title>GB 5585.1-1985 Copper, aluminum and their alloy busbars for electrical purposes Part 1: General provisions - GB 5585.1-1985 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 5585.1-1985 Copper, aluminum and their alloy busbars for electrical purposes Part 1: General provisions
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB 5585.1-1985
Standard Name: Copper, aluminum and their alloy busbars for electrical purposes Part 1: General provisions
This standard applies to electrical busbars. Bus bars can be used for winding wire conductors. GB 5585.1-1985 Copper, aluminum and their alloy busbars for electrical purposes Part 1: General provisions GB5585.1-1985 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Copper or aluminum and its alloy bus bars for electrical purposes Part 1: General Provisions Copper or aluminum and its alloy bus bars for electrical purposes Part 1: General UDC621.315 .5.01 GB5585.1-85 The resistivity of copper and aluminum specified in this standard is consistent with the international standard IEC28 (1925) The "International Standard for Copper Resistors" is consistent with the provisions of IEC105 (1958) "Industrial Pure Aluminum Busbar Material Standard". The specifications and dimensions specified in this standard are determined according to GB321-80 "Priority Number and Priority Number System". The unit N/mm2 is used in this standard. If a tensile machine calibrated in kg or kgf units is used in the test, the measurement results must be multiplied by 9.80665 and compiled in accordance with GB1.1-81 "General Provisions for Standardization Work Guidelines" 》Number rounding rules are rounded to three significant figures. 1 Scope of application 1.1 This standard applies to busbars for electricians. 1.2 busbars can be used for winding wire conductors. 1.3 This standard must be used together with the subsequent parts 2 and 3 of GB5585-85. 2 Definitions 2.1 Except those specified in this standard, all terms shall adopt the definitions specified in GB2900.10-84 "Electrical Terminology Wires and Cables". The size specification of the 2.2 specification conductor is expressed by the nominal size of the narrow side and wide side of the conductor α × 6. 2.3 Priority specifications Priority specifications. 2.4 Intermediate specifications are allowed but must be used as little as possible. 2.5 Specifications Not Recommended Specifications are not recommended. 2.6 Straightness: the maximum height of the arc when the arc or non-straight part of any narrow side is in a horizontal state. 3 Product naming and code 3.1 Size symbol Narrow side a 3.2 Status symbol National Bureau of Standards released on 1985-11-20 Wide side 6 Corner radius production 1986-10-01 implementation 3.2.1 Basic state Annealed O Hard H-|| tt||3.3 Product code 3.3.1 By material Copper busbar Copper alloy busbar .. Aluminum busbar||tt| |Aluminum alloy busbar 3.3.2 Classification by state GB5585.1-85 is suitable for pressure-processed products that are completely annealed to obtain the minimum strength state. It is suitable for products that are cold worked after annealing or cold worked combined with incomplete annealing to obtain the mechanical properties specified in the standard. TM THM* LM ·LHM* soft state (0) hard state..||tt| |3.4 Product Representation Method R Y The busbar is represented by model, specification and standard number. For example: a copper busbar with a narrow side of 10.00mm and a wide side of 100.00mm, in hard state, is expressed as: TMY10×100 Reference standard GB5585.1—85|| tt | tt||GB3048.2-83 "Test Methods for Resistivity of Metallic Conductor Materials for Wires and Cables" GB4909.1~12-85 "Test Methods for Bare Wires" 4.2 When other standards must be quoted, they should be specified in the corresponding standards. 5 Material The copper busbar should be made of copper wire ingots that comply with the requirements of GB468-82. 5.1 5.2 The aluminum busbar should be made of block ingots or wire ingots that meet the requirements for electrical aluminum ingots. 5.3 The manufacturing materials of copper alloy or aluminum alloy busbars are specified in subsequent standards. 6 Dimensions 6.1 Nominal size The specification series of the nominal dimensions a and b of the busbar adopts the provisions of GB321-80 (see Table 1), and the specific specifications are shown in Table 2. Table 1 Nominal size, mm a 2.24~6.70 7.10~31.50 6 16.00~33.50|| tt||35.50~125.00 *Alloys with different compositions are marked with the specified code in the lower corner of H. Specification series uses R40 to use R20 . The following regulations should be followed when designing and using: GB5585.185 a, a and b are both The specifications of the R20 series are the priority specifications; b. One of a and b is R20, and the other is the R40 series, which is the intermediate specification; c. Both a and b are R40 specifications, which are not recommended specifications. 6.2 Dimensional deviation 6.2.1 The dimensional deviation of copper busbars shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 6.2.2 The dimensional deviation of aluminum busbars shall comply with the requirements in Table 4. 6.3 Fillet 6.3.1 The narrow side of the busbar a<6.30mm can have a fillet with a radius not greater than 1.5mm, and the narrow side a>7.10mm can have a fillet with a radius not greater than 2.0mm. 6.3.2 When used as winding wire, the fillet radius of the busbar should comply with the requirements in Table 5 and Table 6. 7 Cross-sectional area 7.1 The cross-sectional area of ??the busbar is calculated according to the following formula: www.bzxz.net S=(axb) Where: a - The nominal size of the narrow side of the busbar, mm; Nominal size of busbar wide side, mm. 7.2 The nominal cross-sectional area S used for winding wire conductors is calculated according to the following formula: mm2 S=(a×b-0.858r2) where: r-|| tt||8Mechanical properties Bubar fillet radius, mm. The mechanical properties are specified in each subsequent standard according to the product. 9 Electrical properties Resistivity should be specified in subsequent standards. Table 3 foot nominal size 16.00 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.