This standard specifies the technical requirements and corresponding test methods for metal perforated plate test sieves. This standard applies to test sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 1mm to 125mm in GB/T 6005-1997. For square hole test sieves, this standard applies to test sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 4mm to 125mm in GB/T 6005-1997. GB/T 6003.2-1997 Metal perforated plate test sieves GB/T6003.2-1997 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the technical requirements and corresponding test methods for metal perforated plate test sieves. This standard applies to test sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 1mm to 125mm in GB/T 6005-1997. For square hole test sieves, this standard applies to test sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 4mm to 125mm in GB/T 6005-1997.
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GB/ This standard is equivalent to ISO3310-2:1990 "Test sieves - Technical requirements and inspection - Part 2: Metal perforated plate test sieves". This standard is a revision of the original GB6003-85 "Test sieves". Compared with the original GB6003-85, the main technical contents have the following changes: 1) In the test method, GB6003-85 focuses more on the requirements for inspection equipment, while this standard focuses on the specific test methods and the determination of results. 2) In the marking regulations, the marking of the metal perforated plate mesh shape is represented by R (round hole) and S (square hole), and the previous Chinese characters for "round" and "square" are cancelled. From the date of entry into force, this standard will replace the metal perforated plate test sieve part in GB6003-85. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Sieve Screen Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting units of this standard are: Mechanical Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, State-owned No. 540 Factory, State-owned No. 9699 Factory. The main drafters of this standard are: Deng Yue, Lai Ruxuan, Song Xiupo. 165 GB/T 6003.2-1997 ISOForeword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide joint organization composed of national standard bodies (ISO member countries) of various countries. The formulation of international standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member country has the right to participate in the committee if it is interested in the project carried out by a technical committee. Governmental and non-governmental international organizations related to ISO may also participate in this work. ISO has close ties with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the field of electrical standardization. Draft international standards adopted by technical committees are circulated to all member countries for voting. The formal publication of international standards requires at least 75% of the votes of member countries. International Standard ISO 3310-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC24, Sieve mesh, sieving and other particle sorting methods. The third edition of this standard replaces the second edition (ISO 3310-2:1982) and constitutes the content of the technical revision. Under the general title of "Test sieves - Technical requirements and inspection", ISO 3310 consists of the following parts: Part 1: Test sieves of woven wire mesh - Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal plate Part 3: Test sieves of electroformed sheet 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Test sieves of perforated metal plate Test sieves of perforated metal plate This standard specifies the technical requirements and corresponding test methods for test sieves of perforated metal plate. GB/T 6003.2—1997 eqv IS0 3310-2:1990 Replaces GB 6003—85 This standard applies to test sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 1mm to 125mm in GB/T6005-1997. For square hole test sieves, this standard applies to test sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 4mm to 125mm in GB/T6005-1997. 2 Reference standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB/T 6005-1997 Basic dimensions of sieve holes for test sieves - woven wire mesh, perforated plates and electroformed thin plates GB5329--85 Terminology for test sieves and screening tests GB10061-88 Method for marking sieve holes in sieve plates 3 Definitions of terms The definitions of the terms used in this standard can be found in GB5329. 4 Marking 4.1 Marking method The sieve frame size should be marked first, followed by the basic dimensions of the perforated plate sieve holes (see Table 3), with the two separated by a slash. Then the shape of the sieve holes should be marked. Round holes are represented by R and square holes are represented by S. Leave one space and finally mark the national standard number. 4.2 Marking example The marking of the round hole test sieve with a sieve frame size of $200×50mm and a basic sieve hole size of 16mm is: $200X50/16RGB/T 6003.2-1997 The marking of the square hole test sieve with a sieve frame size of $200×50mm and a basic sieve hole size of 16mm is: $200×50/16SGB/T6003.2—19975 Metal perforated plate 5.1 Technical requirements 5.1:1 Sieve hole size, tolerance and pitch The sieve hole size, tolerance and pitch shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1. The sieve hole size tolerance given in the fourth column of Table 1 should be measured in the middle width direction of the square hole and the diameter direction of the round hole. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 1, 1997 and implemented on October 1, 1998 Main dimensions Basic size of sieve hole w Supplementary scale GB/T 6003.2—1997 Sieve hole size tolerance Preferred size Allowed selection range Main dimensions Basic size of sieve hole GB/T6003.2-1997 Table 1 (End) Sieve hole size tolerance Preferred size Note: According to the provisions of GB/T6005, the basic size of the square hole shall not be less than 4mm. 5.1.2 Plate thickness The plate thickness shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 2. Basic size of sieve holes 1252w≥50 45zw=16 14≥≥8 7.12w≥2 5.1.3 Arrangement of sieve holes Arrangement of main sieve holes of metal perforated plate: Preferred plate thickness Allowed selection range Allowed selection range a) Circular holes shall be arranged with the vertices of an equilateral triangle as the center (see Figure 1), i.e., T arrangement (see GB10061). min b) Square holes shall be arranged in a line, with their center points at the vertices of the square (see Figure 2), i.e., U arrangement (see GB10061). The corners of the square hole can be rounded. The maximum allowable rounding radius can be calculated as follows: rmx = 0.05w + 0.3 Wherein: Tmax - maximum rounding radius, mm; w- basic size of the sieve hole, mm. 5.2 Inspection method GB/T6003.2- Each sieve hole on the metal perforated plate should be able to accept the inspection and comply with the provisions of 5.1. 5.2.1- General inspection Observe the metal perforated plate against a uniform lighting background. If obvious defects are found in the appearance of the sieve hole, the test screen is judged as unqualified. 5.2.2 Checking the size of the mesh holes and pitch For round and square holes, the size and pitch shall be measured in any area selected on the plate, along two straight lines in different directions, each line at least 100 mm long, with at least 5 mesh holes in each direction. The angle between the two lines is specified as follows; a) 90° or 60° for round holes (see Figure 3a); b) 90° for square holes (see Figure 3b). For square holes, another method is to measure the size and pitch of the mesh holes only in one direction, along the diagonal line. In this case, the length of the diagonal line shall be at least 150 mm and shall include at least 8 mesh holes (see Figure 3c). If the mesh holes on the perforated plate do not reach the minimum number of mesh holes required for inspection in one or both directions, all the mesh holes on the test sieve shall be checked. 6 Test sieve frame GB/T 6003.2—1997 A round sieve frame with a diameter of 200 mm should be used whenever possible. In the case of very fine test sieves and very small amounts of material to be screened, a smaller round frame can be used. For larger sieve hole sizes, a 300 mm round sieve frame or square sieve frame can be used. For test sieves with mesh or sieve hole sizes greater than 25 mm and large amounts of material to be screened, a larger sieve frame can be used (see Table 3). The size of a 300 mm test sieve frame can exceed about 15 mm, but the diameter or length of the effective screening area should be within the range specified in Table 3 (see Figure 4). H, the size should be determined by the manufacturer or agreed upon by both the supplier and the buyer. Table 3 Basic dimensions Diameter or length of the effective screening area Metal perforated plate 7 Structure of test sieve GB/T6003.2--1997 The screen frame should be flat and smooth, and can be easily stacked with other screens, covers, receiving trays, etc. of the same basic size. The connection between the perforated plate and the screen frame should prevent leakage of the material to be screened. 8 Marking of test sieves A clear metal nameplate should be fixed on the screen frame, and the nameplate should have the following content: a) The shape and basic size of the sieve hole; b) Implementation standard; c) The material of the metal plate and screen frame; d) The name and logo of the manufacturer. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.