This standard provides the source, quality requirements and inspection methods of southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis Chen) seedlings. This standard applies to the quality assessment of southern catfish seedlings. SC/T 1051-2002 Southern catfish breeding technical specifications seedlings SC/T1051-2002 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS 67.120. 30 Aquatic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SC/T1051—2002 Technical specifications for southern sheatfish culture-Fryandfingerling 2002-11-05 Issued 2002-12-20 Implementation Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China This standard was proposed by the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, This standard was issued by the National Technical Committee for Aquatic Standardization and the Technical Committee for Aquaculture. The drafting units of this standard are: Sichuan Fisheries Research Institute and Sichuan Fisheries Bureau. Who are the main drafters of this standard: Zhao Gang, Du Jun, Luo Jinsong, Zi Zhong, Lin Jue, Huang Chuang, SC/T1051-2002 1 Scope Technical Specifications for Farming Southern Perch Seedlings SC/T1051-2002 This standard provides the source, quality requirements and inspection methods of southern sea bass (SiturusmeridioatisChen) seedlings. This standard applies to the quality assessment of southern seedlings. 2 Normative References The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, all parties to the agreement on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard. SC/T1050-2002 Technical Specifications for Breeding of Southern Drills Broodstock 3 Source of Seedlings 3.1 Fry Fry bred artificially by broodstock that meet the requirements of SC/T1050-2002. 3.2 Fish Species Fish fry that meet the requirements of 3.1 that are cultivated in ponds or other ways, or natural fish species that are caught in rivers, reservoirs, lakes, etc. that are not artificially stocked. 4 Quality of Fry 4.1 Appearance Body color is black when observed with the naked eye, and the size is uniform and swimming freely. 4.2 Countable and measurable indicators 4.2.1 Countable indicators Deformity rate less than 1%: disability rate less than 2%, and individuals with no infectious diseases are not allowed. 4. 2.2 Measurable indicators The total length of the seedlings should be more than 0.6cm before they can be sold or further cultivated: 5 Fish quality 5.1 Appearance 5.1.1 The body shape is normal, the fins are complete, the body color is grayish yellow or grayish brown, and it has the characteristics of an adult fish. 5.1.2 The body surface is smooth and rich in mucus, the color is normal, the swimming is lively, and the size is uniform. 5. 2 Countable and measurable indicators 5.2.1 Countable indicators The deformity rate is less than 1%, and the disability rate is less than 1%; in the same batch of fish species, the individual differences shall not be larger or smaller. The average total length of 10 pieces of the batch of fish species: 5.2.2 Measurable indicators Fish species of various sizes (total length) should meet the requirements of Table 1. 1 SC/T10512002 full length/em 1. 0~-1. 3 1. 3~1. 7 2. 0--2. 3 2. 3~-2. 7 3. 0--3. 3 3. 3 ~~ 3. 7 4. 3~-4. 7 4. 7~-5. 5. 0~5. 3 5. 7 -~ 6. 0 6. G--6. 3 6. 3~6. 7 6. 7~-7. 0 7. 0~7. 3 | | tt | 12 0. 12--0. 17 0. 17--0. 22 0. 22 --0, 33 0. 33 --0. 15 0. 45 ---0. 55 0.55~-0.64 0. 64~-0.87 0. 81 ~1. 03 1,08-.1,20 1.21~-1.12 1. 42--1. 63 1.63--1.32 1.82 2.18 2. 18 --2. 45 2. 45 --2. 71 2. 71--3.18 3. 18~-3.68 5.2.3 Quarantine Table 1 Weight and total number of perch per dry gram of various sizes of southern perch (average total number of perch per dry gram/kg) 33 333--20 000 20 000~-14 285 1: 28511 111 11 171-~8 333 8 333-~5882 5 882-4545 4515--3030 3 030---2 222 2 222--1 818 1 818~-1 563 1 563~-1 235 1235~971 $71~-853 853-~-701 704--613 613--519 51S--159 459--408 408--360 369~-314 314~-272 Individuals with infectious diseases are not allowed. 6 Inspection 6.1 Sampling 金长/em 8..3~-8. 7 9. 7~~70. 0 10,. 0--10. 3 10. 3--10. 7 10. 7--.11. 8 11. 0~-11. 3 11.3--11.7 11. 7~-12. 0 Weight up 3. G8-- 3. 00 3.90--4.48 4.48~-4.99 4. 99 ~ 5. 15 5. 45-~6. 18 G. 18-~G. 71 6. 71 -~7. 25 7, 25--8. 19 8, 19--8. 80 | |tt | 20~13. 51 12. 7 -~13. 0 13. 51-~ 14. 52 13. --13. 311. 52 --15. 89 13. 3--13. 7 15. 89--17.36 13.7~-14.0 17. 36~ 15. 7] 14. 0--14. 3 18.71--20. 41 14.3--14.7 20. 41~~22. 05 14.7~15. C 22.95~26.00 | 183 183162||tt| |162-149 149-~138 136--122 122--114 11~-105 105--95| |tt||95~-88 8 2--74 74-~69 69--63 58--53 53-·40 49~-44| |tt||Random sampling: The sample size of each batch of fry should be more than 100, and the sample size of fingerlings should be more than 50. Repeat 4 times and take the average value. 6.2 Appearance Visual observation 6.3 Full length measurement Use a standard measuring tool to measure the straight length from the snout to the end of the tail fin. 6.4 Weighing Remove the water attached to the fish body surface and weigh again. 6.5 Deformity rate And disability rate Count by naked eye observation. 6.6 Diseases Test according to routine diagnostic methods for fish diseases 7 Judgment rules SC/T 10512002 During the test, the seed quality does not meet the requirements of If any of the indicators do not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be deemed unqualified. If one of the indicators does not meet the requirements, the samples shall be doubled for re-inspection. If it still does not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be deemed unqualified. -2002 People's Republic of China Aquatic Products Industry Standard Technical Specification for Breeding Southern Perch Seedlings SC/F1051--2002 Chinese Standard Published by TT Publishing House||TT||No.16 Hebei Street, Yiliwai Fuxingmen, Beijing||TT||Postal Code: 100045||TT||Tel: 6852394668517548|| tt||China Standard Press, Naihuangdao Printing, Guangdian Printing, Xinhua Bookstore, Beijing Publishing House, Xinhua Bookstore, Sold by * Open wood 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 1/2 Number of words 8,000 words January 2003 First edition January 2003 First printing 1600 copies Book number: 155066·214917 Price 8.00 Copyright reserved Infringements will be prosecuted|| tt||Report hotline: (010)68533533 LGOL/OS Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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