Metallic coatings—Electroplated coatings of nickel plus chromium on plastics materials
Some standard content:
ICS 25. 220. 40
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T12600—2005/1S04525:2003 Represents GB, F12500—1990, GB: T126101990Metallic coatings--Electroplated coatings of nickcl plus chromiumon plastics materials
(ISO 4525:2003.IDT)
2005-06-23 Issued
Promote new pseudo
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2005-12-01 Implementation
Specification for usable supports
Terms and definitions
Information provided to the electroplating party
German use condition number
Test method
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Appendix 13 (Informative Appendix)||tt ||Appendix C (Normative Appendix)
Appendix (Normative Appendix)
Appendix E (Normative Appendix)
Appendix F (Normative Appendix)
Appendix G (Normative Appendix)
Thermal Cycle Test
Description of the Use Environment Corresponding to Various Use Condition NumbersDuctility Test
Determination of Sulfur Content in Nickel Plating
Determination of Cracks and Crevices in Chromium Plating
Thickness Measurement Method
Joint Thermal Cycle and Corrosion Test
GB/T 12600—2005/ISO 4525:200310
GR/T12600—2005/ISO4525:2003This standard is equivalent to ISO4525:2003 (E) Electroplating coating on plastics (English version). This standard is drafted based on the translation of ISO4525:2003 (E). This standard makes the following revisions to ISO4525: - In accordance with the existing standard practice in the region, "metallic coating" is added before the standard name; the prefix of the international standard is deleted, and the prefix of the Chinese standard is added: For the convenience of later use, when citing the Chinese standard that widely adopts the international standard: "This standard" is used instead of "this international standard". This standard replaces GB/T 12600-1990 "Metallic coating chromium layer" and GB.T 12610-1990 "Plastic copper + plating thermal cycle test". Compared with GB3/T12600-1990 and CB/T12610-1990, this standard has the following major changes: - Added the following: - Modified the applicable scope; - Modified the description of the "condition of use"; - Added the relevant requirements for ductility; - Adopted JS 4525 combines the above two standards and revises the chapters. Appendix A, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E, Appendix G and Appendix G are normative appendices. Appendix B is an informative appendix. This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard was drafted by the National Technical Committee for Metal and Non-metallic Moulding Standards: Wuhan Institute of Material Protection, Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute and Jiangnan New Energy Industry Co., Ltd. The drafters of this standard are: Jia Jianxin, He Jie, Li Renxu and Zheng Xiulin. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: GB/T 1260 1930 and GB/T 126[0 1999.E
Metallic coating
Nickel + chromium electroplating on plastics
This standard specifies the requirements for nickel + chromium decorative electroplating on plastics with or without copper base coating. This standard allows the use of ductile nickel as the base coating to meet the requirements of thermal cycle tests. This standard does not apply to electroplating on engineering plastics. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. All the referenced documents with the annotation date and all their subsequent amendments (excluding errata or revised versions) are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any referenced document without an old date, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB/T 31.38 Metal coatings and chemical treatment and related process terms (neq1S02079) (-13/T 1955 Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Anodic dissolution coulometric method (icltISO 2177) Metallic and other inorganic coatings on metal substrates - Corrosion tests and rating of test specimens and test pieces GB/T 646L3
(SO10289, IT)
Metal and oxide coatings - Microscopic measurement of cross-sectional thickness (el1SQ1463) GIB/T 6462
GB/T0125 Artificial atmosphere corrosion test Salt spray test (e4V1509227) GB/T 12334
Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Definitions and general principles for thickness measurement (idt IS () 204) GB/T12609 Sampling inspection procedure for electrodeposited metallic coatings and related finishes by counting (idt IS () 4519) GB3/T13744 Measurement of thickness of nickel electroplated coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates (idt IS () 2361) G3/T 1E821
Ductility test of metallic coatings
GR/T 1E6921
Measurement of thickness of metallic coatings - X-ray spectrometry method (e01S03497) ISO3543 Measurement of coating thickness of metallic and non-metallic coatings - β-ray backscattering method IS016348 Definitions and customary terms for the appearance of metallic and other inorganic coatings 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions established in G13/T3138.GB/T12334 and ISO16348 apply to this standard. 4 Information provided to the electroplating party
4.1 Necessary information
When ordering Dianao products in accordance with this standard, the purchaser shall provide the following information or engineering drawings in writing in the contract or order agreement: a) Identification (see Chapter 6);
Appearance requirements, such as: bright, matte or satin: or, it is necessary to provide or approve a sample indicating the finishing requirements for comparison according to 7.2. b
Mark the main surfaces on the sketch. Or provide samples with appropriate markings: c
d) Parts on the main surface with local thickness requirements (see 7.4); The location of inevitable central soldiers or hanger marks on the main surface (see 7.2)! e)
Choice of copper or nickel underlayer to meet the requirements of thermal cycle test (see 7.3, 7.6 and 7.8): g)
Whether the corrosion test is continuous or cyclic (see 7.7); whether the magic corrosion and thermal cycle tests (see 7.6 and 7.7) are conducted independently on a single sample or continuously on the same sample 1
GB/T12600--2005/IS04525:2003 (see 78), during the test, the sample should be edged or unedgeed to simulate the installation mode (Appendix A): All requirements of STEP test (see 7.9): D Sampling method and acceptance requirements (see Chapter 8): k) Identification of the type of plastic to be plated (see 7.1). 4.2 Additional information
Where appropriate, the purchaser may provide the following information: a) Limitation of the acceptable degree of surface defects caused by injection molding (see 7.1) b) The degree of defects allowed on non-primary surfaces (see 7.2). Use condition number
The use condition number proposed by the purchaser determines the protection level corresponding to the severity of the product use environment, which is divided into the following levels: Extremely harsh:
4 Very harsh:
3 Severe:
2 Moderate
1 Slightly
Appendix B gives the typical use environments corresponding to various use condition numbers. 6 Marking
6.1 Overview
The marking is a standard for the type and thickness of the coating corresponding to each use condition (see table). The method is composed as follows: a) the standard number of the "electroplating layer" is followed by a hyphen; the letters PL. represent the plastic base material and are followed by a slash (/); b) the chemical symbol Cu represents the copper base coating (when the base coating is nickel, it is represented by the chemical symbol NI); when the purchaser specifies that the heat cycle resistance requirement is not required, the copper or nickel base coating should be cancelled: the minimum local thickness value of the copper (or nickel) base coating is given (see CGB/T12334), in um); d) the lowercase letter indicates the copper or nickel base coating type (see 6.2) 1er
Chemical symbol for nickel plating:
g) Number indicating the minimum local thickness of the nickel plating (see GB/T 12334), in μ: h) Lowercase letter indicating the type of plating: see 6.3) Chemical symbol Cr. indicates the chromium plating:
Lowercase letter indicating the type and thickness of the chromium plating (see 6.5) Table 1 Electroplating on plastics
Use conditions No.
Partially adjusted chromium plating standard
PL/Cu1ba Ni30d C: mp(or me)
PL/Cu5e Ni30d C.:
PL/Cul5a Ni25d Cr mp(or tue)PL Cu15a Ni25d Cr :
PL Cun5a Ni20d Cr mp(or mc)
PL Cu5a Nusb Cr r
PL/Cul5a Nilob Cr inp(or me)PL/Cul5a Ni75 Ur !
Partial nickel ten-way plating mark
PL/Ni2ddp Ni20d Cr mp(or mc)PL/Ni20dp Ni20d Cr r
PI/Ni20dpNi20h Crmp(or me)
PL/Ni20dp Ni15d Crr
PL/Ni2odp Niiod Cr r
PL/Ni20dp Nifd Cr :
6.2 Types of copper or nickel base coatings
The base coating type shall be identified by the following symbols: a indicates ductile leveling copper-nickel base coating electrodeposited from an acid solution; dp indicates ductile columnar nickel electrodeposited from a special top plating solution; GB/T12600—2005/1SO4525:2003 Note: The coating required for heat resistance cycling shall be obtained from Watt solution or nickel sulfate solution without organic additives or brighteners, and solutions specially prepared by the supplier for electroplating. See references [3]141, [5] for background information 6.3 Type of nickel
The type of nickel used on the copper or nickel base coating should be identified by the following symbols: F Full bright type washed nickel:
Non-mechanically polished matte or semi-bright nickel: Table 2 gives the requirements for double or multi-layer mirrors
6.4 Double or multi-layer nickel plating
Table 2 summarizes the requirements for double or multi-layer plating Table 2
(Nickel plating beauty)
Lower layer (s)
Middle layer (high sulfur layer)
Double or multi-layer nickel plating requirements
Sparse content %
(Quality Fraction)
0.04 and .0.15
The test method for determining the ductility (or elongation) is specified in the appendix (. Percentage of total nickel layer thickness/%
The type of electroplating nickel wave used is indicated by specifying the sulfur content. There is no simple method to measure the sulfur content in the nickel layer on the plated product. The value is long. It can be accurately measured on specially prepared test samples (see Appendix D). According to GB/6152, the prepared workpiece is polished or treated with etching solution. The type and proportion of the nickel layer can usually be determined by microscopic measurement, or technical ST EP method, determine the type and proportion of the chrome layer 6.5 Type and thickness of chromium layer || tt || The type and thickness of the chromium layer shall be indicated in the chemical symbol (after processing) by the following symbols: Ordinary (i.e., common) network, minimum top thickness is 0.3um: mc microcrack network, when measured by one of the methods specified in Appendix E, in any direction per cubic meter of length, the number of cracks present exceeds 250, they form a network of penetrations on the entire main surface, and the thickness is 0.3um. When using some processes, a thicker coating (about 0.8um) is required to achieve the required crack line pattern. In this case, the coating identification should include the minimum local thickness: Crme (0 .8):
mP microporous chrome, when measured by the method specified in Table E, has at least 10,000 micropores per square centimeter and the minimum local thickness of the chrome layer is 0.3 μm. These micropores should not be visible to the naked eye or leveled vision. Note 1: Microporous chrome is generally formed by the deposition of a special thin nickel layer containing non-conductive particles. This special nickel layer should be a B or type nickel layer
Note 2: mC or P slightly cracked layers may lose their gloss after a period of use, which is not allowed in some applications. At this time, the thickness of the micro-crack or micro-crack layer specified in Table 1 can be increased to 0.54 μm to reduce this tendency 6. 6 Marking examples
An electroplated layer on a plastic substrate (PL) comprising 15#m (minimum) bright acid copper (Cu15a) + 10m (minimum) bright nickel (Ni10b) + 3
GB/T12600-2005/ISO 4525:20030,3nm (minimum micropores or microcracks chromium Cr or) should be identified as follows: Electroplated layer (GB [12600-PI.Tul5a Nilob C mp (or mce) = An electroplated layer on a plastic substrate (P) comprising 20 m (minimum ductile nickel (i2cdp) 20μm (minimum double-layer glaze (i2l). 3mm (minimum) micropores or microcracks chromium [crmp (or mc)_ should be identified as follows: Electroplated layer (13/T 12600-PI/Ni20dp 15 Ni20d Cr IIP For some products with special requirements, detailed product specifications should include identification and other important information (see Chapter 4)
7 Requirements
7.1 Substrate
Plastics are not intended to be plated, and when plated using the correct method, it can be confirmed that the metal coating on the plastic can meet the requirements of this standard [see 4.1k):
Surface defects caused by injection molding, such as cold head, ejection marks, flash, injection marks, parting lines, color spots and other defects, may have an adverse effect on the appearance and performance of the coating on the plastic product. Therefore, the electroplating party is not responsible for these surface defects caused by plastic processing, unless the electroplating party is a plastic molding processor, or the electroplating technical requirements should include appropriate restrictions on the acceptable level of surface defects caused by the injection molding process.
7.2 Appearance
The entire main surface shall be free from obvious visible plating defects such as blistering, pitting, rough cracking, missing plating, dirt or discoloration. The extent of defects on non-main surfaces shall be specified. For unavoidable fixture marks on the main surface, their locations shall be specified. The appearance and color shall be consistent with the approved sample (see 4.1h) and ISO 163481. 7.3 Copper or nickel base coating thickness
The minimum local thickness of the copper base coating shall be 15 μm. The minimum local thickness of the nickel base coating shall be 2 μm (see 4.1f) and ISO 163481. 7.4 Local thickness
The layer thickness specified in the marking shall be the minimum local thickness. The minimum local thickness of the coating shall be the position of the red dot on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a point diameter of 20 mm. Measurement. The coating thickness shall be measured by the force method specified in Appendix F. 7.5 Ductility
When measured in accordance with the method specified in the record, the minimum ductility of copper, dp nickel and semi-bright nickel shall be 8%. There shall be no cracks on the raised surface of the test sample. Small cracks at the edge shall not cause failure. 7.6 Thermal Cycle Test
The thermal cycle test is used to evaluate the bonding strength of plastic coatings and monitor the effectiveness of pretreatment for plastic electroplating. When selecting the use condition number and thermal cycle requirements When making requirements, the amplitude of temperature fluctuations during operation should be considered: Table A.1 in Appendix A gives the temperature limit corresponding to each use condition.
According to the thermal cycle test specified in Appendix AA.3, after 3 cycles, the coating of the component should not have defects that can be observed by the naked eye or corrected vision, such as lifting, blistering, peeling, pitting or deformation. Note: The use of thermal cycle test can replace the adhesion strength test that needs to be carried out. 7.7 Accelerated corrosion test
Plastic coatings should be subjected to CASS test at least 21 hours after the completion of electroplating in accordance with the provisions of GB/T19125. Table G.1 in Appendix G shows the test cycle corresponding to the specified use condition number. Note: The test cycle specified in Table (.1) provides a method to control the continuity and quality of the coating, which is inevitably related to the performance or life of the finished product in actual use.
According to the agreement between the purchaser and the supplier, the cycle specified in Table G.1 in Appendix ( can be continuous or at intervals of 1h-16h. h is equivalent to a test period of 8 h or 1 th h. GB/T12600-2005/IS04525:2003 Liu Each product tested should be in accordance with C:.The protection rating required by Work 661 can be used to indicate the degree of protection of the chrome coating on the plastic substrate exposed by the corrosion accumulation of the copper or nickel base coating. Alternatively, a rating number only indicates the appearance of the workpiece after the corrosion test. According to this standard, the appearance rating after the corrosion test should not be less than 8h. Note: During the reverse layer test, the surface of the plated part may be deteriorated. 7.8 Thermal Cycle and Accelerated Corrosion Test
For electroplated parts requiring use conditions No. 5, 1 and 3, the corrosion test can be carried out in conjunction with the thermal cycle test. For electroplated parts requiring use conditions No. 3 and 4, 3 cycles are required; for electroplated parts requiring use condition No. 3, 2 cycles are required. According to the requirements of Appendix (1), the defects of the electroplated parts should be checked after each thermal cycle corrosion test. Note: The use of the combined thermal cycle and corrosion test method can replace the separate tests specified in 7.6 and 7.7. 7.9 STEP test requirements
When the pressure is specified, the potential difference of each single nickel electrode in the multi-layer nickel is determined according to the STEP test method. In the three-layer nickel, the potential difference between the high-active nickel layer and the bright nickel layer in the STEP range is from 15 mV to ~ mV, the high active layer (positive) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. The STEP potential difference between the thin nickel layer immediately below the chrome plating (such as micro cracks or micro cracks) and the bright nickel layer is between 0mV30V, and the bright nickel layer (positive) is always more active than the thin nickel layer immediately before the chrome plating. Note that although there is generally no recognized STEP value, there are some recognized range requirements. For example, the SIFP potential difference between semi-bright and bright layers is between 130mV~-230mV, and the semi-bright nickel (negative) is always more active than the bright nickel layer. 8 Sampling
The sampling method shall be selected in accordance with the procedures specified in (GB/T 2609. The acceptance requirements shall be specified by the purchaser [see 4.1i]. 9 Test methods
Except for the test force method specified in Appendix E and Appendix, all test methods shall be carried out at least 24 hours after the completion of electroplating. GB/T 12600--2005/1S04525:2003A.1 Instruments
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Thermal cycle test
The instrument shall include a circulating air heating pin and a cooling pin with sufficient power. Cooling Chambers·These chambers can accurately maintain the set temperature. Note: The two test pens can be separate or integrated chambers. The temperature control and recorder of the chamber can calibrate and record the temperature of the chamber to an accuracy of set temperature + 1C. The temperature of all points in the working area of the chamber should be maintained within the range of set temperature ± 3C. Air circulation is controlled during the test to ensure constant heating and cooling rates.
Interval time after electroplating
The interval time for thermal cycling test after electroplating will affect the test results. Interval time The test process should be 24h ± 25A3. According to the requirements of the purchaser, two pieces of simulated production methods are placed in the test chamber after being edged or unedged. The test pieces are placed in the test chamber according to the required number. Record the position of the workpieces in the test chamber, as well as the number and size of the workpieces. According to Table A.1, select the specified temperature limit according to the use condition number. A complete heat cycle should include the workpieces being placed in the test chamber at room temperature and heated to the high temperature limit of the test chamber, or directly placing the workpieces in the test chamber that has reached the high temperature limit and performing the following steps a) and d). 1) Expose the workpiece at the high temperature limit for 1h;
Let the workpiece return to 200±3℃ and keep it at this temperature for 1h (this operation is usually completed by taking the workpiece out of the test chamber). 0
e) Expose the workpiece at the low temperature limit for 1h:
d) Let the workpiece return to 200±3℃ and keep it at this temperature for 30min. Table A Thermal cycle temperature limit
Use condition number
Humidity limit/C
B.1 Use condition number 5
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
GB/T12600—2005/ISO4525:2003 Description of the use environment corresponding to various use condition numbers Use in extremely harsh outdoor use environment, decorative parts require long-term protection (more than 5 years) 2 Use condition number 4
Outdoor use in extremely harsh environment
3 Use condition number 3
Use in outdoor environment occasionally or frequently wetted by rain or dew B. 4 Use condition number 2
Indoor use where cows may develop
B. 5 Use condition number 1
Use in warm and dry indoor environment
GB/T 12600--2005/ISO 4525:2003C.1 Preparation of test specimens
(Normative Appendix)
Ductility test
The method for preparing a plated test specimen of 150 mm in length, 10 μm in width and 1 mm in thickness is as follows. Polishing: Prepare a soft sheet of 50 mm in length and width. Plate one side of the specimen with 25 μm thick nickel (or copper) in the same bath as the workpiece and under the same process conditions. Score the specimen with a scriber. Score at least the length of the plated side of the specimen, carefully and away from the edge to the edge or chamfer. C.2 Process
Bend the specimen under tension while electroplating, and apply pressure steadily along a diameter of 11.5 mm. The mandrel bends the specimen 180° until the two ends of the specimen are parallel. During the bending process, ensure that the specimen is always in contact with the mandrel: C.3 Calculation of the value
If no crack passes through the protruding surface of the specimen, the elongation of the coating is greater than 8, and is calculated according to the formula: F 100 XT/D+T
In the formula:
——Elongation expressed in terms of ratio,
T——Total thickness of base metal and coating;
Diameter of the mandrel
When calculating, D and D The same unit shall be used. For comparison purposes, all test samples shall maintain approximately the same coating and total thickness. This method is consistent with the method described in GB/T15821. 8
D.1 Combustion-iodate titration measurement
Appendix D
(Normative Appendix)
Determination of sulfur content in nickel coating
GB/T12600-2005/IS04525:2003 When necessary, the nickel coating shall be tested by The sulfur content is measured by burning the sample in the gas flow of a furnace. The sulfur dioxide gas released during combustion is absorbed by acidified potassium iodide starch solution. Then, potassium iodate solution is used for titration. This potassium iodide solution is newly calibrated with a standard sample containing sulfur to compensate for the change of sulfur dioxide recovery over time. Experiments should be carried out to compensate for the influence of factors such as sulfur dioxide and accelerators. The sulfur content of the nickel coating is determined by the method, represented by S, and the standard is between 0.005% and 0.5% by mass. Note: A commercial instrument has been developed, which uses infrared and thermal conductivity measurement methods to determine the sulfur dioxide emitted by combustion, and then uses a computer to directly read the total content.
.2 Sulfide-iodate titration test plate
is a method for determining the sulfur content in electroplated nickel. It is treated with hydrochloric acid containing chloroplatinic acid as a lamp lysis accelerator to convert the sulfur in the nickel layer into hydrogen sulfide. Chlorine sulfide reacts with zinc aminosulfate to generate zinc sulfide. The generated zinc sulfide is titrated with a standard volume of potassium iodate solution, and the sulfur content is calculated based on potassium iodate.Semi-bright nickel (negative) has a higher total temperature than bright nickel layer. 8 Sampling
The sampling method should be selected according to the procedure specified in (GB/T 2609. The acceptance requirements should be specified by the purchaser [see 4.1i]. 9 Test methods
Except for the test force method specified in the Appendix E and Appendix, all test methods should be carried out at least 24 hours after the completion of electroplating. GB/T12600--2005/1S04525:2003A.1 Instruments
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Thermal cycle test
The instrument includes a circulating air heating pin and a cooling box with sufficient power. These test boxes can accurately maintain the set temperature. Note: The two test pens can be separate or integrated test boxes. The temperature control and recorder of the test box can achieve an accuracy of +1°C of the set temperature and record the temperature of the test box. The temperature of all points in the working area of the test box should be maintained within the range of ±3°C of the set temperature. During the test, the air circulation is controlled to ensure a constant heating and cooling rate.
Interval time after electroplating
The interval time after electroplating will affect the test results. The interval time should be 24h±25A3 Test process
According to the requirements of the purchaser, two pieces are placed in the test chamber after being edged or unedged in a simulated production manner. The test pieces are placed in the test chamber according to the required number. Record the position of the workpieces in the test chamber, as well as the number and size of the workpieces. According to Table A.1, select the specified temperature limit according to the use condition number
A complete heat cycle should include the workpieces being placed in the test chamber at room temperature and heated to the high temperature limit of the test chamber, or directly placing the workpieces in the test chamber that has reached the high temperature limit, and performing the operation according to steps a) and d). ) Expose the workpiece at the high temperature limit for 1 hour;
allow the workpiece to return to 200±3℃ and keep it at this temperature for 1 hour (this operation is usually completed by taking the workpiece out of the test chamber 0
e) Expose the workpiece at the low temperature limit for 1 hour:
d) allow the workpiece to return to 200±3℃ and keep it at this temperature for 30min. Table A Thermal cycle temperature limit
Use condition number
Humidity limit/C
B.1 Use condition number 5
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
GB/T12600—2005/ISO4525:2003 Description of the use environment corresponding to various use condition numbers Use in extremely harsh outdoor use environment, decorative parts require long-term protection (more than 5 years) 2 Use condition number 4
Outdoor use in extremely harsh environment
3 Use condition number 3
Use in outdoor environment occasionally or frequently wetted by rain or dew B. 4 Use condition number 2
Indoor use where cows may develop
B. 5 Use condition number 1
Use in warm and dry indoor environment
GB/T 12600--2005/ISO 4525:2003C.1 Preparation of test specimens
(Normative Appendix)
Ductility test
The method for preparing a plated test specimen of 150 mm in length, 10 μm in width and 1 mm in thickness is as follows. Polishing: Prepare a soft sheet of 50 mm in length and width. Plate one side of the specimen with 25 μm thick nickel (or copper) in the same bath as the workpiece and under the same process conditions. Score the specimen with a scriber. Score at least the length of the plated side of the specimen, carefully and away from the edge to the edge or chamfer. C.2 Process
Bend the specimen under tension while electroplating, and apply pressure steadily along a diameter of 11.5 mm. The mandrel bends the specimen 180° until the two ends of the specimen are parallel. During the bending process, ensure that the specimen is always in contact with the mandrel: C.3 Calculation of the value
If no crack passes through the protruding surface of the specimen, the elongation of the coating is greater than 8, and is calculated according to the formula: F 100 XT/D+T
In the formula:
——Elongation expressed in terms of ratio,
T——Total thickness of base metal and coating;
Diameter of the mandrel
When calculating, D and D The same unit shall be used. For comparison purposes, all test samples shall maintain approximately the same coating and total thickness. This method is consistent with the method described in GB/T15821. 8
D.1 Combustion-iodate titration measurement
Appendix D
(Normative Appendix)
Determination of sulfur content in nickel coating
GB/T12600-2005/IS04525:2003 When necessary, the nickel coating shall be tested by The sulfur content is measured by burning the sample in the gas flow of a furnace. The sulfur dioxide gas released during combustion is absorbed by acidified potassium iodide starch solution. Then, potassium iodate solution is used for titration. This potassium iodide solution is newly calibrated with a standard sample containing sulfur to compensate for the change of sulfur dioxide recovery over time. Experiments should be carried out to compensate for the influence of factors such as sulfur dioxide and accelerators. The sulfur content of the nickel coating is determined by the method, represented by S, and the standard is between 0.005% and 0.5% by mass. Note: A commercial instrument has been developed, which uses infrared and thermal conductivity measurement methods to determine the sulfur dioxide emitted by combustion, and then uses a computer to directly read the total content.
.2 Sulfide-iodate titration test plate
is a method for determining the sulfur content in electroplated nickel. It is treated with hydrochloric acid containing chloroplatinic acid as a lamp lysis accelerator to convert the sulfur in the nickel layer into hydrogen sulfide. Chlorine sulfide reacts with zinc aminosulfate to generate zinc sulfide. The generated zinc sulfide is titrated with a standard volume of potassium iodate solution, and the sulfur content is calculated based on potassium iodate.Semi-bright nickel (negative) has a higher total temperature than bright nickel layer. 8 Sampling
The sampling method should be selected according to the procedure specified in (GB/T 2609. The acceptance requirements should be specified by the purchaser [see 4.1i]. 9 Test methods
Except for the test force method specified in the Appendix E and Appendix, all test methods should be carried out at least 24 hours after the completion of electroplating. GB/T12600--2005/1S04525:2003A.1 Instruments
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Thermal cycle test
The instrument includes a circulating air heating pin and a cooling box with sufficient power. These test boxes can accurately maintain the set temperature. Note: The two test pens can be separate or integrated test boxes. The temperature control and recorder of the test box can achieve an accuracy of +1°C of the set temperature and record the temperature of the test box. The temperature of all points in the working area of the test box should be maintained within the range of ±3°C of the set temperature. During the test, the air circulation is controlled to ensure a constant heating and cooling rate.
Interval time after electroplating
The interval time after electroplating will affect the test results. The interval time should be 24h±25A3 Test process
According to the requirements of the purchaser, two pieces are placed in the test chamber after being edged or unedged in a simulated production manner. The test pieces are placed in the test chamber according to the required number. Record the position of the workpieces in the test chamber, as well as the number and size of the workpieces. According to Table A.1, select the specified temperature limit according to the use condition number
A complete heat cycle should include the workpieces being placed in the test chamber at room temperature and heated to the high temperature limit of the test chamber, or directly placing the workpieces in the test chamber that has reached the high temperature limit, and performing the operation according to steps a) and d). ) Expose the workpiece at the high temperature limit for 1 hour;
allow the workpiece to return to 200±3℃ and keep it at this temperature for 1 hour (this operation is usually completed by taking the workpiece out of the test chamber 0
e) Expose the workpiece at the low temperature limit for 1 hour:
d) allow the workpiece to return to 200±3℃ and keep it at this temperature for 30min. Table A Thermal cycle temperature limit
Use condition number
Humidity limit/C
B.1 Use condition number 5
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
GB/T12600—2005/ISO4525:2003 Description of the use environment corresponding to various use condition numbers Use in extremely harsh outdoor use environment, decorative parts require long-term protection (more than 5 years) 2 Use condition number 4
Outdoor use in extremely harsh environment
3 Use condition number 3
Use in outdoor environment occasionally or frequently wetted by rain or dew B. 4 Use condition number 2
Indoor use where cows may develop
B. 5 Use condition number 1
Use in warm and dry indoor environment
GB/T 12600--2005/ISO 4525:2003C.1 Preparation of test specimens
(Normative Appendix)
Ductility test
The method for preparing a plated test specimen of 150 mm in length, 10 μm in width and 1 mm in thickness is as follows. Polishing: Prepare a soft sheet of 50 mm in length and width. Plate one side of the specimen with 25 μm thick nickel (or copper) in the same bath as the workpiece and under the same process conditions. Score the specimen with a scriber. Score at least the length of the plated side of the specimen, carefully and away from the edge to the edge or chamfer. C.2 Process
Bend the specimen under tension while electroplating, and apply pressure steadily along a diameter of 11.5 mm. The mandrel bends the specimen 180° until the two ends of the specimen are parallel. During the bending process, ensure that the specimen is always in contact with the mandrel: C.3 Calculation of the value
If no crack passes through the protruding surface of the specimen, the elongation of the coating is greater than 8, and is calculated according to the formula: F 100 XT/D+T
In the formula:
——Elongation expressed in terms of ratio,
T——Total thickness of base metal and coating;
Diameter of the mandrel
When calculating, D and D The same unit shall be used. For comparison purposes, all test samples shall maintain approximately the same coating and total thickness. This method is consistent with the method described in GB/T15821. 8
D.1 Combustion-iodate titration measurement
Appendix D
(Normative Appendix)
Determination of sulfur content in nickel coating
GB/T12600-2005/IS04525:2003 When necessary, the nickel coating shall be tested by The sulfur content is measured by burning the sample in the gas flow of a furnace. The sulfur dioxide gas released during combustion is absorbed by acidified potassium iodide starch solution. Then, potassium iodate solution is used for titration. This potassium iodide solution is newly calibrated with a standard sample containing sulfur to compensate for the change of sulfur dioxide recovery over time. Experiments should be carried out to compensate for the influence of factors such as sulfur dioxide and accelerators. The sulfur content of the nickel coating is determined by the method, represented by S, and the standard is between 0.005% and 0.5% by mass. Note: A commercial instrument has been developed, which uses infrared and thermal conductivity measurement methods to determine the sulfur dioxide emitted by combustion, and then uses a computer to directly read the total content.
.2 Sulfide-iodate titration test plate
is a method for determining the sulfur content in electroplated nickel. It is treated with hydrochloric acid containing chloroplatinic acid as a lamp lysis accelerator to convert the sulfur in the nickel layer into hydrogen sulfide. Chlorine sulfide reacts with zinc aminosulfate to generate zinc sulfide. The generated zinc sulfide is titrated with a standard volume of potassium iodate solution, and the sulfur content is calculated based on potassium iodate.1 Preparation of test specimens
(Normative Appendix)
Ductility test
The method for preparing a plated test specimen with a length of 150 mm, a width of 10 μm and a thickness of 1 mm is as follows. Polishing: Prepare a soft sheet with a length and width of 50 mm greater than the length of the specimen to be prepared. Plate one side of it with 25 μm thick nickel (or copper) under the same process conditions in the same solution as the workpiece. Score the specimen with a scriber. Score at least the length of the plated side of the specimen, carefully and away from the edge to the edge or chamfer. C.2 Process
Bend the specimen under tension while electroplating, and apply pressure steadily along a diameter of 11.5 mm. The mandrel bends the specimen 180° until the two ends of the specimen are parallel. During the bending process, ensure that the specimen is always in contact with the mandrel: C.3 Calculation of the value
If no crack passes through the protruding surface of the specimen, the elongation of the coating is greater than 8, and is calculated according to the formula: F 100 XT/D+T
In the formula:
——Elongation expressed in terms of ratio,
T——Total thickness of base metal and coating;
Diameter of the mandrel
When calculating, D and D The same unit should be used. For comparison purposes, all test samples should maintain approximately the same coating and total thickness. This method is consistent with the method described in GB/T15821. 8
D.1 Combustion-iodate titration measurement
Appendix D
(Normative Appendix)
Determination of sulfur content in nickel coatings
GB/T12600-2005/IS04525:2003 When necessary, the sulfur content of the nickel coating should be measured by burning the sample in a gas flow in an induction furnace. The disulfide gas emitted during combustion is absorbed by acidified potassium iodide starch solution: then, potassium iodate solution is used to precipitate. This potassium iodide solution is newly calibrated with a standard sample containing sulfur to compensate for sulfur dioxide. Recovery changes with time, actual tests should be conducted to compensate for the influence of factors such as crucibles and promoters: the sulfur content of the nickel coating is determined by the method, represented by S, and the standard is between 0.005% and 0.5% by mass. Note: A commercial instrument has been used, which uses infrared and thermal conductivity measurement methods to determine the sulfur oxides of combustion, and then uses a computer to directly read the total content.
.2 Sulfide-iodate titration test plate
is a method for determining the sulfur content in electroplated nickel. It uses chloroplatinic acid as a lamp catalysis promoter and hydrochloric acid treatment to convert the sulfur in the nickel layer into hydrogen sulfide. Chlorine sulfide reacts with zinc aminosulfate to generate zinc sulfide. The zinc sulfide generated is titrated with a standard volume of potassium iodate solution, and the sulfur content is calculated based on potassium iodate.1 Preparation of test specimens
(Normative Appendix)
Ductility test
The method for preparing a plated test specimen with a length of 150 mm, a width of 10 μm and a thickness of 1 mm is as follows. Polishing: Prepare a soft sheet with a length and width of 50 mm greater than the length of the specimen to be prepared. Plate one side of it with 25 μm thick nickel (or copper) under the same process conditions in the same solution as the workpiece. Score the specimen with a scriber. Score at least the length of the plated side of the specimen, carefully and away from the edge to the edge or chamfer. C.2 Process
Bend the specimen under tension while electroplating, and apply pressure steadily along a diameter of 11.5 mm. The mandrel bends the specimen 180° until the two ends of the specimen are parallel. During the bending process, ensure that the specimen is always in contact with the mandrel: C.3 Calculation of the value
If no crack passes through the protruding surface of the specimen, the elongation of the coating is greater than 8, and is calculated according to the formula: F 100 XT/D+T
In the formula:
——Elongation expressed in terms of ratio,
T——Total thickness of base metal and coating;
Diameter of the mandrel
When calculating, D and D The same unit should be used. For comparison purposes, all test samples should maintain approximately the same coating and total thickness. This method is consistent with the method described in GB/T15821. 8
D.1 Combustion-iodate titration measurement
Appendix D
(Normative Appendix)
Determination of sulfur content in nickel coatings
GB/T12600-2005/IS04525:2003 When necessary, the sulfur content of the nickel coating should be measured by burning the sample in a gas flow in an induction furnace. The disulfide gas emitted during combustion is absorbed by acidified potassium iodide starch solution: then, potassium iodate solution is used to precipitate. This potassium iodide solution is newly calibrated with a standard sample containing sulfur to compensate for sulfur dioxide. Recovery changes with time, actual tests should be conducted to compensate for the influence of factors such as crucibles and promoters: the sulfur content of the nickel coating is determined by the method, represented by S, and the standard is between 0.005% and 0.5% by mass. Note: A commercial instrument has been used, which uses infrared and thermal conductivity measurement methods to determine the sulfur oxides of combustion, and then uses a computer to directly read the total content.
.2 Sulfide-iodate titration test plate
is a method for determining the sulfur content in electroplated nickel. It uses chloroplatinic acid as a lamp catalysis promoter and hydrochloric acid treatment to convert the sulfur in the nickel layer into hydrogen sulfide. Chlorine sulfide reacts with zinc aminosulfate to generate zinc sulfide. The zinc sulfide generated is titrated with a standard volume of potassium iodate solution, and the sulfur content is calculated based on potassium iodate.
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