title>GB 12340-1990 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:100 000 topographic map aerial photogrammetry industry specifications - GB 12340-1990 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 12340-1990 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:100 000 topographic map aerial photogrammetry industry specifications

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 12340-1990

Standard Name:1:25000, 1:50000 and 1:100000 topographic maps-Specification for aerophotogrammetric office operation

Chinese Name: 1:25 000,1:50 000,1:100 000地形图航空摄影测量内业规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1990-06-04

Date of Implementation:1990-12-01

Date of Expiration:2008-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences>>07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying>>A77 Photography and Remote Sensing Mapping

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 12340-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:1990-12-01

other information

Release date:1990-06-04

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Institute of Standardization of Surveying and Mapping

Focal point unit:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Proposing unit:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the specifications, accuracy and basic requirements for in-house operations using aerial photogrammetry methods to survey and map 1:25000, 1:50000 and 1:100000 topographic maps. This standard applies to in-house operations of aerial photogrammetry of 1:25000, 1:50000, and 1:100000 topographic maps. GB 12340-1990 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:100 000 Topographic map aerial photogrammetry internal industry specifications GB12340-1990 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
1:25000.1:50000.1:100000 Topographic Map Aerial Photogrammetry Internal Industry Specification
1:25000,1:50000and1:100000topographicmaps-Specification for acrophotogrammetric office operation1Subject content and scope of application
1.1 Subject content
This standard specifies the specifications, accuracy and content of 1:25000, 1:50000 and 1:100000 topographic maps using aerial photogrammetry methods. basic requirements for professional work.
1.2 Scope of application
This standard is applicable to aerial photogrammetry internal operations of 1:25000, 1:50000, and 1:100000 topographic maps. Topographic maps measured in accordance with this standard are mainly used by various departments of the national economy for survey, planning, design, scientific research, etc., and can be used as basic data for the preparation of smaller-scale topographic maps or special maps. 2 Reference standards
GB123411: 25000, 1:50000, 1t100000 topographic map aerial photogrammetry field specifications GB123421: 25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 topographic map schemas 3 General principles
3.1 Topographic map Specifications
3.1.1 Projection, coordinate and elevation system
1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 topographic maps adopt Gauss-Krüger projection and are divided into 6° zones. The plane coordinate system adopts the 1980 Xi'an coordinate system; the elevation system adopts the 1985 National Elevation Datum. 3.1.2 Fractionation and numbering of topographic maps
1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 topographic maps are based on the framing and numbering of international topographic maps of 1:1000000, with longitude differences and sums specified in Table 1 Latitude difference divides the map frame.
Table 1
Chart scale
Longitude difference
Latitude difference
The numbering of topographic maps shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix B in GB12342-90. 3.1.3 Terrain category
The terrain category is divided according to most of the ground and height difference within the map range. See Table 2 for its regulations. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 1990-06-04 1:100000
Implemented on 1990-12-01
Terrain Category||tt ||Flat land
Hill land
Mountain land
Alpine land
Table 2
Ground slope
Below 2°
Above 25°
When the height difference conflicts with the ground slope, the ground slope shall prevail. . 3.1.4 Basic contour distance
1:25000.1:50000, 1:100000
80~300|| tt | Generally, only one basic contour distance is used in a map. When the basic contour distance cannot show the landform features, inter-measurement curves should be added, and if necessary, additional measurement-aid curves should be added. Table 3
Terrain Category
Alpine Land
5( 2.5)
Basic contour
10(5)||tt| |10
40| | tt |
3.1.5 Elevation Note Points
Elevation note points should be selected on obvious ground objects and terrain feature points. Their density is 10~ per 100cm2 on the map for flat land and hilly land. 20, and 8 to 15 in mountainous and alpine areas. Elevation notes are in meters, and 1:25,000 maps are marked to the nearest decimal place, and 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 maps are marked to the whole meter. 3.1.6 Symbols and annotations on topographic maps
shall comply with the provisions of GB12342.
3.2 Accuracy of topographic maps
3.2.1 The error of internal industry encryption points and feature points relative to nearby field control points on the map shall not be greater than the requirements in Table 4. Table 4
terrain category
internal industry encryption point
feature point
flat land, hilly land||tt ||0.35
Mountains, high mountains
Internal encryption points, elevation note points The error in elevation between the contour lines and the nearby field control points shall not be greater than the requirements in Table 5. 3.2.2
Medium elevation
Plot scale
Terrain category
Internal encryption point
Elevation note point| |tt||contour
GB12340—90||tt ||Table 5

2.5|| tt||山


地||tt| |3.5
7. 0
terrain deformation
change point, change point
ground||tt| |2.0

3.0||tt| |4.0
terrain deformation
change points, change points
flat|| tt||地
地|| tt||6.0

16.0||tt| |m
Terrain deformation||tt ||Change points, change points
In mountainous and alpine areas where the position to measure the contour elevation accuracy cannot be directly found on the map, the elevation accuracy can be calculated according to formula (1): M=±Va?+?· tga | b—error in plane position of ground object points, m; ground inclination angle near a check point, (). (1)
3.2.3 In areas with special difficulties (large areas of forests, deserts, Gobis, swamps, etc.), the error in the plane position of the feature points shall not be greater than 0.75mm on the map, and the error in elevation shall be as shown in Table 5 The terrain category is relaxed by 0.5 times, and mountainous terrain - generally no longer relaxed. 3.2.4 This specification takes twice the median error value as the maximum error. 3.2.5 The difference between the outline size and the theoretical size shall not be greater than that specified in Table 6. Table 6
Expansion point diagram
Inlay diagram
Clear drawing
Copy drawing
Side length
0. 15
3.2.6 In addition to the methods specified in this specification, other new technologies and methods that have been verified in practice to meet the accuracy requirements of this specification may also be used, but they must be clearly specified in the technical design book. 3.3 Requirements for aerial photography data
3.3.1 Refer to and implement the "1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 scale topographic map aerial photography specifications" (1980 version) formulated by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. 3.3.2 According to the mapping scale, accuracy, operation method, combined with the topographic conditions of the survey area, the possibility of interpretation and puncture, and considering its economic benefits, refer to Table 7 to reasonably select the aerial photography scale. Table 7
Mapping scale
3.4 ??Requirements for aerial survey field results
Aerial survey field results must meet the requirements of GB12341. Aerial scale
3.5 Technical design
Execute ZBA75001--89 "Surveying and Mapping Technical Design Regulations". 3.6 Requirements for instruments
Various instruments for internal work should be calibrated according to the instrument calibration standards. The instruments must be in good working condition before production. The instruments should be used in accordance with the instrument operating procedures and maintenance should be paid attention to. 4 Photographic processing
Photographic processing includes printing photos, copying, light reduction, reflection reduction and photogravure. 4.1 Printing photos
Provide photo materials for indoor control encryption, stereo mapping, orthographic projector scanning, etc. 4.1.1 Selection of film base for photo printing For photo printing for indoor control encryption and stereo mapping, polyester film, glass dry plate or table plate photo is generally used. For basic scanning film used for photo printing orthophoto, transparent polyester film is used, and its uneven deformation after photographic processing should be less than 0.0003. For the adjustment film used for mounting method, it is advisable to use mounting plate or white-bottom polyester film. The emulsion resolution of polyester film and glass plate is not less than 80 line pairs/mm. The unevenness of the glass surface of glass dry plate and mounting photo should be less than 0.02mm. For mounting photo, flat glass with an area slightly larger than the photo and a thickness of 2.5-3.0mm should be used, and the mounting should be firm and free of bubbles.
4.1.2 Photographic processing requirements for prints For copies used for encryption and mapping, the contrast is generally 0.8-1.2, the gray fog is not greater than 0.2, the maximum density is not more than 1.5, and the minimum density is not less than 0.3; for scanning films used to make image planes, the contrast is generally 0.7-1.0, the average density is 0.8-0.9, the gray fog is not greater than 0.2, the maximum density is not more than 1.2, and the minimum density is not less than 0.3. The mechanical direction of the base of the print should be consistent and perpendicular to the mechanical direction of the aerial film, and the frame image should be clear and complete.
4.1.3 Enlargement and reduction of prints When enlarging prints with a corrector or projector, they must be strictly checked with a grid to ensure that the three planes of the film, lens and photo plate are parallel. If the enlarged field survey film is used to survey the ground features by the mounting method, the enlarged film needs to be reduced to the original aerial photography size, and the difference in the frame mark distance between the ground feature film and the corresponding landform film shall not exceed 0.2mm. 4.1.4 Color photography processing When printing true color, false color transparent film and photographic paper film, an exposure light source with stable color temperature, an exposure timer, a sodium lamp with a narrow spectral band and a regulated power supply should be used. The temperature of the developer and the time of development shall be carried out in accordance with the formula. The difference between the temperature of the developer and the temperature required by the formula shall not exceed ±0.5℃. The temperature difference of the bleaching solution shall not exceed ±1C, and the temperature difference of the intermediate water washing shall not exceed ±3℃. Add the replenisher in a timely and quantitative manner according to the formula requirements to ensure that the liquid composition and pH value remain unchanged. When printing true color films, the standard color sample shall prevail. For false color prints, the standard false color samples that correctly express the neutral gray value of light or reflect the specific landscape of the region shall prevail. The gray fog of the emulsion layer of color printing materials shall not exceed 0.3. Other physical properties are the same as those for black and white printing materials. 4.2 Copy
4.2.1 The difference between the outline length of the original copy image and the theoretical value shall not exceed the provisions of Table 6. The width of the copy image edge shall not be less than 1.5cm. 4.2.2 The requirements for photographic processing after copying are the same as those in 4.1.2. 4.3 Translucent reduction and reflective reduction
4.3.1 Translucent reduction The surface unevenness of the dry plate film for translucent reduction shall be less than 0.02mm, and the emulsion resolution shall not be less than 100 line pairs/mm. GB12340--90 Focal length correction of aerial photographic negative film, measurement frame mark requirements and calculation formula refer to formula (7) in Article 5.2.5 and Article 5.3.1 respectively. Requirements for light transmission reduction operation
Reduction factor and pad thickness, calculated according to formula (2): a.
4D = D - De
Where: n—-reduction factor;
f—corrected focal length of aerial photographic instrument, mm;
f.—principal distance of multi-power instrument projector, mm;
D-object distance of reduction instrument, mm;
d image distance of reduction instrument, mm;
pad thickness, mm;
D. ——Fixed object distance when the reducer is not equipped with a pad, mm. ·(2)
The alignment error of the film frame mark during reduction should generally be less than 0.05mm. If the frame mark on the film cannot strictly pass through the frame mark line b.
on the reducer film plate, it should be reasonably allocated.
The frame mark length of the reduction film should be randomly checked. The difference between the frame mark length measured by the stereo coordinate measuring instrument and the frame mark length calculated according to formula (3) should not exceed 0.05mm.
Where: ———Frame mark length in the direction of the reduction film, mm; L.Frame mark length in the r direction of the aerial camera, mm;
J, ———The principal distance of the multi-power projector used during reduction, mm; fFocal length of the aerial camera, mm.
d.The requirements for photographic processing are the same as those in Article 4.1.2.
4.3.2 Reflection reduction
·(3) Reflection reduction can be achieved by bleaching, unbleaching or copying according to the terrain, topography and image density. Films with unclear lines should be processed before reduction to ensure clear images during projection. The height of the projector is generally calculated according to formula (4): Z
Where: Z——projector height during reflection reduction, mm; M
Denominator of the map scale;
Denominator of the film scale;
z-—projector height during projection transfer, mm. Placement of the projector master distance
If the projector master distance is adjustable, calculate the master distance placement value according to formula (5) and place it directly on the instrument. f.
In the formula, f.-
Projector principal distance setting value, mm;
Projector setting height, mm;
Projector focal length, mm.
If fixed principal distance reduction is adopted, the thickness of the pad is calculated according to formula (6): 4f. = f -f.
In the formula, 4f. Pad thickness, mm;
f: Projector principal distance setting value, mm;
f,——Fixed principal distance of the projector, mm. The requirements for photographic processing are the same as those in Article 4.1.2. 4.4 Photographic lettering
4.4.1 The specifications of the words, numbers, symbols, etc. in photographic lettering must comply with the requirements of the drawings and technical design documents, and the words must be evenly spaced and neatly arranged.
4.4.2. The density of black parts of text, numbers, symbols, etc. that are photographically implanted should be greater than 2.0, and the gray haze of white parts should be D. It should be less than 0.2, and the strokes of the characters should be complete and clear.
Analytical aerial triangulation
Analytical aerial triangulation (computer encryption). It is the main method for indoor control and encryption. Its task is to provide orientation points and various orientation elements for image correction, stereo mapping, data collection, and image scanning to determine the image orientation. 5.1 Turning point and point selection
5.1.1 Turning the puncture point should be carried out under stereoscopic observation, and the size and error of the puncture shall not be greater than 0.1mm. 5.1.2 The triangular points, buried stone points, level points, plane control points, elevation control points, and water level points measured by the field shall be transferred to the encrypted sheet, and the point descriptions shall be marked. Adjacent routes and adjacent regional networks have to connect with each other. 5.1.3 Requirements for the number and location of encryption points by various mapping methods. The directional points for precision stereographic surveying, analytical mapping, multiplex surveying, and differential correction are shown in Figure 1; Stereometry The orientation points of the measuring instrument and the parallax measuring instrument are shown in Figure 2; the correction points of each piece of the corrector are shown in Figure 3; the correction points of the corrector and the single projector spacer are shown in Figure 4. The orientation points and correction points of the survey map are flat height points, and the check points can be elevation points. o3
Picture 1
Picture 3||tt| |O4
lo 3
tol||tt| |os
One main point of the image ○ One level high point; ||Figure 4
port 2
GB12340-90| |tt|| Under normal overlapping conditions, the orientation points and correction points in Figures 1, 2, and 4 should be selected within 1cm of the intersection of the straight line passing through the principal point and perpendicular to the bearing line and the side overlap center line; Figure 2 The elevation check points (points 7 and 8) in should be selected within 1cm of the midpoint of the line connecting the two orientation points; the correction point in Figure 3 should be at the midpoint of the line connecting the two main points (azimuth line) and perpendicular to the azimuth line. The intersection point of the straight line and the side overlapping midline should be selected within 1cm; the correction point near the main point in Figures 3 and 4 (the center point can also be replaced by the main point or the bottom point) should be selected within 1cm from the main point.
The position and number of points at the edges of different mapping methods, different image scales, and different navigation area survey maps should meet their respective requirements and be interchangeable.
5.1.4 Requirements for selecting internal points
a. For the connection points required for encryption itself, choose the six connection points located at 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, and 6 as shown in Figure 1 Near the standard point. 1 and 2 points should be selected at obvious points within 1cm from the main point of the image. When it is difficult to select points, points should also be selected within 1.5cm. When the main point image is clear and easy to measure, points 1 and 2 can be replaced by the main points. Points 3, 4, 5, and 6 should generally be consistent with the survey orientation points and spacer correction points. The distance from the azimuth line should be greater than 3.5cm, the distance from the edge of the image should not be less than 1cm, and the distance from various marks should be greater than 1mm (the image frame is 18cm×18cm); the distance from the bearing line should be greater than 5cm, and the distance from the edge of the image should not be less than 1.5cm (image size is 23cm×23cm). When there is a special need to increase the connection strength, the number of connection points can be increased.
When the side overlap is too large and the distance between the connection points and the bearing line is smaller than the above requirements, points should be selected separately and stabbed to each other; when the side overlap is too small, it is difficult to ensure measurement accuracy by selecting points at the overlapping center line. , you can also select points separately. The point distance from the side overlap center line should not be greater than 1cm, but you must add connection points between routes at non-standard points, with no less than 1 per piece. b. The point selection target should have clear and obvious images in this film and adjacent films, and should be easy to transfer and measure. The graphics formed by the selected points should be roughly rectangular, and the drawing area should be taken into account.
c. When two stereoscopic image pairs (the middle photo) cover a picture, they should be selected within 1cm of the image outline point or gallery line; deviate from the main point and be perpendicular to the direction. The straight line of the line is generally not larger than 1cm, and the maximum is not larger than 1.5cm. d. The forest area should be chosen at an obvious point in the forest glade, or on the top of a tree where adjacent routes and left and right stereo pairs are clear.
e. In areas such as rivers with flat terrain (double-line rivers in the picture), large reservoirs, lakes and other areas, select water stabbing points every 10 to 15cm on the drawing board for use in water system leveling.
f. In order to facilitate indoor sampling inspection of the original aerial survey map, each mapping unit can stipulate the number and requirements of selected inspection points according to the sampling inspection method.
g. The reference drawing patches at the edges of the free drawing are selected outside the drawing outline. 5.2 Coordinate measurement
5.2.1 The coordinates of the image point can be measured using a three-dimensional coordinate measuring instrument (1818; HCZ-1), a precision coordinate measuring instrument, a precision three-dimensional mapper and other instruments.
5.2.2 Image orientation can use methods such as auxiliary point (approximate frame) orientation, bearing line orientation, and analytical frame orientation. When using auxiliary points and orientation lines for orientation, the main point of the image should be accurately punctured. For auxiliary point orientation, the auxiliary point should be pierced 11.5cm away from the edge of the image on the line connecting the frame mark above (or below) the main point of the image. Not larger than 0.1mm. 5.2.3 The measurement is performed by one person, and the winning number is recorded twice in a handbook or tape, disk or computer. When using auxiliary points and azimuth line image orientation operations on a three-dimensional coordinate measuring instrument, the difference between the two readings is at the image point coordinates, the left and right parallax P is not more than 0.05mm, and the up and down parallax g is not more than 0.03mm; use a precision coordinate meter to measure When measuring and installing the hip with automatic recording, if the difference between the two readings is within 0.01mm, you can take the middle number or the last reading. 5.2.4 The free chart edges in the direction of the parallel route must be measured against each other. If the difference between two people's measurements is, g is not greater than 0.06mm, and P, 9 is not greater than 0.04mm, the median can be used or the main measurement data can be used for calculation. If the difference is not more than twice the error in the encrypted points after calibration, the results of the main test shall be used. If the coordinate instrument and computer work online, the free graph edge can be measured once. 5.2.5 Measure the frame mark distance of an encrypted piece at the beginning and end of each route. If the measurement difference between the two pieces exceeds 0.2mm, an additional piece will be measured in the middle, and the winning number will be recorded in the handbook.
5.3 Adjustment calculation and results sorting
5.3.1 Before calculation, you must be familiar with the encrypted information and correctly write the information, data and signs. When the calculation program needs to fill in the corrected focal length f of the aerial camera, the calculation formula is:
focal length of the aerial camera, mm;
where: fk

Lr, L | For the aerial camera direction and! Direction frame distance, mm. The corrected value is rounded to the second decimal place. | |tt | The upper and lower parallax 4ga.
is not greater than 0.03mm; the residual upper and lower parallax Ag of the standard point in mountains and high mountains is not greater than 0.03mm, and the residual upper and lower parallax Ag of the inspection point is not greater than 0.04mm;
b.||tt ||Poor model connection
4S≤0. 1×mm×10-3
b||tt| |In the formula: 4s - poor plane position, m;
4Z - poor elevation, m;
m image\photograph scale denominator;
f - aerial photography Instrument focal length, mm;
—image baseline length, mm.
After absolute (geotropic) orientation, the residual of the basic orientation point, the discrepancy value of the redundant control point (check control point) and the difference of the common point shall not be greater than those specified in Table 8.
Table 8
Flat land
Hill land
Mountain land
Alpine land
Basic orientation points
Excess control points
Common points
Basic orientation Points
Excess control points
Common points
Basic orientation points
Excess control points
Common points
Basic orientation points||tt ||Excess control points
Common points
Plane position tolerance, mm
0.70| |tt||0.26
0.50||tt ||1.0
0. 26
0.70| |tt||0.38
1. 0
Note: ① Basic orientation point residual It is 0.75 times the error in the encryption points; ② The discrepancy value of the excess control points is 1.0 times the error in the encryption points; 1:100000
1.0| |tt||1:25000
1.5| |tt||2.0
elevation limit, m
1:50000||tt ||1.5
4. 0
8.0||tt ||4.5
③The error of the public point is 2.0 times the error of the encryption point. 5.3.3 According to the mapping method and the requirements of the next process, sort out the following results: coordinates and elevation of the encrypted point, coordinates of the bottom point (main point), flight altitude and various directional elements.
5.3.4 The following matters should be paid attention to when adjusting the water system: the water level point elevation measured by the field should be converted to the water level height during the photography period, and used as a control orientation point to directly participate in the geodetic adjustment; a.|| tt||After the geodetic adjustment of the whole area, based on the water level points measured by the outside industry and the water level points selected by the internal industry, under three-dimensional observation, addition and subtraction allocation corrections are made according to the changes in the terrain b.
, the number of additions and subtractions shall not be greater than the error in elevation of the flat ground compaction point; the results table and photo annotation should be filled with the elevation value after water system adjustment. c.
5.3.5 The medium error of the encrypted point is estimated according to the route network or regional network. The estimation formula is: mm
m public-:
where: 4-- - Discrepancy value of redundant field control points, m; d - Poor common points between adjacent routes and regional networks, m; n The number of points used to evaluate accuracy.
5.3.6 Fill in Chart and calendar: original data, operation methods, accuracy statistics, major technical processing during the operation, etc., fill in item by item according to project requirements, signed by the person filling in the form and the inspector.
5.4 Controlled route (framed route)
5.4.1 Controlled route is only suitable for measuring and using 1:100000 topographic maps in high mountains and difficult areas that are difficult to reach during field operations. 5.4.2 The photo scale of the control route is about 15% to 20% larger than the photo scale of the survey route, and the course overlap is more than 80%. It is encrypted twice according to the odd and even numbers. The tolerance shall not be greater than the provisions of Table 9. . Table 9
Point classification
Basic orientation points
Redundant control points
Poor twice encryption
Plane tolerance
mm| |tt||0.38
Elevation limit, m
Ground slope <6°
6.0| |tt||12.0
Ground slope>6°
5.4.3 Two encryption comparisons of control route encryption points When the difference does not exceed the requirements in Table 9, the middle number will be used as the mapping route orientation point. 5.5 Densified edge connection regulations
5.5.1 When adjacent routes, adjacent maps or regional networks of the same scale and terrain category are connected at common points, the differences in plane and elevation shall not be greater than those in Table 8 specified, and take the median as the final value. When the difference is less than 1/2 of the specified limit, the completed or published drawing shall prevail; when the difference is greater than 1/2 of the specified limit but less than the specified limit, The median should be taken as the final value. When the limit is exceeded, the reason must be carefully checked to see if it is indeed an error in the completed or published map. The correct single value can be used and noted in the chart calendar. 5.5.2 When connecting edges with different terrain types on the same scale, the plane position difference shall not be greater than 1.0mm as shown in the figure. The elevation difference shall not be greater than 1.25 times the sum of the errors in the encryption points of the two terrain categories, and then the actual difference will be assigned in proportion to the medium error as the use result. 5.5.3 When connecting edges with different scales, the difference in the plane shall not be greater than that specified in Table 4. The error in the encrypted points shall be 1.25 times the sum of the actual lengths, and then the actual difference shall be assigned in proportion to the actual value of the medium error as the final result. value. The poorer provisions for elevation are the same as Article 5.5.2. 5.5.4 To connect common points between different zones, first convert the plane coordinates to the same zone, take the median within the tolerance, then convert the median value to adjacent zones, and use the median value to expand the points in each zone.
5.6 Exhibition points
5.6.1 Exhibition point accuracy requirements: Exhibition point error shall not be greater than 0.1mm, puncture shall not be greater than 0.15mm, gallery side length and diagonal length shall be consistent with the theoretical values38
Height limit Difference, m
6.0||tt ||3.0
3.0||tt ||4. 0
16.0||tt ||10.5
③The error of the public point is 2.0 times of the error in the encryption point. 5.3.3 According to the mapping method and the requirements of the next process, sort out the following results: coordinates and elevation of the encrypted point, coordinates of the bottom point (main point), flight altitude and various directional elements.
5.3.4 The following matters should be paid attention to when adjusting the water system: the water level point elevation measured by the field should be converted to the water level height during the photography period, and used as a control orientation point to directly participate in the geodetic adjustment; a.|| tt||After the geodetic adjustment of the whole area, based on the water level points measured by the outside industry and the water level points selected by the internal industry, under three-dimensional observation, addition and subtraction allocation corrections are made according to the changes in the terrain b.
, the number of additions and subtractions shall not be greater than the error in elevation of the flat ground compaction point; the results table and photo annotation should be filled with the elevation value after water system adjustment. c.
5.3.5 The medium error of the encryption point is estimated according to the route network or regional network, and the estimation formula is: mm
where: 4-- - Discrepancy value of redundant field control points, m; d - Poor common points between adjacent routes and regional networks, m; n The number of points used to evaluate accuracy.
5.3.6 Fill in Chart and calendar: original data, operation methods, accuracy statistics, major technical processing during the operation, etc., fill in item by item according to project requirements, signed by the person filling in the form and the inspector.
5.4 Controlled route (framed route)
5.4.1 Controlled route is only suitable for measuring and using 1:100000 topographic maps in high mountains and difficult areas that are difficult to reach during field operations. 5.4.2 The photo scale of the control route is about 15% to 20% larger than the photo scale of the survey route, and the course overlap is more than 80%. It is encrypted twice according to the odd and even numbers. The tolerance shall not be greater than the provisions of Table 9. . Table 9
Point classification
Basic orientation points
Redundant control points
Poor twice encryption
Plane tolerance
mm| |tt||0.38
Elevation limit, m
Ground slope <6°
6.0| |tt||12.0
Ground slope>6°
5.4.3 Two encryption comparisons of control route encryption points When the difference does not exceed the requirements in Table 9, the middle number will be used as the mapping route orientation point. 5.5 Densified edge connection regulations
5.5.1 When adjacent routes, adjacent maps or regional networks of the same scale and terrain category are connected at common points, the differences in plane and elevation shall not be greater than those in Table 8 specified, and take the median as the final value. When the difference is less than 1/2 of the specified limit, the completed or published drawing shall prevail; when the difference is greater than 1/2 of the specified limit but less than the specified limit, The median should be taken as the final value. When the limit is exceeded, the reason must be carefully checked to see if it is indeed an error in the completed or published map. The correct single value can be used and noted in the chart calendar. 5.5.2 When connecting edges with different terrain types on the same scale, the plane position difference shall not be greater than 1.0mm as shown in the figure. The elevation difference shall not be greater than 1.25 times the sum of the errors in the encryption points of the two terrain categories, and then the actual difference will be assigned according to the proportion of the medium error as the use result. 5.5.3 When connecting edges with different scales, the difference in the plane shall not be greater than that specified in Table 4. The error in the encrypted points shall be 1.25 times the sum of the actual lengths, and then the actual difference shall be assigned in proportion to the actual value of the medium error as the final result. value. The poorer provisions for elevation are the same as Article 5.5.2. 5.5.4 To connect common points between different zones, first convert the plane coordinates to the same zone, take the median within the tolerance, then convert the median value to adjacent zones, and use the median value to expand the points in each zone.
5.6 Exhibition points
5.6.1 Exhibition point accuracy requirements: Exhibition point error shall not be greater than 0.1mm, puncture shall not be greater than 0.15mm, gallery side length and diagonal length shall be consistent with the theoretical values38
Height limit Difference, m
6.0||tt ||3.0
3.0||tt ||4. 0
16.0||tt ||10.5
③The error of the public point is 2.0 times of the error in the encryption point. 5.3.3 According to the mapping method and the requirements of the next process, sort out the following results: coordinates and elevation of the encrypted point, coordinates of the bottom point (main point), flight altitude and various directional elements.
5.3.4 The following matters should be paid attention to when adjusting the water system: the water level point elevation measured by the field should be converted to the water level height during the photography period, and used as a control orientation point to directly participate in the geodetic adjustment; a.|| tt||After the geodetic adjustment of the whole area, based on the water level points measured by the outside industry and the water level points selected by the internal industry, under three-dimensional observation, addition and subtraction allocation corrections are made according to the changes in the terrain b.
, the number of additions and subtractions shall not be greater than the error in elevation of the flat ground compaction point; the results table and photo annotation should be filled with the elevation value after water system adjustment. c.
5.3.5 The medium error of the encryption point is estimated according to the route network or regional network, and the estimation formula is: mm
where: 4-- - Discrepancy value of redundant field control points, m; d - Poor common points between adjacent routes and regional networks, m; n The number of points used to evaluate accuracy.
5.3.6 Fill in Chart and calendar: original data, operation methods, accuracy statistics, major technical processing during the operation, etc., fill in item by item according to project requirements, signed by the person filling in the form and the inspector.
5.4 Controlled route (framed route)
5.4.1 Controlled route is only suitable for measuring and using 1:100000 topographic maps in high mountains and difficult areas that are difficult to reach during field operations. 5.4.2 The photo scale of the control route is about 15% to 20% larger than the photo scale of the survey route, and the course overlap is more than 80%. It is encrypted twice according to the odd and even numbers. The tolerance shall not be greater than the provisions of Table 9. . Table 9
Point classification
Basic orientation points
Redundant control points
Poor twice encryption
Plane tolerance
mm| |tt||0.38
Elevation limit, m
Ground slope <6°
6.0| |tt||12.0
Ground slope>6°
5.4.3 Two encryption comparisons of control route encryption points When the difference does not exceed the requirements in Table 9, the middle number will be used as the mapping route orientation point. 5.5 Densified edge connection regulations
5.5.1 When adjacent routes, adjacent maps or regional networks of the same scale and terrain category are connected at common points, the differences in plane and elevation shall not be greater than those in Table 8 specified, and take the median as the final value. When the difference is less than 1/2 of the specified limit, the completed or published drawing shall prevail; when the difference is greater than 1/2 of the specified limit but less than the specified limit, The median should be taken as the final value. When the limit is exceeded, the reason must be carefully checked to see if it is indeed an error in the completed or published map. The correct single value can be used and noted in the chart calendar. 5.5.2 When connecting edges with different terrain types on the same scale, the plane position difference shall not be greater than 1.0mm as shown in the figure. The elevation difference shall not be greater than 1.25 times the sum of the errors in the encryption points of the two terrain categories, and then the actual difference will be assigned according to the proportion of the medium error as the use result. 5.5.3 When connecting edges with different scales, the difference in the plane shall not be greater than that specified in Table 4. The error in the encrypted points shall be 1.25 times the sum of the actual lengths, and then the actual difference shall be assigned in proportion to the actual value of the medium error as the final result. value. The poorer provisions for elevation are the same as Article 5.5.2. 5.5.4 To connect common points between different zones, first convert the plane coordinates to the same zone, take the median within the tolerance, then convert the median value to adjacent zones, and use the median value to expand the points in each zone.
5.6 Exhibition points
5.6.1 Exhibition point accuracy requirements: Exhibition point error shall not be greater than 0.1mm, puncture shall not be greater than 0.15mm, gallery side length and diagonal length shall be consistent with the theoretical values0
Ground slope>6°
5.4.3 When the difference between the two densification points of the control route densification point does not exceed the provisions of Table 9, the median shall be used as the mapping route orientation point. 5.5 Densification edge regulations
5.5.1 The difference in plane and elevation between common points of adjacent routes, adjacent maps or regional networks of the same scale and terrain category shall not exceed the provisions of Table 8, and the median shall be taken as the final value. When the difference is less than 1/2 of the specified limit difference when connecting with the completed or published map, the completed or published map shall prevail; when the difference is greater than 1/2 of the specified limit difference but less than the specified limit difference, the median shall be taken as the final value. When the limit is exceeded, the cause shall be carefully checked. If it is indeed an error in the completed or published map, the correct single value can be used and indicated in the map calendar. 5.5.2 When different terrain types with the same scale are connected, the plane position difference shall not be greater than 1.0mm on the map. The elevation difference shall not be greater than 1.25 times the sum of the mean errors of the two terrain types, and then the actual difference shall be assigned in proportion to the mean error as the use result. 5.5.3 When different scales are connected, the plane difference shall not be greater than 1.25 times the sum of the mean errors of the densified points specified in Table 4 converted to actual lengths, and then the actual difference shall be assigned in proportion to the actual value of the mean error as the final value. The provisions for elevation difference are the same as those in Article 5.5.2. 5.5.4 When common points between different zones are connected, first convert the plane coordinates to the same zone, take the median within the limit, and then convert the median value to the adjacent zone, and use the median value to expand points in each zone.
5.6 Display Points
5.6.1 Display Point Accuracy Requirements: Display point error shall not exceed 0.1mm, puncture hole shall not exceed 0.15mm, gallery side length and diagonal length shall not exceed theoretical value.0
Ground slope>6°
5.4.3 Control the route encryption point twice When the encryption difference does not exceed the requirements in Table 9, the median value will be used as the mapping route orientation point. 5.5 Densified edge connection regulations
5.5.1 When adjacent routes, adjacent maps or regional networks of the same scale and terrain category are connected at common points, the differences in plane and elevation shall not be greater than those in Table 8 specified, and take the median as the final value. When the difference is less than 1/2 of the specified limit, the completed or published drawing shall prevail; when the difference is greater than 1/2 of the specified limit but less than the specified limit, The median should be taken as the final value. When the limit is exceeded, the reason must be carefully checked to see if it is indeed an error in the completed or published map. The correct single value can be used and noted in the chart calendar. 5.5.2 When connecting edges with different terrain types on the same scale, the plane position difference shall not be greater than 1.0mm as shown in the figure. The elevation difference shall not be greater than 1.25 times the sum of the errors in the encryption points of the two terrain categories, and then the actual difference will be assigned according to the proportion of the medium error as the use result. 5.5.3 When connecting edges with different scales, the difference in the plane shall not be greater than that specified in Table 4. The error in the encrypted points shall be 1.25 times the sum of the actual lengths, and then the actual difference shall be assigned in proportion to the actual value of the medium error as the final result. value. The poorer provisions for elevation are the same as Article 5.5.2. 5.5.4 To connect common points between different zones, first convert the plane coordinates to the same zone, take the median within the tolerance, then convert the median value to adjacent zones, and use the median value to expand the points in each zone.
5.6 Exhibition points
5.6.1 Exhibition point accuracy requirements: Exhibition point error shall not be greater than 0.1mm, puncture shall not be greater than 0.15mm, gallery side length and diagonal length shall be consistent with the theoretical values
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