title>GB 4706.11-1997 Special requirements for safety instant water heaters for household and similar electrical appliances - GB 4706.11-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 4706.11-1997 Special requirements for safety instant water heaters for household and similar electrical appliances

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4706.11-1997

Standard Name: Special requirements for safety instant water heaters for household and similar electrical appliances

Chinese Name: 家用和类似用途电器的安全快热式热水器的特殊要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1997-06-03

Date of Implementation:1998-05-01

Date of Expiration:2006-08-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety>>13.120 Household product safety

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrician Comprehensive>>K09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 4706.11-1986; replaced by GB 4706.11-2004

Procurement status:idt IEC 335-2-35;1991

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2005-01-21

other information

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Guangzhou Daily Electrical Appliances Research Institute

Focal point unit:China Light Industry Federation

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

Introduction to standards:

This standard applies to the special requirements for instantaneous water heaters in the safety of household and similar electrical appliances. This standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-92 "General safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances". GB 4706.11-1997 Special requirements for safety instant water heaters for household and similar electrical appliances GB4706.11-1997 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

IEC Foreword
This publication was developed by IEC Technical Committee 61 "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances". This publication constitutes the second edition (1991) of IEC Publication 335-2-35 and supersedes its first edition (1982). The text of this publication is based on the first edition and the following documents. Six-month Law
61 (Office of the CPC Central Committee) 478
61 (Office of the CPC Central Committee) 536
Poll Report||tt| |61 (Office of the CPC Central Committee) 515 | -1 used in combination. IEC335-1 is based on the second edition (1976) and second printing (1982) that has been revised six times (1977, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988). This "Part 2" can be used for future revision or modification of IEC Publication 335-1.
This second part supplements the relevant provisions of IEC Publication 335-1 and transforms it into the IEC standard: Safety Requirements for Instant Water Heaters (Second Edition).
Any specific sub-clause of "Part One" that is not mentioned in this "Part Two" shall be adopted as long as it is reasonable. Where "addition", "modification" or replacement is noted in this "Part 2", the relevant requirements, test specifications or annotations of "Part 1" should be modified accordingly. In some countries there are some differences as follows: - There are additional requirements for water heaters with a rated input power exceeding 33kW (Chapter 1). - Certain types of instantaneous water heaters are not permitted (6.1, item 4). Drip-proof water heaters may be used in certain locations (7.1 and 22.2). A pressure reducing device is required to be sensitive to both pressure and temperature (22.102). - The neutral conductor is not required to be interrupted by a thermal circuit breaker (24.102). The maximum temperature set by the thermal circuit breaker should be lower than the specified temperature (24.102). In this publication:
1) Use the following printing fonts:
- Requirements: Roman fonts:
- Test specifications: italics;
Notes: small roman font.
2) The sub-clauses or figures added on the basis of "Part 1" are numbered starting from 101. National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Special requirements for instantaneous water heaters
Safety of household and similar electrical appliancesParticular requirements for instantaneous water heatersGB 4706.11-1997| |tt||idt IEC 335-2-35:1991
Replaces GB4706.11--86
This standard applies to the special requirements for instantaneous water heaters in the safety of household and similar electrical appliances. This standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1-92 "General safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances". The parts of this standard that say "applicable" mean that the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1 are applicable to this standard. The parts of this standard that say "replace" are subject to the provisions of this standard; The "added" part means that in addition to the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1, it must also comply with the added provisions in this standard; the "modified" part of this standard means that the provisions of this standard should comply with the revised part in addition to , and should also comply with the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1. The standards cited in this standard are equivalent to the standards cited in GB4706.1. 1Scope
Except for the following content, this chapter of GB4706.1 applies. 1.1 This article is replaced by the following:
This standard applies to instant water heaters that heat water to a temperature below the boiling point. Note
1 The electric heating element installed in the instant water heater can be armored or exposed. 2. Instant water heaters that are not used for general household use but may be dangerous when used in public places fall within the scope of this standard. For example, in shops, hotels, light industrial factories, farms, etc.
This standard does not consider the special risks that exist in nurseries and places where the elderly, young, sick and disabled are left unattended. When using water heaters in these places, 3
additional conditions are required.
4 This standard does not apply to:
Fast-heating water heaters specially designed for industry; Fast-heating water heaters used under special corrosive and explosive conditions (such as dust, steam or flammable gases) Thermal water heater; electrode type fast heating water heater:
storage water heater (GB4706.12-95). 5. Rapid electric water heaters used on vehicles, ships and aircraft require additional conditions. 6. Special requirements need to be formulated for instant water heaters used in tropical areas. 7. Health and labor protection should comply with the relevant requirements stipulated by the national health department and labor protection department. 2 Terminology
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 2.2.29 This article is replaced by the following:
Conditions of adequate heat discharge means that the instant water heater is installed according to normal use requirements, filled with cold water, and the water flow is adjusted to a stable temperature of the outflowing water. As high as possible, the state Bureau of Technical Supervision approved the implementation of
on 1998-05-01 on 1997-06-03 and continues to work.
Note: The stable temperature is lower than the maximum temperature set when the thermal circuit breaker is tested according to Chapter 19. This article adds the following clause:
2.2.101 Instantaneous water heater refers to an appliance that rapidly increases the temperature of water when cold water flows through the heater. Note: Instant water heater is referred to as water heater. 2.2.102 Closed water heater refers to a water heater that operates under water source pressure, and the water volume at its outlet pipe is controlled by one or more valves. 2.2.103 Open-outlet water heater refers to a water heater whose water volume is controlled by the water inlet pipe valve, and the water flow can flow out of the outlet pipe without passing through any other valves. 2.2.104 Bare-element water heater refers to a water heater in which water flows through one or more electric heating elements that are immersed in water and are not insulated from the water. 2.2.105 Sheathed-element water heater refers to a water heater in which water flows through one or more metal-armored electric heating elements (the electric heating elements are installed in metal tubes and insulated with heat-resistant, flame-resistant, and water-resistant materials).
2.2.106 flow switch
refers to a switch controlled by the pressure difference of water flow. 2.2.107 Rated pressure refers to the water pressure given by the manufacturer for the water heater. 3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1 shall apply.
4 General instructions in testing
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 4.2 The following content is added to this article:
1 If the test of 18.101 must be carried out, three samples must be added. The test of 219.101 requires additional samples.
The tests in 322.28 and 22.105 may be performed on separate water heaters or parts. 4.3 This article is replaced by the following:
Except that the tests in 22.28, 22.105, 24.102 and 24.103 are conducted before Chapter 19, these tests shall be conducted in the order of the provisions of "GB4706.1". Note: Before the test, connect the water heater to the rated voltage and check whether it is in working condition. 4.5 The following content is added to this article;
The water temperature at the entrance should be maintained at 15℃±5℃. 4.9 This article adds the following content:
The test must be conducted by adjusting the amount of water under the most unfavorable conditions that may occur during normal use. 5 Ratings
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
The following clauses are added to this chapter:
5.101 For closed water heaters, the minimum rated pressure is 0.6MPa (6bar), and for open water heaters is 0Pa (0bar). Compliance with requirements is determined by inspection marks. GB 4706.11—1997
5.102 exposed electric heating element water heaters have a minimum rated frequency of 50Hz. Compliance with requirements is determined by inspection marks. 6 Classification
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 6.1 The following content is added to this article:
(3) Classification according to working conditions:
closed water heater;
diffused water heater.
(4) Classification by type of heating element:
Armored electric heating element water heater:
Exposed electric heating element water heater.
(5) Classification by control type:
Water heater with thermostat;
Water heater with water flow switch.
7 mark
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 7.1 The following content is added to this article:
Closed water heaters should be marked with the maximum allowable water supply pressure, in Pa. Decentralized water heaters should be marked OPa.
Kelu electric heating element water heater should be marked with the following content: When the temperature is 15℃, the resistivity of water must not be less than...α·cm. Note: The resistivity value of water indicated by the manufacturer should not exceed 13000·cm1. The water heater with exposed electric heating element should be clearly, eye-catching, and firmly marked with a sign that it must be grounded. If necessary, terminology for correct operation should be indicated. 7.12 This article adds the following content:
Water heaters should be accompanied by detailed installation and operating instructions. The instructions should indicate the minimum allowable water inlet pressure. If necessary, terminology for correct operation should be indicated. The instructions for the Kelu electric heating element water heater should indicate the minimum water resistivity used by the water heater. The instructions for a Class 1 exposed electric heating element water heater should indicate that the water heater must be grounded. The instructions for a decentralized water heater should indicate that the outlet pipe is a vent hole and must not be connected to any faucet or connection other than those recommended by the manufacturer.
Except for closed water heaters equipped with a water flow switch and with a capacity not exceeding 3L, the instructions for closed water heaters without a pressure reducing device should indicate the installation of an appropriate pressure relief device. The instructions for water heaters with nozzles should indicate that the nozzles need to be descaled regularly. The instructions should include the following warning: If the water in the water heater may freeze, it is prohibited to connect the power to the water heater. 7.14 The following content is added to this article:
The resistivity and grounding signs of the water on the exposed electric heating element water heater should be clear and eye-catching when installing the water heater. This chapter adds the following clause:
7.101 The water inlet and outlet should be clearly marked, and this mark should not be on removable parts. If colors are used as marks, blue is the cold water inlet and red is the hot water outlet. GB4706.11-1997
Note: Arrows can be used to mark the flow direction of the water inlet and outlet, and inspection is required to determine whether it meets the requirements. 8 Protection against electric shock
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 8.4 This article is replaced by the following:
For armored electric heating element water heaters, conductive liquids that are easily accessible or may become accessible during normal use should not be in direct contact with live parts. Except for operating under safety extra-low voltage not exceeding 24V. For Class I appliances, such conductive liquids cannot directly contact the insulation layer, except for double insulation; nor can they contact accessible metal parts separated from live parts by the insulation layer, except for double insulation. 9 Start-up of electric appliances
This chapter of GB4706.1 is not applicable.
10 Input power and current
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
11 Fever
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 11.2 This article is replaced by the following:
The water heater shall be installed in the test corner according to the manufacturer's instructions. The test corner consists of two side walls at right angles to each other, a bottom plate and a top plate (depending on the test needs) )composition. These side walls, bottom panels, and top panels are all made of 20mm thick plywood painted with matte black paint. Water heaters intended to be wall-mounted shall be installed on one wall of the test corner away from the other walls, floor and ceiling. 11.7 This article is replaced by the following:
The water heater should run until it reaches a stable state. 2 Appliances with electric heating elements operating under overload conditions 12
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable to
3 Electrical insulation and leakage current at operating temperature 13
GB4706. This chapter of 1 is applicable except for the following content. 13.1 Add the following content to this article:
Exposed electric heating element water heaters should use water with the smallest resistivity marked on the water heater to conduct the test of 13.2. Note: Add ammonium phosphate to the water to prepare water with suitable resistivity. 13.2 The following content is added to this article:
For water heaters with exposed electric heating elements, the leakage current should be measured between the metal screen placed at the outlet pipe and the ground terminal of the water heater. The metal screen should be placed 10mm away from the outlet of the water outlet. For single-phase water heaters, the ground terminal should be connected first to one power electrode and then to the other electrode through the selector switch shown in Figure 101.
The leakage current should not exceed 0.25mA. For three-phase water heaters, the ground terminal of the water heater should be connected to the neutral wire as shown in Figure 102.
Three-phase power supply
Metal No.
Single-phase Class I exposed components Type water heater at operating temperature Figure 101
Circuit diagram for measuring leakage current
Full article
Three-phase exposed element water heater at operating temperature Figure 102
Measuring leakage current circuit diagram
14 Suppression of radio and television interference
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
15 waterproof
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 15.2 The following content is added to this article:
When the water heater is hung on the wall and installed, a gap of at least 3mm should be left between the water heater and the installation surface. 16 Insulation resistance and electrical strength
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. o | | tt | 17 Overload protection
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
3 Durability
GB 4706.111997
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 18.1 Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article are replaced by the following: For water heaters with exposed electric heating elements, if the insulating material around the electric heating element has not been tested in 30.1 and 30.3 or if the suitability of the insulating material is doubtful, it shall be tested through An additional sample is subjected to the test in 18.101 to check its compliance. Note: For other water heaters, compliance can be fully determined by testing other provisions of this standard. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
18.101 The water heater should be installed according to normal usage, and the water heater should be operated under the following conditions, that is, according to the manufacturer's instructions, the input power is 1.1 times the rated input power, and the water pressure is maintained at Minimum value necessary for normal operation. Adjust the water inlet valve so that the outlet water temperature is 55°C ± 2°C. If the highest temperature available is lower than this temperature, take the highest temperature. However
However, if the lowest water temperature obtained exceeds 57C when the water inlet valve is fully open, the test shall be conducted with the water inlet valve fully open. The water heater should withstand several cycles of testing, each cycle including a 5-minute water flow time and a 5-minute water-off time. The test should be carried out for 2000h without the protective device operating. After the test, the water heater shall withstand the tests of 16.2 and 16.4. In addition, measure the insulation resistance between live parts and the enclosure in accordance with 16.3. This insulation resistance value shall not be less than 1Mα. Abnormal operation
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 19.1 The content of this article is modified as follows:
The test sub-clause is replaced by the following content: Compliance is determined through the tests of 19.2 and 19.3. NOTE: During these tests, the supply circuit shall be equipped with a fuse of one rating greater than the rated current of the water heater. 19.2 The following content is added to this article:
The water flow switch should be short-circuited, and all controllers operating during the test in Chapter 11 should be short-circuited in sequence. For decentralized water heaters, the test should be carried out with the water control valve adjusted to the most unfavorable position, which may be the closed position. The closed water heater should be filled with water until it just submerges the heating element. 19.11 The following content is added to this article:
Note: The container and insulation layer of the water heater can be regarded as the outer shell. This chapter adds the following provisions.
19.101 The water heater container should not rupture due to excessive internal pressure. Compliance is determined by inspection and relevant tests. Water heaters with weak parts that can pop out or break under excessive pressure should be tested according to the test of 19.102. Note
The weak parts are parts such as diaphragms and plugs. 1
Water heaters with other pressure reducing devices shall be tested according to the tests of 19.102 and 19.104. If the electric heating element in the water heater will rupture before the internal pressure exceeds the value or cannot be energized under these conditions, the water heater shall be tested according to 19.103 and 19.104 are tested.
These tests simulate a clogged water outlet or freezing of water within a container. 2
When conducting these tests, care must be taken to prevent the consequences of explosive rupture. 3
19.102 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions and fill it with water according to normal use. Close the water outlet of the water heater and open the water inlet valve to provide water with a stable and balanced increase in pressure. The pressure reducing device operates before the pressure reaches 1:1MPa (11bar). After the pressure reducing device is operated, allow water to flow through the pressure reducing device for 1 minute. The tested appliance shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. GB 4706.11—1997
19.103 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, fill it with water according to normal use, seal the water outlet of the water heater, and close the water inlet valve. All electrical controls are short-circuited or open-circuited, whichever is most unfavorable. At rated input power, the water heater starts running. Heating elements should remain deenergized or broken without causing harm. If the heating element breaks during the test, open the water inlet and steadily increase the water inlet pressure until the water pressure reaches 1.1MPa (11bar), and maintain this pressure for 1 minute.
The hot water pipes after the test shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. Note: The water flow switch should not be short-circuited.
19.104 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, fill it with water according to normal use, and close the water inlet and outlet of the water heater.
All electric controllers are short-circuited or open-circuited, whichever is the most unfavorable. Then place the water heater in an environment with an ambient temperature of -5°C or lower. The time should be enough for the water to freeze.
Note: The position of the water heater in a low temperature environment is the same as in normal use. Then, immediately relocate the water heater to a normal temperature environment and operate at rated input power. Heating elements should be kept de-energized, ruptured without risk to the user, or any overpressure should be eliminated by means of a pressure-reducing device. Turn off the water heater and allow it to come to room temperature.
If the heating element is powered off or broken during the test, the water inlet should be opened and the water inlet pressure should be increased steadily until the water pressure reaches 1.1MPa (11bar). Maintain this pressure for 1 minute. If the pressure reducing device works, the water heater should be reconnected, water should be supplied for 1 minute, and the water outlet should be kept closed.
The water heater after the test shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. Note: The water flow switch should not be short-circuited.
20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
21 Mechanical strength
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable
22 Structure
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content, 22.1 This article is replaced by the following content:
Kelu electric heating element water heater should be a Class 1 or Class II electrical appliance. Other water heaters shall be of Class 1, Class I or Category 1 construction. Compliance is determined by inspection and relevant tests. 22.2 This article is replaced by the following content
The water heater should be an irrigation-proof structure.
Conformity is determined by inspection and relevant testing. 22.11 The following content is added to this article:
The shell should be equipped with drainage holes. Unless condensation water will not accumulate in the water heater during normal use, the diameter of the drainage hole should be at least 5mm or the area should be 20mm\and the width should be at least 3mm. Its location The escaping water should be such that it does not affect the electrical insulation. Compliance is determined by inspection and measurement. 22.28 This article is replaced by the following:
Water heaters should be able to withstand the water pressure generated during normal use. GB4706.11-—1997
Determine whether the water heater is qualified by subjecting it to a hydraulic pressure test. The water pressure value is: twice the rated pressure for a closed water heater; 0.15MPa (1.5bar) for a diffused water heater. The water pressure increases at a rate of 0.13MPa (1.3bar) per second and is maintained for 5 minutes. If the distributed water heater is equipped with a regulating valve, the part directly connected to the main water supply pipe should also withstand a 2MPa (20bar) water pressure test, and the regulating valve should be closed.
No water should leak out after the test, and there should not be any permanent deformation that could cause a hazard. Note
1 This test can be carried out on a separate water heater or related parts. 2 Although the rated pressure value of the diffused water heater is equal to the same, for safety reasons, this test should still be carried out. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
22.101 The water heater shall be made to be permanently connected to the main water supply pipe. In addition to the connection to the main supply pipe, water heaters shall be provided with means for fastening to the wall, unless they are fixed to the floor. Pass inspection to determine whether it is qualified.
Note: Unless there are measures to prevent the water heater from tipping over from the wall, the use of chain hole slots and hooks to fix the water heater cannot be considered qualified. 2. Closed water heaters, except that the capacity does not exceed 3L and are equipped with a water flow switch, should be equipped with a pressure reducing device to prevent the pressure from exceeding the rated pressure of 22.102
0.1MPa (1bar). The pressure reducing device can be fixed when installing the water heater. Compliance is determined by slowly increasing the water pressure until the pressure reducing device operates. 3 Enclosed water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be equipped with a thermal circuit breaker whose operation is not affected by the operation of the thermostat or water flow switch. But 22.103
is that if the capacity of the water heater does not exceed 1L, the thermal circuit breaker can be replaced by another safety device, such as a device activated by increasing water pressure. Note: The switching mechanism and temperature sensing components of the thermal circuit breaker should be independent of the mechanisms of the thermostat and water flow switch. This thermal circuit breaker should be installed under a non-removable cover. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.104 The structure of the water outlet of a diffused water heater should not cause obstruction of the flow of water and increase the water pressure endured by the container. Compliance is determined by inspection.
Note: If the area of ??the water outlet of the heating part of the water heater is not smaller than the area of ??the water inlet, it is considered to meet this requirement. 22.105 Decentralized water heaters with a capacity greater than 3L should be able to withstand the negative pressure impact that occurs during normal use. Compliance is determined by subjecting the container to a vacuum test of 33kPa (0.33bar) for 15 minutes. After the test, the container shall not show any deformation that may affect the safety of the water heater. Note
The anti-vacuum valve should not fail.
2 tests can be performed on separate containers. 22.106 Water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be constructed so that the heating element shall not be energized or de-energized when there is no flow of water. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.107 The water temperature in normal use cannot be too high. Compliance is determined by the following test.
The water heater operates at rated input power. If there is a regulating valve, it should be fully opened and the water outlet pressure should be adjusted to 0.02MPa (0.2bar). However, water heaters equipped with a water flow switch should adjust the water flow to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.102 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions and fill it with water according to normal use. Close the water outlet of the water heater and open the water inlet valve to provide water with a stable and balanced increase in pressure. The pressure reducing device operates before the pressure reaches 1:1MPa (11bar). After the pressure reducing device is operated, allow water to flow through the pressure reducing device for 1 minute. The tested appliance shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. GB 4706.11—1997
19.103 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, fill it with water according to normal use, seal the water outlet of the water heater, and close the water inlet valve. All electrical controls are short-circuited or open-circuited, whichever is most unfavorable. At rated input power, the water heater starts running. Heating elements should remain deenergized or broken without causing harm. If the heating element breaks during the test, open the water inlet and steadily increase the water inlet pressure until the water pressure reaches 1.1MPa (11bar), and maintain this pressure for 1 minute.
The hot water pipes after the test shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. Note: The water flow switch should not be short-circuited.
19.104 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, fill it with water according to normal use, and close the water inlet and outlet of the water heater.
All electric controllers are short-circuited or open-circuited, whichever is the most unfavorable. Then place the water heater in an environment with an ambient temperature of -5°C or lower. The time should be enough for the water to freeze.
Note: The position of the water heater in a low temperature environment is the same as in normal use. Then, immediately relocate the water heater to a normal temperature environment and operate at rated input power. Heating elements should be kept de-energized, ruptured without risk to the user, or any overpressure should be eliminated by means of a pressure-reducing device. Turn off the water heater and allow it to come to room temperature.
If the heating element is powered off or broken during the test, the water inlet should be opened and the water inlet pressure should be increased steadily until the water pressure reaches 1.1MPa (11bar). Maintain this pressure for 1 minute. If the pressure reducing device works, the water heater should be reconnected, water should be supplied for 1 minute, and the water outlet should be kept closed.
The water heater after the test shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. Note: The water flow switch should not be short-circuited.
20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
21 Mechanical strength
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable
22 Structure
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content, 22.1 This article is replaced by the following content:
Kelu electric heating element water heater should be a Class 1 or Class II electrical appliance. Other water heaters shall be of Class 1, Class I or Category 1 construction. Compliance is determined by inspection and relevant tests. 22.2 This article is replaced by the following content
The water heater should be an irrigation-proof structure.
Conformity is determined by inspection and relevant testing. 22.11 The following content is added to this article:
The shell should be equipped with drainage holes. Unless condensation water will not accumulate in the water heater during normal use, the diameter of the drainage hole should be at least 5mm or the area should be 20mm\and the width should be at least 3mm. Its location The escaping water should be such that it does not affect the electrical insulation. Compliance is determined by inspection and measurement. 22.28 This article is replaced by the following: bZxz.net
Water heaters should be able to withstand the water pressure generated during normal use. GB4706.11-—1997
Determine whether the water heater is qualified by subjecting it to a hydraulic pressure test. The water pressure value is: twice the rated pressure for a closed water heater; 0.15MPa (1.5bar) for a diffused water heater. The water pressure increases at a rate of 0.13MPa (1.3bar) per second and is maintained for 5 minutes. If the distributed water heater is equipped with a regulating valve, the part directly connected to the main water supply pipe should also withstand a 2MPa (20bar) water pressure test, and the regulating valve should be closed.
No water should leak out after the test, and there should not be any permanent deformation that could cause a hazard. Note
1 This test can be carried out on a separate water heater or related parts. 2 Although the rated pressure values ??of diffused water heaters are equal, for safety reasons, this test should still be carried out. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
22.101 The water heater shall be made permanently connected to the main water supply pipe. In addition to the connection to the main supply pipe, water heaters shall be provided with means for fastening to the wall, unless they are fixed to the floor. Pass inspection to determine whether it is qualified.
Note: Unless there are measures to prevent the water heater from tipping over from the wall, the use of chain hole slots and hooks to fix the water heater cannot be considered qualified. 2. Closed water heaters, except that the capacity does not exceed 3L and are equipped with a water flow switch, should be equipped with a pressure reducing device to prevent the pressure from exceeding the rated pressure of 22.102
0.1MPa (1bar). The pressure reducing device can be fixed when installing the water heater. Compliance is determined by slowly increasing the water pressure until the pressure reducing device operates. 3 Enclosed water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be equipped with a thermal circuit breaker whose operation is not affected by the operation of the thermostat or water flow switch. But 22.103
is that if the capacity of the water heater does not exceed 1L, the thermal circuit breaker can be replaced by another safety device, such as a device activated by increasing water pressure. Note: The switching mechanism and temperature sensing components of the thermal circuit breaker should be independent of the mechanisms of the thermostat and water flow switch. This thermal circuit breaker should be installed under a non-removable cover. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.104 The structure of the water outlet of a diffused water heater should not cause the flow of water to be blocked and increase the water pressure endured by the container. Compliance is determined by inspection.
Note: If the area of ??the water outlet of the heating part of the water heater is not smaller than the area of ??the water inlet, it is considered to meet this requirement. 22.105 Decentralized water heaters with a capacity greater than 3L should be able to withstand the negative pressure impact that occurs during normal use. Compliance is determined by subjecting the container to a vacuum test of 33kPa (0.33bar) for 15 minutes. After the test, the container shall not show any deformation that may affect the safety of the water heater. NOTE
The anti-vacuum valve should not fail.
2 tests can be performed on separate containers. 22.106 Water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be constructed so that the heating element shall not be energized or de-energized when there is no flow of water. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.107 The water temperature in normal use cannot be too high. Compliance is determined by the following test.
The water heater operates at rated input power. If there is a regulating valve, it should be fully opened and the water outlet pressure should be adjusted to 0.02MPa (0.2bar). However, water heaters equipped with a water flow switch should adjust the water flow to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.102 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions and fill it with water according to normal use. Close the water outlet of the water heater and open the water inlet valve to provide water with a stable and balanced increase in pressure. The pressure reducing device operates before the pressure reaches 1:1MPa (11bar). After the pressure reducing device is operated, allow water to flow through the pressure reducing device for 1 minute. The tested appliance shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. GB 4706.11—1997
19.103 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, fill it with water according to normal use, seal the water outlet of the water heater, and close the water inlet valve. All electrical controls are short-circuited or open-circuited, whichever is most unfavorable. At rated input power, the water heater starts running. Heating elements should remain deenergized or broken without causing harm. If the heating element breaks during the test, open the water inlet and steadily increase the water inlet pressure until the water pressure reaches 1.1MPa (11bar), and maintain this pressure for 1 minute.
The hot water pipes after the test shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. Note: The water flow switch should not be short-circuited.
19.104 Install the water heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, fill it with water according to normal use, and close the water inlet and outlet of the water heater.
All electric controllers are short-circuited or open-circuited, whichever is the most unfavorable. Then place the water heater in an environment with an ambient temperature of -5°C or lower. The time should be enough for the water to freeze.
Note: The position of the water heater in a low temperature environment is the same as in normal use. Then, immediately relocate the water heater to a normal temperature environment and operate at rated input power. Heating elements should be kept de-energized, ruptured without risk to the user, or any overpressure should be eliminated by means of a pressure-reducing device. Turn off the water heater and allow it to come to room temperature.
If the heating element is powered off or broken during the test, the water inlet should be opened and the water inlet pressure should be increased steadily until the water pressure reaches 1.1MPa (11bar). Maintain this pressure for 1 minute. If the pressure reducing device works, the water heater should be reconnected, water should be supplied for 1 minute, and the water outlet should be kept closed.
The water heater after the test shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 and 16.2. Note: The water flow switch should not be short-circuited.
20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
21 Mechanical strength
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable
22 Structure
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content, 22.1 This article is replaced by the following content:
Kelu electric heating element water heater should be a Class 1 or Class II electrical appliance. Other water heaters shall be of Class 1, Class I or Category 1 construction. Compliance is determined by inspection and relevant tests. 22.2 This article is replaced by the following content
The water heater should be an irrigation-proof structure.
Conformity is determined by inspection and relevant testing. 22.11 The following content is added to this article:
The shell should be equipped with drainage holes. Unless condensation water will not accumulate in the water heater during normal use, the diameter of the drainage hole should be at least 5mm or the area should be 20mm\and the width should be at least 3mm. Its location The escaping water should be such that it does not affect the electrical insulation. Compliance is determined by inspection and measurement. 22.28 This article is replaced by the following:
Water heaters should be able to withstand the water pressure generated during normal use. GB4706.11-—1997
Determine whether the water heater is qualified by subjecting it to a hydraulic pressure test. The water pressure value is: twice the rated pressure for a closed water heater; 0.15MPa (1.5bar) for a diffused water heater. The water pressure increases at a rate of 0.13MPa (1.3bar) per second and is maintained for 5 minutes. If the distributed water heater is equipped with a regulating valve, the part directly connected to the main water supply pipe should also withstand a 2MPa (20bar) water pressure test, and the regulating valve should be closed.
No water should leak out after the test, and there should not be any permanent deformation that could cause a hazard. Note
1 This test can be carried out on a separate water heater or related parts. 2 Although the rated pressure values ??of diffused water heaters are equal, for safety reasons, this test should still be carried out. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
22.101 The water heater shall be made permanently connected to the main water supply pipe. In addition to their connection to the main supply pipe, water heaters shall be provided with means for fastening to the wall, unless they are fixed to the floor. Pass inspection to determine whether it is qualified.
Note: Unless there are measures to prevent the water heater from tipping over from the wall, the use of chain hole slots and hooks to fix the water heater cannot be considered qualified. 2. Closed water heaters, except that the capacity does not exceed 3L and are equipped with a water flow switch, should be equipped with a pressure reducing device to prevent the pressure from exceeding the rated pressure of 22.102
0.1MPa (1bar). The pressure reducing device can be fixed when installing the water heater. Compliance is determined by slowly increasing the water pressure until the pressure reducing device operates. 3 Enclosed water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be equipped with a thermal circuit breaker whose operation is not affected by the operation of the thermostat or water flow switch. But 22.103
is that if the capacity of the water heater does not exceed 1L, the thermal circuit breaker can be replaced by another safety device, such as a device activated by increasing water pressure. Note: The switching mechanism and temperature sensing components of the thermal circuit breaker should be independent of the mechanisms of the thermostat and water flow switch. This thermal circuit breaker should be installed under a non-removable cover. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.104 The structure of the water outlet of a diffused water heater should not cause obstruction of the flow of water and increase the water pressure endured by the container. Compliance is determined by inspection.
Note: If the area of ??the water outlet of the heating part of the water heater is not smaller than the area of ??the water inlet, it is considered to meet this requirement. 22.105 Decentralized water heaters with a capacity greater than 3L should be able to withstand the negative pressure impact that occurs during normal use. Compliance is determined by subjecting the container to a vacuum test of 33kPa (0.33bar) for 15 minutes. After the test, the container shall not show any deformation that may affect the safety of the water heater. NOTE
The anti-vacuum valve should not fail.
2 tests can be performed on separate containers. 22.106 Water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be constructed so that the heating element shall not be energized or de-energized when there is no flow of water. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.107 The water temperature in normal use cannot be too high. Compliance is determined by the following test.
The water heater operates at rated input power. If there is a regulating valve, it should be fully opened and the water pressure should be adjusted to 0.02MPa (0.2bar). However, water heaters equipped with a water flow switch should adjust the water flow to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.1 of this chapter are applicable.
21 Mechanical strength
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable
22 Structure
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content, 22.1 This article is replaced by the following content:
Kelu electric heating element water heater should be a Class 1 or Class II electrical appliance. Other water heaters shall be of Class 1, Class I or Category 1 construction. Compliance is determined by inspection and relevant tests. 22.2 This article is replaced by the following content
The water heater should be an irrigation-proof structure.
Conformity is determined by inspection and relevant testing. 22.11 The following content is added to this article:
The shell should be equipped with drainage holes. Unless condensation water will not accumulate in the water heater during normal use, the diameter of the drainage hole should be at least 5mm or the area should be 20mm\and the width should be at least 3mm. Its location The escaping water should be such that it does not affect the electrical insulation. Compliance is determined by inspection and measurement. 22.28 This article is replaced by the following:
Water heaters should be able to withstand the water pressure generated during normal use. GB4706.11-—1997
Determine whether the water heater is qualified by subjecting it to a hydraulic pressure test. The water pressure value is: twice the rated pressure for a closed water heater; 0.15MPa (1.5bar) for a diffused water heater. The water pressure increases at a rate of 0.13MPa (1.3bar) per second and is maintained for 5 minutes. If the distributed water heater is equipped with a regulating valve, the part directly connected to the main water supply pipe should also withstand a 2MPa (20bar) water pressure test, and the regulating valve should be closed.
No water should leak out after the test, and there should not be any permanent deformation that could cause a hazard. Note
1 This test can be carried out on a separate water heater or related parts. 2 Although the rated pressure value of the diffused water heater is equal to the same, for safety reasons, this test should still be carried out. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
22.101 The water heater shall be made to be permanently connected to the main water supply pipe. In addition to the connection to the main supply pipe, water heaters shall be provided with means for fastening to the wall, unless they are fixed to the floor. Pass inspection to determine whether it is qualified.
Note: Unless there are measures to prevent the water heater from tipping over from the wall, the use of chain hole slots and hooks to fix the water heater cannot be considered qualified. 2. Closed water heaters, except that the capacity does not exceed 3L and are equipped with a water flow switch, should be equipped with a pressure reducing device to prevent the pressure from exceeding the rated pressure of 22.102
0.1MPa (1bar). The pressure reducing device can be fixed when installing the water heater. Compliance is determined by slowly increasing the water pressure until the pressure reducing device operates. 3 Enclosed water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be equipped with a thermal circuit breaker whose operation is not affected by the operation of the thermostat or water flow switch. But 22.103
is that if the capacity of the water heater does not exceed 1L, the thermal circuit breaker can be replaced by another safety device, such as a device activated by increasing water pressure. Note: The switching mechanism and temperature sensing components of the thermal circuit breaker should be independent of the mechanisms of the thermostat and water flow switch. This thermal circuit breaker should be installed under a non-removable cover. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.104 The structure of the water outlet of a diffused water heater should not cause the flow of water to be blocked and increase the water pressure endured by the container. Compliance is determined by inspection.
Note: If the area of ??the water outlet of the heating part of the water heater is not smaller than the area of ??the water inlet, it is considered to meet this requirement. 22.105 Decentralized water heaters with a capacity greater than 3L should be able to withstand the negative pressure impact that occurs during normal use. Compliance is determined by subjecting the container to a vacuum test of 15 min 33 kPa (0.33 bar). After the test, the container shall not show any deformation that may affect the safety of the water heater. Note
The anti-vacuum valve should not fail.
2 tests can be performed on separate containers. 22.106 Water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be constructed so that the heating element shall not be energized or de-energized when there is no flow of water. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.107 The water temperature in normal use cannot be too high. Compliance is determined by the following test.
The water heater operates at rated input power. If there is a regulating valve, it should be fully opened and the water pressure should be adjusted to 0.02MPa (0.2bar). However, water heaters equipped with a water flow switch should adjust the water flow to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.1 of this chapter are applicable.
21 Mechanical strength
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable
22 Structure
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content, 22.1 This article is replaced by the following content:
Kelu electric heating element water heater should be a Class 1 or Class II electrical appliance. Other water heaters shall be of Class 1, Class I or Class I construction. Compliance is determined by inspection and relevant tests. 22.2 This article is replaced by the following content
The water heater should be an irrigation-proof structure.
Conformity is determined by inspection and relevant testing. 22.11 The following content is added to this article:
The shell should be equipped with drainage holes. Unless condensation water will not accumulate in the water heater during normal use, the diameter of the drainage hole should be at least 5mm or the area should be 20mm\and the width should be at least 3mm. Its location The escaping water should be such that it does not affect the electrical insulation. Compliance is determined by inspection and measurement. 22.28 This article is replaced by the following:
Water heaters should be able to withstand the water pressure generated during normal use. GB4706.11-—1997
Determine whether the water heater is qualified by subjecting it to a hydraulic pressure test. The water pressure value is: twice the rated pressure for a closed water heater; 0.15MPa (1.5bar) for a diffused water heater. The water pressure increases at a rate of 0.13MPa (1.3bar) per second and is maintained for 5 minutes. If the distributed water heater is equipped with a regulating valve, the part directly connected to the main water supply pipe should also withstand a 2MPa (20bar) water pressure test, and the regulating valve should be closed.
No water should leak out after the test, and there should not be any permanent deformation that could cause a hazard. Note
1 This test can be carried out on a separate water heater or related parts. 2 Although the rated pressure value of the diffused water heater is equal to the same, for safety reasons, this test should still be carried out. The following clauses are added to this chapter:
22.101 The water heater shall be made to be permanently connected to the main water supply pipe. In addition to the connection to the main supply pipe, water heaters shall be provided with means for fastening to the wall, unless they are fixed to the floor. Pass inspection to determine whether it is qualified.
Note: Unless there are measures to prevent the water heater from tipping over from the wall, the use of chain hole slots and hooks to fix the water heater cannot be considered qualified. 2. Closed water heaters, except that the capacity does not exceed 3L and are equipped with a water flow switch, should be equipped with a pressure reducing device to prevent the pressure from exceeding the rated pressure of 22.102
0.1MPa (1bar). The pressure reducing device can be fixed when installing the water heater. Compliance is determined by slowly increasing the water pressure until the pressure reducing device operates. 3 Enclosed water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be equipped with a thermal circuit breaker whose operation is not affected by the operation of the thermostat or water flow switch. But 22.103
is that if the capacity of the water heater does not exceed 1L, the thermal circuit breaker can be replaced by another safety device, such as a device activated by increasing water pressure. Note: The switching mechanism and temperature sensing components of the thermal circuit breaker should be independent of the mechanisms of the thermostat and water flow switch. This thermal circuit breaker should be installed under a non-removable cover. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.104 The structure of the water outlet of a diffused water heater should not cause the flow of water to be blocked and increase the water pressure endured by the container. Compliance is determined by inspection.
Note: If the area of ??the water outlet of the heating part of the water heater is not smaller than the area of ??the water inlet, it is considered to meet this requirement. 22.105 Decentralized water heaters with a capacity greater than 3L should be able to withstand the negative pressure impact that occurs during normal use. Compliance is determined by subjecting the container to a vacuum test of 33kPa (0.33bar) for 15 minutes. After the test, the container shall not show any deformation that may affect the safety of the water heater. NOTE
The anti-vacuum valve should not fail.
2 tests can be performed on separate containers. 22.106 Water heaters equipped with a water flow switch shall be constructed so that the heating element shall not be energized or de-energized when there is no flow of water. Compliance is determined by inspection.
22.107 The water temperature in normal use cannot be too high. Compliance is determined by the following test.
The water heater operates at rated input power. If there is a regulating valve, it should be fully opened and the water pressure should be adjusted to 0.02MPa (0.2bar). However, for water heaters equipped with a water flow switch, the water flow should be adjusted to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.2bar). However, water heaters equipped with a water flow switch should adjust the water flow to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.2bar). However, water heaters equipped with a water flow switch should adjust the water flow to a state where the switch is close to cutting off. The water temperature at the water outlet should not exceed 95°C, and the water temperature difference between the water outlet and the water inlet should not exceed 75K. 23 Internal wiring
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable.
24 components
This chapter of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content.
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