GB/T 3916-1997 Textiles - Determination of breaking strength and elongation of single yarn in packaged yarn
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 3916---1997 egv ISO 2062:1993 Textiles-Yarns from packages-Determination of single-end breaking force and elongation at break 1997-06-09 Issued
1997-12-01 Implementation
State Administration of Technical Supervision Issued
This standard is equivalent to 1502062.1993 Determination of the breaking strength and breaking length of a single yarn in a textile package. It has revised the national standard GB3919-83 Determination of the breaking strength and breaking length of a single yarn. Compared with GB3916-83, it has been improved mainly in the following two aspects.
1. It stipulates the use of one type of instrument, namely, the CRE type elastic instrument. As for the CRT type and CRL elastic instrument, they are still in use as a transition. Their replacement procedures are still included in the standard, but only as a reference and adopted by agreement. 2. The fixed breaking time is replaced by the fixed time. This standard adopts the tensile rate of 100% of the external length per minute. For the automatic tensile force meter, a higher tensile rate meter can be used if there is an agreement. This standard has made a technical correction to ISO2062:1993, that is, when it is necessary to determine the average breaking strength and the coefficient of variation at the same time, for short fiber yarn, ISO2062.1993 stipulates that 20 small packages are taken from the fire sample to test at least 200 specimens, while this standard stipulates that 30 packages are taken from the large sample and at least 105 specimens are tested. However, the arbitration test is still the same as that stipulated in ISO2062, 1993. This standard will be effective from the date of entry into force and will be replaced by GB3915-83. The corresponding record A of this standard is the interval record of the standard.
This standard is proposed by the China Textile General Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Research Institute of China National Textile and Apparel Council. This standard was drafted by the Shanghai Textile Standard and Metrology Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Xin Fu.
A/T 39161997
ISO is a worldwide joint supervision organization of national standards bodies (ISO trade associations). The formulation of international standards is completed through the ISO technical committee. Each group has the right to attend the technical committee established for the project if it is interested in a specific project. International organizations that are related to ISO can also participate in this work. ISO maintains frequent planning and preparation with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in all aspects of engineering standards. The draft international standards adopted by the technical committees are voted on by the member groups. International standards are Release at least? 5% or more will be due to physical paint costs.
National Grid Standard 1S02062 is formulated by 1S/1C36 Textile Products or Six SC Yarn Test Requirements: The first edition (ISO2062:1072) has been revised from a technical point of view and replaced by the technical edition (Second Edition), and the first edition has been made. Appendix A of this standard is used as a reference.
National Standard of the People's Republic of
Yarn in Packages
Determination of Breaking Strength and Breaking Elongation of Single Yarn
T'extiles-Yaras tron packages-Dctcraninatian pf slngle-radbreuking force μad elunyalun al break1Scope of application
find alarm G1191683
1.1This standard specifies the method of determining the breaking strength and breaking elongation of the yarn taken from the package, that is, providing four methods: 1) automatic, directly taking the sample from the adjusted package; 2) automatic, directly taking the sample from the roll number of the rat; 3) manual, using the adjusted loose yarn; 4) automatic, using the appropriate sample.
1.2 In the case of controversy over the elongation at break of the yarn, the method shall be adopted! . It is hoped that methods a), e), and e) provide similar tensile results, but methods b) and d) may provide more accurate (and less cumbersome) measurements. The estimates of fracture strength and fracture length determined by methods d) and d) may differ from those by methods b), and the results determined by methods 3) and 4) may not be exactly the same as those by methods 5), 6), and 7). This standard uses a constant rate of elongation tester (CRT) type, but many testers still use the outdated constant load (CRI) type and constant inclination load (CRI) type arc force testers. This is the actual situation. Appendix A lists references to the use of CRT and CRL type tensile testers for use by agreement. 1.4 This standard applies to all yarns except glass yarn, group yarn, catfish yarn, ceramic yarn, carbon fiber yarn, and ethylene fan yarn. 1.5 This standard applies to yarns taken from coils, but yarns removed from fabrics may be used with agreement from the parties concerned. 1.6 This standard specifies the test of single yarn (single thread). 2 Reference standards
The texts contained in the following standards are limited to the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The texts shown are valid when this standard is published. All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB6529-86 Standard atmosphere for aging test of anti-woven fabrics GB/T1743-1S5 Determination of linear density of about 1/4 thread by twisting method 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Breaking force breakink force
In the yarn tensile test, the maximum force applied to the sample to break, preferably expressed in Newtons for yarn. 3.2 Elongation at break elongationacbreak The increment of sample length produced by the breaking force, expressed as a percentage of the original nominal length of the sample. 3.3 Breaking strength breakingcenacity
The breaking strength of a yarn is the value related to its linear density, generally expressed in Newtons per unit frequency. Guohao Technical Supervision Fan 199-06-Bai 9 Approval 1 997-12-01 Implementation
3.4 Constant-speed elongation test machine cnnsianlatea [pecinunextensiantestiagmachine test only has a fixed central holder for pressing the test sieve, a constant-speed driven clamp for holding the other end of the sample, and a receiver should have a display and record of the applied force and elongation values. 3.5 Package
Suitable for use, operation A number of yarns in the form of transportation, storage, etc. The package can be supported (such as tubes, yarns), or unsupported (such as yarn, spherical yarn).
4 Principle
Use a special instrument to stretch the sample until it breaks, and record the breaking strength and breaking length. If the sample is stretched at a constant speed of 100 (relative to the original length of the sample> per minute: According to the agreement, the automatic tester allows a higher stretching degree and two interval lengths. The general height is 5m (stretching degree 5nm/mir), and in special cases it is 250 mm clock drop 250mm/min), 5 instruments and materials
5.1 Constant velocity length (CRE) tester, meeting the following requirements: a) The test length is 500mm±2mm or 25m±1mm, or both. b) The constant speed of the dynamic holder is 5i00mm, min or 250mm/min. The accuracy is 2%. According to the agreement, the automatic test memory allows a higher tensile strength: > The maximum error of the strength indication should not exceed 2, d) The tester can be vertical or automatic! ) The holder of the fire specimen should prevent the specimen from slipping or cutting and breaking in the gap when it is stretched. The standard jaw width is almost flat, but if it cannot prevent the specimen from shifting, other types of clamps can be used according to the agreement, such as padded gaps, column holders or other brake types. The type of holder will have a certain influence on the elongation of the specimen. Therefore, all relevant parties should use the same type of holder. The tester should have a force-elongation automatic plotting device, or a system that directly records the breaking force and breaking elongation. 8) The tester should be able to set the pre-tension, and a tension code or a device that can measure the force value can also be used. 5.2. The yarn machine is used to prepare the test sample into the test warp yarn (method c) or d). 5.3. The yarn is used to draw the test bill under isotropic tension so that the bill can be easily transferred to the tester (method e).
5.4. The sample or test specimen is used to be subjected to water (method d)). 5.5. Tap water at room temperature (method d). 5.6. Nonionic plastic surfactant, 0.1% aqueous solution (method d). 6. Sampling
6.1. The sampling method for sampling the test sample should be provided in the material description (such as product label or agreement), or according to 5.2 to 6. 7.6.7 Select one or more boxes of samples according to Table 1 as a representative of the batch to be tested. The number of packages in the box is 11-20. The number of packages randomly selected is 31-75. The number of packages randomly selected is 63. If only the average value is required, 10 packages should be evenly selected from each tray of the sample as laboratory sample packages. 9. Except as provided in 6.5, the number of test cores to be tested is 5 for fiber yarns and 20 for other types of yarns. The test samples should be evenly sampled from 10 packages. 6.5. If the test variation is known and only the mean value is required, the sample record should be calculated as 0.1CV. Where (V is the coefficient of variation of the breaking strength of a single yarn, expressed as a percentage), obtained from data from similar yarn tests. Note: "The number of specimens will be within the specification when 90%, ±4% accuracy (1.96 × average frequency error). 2 The two strength tests are "single-sided tests", that is, "the instantaneous breaking strength of the soft wire cannot be less than \ but * can be negotiated with .......". When the standard level is 90%, one side of the distribution tends to be 5%, that is, the film is in accordance with the "double-sided" test. When the standard level is 1%, the total values of the two sides should be the same, and the good results need to be For the determination of flat shear resistance and coefficient of variation, 20 samples shall be taken from the large sample and at least 100 samples shall be tested. However, for the tensile test of short-length yarn, at least 20 samples shall be tested. 6.7 For the test of yarn removed from the fabric, the automatic tester shall not be used (method b). The fabric sample sequence shall fully meet the requirements of the integrity and length of the sample. In the process of removing the sample, care shall be taken to avoid the loss of yarn cutting strength. For woven fabrics, the warp test piece shall be taken from different yarns, and the weft test piece shall be randomly removed from different areas. For knitted fabrics, the samples shall be taken from different areas. 7 Pre-conditioning and humidification
7.1 The atmosphere used for pre-conditioning, adjustment and testing shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB6529. The standard atmosphere for the load test shall be used. 7.2 For methods) to e), the pre-conditioning of the yarn sample or the test yarn shall be at least 4 hours. If the sample conditioning is carried out by absorption, the side treatment can be omitted. 7.3 After conditioning, the sample should be allowed to absorb moisture evenly under the normal atmospheric conditions. The sample should be mixed for not less than 8 hours for sand, but at least 48 hours for tightly packed rolls.
7.4 No pre-conditioning or conditioning is required for acid tests. B. Procedure
8.1 General
1.1 If the agreement allows the use of multiple test conditions, the parties shall test the sample at alternate test conditions (i.e., interval length, tensile speed, type of holder) at the appropriate time. , temperature and humidity, pretension) test. 8.1.2 Two gauge lengths are allowed. Generally, 500mm is used for specimens with a gauge length that is not suitable for 500mm, or 250mm is used according to the device.
8.1.3 For a gauge length of 500mm, a pulling speed of 500mm/min is used, and for a gauge length of 250mm, a pulling speed of 250mm/min is used. In addition, it is recommended that for automatic tests only (method), a higher pulling speed is allowed according to the device, and a pulling speed of 400% of the gauge length is used per minute or 1000% of the gauge length is used per minute. 8.1.4 Withdraw the yarn from the lifting device in the usual way. 8.1.5 Before clamping the specimen, check that the jaws are accurately aligned and parallel to ensure that the applied force does not produce angular deviation. 8.1.6 Apply pretension when the specimen is connected to the holder, and adjust the specimen to 0.±0.10) cN/te x, wet test back is (0.25 + 0.05) cN/tex, textured yarn is applied with pre-tension which can eliminate curling of yarn but not stretch it, Note: The following pre-tension is used for deformation <If there is no other way to change>, calculated based on the name of the brand, ester and amide sensitive: (20 ± 0.2) cN/tex amide, butyric acid and viscose sensitive, (1.0 + 0.1) cN/tex shrinkage and jet age, (C.5 + 0. 05>cN/tex: except for the chain with a linear density of more than 50 rex, 1.7, clamp the sample, 8.1.8, test in the standard test atmosphere according to 7.1, 8.1.9 During the test, the test piece slippage between the test pieces cannot exceed 2mm. If the slippage occurs multiple times, the clamping device or the jaws of the clamp must be replaced. The number of test chambers when the slippage occurs shall be recorded, including the number of test moments when the yarn break point is within 5m of the clamp or closer. 8.1.10 Record the breaking strength and breaking elongation value (method 61 dynamic record). Fancy line records the value of the breaking unit, and the proof is recorded. The test value of the fancy type may be lower than that defined in 3.2. The 2-piece suction plate type does not allow the actual holding time value to be determined accurately. The number of hands is correct. 8.2 Method a). Manual
The sample is taken directly from the reference device.
According to the steps of 8.1.1 to 8.1.11, the sample is manually put into the holder for tensile test. 8.3 Method b). Internal
The sample is taken directly from the adjustable device.
According to the steps of 8.1.1 to 9.1. 8.1.! ~ 8.1-11, set the instrument to take samples from 15 or 22 differences (see 6.3 and 5..) and automatically test.
8.4 Method). Manual, reduced yarn size
B4.1 Use a reel (see 5.2) to collect the test yarn from each reel. The yarn quality should be sufficient to meet the requirements of the number and length of the specimens.
8.4.2 In the tensioning atmosphere (see 7.1), use the reel (see 5.3) to quickly adjust the test yarn to the minimum tension. 8.4.3 In accordance with the steps of 8-1.1 to 8.1.11, take a single specimen from the test reel and clamp it into the clamp. The specimen length should be at least 100 mm and not less than 500 mm. Take care to avoid frequent yarn loss. Note that the sewing method can be used to separate the yarn from the fabric with appropriate adjustment (see 6.7). 8.5 Method d). Manual, careful specimen
8.5.1 Prepare the test specimen in accordance with 8.4.1.
B.5.2 Before removing the test yarn from the twister, tie two strong yarns (such as chain) at two places 2 cm apart on the yarn, tie the ends tightly, make a new skein between the ties, pour water (see 5.5) into the apparatus (see 6.4), lay the broken skein flat on the water surface and let it sink slightly.
8.5.3 If the yarn does not sink in water, press it into the water, for example by adding weight to the yarn bundle, until the yarn is fully immersed (for example 30 μm). For yarns that are resistant to moisture under normal conditions, add non-ionic lubricants to the water. 8.5.4 Take the sample from the water and carry out the reduction test within 4608 hours. Thereafter, proceed according to steps 8.1.2 to 8.1.11. 9 Test report shall include the following information: 1) Number of this standard (GH3916199); 2) Batch guide or other markings of the sample; 3) Package form (yarn, thinner than yarn, etc.), finishing condition (color, white, etc.) and unwinding method of the packaged yarn (axial or axial); 4) If necessary, provide yarn linear density or technical specifications of GB/T 4713; 5) Adjustment and test atmosphere adopted; 6) Shaft pressure scheme adopted, number of test reels and number of discarded sample reels; 7) Type of instrument used; 8) Test method used (ad); 9) Gauge length, tensile strength, tension, type of holder and needle mouth used; 10) Test period.
Test results
The following test results should be provided:
Average value of breaking strength, 3 significant figures! b) Average value of breaking length, % (2 significant figures)) Provide the coefficient of variation of breaking strength as required (to the nearest 0.1%)) Provide the coefficient of variation of breaking length as required (to the nearest 0.1%) e) Provide the nearest value of breaking strength N/tex as required.leN/tex)5
A1 Range
CR/T 3916---1997
【Appendix to the instructions
Selection method of using the CRT> and constant speed load (CRI) tester This annex includes seven methods:
1 (RT test, manual, take the test sample from the adjusted differential package,) CR1 tester, manual, using the moistened relaxation test drive relatively:) CRT tester, dynamic, to use the authorized loose pool test pattern, \ test release, manual, take the sample directly from the adjusted package CRI tester, dynamic, to take the sample directly from the adjusted package) R test only, manual, using the moistened relaxation test relatively! k) RL tester, dynamic, using the authorized relaxation test relatively. This test method is for reference only and can be used after consultation. A2 Sequence
A2.1 General
Perform the test in accordance with 8.1.1,, and possibly 8.1.7. and 8.1.8 to 8.1.11. 42.2 Method). For the CR test only, use the following slow-moving tester in manual mode. After the test is performed for 2 times, the difference between the average moving speed of the speed-guided gripper at any 2 times and the average moving speed during the 2-hour interval should not be too long. Adjust the instrument so that the average break time of the sand wire is 20 ± 3, or if a constant continuous pull is used, the breaking force value is displayed within the indicated value range of 15% to 86%.
42.2.2 Test according to step 8) See step 8.2. Omit 6.1.1. 42.3 Method: CRT tester, manual
Test according to step A2.2.1 (see step 8.4), omitting step 8.1.4. A2.4 g): CRT tester, manual
Test according to step A2.2.1 and method d1 (see step 8.5), omitting step 8.1.1. A2.5 Method h): CRT tester, manual
A2.5.1 Use an inclined plane tester that meets the following requirements. After the test is carried out, the average increase in force at any 2 positions shall not exceed the average increase in force during the entire pulling period. Adjust the instrument so that the average breaking time of the wire is 20 ± 3 s. The breaking strength value is displayed between 15% and 85% of the indicated value range. A2.5.2 Carry out the test according to method (see step 8.2), omitting 8.1.4. A2.6 Method 1) CRL test instrument, dynamic
Carry out the test according to A2.5.1 and method b) see 8.3), omitting 8.1.4, A2.7 Method >: CRL test, manual
Carry out the test according to A2.5.1 and method e) (see step 8.4), omitting 1.4.4. 2.B Method): CRL test instrument, manual
Carry out the test according to A2.5.1 and force tooth d) (see step 5), omitting 8.1.4, 6
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