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Supermarket shopping enviroment standard

Basic Information

Standard ID: SB/T 10400-2006

Standard Name:Supermarket shopping enviroment standard

Chinese Name: 超市购物环境

Standard category:Business Industry Standard (SB)

state:in force

Date of Release2006-05-12

Date of Implementation:2006-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.30 Consumer services

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2006-10-01

other information

drafter:Pei Liang, Li Danghui, Liu Haibin, Luo Qunfang, Fang Xin, Yang Qingsong

Drafting unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements for supermarket store environment, business facilities and equipment, and ancillary equipment. SB/T 10400-2006 Supermarket shopping environment SB/T10400-2006 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic requirements for supermarket store environment, business facilities and equipment, and ancillary equipment.
This standard is formulated to promote the standardized operation of chain supermarkets, improve the management and service level of supermarkets, meet the shopping needs of customers, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.
This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. ||tt ||
The drafting units of this standard: China Chain Store Association, Emerson Climate Optimization Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard: Pei Liang, Li Danghui, Liu Haibin, Luo Qunfang, Fang Xin, Yang Qingsong.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with dates, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB7718 General Rules for Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
GB/T18883 Standard for Indoor Air Quality
JGJ48 Code for Design of Store Buildings
Hygienic Management Code for Bulk Foods
Preface Ⅲ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 Basic Requirements for Store Entrances and Exits 1
5 Basic Requirements for Cashier Areas 1
6 Basic Requirements for Food and General Merchandise Areas 2
7 Basic Requirements for Fresh Food Areas 2
8 Garbage Disposal 4
9 Warehouse 4
10 Environmental Protection 4
11 Facilities and Equipment 4

Some standard content:

ICS 03. 080. 30
Registration No.: 17955—2006
National Trade Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SB/T10400-2006
Supermarket shopping environment
Supermarket shopping environment2006-05-12 Issued
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
Food Chemical Industry Network
2006-10-01 Implementation
2 Normative Reference Documents
Terms and Definitions
Basic Requirements for Store Exit and Entrance
Basic Requirements for Cashier Area
Basic Requirements for Food and General Merchandise Area
Basic Requirements for Fresh Food Area
Garbage Disposal
Facilities and Equipment
Product Body Network
SB/T 10400—2006
This standard is formulated to promote the standardized operation of chain supermarkets, improve the management and service level of supermarkets, meet the shopping needs of customers, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. The drafting units of this standard are: China Chain Store Association, Emerson Climate Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Pei Liang, Li Danghui, Liu Haibin, Luo Qunfang, Fang Xin, Yang Qingsong.
1 Scope
Supermarket shopping environment
This standard specifies the basic requirements for supermarket environment, business facilities and equipment, and ancillary facilities. SB/T10400-2006
This standard applies to retail stores with open shelves, centralized payment, and mainly selling food, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, discount stores, warehouse membership stores, etc.
2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of the technical standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with an undated date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions shall apply to the technical standard. GB7718 General Rules for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
CB/T 18883 Standard for Indoor Air Quality
JGI48 Standard for Store Building Design
Standard for Hygienic Management of Bulk Foods
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Supermarket shopping environment is composed of the internal business space of the supermarket and the facilities and equipment related to the business, including product display facilities, equipment layout, safety environment design, parking facilities, etc. 3.2
Sales facilities and equipment are the machines, equipment and tools related to the supermarket business point, such as elevators, lighting systems, cash registers, goods channels, refrigerators, hand stalls, shopping baskets, etc. 3.3
Affiliated facilities are the places, machines, equipment and tools that support and assist the business management, such as parking lots, warehouses, receiving areas, processing rooms, fire protection systems, anti-corrosion equipment, lockers, toilets, etc. 4 Basic requirements for store entrances and exits
4.1 The corporate logo should be obvious, clear and tidy. 4.2 The business hours should be clearly indicated and expressed in a consistent manner. 4.3 The exits with steps should have a gentle slope and be equipped with ramps for the disabled. In rainy and snowy weather, there should be warning signs for the entrances. 4.4 The customer entrance should be distinguished from the commodity entrance, except for discount stores and convenience stores with a business area of ​​less than 200m2. 4.5 There should be obvious signs at the exit. 4.6 The exit and the entrance should be distinguished and convenient for the evacuation of personnel. 4.7 There should be sufficient lighting at the entrance and exit during business hours at night. 5
Basic requirements for the cashier area
The cashier area should be equipped with an electronic cash register.
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5.2 Set the number of cashier counters according to the store area and customer flow. 5.3 The ratio of the card-shaving channel to the non-card-swiping channel at the cashier counter shall not be less than 1:45.4 The design of the cashier counter shall facilitate the flow of customers. 6 Basic requirements for food and general merchandise areas
6.1 Floor and walls
6.1.1 The floor shall be flat, without bumps and unevenness, and shall be divided into high and low levels, and the high and low parts shall have a smooth transition. For step-type transitions, there shall be reminders.
6.1.2 Floor equipment that is non-slip, pressure-resistant, load-bearing, wear-resistant and easy to clean shall be selected. 6.1.3 For fixed shelves, signs for the use of channels, weighing points, and other areas shall be distinguished. 6.1.4 The floor shall be designed to bear weight to ensure the stability of the shelves after displaying goods. 6.1.5 The wall shall be flat and coordinated with the color of the lighting and decorations. 6.1.6 The power cord on the wall shall be concealed or exposed in a sleeve, in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. 6.1.7 If the wall is decorated with cloth hanging, the load-bearing capacity should be considered. The specially modified and decorated positions should have prompting signs for customers, such as safety warnings, child protection signs, etc. 6.2 Aisles and shelves
6.2.1 Aisles should meet the overall requirements of the store. The width of discount stores and convenience stores with a business area of ​​200m2 should be kept at 1.2m or less. Warehouse membership stores and large supermarkets should be kept at 1.6m or less. 6.2.2 Aisles should be arranged in a straight and parallel cross pattern to keep all directions unobstructed. 6.2.3 Aisles should be equipped with obvious fire evacuation signs, shopping guide signs, weighing platform signs and commodity classification signs. 6.2.4 Shelves should be made of easy-to-wash, tough and environmentally friendly materials, and should be in line with environmental protection and fire protection standards. 6.3 Weighing and packaging
6.3.1 Weighing equipment should use qualified measuring instruments that have not exceeded the calibration cycle. 6.3.2 Packaging equipment (such as balers, sealing machines, etc.) must use equipment with national safety certification marks: packaging materials must use materials that are harmless to the human body.
6.3.3 Food packaging should use airtight packaging bags or boxes, and the sale of bulk food should comply with the requirements of the "Bulk Food Hygiene Management Standards".
6.4 Markings
6.4.1 Product price tags must use the style specified by the national price department and be marked with the words "supervised by the local price authority". 6.4.2 Pre-packaged food labels must comply with the requirements of (37718. Pre-packaged food labels must have the packaging date and shelf life, and the label surface must be kept clean, tidy, and free of typos.
6.4.3 The signs must be clear and unambiguous, posted flat, and the sign racks used must be clean and stable. 6.4.4 The signs must be unified, and public signs must comply with international standards. Basic requirements for fresh food areas
7.1 Display equipment
refers to the display props, shelves, storage cabinets, refrigerators and freezers used by the store to sell fresh goods. 7.1.1 Select display equipment for product display according to the fresh-keeping temperature requirements of fresh products. 7.1.2 The display equipment should be kept clean, with no water accumulation and stains on the site. It should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly, and relevant records should be kept. 7.1.3 The goods and raw materials and auxiliary materials stored in the fresh food area should be equipped with necessary low-temperature equipment. The temperature of the packaging and unpacking refrigerator (cabinet) and freezer (cabinet), cold storage (short) should be -2℃~5℃, the temperature of the freezer (cabinet) should be lower than 18℃, and the temperature of the hot cabinet should reach above 65℃. 7.2 Processing room
refers to the working space where the store operates fresh products and conducts on-site processing. 2
All Product Partner Network
SR/T 10400--2006
7.2.1 The processing of livestock and poultry products should be divided into work areas according to raw materials and semi-finished products. Workbenches and processing equipment should be managed and used exclusively to avoid cross-exchange of diseased products.
7.2.2 The fresh food area of ​​the store should be equipped with a special disinfection area. The washing pool and equipment cleaning and disinfection range used by the staff should be configured and used separately. The fresh food area should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly to keep it clean. 7.2.3 The floor and walls of the fresh food processing area of ​​the store should be kept clean. The areas with high temperature and odor should ensure sufficient ventilation, no water accumulation on the ground, and the sewer outlets should be regularly detoxified. 7.2.4 The walls of the processing area should be light-colored, non-absorbent and non-leaky, and coated with non-toxic materials. They should be decorated with tiles or other anti-leaking materials, and the height should not be less than 1. 5m
7.2.5 The entire area should be thoroughly disinfected regularly and relevant records should be kept. 7.3 Processing and sanitation equipment
7.3.1 After completing a batch of processing, all large processing equipment in the processing area should be cleaned immediately, washing the surface of the machine and removing the residue and stains inside. 7.3.2 For stores equipped with large fresh food equipment (refrigeration equipment and processing equipment), regular maintenance and thorough cleaning of the interior of the equipment are required. 7.3.3 Stores engaged in on-site food processing should abide by the Food Production Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant regulations of food production and processing enterprises, and obtain a "Health Permit" issued by the local health administrative department. 7.4 Sanitary environment
7.4.1 Stores should adhere to the principles of low temperature, cleanliness and coverage during the processing and operation of fresh goods, and keep the cold chain uninterrupted to ensure the quality of fresh goods.
7.4.2 Store employees in the fresh food area (including supply and promotion personnel) should be in good health and hold valid health certificates. And keep their upper clothes clean, hair, hands and nails clean, without leaving fingerprints. 7.4.3 Sales personnel of cooked food and pastries should wear clean masks and gloves, not wear jewelry, and wash their hands in a special sink before taking up their posts. 7.4.4 Cleaning work Chemical cleaning products and cleaning tools used in the production process should be kept in a designated and sealed place to avoid contamination of food, utensils, work areas and the working environment.
7.4.5 Effective measures should be taken to repel insects, rodents and rodents in the fresh food area, and sufficient pest control equipment (rodent control equipment and ultraviolet sterilization equipment) should be equipped to ensure that the equipment is in normal working condition: regular rodent control and air fumigation and other pest control work should be carried out. 7.5 Supplier management
7.5.1 Stores should choose professional dealers or manufacturers with complete certificates and standardized management as suppliers of fresh goods. 7.5.2 Stores should verify the relevant certificates of packaging material suppliers to ensure that the fresh food sales packaging materials purchased and used meet the health and quarantine standards
7.5.3 Purchase and use of food additives and supplements The agents should comply with the relevant national standards. 7.5.4 Products with unclear, unknown or missing expiration date marks and products without certificates of conformity shall not be sold in the store. 7.6 Cooked food products
Includes all packaged and bulk cold cooked food, hot food, fast food lunch boxes, staple food kitchen products, soy products, on-site white food, processed food, cakes, bread and snacks sold in the store.
7.6.1 The production and processing of cooked food should have a strict hygiene management system. The production of cooked food and cakes should be equipped with special workshops. 7.6.2 The sale of bulk cooked food should comply with the "Bulk Food Production Management Standards". Bulk cooked food should be displayed in special display cabinets or covered with net covers to prevent pollution from the shopping environment. 7.6.3 Bulk food sold directly to the population should be covered with dust-proof materials and equipped with 7.7 Aquatic products
Including all aquatic products and fresh food processed and made in the store: 7.7.1 Goods with poor quality and damage should be picked out in time to keep the goods fresh. 7.7.2 There should be enough crushed ice on the ice table for aquatic product sales. Check the quality of ice at any time and replenish crushed ice in time to ensure the fresh temperature of aquatic products.
7.7.3 For those who sell fresh aquatic products, the work area should be kept clean and the cutting board, knives and other tools should be disinfected regularly and thoroughly. 7.8 Fruits and vegetables
Including vegetables and fruits sold in the store, and semi-fermented products made from them as the main raw materials. 7.8.1 Sales staff should display goods according to the principle of light in first out. If necessary, preserve and rehydrate fruits and vegetables to extend the shelf life of fruit products.
7.8.2 Pick out damaged and spoiled goods in time, and replace damaged product packaging in time. 7.8.3 Stores with ice tables for displaying fresh juice and fruit plates should keep enough ice. Management personnel should check the quality of the ice table at any time, replenish ice cubes in time, and record temperature checks to ensure the fresh-keeping temperature of juice and fruit plates. After the addition is completed, the dust production date should be marked on the product packaging in time.
7.9 Meat, poultry, eggs and milk
Including the fresh products, poultry products, egg products, milk products sold in the store, and fresh food processed with them as the main raw materials
Livestock and poultry products should all come from non-epidemic areas and have complete certificates and licenses. 7.9.2 During the cutting and processing process, tools must not be reused to avoid cross-infection. Egg products shall not be stored with meat products to avoid cross infection of pathogens. 7.9.3 Livestock meat and prepared products displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be turned over frequently to keep the products breathable, prevent the meat from changing color and the surface of the prepared products from drying out and dehydration.
7.9.4 Livestock meat displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be displayed on trays, not directly on ice, to prevent the melting ice water from reducing the quality of the meat.
7.9.5 Live animals shall not be slaughtered on site in the store. 8 Garbage disposal
The garbage generated every day shall be temporarily placed at a designated point in the non-food sales area and cleaned up in time. When storing garbage, garbage bags should be placed in the garbage cans and covered and sealed to prevent attracting flying insects and contaminating other food and utensils. The garbage storage area should be kept clean and regularly cleaned and disinfected. All waste materials and waste products should be crushed. It is strictly forbidden to repackage and sell expired or spoiled fresh products. Goods that need to be recycled should be recycled by qualified recycling companies designated by local governments, and the recycling companies should be audited for their use of waste materials: 8.5
9 Warehouse
9.1 Warehouses should be classified and stored with clear signs 9.2 The goods in stock should be off the wall and off the ground, and stored according to the principle of first-in-first-out and dust-free. 9.3 Warehouses should have fire prevention, insect prevention and rodent prevention facilities 9.4 The shelves, floors and various commodity packaging and containers of the cold storage should be kept clean. No odor, no accumulated water and ice. A dedicated person should check the temperature of the cold storage (cabinet) regularly. The necessary intervals and return air space should be reserved for fresh goods in stock. 9.5 A special damaged goods area should be set up in the warehouse to clean up spoiled and other problematic goods in a timely manner. 10 Environmental protection
10.1 Keep the air in the store fresh and ventilated, and meet the requirements of GB/F18883. 10.2 Maintain the safety of the number of customers in the store: the smooth flow of customers! Facilities and equipment
11.1 It should be equipped with power emergency equipment, and emergency lights should be installed at the exit, emergency passage, and main shopping passage. 4
It should be equipped with shopping baskets and shopping carts, and keep them clean. 11.2
Parking spaces should be clearly marked to facilitate the delivery of vehicles. Drainage facilities and sewage treatment facilities should match the scale of business management. Anti-theft facilities should be equipped to ensure the safety of store merchandise and cash. The store should maintain appropriate humidity, humidity and ventilation conditions, in accordance with JGI48 Fire prevention facilities in supermarkets should meet the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations. Stores with more than 1000 square meters should be equipped with guest toilets, broadcasting rooms and guest telephone facilities. Supermarkets should have customer service centers and related complaint telephones: http://www.runfoodm.com/natenet/SB/T10400-2006/10400-2006/http://www.runfooo.com/Domestic Trade Standards of the People's Republic of China/Industry Standards/Supermarket Shopping Environment/SB/T10400—2006/Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House/No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan/Norway/Government Code: 100045/Website: spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335335 Effective measures should be taken to drive away insects, deworm and rodents in the fresh food area, and sufficient pest control equipment (despite equipment and ultraviolet disinfection equipment) should be equipped, and the equipment should be kept in normal working condition: regular pest control and air fumigation and other pest control work should be carried out. 7.5 Supplier Management
7.5.1 The store should select professional dealers or manufacturers with complete certificates and standardized management as suppliers of fresh goods. 7.5.2 The store should verify the relevant certificates of the packaging material supplier to ensure that the purchased and used fresh food sales packaging materials meet the health and quarantine standards
7.5.3 The purchased and used food additives and supplementary materials should comply with the relevant national standards. 7.5.4 Products with unclear, unknown or missing shelf life marks and products without certificates of conformity shall not be sold in the store. 7.6 Cooked food products
Includes all packaging areas sold in the store, including cold cooked food, hot food, fast food lunch boxes, staple food kitchen products, soy products, on-site white, processed food, cakes, bread and snacks, etc.
7.6.1 The process of preparing and adding cooked food should have a strict sanitation management system. The preparation of cooked food and cakes should be equipped with a dedicated workshop. 7.6.2 The sale of bulk cooked food should comply with the "Bulk Food Safety Management Standard". Bulk cooked food should be displayed in a special display cabinet or covered with a net cover to prevent contamination from the shopping environment. 7.6.3 Bulk food sold directly to the population should be covered with dust-proof materials and isolation facilities should be set up. 7.7 Aquatic products
Including all aquatic products and processed fresh foods sold in the store: 7.7.1 Goods with poor quality and damaged should be picked out in time to keep the goods fresh. 7.7.2 The ice display table for selling aquatic products should have enough crushed ice. Check the quality of ice at any time and replenish crushed ice in time to ensure the freshness of aquatic products.
7.7.3 For those who sell fresh aquatic products, the work area should be kept clean and the cutting board, knives and other tools should be disinfected regularly and thoroughly. 7.8 Fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits sold in the store, as well as semi-finished products made from them as the main raw materials. 7.8.1 Sales staff should display goods according to the principle of light in first out. When necessary, fruits and vegetables should be kept fresh and hydrated to extend the shelf life of fruit products.
7.8.2 Damaged and spoiled goods should be picked out in time, and damaged product packaging should be replaced in time. 7.8.3 Stores with ice tables for displaying fresh juice and fruit plates should keep enough ice. Management personnel should check the quality of the ice table at any time, replenish ice cubes in time, and record temperature checks to ensure the fresh-keeping temperature of juice and fruit plates. After the addition is completed, the production date should be marked on the product packaging in time.
7.9 Meat, poultry, eggs and milk
Including the fresh food products, poultry products, egg products, milk products and the fresh food products made with them as the main raw materials sold in the store
Livestock and poultry products should all come from non-epidemic areas and have complete certificates and licenses. 7.9.2 During the cutting and processing process, tools shall not be repeatedly used to avoid cross infection. Egg products shall not be stored with meat products to avoid cross infection of pathogens. 7.9.3 Livestock meat and prepared products displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be turned over frequently to keep the products breathable, prevent the meat from changing color and the surface of the prepared products from drying out and dehydration.
7.9.4 Livestock meat displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be displayed on trays, and should not be displayed directly on ice to avoid the melting of ice water to reduce the quality of the meat.
7.9.5 Livestock shall not be slaughtered on site in the store. 8 Garbage disposal
The garbage generated every day should be temporarily placed at designated locations in non-food sales areas and cleaned up in a timely manner. When storing garbage, garbage bags should be placed inside the garbage cans and covered tightly to prevent attracting flying insects and contaminating other food and utensils. The area around the garbage storage area should be kept clean and regularly cleaned and disinfected. All waste materials and waste products should be crushed and processed. It is strictly forbidden to repackage and sell expired or spoiled fresh products. Goods that need to be recycled should be recycled by qualified recycling companies designated by local governments, and the recycling companies should be reviewed for their use of waste materials:
9 Warehouse
9.1 Warehouses should be classified and stored with clear signs. 9.2 The inventory of goods should be off the wall and off the ground, and stored according to the principle of first-in-first-out and dust-free separation. 9.3 The warehouse should have fire prevention, insect prevention and rodent prevention facilities. 9.4 The shelves, floors and various commodity packaging and containers of the cold storage should be kept clean. No odor, no rising water and ice. A dedicated person should check the temperature of the cold storage (cabinet) regularly. The necessary intervals and return air space should be reserved for fresh products in stock. 9.5 A special damaged commodity area should be set up in the warehouse to clean up spoiled and other problematic commodities in time. 10 Environmental protection
10.1 Keep the air in the store circulated and fresh, and meet the requirements of GB/F18883. 10.2 Keep the number of customers in the store safe: smooth passenger flow! Facilities and equipment
11.1 It should be equipped with power emergency equipment, and emergency lights should be installed at the exit, emergency passage, and main shopping passage. 4
It should be equipped with shopping baskets and shopping carts, and kept clean. 11.2
Parking lots should be clearly marked to facilitate the delivery of vehicles. Drainage facilities and sewage treatment facilities should match the scale of business management. Anti-theft facilities should be equipped to ensure the safety of store merchandise and cash. Stores should maintain appropriate humidity, humidity and ventilation conditions, in accordance with JGI48 Fire prevention facilities in supermarkets should meet the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations. Stores with more than 1000 square meters should be equipped with guest toilets, broadcasting rooms and guest telephone facilities. Supermarkets should have customer service centers and related complaint telephones: http://www.runfoodm.com/natenet/SB/T10400-2006/10400-2006/http://www.runfooo.com/Domestic Trade Standards of the People's Republic of China/Industry Standards/Supermarket Shopping Environment/SB/T10400—2006/Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House/No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan/Norway/Government Code: 100045/Website: spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335335 Effective measures should be taken to drive away insects, deworm and rodents in the fresh food area, and sufficient pest control equipment (despite equipment and ultraviolet disinfection equipment) should be equipped, and the equipment should be kept in normal working condition: regular pest control and air fumigation and other pest control work should be carried out. 7.5 Supplier Management
7.5.1 The store should select professional dealers or manufacturers with complete certificates and standardized management as suppliers of fresh goods. 7.5.2 The store should verify the relevant certificates of the packaging material supplier to ensure that the purchased and used fresh food sales packaging materials meet the health and quarantine standards
7.5.3 The purchased and used food additives and supplementary materials should comply with the relevant national standards. 7.5.4 Products with unclear, unknown or missing shelf life marks and products without certificates of conformity shall not be sold in the store. 7.6 Cooked food products
Includes all packaging areas sold in the store, including cold cooked food, hot food, fast food lunch boxes, staple food kitchen products, soy products, on-site white, processed food, cakes, bread and snacks, etc.
7.6.1 The process of preparing and adding cooked food should have a strict sanitation management system. The preparation of cooked food and cakes should be equipped with a dedicated workshop. 7.6.2 The sale of bulk cooked food should comply with the "Bulk Food Safety Management Standard". Bulk cooked food should be displayed in a special display cabinet or covered with a net cover to prevent contamination from the shopping environment. 7.6.3 Bulk food sold directly to the population should be covered with dust-proof materials and isolation facilities should be set up. 7.7 Aquatic products
Including all aquatic products and processed fresh foods sold in the store: 7.7.1 Goods with poor quality and damaged should be picked out in time to keep the goods fresh. 7.7.2 The ice display table for selling aquatic products should have enough crushed ice. Check the quality of ice at any time and replenish crushed ice in time to ensure the freshness of aquatic products.
7.7.3 For those who sell fresh aquatic products, the work area should be kept clean and the cutting board, knives and other tools should be disinfected regularly and thoroughly. 7.8 Fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits sold in the store, as well as semi-finished products made from them as the main raw materials. 7.8.1 Sales staff should display goods according to the principle of light in first out. When necessary, fruits and vegetables should be kept fresh and hydrated to extend the shelf life of fruit products.
7.8.2 Damaged and spoiled goods should be picked out in time, and damaged product packaging should be replaced in time. 7.8.3 Stores with ice tables for displaying fresh juice and fruit plates should keep enough ice. Management personnel should check the quality of the ice table at any time, replenish ice cubes in time, and record temperature checks to ensure the fresh-keeping temperature of juice and fruit plates. After the addition is completed, the production date should be marked on the product packaging in time.
7.9 Meat, poultry, eggs and milk
Including the fresh food products, poultry products, egg products, milk products and the fresh food products made with them as the main raw materials sold in the store
Livestock and poultry products should all come from non-epidemic areas and have complete certificates and licenses. 7.9.2 During the cutting and processing process, tools shall not be repeatedly used to avoid cross infection. Egg products shall not be stored with meat products to avoid cross infection of pathogens. 7.9.3 Livestock meat and prepared products displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be turned over frequently to keep the products breathable, prevent the meat from changing color and the surface of the prepared products from drying out and dehydration.
7.9.4 Livestock meat displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be displayed on trays, and should not be displayed directly on ice to avoid the melting of ice water to reduce the quality of the meat.
7.9.5 Livestock shall not be slaughtered on site in the store. 8 Garbage disposal
The garbage generated every day should be temporarily placed at designated locations in non-food sales areas and cleaned up in a timely manner. When storing garbage, garbage bags should be placed inside the garbage cans and covered tightly to prevent attracting flying insects and contaminating other food and utensils. The area around the garbage storage area should be kept clean and regularly cleaned and disinfected. All waste materials and waste products should be crushed and processed. It is strictly forbidden to repackage and sell expired or spoiled fresh products. Goods that need to be recycled should be recycled by qualified recycling companies designated by local governments, and the recycling companies should be reviewed for their use of waste materials:
9 Warehouse
9.1 Warehouses should be classified and stored with clear signs. 9.2 The inventory of goods should be off the wall and off the ground, and stored according to the principle of first-in-first-out and dust-free separation. 9.3 The warehouse should have fire prevention, insect prevention and rodent prevention facilities. 9.4 The shelves, floors and various commodity packaging and containers of the cold storage should be kept clean. No odor, no rising water and ice. A dedicated person should check the temperature of the cold storage (cabinet) regularly. The necessary intervals and return air space should be reserved for fresh products in stock. 9.5 A special damaged commodity area should be set up in the warehouse to clean up spoiled and other problematic commodities in time. 10 Environmental protection
10.1 Keep the air in the store circulated and fresh, and meet the requirements of GB/F18883. 10.2 Keep the number of customers in the store safe: smooth passenger flow! Facilities and equipment
11.1 It should be equipped with power emergency equipment, and emergency lights should be installed at the exit, emergency passage, and main shopping passage. 4
It should be equipped with shopping baskets and shopping carts, and kept clean. 11.2
Parking lots should be clearly marked to facilitate the delivery of vehicles. Drainage facilities and sewage treatment facilities should match the scale of business management. Anti-theft facilities should be equipped to ensure the safety of store merchandise and cash. Stores should maintain appropriate humidity, humidity and ventilation conditions, in accordance with JGI48 Fire prevention facilities in supermarkets should meet the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations. Stores with more than 1000 square meters should be equipped with guest toilets, broadcasting rooms and guest telephone facilities. Supermarkets should have customer service centers and related complaint telephones: http://www.runfoodm.com/natenet/SB/T10400-2006/10400-2006/http://www.runfooo.com/Domestic Trade Standards of the People's Republic of China/Industry Standards/Supermarket Shopping Environment/SB/T10400—2006/Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House/No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan/Norway/Government Code: 100045/Website: spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335338 Fruits and vegetables
Including vegetables and fruit products sold in the store, as well as semi-finished products made from them as the main raw materials. 7.8.1 Sales staff should display goods according to the principle of first-in, first-out. When necessary, preserve and rehydrate fruits and vegetables to extend the shelf life of fruit products.
7.8.2 Pick out damaged and spoiled goods in time, and replace damaged product packaging in time. 7.8.3 Stores with ice tables for displaying fresh juices and fruit plates should maintain sufficient ice. Management personnel should check the quality of the ice table at any time, replenish ice cubes in time, and record temperature checks to ensure the fresh-keeping temperature of juices and fruit plates. After rehydration, the production date should be marked on the product packaging in time.
7.9 Meat, poultry, eggs and milk
Including the fresh food products, poultry products, egg products, milk products and the fresh food products made with them as the main raw materials sold in the store
Livestock and poultry products should all come from non-epidemic areas and have complete certificates and licenses. 7.9.2 During the cutting and processing process, tools shall not be repeatedly used to avoid cross infection. Egg products shall not be stored with meat products to avoid cross infection of pathogens. 7.9.3 Livestock meat and prepared products displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be turned over frequently to keep the products breathable, prevent the meat from changing color and the surface of the prepared products from drying out and dehydration.
7.9.4 Livestock meat displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be displayed on trays, and should not be displayed directly on ice to avoid the melting of ice water to reduce the quality of the meat.
7.9.5 Livestock shall not be slaughtered on site in the store. 8 Garbage disposal
The garbage generated every day should be temporarily placed at designated locations in non-food sales areas and cleaned up in a timely manner. When storing garbage, garbage bags should be placed inside the garbage cans and covered tightly to prevent attracting flying insects and contaminating other food and utensils. The area around the garbage storage area should be kept clean and regularly cleaned and disinfected. All waste materials and waste products should be crushed and processed. It is strictly forbidden to repackage and sell expired or spoiled fresh products. Goods that need to be recycled should be recycled by qualified recycling companies designated by local governments, and the recycling companies should be reviewed for their use of waste materials:
9 Warehouse
9.1 Warehouses should be classified and stored with clear signs. 9.2 The inventory of goods should be off the wall and off the ground, and stored according to the principle of first-in-first-out and dust-free separation. 9.3 The warehouse should have fire prevention, insect prevention and rodent prevention facilities. 9.4 The shelves, floors and various commodity packaging and containers of the cold storage should be kept clean. No odor, no rising water and ice. A dedicated person should check the temperature of the cold storage (cabinet) regularly. The necessary intervals and return air space should be reserved for fresh products in stock. 9.5 A special damaged commodity area should be set up in the warehouse to clean up spoiled and other problematic commodities in time. 10 Environmental protection
10.1 Keep the air in the store circulated and fresh, and meet the requirements of GB/F18883. 10.2 Keep the number of customers in the store safe: smooth passenger flow! Facilities and equipment www.bzxz.net
11.1 It should be equipped with power emergency equipment, and emergency lights should be installed at the exit, emergency passage, and main shopping passage. 4
It should be equipped with shopping baskets and shopping carts, and kept clean. 11.2
Parking lots should be clearly marked to facilitate the delivery of vehicles. Drainage facilities and sewage treatment facilities should match the scale of business management. Anti-theft facilities should be equipped to ensure the safety of store merchandise and cash. Stores should maintain appropriate humidity, humidity and ventilation conditions, in accordance with JGI48 Fire prevention facilities in supermarkets should meet the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations. Stores with more than 1000 square meters should be equipped with guest toilets, broadcasting rooms and guest telephone facilities. Supermarkets should have customer service centers and related complaint telephones: http://www.runfoodm.com/natenet/SB/T10400-2006/10400-2006/http://www.runfooo.com/Domestic Trade Standards of the People's Republic of China/Industry Standards/Supermarket Shopping Environment/SB/T10400—2006/Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House/No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan/Norway/Government Code: 100045/Website: spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 685335338 Fruits and vegetables
Including vegetables and fruit products sold in the store, as well as semi-finished products made from them as the main raw materials. 7.8.1 Sales staff should display goods according to the principle of first-in, first-out. When necessary, preserve and rehydrate fruits and vegetables to extend the shelf life of fruit products.
7.8.2 Pick out damaged and spoiled goods in time, and replace damaged product packaging in time. 7.8.3 Stores with ice tables for displaying fresh juices and fruit plates should maintain sufficient ice. Management personnel should check the quality of the ice table at any time, replenish ice cubes in time, and record temperature checks to ensure the fresh-keeping temperature of juices and fruit plates. After rehydration, the production date should be marked on the product packaging in time.
7.9 Meat, poultry, eggs and milk
Including the fresh food products, poultry products, egg products, milk products and the fresh food products made with them as the main raw materials sold in the store
Livestock and poultry products should all come from non-epidemic areas and have complete certificates and licenses. 7.9.2 During the cutting and processing process, tools shall not be repeatedly used to avoid cross infection. Egg products shall not be stored with meat products to avoid cross infection of pathogens. 7.9.3 Livestock meat and prepared products displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be turned over frequently to keep the products breathable, prevent the meat from changing color and the surface of the prepared products from drying out and dehydration.
7.9.4 Livestock meat displayed in bulk in the refrigerator should be displayed on trays, and should not be displayed directly on ice to avoid the melting of ice water to reduce the quality of the meat.
7.9.5 Livestock shall not be slaughtered on site in the store. 8 Garbage disposal
The garbage generated every day should be temporarily placed at designated locations in non-food sales areas and cleaned up in a timely manner. When storing garbage, garbage bags should be placed inside the garbage cans and covered tightly to prevent attracting flying insects and contaminating other food and utensils. The area around the garbage storage area should be kept clean and regularly cleaned and disinfected. All waste materials and waste products should be crushed and processed. It is strictly forbidden to repackage and sell expired or spoiled fresh products. Goods that need to be recycled should be recycled by qualified recycling companies designated by local governments, and the recycling companies should be reviewed for their use of waste materials:
9 Warehouse
9.1 Warehouses should be classified and stored with clear signs. 9.2 The inventory of goods should be off the wall and off the ground, and stored according to the principle of first-in-first-out and dust-free separation. 9.3 The warehouse should have fire prevention, insect prevention and rodent prevention facilities. 9.4 The shelves, floors and various commodity packaging and containers of the cold storage should be kept clean. No odor, no rising water and ice. A dedicated person should check the temperature of the cold storage (cabinet) regularly. The necessary intervals and return air space should be reserved for fresh products in stock. 9.5 A special damaged commodity area should be set up in the warehouse to clean up spoiled and other problematic commodities in time. 10 Environmental protection
10.1 Keep the air in the store circulated and fresh, and meet the requirements of GB/F18883. 10.2 Keep the number of customers in the store safe: smooth passenger flow! Facilities and equipment
11.1 It should be equipped with power emergency equipment, and emergency lights should be installed at the exit, emergency passage, and main shopping passage. 4
It should be equipped with shopping baskets and shopping carts, and kept clean. 11.2
Parking lots should be clearly marked to facilitate the delivery of vehicles. Drainage facilities and sewage treatment facilities should match the scale of business management. Anti-theft facilities should be equipped to ensure the safety of store merchandise and cash. Stores should maintain appropriate humidity, humidity and ventilation conditions, in accordance with JGI48 Fire prevention facilities in supermarkets should meet the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations. Stores with more than 1000 square meters should be equipped with guest toilets, broadcasting rooms and guest telephone facilities. Supermarkets should have customer service centers and related complaint telephones: http://www.runfoodm.com/natenet/SB/T10400-2006/10400-2006/http://www.runfooo.com/Domestic Trade Standards of the People's Republic of China/Industry Standards/Supermarket Shopping Environment/SB/T10400—2006/Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House/No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan/Norway/Government Code: 100045/Website: spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68533533
Domestic Trade of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
Supermarket Shopping Environment
Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan
Norwegian Government Code: 100045
Website spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68533533
Domestic Trade of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
Supermarket Shopping Environment
Published and distributed by China Standards Publishing House
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beiquan
Norwegian Government Code: 100045
Website spe.net, c
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed by China Standard Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Stores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 0.75 Words: 11 Handwritten September 2006: Edition 2C06 September First printing Book number: 1550662-17208
If there is any printing error, the publishing center of our company will replace it. Copyright is exclusive. Slow-speed will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68533533
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