title>Contents and formats of data on investors rights and interests in the securities and futures industry—Part 1: Securities - JR/T 0177.1-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Contents and formats of data on investors rights and interests in the securities and futures industry—Part 1: Securities
Basic Information
Standard ID:
JR/T 0177.1-2020
Standard Name:Contents and formats of data on investors rights and interests in the securities and futures industry—Part 1: Securities
Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, company (enterprise) organization and management, administration, transportation >> 03.060 Finance, banking, monetary system, insurance
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A11 Finance, Insurance
associated standards
Publication information
publishing house:China Standards Press
other information
drafter:Yao Qian, Liu Tiebin, Luo Kai, Wang Dongming, Zhou Yunhui, Lu Yi, Zhou An, Luo Xuan, Jia Shi, Han Xiaohong, Zhu Zhongchun, Su Hang, Yang Zhenjiang
Drafting unit:China Securities Regulatory Commission Information Center, China Securities Information Technology Services Co., Ltd., Hang Seng Electronics Co., Ltd.
Focal point unit:National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180)
Standard number: JR/T 0177.1-2020
Standard name: Contents and formats of data on investors' rights and interests in the securities and
futures industry-Part 1: Securities
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2020-02-26
Implementation time: 2020-02-26
Standard size: 1.34M
Standard introduction: This part specifies the data categories and types, data content and formats of investor rights data in the securities industry. The data content and format include investor account data, brokerage business data, credit business data and derivative business data.
This part is applicable to industry institutions to carry out work related to the governance of investor rights data in the securities industry.
JR/T0177-2020 "Content and format of data related to investors' rights and interests in the securities and futures industry" is divided into 3 parts:
Part 1: Securities;
Part 2: Futures;
Part 3: Funds.
This part is Part 1 of JR/T0177-2020
This part is drafted according to the rules given in GBT1.1-2009
This part is proposed by the Securities Technical Committee of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180/SC4)
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180) Drafting units of this part: Information Center of China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Securities Information Technology Services Co., Ltd., Hang Seng Electronic Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this part: Yao Qian, Liu Tiebin, Luo Kai, Wang Dongming, Zhou Yunhui, Lu Yi, Zhou An, Luo Xuan, Jia Shi, Han Xiaohong, Zhu Zhongchun, Su Hang, Yang Zhenjiang
This part specifies the data categories and types, data content and format of investor equity data in the securities industry. The data content and format include investor account data, brokerage business data, credit business data and derivative business data.
This part is applicable to industry institutions to carry out data governance related to investors' rights and interests in the securities industry.
JR/T 0177-2020 "Content and format of data related to investors' rights and interests in the securities and futures industry" is divided into 3 parts:
——Part 1: Securities;
——Part 2: Futures;
——Part 3: Funds.
This part is Part 1 of JR/T 0177-2020.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is proposed by the Securities Technical Committee of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180/SC4).
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180).
The drafting units of this part are: Information Center of China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Securities Information Technology Services Co., Ltd., and Hengsheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this part are: Yao Qian, Liu Tiebin, Luo Kai, Wang Dongming, Zhou Yunhui, Lu Yi, Zhou An, Luo Xuan, Jia Shi, Han Xiaohong, Zhu Zhongchun, Su Hang, and Yang Zhenjiang. The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the version with the date is applicable to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2659—2000 Codes for names of countries and regions in the world
GB/T 4658—2006 Educational qualifications code
GB/T 12406—2008 Codes for indicating currency and funds
JR/T 0046—2009 Message structure and design rules for data exchange between securities, futures and inter-bank business Preface II
1 Scope1
2 Normative references1
3 Terms and definitions1
4 Data categories and types1
41 Data categories2
42 Data types2
5 Data content and format2
51 Investor account data2
511 Investor information data2
512 Investor fund account data4
513 Investor securities account data4
514 Investor custody account data5
52 Brokerage business data6
521 Investor fund balance data6
522 Investor securities balance data6
523 Investor restricted stock balance data7
53 Credit business data8
531 Investor stock pledge contract data8
532 Investor agreed repurchase contract data9
533 Investor bond pledge repurchase data11
534 Investor margin trading contract data12
535 Investor margin trading fund balance data13
536 Investor margin trading securities balance data14
537 Investor's margin contract liability data15
538 Investor's margin asset and liability data17
539 Investor's margin lending equity compensation data17
54 Derivative business data18
541 Investor's option fund balance data18
542 Investor's option position data19
Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Data dictionary21
Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Code value and description26
Some standard content:
ICS03.060 iiiKAa~cJouakAa Financial Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JR/T 0177.1—2020 Contents and formats of data on investors' rights and interests in the securities and futures industry Part 1: Securities Contents and formats of data on investors' rights and interests in the securities and futures industryPartl:SecuritiesIndustry Standard Information Service Platform Released on 2020-02-26 China Securities Regulatory Commission Implementation on 2020-02-26 iiikAacJouakAa Industry Standard Information Service Platform 2Normative reference documents 3Terms and definitions. 4Data categories and types 4.1Data categories.. 4.2Data types.. 5Data content and format. iikAa~cJouakAa 5.1Investor account data.. 5.1.1Investor information data. 5.1.2 Investor fund account data 5.1.3 Investor securities account data. 5.1.4 Investor custody account data. 5.2 Brokerage business data... 5.2.1 Investor fund balance data. 5.2.2 Investor securities balance data... 5.2.3 Investor restricted stock balance data. 5.3 Credit business data... 5.3.1 Investor stock pledge contract data 5.3.2 Investor repurchase contract data.. 5.3.3 Investor bond pledge repurchase Data, 5.3.4 Investor's margin trading contract data.. 5.3.5 Investor's margin trading fund balance data 5.3.6 Investor's margin trading securities balance data.5.3.7 Investor's margin trading contract liability data.5.3.8 Investor's margin trading asset and liability data..5.3.9 Investor's margin trading equity compensation data..5.4 Derivatives business data 5.4.1 Investor's option fund balance data 5.4.2 Investor's option position data Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Data fonts Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Code value and description References JR/T 0177.1—2020 JR/T 0177.1—2020 iiikAacJouakAa JR/T0177—2020 "Content and format of data related to investor rights and interests in securities and futures industry" is divided into 3 parts: Part 1: Securities; Part 2: Futures; Part 3: Funds. This part is Part 1 of JR/T0177—2020. This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This part is proposed by the Securities Technical Committee of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180/SC4). This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Financial Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC180). Drafting units of this part: Information Center of China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Securities Information Technology Services Co., Ltd., and Hang Seng Electronics Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part: Yao Qian, Liu Tiebin, Luo Kai, Wang Dongming, Zhou Yunhui, Lu Yi, Zhou An, Luo Xuan, Jia Shi, Han Xiaohong, Zhu Zhongchun, Su Hang, Yang Zhenjiang. Industry Standard Information Service Platform iiiKAacJouiaKAa JR/T 0177.1—2020 Content and format of investor rights and interests data in securities and futures industry Part 1: Securities 1 Scope This part specifies the data categories and types, data content and format of investor rights and interests data in the securities industry. The data content and format include investor account data, brokerage business data, credit business data and derivative business data. This part is applicable to industry institutions to carry out work related to the governance of investor rights and interests data in the securities industry. Normative reference documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, only the versions with the dates noted are applicable to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document. GB/T2659-2000 Codes for names of countries and regions in the world GB/T4658-2006 Educational code GB/T12406-2008 Codes for currency and funds JR/T0046-2009 Rules for the structure and design of message bodies for data exchange between securities and futures industry and inter-bank business 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 securitiesinvestor Securities investor Investors participating in the stock market and other on-site securities markets. Note: Mainly institutional investors and individual investors. 3.2 Investorsrights and interestsInvestors' rights and interests The interests brought by investors' rights arising from their investment in securities. Note: After deducting liabilities from investors' assets, the remaining rights shall be enjoyed by the investors. Information service Fund accountfund account Special account used by investors for securities trading fund settlement. Note: According to different purposes, fund accounts can be divided into general fund accounts, credit fund accounts, derivative fund accounts, etc. 3.4 Securities accountstock account A carrier set up by securities registration and settlement institutions for investors to record the holding and changes of securities and securities derivatives. Note: According to different purposes, securities accounts can be divided into A-share accounts, B-share accounts, A-share credit accounts, stock transfer system accounts, fund accounts, derivative contract accounts, etc. 4Data categories and types JR/T 0177.1—2020 Data categories iiiKAa~cJouaKAa- This part covers all on-site businesses, but does not cover over-the-counter businesses for the time being. It mainly includes four categories of business data: investor account data, brokerage business data, credit business data, and derivative business data. The data categories are shown in Table 1. The data items involved in each data category are shown in Appendix A, and the code values of the data items are shown in Appendix B. Data category Investor account data Brokerage business data Credit business data Derivative business data Basic information related to investors, such as basic customer information, funds and securities accounts, etc. Standardized securities business in which securities companies accept customer entrustment and act on behalf of customers to buy and sell securities Securities business that generates liabilities such as stock pledge business, agreed repurchase business, and margin trading business Underlying securities business such as individual stock options Industry standard. 4.2 Data type Data type description: C, character type. Such as the one-code account code, 050. Data category Investor information data Investor fund account data Investor securities account data Investor custody account data Investor fund balance data Investor securities balance data Investor restricted stock balance data Investor stock pledge contract data Investor agreed repurchase contract data Investor bond pledge repurchase data Investor margin trading contract data Investor margin trading fund balance data Investor margin trading securities balance data Investor margin trading contract liabilities data Investor margin trading assets and liabilities data Investor margin trading equity compensation data Investor option fund balance data Investor option position data -N, numeric type. Its length does not include decimal points, and the sentence participation number is always calculated. The field length is x, which means that the field is at most x; the length of the word En service platform is (x, y), which means that the field is at most x, retaining y decimal places, such as the balance of the fund account, N (17, 2). 5 Data content and format 5.1 Investor account data 5.1.1 Investor information data The content and format of investor information data are shown in Table 2. 2 Field identifier YMTZHBM YMTZHZTDM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM KHBMKHRQ KHBMXHRQ KHLBDM KHZTDM KHZJLXDM KHZJHM ZJYXQJZRQ KHDEZJL XDM KHDEZJHM DEZJYXQJZRQ GJDQDM KHXLDM KHZYDM FDDBRXM FDDBRZJHM JBRZJHM iiiKAacJouakAa Field Chinese name Data date MaTong account code -MaTong account status code MaTong account opening date -MaTong account closing date Date Securities company code Securities company sales department code Customer code Customer code account opening date Customer code account closing date Customer name Customer category code Customer status code Customer ID type code Customer ID number ID expiration date Customer second ID type code Customer second ID number Second ID expiration date Nationality and region code Customer education code Customer occupation code Name of legal representative ID number of legal representative Name of person handling the case ID number of person handling the case Registered address Content and format of investor information data Is it possible JR/T0177.1—2020 Format: YYYYMMDD Customer one-code identification code Format: YYYMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD, if it is not cancelled, it is empty. Securities company organization code determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission Business department code determined by the securities company. Customer unique identification code, if not available, fill in the customer fund account number. In the single customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main fund account number. Format: YYYYMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD, empty when not closing an account. The name of the customer recorded when the investor opened an account. Format: YYYYMMDD When "KHDEZJHM Customer Second ID Number" is not empty, it cannot be empty. The nationality and region code determined according to the 3-digit character code in GB/T2659-2000, such as CHN China. The customer's school code determined according to GB/T4658-2006. The investor's occupation information registered in the securities exchange. 3 JR/T0177.1—2020 Field Identifier iiiKAa~cJouaKAa- Field Name in Chinese Contact Address Postal Code Contact Telephone Mobile Phone Email Investor Fund Account Data Content and Format of Investor Information Data (Continued) Field The content and format of investor fund account data are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Field Identifier YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM ZJZHBM ZJZHYTDM ZJZHZTDM ZHCGLXDM Field Name in Chinese Data Date -MaTong Account Code Securities Company Code Is it possible Content and format of investor fund account data Field Securities company business department code Customer code Fund account code Master account mark Fund account purpose code Fund account status code Fund account custody type code Account opening date Account closing date Investor securities account data The content and format of investor securities account data are shown in Table 4.4 Is it possible The contact address registered by the investor with the securities company. The postal code registered by the investor with the securities company. The contact telephone number registered by the investor with the securities company. The mobile phone number registered by the investor with the securities company. The email address registered by the investor with the securities company. Format: YYYYMMDD If it is a One-Code Pass customer, fill in the One-Code Pass account number. Securities company organization code determined by the CSRC Sales department code determined by the securities company. Customer unique identification code. If none, fill in the customer fund account number. In the single-customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main fund account number. Customer fund account number Format: YMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD. It is empty for non-cancellation status. Field identifier YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM ZJZHBM ZQZHBM ZQZHLBDM ZQZHZTDM ZQZHKHFSDM iiiKAa~cJouaKAa- Content and format of investor securities account data Table 4 Field Chinese name Number Date One-code account code Securities company code Securities company sales department code Customer code Fund account code Securities account code Securities account category code Securities account status code Securities account opening method code Account opening date Account closing date Investor custody account data The content and format of investor custody account data are shown in Table 5Table 5|| tt||Field Identifier YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM YHJGBM ZJZHBM Field Name in Chinese Data Date One-Code Account Code Securities Company Code Securities Company Sales Department Code Bank Institution Code Customer Code Fund Account Code Bank Account Number||tt ||Is it possible Content and format fields of investor custody account data Is it possible JR/T0177.1—2020 Format: YYYYMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the CSRC Sales department code determined by the securities company Customer unique identification code, if none, fill in the customer fund account number, in the single customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main fund account number. Customer fund account number Customer securities account number Format: YYMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD, non-cancellation status is empty. Format: YYYYMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the CSRC Sales department code determined by the securities company. Bank code determined according to TR/T0046-2009. Customer unique identification code. If no customer code is available, fill in the customer fund account number. In the single customer multi-bank mode, if no customer code is available, fill in the main fund account number. Customer fund account number Bank card account number JR/T0177.1—2020 Field identifier CGZTDM iiiKAa~cJouakAa- Content and format of investor custody account data (continued) Table 5 Field Chinese name Master account flag Currency code Currency status code Brokerage business data Investor funds balance data The content and format of investor funds balance data are shown in Table 6. Table 6 Field Identifier YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM ZJZHBM ZJZHYTDM ZJZHYE Field Chinese Name Data Date One-Code Account Code Securities Company Code Securities Company Sales Department Code Customer Code Fund Account Code Fund Account Purpose code Currency code Balance of fund account Frozen amount of funds Unreceived amount 5.2.2 Investor securities balance data Is it possible Content and format of investor funds balance data Field Content and format of investor securities balance data are shown in Table 7.6 (17,2) Is it possible Currency code confirmed according to GB/T12406-2008. Format: YYYYMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the CSRC Sales department code determined by the securities company. Customer unique identification code, if not available, fill in the customer fund account number. In the single customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main fund account number. Customer fund account number. The purpose of the fund account is a general fund account. Currency code confirmed according to GB/T12406-2008. Does not include frozen funds. Does not include frozen funds generated by entrustment The funds owned by the account but not yet received. Including the dividend amount generated by the self-owned securities, pledged and frozen securities after the equity registration date and the unreceived interest generated by the account fund balance. Field ID YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM ZJZHBM ZQZHBM ZQLBDM ZHCYSL riikAa~cJouakAa Field Chinese name Data date MaTong account code Securities company code Securities company sales department code||t t||Customer code Fund account code Securities account code Market code Securities code Securities category code Account holding quantity Frozen quantity Current market value of account Frozen market value Non-received quantity Full amount data of restricted shares of investors Content and format fields of investors' securities balance data The content and format of investors' restricted shares balance data are shown in Table 8. Table 8 Field identification YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM Field Chinese name Data date One-code account code Securities company code (17,2) (17,2) (17,2) (17,2) Is it possible Content and format fields of investor's stock sale balance data Securities company sales department code Customer code Zhixiu Ke JR/T0177.1—2020 Format: YMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission Sales department code determined by the securities company, Customer unique identification code, if not, fill in the customer fund account number, in the single customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, you need to fill in the main fund account number Customer fund account number Customer securities account number Securities product code approved by the stock exchange. Does not include the freezing caused by the entrustment. All stocks of the stock that have not yet been received but the ownership rights already belong to the account, such as bonus shares, rights issue, additional issue of stocks, etc. Format: YYYYMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the Securities Regulatory Commission Sales department code determined by the securities company Customer unique identification code. If none, fill in the customer capital account number. In the single-customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main capital account number. Www.bzxZ.net JR/T 0177.1—2020 Field Identification ZJZHBM ZQZHBM XSYYDM iiiKAa~cJouaKAa- Contents and Formats of Investor's Restricted Share Balance Data (Continued) Table 8 Field Chinese Name Fund Account Code Securities Account Code Market Code Securities Code Restricted Sale Start Date Restricted Sale End Date Restricted Sale Quantity Restricted Sale Reason Code Credit Business Data Investor's Stock Pledge Contract Data (17, 2) Whether the customer's fund account number and the customer's securities account number can be approved by the stock exchange. The securities product code. Format: YYYYMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD See Table 9 for the data content and format of the investor's stock pledge contract. The data content is the data of the unsettled stock pledge contract and the same-day settled contract under the credit business of the securities market investors. Table 9 Field Identification YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM ZJZHBM ZQZHBM GLHTBH Field Chinese Name Data Date MaTong Account Code Securities Company Code Content and Format of Investor Stock Pledge Contract Data Field Class Transaction Period Securities Company Business Code C Is it Possible Customer Code|| tt||Fund account code Securities account code Currency code Contract number Related contract number Market code Format: YYYYMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the CSRC Format: YYYYMMDD Sales department code determined by the securities company Customer unique identification code. If none, fill in the customer fund account number. In the single-customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main fund account number. Customer fund account number Customer securities account number Currency code confirmed according to GB7112406-2008. Stock pledge contract number or contract number when supplementing pledge . The main contract number pointed to when supplementing the pledge. If there is no supplementary pledge, fill in 0.2) Whether the customer's fund account number and the customer's securities account number can be approved by the stock exchange. The securities product code. Format: YYYYMMDD Format: YYYYMMDD See Table 9 for the data content and format of the investor's stock pledge contract. The data content is the data of the unsettled stock pledge contract and the same-day settled contract under the credit business of the securities market investors. Table 9 Field Identification YMTZHBM ZQGSBM ZQGSYYBBM ZJZHBM ZQZHBM GLHTBH Field Chinese Name Data Date MaTong Account Code Securities Company Code Content and Format of Investor Stock Pledge Contract Data Field Class Transaction Period Securities Company Business Code C Is it Possible Customer Code|| tt||Fund account code Securities account code Currency code Contract number Related contract number Market code Format: YYYYMMDD One-code account code Securities company organization code determined by the CSRC Format: YYYYMMDD Sales department code determined by the securities company Customer unique identification code. If none, fill in the customer fund account number. In the single-customer multi-bank mode, if there is no customer code, fill in the main fund account number. Customer fund account number Customer securities account number Currency code confirmed according to GB7112406-2008. Stock pledge contract number or contract number when supplementing pledge . The main contract number pointed to when supplementing the pledge. If there is no supplementary pledge, fill in 0. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.