National Standard of the People's Republic of China Flexible coupling of housing forplpe end with shoulder This standard applies to clamp-type flexible shoulder-type pipe joints for pipe connection. 1 Type, size and performance The type, size and performance shall comply with the provisions of the following figure and table. Approved by the Ministry of Coal Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 1, 1987, UDC621.643.4 GB8261—87 198805-01 implementation GB B261-87 9:--0ST zl: -0 6 ~ nei gut -m 9u -- l 1 $1128+++12X: F1 41621132182911 12818REx (892 2 991 42 (521 190 20g 112x13816221 (91892 8812 C1 2Ea (196 5 (321 252x 11 (rlI+ (x\ot) 2 technical conditions GB 8261--87 Technical conditions should comply with the provisions of GB8259-87 Technical conditions for clamp-type flexible pipe joints>, 3 Model representation method Permanent product model should be displayed at an appropriate position on the outer surface of the pipe joint clamp, and the representation method is as follows: K Additional instructions: Nominal diameter, mm Nominal pressure, MPa One shoulder type Clamp type This standard is under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Coal Mine Design Institute of the Ministry of Coal Industry. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Coal Mine Design Institute of the Ministry of Coal Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Shi Xiaoxuan and An Zichou. From the date of implementation of this standard, the original departmental standard MT35-79GJJ.GJH type pipe joint\will be invalid Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.