This standard specifies the repair process terms and definitions for ship repair, hull, engine, etc. This standard is applicable to ship research, design, teaching, use and other fields. GB/T 15094-1994 Ship process terminology Ship repair process GB/T15094-1994 Standard download decompression password:
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UDc 629.128:001.4 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T15094—94 Terminology for ship technologyShip repairing technology1994-06-30Promulgated State Bureau of Technical Supervision Implementation on 1995-04-01 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terminology for ship technologyShip repairing technology Terminology for ship technology-Ship repairing technologySubject content and scope of application This standard specifies the definition of repairman skills for ship repair, hull repair, engine repair, etc. This standard is applicable to the fields of ship scientific research, design, teaching, application, etc. 2Dock repair dockieg Tundocking up to shipway Put thc blocka Alignment in dock alignmneut in elock ship bottom light light measure tye lur the button deforming rail sleeve bonding ghaft liner boneling propeller shaft assembly nua lecbing key on propeller shafo definition and explanation GB/T 15094 94 Not recommended synonyms Put a floating ship into a dock or floating ship for drainage and piering Put a ship sitting in the dock into the water and lead it out to the outside. The operation of leading the ship up along an inclined longitudinal or transverse slideway to emerge from the water The operation of determining the position, number and height of the dock piers and positioning the dock piers according to the docking plan or line drawing and the previous docking records. The process of adjusting the dock piers at any time during the docking process to make the ship drop to the required position According to the bottom of the ship, the two ends of the line The method of determining the deformation of the keel by measuring the vertical difference of each point on the keel line relative to the connecting line of two points using the method of light transmission Use adhesive to fix the sleeve on the propeller shaft to the tail shaft, the process of matching the propeller and the propeller according to the size of the connecting key and matching work Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on June 30, 1994 Implemented on April 1, 1995 W number Correction of spiral paste and butterfly shrimp check uf propeller pitch gauge Hroμeller pitelh gauge propeller balancing proprller lalance propeller repair propeller grouting cone hole grinding sctapping uf jro- peller boss real tank hole scrapping for peller buss in vertical calposition horizontal hole matching. serapping of pro. peller boss in horizontal lal positionior high pressure water cleaning hydroblasting anger pill removal shat puening mechanical rust removal mechanical rast rt:- tnpval sandblasting rust removal wundblasting micro sandblasting rust removal wet sand blasLing GB/T 15094 Chu Yi or explanation propeller pitch measurement and correction of screw parts that do not meet the requirements the work of measuring propeller pitch.! Perform static balance test and correction on propellers. Repair of defects, cracks, bending deformation or fractures caused by seawater corrosion, cavitation and collision. The propeller hole is scraped and ground to achieve good contact and fit with the cone of its shaft. The method of grinding the propeller cone hole by placing the propeller flat on the ground and making the thrust end shaft rise and fall to check the fit. The method of grinding the propeller cone hole by placing the propeller on the ground and making the thruster shaft move forward and backward horizontally to check the fit. Use high pressure spraying to grind the propeller cone hole. The impact of water jets is used to remove dirt, rust, old coatings and water-soluble corrosion products from the hull surface. Rust removal method using compressed air to shoot iron or steel shots at the steel surface to remove scale and rust. Rust removal method using abrasives, reverse mechanical percussion or grinding with a grinding wheel, wire brush, etc. to remove scale and rust. Rust removal method using compressed air to spray sand particles. Sandblasting method using a mixture of water and sand as a blasting medium. Not recommended synonyms. W number spray painting roll painting mud spray painting airless sjray perint- gunning mortar jetting m:thod 3hull repair ship navigation ship conyirsion washing inspec1ionof domfrouin flammahle vapour doubling plate thickness mceaurt: ment of hull plates Itewal af platc. engine repair ship diesel engine repair GH/r 15094-94 Definition or description The spray gun or other spraying tools make the paint hard and then spray it on the surface of the workpiece. The coating method on the workpiece is to use a thick coating to apply the paint on the surface of the workpiece. The high-pressure pump is used to pressurize the paint to a high pressure, and then the paint is sprayed through a small hole of a nozzle to apply the paint on the surface of the workpiece. The coating method of the workpiece is to pass the mortar through the spray gun device and spray it into shape. To change the purpose and performance of the ship, under the premise of meeting the requirements of the current regulations, the modification of the ship's hull, equipment, system, structure, etc. is carried out to flush and clean the cabin. To prove that the empty oil tank has been cleaned In addition to the combustible gas, it meets the conditions for entering the non-oil ship port area to absorb the hot processing work, in order to maintain the port area and ship safety, the company carries out the detection of combustible gas. To increase the strength of the component, add a layer of steel plate on its surface. Repair method Measure the remaining thickness of the hull outer plate Remove the damaged or defective hull steel plate and weld the steel plate with the same performance and geometric shape as the original plate Not recommended synonyms Not recommended synonyms W number Crankshaft modification rtawnditioning of crankshalt shal1 gtincliug seg- Crankshaft in situ crankshaft recondi. Tioning in place lift out piston bearing scraping seraping uf bcaring sinking of auxiliary collar deflection of rain britlge gauge measuring of sprtad dial gauge for measuring suring of crank spread engine base levelling of enginc positioning of engine positioning of body positioning af eylin- detbluck GB/T15094—94 Definition or description Correct the parallelism between the crankpin and the journal, as well as the roundness and cylindricity of the journal Tools used to check and correct the roundness and cylindricity of the crankshaft journal during correction The crankshaft is processed in situ in the engine room to eliminate its defects. The cylinder head is removed, and the live case is inspected, cleaned, measured and repaired for the live engine, engine, cylinder liner, etc. In order to ensure the straightness of the center line of each axis and make the bearing and the journal have a good fit, the bearing surface is corrected by the scraping method! After the main engine is running, the main journal will move downward from the original installation position due to the wear of the main journal and the main bearing. The bridge type tool for measuring the sinking of the main journal. Use the crankshaft gauge to measure the change in the distance between the crankshaft and the cage when the crankshaft rotates one circle. Special gauge for measuring the distance between the axle arm and the cage. Adjust the base block to correct the plane of the machine cage. According to the process, the center line of the frame should be perpendicular to the center line of the crankshaft, and the center line of the cylinder should be 1 meter above the crank arm. According to the requirements, adjust and determine the position of the rack relative to the hangar. According to the requirement that the center line of the gas sign should intersect perpendicularly with the center line of the auxiliary, adjust the position of the gas sign relative to the rack in the hangar. According to the requirements, adjust and determine the position of the rack relative to the hangar. of crosshead guide moving parts alignment rnlering pl maving 4.1.15 Finding dead center GB/T 15094—94 Definition or explanation According to the requirements of the movement trajectory of the piston in the cylinder of the crosshead diesel engine, the movement trajectory of the piston should be close to the center line of the cylinder and a certain clearance should be maintained between the piston and the cylinder sleeve. When installing the moving parts of the diesel engine, strive to make the movement trajectory of the piston close to the center line of the cylinder and keep a certain clearance between the piston and the cylinder sleeve. Adjustment work Measure the position of the crankshaft flywheel relative to the positioning point on the fixing part when the piston of a certain cylinder is dead center setting of top dead Fcenter dead center gage calibrate cylinder clearance check of play het weren pision and cylinder cover 4. 1. 18Calibration timing Calm valve clearance Chuck uf the tappet clearance Both sides grinding valve lapping 4.1.21! Blowing starting running in 4.1.24Test run lesl engint 4.2 Steel furnace repair According to the position of a certain piston at the top dead center, according to a certain point on the crankshaft or camshaft relative to the fixed part, the fixed distance special gauge is made by changing the size of related parts to adjust the distance between the top of the piston and the cylinder head Adjust and measure the injection advance angle, intake phase angle, exhaust phase angle or starting air supply phase angle, etc. Adjust the distance between the air valve and the valve arm Grind the contact surface to ensure the tightness between the valve and the valve seat Diesel engine started with compressed air: In order to remove the oil, water and debris accumulated on the top of the diesel engine piston, open the indicator valve before starting. The process of placing the control cover in the starting position and making the compressed air rotate the diesel engine several revolutions The process of using manpower, electricity or compressed air to rotate the crankshaft until the diesel engine can work continuously on its own In order to facilitate the lubrication of the friction surfaces moving mutually so that it can quickly bear the full load, the marine diesel engine is operated at no load or low load before it is officially put into operation. The general term for various tasks such as performance adjustment and test operation. Find the dead point Calibrate the air Calibrate the timing Calibrate the top rod spacing, Calibrate the kneading gap Grind the valve line W number Positioning of boiler base Simple positioning Huxitiming ef drutm Wall agent construction furnece Brickwork Lagging of boiler Hydraulic pressure test Hoiler Combustion adjustment test GB/1 15094—94 Definition or explanation Adjustment of the position of the base of the boiler on the hull foundation, that is, the determination of the position of the base of the lower shell on the hull foundation and the determination of the position of the upper shell pressing the boiler shell Installation of refractory materials in the furnace Wrapping and fastening the exposed part of the steel body with insulating materials, iron sheets, etc. Strength and sealing test carried out with pressurized water after the boiler is assembled To obtain the best combustion conditions of the boiler when it bears various loads, and to adjust the oil, smoke and air system combustion cantrol hoiling put furnce drying safety adjustment test safety valve upperh. lion test sig creetien of boiler furnace 4.2.11welding nutfitting of hiler furna: 4.2.12alignment of combustion chamber wall alignirig of boiler futnact: wal! 4.2.13welding of steel furnace pipe holes boil:r uhe plug welding The process of heating a certain concentration of alkaline solution in the boiler to make it boil in order to remove impurities such as grease The process of gradually heating a newly installed or overhauled boiler to slowly dry the wall and gradually heat up the heating surface. Adjust and check the pressure range of the opening and closing of the safety valve. Repair and restore the furnace of the fire tube boiler that has been deformed by burning using a special mold that matches the furnace waveform. In the deformation amount,Welding reinforcement seals on furnaces that do not exceed the specified characteristics or on furnaces that have already been rounded Correction of local deformation of tube plates, back plates, etc. in the combustion chamber of a fire-tube steel furnace heated to a certain temperature using jacks, pressure bars or other equipment The process of welding seals into unused holes during boiler maintenance or modification Not recommended synonyms Brick building Boiler insulation wrapping W number Boiler cleaning Washing boiler 5 General repair processes Prereaairing insulation Correction of dirce Lion finder deviation Shrinking Thermal spraying Thermal spraying brush plating electro chemical ma- chining chrome plating chrumiun plating repair iron plating repair iron plating repair bushing machining metal buckle tic inxart GB/T 15094 Meaning or explanation Cleaning of the smoke outside the boiler heating surface. Removal of water pollution, sludge and salt accumulation inside the boiler. Meaning or explanation A type of inspection before ship repair to determine the scope of repair, propose repair items and corresponding technical measures. Determination and correction of the self-error of the direction finder by the human method. The process of achieving interference fit between the shaft and the sleeve. The process of spraying the molten spray material through a high-speed airflow to atomize it and spray it on the surface of the part. A metal surface processing method of spraying a coating Using an electrochemical method to plate a layer of metal on the surface of the guide fan at high speed Processing Method of dimensional compensation by depositing chromium on the working surface of worn parts by electrochemical method Method of dimensional compensation by depositing electrolytic iron on the working surface of worn parts by electrochemical method Adding outer or inner sleeve to the worn part of the moving coupling parts for dimensional compensation repair method Method of eliminating the surface damage of parts due to wear or other defects Method of repairing cracks with metal blocks or metal bonds Unrecommended terms Unrecommended synonyms Fast wire, brush photography Safety Adjustment test Direction finder self-error calibration Ship equipment Bottom light Hull body mechanical measurement Guide plate tax Electroplating Plating repair Iron cutting repair Surface grinding High pressure water washing Steam boiler wall positioning Boiler pipe hole plugging welding Boiler insulation layer package hole Steam boiler water pressure test Simplified positioning GB/T15094—94 Attached beam A Chinese index| |tt||(reference part) Frame positioning Mechanical rusting Machine base leveling Metal quenching This weapon matches the taper hole Protective neck circle· Protective welding· Furnace wall reconstruction Pitch adjustment Propeller pitch correction Propeller balancing Propeller repair Propeller hammer hole matching Spraying method Sand removal Shot peening Moving· Cylinder body positioning· + 4. 1. 11 W-splicing gauge Crankshaft arm distance in measuring range W-axis local processing Axle gauge Periodic axis correction Combustion board wall alignment Combustion adjustment test Thermal spraying Wet sandblasting to remove the lure Thruster shaft keying Horizontal taper hole ailess spray painting ..... aligting of bailer furnacn wallalignment in dock + blowing boilercleaning boiler tuhes plug wilding boiling out bridgegtqaugc btahing GE/T 15094 Instructions Airless spraying Checking air valve clearance- Checking air valve clearance Checking stop time Centering moving parts Finding stop point Positive point gauge Shaft mercury scraping Shaft sleeve sticking Main shaft neck down measurement Appendix B English index (reference) . 4.1.21 1. 2. 141 Wcentering of new parts GB/T 15094—94 Check of play betwcen piston and cylinder covercheck of propaller pitch i....cherk of the tappet elearancechremium plating repair | ing hydraulie: lesl nf bailer hydrollasting insipectian of freeclomIrom inflammablevapour ironplatinug rcpair lagging of builer leveling ol engine bed lif out piston light measure with eye for the buttom deformingM rrar-hining matching key pn propeller shaftrusting of erank sprcad mtchanical rlst. removal Worlar jetting muthoc positioning nt boiler stool pusitioning uf crosshead guide.positioning of cylinder blockFositienirig af drurnt +.. positioning of enginge framePrerepeiring itspection propeller balance test prupeller pitch gauge? prupeller repair put the blor:k reronditioning of crankshaftrenewal uf plale roll painting Iuningitl safeiyvalveoperationtest sag correctionof boilerfurnacesand blasliug scraping of bearing icrappingpfpropallerhoss||tt| |GB/T 15094 scrapping of uropeller boss in horizontal positionsrrapping af proprller hoss in veritical positionsetting of top dead center shali grinding segmen shaft liner bonding ship rmvtsion shot peening shrinking spray painiting starting test for combustion control Iust of tugie +.+ thermal spraying thicktiexs measurement uf hull platesLie inserl ++ 4. 1. 12 W Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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