title>JB/T 6269-1992 Field test procedures for well pump devices - JB/T 6269-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6269-1992 Field test procedures for well pump devices

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6269-1992

Standard Name: Field test procedures for well pump devices

Chinese Name: 井泵装置现场 测试规程

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1992-06-10

Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Agricultural & Forestry Machinery & Equipment>>B91 Agricultural Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6269-2008

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences

Publishing department:Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic principles, requirements and methods for field testing of well pump devices. This standard applies to field testing of well pump devices. JB/T 6269-1992 Field testing procedures for well pump devices JB/T6269-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Field Test Procedure for Parallel Pump Devices
Published on 1992-06-10
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on 1993-07-01
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Field Test Procedure for Well Pump Devices
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the basic principles, requirements and methods for field testing of well pump devices. This standard applies to field testing of parallel pump devices. Cited standards
3 Terminology
3.1 Well pump device
Test methods for centrifugal pumps, mixed flow pumps, axial flow pumps and vortex pumps Load factor of three-phase asynchronous motors
Field test methods
Test methods for submersible electric pumps
Bench performance test methods
General diesel engines
System device consisting of a power machine, a transmission mechanism, a water pump and pipelines. The water level reference plane at the outlet of the well system device
The water level reference plane at the outlet of the well pump device is shown in the figure below. Correction surface
Prohibited correction surface
3.3 Lift of the device
Reference surface
Full pipe water discharge
Reference surface
Full pipe water discharge
Vertical distance from the dynamic water level in the well to the reference surface of the water level at the outlet of the well pump device. The Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry approved JB/T6269-1992 on June 10, 1992
Reference surface
Non-full pipe water discharge
Reference surface
Non-full pipe water discharge
Implementation on July 1, 1993
The amount of water delivered by the pump per unit time.
3.5.1 Power consumption
The amount of power consumed by the motor per unit time during the water extraction process of the parallel pump device. 3.5.2 Fuel consumption
The amount of diesel consumed by the diesel engine per unit time during the water extraction process of the well pump device. 3.5.3 Energy consumption per unit
The energy consumed to extract 1 kt·m of water during the operation of the well pump device. Device efficiency
The ratio of the output power to the input power during the operation of the well pump device. 4
Field test instruments
Any instrument that meets the requirements of Table 4 can be used. It is recommended to use the instruments listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Test instruments
Test quantity
Voltage, current
Power supply rate
Test instruments
Triangular weir, ultrasonic flowmeter, velocity flowmeter, container, timer box ruler, measuring rope, electrode ruler, sound and light display, level, pressure gauge, electric meter, stopwatch, voltmeter, microcomputer motor power monitor, platform scale, capacity meter, density meter, stopwatch
Handheld tachometer, tachometer, digital tachometer, ammeter, voltmeter, microcomputer motor power monitor, rate meter
The instruments used for field testing should be within the validity period of the verification of the legal measurement unit. Field test conditions
The test personnel must be professionally trained and have certain testing skills. The water level in the well and the operation of the device must be stable, and the maximum allowable fluctuation range when reading is in accordance with Table 2. Table 2 Maximum allowable fluctuation range
Measured quantity
Fluctuation range
All instruments should be read in the same period of time, and the variation range of repeated measurements of the same quantity should comply with the provisions of Table 3. 6
Repeated readings
Field test accuracy
JB/T 62691992
Table 3 Variation range of repeated measurements of the same quantity The maximum difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of repeated readings of each quantity and the ratio of the maximum value Yang
The measurement deviation range specified in this standard refers to the deviation range of the measured data and the quantity calculated from these data, which represents the maximum possible difference between the measured device performance and the actual device performance. See Appendix D for deviation analysis and calculation.
The allowable system deviation of field test instruments is shown in Table 4. Table 4 Permissible system deviation of field test instruments Measurement quantity
Permissible range
Equipment head
Voltage, current
Power supply frequency
If the system deviation of the field test instruments specified in Table 4 is met and the test method of this standard is followed, it is considered that the total deviation limit will not exceed the provisions of Table 5.
Measurement quantity
Permissible range
Field test procedure
Select, inspect and install field test instruments. Maximum total deviation limit
Equipment head
Start the machine and observe and record the operation of the well pump device (such as sealing, noise, vibration, etc.). Test readings and record data.
Equipment efficiency
Calculate and check the field test data. If there is an observation error or the instrument is out of tolerance, it must be retested or calibrated before testing. After inspection, calculation, and deviation analysis,
confirm that the test results meet the requirements of this standard and then stop the machine and remove the test instrument. Fill in the test report according to Chapter 11 of this standard. Test method
Use 90° triangular weir Installation requirements
a. The weir plate is buried in the earthen canal, and there should be a straight section of more than 5m upstream; b. The top surface of the weir plate is horizontal, and the vertical surface is vertical.
The weir gap is in the middle of the channel, and the distance from the channel bottom and the channel slope is not less than the water depth over the weir; 3
The backfill soil should be compacted, and anti-scouring materials should be laid downstream: c.
d. Water gauges should be pre-installed on both sides of the gap on the back water surface of the weir plate, and the zero position of the two rulers should be consistent with the maximum depth of the weir mouth. The three low points form a line and are parallel to the weir head, with an error of no more than 0.2mm;
e. A transparent tube with an inner diameter greater than 5mm is installed near the water gauge. The upper end of the transparent tube is connected to the atmosphere, and the lower end is connected to the pressure measuring copper tube through the tee pipe and then passed through the weir plate. The length of the copper tube is selected within 0.2-1.2m according to the water depth over the weir; f. There are ring-shaped pressure measuring holes at the upstream end of the copper tube, which are more than 5 times the pipe diameter away from the end: g. Before measuring the reading, lift the small hole at the end of the copper tube out of the water, and put it into the water after the water flow is clear; h. The depth of the small hole at the end of the copper tube into the water should be no less than 5cm below the lowest point of the weir mouth, and at least 5cm away from the bottom of the channel. There should be no water-blocking obstacles nearby:
i. The triangular weir should be in a free outflow state. Measurement
Measure the water depth over the weir after the dynamic water level in the middle is stable. Observe the lowest point of the concave water surface from the transparent tube at the height on the two water gauges. The readings should be accurate to 0.5 mm. The readings on the two water gauges should be the same. Otherwise, check whether the pressure measuring tube is unobstructed and whether the weir plate is buried flat. Calculation
When the water depth over the weir is not greater than 0.25 m, the flow rate is calculated according to formula (1): Q=1400h52.
Where: Q—flow rate, m/h:
h—water depth over the weir, m.
Use a velocity flowmeter
… (1)
When measuring, ensure the consistency and accuracy of the instrument probe and the installation position of the outlet pipe. The instrument should be calibrated before and after the measurement to meet the requirements of Table 4.
8.1.3 Container Instruments and devices Weighing method: Use containers, scales (balances), timers, etc. The container should have a large enough volume, and water should not overflow from the instrument during measurement. The maximum capacity of the scale should not exceed 5 times the weight of the water being measured. Volumetric method: Use measuring cylinders, timers, etc. The measuring cylinder should have a large enough volume, and water should not overflow from the measuring cylinder during measurement. When determining the height of the measuring cylinder, there should be a water level difference of more than 500mm in the measuring cylinder, the cross section should be consistent from top to bottom, and no deformation should occur after filling with water. Measurement method
a. The action of injecting water into the container (or measuring cylinder) and the action of withdrawing water after injection should be as fast as possible. The sum of the two switching times should not exceed 0.5s. b. The time of injecting water into the container (or measuring cylinder) should be more than 60s. c. When the water injected into the container (or measuring cylinder) contains bubbles, wait until the bubbles disappear before measuring. It is best to use the weighing method to measure water in which bubbles are not easy to disappear. Calculation
When using the weighing method, the flow rate should be calculated according to formula (2). Q
JB/T 62691992
Where: m——weight of water injected into the container within t, kg: p——density of water, kg/m;
t—time required to inject liquid, s. using the volumetric method, the flow rate should be calculated according to formula (3). Q
Where: V—volume of water injected into the measuring cylinder within t, m. 8.1.4 Use of other flow metersbZxz.net
Any flow meter and measurement method that can meet the requirements of Table 4 can be used. 8.2
Equipment head
Equipment head can be measured by measuring rope, electrode measuring ruler, sound and light display and box ruler, and the reading is to "cm\. 8.3 Measurement of energy consumption
8.3.1 Equipped with electric motor
Use electric meter and stopwatch to synchronously measure the number of seconds for the number of revolutions of the aluminum plate of the electric meter, and calculate the power consumption according to formula (4). 3600JF
Where: E—power consumption, kW·h/h:
Number of revolutions of the aluminum plate of the electric meter during the test time, r; T
Test time, S;
—transformer multiple:
K is the meter constant, i.e. the number of revolutions of the aluminum plate of the meter when the power consumption is 1kW·h, r/(kW·h). Use a microcomputer motor power monitor or voltmeter to measure the average input power of the motor during the test period, and then calculate the power consumption according to formula (5).
Where: P
Average input power of the motor during the test period, kW. 8.3.2 Equipped with diesel engine Weighing method Instrument
A platform scale (or balance) with a sensitivity of 0.5g and a stopwatch. 2 Measurement
a. Before measuring, place and level the platform scale, and make the scale pan higher than the fuel filter inlet. According to the power of the diesel engine, fill the oil pan on the scale pan with enough diesel, and use a hose to pass the oil in the pan to the fuel filter inlet of the diesel engine. b. Avoid contact between the hose and the edge of the oil pan, the bottom of the pan and the scale pan. c. After the device runs stably, check the diesel in the oil pan. If it is less than the amount of diesel used for the test, add enough. d. Add and subtract the base weight, level the scale bar, then move the sliding weight inward a little, and tighten the screw below to fix the sliding weight. At this time, the scale bar is raised:
Wait until the oil volume gradually decreases to When the scale is balanced, start timing, then remove the weight of mass G, lift the scale bar again, and when the scale bar returns to balance, stop timing. In this way, the time for consuming G diesel is measured. 5 Calculation
Using the weighing method, the fuel consumption should be calculated according to formula (6): E. — fuel consumption, kg/h;
G—fuel consumption, kg. Volumetric method Instrument
Volume meter, density meter, etc. Measurement
JB/T 62691992
a. According to the capacity of the diesel engine, select a volume meter of appropriate size and connect the volume meter to the inlet of the diesel engine fuel filter with a hose.
b. Fill the volume meter with enough diesel (exceeding the upper indicator line). The lowest oil level of the volume meter should be higher than the filter inlet. c. After the above preparations are ready, start the engine. When the oil level drops to the upper indicator line, start timing. When the oil level drops to the lower indicator line, stop timing.
d. Measure the time required for the diesel engine to consume a certain number of milliliters of diesel, and use a density meter to measure the density of the diesel engine in the volume meter. Calculation
Using the volumetric method, the fuel consumption should be calculated according to formula (7). Mpe
Where: M——fuel consumption, L:
Density of diesel, kg/L.
8.4 Measurement of auxiliary test quantities
8.4.1 Static water level
The static water level should be measured before the parallel pump operation measurement, when the water level in the parallel pump is stable, according to the method of Article 8.2 of this standard. 8.4.2 Speed
Measured using a handheld tachometer or tachometer. Using a handheld tachometer, directly insert the rubber probe of the tachometer into the center hole of the power machine shaft or the water pump shaft end, and perform contact measurement. After disconnecting, read the reading to one decimal place in r/min. 8.4.3 Voltage and current
Voltage and current can be measured using an ammeter, voltmeter or microcomputer motor power monitor. 8.4.4 Power frequency
Power frequency can be measured using a frequency meter.
8.4.5 Sand content
After starting the pump, drain the water for 15 minutes, and then use a water sampler to sample at the outlet. Pour the water sample into the flask, and use a balance with a sensitivity of 0.1g to weigh the muddy water plus the weight of the flask, and then remove the weight of the flask. After precipitation, separate the sediment from the water, add alcohol and ignite to remove the water, weigh the mud and sand plus the weight of the flask, and then remove the weight of the flask. Calculate the sand content according to formula (8). 6
Where:——Sand content;
mMuddy water weight, kg:
mSolid weight, kg.
You can also use a sand cup for measurement.
8.4.6 Inspection of diesel engine fuel quality content in diesel
JB/T 62691992
Put a small amount of diesel into a test tube and shake it vigorously for several times. If the test oil appears turbid, it means that the test oil contains water. Impurities in diesel
Put a small amount of diesel into a test tube and add an appropriate amount (about 50%) of gasoline to dilute it. If the solution is transparent, it means there are no impurities. Processing of test results
Energy unit consumption, calculated according to formula (9) and formula (10). Equipped electric motor:
Equipped diesel engine:
Where: e
Energy unit consumption (electricity), kW·h/(kt·m): Energy unit consumption (diesel), kg/(kt·m): 1000Ea
Water density, kg/m2 (approximately 0=1000kg/m): H Equipment head, m.
9.2Equipment efficiency, calculated according to formula (11) and formula (12). Matching motor:
Equipment efficiency:
Where: 7-
Theoretical energy (electricity) unit consumption value, kW·h/(kt·m). Matching diesel engine:
Where: g.
Fuel consumption rate under on-site environmental conditions, kg/(kW·h). 9.3 Error analysis
Perform error analysis on on-site test data and results according to the provisions of Appendix D (reference). If the total deviation of the error analysis results exceeds the provisions of Table 5, the test must be repeated.
10 On-site partial test
Refer to GB3216 and GB/T12785 C level, GB8916, ZBJ90001, and further test and calculate the efficiency of the motor or diesel engine, water pump efficiency, pipeline efficiency and transmission efficiency. 7
Field test report
The field test report shall include the following contents:JB/T6269-1992
a. Report on the field conditions of the well pump device, see Appendix A (reference); b. Field test instrument registration form, see Appendix B (reference); C. Field test data and data processing form, see Appendix C (reference); d. Error analysis of field test data and results; e. Evaluation of the tested object.
Test person in charge:
Water pump model:
Specified flow:
Factory date:
Motor model:
Rated current:
Diesel engine model:
Rated speed:
Factory date:
Vertical (suction) pipe diameter:| |tt||Diameter of horizontal (outlet) pipe:
Belt wheel drive: Belt type:
Site report
Specified speed:
Specified head:
Years used Number:
Power factor:
Date of manufacture:
r/minFuel consumption rate under nominal working condition:
Years used:
Gate valve:
barDiameter of driving wheel:
Matching power:
Rated voltage:
Years used:
Rated power:
Driven wheel diameter:
Center distance:
Device operation status:
JB/T 62691992
Appendix B
Registration form of on-site test instruments
Verification date
Verification unitEvaluation of the tested object.
Test leader:
Water pump model:
Specified flow:
Factory date:
Motor model:
Rated current:
Diesel engine model:
Rated speed:
Factory date:
Vertical (suction) pipe diameter:| |tt||Diameter of horizontal (outlet) pipe:
Belt wheel drive: Belt type:
Site report
Specified speed:
Specified head:
Years used Number:
Power factor:
Date of manufacture:
r/minFuel consumption rate under nominal working condition:
Years used:
Gate valve:
barDiameter of driving wheel:
Matching power:
Rated voltage:
Years used:
Rated power:
Driven wheel diameter:
Center distance:
Device operation status:
JB/T 62691992
Appendix B
Registration form of on-site test instruments
Verification date
Verification unit
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