Some standard content:
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 5342-1999
Electric Wrench
Published on August 6, 1999
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implemented on January 1, 2000
This standard is the first revision of JB5342-91 "Electric Wrench". This standard complies with GB3883.2-1991 "Safety of Hand-held Electric Tools (idtIEC60745-2-2:1982).
Part 2
This standard adds 4.8.2, 4.8.3, 5.8, 5.9, and modifies 2, 7.3, 8. Special requirements for screwdrivers and impact wrenches" This standard is prepared in accordance with GB/T1.1-1993 "Guidelines for standardization work Unit 1: Rules for drafting and expressing standards Part 1: Basic provisions for standard writing".
This standard replaces JB534291 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electric Tools. The drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Electric Tool Research Institute. The drafter of this standard: Weng Bi.
1 Scope
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electric wrench
JB/T 5342-1999
Replaces JB5342·91
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules of electric wrenches used for installing and removing threaded parts under general environmental conditions.
This standard applies to electric wrenches (hereinafter referred to as electric wrenches) used for installing and removing general threaded parts under general environmental conditions. This standard does not apply to fixed torque (current control type) and fixed torque and fixed angle (current, angle control type) electric wrenches, multi-head combination electric wrenches and other special electric wrenches for installing and removing special types of threaded parts (such as ratchet electric wrenches, shear type electric wrenches, etc.). 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of the standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T 97.1—1985
GB/T 755—1987
GB/T1801—1979| tt||GB2099.1—1996
GB/T 3229—1988
GB 3883.1—1991
GB/T 4583-1995
GB/T 90881988
Flat washers Grade A
Ordinary thread diameter tolerances and fits (diameter 1~355mm)Ordinary thread diameter and pitch series (diameter 1~600mm)Basic technical requirements for rotating electrical machines
Surface roughness parameters and their values
Form and position tolerancesTolerance values not indicated
Tolerances and fitsDimensions up to 500mmTolerance zones and fits for holes and shaftsPart 1: General requirements (eqvIE C60884:1994) Plugs and sockets for household and similar purposes
Mechanical properties of fasteners Bolts, screws and studs Mechanical properties of fasteners Nuts
Transmission square of motor-operated socket wrenches
Hexagonal transmission end of motor-operated tools
Safety of hand-held electric tools
Part 1: General requirements (idtIEC60745--1:1982) Gold Part 2: Particular requirements for screwdrivers and impact wrenches Safety of hand-held electric tools
(idt IEC60745-2-2:1982)
Methods of measurement and allowable values of radio interference characteristics of household and similar electric and heating appliances, electric tools and similar electrical appliances (eqvC.ISPRNO.14:1993) Engineering method for measuring noise of electric tools
Hexagonal head screw inspection grade A and B
Type I hexagonal nut grade A and B
Model compilation method for electric tools
Limits of harmonic currents emitted by low-voltage electrical and electronic equipment (equipment input current per phase ≤16A) (idtIEC61000-3- 2:1995)
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on August 6, 1999, implemented on January 1, 2000
3 Product Classification
Electromagnetic compatibility Voltage fluctuation and flicker limit values generated by equipment with rated current not exceeding 16A in low-voltage power supply system (idtIEC61000-33:1994) 3.1 Electric wrenches should be divided into two types according to their clutch structure: safety clutch type (type A) and impact type (type B). 3.1.1 Safety clutch type: A structural type that uses a safety clutch mechanism that releases when a certain tightening torque is reached to complete the installation and removal of threaded parts. This type is suitable for small-sized electric wrenches. 3.1.2 Impact type: A structural type that uses an impact clutch mechanism to complete the installation and removal of threaded parts with its impact torque. This type is generally suitable for larger electric wrenches. When this type is used for specification 8, it should be equipped with some type of impact torque limiter. 3.2 The specifications, basic parameters and dimensions of the electric wrench should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 Basic parameters
Applicable scope
Torque range
Square head nominal size||tt ||10×10
Around-to-center distance
Note: The specifications of the electric wrench refer to the maximum thread diameter d, mm, allowed for use in the inspection of ordinary phase threads (GB/T193) with refined strength level 6.8 (GBT3098) and internal and external thread tolerance 6H/6g (GB/T197) assembled on a rigid liner system. 3.3 The models and meanings of the basic series of electric wrenches are as follows: PB
4 Technical requirements
4.1 General requirements
Structural type:
A-safety clutch type
B-impact type
The maximum thread diameter (mm) of threaded parts for assembly and disassembly as specified is expressed in Arabic numerals (specification code)
Design serial number
Design unit code
Wrench (product code)
Power category code
Assembly category (major category code)
JB/T 5342-1999
4.1.1 Electric wrenches shall be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures and shall comply with the requirements of this standard. 4.1.2 The electric wrench should be able to operate at rated speed under the following environmental conditions: a) The altitude should not exceed 1000m;
b) The ambient air temperature should not exceed 40℃ and not be lower than 15℃: c) The relative humidity of the air should not exceed 90% (25℃). 4.1.3 Applicable power supply conditions for the electric wrench:
The power supply voltage of the AC wrench is a real sine wave, and the power supply voltage of the three-phase electric wrench is a real symmetrical system. 4.1.4 The rated voltage and rated frequency should comply with the following provisions: a) Single-phase AC rated voltage: 220, 42, 36, 24, 12V; b) DC rated voltage: 220, 110, 42, 36, 24, 12V; c) Three-phase AC rated voltage: 380, 220, 42, 36V; d) AC rated frequency: 50, 150, 200, 300, 400Hz. If an electric wrench that does not meet the above rated voltage and frequency is required, the user shall reach an agreement with the manufacturer. 4.1.5 The working mode of the electric wrench is intermittent cycle working system S3, and its load duration is 25% (according to GB/T755). The continuous impact time of installing or removing each threaded part: specification 42 shall not exceed 105; specification 30 shall not exceed 7s; other specifications shall not exceed 5s. 4.1.6 The electric wrench shall be able to run forward and reverse. When changing the direction, stop first and then switch. 4.1.7 The structure of the electric wrench should consider being able to be suspended for use. 4.2 Safety of electric wrenches
4.2.1 Regarding the safety of electric wrenches, except for the clauses that must be supplemented and improved in this standard, the rest shall comply with the provisions of GB3883.2.
2 The power switch of the electric wrench shall be able to reset automatically. The forward and reverse device or its vicinity shall have a clear and durable direction 4.2.2
sign that is relatively large and durable with the operating status.
4.2.3Except for medium frequency and Class I electric wrenches, the plug of the electric wrench shall comply with the provisions of GB2099.1. The plug of the Class I electric wrench shall be made into one piece with its power cord, and its insulation shall be able to withstand the withstand voltage test of 50Hz, 3750V actual sine wave for 1min without breakdown and surface flashover. 4.3 Appearance quality
4.3.1The metal part of the shell shall have no obvious defects; if there is a coating on the surface, there shall be no delamination and peeling. 4.3.2The plastic part of the shell shall not have serious defects such as bubbles, cracks, obvious burn spots and cold insulation. 4.4Drive end
The size and type of the square head of the electric wrench shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3227. The extension end of the main shaft of the electric wrench of specification 8 may not be a square head, but a hexagonal hole with an opposite side of 8mm, but its size and type shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3229. 4.5 Transmission system
The transmission system of the electric wrench should be flexible and free of jamming. The axial play clearance of the driven impact block of the impact type electric wrench should be kept between 0.2 and 1 mm.
4.6 Noise
The sound of the electric wrench should be uniform and free of abnormal sound when running at no load. 4.7 Commutation spark
For electric wrenches with brushes, the spark under the brush should not be greater than level 2 specified in GB/T755 in the case of no-load forward and reverse rotation and in the case of forward working power input. However, within the first 15 seconds after the direction is changed, the spark is allowed to be greater than level 2, but no ring fire should occur.
4.8 Electromagnetic compatibility
4.8.1 Radio and television interference level
a) The continuous interference voltage level of the phase or neutral line to the ground measured in the frequency range of 0.15~30MHz shall not exceed the allowable value specified in Table 23.
2 Permissible value of continuous interference voltage
decreases linearly with the logarithm of frequency
b) The continuous interference power level value absorbed by the power line radiation and absorption clamp measured in the frequency range of 30~300MHz shall not exceed the allowable value specified in Table 3.
4.8.2 Harmonic current
Continuous interference power allowable value
Interference power
Increases linearly with frequency 45 to 55
a) The steady-state harmonic current of the electric wrench shall not exceed the limit specified in Table 4; Table 4
Steady-state harmonic current limit
Harmonic order
Odd order Harmonics
Even harmonics
Maximum allowable transient current
b) For even harmonics from 2 to 10 and odd harmonics from 3 to 19, the transient harmonic current value allowed to be no more than 15s in any 2.5min observation period is 1.5 times the steady-state harmonic current limit specified in Table 4. 4.8.3 Voltage fluctuation and flicker
When the electric wrench is connected to the low-voltage power grid, the voltage fluctuation value and flicker value caused by it shall meet the following requirements: Ps value shall not be greater than 1.0
Pi value shall not be greater than 0.65;
Steady-state relative voltage change d. shall not exceed 3%; the maximum relative voltage change d. shall not exceed 4% The voltage change characteristic value d(t) shall not exceed 3% in 300ms. If the voltage change is caused by a manual switch or the frequency of occurrence is less than once per hour, P. and Pit steady-state relative voltage change value de, relative voltage change maximum value dr, voltage change characteristic value d(t) shall not be assessed and shall be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.33. 4.9 Torque range
The assembly torque of the rigid lining threaded connection system within its applicable range shall be controlled by the electric wrench from the minimum torque Mm to the maximum torque Msa, and this actual torque range MlMx shall be greater than the torque range specified in Table 1, that is, Mmin shall be less than the lower value of the torque range 4
in Table 1, and M shall be greater than the upper value of the torque range in Table 1. Note
The torque and torque range of the electric wrench refer to the assembly torque and torque range of the electric wrench for the refined bolt connection system with ordinary coarse thread (GB/T193), internal and external flare tolerance of 6H/6g (GB/T197), and strength level 6.8 (GB/T3098). Mr refers to the torque obtained by the system after continuous impact t time on the above-mentioned bolt connection system of large specifications in the applicable range. taa is 10s+2 for specification 42
7 for specification 30, and 55 for other specifications.
Min refers to the torque obtained by the system after continuous impact tin time on the above-mentioned bolt connection system of small specifications in the applicable range. tai is 0.55, 3 for each specification
However, when the manufacturer can provide the user with a timed torque limiter, tin is equal to the lower limit of the time limiter value. When the electric wrench has other torque adjustment functions (such as adjustable safety clutch structure, etc.), or the manufacturer can provide torque adjustment accessories to the user (such as speed regulator, main pressure springs with different rigidity, spring torque limiter, etc.), the electric wrench and accessories should be adjusted or matched to the state where the maximum torque can be generated to measure Maar+, and adjusted or matched to the state where the minimum torque can be generated to measure Mains4.10
Input power and current
Under rated voltage, the input power of the electric wrench (P1+0.3P) shall not be greater than 120% of the rated input power value indicated on the nameplate. Among them, Plo is the no-load input power of the electric wrench under forward rotation; P is the input power of the electric wrench under impact state. If the rated current value is marked on the nameplate, the current 4.10.2
value measured when the input power of the electric wrench is (P+0.3P,) under rated voltage shall not be greater than 120% of the rated input current value indicated on the nameplate. Temperature rise
When the electric wrench is operated for 6 cycles at rated voltage and input power in impulse state with a cycle of 10 minutes and a duration of S3-25%, its temperature rise shall not exceed that specified in Table 5. Table 5
E-class insulation winding
B-class insulation winding
F-class insulation winding
Normal use non-held housing
Handles, buttons and similar parts held continuously in normal use: metal
Temperature rise limit
When the altitude of the test site or the place of use is different from the specified environmental conditions, the correction of the winding temperature rise limit shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T755. The specified housing temperature rise limit does not apply to the housing of the clutch mechanism. Power cord length
The length of the power cord of the electric wrench from the power cord inlet to the plug (excluding the pins) shall not be less than 2.5m. 4. 13
The screws in the electric wrench should be surface treated. Steel brush springs and grounding screws, washers and other parts should be able to withstand rust prevention tests. Test method
1 Appearance inspection
By observation and manual test.
The inspection results should comply with the provisions of 4.3.
Aperture distance inspection
Use a measuring tool to measure the minimum distance between the projected outer contour line in the direction of the output shaft of the electric wrench and the center of the output shaft. Simple conversion is allowed through the symmetry of the appearance. 5
The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Table 1 in 3.2.
5.3 Drive end inspection
By observation and measurement with a micrometer. The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Table 1 in 32 and 4.4. 5.4 Transmission system and axial clearance inspection JB/T5342-1999
Turn the output shaft of the electric wrench by hand to check its flexibility. Use a depth gauge to measure the distance between the two axial limit positions of the end face of the driven impact block and the end face of the front cover. The difference between the two values is the axial play clearance. The inspection result should comply with the provisions of 4.5.
5.5 No-load test
The electric wrench is run at rated voltage for 15 minutes in both forward and reverse rotation without load (inspection test ≥5 minutes), and then the no-load input power is read. The running sound is monitored during the test. The inspection result shall comply with the provisions of 4.6.
5.6 Commutation spark inspection
When carrying out 5.5, after reading the no-load data in both forward and reverse rotation, observe the spark under the brush and determine the spark level. When carrying out 5.12, observe the load spark under the brush half a minute after the last operation cycle is powered on, and determine the spark level (the inspection test does not require the load spark to be checked).
The inspection result shall comply with the provisions of 4.7.
5.7 Measurement of radio and television interference level The measurement of radio and television interference level by the electric wrench shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB4343. During the measurement, the electric wrench shall run continuously without load. The test result shall comply with the provisions of 4.8.1.
5.8 Harmonic current measurement
The harmonic current measurement of the electric wrench shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB17625.1. During the measurement, the electric wrench shall run continuously without load. The measurement results shall comply with the provisions of 4.8.2.
5.9 Voltage fluctuation and flicker measurement
The harmonic current measurement of the electric wrench shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB17625.2. During the measurement, the electric wrench shall run continuously without load. The measurement results shall comply with the provisions of 4.8.3.
5.10 Torque range test
Under rated voltage and rated frequency, the electric wrench (adjustable electric wrench should be adjusted to the working state with maximum torque) directly tightens the first group of "standard test pieces" with a continuous impact time of t; the electric wrench (adjustable electric wrench should be adjusted to the working state with minimum torque and equipped with an adjustment accessory that the factory can provide to the user and make it fit in the state with minimum torque) tightens the second group of "standard test pieces" with a continuous impact time of ti. Each group of "standard test pieces" shall not be less than 5. Then use a torque tester (or other equipment with similar functions and equivalent accuracy) to verify the torque value obtained by each "standard test piece" from the electric wrench. The average value of the torque value of the first group of test pieces is the M value of the electric wrench, and the average value of the torque value of the second group of test pieces is the Mmln value of the electric wrench. The two groups of "standard test pieces" used in this test should meet the requirements of Table 6. The continuous impact time should be controlled by a time relay with an accuracy of not less than ±5%.
The test results should comply with the provisions of 4.9.
5.11 Input power and current measurement
In the 5.10 test, when the electric wrench tightens each first group of test pieces, the power meter is used to read the input power at the last 1s, and the corresponding average value of this group of input power values is the impact of the electric wrench. Input power (P1) in the state. It and the forward no-load input power (P1o) measured in 5.5 shall comply with the provisions of 4.10.1.
Load the electric wrench at rated voltage so that its input power is (Pi. + 0.3Pn) and measure the corresponding input current at this time. The test results shall comply with the provisions of 4.10.2.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 1
Group 2
Group 1
Group 2
Group 1
Group 2
First level
Group 2
Group 1
Group 2
JB/T 5342 -1999
Hexagon head bolt
M36X90 ~140
Test piece size
Hexagonal nut
Cylindrical workpiece
Inner diameter × outer diameter
GB/T 97.1
Washer 8
Washer 6
Washer 12
Washer 10
Washer 16
Washer 14
Washer 20
Washer 18
Washer 24
Washer 22
Washer 30
Washer 27
Washer 42
Washer 36
Threaded parts shall be ordinary coarse threads (GB/T193 ), refined, internal and external thread tolerance is 6H/6g (GB/T197), no coating on the surface, bolt strength level is 6.8 (GB/T3098.1), nut strength level is 6 (GB/T3098.2); the tolerance of the non-perpendicularity of the two ends of the cylindrical workpiece to the axis is 11 (GB/T1184), the surface relative parameter Ra is 6.3μm (GB/T1031), and the length depends on the length of the bolt specimen (after the specimen is assembled, the bolt can extend out of the nut (2~5) pitch). The inner diameter tolerance is H12 (GB/T1801). A specimen is composed of a bolt, a nut, a cylindrical workpiece, and a flat washer. Except for the shape workpiece, the rest are used only once. 5.12
Temperature rise test
According to the input power Pn measured in the impact state in 5.11, the load is applied (the clutch is not working at this time) and the test is carried out with a power-off period of 7.5min and a run period of 2.5min as one cycle, and a total of 6 cycles are run. The temperature rise is measured by the resistance method at the end of the 6 operation periods. The temperature rise of other parts is measured by the thermometer method.
It is allowed to only assess the temperature rise under the forward rotation condition. The test results should comply with the provisions of 4.11.
Withstand voltage test
Inspection test:
When the stator and rotor have passed the test according to the requirements of Table 4 of 14.3 in GB3883.1, the assembled electric wrench applies 1000V between the housing and the live parts to Class 1 tools; 2500V to Class II tools; and 400V to Class I tools for 3$. The rest is the same as 14.3 of GB3883.1.
Withstand voltage test of Class II electric wrench plug
Attach metal foil to the knob on the outer surface of the plug, and then apply a test voltage of 3750V with a real sine wave of 50Hz between the pin and the metal foil for 1min.
The test result should comply with the provisions of 4.2.3.
5.15 Switch reset and forward and reverse sign inspection Use the hand to test the reset status of the power switch, and observe the corresponding sign of the forward and reverse device status. Use the method and requirements of 6.14 of GB3883.1 to check its durability.
The inspection result should comply with the provisions of 4.2.2.
5.16 Power cord length inspection
Measure the length of the power cord from the power cord inlet of the electric wrench to the plug (excluding the pins). 7
The inspection result should comply with the provisions of 4.12.
5.17 Other test methods
JB/T 5342 -1999
Any test method not specified in this standard shall be carried out in accordance with the corresponding provisions of GB3883.2. Inspection rules
Each electric wrench must be inspected and qualified by the quality inspection department in accordance with the provisions of this standard before it can leave the factory. When leaving the factory, it should be accompanied by documents proving the quality of the product6.1
6.2 The items specified in this standard are type inspection items. The items marked with "**" are not carried out during regular spot checks. The items marked with "*" are factory inspection items.
Appearance inspection*
Marking inspection*
Electric shock protection inspection**
Edge distance inspection**
Drive end inspection
Transmission system and axial play inspection*
Starting test
No-load test*
Commutation spark inspection*
Radio and television interference level measurement
Harmonic current measurement
Voltage fluctuation and flicker measurement
Torque range test
Input power and current measurement
Temperature rise test
Leakage current measurement
Moisture resistance test
Insulation resistance measurement
Dielectric withstand test Pressure test*
Durability test
Abnormal operation test
Mechanical hazard inspection*
Mechanical strength inspection
Grounding device inspection
Structural inspection%*
Internal wiring inspection
Component test (including switch reset and forward and reverse sign inspection)+Power cord length inspection
Power connection inspection (including plug withstand voltage test)Flexible cable or cord pulling force and torque testFlexible cable or cord and sheath bending testLuExternal wire terminal inspection**
Screw and connection inspection**
Creep distance, electrical clearance and insulation penetration distance inspection8
JB/T 5342 -1999
Heat resistance, flame resistance and anti-tracking test*Rust resistance test
6.3 Inspection method
6.3.1 The inspection shall be carried out in the order of the items listed in 6.2. 6.3.2 Except for the relevant items that need to be tested with the provided parts (such as steel brush springs and grounding screws, washers, etc.), the remaining inspection items shall be carried out on the same prototype and shall pass all tests. If it is necessary to disassemble the prototype for relevant tests, another prototype can be added. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 The electric wrench should be marked with the following items:
a) product name (electric wrench);
b) electric wrench model;
c) rated voltage, (V);
d) power supply type symbol;
e) rated frequency or rated frequency range (only for medium frequency electric wrenches);f) rated input power (W) or rated current (A);g) working mode and necessary instructions (S3-25%);h) Class II structure symbol (only for Class I structure electric wrenches);i) moisture resistance degree symbol (marked only when required);j) manufacturer's name or trademark;
k) production batch number or its code.
7.2 Each wrench shall be accompanied by the following documents when it leaves the factory:7.2.1 Product certificate
7.2.2 Instructions for use and maintenance
The instructions shall contain the following contents:
a) Necessary explanation of the torque characteristics of the electric wrench of this model and the factors affecting the assembly torque;b) There shall be an independent chapter to explain the safety technical requirements for the use of electric wrenches (including necessary precautions, possible dangers and corresponding preventive measures);
c) Relevant maintenance matters;
d) List of accessories and spare parts.
7.3 The packaging, transportation and storage of electric wrenches shall comply with relevant regulations. 8 Warranty period, accessories and spare parts
Warranty period
If the user follows the instructions for use and maintenance provided by the electric wrench manufacturer and transports, stores and uses the electric wrench correctly, the manufacturer shall repair or replace the electric wrench for the user free of charge within the warranty period specified by the manufacturer if the electric wrench is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality.
8.2 Accessories and spare parts
Each electric wrench should be equipped with the accessories and spare parts listed in Table 7 when leaving the factory.
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