title>Hazard administration practice on sale locale of agricultural product - GB/T 21721-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Hazard administration practice on sale locale of agricultural product

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 21721-2008

Standard Name:Hazard administration practice on sale locale of agricultural product

Chinese Name: 农副产品销售现场危害管理规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-05-04

Date of Implementation:2008-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport >> 03.100 Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Plan number:20050628-T-322

Publication date:2008-06-01

other information

Release date:2008-05-04

drafter:Ma Zengjun, Li Danghui, Wang Jing, Zhang Jie, Zhu Yumei, Hou Yangbiao, Xu Yue

Drafting unit:National Urban Agricultural Trade Center Federation, Department of Market System Construction, Ministry of Commerce

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:Ministry of Commerce

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the hazard management of the operating environment, equipment and facilities, tools and materials, personnel factors and accidental factors in the sales site of agricultural and sideline products. This standard applies to the sales sites of agricultural and sideline products in operation, including agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets and other sales sites, excluding live livestock and poultry trading markets. GB/T 21721-2008 Hazard Management Specification for Agricultural and Sideline Products Sales Sites GB/T21721-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the hazard management of the operating environment, equipment and facilities, tools and materials, personnel factors and accidental factors in the sales site of agricultural and sideline products. This standard applies to the sales sites of agricultural and sideline products in operation, including agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets and other sales sites, excluding live livestock and poultry trading markets.
This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.
Drafting units of this standard: Market System Construction Department of the Ministry of Commerce, National Urban Agricultural Trade Center Federation.
The main drafters of this standard are Ma Zengjun, Li Danghui, Wang Jing, Zhang Jie, Zhu Yumei, Hou Yangbiao and Xu Yue.

The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB2760 Hygienic Standard for the Use of Food Additives
GB3095 Ambient Air Quality Standard
GB5749 Hygienic Standard for Drinking Water
GB8978 Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standard
GB14881 General Hygienic Standard for Food Enterprises
GB/T17217 Hygienic Standard for Urban Public Toilets
GB19085 Preventive Measures for Infectious Diseases in Commercial and Service Business Premises
GB50016 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings
GB50222 Code for Fire Protection Design of Interior Decoration of Buildings

Some standard content:

ICs 03100
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
G1/T 21721---2008
Specification for management of hazards at the sales site of agricultural and sideline products lazart acrninistration mrtctice cn seie localenl arricltaral Drvtt
2608-05-04 Issued
Essence General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration
2008-10-01 Implementation
This broadcast Yahua Limited Company is the new Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. It is issued by the Zhengzhou Lianhe Chao Unit, Shangwudu Market Sports and Construction Room, China City Clothing Trade Center Federation, this standard is the main body of Yahua Ailong Xueren, the number is increased, the absence of the association, Wang Jiu, Zhang Jie, Jia Yuyou, Chang Ni Qiu, Xu Yong. GB/12172--2008
Code for Hazard Management at the Sales Site of Agricultural and Sideline ProductsG,T 21723--2008
This standard specifies the management environment, equipment, tools and materials of agricultural and sideline products sales sites. This standard applies to the entire agricultural and sideline products sales site, including agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets and other sales sites, and the normative reference documents of the food and health service. Please refer to the terms of the document for the refund and modification of the standard (not for immediate use) or you can use this document to quickly use the new materials. 39W3
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agricultural products agrichemical ... The food safety will be beneficial to human health. The requirements of the state-owned items 4.1 The management of the hazardous environment of the business environment
4.1 The management of the hazardous waste of new and old products is far away! The sales site is not clear and there is no gas. The source of pollution is slow to spread. Stop the safety device immediately when it is found, and report to the environmental protection department in time! The relevant department will handle it. The pollution source can only be handed over. For the gas produced by the agricultural products themselves and the gas produced by the customers, the on-site gas equipment should be replaced according to the corresponding degree. The gas handling volume should meet the requirements of 130. 41.2 The sales site and the external roads and roads should be equipped with barriers. The sales site should be traded in the sales site. 217212008
1. The products sold should not have polluted materials, such as polluted water, etc. The source of pollution is: the product is sold at the time of sale, the consumption of capital · lesson 4.2 water management
4.2.1 production of water G9 regulations connected
4.2.2 the site of the solution should not have extremely polluted water, and it can be washed. The water is made in accordance with the regulations of 8 width company hidden butterfly silk amount: the baby spine solution, the tank · dance of the Youke tube Ting 43.! The product is sold at the time of sale, the country should not have the scene of harming others. The establishment, love the rules. The skin is concentrated and the flow is reasonable. The external detection channels and service activities are beyond the zone. The black and white digging and squeezing of sugar are good. The micro-rat medicine is allowed to mark the bay danger department in time. 43. The factory should set up a quantity of yarn for the external connection of the factory, and the rat board, the sewer exit should be installed with water life, rat-proof nets: 4.3. 3. The prevention and killing plan of biological hazards should be clearly set up. A special person should be invited to carry out regular inspections and maintenance, and record the type, location, and killing time. 4. The hazard management of chemical agents
4.4.1 The on-site drinking Wang fresh-keeping agent and other hot-damp agents should meet the requirements of 6. 42. The on-site fire alarm should be equipped with a special or equipped with a disinfection room. Designated personnel shall be assigned to unify the police communication room, reading and washing service, and take care of the medicine, etc., monitor the storage technology, ensure the police focus and usage, do a good job in the selection of personnel, and strictly manage the use of the license. . 4,3 The personnel who use radioactive chemicals shall be trained, and the chemicals shall be used properly. 44, the whole house is the management room, the skin collection, the deep tide chemical use, the German use, the product name, the service type, the communication and cleaning attention, etc. The above preparations are available for the above
4,5 Strictly simplify the communication and the pollution awareness management
4.5. The business of our products is to be divided into 2 categories: the consumption of fruits, meat, aquatic products, edible food utensils, etc.: the number of boxes of raw materials, the distribution of agricultural products: the German (German) Teng agricultural products packaging, the family group product division, the poetry society direct person hall food point will Area, there are food and packaging guest product urban areas, 4.5.2 Huixiantong City and the close proximity of the fresh water products business should not be less than 50% of the service facilities, Yaoji treatment nest:
43 current service food processing area should be divided into new period of service area, annual area requirements, 5 facilities equipment equipment materials management
5.1 workers, safety facilities hazards management operation
5, should be prepared for food 14 requirements, select the arrogant water supply and drainage facilities, period of pipe flow is correct, rubbed. 52 feedback site welcome room in line with the beautiful equipment T difficult: double monitoring has a good open, the next request for food transportation: clean equipment, green mouse essence washing order
5,! 3. The sales site and the surrounding areas should be taken care of. Designate a special person to collect and inspect the garbage. The garbage should be stored separately and transported in time. The external containers should be kept away from the outside. 5.14. Fire safety should be in accordance with the requirements of B0016. The internal decoration should meet the requirements of B5022. 5.2. Hazard management of storage and display facilities 5.2. Fresh aquatic product trading areas should be equipped with new equipment. Aquatic product storage should be equipped with a trench, which should be covered and the surrounding disinfection pool should be kept in good condition. 5.2. Fresh products should be carefully prevented from causing damage. The fresh meat exchange room should be equipped with scientific and technological equipment, low humidity preservation, good body quality, etc. The aquatic product and fresh meat operation tables should be made of stainless steel, with comfortable washing facilities. The room should be cleaned regularly.
5.2.3 The preservation facilities of the products should be equipped with the following equipment: the refrigeration temperature should be below 6℃ and the freezing temperature should be below 18℃. The main equipment should be nuclear power equipment, and the packaging materials should be in accordance with the relevant national standards. G0/1 21721~2C08
5.3.2 The processing period and container of raw and cooked products should be clearly marked, and they should be washed and stored in time. The storage racks should be properly maintained and disinfected regularly. 53 Bulk food products should be kept at a constant temperature. The packaging materials used should be economical. Food packaging: prevent the hazards of human health and long-term use. 1 Personnel health risk management, 1 Employees and personnel who handle super-collected products should be checked according to the annual health certificate points, 61. Public direct The employees who come into contact with food have fever, warm examination, rich tonic, skin rash, long pain, and home care. ...3 people raise the danger of behavior of the police wwW.bzxz.Net
63 from the scene and the British often strong personnel should be the court period of food point wide take knowledge of the training, 32 contact the population window war purchase this person responsible for the processing profit sales you now smooth seat model under the installation, new fee control section: "report the new hand teaching can win things, smoking, such as! , dining learning, according to the law of washing, hand photo mail inspection caused by thorn degree, 7 accidental medical scene of the hazard management
Zhou Jiagong's transmission of the life report of the physical and chemical broadcast of the period of the high profit of the urban management period group of the current things into the people's care request to send the police
2 sales stop site should have the solution treasure should you value · avoid accidental stop caused by the product set secret release 3 should temperature industry cleaning anti safety cavity home business, special person set with the small effectiveness of the set, time management fiber world best, national control fire weapon line
GB.T 21721-2008
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