GB/T 2820.6-1997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 6: Test methods
Some standard content:
This standard is equivalent to the International Organization for Standardization IS085286:1993 "AC Generator Set Driven by Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine 1 Part 6
: Test Methods". It is a revision of GB8365-87 and GB2820-90. In order to make the standard complete, Chapter 7 is added on the basis of ISO8528-6. From the date of implementation, this standard replaces GB8365-87 and GB2820-90. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Lanzhou Power Vehicle Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Lanzhou Power Vehicle Research Institute, and Shaanxi Power Generation Equipment Factory, Subei Motor Factory, Putuo Motor Factory, Fufa Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Electric Equipment General Factory, Wuxi Power Machine Factory, and Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. Power Generation Equipment Factory participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Chen Fangfang, Shi Rongjian, Hu Zhi, Zhang Jijiang, and Lin Lijuan. GB/T 2820.61997
ISO Foreword
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO group members). The work of formulating international standards is generally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each research body member is interested in a certain subject of an established technical committee and has the right to send representatives to attend the corresponding committee. International organizations, governments and non-governmental organizations also participate in the work in collaboration with ISO. ISO () works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to study all topics of electrotechnical standardization. The draft international standard adopted by the technical committee is sent to the group members for voting. As an international standard publication, it requires at least 75% of the voting group members to pass.
International Standard ISO8528-1 was developed by SC2* Performance and Test Subcommittee of ISO/TC70 "Technical Committee for Internal Combustion Engines". ISO8528 is under the general title of "AC Generator Sets Driven by Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines" and includes the following parts: Part 1: Application, Rating and Performance
Part 2: Engines
Part 3: AC Generators for Generator Sets Part 4: Control Gear and Switchgear
Part 5 Generator Sets
|Part 6, Test methods
Part 7: Technical specifications for technical conditions and designPart 8: Requirements and tests for small power generating setsPart 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrationsPart 10: Measurement of mechanical noise (envelope method)Part 11, Range of safe generating sets with uninterruptible power supply devices
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Reclprocating internal combustlon engine drivenaiternating current generating setsPurt 6: Test methods
GB/T 2820. 61997
eqv IS0 8528-6:1993
Replaces GB836587
This standard specifies test methods for the characteristics of complete generating sets. The generating set manufacturer shall be responsible for the specified characteristics and the tests performed.
This standard applies to alternating current (ac) generating sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines for land and marine use. It does not apply to generating sets for aviation or driving land vehicles and locomotives. For some special purposes (such as necessary hospital power supply, high-rise buildings, etc.), additional requirements may be necessary. This standard specifies the requirements to be made.
For AC generator sets driven by other types of reciprocating prime movers (such as biogas engines, steam engines), the provisions of this standard should be used as the basis.
2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is released, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should discuss the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards, GB/T2820.1-1997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven AC generator set Part 1, Application, rating and performance (cqv 1S0 8528 1:1993)
GB/T 2820.2—1997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 2: Engine (erVISO8528-2:1993)
GB/T 2820.3—1997
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets, Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets (cqv IS0 8528 3:1993)
GB/T 2820.4—1997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 4: Control devices and switchgear (cqv ISO 8528-4:1993)
GB/T2820.51997 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven AC generator set Part 5: Generator set (eqVI5SO85285:1993)
3 Other provisions and additional requirements
3.1 For AC generator sets installed on deck of ships and offshore that must comply with the specifications of a certain group of associations, they shall meet the additional requirements of that group of associations. Such groups shall provide users with a clear explanation before placing an order. For AC generator sets operating under non-class equipment conditions, similar additional requirements in different situations shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user.
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 26, 1997, 1998-1201 for implementation
GB/T 2820. 6-1997
3.2 Special requirements specified in the regulations of any other regulatory bodies (such as inspection and/or legislative bodies) shall be met. Such regulatory bodies shall be declared by the user before placing an order.
Any other additional requirements shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user. 4 General test requirements
4.1 The generator set shall be tested according to the ISO standard functional test (see 5) or the ISO standard acceptance test (see 6). According to the agreement between the manufacturer and the user of the generator set, any or all functional tests may be combined with the acceptance test, and the acceptance test shall be carried out at the manufacturer and/or the installation site. The type of test shall be in accordance with the written agreement between the manufacturer and the user. 4.2 The detailed requirements for the acceptance test depend on the following basic scope: Purpose!
. Power input!
Power supply level,
Performance level according to GB/T2820.1 and GB/T2820.5. 4.3 The minimum test completed by the generator set manufacturer is the ISC) standard push function test, and the test report should be prepared according to 5.4. Some differences in this test are allowed when agreed upon by the generator set manufacturer and the user. This functional test is suitable for calibrating the rating and performance of the generator set.
4.4 The ISO standard functional test procedure is intended for use on the generator set manufacturer's test bench. Upon agreement between the manufacturer and the user, the functional and/or acceptance tests may be carried out at the user's site or at a second-party test site. 5 ISO standard functional test
The functional test shall be carried out under the test bench conditions specified by the manufacturer! The test of rated active power and related generator efficiency is usually carried out with rated power factor load. If such test is not possible due to test equipment reasons, the test may be carried out at a power factor of 1.0. This shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user.
5.1 General inspection
The general inspection specified in the technical documents of the generator set manufacturer shall include: the integrity of the supply items and test items
the status of the adjustment;
(connection agreement) Functional control of auxiliary equipment provided: the tightness of piping connections and components;
Protection level:
- Operation and monitoring
Note: When testing non-precision parts, such as fan guards, as an approximate method of protection prediction statistics is available, 5.2 Measurement
The test is carried out on pairs of preheated generator sets. The time required to preheat the generator set will be different. The test engineer shall be responsible for ensuring that the unit is operated for a sufficient time for the temperature to stabilize. The following items shall be recorded:
Ambient temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure; Voltage, current and frequency at rated output: Voltage, frequency and current during loading and unloading to determine transient conditions; - Characteristic functions of monitoring and control equipment. 5.3 Accuracy of measuring equipment
The minimum accuracy of the instruments used to measure the listed parameters shall be; Current: 1.5%
Voltage: 1.5%
Active power: 1.5%
Reactive power, 1.5%
Power factor: 3 Off-rated power: 0.5%
GB/T 2820.6—1997
The measuring transformers and sensors shall have the corresponding accuracy level. 5.41S(0 standard function test report
ISO standard function test report shall include the following contents: a) Generator component energy level according to GB/T2820.1. b) User and order number (if known). c) Manufacturer. d) Engine, generator, control device and switch device number. e) Calibrated (rated) and measured technical data: - Power, voltage: - Frequency: - Current: - Power number; - Speed; - Circuit diagram number: - Cooling system type. f) Enclosure protection.
K) Test site conditions:
—Sea school,
Atmospheric pressure
—Ambient temperature
Relative humidity;
Inlet air temperature,
Inlet coolant temperature,
h) Fuel type (specification number):
Heating value (low heating value)
i) Lubricating oil type (ship specification number).
6 Acceptance test
GB/T2820.1~-2820.5 set technical requirements for generator sets for different purposes. Unless it has been confirmed by acceptance test according to this standard, the manufacturer shall certify in writing that its generator set meets the requirements of GB/T2820.1~2820.5. This standard applies in particular to the performance levels set out in GB/T 2820.1 and GB/T 2820.5 agreed in the contract. In any given case, there are no agreed requirements or changes to the performance classification for specific operating extremes. 6.1 Contractual arrangements
6.1.1 The details of the acceptance tests to this standard shall be agreed in writing at the time of purchase. The test equipment shall be capable of carrying out the agreed measurements and checks for the acceptance tests.
GB/T 2820. 6—1997
6.1.2 Any additional requirements beyond the scope of 6.5 and the accompanying characteristics measured or the contents of the tests to be carried out shall be agreed in writing. 6.1.3 If the requirements for the tests specified in 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 are changed during the course of the acceptance tests, appropriate agreements shall be signed. 6.1.4 The costs of repetition or extension of all or part of the acceptance tests shall be borne by the party responsible for the repetition or extension. 6.1.5 The acceptance tests shall be completed within the agreed period after notification of readiness for the acceptance tests. 6.1.6 The manufacturer of the generator set shall not be responsible for the equipment provided by the user. 6.1.7 With the agreement of the manufacturer of the generator set and the user, the factory tests of the complete generator set with the test certificate may be regarded as a substitute for the acceptance tests.
6.1.8 Acceptance tests of components (such as engines, generators, switchgear) shall not be regarded as a substitute for acceptance tests of the complete power station or generator set: the test records of the manufacturer of the relevant components may be used in special cases or for verification of certain characteristics as mutually agreed. 6.1.9 If calculation documents are required for measurements and tests, it shall be stipulated by agreement which party shall provide the documents and the time of their provision. 6.1.10 Within the scope agreed in the contract, an impartial inspector welcomed by both parties may be invited to participate in the acceptance tests at the manufacturing plant and/or the installation site.
6.1.11 Acceptance tests may be carried out at the manufacturer and/or the installation site. The place for the tests shall be agreed in writing. 6.2 Responsibilities
6.2.1 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the acceptance tests carried out at the factory. 6.2.2 The responsibilities of the user and the manufacturer's agent shall be agreed before the acceptance tests at the agreed site begin. 6.3 Preparation
6.3.1 The preparation of auxiliary personnel, measuring equipment and working equipment shall be as follows. In the case where the acceptance tests are carried out at the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall prepare the normal working equipment, test equipment and auxiliary personnel required for the tests.
In the case where the acceptance tests are carried out at the installation site, the user shall prepare the necessary working equipment (e.g. load groups, fuel). If it may be necessary for the user to appoint auxiliary personnel to assist the manufacturer and add any measuring equipment, this shall be agreed between the user and the manufacturer. 6.3.2 Preparation for the acceptance tests at the installation site shall be as follows. Before the acceptance tests, the manufacturer shall be given the opportunity to inspect the generator set and make any necessary adjustments and calibrations. This also applies when the manufacturer does not undertake the installation itself.
6.3.3 The maintenance of the working conditions shall be as follows: When the acceptance test is carried out at the manufacturer's factory, it shall be permitted to use the normal air screens and exhaust ducts used in the factory. In addition, it is permitted to use the factory's own auxiliary equipment (such as cooling water pumps, lubricating oil filters, coolers, switchgear) instead of the corresponding equipment equipped with the generating set, unless otherwise agreed.
If the environmental conditions and working equipment performance specified for the acceptance test cannot be achieved, the influence of the difference in conditions and the necessary conversion of the test results shall be agreed before the acceptance test begins. 6.4 Other details
6.4.1 If the acceptance test is interrupted by a minor fault that can be corrected quickly and is considered to be unimportant by the parties to the agreement, the acceptance test shall be continued after the interruption.
If the acceptance test is interrupted by a fault that requires repair or replacement of major components, the acceptance test shall be repeated in whole or in part, which shall be determined according to the agreement.
6.4.2 During the acceptance test, only the necessary adjustments or maintenance shall be carried out on the generator set to maintain the test conditions, and such adjustments or maintenance shall be in accordance with the instructions for use.
6.4.3 For generator sets operated at their installation site, special provisions may be required when using different distillates (e.g. gases, residual fuels).
6.5 Scope of acceptance tests
The scope of acceptance tests depends on the intended use and is divided into groups listed in 6.5.1 to 6.5.2. Inspections and measurements beyond this scope require the development of supplementary agreements. When acceptance tests are carried out at the installation site, the prevailing conditions shall be taken into account. 6.5.1 Inspection (C)
CA Maintenance:
GB/T 2820.6—1997
Completeness of the supply items and test items. CB Group:
…Qualification conditions
Operational functions of auxiliary equipment;
Fixedness of piping connections and components;
Measures to prevent accidental contact (mechanical and electrical);
Operational and monitoring functions;
Vibration (stability);
Abnormal operating noise;
Temperature rise of important components.
cC Group;
Opening and closing device:
Switching function:
Control function;
Monitoring function;
Group CD:
Suitability of a pair of parallel operation.
6.5.2 Measurement (M)
Typical measurement items are listed below. The requirements of 6.6 apply to the scope of measurements to be made during the acceptance test. Group MA:
Measure the following under steady-state operating conditions: - voltage;
- frequency.
Group MB:
Voltage setting range:
Frequency setting range:
Right power or power factor
Steady frequency band:
Voltage setting change rate;
Frequency setting change rate,
MC group:
Starting performance.
MD group:
Lubricating oil positive force;
Cooling medium temperature at the inlet and outlet of the engine and generator. ME group:
Exhaust temperature.
MF group:
Noise radiation.
MG group:
Exhaust gas efficiency.
MH group:
Measure the following with an oscilloscope or similar device: GB/T 2820. 6—1997
Load and unload the generator at a certain power number to evaluate the transient performance, voltage:
MJ group:
-harmonic content of voltage waveform.
MK group:
amplitude control of electric waveform.
ML group:
-power distribution when parallel operation.
MM group:
Under the condition of considering the calorific value of fuel, c. The fuel consumption MN of the generator set based on the electrical power obtained at the generator terminals:
—Effectiveness of electrical protection devices.
6.6 Accuracy of measuring equipment and acceptance test procedures 6.6.1 Accuracy of measuring equipment
The accuracy requirements of electrical instruments shall be determined in accordance with the agreement between the manufacturer and the user. If the test is carried out at the manufacturer, the accuracy of 5.3 shall be used. If the test is not carried out at the manufacturer, the following minimum accuracy is recommended:
Current 2.5%
Voltage: 2.5%
Active power: 2.5%
Reactive power, 2.5%
Power factor: 5%
Frequency: 1%
Juice: All instrumentation and waveforms should be considered: 6.6.2 Warm-up time
Acceptance tests should be performed on preheated generator sets. The time required to warm up the generator will vary. The test engineer is responsible for ensuring that the unit is run for sufficient time for the temperature to stabilize. 6.6.3 Duration of load test
The duration of the load test depends on the rating and purpose of the generator set. It is generally between 0.5 h and 8 h: and is usually specified by the manufacturer.
6.6.4 Acceptance test performed during manufacturing Acceptance test with electrical load
The test of rated active power and related generator efficiency is usually carried out with a load with a power factor of 1.0. If the test equipment is suitable, the test can be carried out at rated power. Measurements affected by power output are carried out on the generator set at no load and 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the rated power. The load acceptance test should be carried out according to the agreement between the generator set manufacturer and the user. If the environmental conditions during the test are different from the standard reference conditions (see GB/T2820.1), the measured power data should be converted to the standard base conditions.
CB/T 2820. 6—1997 Acceptance test of switchgear using test bench Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out: - Test (see 5.5.1): CA and CR groups:
- Measurement (see 6.5.2): MA and 1MB groups. Acceptance test of switchgear including generator sets Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out: - Test (see 6.5.1): CA, CB and CC groups; - Measurement (see 6.5.2): MA, MB and MN groups Additional tests and measurements
In addition to those specified in and (see, for example, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2), additional tests and measurements may be agreed. Acceptance tests without electrical load
Unless otherwise agreed, the tests of the CA and CB groups shall be carried out (see 6.5.1). The measurements of the MA group shall be carried out (see 6.5.2). NOTE: Without the electrical excitation device connected, it is not possible to measure the voltage and frequency. 6.6.5 Acceptance tests at the installation site
The acceptance tests shall be carried out with an electrical load available at the installation site, which shall be as close to the rated power as possible. Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out:
Tests (see 6.5.1); CA, CH and CC groups, measurements (see 6.5.2); MA and MB groups.
Other tests and measurements may also be agreed (see, for example, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2). The groups for inspection and measurement are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Acceptance test Using bench switchgear Using generator set self-provided and closed pipe Electrical load at installation site Inspection (6.5.J) CA and C13 CA, CH and CC CA and CB CA, CR and C Measurement (6.5.2) MA and MB MA, MB and MN 1 If the generator set has not been separately acceptance tested, the ME and MF groups (see 6.3.2) should be checked. 2 For continuous and basic power applications, it is best to avoid the MM test. 6.7 Acceptance test report
For generators in accordance with the requirements of GB/T2820.6, the performance of the acceptance test in accordance with the requirements specified in 6.6 shall be recorded in the format of an acceptance test report.
6.7. 1- General data
The acceptance test report shall include the following general data: a) Performance level of the generator set in accordance with GB/T2820.1 and GB/T2820.5. b) User and contract number,
c) Manufacturer and order number.
d) Generator set number.
e) Technical data:
.-- Rated power,
-- Rated voltage:
-- Rated frequency,
-- Rated current.
Rated power factor:
Circuit diagram number.
f) Details of RIC engine:
… Manufacturer
- Engine type,
- Engine number,
- Number of cylinders and configuration;
- Cooling type:
GB/T 2820.6--1997
- Power rated by the manufacturer, kVA; indicate the type of starting system corresponding to the engine speed.
g) Details of generator:
Generator type:
Generator number #
Rated output, kVA,
- Structural type:
- Protection type.
h) Details of equipment:
- Switchgear:
Switchgear number.
Speed regulator,
Regulator number.
) Details of other equipment, for example:
-Compressed air starting equipment
Compressed air cylinder;
Cooling equipment.
6.7.2 Measurement data
The acceptance test report should include the measurement data of the following items; a) Test site conditions:
. Atmospheric pressure,
Ambient temperature;
—Relative humidity
—Inlet air temperature:
Inlet coolant temperature,
GB/T 2820. 6---1997
Note: The values in items 35 and 6 may be different for RIC engines and generators. b) Fuel type (specification number):
Heating value (lower heating value).
e) Technical data of generator sets:
Number of phases;
—Power factor:
—Speed adjustment range:
Frequency setting change rate;
Voltage range.
Specific test methods
are specified in the product standards.
Instructions for adoption:
This chapter does not exist in ISO 8528.6.3 Acceptance tests involving spare switchgear for generating sets Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out: Tests (see 6.5.1): CA, CB and CC groups; Measurements (see 6.5.2): MA, MB and MN groups Additional tests and measurements
In addition to those specified in and (see, for example, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2), additional tests and measurements may be agreed. Acceptance tests without electrical loads
Unless otherwise agreed, tests (see 6.5.1) shall be carried out on CA and CB groups. Measurements (see 6.5.2) shall be carried out on MA group. NOTE: Without the electrical excitation connected, it is not possible to measure voltage and frequency. 6.6.5 Acceptance tests at the installation site
The acceptance tests shall be carried out with an electrical load available at the installation site, which shall be as close to the rated power as possible. Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out:
Tests (see 6.5.1); Groups CA, CH and CC, measurements (see 6.5.2): Groups MA and MB.
Tests and measurements other than the blade may also be agreed (see, for example, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2). The groups for inspection and measurement are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Acceptance test Using bench switchgear Using generator set self-provided and closed pipe Electrical load at installation site Inspection (6.5.J) CA and C13 CA, CH and CC CA and CB CA, CR and C Measurement (6.5.2) MA and MB MA, MB and MN 1 If the generator set has not been separately acceptance tested, the ME and MF groups (see 6.3.2) should be checked. 2 For continuous and basic power applications, it is best to avoid the MM test. 6.7 Acceptance test report
For generators in accordance with the requirements of GB/T2820.6, the performance of the acceptance test in accordance with the requirements specified in 6.6 shall be recorded in the format of an acceptance test report.
6.7. 1- General data
The acceptance test report shall include the following general data: a) Performance level of the generator set in accordance with GB/T2820.1 and GB/T2820.5. b) User and contract number,
c) Manufacturer and order number.
d) Generator set number.
e) Technical data:
.-- Rated power,
-- Rated voltage:
-- Rated frequency,
-- Rated current.
Rated power factor:
Circuit diagram number.
f) Details of RIC engine:
… Manufacturer
- Engine type,
- Engine number,
- Number of cylinders and configuration;
- Cooling type:
GB/T 2820.6--1997
- Power rated by the manufacturer, kVA; indicate the type of starting system corresponding to the engine speed.
g) Details of generator:
Generator type:
Generator number #
Rated output, kVA,
- Structural type:
- Protection type.
h) Details of equipment:
- Switchgear:
Switchgear number.
Speed regulator,
Regulator number.
) Details of other equipment, for example:
-Compressed air starting equipment
Compressed air cylinder;
Cooling equipment.
6.7.2 Measurement data
The acceptance test report should include the measurement data of the following items; a) Test site conditions:
. Atmospheric pressure,
Ambient temperature;
—Relative humidity
—Intake air temperature:
Intake coolant temperature,
GB/T 2820. 6---1997
Note: The values in items 35 and 6 may be different for RIC engines and generators. b) Fuel type (specification number):
Heating value (low heating value).
e) Technical data of generator sets:
Number of phases;
—Power factor:
—Speed adjustment range:
Frequency setting change rate;
Voltage range.
Specific test methods
are specified in the product standards.
Instructions for adoption:
This chapter does not exist in ISO 8528.6.3 Acceptance tests involving spare switchgear for generating sets Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out: Tests (see 6.5.1): CA, CB and CC groups; Measurements (see 6.5.2): MA, MB and MN groups Additional tests and measurements
In addition to those specified in and (see, for example, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2), additional tests and measurements may be agreed. Acceptance tests without electrical loads
Unless otherwise agreed, tests (see 6.5.1) shall be carried out on CA and CB groups. Measurements (see 6.5.2) shall be carried out on MA group. NOTE: Without the electrical excitation connected, it is not possible to measure voltage and frequency. 6.6.5 Acceptance tests at the installation site
The acceptance tests shall be carried out with an electrical load available at the installation site, which shall be as close to the rated power as possible. Unless otherwise agreed, the following tests and measurements shall be carried out:
Tests (see 6.5.1); Groups CA, CH and CC, measurements (see 6.5.2): Groups MA and MB.
Tests and measurements other than the blade may also be agreed (see, for example, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2). The groups for inspection and measurement are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Acceptance test Using bench switchgear Using generator set self-provided and closed pipe Electrical load at installation site Inspection (6.5.J) CA and C13 CA, CH and CC CA and CB CA, CR and C Measurement (6.5.2) MA and MB MA, MB and MN 1 If the generator set has not been separately acceptance tested, the ME and MF groups (see 6.3.2) should be checked. 2 For continuous and basic power applications, it is best to avoid the MM test. 6.7 Acceptance test report
For generators in accordance with the requirements of GB/T2820.6, the performance of the acceptance test in accordance with the requirements specified in 6.6 shall be recorded in the format of an acceptance test report.
6.7. 1- General data
The acceptance test report shall include the following general data: a) Performance level of the generator set in accordance with GB/T2820.1 and GB/T2820.5. b) User and contract number,
c) Manufacturer and order number.
d) Generator set number.
e) Technical data:
.-- Rated power,
-- Rated voltage:
-- Rated frequency,
-- Rated current.
Rated power factor:
Circuit diagram number.
f) Details of RIC engine:
… Manufacturer
- Engine type,
- Engine number,
- Number of cylinders and configuration;
- Cooling type:
GB/T 2820.6--1997
- Power rated by the manufacturer, kVA; indicate the type of starting system corresponding to the engine speed.
g) Details of generator:
Generator type:
Generator number #
Rated output, kVA,
- Structural type:
- Protection type.
h) Details of equipment:
- Switchgear:
Switchgear number.
Speed regulator,
Regulator number.
) Details of other equipment, for example:
-Compressed air starting equipment
Compressed air cylinder;
Cooling equipment.
6.7.2 Measurement data
The acceptance test report should include the measurement data of the following items; a) Test site conditions:
. Atmospheric pressure,
Ambient temperature;
—Relative humidity
—Intake air temperature:
Intake coolant temperature,
GB/T 2820. 6---1997
Note: The values in items 35 and 6 may be different for RIC engines and generators. b) Fuel type (specification number):
Heating value (low heating value).
e) Technical data of generator sets:
Number of phases;
—Power factor:
—Speed adjustment range:
Frequency setting change rate;
Voltage range.
Specific test methods
are specified in the product standards.
Instructions for adoption:
This chapter does not exist in ISO 8528.6.
-Structural type:
-Protection type.
h) Details of equipment:
-Switch device:
Switch device number.
Speed regulator,
Regulator number.
) Details of other equipment, for example:
-Compressed air starting equipment
Compressed air cylinder;
Cooling equipment.
6.7.2 Measurement data
The acceptance test report shall include the measurement data of the following items; a) Test site conditions:
— Marine technology,
. Atmospheric pressure,
Ambient temperature;
— Relative humidity
— Inlet air temperature:
Inlet coolant temperature,
GB/T 2820. 6---1997
Note: The values in items 35 and 6 may be different for RIC engines and generators. b) Fuel type (specification number):
— Density:
Calorific value (lower calorific value).
e) Technical data of the generator set:
Number of phases;
—Power factor:
-Speed regulation range:
Frequency setting change rate;
Voltage range.
Specific test methods
are specified in the product standards.
Instructions for use:
This chapter is not included in ISO 8528.6.
-Structural type:
-Protection type.
h) Details of equipment:
-Switch device:
Switch device number.
Speed regulator,
Regulator number.
) Details of other equipment, for example:
-Compressed air starting equipment
Compressed air cylinder;
Cooling equipment.
6.7.2 Measurement data
The acceptance test report shall include the measurement data of the following items; a) Test site conditions:
— Marine technology,
. Atmospheric pressure,
Ambient temperature;
— Relative humidity
— Inlet air temperature:
Inlet coolant temperature,
GB/T 2820. 6---1997
Note: The values in items 35 and 6 may be different for RIC engines and generators. b) Fuel type (specification number):
— Density:
Calorific value (lower calorific value).
e) Technical data of the generator set:
Number of phases;
—Power factor:
-Speed regulation range:
Frequency setting change rate;
Voltage range.
Specific test methods
are specified in the product standards.
Instructions for use:
This chapter is not included in ISO 8528.6.
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