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JB/T 1093-1983 Basic test methods for traction motors

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 1093-1983

Standard Name: Basic test methods for traction motors

Chinese Name: 牵引电机 基本试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1983-09-20

Date of Implementation:1984-03-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Electrical Equipment and Apparatus>>K63 Traction Electrical Equipment

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1984-03-01

other information

Drafting unit:Xiangtan Motor Factory

Focal point unit:Xiangtan Traction Electric Station

Proposing unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard applies to rotating motors on electric locomotives or vehicles used for railway and road transport, as well as on vehicles towed by them. JB/T 1093-1983 Basic test methods for traction motors JB/T1093-1983 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

People's Republic of China Pressure Machinery Industry Standard JB/T10931983
Scope of application
2 Preparation before the test
2.1 Selection of measuring instruments
2.2 Protective measures
General inspection
2.4 Determination of neutral line of brush
3 Test method
Determination of insulation resistance of winding to casing and between windings Determination of DC resistance of winding under actual cold state Determination of static pressure and ventilation air volume in air inlet of forced ventilation motor Determination of no-load characteristic curve
Temperature rise test
Overspeed test
Commutation Tests
Determination of the sparkless commutation area of ​​commutated-pole motorsDetermination of characteristic curves
Starting test
Tests on disconnection and connection of the power supply
Sudden supply voltage surge test of the complete auxiliary unit and additional tests on compound-excited motors+......+.
Short-time voltage increase test
Test on withstand voltage of windings to the housing and between windingsDrawing of heating and cooling curve clusters
Short-time overcurrent test of synchronous generators
Sudden short-circuit current test of synchronous generators
Sudden short-circuit mechanical strength test of synchronous generatorsDetermination of the sinusoidal distortion rate of the voltage waveform of synchronous generatorsDetermination of the reactance and time constant of the windings of synchronous generatorsDamp heat test
Durability test of the complete auxiliary unit
H20P xDe4
1 Scope of application
1.1 This standard applies to rotating motors on electric locomotives or vehicles used for railway and road transportation and on vehicles towed by them. This standard collectively refers to these motors as traction motors. They include DC (or pulse current) traction motors for electric and thermal locomotives and vehicles, DC and synchronous main generators, DC motors for driving auxiliary machinery, etc., and DC or synchronous generators used as auxiliary power supplies and their electric generator sets.
1.2 The test is divided into type test and inspection test, and the test items should be in accordance with the provisions of JB3369-83 "Basic Technical Conditions for Traction Motors".
1.3 Any test method not specified in this standard shall be agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. 2 Preparation before the test
2.1 Selection of measuring instruments
2.1.1 Electrical measuring instruments (except megohmmeter) with an accuracy not less than 0.5 level and tachometers and other measuring instruments with an accuracy equivalent to 1.0 level should be used.
2.1.2 The selection of instrument range should make the measured value within the measurement range of 20% to 95% of the instrument as much as possible. 2.1.3 When measuring the voltage of the winding, the voltmeter should be connected to the outlet terminal of the winding to be measured. When measuring the current with a shunt, the resistance of the measuring line should be selected according to the regulations of the millivoltmeter used. 2.2 Protective measures
When conducting the test, necessary protective measures should be taken against the high-temperature harmful airflow, high voltage, high speed and foreign objects that may fly out of the motor to avoid accidents.
2.3 General inspection
Before the test, the assembly quality of the motor, the operation of the bearings and the contact surface of the brushes should be checked. After the above factors do not affect the quality of the electrical performance test, the various tests in this standard can be carried out. 2.4 Determination of brush neutral line
The neutral position of the brush should be corrected before the DC motor is tested. There are the following methods: a. Induction method: the armature is stationary, the excitation is externally excited, the excitation power supply is alternately connected and disconnected, the brush position is gradually moved, and the induced potential on two adjacent groups of brushes is measured. When the induced potential at several positions of the armature is close to zero, the brush position at this time is the neutral line.
b. Forward and reverse generator method: the motor is running as a generator. Under the same excitation, speed and load conditions, the brush position is gradually moved. When the voltage values ​​of the forward and reverse directions are closest, the brush position at this time is the neutral line. c. Forward and reverse motor method: the motor is running as a motor. Under the same excitation, terminal voltage and load conditions, the brush position is gradually moved. When the speed values ​​of the forward and reverse directions are closest, the brush position at this time is the neutral line. 3 Test method
3.1 Determination of insulation resistance of winding to housing and between windings 3.1.1 The insulation resistance of windings shall be measured under the following conditions: a. The winding is in actual cold state (the temperature of the winding to be measured is not more than 3K different from the temperature of the cooling air, which can be measured with a thermometer).
). The winding is in hot state (generally it can be measured immediately after temperature rise or load test). b.
3.1.2 The selection of megohmmeter used to measure insulation resistance shall be made according to the voltage to ground of the motor at rated operation and the following provisions: 250V megohmmeter is used for the voltage to ground below 250V. a.
b. 500V megohmmeter is used for the voltage to ground between 250 and 500V. c. For voltages above 500V to ground, use a 1000V megohmmeter. 3.2 Determination of DC resistance of windings in actual cold state When measuring DC resistance, the motor rotor should be stationary and determined by one of the following methods: Single-arm or double-arm bridge method: Double-arm bridge method should be used to measure resistances less than 12.
b. Ammeter and voltmeter method: Use a DC power supply with stable voltage, and the voltmeter should have good contact with the winding to be measured. During measurement, the current value should not be greater than 20% of the rated current of the winding to be measured. Change the current value and measure several times (generally not less than 3 times). Take the average resistance value obtained from several measurements as the DC resistance of the winding to be measured. The difference between the resistance value obtained each time and this average value should not exceed ±2% of the average value.
When measuring small resistance values ​​(when the ratio of the internal resistance of the measuring voltmeter to the resistance of the winding to be measured is greater than 200), use the wiring shown in Figure 1. When measuring large resistance values ​​(when the above ratio is less than 200), use the wiring shown in Figure 2. Figure 1
U-power supply voltage, R-adjustable resistor:
Rx-measured winding resistance
3.2.1 Determination of armature winding resistance of DC motor Figure 2 In order to verify the design value and calculate the efficiency, the brush is lifted from the commutator. When measuring the armature winding resistance, the following methods should be used according to the type of armature winding: a single-wave winding, the measurement should be carried out on two commutator segments whose distance between each other is equal to or closest to one pole pitch. b single-choice winding without voltage-equalizing wire winding, the measurement should be carried out on two commutator segments at both ends of the commutator diameter. The DC resistance of the armature winding is calculated by the following formula:
wherein: Ra—
-resistance value of the armature winding, 2;
measured resistance value, 2:
p pole pair number.
For single-layer windings equipped with equalizing wires, the resistance should be measured on two commutator segments with a distance equal to or closest to one pole pitch and both equipped with equalizing wires.
d. For multiple-selection or complex-wave windings equipped with equalizing wires, the resistance should be measured on two commutator segments with a distance equal to or closest to one pole pitch and both equipped with equalizing wires.
e: For other types of windings, the corresponding method should be used according to the specific structure of the winding. In order to verify the design value and calculate the efficiency, when the brush is placed on the commutator to measure the armature winding resistance, the resistance should be measured on two commutator segments located below the center line of two adjacent groups of brushes and with a distance equal to or closest to one pole pitch. When measuring the DC resistance of the armature winding in order to determine the winding temperature rise by the resistance method in the temperature rise test, the cold and hot DC resistance of the armature winding should be measured on the same two commutator segments. The error caused by the brush short circuit should be minimized during the measurement. Therefore, the two commutator segments selected should be located between two adjacent groups of brushes, and the distance between them is approximately equal to half of a pole pitch. 3.2.2 Determination of the resistance of the armature winding of the synchronous motor In order to check the design value and calculate the efficiency, the resistance value of each phase of the armature winding should be measured separately, and the average value of the resistance of each phase should be used as the phase resistance of the winding. The measurement and calculation methods are carried out in accordance with GB1029-80 "Three-phase stepper motor test method". 3.3 Determination of static pressure and ventilation air volume in the air inlet of the forced ventilation motor 3.3.1 Determination of air volume
The device for measuring air volume and static pressure is shown in Figure 3. D
1-connecting elbow; 2-compound pressure gauge, 3-air outlet rectifier grid; 4-test air duct, 5-conical joint: 6-fan; 7-motor air outlet, 8-tested motor
3.3.2 Calculation of air volume
The air flow calculation formula is:
Pal. Pd.*.Pan
In the formula: Q-
Average dynamic pressure of the measuring section, kg/m2,
Dynamic pressure measured at each point on the ring, kg/m*: Number of measuring points on the ring on the section.
Q =A× 60 ×
Air flow per minute, m\/mins
A——Cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, m2
p—Gas mass per unit volume, under standard conditions, the mass of air is p=0.1224kgf-s2/m^.
When measuring dynamic pressure, the position and number of measuring points can be selected according to Figure 4 and Table 1. Figure 4
rirn--radius from the center of the wind tube to the 1st to nth measuring points (mm); D--wind tube diameter (mm) Table 1
wind tube diameter
Note: measured horizontally, total number of points n=10. r2
Draw the relationship curve between the static pressure at the air inlet and the air volume. 3.4 Determination of no-load characteristic curve
The no-load characteristic refers to the relationship curve between the armature voltage and the excitation current measured when the motor is running at rated speed in no-load generator mode.
During the test, the excitation current of the motor starts from zero until the armature voltage is close to 130% of the rated value, and then gradually reduces the excitation current to zero, and draws two branch curves of rising and falling. Each branch curve reads 9 to 11 points, and reads a few more points near the rated value of the armature voltage.
For motors with relatively saturated magnetic circuits, if the armature voltage cannot be adjusted to the above value, it should be adjusted to the maximum armature voltage that can be achieved. And be careful not to overheat the excitation winding. During the test, the excitation current is only allowed to be adjusted in the same direction. If reverse adjustment is required, the excitation current should be restored to the original direction and then repeated.
3.5 Temperature rise test
The temperature rise test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of JB3369. The temperature rise test of the short-time rated motor (including hourly rated motor) shall start from the actual cold state of the motor, and reach the rated state as soon as possible within 30s and record the time. The temperature of each part of the intermittent rated motor shall be measured immediately after the power supply is cut off at the end of the first half of the load duration of the last cycle. 3.5.1 Circuit of temperature rise testWww.bzxZ.net DC motor
The test circuit shown in Figure 5 is preferably used for series-excited motors. Two motors of the same model are mechanically coupled, one operates as a motor, and the other operates as a generator, with mutual feedback. Adjust the voltage of the booster and line power supply to change the load and terminal voltage of the motor. Line power supply
M-Tested motorG-Motor operating as a generator, S-Booster
In addition, the circuits shown in Figures 6 and 7 can also be used for temperature rise tests. Power supply
For motors with other excitation methods, the circuit shown in Figure 8 can be used for temperature rise tests according to the situation. Fm
M,-Traction motor, F-Excitation winding Pulse current motor
For pulsating current traction motors with normal smoothing reactors, the circuit shown in Figure 9 can be used for testing. Synchronous generator
The synchronous generator is tested using the circuit shown in Figure 10. 6
GS-Tested synchronous generator: M-Motor that feeds back to the tested
Depending on the situation, the synchronous generator can also be tested using the indirect method. Auxiliary generator
-Generally, the test is carried out by the feedback method or the direct consumption method. The test circuit of the direct consumption method is shown in Figure 11. Power supply
8.5.2 Determination of cooling air temperature during temperature rise test Figure 11
GS-Tested auxiliary generator For motors cooled by ambient air, 2 to 3 thermometers are placed 1 to 2 meters away from the motor, and the ball is at half the height of the motor, and should not be affected by external radiation heat and airflow. The average value of the readings of several thermometers is the temperature of the cooling air. For motors cooled by forced ventilation, the temperature should be measured by a thermometer at the air inlet of the motor. The temperature of the cooling air at the end of the test should be the average value of the readings of each thermometer at equal intervals during the last quarter of the test process.
3.5.3 Method for measuring the temperature of each part of the motor a: Resistance method: The temperature of the insulating winding is measured by the resistance method. The temperature rise of the copper winding to the cooling air is determined by the following formula: R2-R
(235 +t, ) + t - t2
Where: 6
Temperature rise of the winding, K;
R,---Resistance of the winding in the actual cold state,, (4)1 DC generator
Adjustable load
G-Reverse generator
DC generator is tested by the circuit shown in Figure 8. Two motors of the same model are mechanically coupled and dragged to the specified speed by one traction motor. Of the two tested generators, one operates as a motor and the other operates as a generator, and they feed back each other. The excitation of the tested motor is adjusted to change the load and terminal voltage of the generator. Synchronous generator
Synchronous generator is tested by the circuit shown in Figure 10. 6
GS-Tested synchronous generator: M-Motor that feeds back to the tested motor
According to the situation, the synchronous generator can also be tested by the indirect method. Auxiliary generator
-Generally, the feedback method or direct consumption method is used for testing. The test circuit of the direct consumption method is shown in Figure 11. Power supply
8.5.2 Determination of cooling air temperature during temperature rise test Figure 11
GS-Tested auxiliary generator For motors cooled by ambient air, place 2 to 3 thermometers 1 to 2 meters away from the motor, with the ball at half the height of the motor, and should not be affected by external radiant heat and airflow. The average value of the readings of several thermometers is the temperature of the cooling air. For motors cooled by forced ventilation, the temperature should be measured with a thermometer at the air inlet of the motor. The temperature of the cooling air at the end of the test should be the average value of the readings of several thermometers at equal intervals during the last quarter of the test.
3.5.3 Method for measuring the temperature of various parts of the motor a: Resistance method: The temperature of the insulating winding is measured by the resistance method. The temperature rise of the copper winding to the cooling air is determined by the following formula: R2-R
(235 +t, ) + t - t2
Where: 6
Temperature rise of the winding, K;
R,---Resistance of the winding in the actual cold state,, (4)1 DC generator
Adjustable load
G-Reverse generator
DC generator is tested by the circuit shown in Figure 8. Two motors of the same model are mechanically coupled and dragged to the specified speed by one traction motor. Of the two tested generators, one operates as a motor and the other operates as a generator, and they feed back each other. The excitation of the tested motor is adjusted to change the load and terminal voltage of the generator. Synchronous generator
Synchronous generator is tested by the circuit shown in Figure 10. 6
GS-Tested synchronous generator: M-Motor that feeds back to the tested motor
According to the situation, the synchronous generator can also be tested by the indirect method. Auxiliary generator
-Generally, the feedback method or direct consumption method is used for testing. The test circuit of the direct consumption method is shown in Figure 11. Power supply
8.5.2 Determination of cooling air temperature during temperature rise test Figure 11
GS-Tested auxiliary generator For motors cooled by ambient air, place 2 to 3 thermometers 1 to 2 meters away from the motor, with the ball at half the height of the motor, and should not be affected by external radiant heat and airflow. The average value of the readings of several thermometers is the temperature of the cooling air. For motors cooled by forced ventilation, the temperature should be measured with a thermometer at the motor air inlet. The temperature of the cooling air at the end of the test should be the average value of the readings of several thermometers at equal intervals during the last quarter of the test.
3.5.3 Method for measuring the temperature of various parts of the motor a: Resistance method: The temperature of the insulating winding is measured by the resistance method. The temperature rise of the copper winding to the cooling air is determined by the following formula: R2-R
(235 +t, ) + t - t2
Where: 6
Temperature rise of the winding, K;
R,---Resistance of the winding in the actual cold state,, (4)
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