IC525.080.01 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T9160.1~-9160.2U—199 Accessories of single spindle turret automatic lathes Accessories of single spindle turret automatic lathes1999-05-20 Issued State Bureau of Machinery Industry Implementation on 2000-01-01 1 Scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Accessories of single spindle turret automatic lathes Dimensions of inclined radial toolholders Aceessories oftingle spindle turret automatic toolsInelie type radial Halder-Dinensios in the standard specification for radial rotary lathes for use with self-propelled lathes 2 reference standards 1 9160.8-1994 52 1490 The following references contain the provisions: The provisions of this standard are quoted as follows: This paragraph or, all versions are valid, all standards will be revised: The latest version of the following standards should be considered as the possible parts: GH/T526R-1985 3 types and dimensions The type size should be in accordance with the regulations published in the figure below. National Machinery Industry Bureau--Standards 2000-01-01 implementation Basic size Restricted damage difference Marking example: JB/T9160.8-1999 =13mm, l=52mm oblique radial blade marking: 15×52 R/T91in.81999 Manufacturing vibrationbzxz.net C1312. C13I [1125. (1336 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.