title>JB/T 9014.7-1999 Determination of the accumulation angle of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment - JB/T 9014.7-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 9014.7-1999 Determination of the accumulation angle of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment
Basic Information
Standard ID:
JB/T 9014.7-1999
Standard Name: Determination of the accumulation angle of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment
JB/T 9014.7-1999 JB/T 9014.7-1999 Determination of the accumulation angle of bulk materials in continuous conveying equipment JB/T9014.7-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
JCS53.040.01 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JR/T9014.1~9014.9-1999 Continuous bandling equipment Loose bulk material-Perfortmianceand determination Continuous bandling equipmentLoose bulk material-Perfortmianceand determination1999-06-28 Issued National Machinery Industry Bureau Implementation on 2000-01-01 JB/T9014.7—1999 This standard is an editorial change to ZB1810m.788 standard for conveying equipment. This standard replaces ZD8 (06.7-88) from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed by Beijing Heavy Duty Machinery Research Institute and is under the jurisdiction of Beijing Heavy Duty Machinery Research Institute. It is applicable to the following sections: Beijing Heavy Duty Machinery Research Institute, Yibu Transportation Machinery Factory, 27 ■ Standard Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Continuous Conveying Equipment Determination of Bulk Material Deposition Angle Conlinuous Handling EquipmentLoose Bulk Material Deposition Angle This standard is currently defined as follows: Method for measuring the angle of accumulation of bulk materials JB/T9014.7—1990 Referenced to ZB18E006.7 This standard is also used for measuring the natural angle of accumulation and dynamic angle of accumulation of bulk materials with a particle size of 50-60 mm in bulk conveying equipment. 2 Referenced standards The following provisions are included in the standard, and the provisions constitute intellectual property standards through reference in the standard. This standard is subject to revision at any time, and the versions shown are the most effective: All standards are subject to revision at any time. When using this standard, the latest version of the following standards shall apply. JB/T9014.1—[999 Bulk conveying equipment for bulk conveying equipment] Terminology and classification of granular material properties JB9014.2-[995 Continuous conveying equipment - Specification for test methods for physical properties of bulk granular materials 3 Key points of the method Under certain test conditions, the natural volume angle and dynamic point accumulation angle of the material are measured to determine the flow level of the material and calculate the internal friction coefficient of the material. 4 Instruments and tools a) Vibrating table: b) Heap brake plate: metal product, with diameter im: vernier lower ruler, height vernier positive ruler: Mountain angle ruler: Accumulation angle, over-stop angle measuring instrument (Figure 1 Material tray, material shovel, iron forge: ) seesaw ruler; h) Wool and wire brush. National Machinery Industry Bureau approved 2 2100-01-01 in June 1999 5 test steps fee JB/T9014.7-1999 Figure stacking angle, stop angle measurement 5.1 The short material of 6m is measured by class stacking angle, and the stop angle measuring instrument is used for measurement. A light model moved the table Zhou Pu positioner unloading hole stacking plate height light 250: Divide the signed special material samples into the required portions, take the portions and put them into the standard stacking angle: reverse the stop angle measuring instrument, and put the materials into the chain body, which is sweet and flat. After the pile is cleaned with the flat plate, the aggregate is discharged from the material outlet and allowed to fall quietly on the stacking plane E to form a conical pile. Use an angle tape measure to measure the natural stacking average of the pile, or use a commercial vernier caliper and a vernier caliper to measure the internal and external stacking angles and the calculated values of the check valve and the backflow angle of the pile F and record them: 5 JB/T9014,7—1999 House method vibration platform: Make the stacking plate material discharge and the vibration medium vibrate together, gradually increase the vibration frequency, up to an amplitude of 0.5mm, a frequency of 50Hz, and continue to vibrate for 2min under this vibration rate and vibration conditions. Measure and record the dynamic pile number of the final product (as shown in the figure) 5.2 The material with a particle size greater than 6mm is measured by the T-type method. Prepare the material test rack. The material sample with a particle size less than 25mm shall be at least 20L, and the material sample with a particle size greater than or equal to 25mm shall be at least 40L. Place the half plate on the dynamic flat plate, level it, and the difference in the particle size shall not exceed 1.5mm: Use the material or the material sample to evenly push the material sample onto the flat plate to pile the material. When separating the materials, the material shovel shall not be more than 5mm away from the material pile, and the material shall be directly placed on the dynamic flat plate to form a stable and stable material pile with the maximum natural angle. Calculate the difference of each door of the material accumulation angle of the measuring plate shown in 2, and ask, start the vibration platform, stack the plate, judge the pile and the vibration half, start the movement, gradually increase the resistance and speed up the vibration rate, the vibration straightness is C.5mm, the frequency is s0Hz, continue to vibrate for 2minle and measure and record the calculation parameters of the dynamic accumulation angle of the material after the perturbation, the result is calculated according to the formula (!) (accurate to 1BeuTctan In the formula: - the check valve of the material, ( also, the discharge port diameter of the measuring instrument, mm:, - the inner diameter of the material cylinder, m white H will form a material density inside, mun. The static angle is calculated according to the formula (2) (accurate to 1°): gare tan electrical production where: -static accumulation angle of collected materials, (\) measured height of the pile, mm; -measured diameter of the pile, is: d--measured bottom diameter of the pile, in m, calculated according to formula (3) (accurate to 5\): PC Wu Zhong:. Dynamic accumulation angle of materials, *-measured height of the material after vibration, mm, D; measured diameter of the pile after vibration, mm D,-the bottom diameter of the pile after vibration, mm? Result evaluation P, - D, Take the mathematical average of the two test results as the product angle of the material. If the error between the two measured values exceeds 5%, it is necessary to redo (1)bZxz.net Test report JB/T9014.7-1999 The test report shall be prepared according to the requirements of 3.6 in B/[0014.2-1999, a1 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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