Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the terminology, classification, technical requirements, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of wine. This standard applies to wine made from fresh grapes or grape juice through fermentation. 2 Reference standards
GB191 Pictorial marking for packaging, storage and transportation
GB2758 Hygienic standard for fermented wine
GB4789.2 Microbiological examination for food hygiene Determination of total colony count GB4789.3 Microbiological examination for food hygiene Determination of coliform group GB5009.12 Method for determination of lead in food
GB10344 Labeling standard for alcoholic beverages
GB/T15038 General test method for grape wine and fruit wine 3 Terminology
3.1 Still wine
Grape wine with a carbon dioxide pressure of less than 0.05MPa at 20℃. 3.1.1 Dry wine
Grape wine with a total sugar content (measured in glucose, the same below) less than or equal to 4.0g/L. 3.1.2 Semi-dry wine Wine with a total sugar content of 4.1 to 12.0g/L. 3.1.3 Semi-sweet wine Wine containing 12.1 to 50.0 g/L of total sugar. 3.1.4 Sweet wine Wine containing 50.1 g/L or more of total sugar. 3.1.5 Flavored wine Wine made from grape wine with aromatic plants or with aromatic plant extracts (or distilled liquid) added. Dry flavored wine Flavored wine containing 50.0 g/L or less of total sugar. Sweet flavored wine Flavored wine containing 50.1 g/L or more of total sugar. 3.1.6 Non-flavored wine Wine other than that specified in 3.1.5.
3.2 Sparkling wine
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on May 5, 1994, 50
Implemented on December 1, 1994
GB/T 15037-94
Wine produced by secondary fermentation of grape wine in a closed environment, with the pressure of carbon dioxide greater than or equal to 0.35MPa (250mL/bottle) at 20℃.
3.2.1 Brut sparkling wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of less than or equal to 12.0g/L. 3.2.2 Extra-dry sparkling wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 12.1~~20.0 g/L. 3.2.3 Dry sparkling wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 20.1~35.0g/L. 3.2.4 Semi-dry sparkling wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 35.1~50.0g/L. 3.2.5 Sweet sparkling wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of greater than or equal to 50.1g/L. 3.3 Carbonated wine Wine with a carbon dioxide pressure (fully or partially filled artificially) greater than or equal to 0.35MPa (250mL/bottle) at 20℃.
3.3.1 Brut carbonated wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of less than or equal to 12.0g/L. 3.3.2 Extra-dry carbonated wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 12.1~20.0g/L. 3.3.3 Dry carbonated wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 20.1~35.0g/L. 3.3.4 Semi-dry carbonated wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 35.1-50.0 g/L. 3.3.5 Sweet carbonated wine Sparkling wine with a total sugar content of 50.1 g/L or more. 4 Classification
4.1 Classification by color
4.1.1 White wine.
4.1.2 Rosé wine.
4.1.3 Red wine.
4.2 Classification by carbon dioxide pressure
4.2.1 Still wine
Dry wine;
Semi-dry wine,
Semi-sweet wine;
Sweet wine;
Aroma wine: Dry aroma wine; Sweet aroma wine. 4.2.2
Sparkling wine
Natural sparkling wine;
Deep dry sparkling wine;
Dry sparkling wine;
Semi-dry sparkling wine;
Sweet sparkling wine.
4.2.3 Carbonated sparkling wine
Natural carbonated sparkling wine;
Deep dry carbonated sparkling wine;
Dry carbonated sparkling wine;
Semi-dry carbonated sparkling wine;
Sweet carbonated sparkling wine.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Sensory requirements
The sensory requirements shall comply with the requirements in Table 1.
Aroma and flavor
White wine
Red wine
Rosé wine
Aroma wine
Sparkling degree
Non-aroma wine
Aroma wine
Dry, semi-dry wine
Sweet, semi-sweet wine
Sparkling wine
Aerated sparkling wine
Aroma wine
5.2 Physical and chemical requirements
The physical and chemical requirements shall comply with the requirements of Table 2.
GB/T 15037-94
Table 1 Sensory requirements
Nearly colorless, yellowish green, light yellow, straw yellow, golden purple, dark red, ruby red, reddish brown, brownish red, pink, light rose, light red
Dark red, brownish red, light red, golden yellow, light yellow Requirements
Clear and transparent, shiny, without obvious suspended matter (wine sealed with soft corks is allowed to have less than 3 and no more than 1 mm cork residue)
When the sparkling wine is poured into the cup, there should be fine beaded bubbles rising, and there should be a certain persistence
Has pure, elegant, pleasant and harmonious fruit and wine aromas Has beautiful, pure wine aromas and harmonious aromatic plant aromas Has a pure, elegant, refreshing taste and fresh and pleasant fruit aroma, the wine body is complete Has a sweet and mellow taste and aged wine aroma, sour and sweet are coordinated, the wine body is full Has a beautiful, mellow, harmonious and pleasant taste and fermented sparkling wine Unique aroma, with a strong bite
With a fresh, pleasant, pure taste, with a strong biteWith a mellow, refreshing taste and harmonious aromatic plant aroma, the wine is full-bodied, typical, prominent and clear
Alcohol content (20℃)
Total sugar (measured in glucose)
Titrate acid (measured in tartaric acid)
Sweet and flavored wine
Other types of Portuguese medicinal wine
Sparkling'aerated sparkling grape Wine
Dry flavored
Sweet flavored
Sweet and flavored wine
Other types of wine
Negative acid (measured as acetic acid), g/L
Free sulfur dioxide, mg/L
Total sulfur dioxide, mg/L
Dry exudates
Carbon dioxide (2 0℃)
White wine
Red, rosé, aromatized wine
White, aromatized wine
Red, rosé wine
Sparkling, aerated sparkling
Table 2 Physical and chemical requirements
Note: The allowable difference of alcohol content within the range of the above table is ±1.0% (V/V), 20℃. 5.3 Hygiene requirements
Lead and bacteria indicators shall be implemented in accordance with GB2758.
4. 1~12.0
12. 1 ~20. 0
5. 0~7. 5
6 Test methods
The test methods for sensory and physical and chemical requirements shall be tested in accordance with the methods specified in GB/T15038. Test methods for hygienic requirements: The total number of bacteria shall be tested in accordance with the methods specified in GB4789.2, the coliform group shall be tested in accordance with the methods specified in GB4789.3, and the lead shall be tested in accordance with the methods specified in GB5009.12. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Classification of non-conformities
Samples that do not meet the technical requirements for hygiene, sensory and physical and chemical indicators shall be recorded as non-conformities. The non-conformities are classified as follows: Class A non-conformities in hygiene requirements, sensory requirements, volatile acid, dry extract, total sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and label marks. Class B non-conformities in alcohol content, total sugar, titrated acid, free sulfur dioxide, iron, and net volume deviation. 7.2 Batches
Products produced in the same production period, of the same category, packaged and shipped from the factory, and with the same batch number are the same batch of products. 7.3 Sampling
7.3.1 Samples are drawn according to the sampling plan specified in Table 3. Samples are in bottles. Table 3 Sampling plan
Sample size n
(number of bottles)
7.3.2 Sampling method
<1500 boxes
≥500 mL/bottle
≥1500 boxes
≥500 mL/bottle
Randomly select n boxes from each batch of products, and then select one bottle from each of the n boxes. Half of the samples are used as samples of the batch of products for testing, and the other half are sealed by the supply and demand parties for review and arbitration. 7.4 Delivery (factory) inspection
7.4.1 Delivery inspection is an inspection that must be carried out when the product is delivered. After the delivery inspection of each batch of factory products, it should be accompanied by a quality certificate signed by the technical inspection department of the manufacturer.
7.4.2 Acceptance inspection items include sensory, physical and chemical indicators and net volume deviation. 7.4.3 Acceptance inspection judgment rules
When all inspection items of the inspected samples are qualified, the whole batch of products is judged to be qualified. If there are unqualified items, double the amount of samples should be taken from the same batch of products to re-test the unqualified items. If there is a Class A unqualified item or more than one Class B unqualified item in the re-test results, the whole batch of products is judged to be unqualified.
7.5 Type inspection
7.5.1 Type inspection is a comprehensive assessment of product quality. Type inspection should be carried out once every production season. It should also be carried out in any of the following situations. 7.5.2
a. Change of raw materials;
b. Change of key
The national quality supervision agency proposes the requirement for type inspection. c.
7.5.3 Type inspection items include hygiene, sensory, physical and chemical indicators, net capacity deviation, and label marking. 7.5.4 Type inspection judgment rules are the same as delivery inspection judgment rules. 7.6 Arbitration inspection
When the supply and supply parties disagree with the inspection results, the parties concerned may negotiate to resolve or entrust the relevant units to conduct arbitration inspection, and the arbitration inspection results shall be the final results.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 Label marking
GB/T 15037-94
The label of wine shall indicate: wine name, category (or sugar content), alcohol content, original juice content, net capacity, factory name, factory address, batch number, trademark, packaging year and month, standard code and number. Products that meet this standard may not be marked with shelf life. The specific marking methods for the above items shall be implemented in accordance with GB10344. 8.1.2 Packaging Marks
Corrugated cardboard boxes should be marked with the factory name, wine name, specifications, batch number, number of bottles, date, and marked with "Handle with care" and "Do not invert" and signs. Its use shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 The inner packaging must be made of packaging materials that meet food hygiene requirements. The packaging container should be neat, clean, tightly sealed, and free of air and wine leakage.
8.2.2 The outer packaging must use qualified corrugated cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. There must be anti-vibration and anti-collision spacing materials in the box. 8.2.3 Packaging Capacity
The allowable deviation of the average net capacity of 20 bottles at 20℃ is: ±10mL when greater than or equal to 500mL/bottle, and ±7mL when less than 500mL/bottle.
8.3 Transportation and storage
8.3.1 Packaged wines are allowed to be transported and stored at a temperature of 5 to 35°C. 8.3.2 During transportation and storage, the factory site should be kept clean, dry and well ventilated, and direct sunlight should be strictly prevented. It should not be in direct contact with wet ground, or in contact with or close to corrosive or easily cystic or damp goods. It is strictly forbidden to stack with toxic items. Wines sealed with soft corks must be placed horizontally or upside down.
8.3.3 When stored under the above conditions, bottled wines should not become turbid or sour, otherwise the manufacturer is responsible for handling. Wines over 18 months old are allowed to have a small amount of precipitation.
Note: Export products are executed according to the contract.
Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the China Light Industry General Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Food Fermentation Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by the Food Fermentation Industry Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and Beijing Yeguangbei Wine Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Qi, Jin Yuzheng, Bai Zhenjiang and Li Meiling.3 Type inspection items include hygiene, sensory, physical and chemical indicators, net capacity deviation, and label marking. 7.5.4 Type inspection judgment rules are the same as delivery inspection judgment rules. 7.6 Arbitration inspection
When the supply and supply parties disagree with the inspection results, the parties concerned can negotiate to resolve or entrust the relevant units to conduct arbitration inspection, and the arbitration inspection results shall be the final results.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 Label marking
GB/T 15037-94
The label of wine should indicate: wine name, category (or sugar content), alcohol content, original juice content, net capacity, factory name, factory address, batch number, trademark, packaging year and month, standard code and number. Products that meet this standard may not be marked with a shelf life. The specific marking methods for the above items shall be implemented in accordance with GB10344. 8.1.2 Packaging Marks
Corrugated cardboard boxes should be marked with the factory name, wine name, specifications, batch number, number of bottles, date, and marked with "Handle with care" and "Do not invert" and signs. Its use shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 The inner packaging must be made of packaging materials that meet food hygiene requirements. The packaging container should be neat, clean, tightly sealed, and free of air and wine leakage.
8.2.2 The outer packaging must use qualified corrugated cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. There must be anti-vibration and anti-collision spacing materials in the box. 8.2.3 Packaging Capacity
The allowable deviation of the average net capacity of 20 bottles at 20℃ is: ±10mL when greater than or equal to 500mL/bottle, and ±7mL when less than 500mL/bottle.
8.3 Transportation and storage
8.3.1 Packaged wines are allowed to be transported and stored at a temperature of 5 to 35°C. 8.3.2 During transportation and storage, the factory site should be kept clean, dry and well ventilated, and direct sunlight should be strictly prevented. It should not be in direct contact with wet ground, or in contact with or close to corrosive or easily cystic or damp goods. It is strictly forbidden to stack with toxic items. Wines sealed with soft corks must be placed horizontally or upside down.
8.3.3 When stored under the above conditions, bottled wines should not become turbid or sour, otherwise the manufacturer is responsible for handling. Wines over 18 months old are allowed to have a small amount of precipitation.
Note: Export products are executed according to the contract.
Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the China Light Industry General Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Food Fermentation Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by the Food Fermentation Industry Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and Beijing Yeguangbei Wine Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Qi, Jin Yuzheng, Bai Zhenjiang and Li Meiling.3 Type inspection items include hygiene, sensory, physical and chemical indicators, net capacity deviation, and label marking. 7.5.4 Type inspection judgment rules are the same as delivery inspection judgment rules. 7.6 Arbitration inspection
When the supply and supply parties disagree with the inspection results, the parties concerned can negotiate to resolve or entrust the relevant units to conduct arbitration inspection, and the arbitration inspection results shall be the final results.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 Label marking
GB/T 15037-94
The label of wine should indicate: wine name, category (or sugar content), alcohol content, original juice content, net capacity, factory name, factory address, batch number, trademark, packaging year and month, standard code and number. Products that meet this standard may not be marked with a shelf life. The specific marking methods for the above items shall be implemented in accordance with GB10344. 8.1.2 Packaging Marks
Corrugated cardboard boxes should be marked with the factory name, wine name, specifications, batch number, number of bottles, date, and marked with "Handle with care" and "Do not invert" and signs. Its use shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB191. 8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 The inner packaging must be made of packaging materials that meet food hygiene requirements. The packaging container should be neat, clean, tightly sealed, and free of air and wine leakage.
8.2.2 The outer packaging must use qualified corrugated cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. There must be anti-vibration and anti-collision spacing materials in the box. 8.2.3 Packaging Capacity
The allowable deviation of the average net capacity of 20 bottles at 20℃ is: ±10mL when greater than or equal to 500mL/bottle, and ±7mL when less than 500mL/bottle.
8.3 Transportation and storage
8.3.1 Packaged wines are allowed to be transported and stored at a temperature of 5 to 35°C. 8.3.2 During transportation and storage, the factory site should be kept clean, dry and well ventilated, and direct sunlight should be strictly prevented. It should not be in direct contact with wet ground, or in contact with or close to corrosive or easily cystic or damp goods. It is strictly forbidden to stack with toxic items. Wines sealed with soft corks must be placed horizontally or upside down.
8.3.3 When stored under the above conditions, bottled wines should not become turbid or sour, otherwise the manufacturer is responsible for handling. Wines over 18 months old are allowed to have a small amount of precipitation.
Note: Export products are executed according to the contract.
Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the China Light Industry General Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Food Fermentation Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by the Food Fermentation Industry Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and Beijing Yeguangbei Wine Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Wu Qi, Jin Yuzheng, Bai Zhenjiang and Li Meiling.
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