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ICS 07.060
Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Coding specifications for upper-wind report2010-01-20 Released
2010-06-01 Implementation
People's Republic of China
Meteorological Industry Standard
High-altitude wind sounding report coding specification
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Normative referenced documents
Terms and definitions
Coding format
Coding rules
Coding method
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information (SAC/TC346). This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Meteorological Basic Information Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC346). This standard was drafted by the National Meteorological Information Center. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Xiang, Sun Xiugui, Huang Bingxun, Hu Deyun, Ying Xianxun. Qx/T120—2010
QX/T 120—2010
High-altitude meteorological detection data is the basic data used in meteorological forecasting business and scientific research. This standard is formulated to standardize the transmission coding of high-altitude wind detection data in my country and meet the needs of data exchange and use. The domestic document based on this standard is the China Meteorological Administration's "High-altitude Wind Report Code" (GD-03III), and the international document referenced is the World Meteorological Organization (Manual on Codes) (WMO-No.306, VOLUMEI.1, FM32-XI Ext.PILOT). 1 Scope
High-altitude wind detection report coding specification
This standard specifies the coding format, coding rules and coding methods of high-altitude wind reports from fixed land stations. QX/T120—2010
This standard is applicable to the compilation and reporting of high-altitude wind detection data from fixed land stations, and the compilation and reporting of high-altitude wind detection data from mobile detection platforms can refer to this standard.
2 Normative referenced documents
The provisions of the following documents are adopted by this standard The references to the standard become clauses of this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this standard. Specifications for High-altitude Meteorological Observations of China Meteorological Administration
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Weather observing station
Institutions and places for conducting meteorological observation and detection activities. 3.2
Observation and detection equipment collects and measures various physical parameters and Determined numerical values of weather phenomena. 3.3
Meteorological data observed and detected at a certain place and time, and transmitted in accordance with the prescribed format. 3.4
Upper-windreportfromafixedlandstationUpper-level wind detection report from a fixed land station, code name PILOT. 3.5
Upper-levelpressure,temperature,humidityandwindreportfromafixedlandstation, code name TEMP. 3.6
The detection result of an upper wind sounding is divided into four wind measurement reports A, B, C, and D, which are called Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, 3.7
Code group codegroup
A set of codes composed of numbers, letters and specified characters, which is the basic unit of the report. Code groups are separated by spaces. 3.8
Code segment codesection
In a report, a string of code groups for compiling a certain type of meteorological data is referred to as a segment. QX/T120—2010
Part identification group partidentifiergroup
A code group that identifies the wind measurement reports of Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. 3.10
Indicator figures
A number or a group of numbers used as a code group or code segment mark. 3.11
In the wind measurement report, the code group (YYGG) for compiling the observation and detection date and time. 3.12
In the wind measurement report, the code group for compiling the observation and detection data. 3.13
Station indexstationindexnumber
The number determined for various meteorological stations in accordance with the regulations of the World Meteorological Organization and the competent authorities of the State Council. It is represented by five digits or letters, of which the first two are the area code and the last three are the station number. 3.14
Relative timerelativetime
In the wind measurement report, the method of expressing the time positioning data of the detection data. It is represented by the difference between the actual detection time of each layer of data and the first reported time group (YYGG).
Relative latituderelativelatitudeandlongitudeThe method of expressing the spatial positioning data of the detection data in the wind measurement report includes: relative latitude and relative longitude. Relative latitude is the latitude deviation value of the actual detection point of each layer of data relative to the measurement station location; relative longitude is the longitude deviation value of the actual detection point of each layer of data relative to the measurement station location.
Coding format
4.1 Coding structure
4.1.1 Wind measurement report coding is divided into Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D. Each part should be coded and transmitted separately in accordance with the prescribed format. The identification group and reporting content of each part are shown in Table 1.
Department identification group
Department identification group and content of each department report
Report content
Detection data of each specified isobaric surface layer and maximum wind layer at and below 100hPa, detection data of each specified altitude layer and/or characteristic layer at and below 100hPa, detection data of each specified isobaric surface layer and maximum wind layer above 100hPa, detection data of each specified altitude layer and/or characteristic layer above 100hPa. The wind measurement report code has five sections, and the indicator code and report content of each section are shown in Table 2. Table 2
Section indicator code and content of each section report
Section indicator code
Code content
Department identification group, time group and station area number. Detection data of specified isobaric surface layer.
Table 2 (continued)
Segment indicator code
8 or
Coding content
Detection data of the maximum wind layer and vertical wind shear data Detection data of the specified height layer and/or characteristic layer. Time positioning data and spatial positioning data of detection data of each layer.
Note 1: The World Meteorological Organization Manual on Meteorological Data Coding (Manual on Codes) (WMO-No, 306, VOLUMEI.1, FM32-XIExt, PILOT) stipulates that the content of the fifth paragraph of the wind measurement report shall be defined by each region of the World Meteorological Organization, and the content of the abbreviated report of the sixth paragraph shall be defined by each member of the World Meteorological Organization. In this standard, there is no fifth paragraph code, and the sixth paragraph code is used to compile the time and space positioning data of detection data of each layer. 4.2
Part A encoding format
YYGGaa|| tt||7H.H..H..H.
Part B encoding format
SS. SS. So
P, P, L Lar La
PP, Lr Lar Lar
7/LarLar Lar
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
La La. Lat Lsr /
Ls. La. Lar Ls. /
SS,S,S,S (the third indicator code is 7)
SS,S,S,S, (the third indicator code is 7) The three-segment indicator code is 6) Lar Lar Lor Lor /
Lar Ler Lo Lee /
Part C encoding format
5D encoding format
LLa. Lar Lr/
LLa. L Lr/
Lar Lar Lr Lar/
n, n, L.. L.. Lar
n,n, La. Lr Lar
Lor Lar Lor Loe /
Lor Lor Lor Lor /
Lor Lar Lor Loe/
L., Lor Lor Lor Ler
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
S. St St Sro Sro
P, P, Lar Lar Lar|| tt||P. P, Lar Lar Lar
8tuuzu|| tt||Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
Lar Lor Lor Lor Lor
d,d,fif f
La Lr LLa/
La. Lar L Lar /
La. Lar L Lar /
Lar Lar Lr La /
n, n , Lar L. La.
Lor Lor Lor Lor /
Lor Lor Lor Lar /
Lor Lor Lor Lar /
or Lor Lor Lor /||tt| |Lor Lor Lor Lor /
Lor Lor Lor Lar /
SS,S,S,S, (the third indicator code is 7)SS,S,S,S. (the third segment indicator code is 6)SS,SS,S.
Lar Le Le Lor Lor
5 Coding Rules
5.1 General
n, n. Lar Lr LarLar Le Lo Lor LorS. S, S, S, S.5.1.1A 5.1.2 Part C and Part D shall report the detection data of each layer above 100hPa. QX/T120—2010
5.1.3 Using sounding balloon When wind measurement, radio theodolite wind measurement or radar wind measurement is used and sounding report is compiled, only Part B and Part D of the wind measurement report may be compiled, and Part A and Part C may be omitted. When reporting wind forecasts, Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D should be compiled and reported. 5.1.4 Rules for Reporting Missing Tests
The format for reporting missing tests is as follows:
Partial Identification Group
NIL is a fixed code: used for Indicates missing data report. When all the data required to be reported by a department are missing, a missing data report of that department should be reported. When all the data of a certain wind measurement are missing due to some reason, a missing data report of Department A, Department B, and Department C should be reported at the same time. 5.2 Coding rules for Part A and Part C
5.2.1 Paragraph 1 This paragraph shall include the wind measurement department identification group, time group and measurement group. and PPCC are the identification groups of Part A and Part C of the wind report respectively. is the area station number, indicating the location of the station. 5.2.2 Second paragraph This paragraph compiles and reports the wind detection data of the specified isobaric surface layer, and compiles and reports it in order from bottom to top according to the layer height. Specifically: a) Part A compiles and reports The prescribed isobaric surface layers are: 850hPa, 700hPa, 500hPa, 400hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa.
b) The prescribed isobaric surface layers reported in Part C are: 70hPa, 50hPa, 30hPa, 20hPa, 10hPa, 7hPa, 5hPa, 3hPa, 2hPa, 1hPa. Among them, 7hPa, 5hPa, 3hPa, 2hPa, and 1hPa are reported only when there is detection. The indicator code of this section is "55", indicating that the data group reports the wind data at the average height of the specified isobaric surface layer. All specified isobaric surface layers within the detection range should be reported. For specified isobaric surface layers with wind data, report the wind data group; for specified isobaric surface layers without wind data, report the wind data group as “/ ////". 55nP, P1 group can be reported repeatedly. After each 55nP, P group, up to three consecutive detection data of the specified isobaric surface layer can be reported.
5.2. 3 The third paragraph This paragraph compiles and reports the maximum wind layer detection data and wind vertical shear data When more than one maximum wind layer is detected, the data in this section can be repeatedly reported in the order of wind speed from large to small. When the wind speeds of the maximum wind layers are equal, they are reported in the order of appearance height from bottom to top. The rules for using indicator codes are as follows:
a) When the maximum wind layer appears in a closed high wind area, this section uses \7” as the indicator code, that is, 7HHmHmdmdmffmfm is reported; when the maximum wind layer appears in a non-closed high wind area, this section uses \6” as the indicator code, that is, 6H.H.HHmd.dfffm is reported. Note: When both the beginning and end of a high wind area are detected, it is called a closed high wind area. When only the beginning of a high wind area is detected, but the end is not detected, it is called a non-closed high wind area.
b) When the maximum wind layer is not detected, this section is reported as "77999". Wind vertical shear data group 4v.VsV.V is optional data and may not be reported. 5.2.4 Sixth paragraph
QX/T120—2010 This paragraph reports the positioning data of the isobaric surface layer and the maximum wind layer detection data, including: time positioning data and space positioning data. Among them, the time positioning data is reported in relative time; the space positioning data is reported in relative longitude and latitude. The ground layer only reports the relative time, not the relative longitude and latitude. Except for the ground layer, other specified isobaric surface layers should report the relative time and relative longitude and latitude. The maximum wind layer reports the relative time and relative longitude and latitude. When the third paragraph code is "77999", the maximum wind layer positioning data group (including the indicator code "63636") is not reported.
5.3 Coding rules for Part B and Part D
5.3.1 The first paragraph This paragraph compiles the identification group, time group and station area number of the wind measurement report. and PPDD are the identification groups of Part B and Part D of the wind measurement report respectively. is the area number, indicating the location of the station. 5.3.2 The fourth paragraph This paragraph compiles the wind detection data of the specified altitude layer and/or characteristic layer, and compiles it in order from bottom to top according to the layer height. When "8" is used as the indicator code, the height of the specified altitude layer reported is in units of 500m, and the first u1 should be reported as \/", to indicate that the first wind data group reports the station layer data. The reporting rules for missing data are as follows:
a) In Part B and Part D, the height is reported in terms of geopotential height, and when the thickness of the missing layer is above 1500gpm (geopotential meter), the detection data of the upper and lower boundaries of the layer should be reported, and a height between the upper and lower boundaries should be reported. The value and “/////” are used to indicate the layer where the data is missing. The upper and lower boundaries refer to the two layers closest to the top and bottom of the data missing layer and with detection data, which may not meet the standard of the characteristic layer.
b) In Part B and Part D, when the altitude is reported in terms of pressure and the thickness of the data missing layer is above 50hPa, the detection data of the upper and lower boundaries of the layer should be reported, and the data missing layer should be indicated by “/////”. The upper and lower boundaries refer to the two layers closest to the top and bottom of the data missing layer and with detection data, which may not meet the standard of the characteristic layer. The data group of the data missing layer and its upper and lower boundaries is identified by the nn value. 5.3.3 Paragraph 6 - Time and Space Positioning Data This paragraph reports the time positioning data and space positioning data of the detection data of the specified altitude layer and/or characteristic layer. Only relative time is reported for the ground layer, and relative longitude and latitude are not reported. Relative time and relative longitude and latitude are reported for the specified altitude layer and/or characteristic layer. 6 Paragraphs Coding method
6.1 Coding method for the first section
PPAA, PPBB, PPCC, and PPDD are the identification groups of Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D of the wind measurement report, respectively, and are fixed codes. 6.1.1
YY——Detection date. Report "01" on the 1st, "15" on the 15th, and so on. GG——Detection start time (universal time), reported to the nearest whole hour. Type of detection equipment. Code values are shown in Table 3. a,
Table 3a Code value
Code value
Barometer with wind measurement equipment
Optical theodolite (small ball wind measurement)
Radio theodolite (this code value is also used when the radar detects no slant range at one time) Radar
Barometer with wind measurement equipment, the pressure element is not accurately measured during the ascent
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