of the fuse visually. 7.2 Dimensional inspection
GB 9108—1995
a) Use a tape measure or counter to measure the length of the fuse coil, accurate to 1m. b) Use a dry ruler to measure the diameter of the fuse to the nearest 0.1mm. There should be no less than three measuring points for each cable roll. Each location is measured vertically twice. The measurement results are within the range of 5.0~~5.8mm, and the average value is allowed. c) Use a vernier caliper to measure the core diameter of the fuse, accurate to 0.1mm. There should be no less than three measuring points for each cable roll. At the cross section of the flux core, measure the two results in a vertical position and take the average value. 7.3 Determination of burning time and batch burning time range. Cut the fuse into 1.00m-long specimens and ignite them one by one. Overlapping of specimens is not allowed. Use a stopwatch or timing instrument to measure the burning time of the specimen accurately. to 1S. The difference between the maximum and minimum burning time is the batch burning time range. 7.4 Combustibility test
While measuring the burning time, observe the flammability. 7.5 Water resistance test
Coil the fuse sample into a coil with a diameter of not less than 25cm. After immersing it in still water with a temperature of 20℃±5℃ and a depth of 1m for 4 hours, take out the sample and wipe it off. To remove the moisture on the outer surface, cut off the damp cable heads and cut them into cable sections with a length of 1m, and ignite them one by one. No overlap between samples is allowed to observe their flammability.
7.6 Heat resistance test
Coil the fuse sample into a coil with a diameter of not less than 25cm, and place it in a constant temperature box at 45℃ ± 2℃ for 2 hours. After taking it out, place it at room temperature Leave it under the conditions for 20 to 25 minutes, and observe whether there is any bonding between the fuses and damage to the shell. 7.7 Cold resistance test
Coil the fuse sample into a rope roll with a diameter of not less than 25cm, and place it at -25℃±2℃ for 1 hour. After taking it out, immediately start from both ends of the rope roll. , rotate three times around the rod with a diameter of 18mm ± 2mm, and observe whether there are any visible cracks or breaks in the fuse.
8 Logo, Label, Packaging, Transportation, Storage 8.1 Mark
The outer packaging should have the following logo:
—manufacturer name, || tt||One address,
Product name and variety;
Standard number:
Gross weight:
One volume;||tt ||Batch number:
-production date;
-production license number;
"fire and moisture-proof", "handle with care" and explosives signs that comply with GB190 regulations, etc. 8.2 Label
Each cable roll in the inner package should be attached with a label indicating the production code number, machine number, and production date. 8.3 Packaging
Every 500m or 1000m of fuse is a packaging unit. a) The inner packaging is plastic bags; the outer packaging is cartons, baskets, baskets, plastic woven bags or wooden boxes; 757
GB 9108-1995
b) Each packaging unit is filled with certificates, One copy of each product manual, and the inner packaging should be sealed by heat sealing or bundling; c) The outer packaging should be firm and complete; when baskets or baskets are used as outer packaging, they should be lined with yellow cardboard or paper bags. 8.4 Transportation
The transportation of fuse should comply with the national transportation regulations for dangerous goods. Storage
The fuse must be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse with a temperature not exceeding 28°C and a relative humidity not exceeding 70%. In original packaging conditions, the warranty period is two years from the date of production. 758
Provisions for A1 continuous batches
GB 9108--1995
Appendix A
(standard appendix)
Sampling plan for continuous batch counting and inspection Supplementary provisions of a) The implementation process of continuous batch inspection and acceptance shall not be interrupted arbitrarily; b) When a continuous batch is stopped for no more than 30 days due to quality problems and is put into production again, continuous sampling inspection can be carried out from the previous batch. A2 Sampling Plan
The sampling plan is selected from Table A1 by batch. Table Al
Serial number
Inspection items
Burning time
10 001~
10000|| tt||10001~
Extremely poor batch burning time||tt ||3201~
water resistance
heat resistance
cold resistance||tt| |35000
Check||tt ||Level
S- 3
Word code
Fuse sampling plan table| |tt||Unqualified
Classification Type
Class B
Category C
Sampling||tt| |Class B
Class B
Class C
Class B
Class C
Class B
Class C
Category C
Category C
sampling||tt ||AQL
Normal check
3,69.10||tt| |500,500/
13/0,1||tt| |13,13/
0, 2;1,2
Sampling plan
Strengthening inspection
315,315/||tt| |1.3#4,5
0 ,2;1,2
Relax check
50,50/||tt ||0,3;3,4
8,8/| |tt||0,2;1,2
Supplementary provisions for A3 stringency adjustment
GB 9108—1995
a) Sampling inspection is changed from normal inspection Initially, when adjusting the stringency, the transfer rules and relaxed inspection limits specified in GB2828 must be strictly implemented.
b) During the inspection process, except for changing the inspection stringency according to the transfer rules, the stringency of the next batch of inspections will continue to remain unchanged. In principle, the change in inspection stringency should be carried out separately according to the degree of various types of non-conformity. It is allowed to give unified regulations for changing the stringency of inspection between different types of non-conformity
c) Various types of inspection items in one inspection item As long as one of the unqualified items is transferred to a stricter level, all items will be transferred; conversely, in an inspection item, only all types of unqualified items can be transferred to a wider level. A4 Calculation of the number of unqualified items
a)... The number of unqualified items in each inspection item is calculated by category. b) The continuous length of a broken (connected) outer layer wire shall be a multiple of 6 m (rounded as an integer) as the unqualified number. A5 Return for inspection and repair
For batches that are judged to be rejected by inspection, those that have been returned for repair and found to be unqualified are removed or repaired to meet the standard requirements are allowed to be resubmitted for inspection.
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