JB/T 10438-2004 Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulated wires and cables with rated voltage up to and including 450/750V
Some standard content:
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insuluted wires and cables of rated voltagesuptoandincluding450/750v
Published on March 12, 2004
Implemented on August 1, 2004
Published by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China Foreword
1 Scope
2 References
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Terms
3.2 Definition
4 Symbols and codes
4.1 Matching signs and codes
4.2 Product specifications
5 Horizontal specification
5.1 Model
5.2 Specifications
6 Technical specifications
f.1 Conductor
Insulation cable
Finished product electric shock test
Delivery length
Wuhan supervision flow| |tt||Electrical,
Finished cable voltage test
Single-edge wire core low pressure test..
Green resistance
Environmental inspection of color and marking
Insulation thickness measurement
Sheath endurance measurement
Outer casing roundness measurement
8 Inspection and inspection specifications
Inspection inspection
9 Marking, packaging
Table type and name….
Table 2 Specifications.
Table? BV90, BWJ-105 450/?50 core polyvinyl fluoride insulated wires and cables. Table 4 BVFVJ50 300/500V copper core cross-linked polyvinyl fluoride insulated and sheathed cables. JB/T10438-2004
Table 5 BVJVJB-90 300/500V copper core cross-linked polyvinyl fluoride insulated and sheathed flat cables. Table 6 RYJVJ-90 and RVJVI-105 300/500V steel core variable color polyvinyl fluoride insulated and sheathed soft cables. Table? RVJ-105 type 300H5X3V full creep cross-linked deep vinyl chloride insulated soft wire Table B cross-linked vinyl chloride (LPVC) insulation and sheath mechanical properties Table 9 Electrical properties of the system.
Table 10 Inspection,
Standard is formulated by Shengxin:
JB/104.3820M49 45 (1/750V and below cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulated wire and cable 3 with reference to foreign advanced standards, this standard is formulated with reference to: DLsubjet758:1994 General designation for wiring equipment, UT.xuhj EET7.58 includes Style 1430 bundled cross-linked ethylene insulated wire 105300VAC and Style 1431 irradiated cross-linked polyoxyethylene insulated wire 105℃600YAC60VDC3
This standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation and issued by the National Wire and Cable Standardization Technical Committee. The standard was drafted by 1. Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Baosheng Technology Innovation Co., Ltd., Guangdong Cable Factory, Tianjin Jinshan Wire and Electric Equipment Co., Ltd., Biming Electric Co., Ltd., Wuxi Aibang Commercial Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shicable Irradiation Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Cross-linked Cable Cloth Co., Ltd., Zishu Cable Factory, Linhai Yadong Special Electric Building Materials Factory, and the Radiation Industry Association Radiation Processing Professional Committee participated in the planning.
The main initiators of this standard are: Yan Yongpin, Chen Jingjun, Huang Banzhen, Zheng Guodeng, Jiang Lusi, You Bing, Huang Xiaoyin, Qin Liwen, Qian Guofeng, Zhao Wenyi, Zhu Meng, Zhou Caihui.
Rated voltage 450/750V and below cross-linked polyvinyl fluoride insulated wires and cables 1 Scope
The production standard defines the product structure, technical requirements of cross-linked polyvinyl fluoride insulated wires and cables with rated voltage 450/750V and below Requirements, cable tests, acceptance specifications, delivery lengths, standard packaging, non-standard applications! Rated voltage 45 (/50V and below, recommended, copper core cross-linked cables for internal connection of electronic equipment || TT || 2 Normative reference documents || TT || The following documents are not the terms of this standard through reference. For any referenced document with an import date, all subsequent amendments (excluding those in the quality assurance system) or sub-editions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement reached on the standard will investigate whether the new version of this document can be used: only referenced documents without an import date, their The latest version is not applicable to this standard: G8T2900.FU Electric.1 Technical Specification for Cables (GB/T290.10200, idTC60050-161-1984) GBT2951.21997 General Test Methods for Insulating and Sheathing Materials Part 1: General Test Methods Section 2: Thermal Aging Test Methods (idTF60811-1219850.1 (1989) 1st revision) G8T2951.4—1997 General test methods for cable insulation materials Part 1: Through-layer test method Section 4: Temperature adjustment (0811.198.11003) Second revision CB/T2951.5—1997 General test methods for cable insulation and insulation materials Part 2: Special test methods for elastomers Section 1: Oxygen resistance test - Hot water test - Mineral oil test (idtIEC60811-2-1:19 Annex No.1 (3992) Last revision: Na.2: [997) Second revision
GBT2951.6—1997 Cable insulation and sheath Material test methods - Part 3: Special test methods for fluoroethylene mixtures - Section 2: High temperature resistance test - Test for resistance to fire or fire (d1H00811-3-1:1985No.」(1994) 1st revision) GB/T2951.7-197 General test methods for cable insulation and sheathing materials - Part 3: Special test methods for fluoroethylene mixtures - Section 2: Medium temperature resistance test - Test for resistance to fire or fire (dEC60811-3-2:1985N0.1(1903) 1st revision) GR3956 Cable conductor 4 (CBT3956-1997, EC028:197) 6B1838.】Electric fire Flame test under flame conditions - Part 1: Vertical combustion test method for single insulated wire under continuous load or current: GB/T83$0.12001::d Stop C60332-E:1993 (%T193% 1.3 Flame test of electric wires under flame conditions - Part 2: Reverse combustion test method for single core insulated wires (18380.2-2, EC60332-2:1989) JB/T8137.14 Half-line delivery package (JB/T8137-1999, DW463913 Terms and definitions
G2900.[0 The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Terminology
Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or its copolymers are cross-linked to form a three-dimensional network structure of polyvinyl chloride macromolecules after appropriate selection, formulation and processing.
3.2 Definitions
Type test (symbol T)
Type test refers to the test conducted on the type of wire or cable specified in this standard before it is put into supply according to general commercial principles to prove that the wire or cable has good performance and can meet the specified use requirements. The essence of type test is that after these tests are carried out, there is no need to repeat them. If changing the material or design of the wire or cable will affect the performance of the wire or cable, it must be repeated. 3.2.2
Sampling tests sampletests (symbol S) Sampling tests refer to tests conducted on finished product samples or components taken from finished wires to prove that the product meets the design specifications. 3.2.3
Mutine.Jests [symbol R] Routine tests refer to tests conducted by the manufacturer on all wires or relays. 32.4
Tated voltage
Rated voltage is the standard voltage for the cable to be tested for electrical performance. Rated voltage is expressed in VW, and the unit is V. It is the effective value of the voltage between the open-phase conductor and the "ground". It is the standard effective voltage between any two-phase conductors of a multi-core cable or single-core cable system.
When using an AC system, the rated voltage of the wire or cable shall be at least equal to the standard voltage of the wire or cable system, and the device is applicable to both core and core.
When using a DC system, the nominal voltage of the system shall not be greater than 15 times the rated voltage of the cable. Note: If the working voltage of the system exceeds 10% of the rated voltage of the system for a long time, the rated voltage of the cable shall be at least equal to the standard voltage of the system when the rated voltage is less than 10%. 4 Symbols and codes
41 Symbols and codes
4.1.1 System code
Cable (wire) for fixed wiring - B
Soft cable (wire) for reverse connection - R
4.1.2 Material characteristic code
Copper material omitted
Cross-linked polyoxyethylene insulation
Cross-linked polyoxyethylene insulation -
41.3 Structural characteristic code
Form omitted
Sticky (flat) - B
4.1.4 Code for maximum body temperature during belt operation - A
4.2 Product representation method
4.2.1 Products are represented by model, specification and standard number. Specifications include rated voltage, number of cores and nominal cross-sectional area of conductor, etc. 4.2.2 When a model, variety and specification adopts different body structures as specified, the core conductor (type 1) is indicated by (A:, which can be omitted: grade gold conductor (type 2) is indicated by (B:, which can be omitted and indicated after the specification. 4.23 The double-output components of class 1 conductors and their core structures are different, which must be indicated after the grid
JB/T 10436-2004
: Aligning, cross-linked wire, for wiring, rated voltage 450750V, single core, mm, red, core conductor·type 1: 3VJ-90
uncombined (type 2: structure is indicated as: HVJ-QO
4.50501X6 (H:|| JB/TJ0:38 2004: JB/T10438—2004. Core-core, cross-linked ethylene insulated, cross-linked ethylene sheathed sector-shaped self-contained, fixed wiring, rated voltage 3X50V, 3b, 2.5mm105*, green and green ground wire is represented by BVJVJBIOS 300/56X) 2x2.5=/×2.5, large green and green ground wire is represented by: BVJViH-I (model and style 300/500, model number of the electric wire is shown in Table 1. JD/T 10438—2(K4:
Table model and name
Core conductor quality Cross-linked type Explosive welding electric control KvJ-yn
5.2 Uncle
Cable specifications table 2.
Key conductor endurance 30 yuan delivery scene new ethylene increase insulation and production set teaching electric strength time early temperature into the heart change joint polymerization price insulation and sheath environment radiation heart pregnancy body temperature 0 change joint polymerization model human feelings insulation frequency and price whether the shape of the United States effect core conductor wet pressure station what cross-linking polymerization model smoke insulation image wire courtesy cable period core conductor temperature 105 death cross-linking pump teaching ethylene insulation doubt and fee call standard steel core conductor product seat 10% what type skin to hydrogen ethylene insulation enough to cause velvet table 2 specifications
Technical research
6.! Conductor
e material
Nominal surface
River! This flow reaches the fire and the single line in the guide monster can be Yuantian key or the network cable support. 1.2 Structure
The structure of the cable should be round solid, round or tight-shaped conductor. According to the provisions of JB/T1043520C4/3956 and Table 3--Table ?, the small part of the cable for the city line should be round solid, round or tight-shaped conductor. According to the agreement of both parties, other conductor structures should be adopted. 6.1.3 Structure inspection and measurement shall be carried out to meet the requirements of 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. 6.1.4 The resistance of each core at 20℃ shall meet the corresponding requirements of JB/T1043520C4/3956, as shown in Table 3. The number of cores of BVJ-90, BVJ-105 type 450/750V copper core cross-linked polyvinyl fluoride insulated wire and cable conductors shall be listed according to the standard surface of the conductor!
Conductor type
Insulation depth value
Upper limit of outer diameter
2J conductor insulation value
Copper core
Table 4BVVJ-90 type 300/500V silk core cross-linked polyvinyl chloride explosion-proof screened and sheathed cable armor
Insulation welding
: Maximum value of conductor capacitance when 20%
Average outer diameter
Conductor system
Conductor position and type
Current value
Specified value
Continuation of Yinjianzhi
90 local power industry position
BJYIK-90 type 300/500V core cross-linked polyoxyethylene screen supply and protection transformer flat cable average size
Absolute paint
Condensation value
3.9: 46,1
4.5 × 74
62×1C 1
20 core conductor usage maximum value
acid copper joint
6.7> 1..4
electric land service small pipe
unit name:
number body type
continuous thickness
current value
product degree
current estimate
table 5 (continued:
average size
3.8 × 7.9
5.8 ×13.1
ti.4× 15.1
5.3× 1..7
7.5 17.5
9.5 ×23.0
20: Maximum value of conductor blood resistance
0C load current
Minimum value of copper core
M2· km
RVJVJ-9D and RVIVJ-105 type 300/5D0V copper core cross-linked ethylene oxide insulated and sheathed flexible cable early core number
and nominal thickness
early body standard surface
conductor thickness
single maximum diameter
grade combination
single maximum diameter
insulation thickness
average outer diameter
5.2 ×7.6
20 yuan for conductor heat insulation maximum value
Yinchuang car
RVF-105 type 300/500V core cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulated soft wire difference ball thickness standard provisions
and service limit
23F: conductor resistance maximum value
plating device pin
90 system design
total resistance
90 level small
6.2.1 Materials
Specifications should be applied according to the type of cable: Use one of the following specified cross-linked polyvinyl chloride materials XLPCXP9--cable insulation with conductor temperature higher than)T, XIPVC/XFI05-cable insulation with conductor temperature 15T. 6.2.2 The insulation should be tightly packed on the conductor and should be easy to peel off without damaging the insulation, conductor or plating layer. The insulation surface should be flat and evenly colored. 6.2.3 The average thickness of the insulation should not be less than 3~ The specified values of the corresponding models and specifications of the cable are shown in the table. The thickness at the thinnest point should not be less than 20% of the specified value-0.1anum
Thickness measurement results shall be rounded to a decimal according to 7.6. 6.2.4 Identification of insulation cores
62.4.1 General requirements
Insulation cores shall be identified by color matching or other appropriate methods. Except for the back edge combination color, each insulation core of the circuit shall use only one color
The blue/green combination color is the grounding color. When there is a yellow-green combination grounding mark in the insulation core of the cable: the grounding core is not allowed to use yellow and yellow.
Any multi-core cable shall not use red, white, or green and yellow. B.2.4.2 Color spectrum
The preferred color spectrum for good cables is:
Single-core cable
Two-core wire
Standard cable
Four-core cable
Industrial core cable
None Preferred color spectrum:
None Preferred negative spectrum:
Old/green, light blue, brown, or slightly light blue, black, brown, yellow-green, bay blue, black, brown, or light blue, black, brown, black or brown, fluorescent green, green, green, is color , brown, black or brown, or light blue, black, forbidden, or brown, black or brown,
Each color should be clearly identifiable and resistant to abrasion. It shall be tested according to the test method specified in 7.5. It shall meet the requirements of Color combination
The distribution of other color combination insulation cores shall be marked under the following conditions: For any section of 15Tm insulation core, the color of the combination of color and the amount of color shall be at least 30% of the surface of the insulation core, and not more than 70%, while the color of the number of color covers the rest of the surface of the core: Relevant! When using the combination of color and light blue, it is indicated that it is specially used to identify the continuous protection of the core, and the light blue core is used for the reverse frequency type of the core. If there is no nest with sex, can be used to identify any inductive wire core except the conductor core 63 insulation cable
Shang core and the following national certification cable insulation should be certified: the cable has a self-insulating product filled or filled separately, witness that the filler does not adhere to the insulation core.
6.4 Sheath
6.4.1 Material
For each type of sheath, choose the current cross-linkable deep-vinyl polymer, XLPVC/SX9n-for conductor temperature 90T: the outer sheath of the number of electrical insulation. 6.4.2 Bridge wrap for outer sheath of XLPVC/SX10 type - 1 temperature-conducting cable
The cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath can be extruded over the variable-strength polyvinyl chloride insulation core, and should not be penetrated by rain. The surface of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation should be flat, color and chromaticity:
6.4.3 Thickness
The average value of the thickness of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath should be less than the specified value of the cables of the new models and specifications listed in Table 4, and the thinnest point should not be less than the specified value of 85.1mm:
The flat thickness measurement results should be rounded to 7 decimal places. 6.5 Finished product electric shrinkage test 6.5.1 Mechanical properties of insulation and sheath The visual physical properties of the insulation and sheath of the finished cable shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Mechanical and physical properties of XLPVC insulation and sheath Test items: Tensile strength and breaking elongation Original state Tensile strength Minimum value for one layer ... Comparison conditions
Second overflow
Processing time
Minimum intermediate position
Maximum change rate
New injection length rate
Minimum intermediate position
General change industry standard
Loss of military test
Chemical quality
Processing room
A large value
Overcharge or equal
Test strip
One time
Test conclusion
Business source force rate
Test age Distillation bucket
Applied pressure
Turn down steam
A pressure depth standard maximum intermediate value
Low source capacity test
Test object
Full time
Formula acid shrinkage
Product test
Test strips
A width
Mixture code
1 0×24
domain test square wave
B Hall 2951.1—1997 Chapter 9
CD/T295i.2.:1997 City 8.t.3.I#
KIR/2951.11997 Chapter 4
/251.7—1 medium s*
GB/T2951.6—! 997 brother 8 pieces
See 3/T295:.6--[997 8.1.4
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GT2951.4
1997 8.1.4 and 8.1.5
B/T2951.4-199T No. X
JBT10438-20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation above 0.6m
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test method
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.- Direction
GB/T2951.51997 Chapter 9
Method2 Color spectrum
The preferred color spectrum of good cable is:
single-core cable
two-core wire
signal cable
four-core cable
industrial core cable
none preferred color spectrum:
none preferred negative spectrum:
green, light blue, brown, or slightly light blue, black, brown, yellow-green, bay blue, black, brown, or light blue, black, brown, black or brown, fluorescent green, green, blue, brown, , black or brown, or light blue, black, black or brown, each color should be clearly identifiable, and tested according to the test method specified in 7.5. The combination of colors and the distribution of other combinations of colors insulated wire cores will be marked under the following conditions: For any section of 15Tm insulated wire core, the color and the color should be at least 30% of the surface of the insulating wire core, and not more than 70%, while the color should cover the rest of the surface of the core: Relevant! When using a combination of colors and light blue, it is indicated that it is specially used to identify the core of the similar protection for high-speed continuous use, and the light blue core is specified in the standard. If there is no nest with sex, can be used to identify any inductive wire core except the conductor core 63 insulation cable
Shang core and the following national certification cable insulation should be certified: the cable has a self-insulating product filled or filled separately, witness that the filler does not adhere to the insulation core.
6.4 Sheath
6.4.1 Material
For each type of sheath, choose the current cross-linkable deep-vinyl polymer, XLPVC/SX9n-for conductor temperature 90T: the outer sheath of the number of electrical insulation. 6.4.2 Bridge wrap for outer sheath of XLPVC/SX10 type - 1 temperature-conducting cable
The cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath can be extruded over the variable-strength polyvinyl chloride insulation core, and should not be penetrated by rain. The surface of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation should be flat, color and chromaticity:
6.4.3 Thickness
The average value of the thickness of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath should be less than the specified value of the cables of the new models and specifications listed in Table 4, and the thinnest point should not be less than the specified value of 85.1mm:
The flat thickness measurement results should be rounded to 7 decimal places. 6.5 Finished product electric shrinkage test 6.5.1 Mechanical properties of insulation and sheath The visual physical properties of the insulation and sheath of the finished cable shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Mechanical and physical properties of XLPVC insulation and sheath Test items: Tensile strength and breaking elongation Original state Tensile strength Minimum value for one layer ... Comparison conditions
Second overflow
Processing time
Minimum intermediate position
Maximum change rate
New injection length rate
Minimum intermediate position
General change industry standard
Loss of military test
Chemical quality
Processing room
A large value
Overcharge or equal
Test strip
One time
Test conclusion
Business source force rate
Test age Distillation bucket
Applied pressure
Turn down steam
A pressure depth standard maximum intermediate value
Low source capacity test
Test object
Full time
Formula acid shrinkage
Product test
Test strips
A width
Mixture code
1 0×24
domain test square wave
B Hall 2951.1—1997 Chapter 9
CD/T295i.2.:1997 City 8.t.3.I#
KIR/2951.11997 Chapter 4
/251.7—1 medium s*
GB/T2951.6—! 997 brother 8 pieces
See 3/T295:.6--[997 8.1.4
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GT2951.4
1997 8.1.4 and 8.1.5
B/T2951.4-199T No. X
JBT10438-20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation above 0.6m
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test method
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.- Direction
GB/T2951.51997 Chapter 9
Method2 Color spectrum
The preferred color spectrum of good cable is:
single-core cable
two-core wire
signal cable
four-core cable
industrial core cable
none preferred color spectrum:
none preferred negative spectrum:
green, light blue, brown, or slightly light blue, black, brown, yellow-green, bay blue, black, brown, or light blue, black, brown, black or brown, fluorescent green, green, blue, brown, , black or brown, or light blue, black, black or brown, each color should be clearly identifiable, and tested according to the test method specified in 7.5. The combination of colors and the distribution of other combinations of colors insulated wire cores will be marked under the following conditions: For any section of 15Tm insulated wire core, the color and the color should be at least 30% of the surface of the insulating wire core, and not more than 70%, while the color should cover the rest of the surface of the core: Relevant! When using a combination of colors and light blue, it is indicated that it is specially used to identify the core of the similar protection for high-speed continuous use, and the light blue core is specified in the standard. If there is no nest with sex, can be used to identify any inductive wire core except the conductor core 63 insulation cable
Shang core and the following national certification cable insulation should be certified: the cable has a self-insulating product filled or filled separately, witness that the filler does not adhere to the insulation core.
6.4 Sheath
6.4.1 Material
For each type of sheath, choose the current cross-linkable deep-vinyl polymer, XLPVC/SX9n-for conductor temperature 90T: the outer sheath of the number of electrical insulation. 6.4.2 Bridge wrap for outer sheath of XLPVC/SX10 type - 1 temperature-conducting cable
The cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath can be extruded over the variable-strength polyvinyl chloride insulation core, and should not be penetrated by rain. The surface of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation should be flat, color and chromaticity:
6.4.3 Thickness
The average value of the thickness of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath should be less than the specified value of the cables of the new models and specifications listed in Table 4, and the thinnest point should not be less than the specified value of 85.1mm:
The flat thickness measurement results should be rounded to 7 decimal places. 6.5 Finished product electric shrinkage test 6.5.1 Mechanical properties of insulation and sheath The visual physical properties of the insulation and sheath of the finished cable shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Mechanical and physical properties of XLPVC insulation and sheath Test items: Tensile strength and breaking elongation Original state Tensile strength Minimum value for one layer ... Comparison conditions
Second overflow
Processing time
Minimum intermediate position
Maximum change rate
New injection length rate
Minimum intermediate position
General change industry standard
Loss of military test
Chemical quality
Processing room
A large value
Overcharge or equal
Test strip
One time
Test conclusion
Business source force rate
Test age Distillation bucket
Applied pressure
Turn down steam
A pressure depth standard maximum intermediate value
Low source capacity test
Test object
Full time
Formula acid shrinkage
Product test
Test strips
A width
Mixture code
1 0×24
domain test square wave
B Hall 2951.1—1997 Chapter 9
CD/T295i.2.:1997 City 8.t.3.I#
KIR/2951.11997 Chapter 4
/251.7—1 medium s*
GB/T2951.6—! 997 brother 8 pieces
See 3/T295:.6--[997 8.1.4
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GT2951.4
1997 8.1.4 and 8.1.5
B/T2951.4-199T No. X
JBT10438-20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation above 0.6m
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test methodbZxz.net
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.- Direction
GB/T2951.51997 Chapter 9
Method4 Sheath
6.4.1 Material
For each type of protective sheath, select the latest cross-linked deep-vinyl vinyl material, XLPVC/SX9n - for conductor temperature 90T: the outer sheath of the conductor. 6.4.2 Bridge wrap for outer sheath of XLPVC/SX10 type - 1 temperature-conducting cable
The cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath can be extruded over the variable-strength polyvinyl chloride insulation core, and should not be penetrated by rain. The surface of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation should be flat, color and chromaticity:
6.4.3 Thickness
The average value of the thickness of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath should be less than the specified value of the cables of the new models and specifications listed in Table 4, and the thinnest point should not be less than the specified value of 85.1mm:
The flat thickness measurement results should be rounded to 7 decimal places. 6.5 Finished product electric shrinkage test 6.5.1 Mechanical properties of insulation and sheath The visual physical properties of the insulation and sheath of the finished cable shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Mechanical and physical properties of XLPVC insulation and sheath Test items: Tensile strength and breaking elongation Original state Tensile strength Minimum value for one layer ... Comparison conditions
Second overflow
Processing time
Minimum intermediate position
Maximum change rate
New injection length rate
Minimum intermediate position
General change industry standard
Loss of military test
Chemical quality
Processing room
A large value
Overcharge or equal
Test strip
One time
Test conclusion
Business source force rate
Test age Distillation bucket
Applied pressure
Turn down steam
A pressure depth standard maximum intermediate value
Low source capacity test
Test object
Full time
Formula acid shrinkage
Product test
Test strips
A width
Mixture code
1 0×24
domain test square wave
B Hall 2951.1—1997 Chapter 9
CD/T295i.2.:1997 City 8.t.3.I#
KIR/2951.11997 Chapter 4
/251.7—1 medium s*
GB/T2951.6—! 997 brother 8 pieces
See 3/T295:.6--[997 8.1.4
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GT2951.4
1997 8.1.4 and 8.1.5
B/T2951.4-199T No. X
JBT10438-20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation above 0.6m
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test method
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.- Direction
GB/T2951.51997 Chapter 9
Method4 Sheath
6.4.1 Material
For each type of protective sheath, select the latest cross-linked deep-vinyl vinyl material, XLPVC/SX9n - for conductor temperature 90T: the outer sheath of the conductor. 6.4.2 Bridge wrap for outer sheath of XLPVC/SX10 type - 1 temperature-conducting cable
The cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath can be extruded over the variable-strength polyvinyl chloride insulation core, and should not be penetrated by rain. The surface of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation should be flat, color and chromaticity:
6.4.3 Thickness
The average value of the thickness of the cross-linked polyvinyl chloride insulation sheath should be less than the specified value of the cables of the new models and specifications listed in Table 4, and the thinnest point should not be less than the specified value of 85.1mm:
The flat thickness measurement results should be rounded to 7 decimal places. 6.5 Finished product electric shrinkage test 6.5.1 Mechanical properties of insulation and sheath The visual physical properties of the insulation and sheath of the finished cable shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Mechanical and physical properties of XLPVC insulation and sheath Test items: Tensile strength and breaking elongation Original state Tensile strength Minimum value for one layer ... Comparison conditions
Second overflow
Processing time
Minimum intermediate position
Maximum change rate
New injection length rate
Minimum intermediate position
General change industry standard
Loss of military test
Chemical quality
Processing room
A large value
Overcharge or equal
Test strip
One time
Test conclusion
Business source force rate
Test age Distillation bucket
Applied pressure
Turn down steam
A pressure depth standard maximum intermediate value
Low source capacity test
Test object
Full time
Formula acid shrinkage
Product test
Test strips
A width
Mixture code
1 0×24
domain test square wave
B Hall 2951.1—1997 Chapter 9
CD/T295i.2.:1997 City 8.t.3.I#
KIR/2951.11997 Chapter 4
/251.7—1 medium s*
GB/T2951.6—! 997 brother 8 pieces
See 3/T295:.6--[997 8.1.4
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GT2951.4
1997 8.1.4 and 8.1.5
B/T2951.4-199T No. X
JBT10438-20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation above 0.6m
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test method
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.- Direction
GB/T2951.51997 Chapter 9
Method7—1 Medium s*
See 8.1.4 of 3/T295:.6-1997
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GB/T2951.4
8.1.4 and 8.1.5 of 1997
B/T2951.4—1997, No. X
JBT10438—20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation above 0.6m
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test method
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.- Direction
GB/T2951.51997 Chapter 9
Method7—1 Medium s*
See 8.1.4 of 3/T295:.6-1997
See 8.1.5 of GB/T295i.6-1997
This GB/T2951.4
8.1.4 and 8.1.5 of 1997
B/T2951.4—1997, No. X
JBT10438—20 04
Test piece
Lung hypothermia time
Test results
A small elongation space
Low heart test
Test conditions
-·Group degree
A simple temperature increase time
Amount of matter
Test results
Thermal stability test
Test properties
A humidity
Test period
A small average heat plate Time delay test
Test strip
One wet
One load time
One mechanical pressure
Test result
The maximum elongation
After the permanent deformation
6.5.2 Electrical properties
Table 8 (continued)
Compound number
LIVCXT-20SX-90XLPVCXP105.3X10 and k,9,520 of 8/2951,4-1927
See 8.5.5 of GBT2951.4-1997
See 8.5.4 of GBT2951.4-1997
8.5.6 of CBT29S.4-1997
The provisions of the finished cable electrical performance test table. 15
Electrical performance of cable
Test items have
finished product or Shenqiu test
Test bar
First test + sample quantity
First water slide short time
·Water wet
Test voltage:)
Minimum standard voltage time
Test result
Insulated line core type barrier
Test operation
Second test sample quantity
First water limit minimum time
Test voltage ( System:
Insulation and quality
Insulation 0.6m or above
Yearly application voltage time
Test result
Electrical type Rated voltage
No breakdown
No breakdown
Test method
GB/T295J.4-:997 Chapter 8
G1.-1997 Chapter 9
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