title>Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Water bamboo - NY/T 2498-2013 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Water bamboo

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 2498-2013

Standard Name:Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Water bamboo

Chinese Name: 植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南 茭白

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2013-12-12

Date of Implementation:2014-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agriculture and forestry>>65.020.20 Plant cultivation

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agriculture, Forestry Comprehensive>>B05 Agriculture and Forestry Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Agriculture Press

Publication date:2014-04-01

other information

Drafting unit:Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinhua Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Province, Science and Technology Development Center of Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai Agricultural Biological Gene Center

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Testing of New Plant Varieties (SAC/TC 277)

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 2498-2013 Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties NY/T2498-2013 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 65.020.20
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, unifornnity and stahility-Waterbamboo
[Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turc..ex Stapf.]2013-12-13 Issued
2014-0401 Implementation
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
3 Issued
Fan Nao·
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Requirements for propagation materials
Test methods
Specificity, consistency and stability of results determination trait table
Grouped traits
Technical questionnaire:
Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Water chestnut white trait table Yinlu 3 (Normative attachment)
Appendix ((Standard Appendix)
Explanation of whitening characteristics
Whitening technical volume format
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in B/T1,-2009: This standard was drafted by the Plant Variety Testing Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC: 277) of the Ministry of Agriculture. The drafting units of this standard are: Shanxi Agricultural Science Institute, Zhejiang Jinhua Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Ministry of Agriculture Science and Technology Development Center, 1 Tao City Agricultural and Bio-Inducing Center
The main drafters of this standard: Huang Zhicheng, Chen Shuling, Chen Yourong, Zheng Jingsheng, Shun Xiaobei, Zhang Shangfa, Tu, Li Shou, Shi Zhihuan, Shun Kefei, Xie, Yang Hua,
1 Scope
Guidelines for the testing of specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties Lingbai
This standard stipulates the specificity of the new variety of Gramineae gramineae (Lingbai) Ziaanialatifolia (Grisch.) Turez.xStapf. Technical requirements for specificity, consistency and stability tests and general principles for result determination This standard applies to the specificity, consistency and stability tests and result determination of a class of new varieties. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with dates, the versions with dates apply to this document. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document. GB3/T19:57.1 General principles for guidelines for specificity, consistency and stability tests of new plant varieties 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB3/T:9557.1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Single measurement of a group uf plants ar parts nof plants Single ... 3.2
measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants Individual measurement
Measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants one by one to obtain a set of individual records. 3.3
Visual assessment1 by a single ubscrvalion uf a group of plants or parts of plants 3.4
Visual assessment by observation of individual planis or parls of plunts Visual assessment of a group of plants or parts of plants 4 Symbols
The following symbols apply to this document: MG: Group measurement.
MS: individual measurement,
VG: group daily measurement:
VS: individual national measurement:
QL: quality trait
QN: quantitative trait.
PQ: pseudo quality trait
(a): The content is marked in T3. ? Detailed explanation is given in the (): The content marked is explained in detail in .3 NY/1 2498--2013
5 Requirements for propagation materials
5.1 Propagation materials shall be provided in the form of white breeding stock, 5.2 The number of breeding stocks to be exchanged shall be at least 10 and shall come from different mothers, 5.3 The breeding stocks submitted shall be healthy in appearance, high in vitality, and free of disease history: The body quality requirements of the breed are as follows: The registered breeding stock shall be from a mother stock that meets the breed characteristics, has no jump or graying, and has at least 10 normal and healthy stocks, 5.4 The breeding stocks submitted shall not be subjected to low-cost treatment that affects the normal expression of breed traits. If it has been treated, detailed information on the treatment shall be provided.
5.5 The breeding stocks shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State Animal Quarantine Administration, 6 Test methods
6.1 Test cycle
The test cycle shall be at least one complete cattle growth cycle. 6.2 Test location
The test is usually carried out at one running point. If some traits cannot be fully expressed at this location, they can be tested at other locations that meet the conditions.
6.3 Field test
6.3.1 Test design
The varieties and similar varieties are planted adjacent to each other: the planting method is fixed-point planting on a daily basis, with a few plants in each plot, and a plant spacing of (-103cm, 100cm-720cm in the row, and 2 replicates. 6.3.2 Field management
It can be carried out according to the local cattle production management method. 6.4 Trait observation
6.4.1 Observation period
Trait observation should be carried out according to the growth stages listed in Table VIII.1. The description of the growth stages is shown in Table B. 6.4.2 Observation method
Trait observation should be carried out according to the observation method specified in Table A.1 (V.V.S.MG,MS). For some traits, the double measurement method is shown in B.2 and E. 3.
6.4.3 Number of observations
For individual observed traits (VS, MS), the number of samples taken shall be no less than 1. When observing organs or parts of nodes, the number of samples taken for each plant shall be 1: For the measured traits (MG), the whole plot or a sample of a specified size shall be observed. 6.5 Additional tests
When necessary, additional tests may be carried out on the traits listed at the end of this document. 7 Determination of specificity, consistency and stability results 7.1 General principles
Specificity, consistency and stability shall be determined in accordance with the principles specified in GB/T19557.1. 7.2 Determination of specificity
When the applied variety is significantly different from a known variety, in the test, if the applied variety has a significant and reproducible difference from a similar variety in at least one trait, the applied variety shall be determined to have a high specificity. 7.3 Determination of consistency
NY/T 2498--2013bzxz.net
For the test product: When judging consistency, the acceptance probability of the group standard is not less than 95%. When the sample size is 11 strains, it is generally allowed to have at most 10 heteromorphic strains, and the sample size is 2 strains. The consistency level of the traits affected by the secretion and double smut fungus is not lower than that of similar varieties. 7.4 Determination of stability
If a variety has consistency, it can be considered that the variety has the title quality, and generally no stability test is necessary. The next batch of propagation materials of the variety can be planted. As before Compared with the propagation materials provided, the expression of the traits has no obvious change, which can be used to determine the stability of the variety. 8 Trait table
8.1 Overview
According to the test needs: traits are divided into basic traits and selected traits. Basic traits are the traits that must be tested: Basic trait table AI
The trait table lists the trait name, expression type, expression status, and the code and standard variety of the root, observation period and method, etc. 8.2 Expression type
According to the expression method of traits, traits are divided into three types: qualitative traits, pseudo-qualitative traits and quantitative traits. 8.3 Expression status and corresponding code
8.3.1 Individual traits are grouped into a series of expression states to facilitate the definition of traits and standard descriptions; each expression state is assigned a corresponding mathematical code to facilitate data recording, processing and the establishment and communication of variety descriptions. 8.3.2 For quality traits and pseudo-quality traits, all expression states should be listed in the test guide: For quantitative traits, in order to reduce the length of the trait table, the expression states with even-numbered codes are not listed, and the expression states with even-numbered codes are described in the form of the previous expression state followed by the next expression state.
8.4 Standard varieties
The trait table lists the relevant expression states of some traits and the standard varieties with reference numbers. This helps to identify different expression states of related traits and correct environmental differences.
9 Grouping traits
This document The characteristics of the varieties are as follows:
) a) sheath: presence or absence of anthocyanin color (Table A.1 neutral trait 9) b) pulvinus: presence or absence of anthocyanin color (Table A.1 neutral trait 10) d) fleshy purple: shape (Table A.1 neutral trait 11) d) fleshy stalk: curvature of the end (Table A neutral trait 20). 10 Technical Questionnaire
Please attach the grid-drawn technical questionnaire. NY/T2498—2013
Se-sensing basic characteristics, see Table A.1
Plant characteristics: plant type
! Plant, length
Bozhu: learning book business
Analysis characteristics: distribution effect
Leaf: length
Leaf: width
Leaf color
Kawano: intensity
Leaf type: flower back Low drive color no
Leaf worry: green home leg color shiny
Glossy quality empty service state
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix]
Characteristics table of water chestnut white
Table A.1 Basic characteristics of stem white
Currently measured period and square head
Recognition status
Light green
Dark green Color
Reading shape
Spinning shape
Round shape
Elongated shape
Standard variety
Wuxi Guangyi sunflower
Sanmen cold water sunflower
Xiao Laoxiang
Beauty posture
Laowu Lingling
Beauty beauty
Jinhua Lengshan Water Chestnut
Wu Ge Yi Water Chestnut
—A little red
Beauty Water Chestnut
Beauty Dream
"Succulent chamber: surface branch color
Succulent stem: surface light valley
Succulent stem; length
Meat steam: thickness
Succulent flower: weight
Succulent weight: fleshy kernel
Succulent extract: Density
Meat leaf flower: winter spore wide standard
Meat tea: cow end twist
Harvest period
Table A1 (continued)
Current test period and method
Expression of appearance
Yellow color
Light green
Light yellow fish
Standard species
NY/T 2498--2013
Zhonghua Lengshan Ling
A little red
Zhekui 5
Yu Ling 2A
Datai Kui
NY/T 2498—2013
B.1 Growth stage of water chestnut
Growth plan
Purchase policy
B.2 Explanation of multiple characters
Appendix B
(Normative appendix)
Explanation of water chestnut character table
Table 1 Growth stage table of water chestnut
Medium stage identification
(a) When the main plant is selected for measurement, the main plant is white soil and the lower leaf is B.3 Explanation of individual characters
Character 7 Plant: Plant nature. See Figure 51
Plant: Plant type
Sheath splitting time
Character 2 Plant: Depth, see Figure B.2
Character 5 Leaf: Length, see Figure B.2
Character 6 Leaf: Width, see Figure. 2.
Characteristics 8 Sheath length, see Figure 2:
Call sales
Stop width
Measuring piece length
Figure B.2 Plant: height, leaf blade: length, leaf blade: width, leaf sheath: lengthCharacteristics! Fleshy shape see Figure 3
Circular shadow
Figure B.3 Fleshy stem: shape
Elongated shape
Characteristics 12
Flesh: See Figure B.4 for the color of the skin.
Character 13 Fleshy stem: surface smoothness, see Figure B.5 Smooth
Light green
Fleshy stem: epidermal color
Figure B.5 Fleshy stem: surface smoothness
Character 14 Fleshy stem: length, see Figure B.6. Character 15
Fleshy stem: thickness, see Figure B.6.
Medium green
Fleshy stem thickness
Fleshy stem length
Figure B.6 Fleshy stem: length, thickness
Character 19 Fleshy stem: winter spore pile, see Figure B.7. Collect 10 fleshy stems and mature water chestnuts suitable for harvest and observe the number of spore piles of smut fungus in the fleshy stems on their cross sections. No picture
Character 20 Fleshy stem: Twisted tip, see Figure B.8 No
Fleshy stem: Winter spore pile
Figure B.8 Fleshy stem: Twisted tip leaves1 Basic characteristics of stem white
Current test period and square head
Recognition status
Light green
Dark green
Reading shape
Spinning shape
Round shape
Elongated shape
Standard variety
Wuxi Guangyi sunflower
Sanmen cold water sunflower
Xiao Laoxiang
Laowuling water chestnut
Sanlingshui chestnut
Jinhua Lengshan chestnut
Wugeyi chestnut
—A little red
Meiren chestnut||t t||Beauty Dream
"Fleshy chamber: surface color
Fleshy stem: surface light valley
Fleshy stem; length
Meat steam: thickness
Fleshy flower: weight
Meat lift: meat kernel
Meat extract: density
Meat leaf flower: winter spore width standard
Meat tea: cow end twist
Harvest period
Table A1 (continued)
Current test period and method
Expression status
Light green
Light yellow croaker
Standard species
Zhe Lou,
NY/T 2498--2013
Zhonghua Lengshan Ling
Zhekui No. 5
Yuling 2A
NY/T 2498—2013
B.1 Growth stage of water chestnut
Growth plan
Purchase policy
B.2 Explanation of multiple characters
Appendix B
(Normative appendix)
Explanation of water chestnut character table
Table 1 Growth stage table of water chestnut
Medium stage identification
(a) When the main plant is selected for measurement, the main plant is white soil and the lower leaf is B.3 Explanation of individual characters
Character 7 Plant: Plant nature. See Figure 51
Plant: Plant type
Sheath splitting time
Character 2 Plant: Depth, see Figure B.2
Character 5 Leaf: Length, see Figure B.2
Character 6 Leaf: Width, see Figure. 2.
Characteristics 8 Sheath length, see Figure 2:
Call sales
Stop width
Measuring piece length
Figure B.2 Plant: height, leaf blade: length, leaf blade: width, leaf sheath: lengthCharacteristics! Fleshy shape see Figure 3
Circular shadow
Figure B.3 Fleshy stem: shape
Elongated shape
Characteristics 12
Flesh: See Figure B.4 for the color of the skin.
Character 13 Fleshy stem: surface smoothness, see Figure B.5 Smooth
Light green
Fleshy stem: epidermal color
Figure B.5 Fleshy stem: surface smoothness
Character 14 Fleshy stem: length, see Figure B.6. Character 15
Fleshy stem: thickness, see Figure B.6.
Medium green
Fleshy stem thickness
Fleshy stem length
Figure B.6 Fleshy stem: length, thickness
Character 19 Fleshy stem: winter spore pile, see Figure B.7. Collect 10 fleshy stems and mature water chestnuts suitable for harvest and observe the number of spore piles of smut fungus in the fleshy stems on their cross sections. No picture
Character 20 Fleshy stem: Twisted tip, see Figure B.8 No
Fleshy stem: Winter spore pile
Figure B.8 Fleshy stem: Twisted tip leaves1 Basic characteristics of stem white
Current test period and square head
Recognition status
Light green
Dark green
Reading shape
Spinning shape
Round shape
Elongated shape
Standard variety
Wuxi Guangyi sunflower
Sanmen cold water sunflower
Xiao Laoxiang
Beauty posture
Laowuling water chestnut
Beauty beauty
Sanlingshui water chestnut
Jinhua cold mountain water chestnut
Wugeyi water chestnut
—A little red
Beauty chestnut||t t||Beauty Dream
"Fleshy chamber: surface color
Fleshy stem: surface light valley
Fleshy stem; length
Meat steam: thickness
Fleshy flower: weight
Meat lift: meat kernel
Meat extract: density
Meat leaf flower: winter spore width standard
Meat tea: cow end twist
Harvest period
Table A1 (continued)
Current test period and method
Expression status
Light green
Light yellow croaker
Standard species
Zhe Lou,
NY/T 2498--2013
Zhonghua Lengshan Ling
Zhekui No. 5
Yuling 2A
NY/T 2498—2013
B.1 Growth stage of water chestnut
Growth plan
Purchase policy
B.2 Explanation of multiple characters
Appendix B
(Normative appendix)
Explanation of water chestnut character table
Table 1 Growth stage table of water chestnut
Medium stage identification
(a) When the main plant is selected for measurement, the main plant is white soil and the lower leaf is B.3 Explanation of individual characters
Character 7 Plant: Plant nature. See Figure 51
Plant: Plant type
Sheath splitting time
Character 2 Plant: Depth, see Figure B.2
Character 5 Leaf: Length, see Figure B.2
Character 6 Leaf: Width, see Figure. 2.
Characteristics 8 Sheath length, see Figure 2:
Call sales
Stop width
Measuring piece length
Figure B.2 Plant: height, leaf blade: length, leaf blade: width, leaf sheath: lengthCharacteristics! Fleshy shape see Figure 3
Circular shadow
Figure B.3 Fleshy stem: shape
Elongated shape
Characteristics 12
Flesh: See Figure B.4 for the color of the skin.
Character 13 Fleshy stem: surface smoothness, see Figure B.5 Smooth
Light green
Fleshy stem: epidermal color
Figure B.5 Fleshy stem: surface smoothness
Character 14 Fleshy stem: length, see Figure B.6. Character 15
Fleshy stem: thickness, see Figure B.6.
Medium green
Fleshy stem thickness
Fleshy stem length
Figure B.6 Fleshy stem: length, thickness
Character 19 Fleshy stem: winter spore pile, see Figure B.7. Collect 10 fleshy stems and mature water chestnuts suitable for harvest and observe the number of spore piles of smut fungus in the fleshy stems on their cross sections. No picture
Character 20 Fleshy stem: Twisted tip, see Figure B.8 No
Fleshy stem: Winter spore pile
Figure B.8 Fleshy stem: Twisted tip leaves
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.