This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of rotary work dumpers. This standard applies to rotary dumpers for railway car transport with a track gauge of 1435mm. JB/T 7015-1993 Rotary dumper JB/T7015-1993 Standard download and decompression password:
Some standard content:
J81 | | tt | | JB | tt||Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Issued Implemented on 1994-07-01 Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China Rotary Type| |tt||1 Subject content and scope of application Tumper JB/T 7015--93 This standard specifies the terminology, type, parameters and technology of rotary dumper Requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to rotary dumpers for railway vehicles with a distance of 1435mm. 2 Quoted standards GB985 GB 986 GB1184 GB1764 GB1801 GB/T 1804|| tt||GB3323 GB 8923 GB9286 GB10089 GB 10095 GB11345 term 3.1 dumper The basic form and size of gas welding, manual arc welding and gas shielded welding bead slope. The basic form and size of submerged arc welding bead bevel. Regulations on shape and position and tolerances. Unspecified tolerances. Paint film thickness measurement method| |tt||Tolerances and fitting dimensions to 500mm hole, shaft tolerance zone and fitting general tolerances unnoted tolerances for linear dimensions Steel fusion welded butt joint radiography and quality grading rim material surface corrosion grade and removal before painting Cross-hatch test of rust grade paint and varnish film Column worm and worm gear accuracy Involute coil column gear accuracy Manual ultrasonic flaw detection method for steel welds and classification of flaw detection results Mechanical equipment for unloading bulk cargo from railway bulk vehicles (hereinafter referred to as vehicles), 3.2 Rotary dumper A dumper with the rotation center inside the outer contour of the vehicle being dumped. 3.3 Maximum flipping weight The maximum load that the dumper can flip (including the vehicle's own weight), 3.4 Rated flipping weight The load that the dumper can flip over during normal operation (including the vehicle's own weight). 3.5 Rotation cycle The time required for the dumper to continuously complete a turning process. 3.6 Turnover angle The angle at which the rotor rotates around the center of rotation when the dumper dumps materials. 3.7 Support frame A device that supports the side wall of the vehicle. 3.8, clamping mechanism A device for clamping and fixing the vehicle. | |tt | Ring (or rotor disc) The annular member at both ends of the rotor. 3.11 Rotor A rotary body composed of two end rings and connecting members. Type and parameters 4 4.1 JB/T7015-93 The type and parameters of the rotary dumper should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 Type Type Turnover weight Form No. Rated Maximum Length Dimensions of turnable vehicle Number of rollovers at one time Maximum turning angle National turnaround cycle Platform track gauge 4.2 model FZ Tag example: width height m car 5 mm Single-car dumper FZ1 85 100 1 Two-car dumper FZ2||tt ||2×85 2×100 11938~14038 3140~3243 2790~3293 2 175| | tt | Marked as: Tumper FZ1 Technical requirements 5 5.1 General requirements 5.1.1 The dumper shall comply with the requirements of this standard, and Manufactured in accordance with drawings and technical documents approved by prescribed procedures. Dimensions with no tolerances noted on the workpiece drawing shall be based on Level M (medium level) in GB/T1804. 5.1.2 5.1.3 Dimensions without tolerances noted on the drawings of structural parts shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. 5.1, 4 a. b c. 2 The shape tolerances not noted on the workpiece drawing are as follows: straightness, The flatness shall be in accordance with the tolerance level C in Table 1 of GB1184: the coaxiality and symmetry shall be in accordance with the tolerance level C in Table 2 of GB1184; the remaining items shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 3 to 7 of GB1184. Three-car dumper FZ3 3×85 3×100 3 range only 0~100||tt ||101~2:3 231--656 551~1620 1001~1600 1601~2FGC 5.2 Safety facilities|| tt||Limit deviation ±1. 0 ±1.5 ±2: 0 ±2.5 ±3. 0||tt| |± 4. 0 JB/T701593 Table 2 Size range 2501~4000 4001~6500 6501~ 10000 | |5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Limit deviation, ±4. 5 ±5.0 ± 6.0 ±7.0 ±8. 0 ±9.0 The dumper must have a platform aligned with the basic track and the vehicle is in place on the platform and the vehicle leaves the rollover machine safety features. The driving device of the dumper should ensure that when the driving device fails, the rotor can reliably stay in any position. The dumper should be equipped with a mechanical or electronic interlocking device. 5.3 Technical requirements for main components Transmission wheel 5.3.1 a. b. Gear knot Degree The accuracy of closed cylindrical gears shall not be lower than level 8-8-7 in GB10095, crab rod. The accuracy of the worm gear shall not be lower than that specified in Table 3. Table 3 Worm peripheral speed m/s Accuracy grade (GB10089) Tooth surface roughness >1. 5 ~3. 0 9 The closed gear tooth surface roughness R. is 3.2μm. Tooth surface hardness The tooth surface hardness of closed gears shall not be less than 207HB. Gears must not have any defects that affect performance. 5.3.2 Reducer The noise of the reducer shall not be greater than 85dB(A). , the cleanliness of the reducer should not exceed the requirements in Table 4 Table 4 Reducer center distance mm Clearness mg 100 100| |tt||>100 ~160 160 >160 250 250 >250 ~320 320 >320 ~400 400 >400 ~500 500|| tt||The difference in installation dimensions of the reducer should comply with the requirements in Figure 1 and Table 5. Contact spots After the reducer is run-in, the fitting accuracy of the gear pair should comply with the requirements of Table 6, >3. 0~7. 5 90 >500 ~630 630 >630 ~800 800 >800|| tt||~1000 1000 >7. 5 7 >1000 ~1600 1600||tt| |mm >1600 2500 2500 The assembled reducer should be flexible in rotation and well sealed. There should be no impact or oil leakage, and the bearing should be warm The rise shall not exceed 45C, 3 5.3.3 5.3. 4 The center height of the shaft extension A The distance between the foundation bolt holes B The foundation bolt Hole distance C JB/T701593 Figure 1 Table 5 The distance between the bolt hole and the input shaft Tolerance of shaft diameter D| |tt||Table 6 Involute gear wheel Circular compound gear Along the tooth height direction Along the tooth rectangle Tooth control High direction Along the tooth length direction The working surface of the brake wheel must not have defects that affect its performance, and defects must not be repaired by welding. Hydraulic cylinder 5.3. 4. 1 5.3. 4. 2 5.3. 4. 4 Fitting point in hydraulic cylinder The dimensional accuracy is H9 level in GB1801. The shape and position tolerances of the cylinder, piston, and piston rod fittings are grade 8 in GB1184. The surface roughness R. of the inner surface of the cylinder and the outer surface of the piston is 1.6 μm. The surface of the piston rod should be plated with hard chromium, the surface roughness R. of the coating is 0.8μm, 5.3.5 ring 5. 3. 5. 1 5. 3. 5. 2||tt| |The diameter deviation after processing of the end ring is ±2mm. After the end ring is processed, its radial runout shall not be greater than 1.0mm5.3.6 The carriage beam The carriage surface must be flat, and the flatness tolerance within any 1m range is 3mm. Platform 5.3.7 5. 3.7.1 5. 3. 7.2 5. 3. 7. 3 5.3.8| |tt||The gauge deviation of the rails on the platform is mm. The center line of the track and the center line of the platform should coincide, and the deviation shall not be greater than 3mm. After the platform is welded, the dimensional deviation of its entire length is ±6mm. Main metal structural parts 4 The appearance quality of welds should comply with GB985 and GB986 Regulation. ±1 ±1 =1 =1 m5 45% ≥60% > 50% >80% mm The main force-bearing welding keys should be inspected and meet the intermediate quality requirements of GB3323 or [level] in GB11345. The shape and position tolerances and misalignment of steel structures such as welded box beams and I-beams should comply with the requirements of Figures 2 to 8 and Table 7, Figure 2 Figure Figure||tt ||JB/T 701593 Picture Picture 3 Picture 5 Picture 7 Cover plate Name||tt| |Weight Verticality 6 (Fig. 2) Verticality A (Fig. 3) Flatness (Fig. 4) Verification straightness . Amount of wrong edge (Picture 8) S S. s S.. t Note, B— rib width.H- JB/T 701593 Table 7 position plate beam and Box-shaped beam cover plate Board beam and box-shaped dyed web Huijia dyeing Tolerance value B/300 H/200 H/300 8<8 Plate dyeing, box dyeing pressure area The rest of the area on the board Large plate and whole Between plates (Picture 5) Between large rib plate and strand plate (Picture 6) Carbon surface of rib plate (Picture 7) 86 Butt connection||tt| |Stiff plate height, 6 5.4 Technical requirements for pre-assembly and installation 5.4.1 Supporting device Fill in 6<8≤14 8 >14 angle plate thickness, Each set of supporting devices shall comply with the requirements of Figure 9 and Table 8. Figure 9 Table 8 The deviation of the two sets of roller rotation axis elevations 2A4 The deviation of the two sets of condensing wheel center lines 2B 8 8| |tt||1. 28 10 5 28/3 4H/1000 4.B/1000 1.5B/1000 1.5 2. 0 3. 0 3.0 The installation accuracy of the two sets of supporting devices should comply with Figure 10 , Figure 11 and Table 9. 6 Measurement position At the long boat board At the long board mm The measuring length is 1m The measuring length is 1m| |tt||mm 2 2 Figure 10 JB/T701593 Table 9 Center lines of two sets of supporting devices Deviation of the distance A (ac or bd) Deviation of the diagonal length B (ad or bc) of the two sets of supporting devices Deviation of the elevation of the four sets of rollers in the national rotation auxiliary transmission line 4C Vertical deflection amount of each set of supporting devices D|| tt||Note: ① The manufacturer should mark the measuring points a and bcd on the supporting device. ② When measuring with a steel tape measure, see Appendix A for the tensile force value and correction value. 5.4.2 The installation accuracy of the rotor should comply with the requirements in Figure 12 and Table 10. Return to the center line LBMN item distance between the center line of the two end rings A item vertical to the center line of the two end rings Degree B Deviation C between the center line of the guide rail and the center line of the web plate Figure 12 Table 10 Note: When measuring with a steel tape measure, see Appendix A for the tensile force value and correction value. ? bias ±5 ±5 D Figure 11 ±3 ±3|| tt||2 1 entire prepared mm mm note measured above four places|| tt||Within the diameter range Within the entire length of the guide rail 5.4.3 Platform installation The platform rail surface should be level. The rollers on the platform should be in contact with the relevant plane, 5.4.4 Transmission device The installation accuracy of the coupling should comply with the requirements of Figure 13. Nuclear active end JB/T7015-93 Active end Z0.15A Figure 13 Note; ① When measuring, use the passive end as the benchmark and measure the beating of the active end. ② When there are difficulties in detecting the surface to be inspected, it is allowed to detect the replaced equivalent processing surface. 5.4.5 Installation of hydraulic and pneumatic components and pipe fittings 0.10A Cleaning and necessary precautions should be carried out before installation. Rust treatment, there must be no dirt and rust, the components must undergo pressure and sealing tests, and there must be no leakage and deformation. Various automatic control tables should be calibrated, adjusted and calibrated before installation. 5.4. 5. 2 5. 4. 5. 6 Seals or seals Components should be easily replaceable. The installation of the pressure cylinder must be centered, and the operation of multiple cylinders in the same mechanism should be stable without crawling or jamming. The installation of the valve must avoid impact and vibration on the main components of the valve. The pipes must be firmly fixed and arranged neatly and beautifully. The distance between pipe supports shall not be greater than the requirements in Table 11. Table 11 Pipe outer diameter Bracket spacing 5.4.6 Electrical equipment 5. 4.6. 1 10 1000| |tt||The insulation of electrical components should be checked before installation. Wire protection tube a. b. The spacing between fixed pipe clamps shall comply with the provisions of Table 12. Pipe outer diameter Tube-to-Tube spacing >10~25 1500 Table 12 ≤35 ≤1500||tt ||>25~50 2000 >35 2500 >50 2500 mm mm The bending angle of the wire tube shall not be less than 90°. The curvature radius of multi-bend pipes should be greater than 6 times the pipe diameter. The curvature radius of a single-bent pipe should be greater than 4 times the pipe diameter. The 90° bending points of a pipe should not exceed 2. Ground connection of power and control circuits The insulation resistance value shall not be less than 10M0/kV. 5.5 Painting Manufacturers should paint their products, and purchased parts can retain the coating of the original manufacturer. 5.5.1 Surface treatment method 8 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.