GB/T 2423.10-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test method Test Fc and guidance: Vibration (sinusoidal)
Some standard content:
This standard is equivalent to the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC68-2-6 "Environmental testing Part 2: Test methods and guidelines: Vibration (sinusoidal)" 1982 5th edition and two revised documents. This standard replaces GB2423.10-81 "Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products: Vibration (sinusoidal) test method" and GB2424.7-81 "Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products, vibration (sinusoidal) test guidelines". GB2423.10--81 and GB2424.7-81 were drafted with reference to the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC68-2-6 1970 4th edition, and the International Electrotechnical Commission's one standard was divided into two standards, the main text became G2423.10 vibration (sinusoidal) test method, and the appendix became GB2424.7 vibration (sinusoidal) test guidelines. This revision combines the test methods and guidelines and is the same as the 5th edition of IEC68-2-6.
This standard was first issued in 1981 and revised for the first time in August 1995. It will be implemented on August 1, 1996. From the date of implementation of this standard, the original national standards of the People's Republic of China GB2423.10-81 and GB2424.7-81 will be abolished at the same time. Appendix A of this standard is a standard appendix, and Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are suggestive appendices. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing of Electrical and Electronic Products. The main drafting unit of this standard: the Fifth Institute of the Ministry of Electronics. The main organizers of this standard are Ji Chunyang, Wang Shurong, Zhou Xincai, Wang Zenglan, and Xing Shencheng. 64
IEC before
1) Formal resolutions or agreements on technical issues formulated by the technical committees of the International Electrotechnical Commission with the participation of all national committees that are particularly concerned about the issue, which reflect and express the international consensus on the issue as much as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are used internationally in the form of recommended standards and are accepted by all national committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the International Electrotechnical Commission hopes that all member countries should adopt the contents of the recommended standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission as their national standards when formulating national standards as long as the specific conditions of the country permit. Any differences between the recommended standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission and the national standards should be clearly pointed out in the national standards as much as possible. This standard was formulated by the 50A Technical Committee (Shock and Vibration Test) of the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 50 (Environmental Testing).
This standard replaces the test procedures previously issued in the fourth edition of Standard 68-2-6, including the first amendment in 1983 and the second amendment in 1985.
The text of the second amendment is based on the following documents: June Method
50A(Central Office)165
For further information, see the relevant voting reports in the table above. Voting Report
50A(Central Office)166
The first draft of Test Fc was discussed at the Moscow meeting in June 1977, and the discussion resulted in document 50A(Central Office)145, which was distributed to the National Committees in June 1978 for voting according to the "six-month method". The following national committees voted explicitly in favor of this standard: Australia
Federal Republic of Germany
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
South Korea
South Africa (Republic of)
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Environmental testing for electric and electronic productsPart 2: Test methods
Test Fc and guidance : Vibration (Sinusoidal)Purpose
idt IEC 68-2-6:1982
Replaces GB2423.10-81
GB 2424. 7-81
Provides a standard method for determining the ability of components, equipment and other products to withstand specified levels of sinusoidal vibration. 2 General description
The purpose of this test is to determine mechanical weaknesses and (or performance degradation, and use this information, combined with relevant specifications, to decide whether the sample can be accepted. In some cases, it can also be used to determine the structural integrity of the sample and (or) study their dynamic characteristics. The level of components can also be divided according to their ability to withstand the various severity levels in this test. Whether the sample is in working condition during the vibration test should be specified in the relevant specifications. It must be emphasized that vibration testing always requires a certain degree of engineering judgment, and both the supplier and the buyer should be fully aware of this. The main body of this standard first discusses the method of controlling the test at the specified points, gives a detailed test procedure, and also provides requirements for vibration motion, severity level ( The selection of the frequency range, amplitude, and endurance time) is specified. The writer of the relevant specification shall select the test procedure and severity level that is suitable for the sample and its use requirements. Appendices A to C provide general guidelines and the selection of severity levels for components and equipment. In order to facilitate the understanding of this standard, certain terms are defined, see Chapter 3. In order to facilitate the use of this standard, the main body of this standard lists the chapter number of Appendix A to be referred to, and Appendix A also lists the chapter number of the main body.
3 Definitions
The terms used in this standard are generally defined in accordance with GB/T2298-91 "Terms of Mechanical Vibration and Shock". However, the following two terms have special meanings in this standard and are defined as follows: a) Sweep cycle
Sweep back and forth once within the specified frequency range, such as 10 Hz to 150 Hz to 10 Hz. b) Distortion
Var - ai × 100%
-Root mean square acceleration value at the driving frequency. Where: ai—
The total root mean square acceleration value applied (including ai value). For the purpose of this standard, the following additional terms and definitions shall also be used. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on August 29, 199566
Implementation on August 1, 1996
3.1 Fixing point
GB/T 2423.10—1995
The part of the sample that is in point contact with the fixture or the vibration table is usually the place where the sample is fixed during use. If a part of the actual mounting structure is used as a fixture, the part of the mounting structure that is in point contact with the vibration table should be taken as the fixing point, and the part of the sample that is in point contact with the vibration table should not be taken as the fixing point.
3.2 Measuring point
Certain specific points for collecting data during the test have two forms, and their definitions are given below. NOTE: In order to evaluate the properties of the sample, measurements may be made at a number of points in the sample, but this is not considered as a measurement point in this standard. For more details on this, see Appendix A2.1. 3.2.1 Check point
A point located on the fixture, shaker or sample and as close as possible to a fixed point and, in any case, rigidly connected to the fixed point.
The test requirements are ensured by the data of several check points. If there are four or fewer fixed points, each one is used as a check point. If there are more than four fixed points, the relevant specification shall specify four representative fixed points as check points. In special cases, such as large or complex samples, if the check points are required to be elsewhere (not close to the fixed points), they shall be specified in the relevant specification.
When a large number of small samples are mounted in a fixture, or when a small sample has many fixed points, a single check point (i.e., reference point) may be selected for the purpose of deriving the control signal, but this point shall be selected from the fixed points of the sample and the fixture and not from the fixed points of the fixture and the shaker. This is only feasible if the lowest resonant frequency of the fixture after being loaded with the specimen is sufficiently higher than the upper limit of the test frequency. 3.2.2 Reference point is a point selected from the test points. In order to meet the requirements of this standard, the signal at this point is used for control test. 3.3 Control point
3.3.1 Single point control Single point control is achieved by using the signal from the sensor at the reference point to keep the reference point at the specified vibration level (see
3.3.2 Multipoint control Multipoint control is achieved by taking the signal from each sensor at each test point and performing continuous arithmetic averaging or using comparison technology according to the requirements of the relevant specifications (see 4 Test Equipment
4.1 Characteristics
When the vibration table is loaded in the specified manner, the characteristics of the vibration table and fixtures are as follows: 4.1.1 Basic Motion
The basic motion shall be a sinusoidal function of time, and the fixed points of the sample shall move substantially in phase along parallel straight lines and meet the tolerance requirements of 4.1.2 and 4.1.3.
4.1.2 Transverse Motion
The maximum amplitude at the test point on any axis perpendicular to the specified axis shall not exceed 50% of the specified amplitude when the frequency is equal to or less than 500 Hz and shall not exceed 100% of the specified amplitude when the frequency exceeds 500 Hz. Transverse measurements need only be made over the specified frequency range. In special cases, such as for small samples, if the relevant specification specifies, the amplitude of the permissible lateral motion shall not exceed 25%. In some cases, for large samples or for higher test frequencies, it may be difficult to meet the above requirements. In such cases, the relevant specification shall indicate which of the following two items applies. a) Any lateral movement exceeding the above shall be indicated and recorded in the report; b) Lateral movement shall not be monitored.
4.1.3 Distortion
Measurements of the distortion of the acceleration waveform shall be made at reference points and shall cover the range to 5000 Hz or five times the drive frequency, whichever is higher.
The distortion shall not exceed 25 % as specified in Clause 3. In some cases it may not be possible to meet the above requirements, in which case a distortion exceeding 25 % may be tolerated if the acceleration amplitude of the baseband control signal is restored to the specified value, for example by using a tracking filter.
For large or complex samples, if the specified distortion requirements cannot be met over certain parts of the frequency range and the use of a tracking filter is not practical, the acceleration amplitude need not be restored, but the distortion shall be indicated and recorded in the report (see A2.2). Whether or not a tracking filter is used, the specification may require that the distortion specified above and the frequency range affected be recorded (see A2.2).
4.1.4 Amplitude tolerance
The actual amplitude at the test point and the reference point on the required axis shall be equal to the specified value and shall be within the following tolerance range. These tolerances include instrument errors. Reference point
Tolerance of the control signal at the reference point: ±15% (see A2.3). The specification should indicate whether single-point control or multi-point control is used. If multi-point control is used, it should be stated whether the average value of the signals at the test points is controlled to the specified value or the signal at a selected point is controlled to the specified value (see A2.3). Test points
At each test point:
When the frequency is less than or equal to 500 Hz:
When the frequency exceeds 500 Hz:
In some cases, such as for low frequencies or large samples, it may be difficult to meet the above requirements for some frequencies. A wider tolerance or an alternative evaluation method should be specified in the specification. 4.1.5 Frequency tolerance
When less than or equal to 0.25 Hz:
From 0.25 Hz to 5 Hz:
From 5 Hz to 50 Hz:
When exceeding 50 Hz:
±0.05 Hz;
When comparing the critical frequencies before and after the endurance test (see 8.1), that is, during the vibration response check, the following tolerances shall apply: Below or equal to 0.5 Hz:
From 0.5 Hz to 5 Hz:
From 5 Hz to 100 Hz:
Over 100 Hz:
4.1.6 Frequency sweep
±0. 05 Hz;
The frequency sweep shall be continuous and the frequency shall vary exponentially with time (see A4.3). The sweep rate shall be one octave per minute with a tolerance of ±10%. 4.2 Installation
The installation of samples is described in GB/T2423.43-1995 "Environmental testing for electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Requirements and guidelines for the installation of components, equipment and other products in dynamic tests such as impact (Ea), collision (Eb), vibration (Fc and Fd) and steady-state acceleration (Ga). For samples usually installed on shock absorbers, see 8.2.2 Note 2, A3.1 and A3.2 and Chapter A5. 5 Severity level
The severity level of the vibration test is determined by three parameters, namely the frequency range, the vibration amplitude and the duration of the endurance test (given in terms of the number of sweep cycles or time).
For each parameter, the relevant specifications should be selected from the values listed below. If the environment is known in advance and is significantly different from the data listed below, the relevant specifications should specify the test requirements based on the known environment. In Annexes B and C, examples of severity levels for components and equipment are given, respectively (see A4.1 and A4.2). 5.1 Frequency range
The relevant specification shall select a lower frequency from Table 1 and an upper frequency from Table 2 to give the frequency range. The recommended frequency range is shown in Table 3.
Lower frequency
5.2 Vibration amplitude
Upper frequency
The vibration amplitude (displacement amplitude or acceleration amplitude or both) shall be specified in the relevant specification. Table 3
Recommended frequency range
From fi~f
Below the crossover frequency is defined as fixed displacement, and above the crossover frequency is defined as fixed acceleration. Table 4, Table 5 and Figures 1, 2 and 3 give the recommended values of displacement and acceleration amplitudes at different crossover frequencies. Note: The relationship between amplitude and frequency is shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3. Its application in the low frequency band refers to A4.1. Each displacement amplitude has a corresponding acceleration amplitude (shown on the same horizontal grid line in Tables 4 and 5). Therefore, the vibration magnitudes are the same at the crossover frequencies (see A4.1).
When the specified crossover frequency is not technically applicable, the specification may specify other crossover frequencies and the corresponding displacement-acceleration amplitudes. In some cases, more than one crossover frequency may be specified. For tests with an upper frequency limit of only 10 Hz, the method of displacement is usually used over the entire frequency range. Therefore, only displacement amplitudes are given in Table 6 and Figure 3.
Table 4 Recommended values of vibration amplitudes at lower crossover frequencies (~8 Hz to 9 Hz) Displacement amplitudes below the crossover frequency
(0.001 4)
1 All values listed in the table are peak amplitudes, acceleration amplitudes above the crossover frequency
2 The inch values for reference are derived from the original millimeter values and are approximate values. Similarly, the g, values are approximate values given for reference. 3 The displacement amplitude of 15 mm in the table is mainly applicable to hydraulic shakers. (g.)
GB/T 2423.10-1995
Table 5 The recommended values of vibration amplitude at higher crossover frequencies (57Hz~62Hz) are lower than the displacement amplitude at the crossover frequency
1 All values listed in the table are peak amplitudes. For speed values above the crossover rate,
2 The inch values for reference are derived from the original millimeter values and are approximate values. Similarly, the g values are approximate values given for reference. Table 6 Recommended values for displacement amplitudes for the upper limit of the frequency range up to 10 Hz only Displacement amplitudes
1 All values listed in the table are peak amplitudes. 2 The inch values for reference are derived from the original millimeter values and are approximate values. 3 Displacement amplitudes greater than 10 mm are mainly applicable to hydraulic vibration tables. 5.3 Duration of endurance test
The duration of the endurance test shall be selected from the recommended values given below in the relevant specifications. If the specified duration results in an equal to or greater than 10 h on the axis or per lazy rate, it may be carried out in several cycles, but this shall not reduce the stress in the sample (due to heating, etc.). 5.3.1 Sweep frequency endurance
The duration of the endurance test on each axis is given in terms of the number of sweep frequency cycles (see Chapter 3) and is selected from the following values in accordance with the relevant specifications:
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.
When more sweep frequency cycles are required, the same series of values as the above should be used (see A4.3). 5.3.2 Constant frequency endurance The duration of the endurance test at each frequency in each axis found by the vibration response check (see .8.1) at the critical frequency shall be selected from the following values according to the relevant specifications (see A6.2): 10 mint0.5 min
30 min±1 min
90 min±1 min
10 h±5 min At the predetermined frequency
GB/T 2423.10—1995
The duration specified in the relevant specifications shall take into account the total time that the sample may be subjected to such vibration during its entire working life. For each combination of specified frequency and axis, the test shall be carried out with an upper limit of 107 cycles (see A6.2). 6 Preconditioning
The relevant specifications may require preconditioning (see GB/T 2421). 7 Initial test
Electrical and mechanical tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specifications (see Chapter A9). 8 Conditional test
The relevant specifications shall specify the number of axes on which the sample is subjected to vibration and their relative positions. If the relevant specifications do not specify, the sample shall be subjected to vibration in three mutually perpendicular axes in turn, and the axis shall be selected in the direction most likely to reveal the fault. The control signal at the reference point shall be derived from the signals at each test point and used for single-point or multi-point control. The test procedure used shall be selected from the following steps according to the provisions of the relevant specifications. Guidance is given in Appendix A. Normally, the test steps shall be completed in sequence on the same axis and then repeated on the other axes (see Chapter A3). When the samples normally used with vibration dampers need to be tested without the vibration dampers, special measures must be specified (see Chapter A5). When the relevant specifications require, the specified vibration amplitude shall be controlled by the limit of the maximum driving force applied to the vibration system. The method of force limitation is specified in the relevant specifications (see Chapter A7). 8.1 Vibration response check
When required by the relevant specification, the response check shall be carried out over the entire frequency range in order to investigate the characteristics of the sample under vibration conditions. This shall normally be carried out over a frequency sweep cycle under the same conditions as the endurance test (see 8.2). This method may be used if the response characteristics can be determined more accurately using vibration amplitudes and frequency sweep rates lower than the specified values, but excessive extension of the time shall be avoided. If required by the relevant specification, the sample shall be operated during the vibration response check. If the mechanical vibration characteristics of the sample cannot be evaluated because it is in operation, the sample shall be placed in an inoperative state for additional response checks. During the vibration response check, the sample shall be checked to determine the dangerous frequencies at which the following phenomena occur: a) malfunction and/or performance degradation of the sample due to vibration; b) mechanical resonance and other response phenomena, such as jitter. All frequencies and applied amplitudes at which the above phenomena occur shall be recorded, and the performance changes of the sample shall be recorded (see Chapter A1). The relevant specification shall specify the measures to be taken in this regard.
In some cases, the relevant specifications may require an additional response check after the endurance program is completed in order to compare the critical frequencies before and after the test. If any changes occur in the critical frequencies, the relevant specifications should specify the measures to be taken in this regard. However, the basic requirement is that the two response checks before and after the test should be carried out in the same way at the same amplitude (see A3.1). 8.2 Endurance Test Procedure
The relevant specifications should specify which of the following two endurance procedures is to be used (see A3.2). 8.2.1 Sweep Frequency Endurance Test
This endurance procedure should be preferred.
The frequency sweep should be carried out in the frequency range, amplitude and duration selected by the relevant specifications (see 5.3.1). If necessary, the frequency range can be divided into several sections, but this should not reduce the stress on the sample. 8.2.2 Constant frequency endurance test
GB/T 2423.10--1995
The endurance test is to be carried out at one of the following two frequencies: a) those critical frequencies obtained by the vibration response check according to 8.1; b) the constant frequency specified in the relevant specification. When the test is carried out at the critical frequency obtained by the vibration response check, the frequency shall always be kept at the actual critical frequency. Note
1 If the actual critical frequency is not very obvious, for example, when jitter occurs or several independent products are tested simultaneously, for convenience, the frequency may be swept over a limited frequency range around the critical frequency to ensure sufficient excitation. 2 For samples equipped with vibration dampers, the relevant specification shall specify whether the endurance test shall be carried out at the resonant frequency after the damper is installed. 9 Intermediate test
When required by the relevant specification, the sample shall be operated and the performance test shall be carried out during the test period. The operating and test time shall be determined as a percentage of the total time specified (see A3.2 and Chapter A8). 10 Recovery
When the relevant specification requires it, a recovery period is given after the conditioning test so that the sample is in the same condition as the initial test, for example in terms of overflow.
11 Final test
Test the electrical and mechanical properties of the sample in accordance with the provisions of the relevant specification (see Chapter A9). 12 Provisions to be made in the relevant specification
When the relevant specification adopts this test, the following items should be specified for ease of application. The compiler of the specification should provide materials according to the following items, and pay special attention to the items marked with an asterisk (*), because this information is always indispensable. a) Test point (3.2)3
b) Lateral movement (4.1.2),
c) Distortion (4.1.3);
d) Derivation of control signals (,
1) Tolerance of test point (;
1) Mounting of sample (4.2)
g) Frequency range* (5.1),
h) Vibration amplitude* (5.2);
1) Specific crossover frequency (5.2);j) Type and duration of endurance test* (5.3);k) Preconditioning (Chapter 6),
1) Initial test *(Chapter 7),
m) axis of vibration (Chapter 8);
n) force limitation (Chapter 8);
0) steps and sequence of tests* (Chapter 8, p) function and function check* (8.1 and Chapter 9); 9) measures taken after the vibration response check (8.1), r) measures taken if a change in the resonant frequency is found during the final response check (8.1), s) predetermined frequency (8.2.2)
t) conditional test on the resonant frequency after the sample is installed on the vibration isolator (8.2.2): 72
u) final test *(Chapter 11).
Acceleration, m/s
Severity level
Acceleration, m/s
Severity level
Crossover point
33333 23
GB/T 2423.10-1995
Use a lower crossover frequency (8 Hz~9 Hz) Figure 1
Crossover point
Vibration amplitude when using a higher crossover frequency (57Hz~62Hz) 2000
Frequency, Hz
Frequency, Hz
Acceleration before/s
Figure 3 Frequency range of vibration displacement amplitude (only for upper limit frequency of 10Hz) A1 Introduction
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Test Guide
The basic purpose of this test is to provide a method of reproducing the actual environmental influences to which the specimen may be subjected in the test room, rather than to reproduce the actual environment.
In order to obtain the same results when tested by different people in different locations, the parameters given in this test are standardized and have appropriate tolerances. The standardization of the parameters also enables components to be classified according to their ability to withstand a certain degree of vibration severity specified in this standard.
In vibration testing, previous specifications usually first look for resonances and then subject the specimen to endurance testing at the common frequency for a specified time. Unfortunately, the general determination method makes it difficult to distinguish resonances that are likely to cause failure from resonances that are unlikely to cause specimen failure under long-term vibration.
In addition, this test procedure is not practical to apply to most modern specimens. Direct observation is almost impossible to evaluate the vibration characteristics of any closed device or modern small device. If sensor technology is used, the mass-stiffness distribution of the device is changed and therefore it cannot usually be used. Even if it can be used, the key to success depends entirely on the skill and experience of the test engineer in selecting appropriate measurement points in the device.
The preferred procedure proposed in this standard, namely swept frequency endurance, minimizes these difficulties and avoids the need to determine important or harmful resonances. If these methods are allowed to be specified as existing environmental tests, the reliance on the skill of the test engineer will be minimized. However, the need to specify the test method has influenced the recommendation of this method. The duration of the swept frequency endurance is given by the number of sweep cycles derived from the number of related stress cycles.
In some cases, if the duration of the endurance test is intended to be long enough to ensure a fatigue life equivalent to the required service life, or long enough to ensure an infinite life equivalent to the vibration conditions experienced in service. Then this swept frequency endurance method may result in a duration that is too long. Therefore, another method is given, which includes fixed frequency endurance. When this method is used, it is either carried out at a predetermined frequency or at a critical frequency found during the response check. If the number of critical frequency points found during the vibration response check on each axis is small and does not exceed four, then fixed-frequency endurance is appropriate. If there are more than four, then swept-frequency endurance may be more appropriate. Of course, it may be appropriate to use both swept-frequency endurance and fixed-frequency endurance. It should be remembered that fixed-frequency endurance still requires a certain degree of engineering judgment in the test. For any predetermined frequency, the endurance duration is specified in the relevant specifications. The duration of the fixed-frequency endurance test is determined by the time under the critical frequency conditions and depends on the expected number of stress cycles. Due to the wide variety of materials, it is impossible to give a unified data for the number of stress cycles. For general vibration tests, the upper limit of 10° is quoted and it does not need to be exceeded (see and
If it is known that the actual environment is basically random vibration, the endurance test stage should be carried out using random vibration as long as it is economically feasible. This approach is particularly applicable to equipment. For some simple component type samples, sinusoidal vibration is usually sufficient. For random vibration, see GB2423.11-82 "General requirements for broadband random vibration test method for basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fd", GB2423.12-82 "Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fda: Broadband random vibration test method with high reproducibility", GB2423.13-82 "Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fdb: Broadband random vibration test method with medium reproducibility" and GB2423.14--82 "Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fdc: Broadband random vibration test method with low reproducibility".
A2 Measurement and control
, A2.1 Measurement points
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