JB/T 5000.6-1998 This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules, marking and packaging of carbon steel and low alloy steel castings for heavy machinery. This standard applies to carbon steel and low alloy steel castings cast in sand molds or molds with thermal conductivity equivalent to sand molds. This standard does not apply to special purpose castings such as high manganese steel, heat-resistant steel and stainless steel. (Note: This standard is not equivalent to ISO 3755 "Cast Carbon Steel for General Engineering Use" (1991 edition), ISO 4990 "General Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings" (1986 edition) and ISO 8062 "Dimensional Tolerances and Machining Allowances for Castings" (1991 edition) of the International Organization for Standardization and SMS SN200/5 "Machining Specifications for Titanium Parts" (1992 edition) of SMS Magnetics of Germany.) JB/T 5000.6-1998 General Technical Conditions for Heavy Machinery Castings JB/T5000.6-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
JB/T 5000.6—1998 Previous Preface This standard was proposed and managed by the Deyang Large Casting and Forging Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by: Shenyang Heavy Machinery Factory. The main drafter of this standard: Wu Dongmei 162 1 Scope Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China General Technical Conditions for Heavy Machinery Steel Castings| |tt||The heavy mechanical general techniques and standardsSteel castings JB/T 5000.6--1998 This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and Inspection rules, marking and packaging, etc. This standard applies to carbon steel and low alloy steel castings cast in sand molds or molds with thermal conductivity equivalent to sand molds. This standard does not apply to special-purpose castings such as high manganese steel, heat-resistant steel and stainless steel. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB222--84 Sample sampling method for chemical analysis of steel and allowable deviation of chemical composition of finished products GB223.1~223.75--81~91 Chemical analysis method of steel and alloy GB228-87 Metal tensile test method GB229- -94 Metal Charpy notch impact test method GB231-84 Metal Brinell hardness test method GB/T6060.1-1997 Surface roughness comparison sample casting surface GB/T15056-94 Casting surface roughness evaluation method JB/T5105-91 Castings Pattern draft angle JB/T6397-92 Large carbon structural steel forgings JB/T5000.7--1998 General technical conditions for heavy machinery Welding repair of steel castings JB/T5000.12--1998 General technology for heavy machinery Conditional coating JB/T5000.13-1998 General technical conditions for heavy machinery packaging 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Carbon steel grade and its chemical composition and mechanical properties 3.1.1 Carbon steel grade and its chemical composition and mechanical properties should comply with The provisions of Table 1 and Table 2. State Machinery Industry Bureau approved on 1998-09-30 for implementation on 1998-12-01 163 carbon steel grade ZG200-400 ZG230-4501||tt| |ZG270-500 ZG310-570 ZG340-640 Note 0.20 0.30 0.40 50.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 n JB/T 5000.6-·1998 Table 1 ≤0.80 0.90 Chemical composition of carbon steel public 50.04 containing elements o||tt| |0.04 W —s0.30 0.300.35 Mo 0.200.05 Every time the upper limit of each brand decreases 0.01% carbon can increase manganese by 0.04%. The manganese of ZG200-400 is at most 1.00%, and the manganese of the other four brands is at most 1.20%. The total amount of residual elements is not greater than 1.00%. If the party has no requirement, residual elements may not be analyzed. Table 2 Mechanical properties of carbon steel Science Elongation Carbon steel grade ZG200-400 ZG230-450 ZG270-500 ZG310-570 2G340-640 Note yield strength , or a.2 MPa|| tt||200 230 ≥270 ≥310 340 Tensile strength MPa 400 450 ≥500 570 640 When the buyer has no requirement - AkY and Aku can be chosen by the supplier%||tt ||≥25 22 18 ≥15 0 Performance According to contract selection Shock absorption Work Shrinkage % 40 32 ≥25 21 18 Strong Akv J 230 25 22 15 ≥10 Aru J 247 35 27 24 ≥16 2 The casts listed in the table The steel grade performance is suitable for castings with a thickness of no more than 100mn. When the thickness of the casting is greater than 100mm, the screen strength specified in the table is for design reference only. 3.1.2 The grade of low alloy steel and its chemical composition and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of Table 3 and Table 4. 164 Low alloy steel grade 30Mn ZG40Mn ZG40Mn2 ZG50Mn2 ZG20Mn ZG35Mn||tt| |ZG35SiMnMo ZG35CrMnSi ZG20MnMo ZG55CrMnMo ZG40C11 ZG34Cr2Ni2Mo ZG20CrMo ZG35Cr1Mo ZG42Cr1Mo ZG50Cr1Mo C 0. 27~ 0. 34 0. 35~ 0.15 0.45 ~ 0.55 0.12~ 0.22 0.30~ 0. 40 0.32~ 0.40|| tt||0.30~ 0.40 0.17- 0.23 0.50~~ 0.60 0.35 0.45 0.30~ 0.37 0.17~ 0. 25 0.30~ 0.37 0.38~|| tt||045 0.46~ 0.54 0.30~ 0.50 0.30~ 0.45 0.20| |tt||0.40 0. 60 ~ 0.80 1.10~ 1.40 0.50~ 0.75||tt| |0.20 0.40 0. 25 ~ 0.60 0. 20~ 0.40 0.30~ 0.60 0. 20 ~ 0.45 0.30~ 0.50 0.30~ 0.60 0.25 ~| |tt||0.50 JB/T 5000.6.-.1998 Table 3 Chemical composition of low alloy steel J 1.20- 1.50 1.60~ 1.80 1.50~ 1.80 1.00~ 1.30 1.10~||tt| |1.40 0.90- 1.20 1.10~ 1.40 1.20~ 1.60 0.50~ 0.80||tt ||0.60~ 1.00 0.50~ 0.80 0.60~ 1.00 0.50~ 0.80| |tt|| content 0.50~ 0.80 0.0350.035 0.60~ 0.90 0.80~||tt| |1.10 1.40~ 1.70 0.50~ G.80 0.80~ 1.20 0.90| |tt||1.20 0.40 1.40~ 1.70 - 20- 3 0. 20- 0.35 0.20 0.30 0.15~ 0.35 0.40~ 0.60||tt| |0.20~ 0.30 0.15~ 0.25 S0.30 0.30 165 牌号 ZG65Mn ZG28NiCrMo ZG30NiCrMa ZG35NiCrMo C 0.60~ 0.70 0.25 ||h||0.30||h||0. 25~ 0.35 1 0. 30~ 0.37 Si 0.17~ 0.37 0.30~ 0.80 0.30~ 0.60 0.60~ 0.90 JB/T5000.6-19.98 表3(完) Mn 0.90 1.20 0.60 0.80 0.035 0.70~~|| tt||1.00 0.035 0.35 0.85 0.60 0.90 0. 40~ 0.90 0.40~ 0.80 0.60- 1.10 0.60~ 0.90||tt ||Mo 0.35- 0.55 0. 35~ 0.50 0.40~ 0.50 注:残余素内容:Ni≤0.30%, Cr≤0.30%, Cu≤0.25%, M0≤0.15 %,V≤0.05%,Residual elements are not greater than 1%. ||低亳面钢牌号 ZG30Mn ZG40Mn ZG40Mn2 ZG50Mn2 ZG20Mn ZG35Mn ZG35SiMnMa|| tt||ZG35CrMnSi AZG20MnMo ZG55CrMnMo 166 电影 正火+回火 正火十回火|| tt||正火+回火 调 质 正火十回火 正火+间火 调||tt| |质 正火+回火 超 卖 正火叶闽火 调 责||tt| |正火十回火 正火十回火 正火+回火 a. MPa ≥300||tt| |≥295 >395 ≥685 445 2295 300 345 2415||tt ||≥395 2490 2345 2295 不这些 db MPa ≥550|| tt||2640 ≥590 2835 2785 2510 500650— 2570 640|| tt||640 2690 690 490 不舵定 % 218 212|| tt||220 213 218 224 ≥12 212 12 212||tt ||2 E 蔡 30 ≥30 >55 245 37 30|| tt||≥20 225 22 225 230 ?????? AKDVM 35||tt ||239 ≥24 27 24 27 3g ≥45 35||tt ||27 ≥27 HB 163 ≥163 2179 269302 ≥143|| tt||150~~190 2217 ≥156 低亳面钢牌号 ZG40Crl ZG34Cr2Ni2Mo ZG20CrMo||tt ||ZG35C11Mo ZG42CrIMo ZG50CtiMo ZG65Mn ZG28NiCrMo ZG30NiCrMo ZG35NiCrMo 注 热电影 电影 正火十回火 躆 躆 躆 躆 质||tt ||贪 贪 贪 正火+回火 MPa 345 ≥700 ≥ 245. ||JB/T5000.6—1998 Table 4 (end) Academic MPa 2630 9501000 2460 740~-880 690~830 1740~880 Not specified ≥630 730 2830 When the purchaser has no requirements? The supplier can select any one of Aku, Akv, and AkDvm. IIB is not used as the basis for acceptance and is for design reference only. 2 ≥18 12 ≥18 212 11 211 220 214 226 ≥30 230 Performance Akt ≥24 3.2 Surface quality 3.2.1 The sand adhesion, sand inclusion, flash, burr, pouring head and oxide scale on the casting should be cleaned up. 3.2.2 The surface roughness of the casting should meet the requirements of Table 5. Table 5 Casting Weight kg 5000 >5000 3.3 Welding repair Casting surface roughness LE 232 ≥27 ≥21 34 Surface roughness parameter value ram Ra100 Rz≤800 When the purchaser has no requirements, the supplier can weld repair the casting defects. The welding repair should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T5000.7. HB 2212 240~290) 200250 220~260 3.4 ??Dimensional tolerance 3.4.1 Tolerance grade is CT13~CT15, tolerance value is shown in Table 6. Tolerance grade is selected according to the maximum size of rough casting, and the tolerance grade of all smaller sizes belonging to this casting is the same as the tolerance grade of the maximum size of this casting. 167 Basic size of hair ring casting 10 >10~16 ≥16~25 >25~40 >40~63 >63~100 >100~160 >160~250 ≥250~400 ≥>400~630 ≥630~~1000 [0001600 >1600~2500 ≥2500~4000||t t||>4000~6300 >6300~10000 Method CT12 4.2 4.4 4.6 5 5.6 6 8 9 11 13 15 17 20 23 JB/T5000.6-1998 Table 6 Casting size tolerance value Chief||tt| |Ring + CT13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 21 24 28 32 Difference CT14 8 9 10 13 12 14 16||t t||20 23 26 30 35 40 宿 CT15 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 25 29 33 38 44 50 The basic size of the rough casting refers to the size of the rough casting before machining, which should include the machining allowance and draft angle. mmwww.bzxz.net CT16 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 37 42 49 56 64 For rough castings with basic dimensions not exceeding 16mm, the tolerance values ??of CT13~~CT15 are selected according to CT12. For rough castings with basic dimensions exceeding 2 16~25mm, the tolerance grade is increased by one level. 3 Generally, the tolerance value within the thick frame is selected. 3.4.2 The tolerance zone should be symmetrical to the basic size of the rough casting, that is, half of the tolerance value is positive and the other half is negative (see Figure 1). When there are special requirements, the tolerance zone can also be asymmetrically configured, but it should be marked separately after the basic size. For example: 95 ± 3 or 200-5. Basic size of rough casting Finished size RMA CT/2 Minimum limit size Maximum extreme size Figure 1 Tolerance limit RMA CT/2 3.4.3 The misalignment (see Figure 2) value should be within the tolerance value of Table 6. When the misalignment value is further restricted, the maximum misalignment value should be marked on the drawing. For example: general tolerance CT13, maximum misalignment value 1.5. 168 Maximum misalignment JB/T5000.6- --1998 Maximum misalignment Minimum limit size Maximum limit size Figure 2 Maximum misalignment Maximum pin type 3.4.4 The wall thickness dimension tolerance grade should be one level coarser than the tolerance grade selected for the casting. For example: if the tolerance grade selected for the casting is CT13, the wall thickness dimension tolerance grade should be CT14. 3.4.5 The upper limit of the inner and outer fillet tolerance of the casting should be the tolerance value in Table 6, and the lower limit should be zero. 3.4.6 The bevel tolerance should be symmetrically arranged along the bevel (see Figure 3). Drawing marking A Slope+ Slope Basic dimension b) Description Basic dimension CT/2 Figure 3 Tolerance zone of inclined surface CT/2 C1/2 169 J/T5000.6 Slope+ c) Figure 3 (End)|| tt||The drawing shall specify whether the slope is increasing, decreasing or averaging the material, for example: 1998 CF/2 Slope +, Figure 3a) Slope 1, Figure 3b) Slope +, Figure 3c) Special surface slopes that are different from the slopes on the drawing shall be marked separately on the surface, for example: +12 Regardless of the slope specified on the drawing, for the processing size, in order to obtain the finished product size, "slope +" shall be used. 3.5 Machining allowance (RMA) 3.5.1 The machining allowance should comply with the provisions of Table 7. The machining allowance should be selected according to the maximum outer dimension of the finished casting after final processing (see Figure 4). The machining allowances for all smaller dimensions belonging to this casting are the same as for the largest outer dimension. surface? Processing allowance Maximum overall size 30 >30~50 >50~180 >180~~315 >315~500 >500~800 >800~1250 >1250~1600 ≥1600~2500 >2500~3150| |tt||>3150~4000 >4000~6300 >6300~10000 Note: The machining allowance does not include the draft angle, 170 Noodles 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 25| |tt||30 Add Remainder Amount Amount added to the surface mm Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.